admin 发表于 2008-9-14 23:11:41


TABLE OF CONTENTSBelow is a complete list-of the standard contents of Airway Manual. Limited or special coverages may not contain all items, but that materia1which is included should be arranged in the order outlined .
Chart Glossary航图术语…………………………………………………………………………1
Enroute Chart Legend航路图例………………………………………………………………120
Enroute Chart Legend-High Altitude Charts航路图例—高空图…………………………··156
Area Chart Legend区域图例………………………………………………………………·158
Terminal Control Area (TCA) Chart Legend航站管制区(TCA)图例……………………··161
SID, STAR, and Profile Descent Legend标准仪表离场(SID)。
Approach Chart Legend进近图例……………………………………………………………178
Charted Visual Flight Procedures目视飞行程序图表……………………………………··247
United States Airport Sign Systems美国机场标志系统………·………………·…………·250
United States Instrument Runway Marking美国仪表跑道标志……………………………·260
ICAO Recommended Airport Signs and Runway Markings
一、CHART GLOSSARY航图术语汇编This glossary provides definitions for most of the terms and abbreviations commonly used on Jeppesen instrument charts. No attempt has been made to list the terms of basic aeronautical nomenclature.
All speeds in this glossary are knots .and all distances are in nautical miles, unless otherwise indicated.
Because of the international nature of flying, terms used in the "Lexicon" published by the international Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are included when they differ from USA definitions .These definitions are followed by the letters ICAO and are listed in sequence with the USA definitions.
ABEAM (ABM)-Beside: An aircraft is abeam a station when that station is 90° to the right or left of the track of the aircraft.
ACCELERATE STOP DISTANCE AVAILABLE (ASDA)-The length of the takeoff run avai1able Plus the length of the stopway, if provided.
ADEQUATE VIS REF (Adequate Visual Reference)-Runway markings or runway lighting that provides the pilot with adequate visual reference to continuously identify the take-off surface and maintain directional control throughout the take-off run.
ADVISORY ROUTE (ADR)-A route within a flight information region along which air traffic advisory service, but not air traffic control, is available.
NOTE. Air traffic control service provides a much more complete service than air traffic advisory service, advisory areas and routes are therefore not established within controlled airspace. But air traffic advisory service may be provided below and above control areas.
ADVISORY SERVICE-Advice and information provided by a facility to assist pilots in the safe conduct of flight and aircraft movement. (See Airport Advisory Service, Enroute Flight Advisory Service, Radar Advisory.)
AERODROME FLLGHT INFORMATION SERVICE (AFlS)-A directed traffic information and operational information service provided within an aerodrome flight information zone, to all radio equipped aircraft, to assist in the safe and efficient conduct of flight.

admin 发表于 2008-9-15 16:03:29

AERODROME TRAFFIC FREQUENCY(ATF)-A frequency designated at an uncontrolled airport. An ATF is used to ensure all radio equipped aircraft operating within the area, normally within a 5NM radius of the airport, are listening on a common frequency. The ATF is normally the ground station frequency. Where a ground station does not exist, a common frequency is designated. Radio call sign is that of the ground station, or where no ground station exists, a broadcast is made with the call sign "Traffic Advisory." Jeppesen charts list the frequency and the area of use when other than the standard 5NM.
机场交通频率(ATF)在非管制机场指定的一个频率。 ATF是用于保证所有有无线电设备的航空器在该区域内的飞行,正常为机场半径5海里内,并以共用频率收听。ATF通常为地面电台的频率。如果该地没有地面电台,则要指定一个共用频率。无线电呼号即为该地面站名,或该地没有站名,则用呼号"Traffic Advisory"(交通咨询,进行广播。杰普逊航图中列出了不是标准5海里所使用的频率和区域。
AERODROME TRAFFIC ZONE(ATZ)-An airspace of detailed dimensions established around an aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic.
AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION PUBLICATION(AIP)-A publication issued by or with the authority of a nation and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.
EERONAUTICAL RADIO INCORPORATED (ARINC)-An international radio network providing air-to-ground communications available on a subscription(fee) basis.
AGONIC LINE-A line connecting points of zero magnetic variation.(See Isogonic Line.)
AIRCRAFT APPROACH CATEGORY (T-ERPS)-A grouping of aircraft based on a speed of 1.3Vso (at maximum certificated landing weight). Vso and the maximum certificated 1anding weight are those values as established by the certificating authority of the country of registry. Aircraft Approach Categories and 1.3 Vso speeds are shown below-Maximum speeds authorized for the execution of circle-to-land maneuvers are also indicated.

admin 发表于 2008-9-15 16:04:22

Category E contains only certain Military Aircraft and is not included on Jeppesen Approach Charts.
AIRCRAFT APPROACH CATEGORY (ICAO)-The following ICAO table indicates the specified range of handling speeds (IAS) for each. category of aircraft to perform the maneuvers specified. These speed ranges have been assumed for use in calculating airspace and obstacle clearance for each procedure.

admin 发表于 2008-9-15 16:04:40

Vat-Speed at threshold based on 1.3 times stall speed in the landing configuration at maximum certificated landing mass.
* -Maximum speed for reversal and racetrack procedures.
Category E contains only certain Military Aircraft and is not included on Jeppesen Approach Charts.
Note: The speed table applies to the new ICAO approach procedures which are identifiable by the OCA (H) figures and the PANS Ops notation on the lower left corner of the approach chart. Old ICAO approach procedure shows an OCL instead of OCA (H). For deviations in France see French Terminal pages l thru 10. Deviations in other areas are listed in the Air Traffic Control section.
(超障高度/高)数值和PANS Ops (航行服务程序—航空器运行)加以辨认,老的ICAO进近
AIRCRAFT CLASSIFICATION NUMBER (ACN)-A number expressing the relative effect for an aircraft on a pavement for a specified standard subgrade category. See Pavement Classification Number.
The ICAO introduced the ACN/PCN System as a method to classify pavement bearing strength for aircraft with an all-up mass of more than 12,5001bs (5,700kg).
The bearing strength of a pavement with an all-up mass EQUAL TO OR LESS than 12,5001bs (5,700 kg) shall be made available by reporting the following information:
a) Maximum allowable aircraft mass; and
b) Maximum a11owable tire pressure-Example:8,800 lbs(4,000kg)/0.50 MPa(73psi)
a )最大允许航空器重量;和
b )最大允许轮胎压力。
AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONE (ADIZ)-The area of airspace over land or water, extending upward from the surface, within which the ready identification, the location, and the contro1of aircraft are required in the interest of national security.

admin 发表于 2008-9-15 16:04:57

AIRMET/AIRMAN'S METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION(USA)-Inflight weather advisories issued only to amend the area forecast concerning weather phenomena which are of operational interest to all aircraft and potentially hazardous to aircraft having 1imited capability because of lack of equipment, instrumentation, or pilot qualifications. AIRMETs concern weather of less severity than that covered by SIGMETs or Convective SIGMETs. AIRMETs cover moderate icing, moderate turbulence, sustained winds of 30knots or more at the surface, widespread areas of ceiling less than l,000 feet and/or visibility less than 3miles, and extensive mountain obscurement. (See SIGMET and Convective SIGMET.)
飞行员气象情报资料(美国)提供飞行中的天气咨询,仅对有关天气现象的区域性预报的修正,这些天气现象对所有航空器的运行至关重要和对机载设备、仪表或驾驶员技能不足的航空器有潜在危险。AIRMETs(飞行员气象情报资料)报告的天气,其严重程度不如SIGMETs(重要气象情报)或Convective SIGMENTs(对流性重要气象情报)的报告。AIRMETs包括中度结冰、中度颠簸、30海里/时或以上持续的地面风,在大范围内云幕高低于1000英尺和/或能见度小
AIRPORT/AERODROME—An area of 1and or water that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, and includes its buildings and faci1ities, if any.
机场 陆地上或水面上用于或已打算用于航空器起飞或着陆的一个区域,并包括建筑物及各种设施在内。
AIRPORT ADVISORY SERVICE(AAS)-A service provided by Flight Service Stations at airports not served by a control tower. This service consists of providing information to arriving and departing aircraft concerning wind direction and speed, favored runway, altimeter setting, pertinent known traffic, pertinent known field conditions, airport taxi routes and traffic patterns, and authorized instrument approach procedures. This information is advisory in nature and does not constitute an ATC clearance-(See Local Airport Advisory LA A)
AIRPORT ELEVATION/FIELD ELEVATION-The highest point of an airport's usable runways measured in feet from mean sea leve1.In a few countries, the airport elevation is determined at the
airport reference point.(See Airport Reference Point, Touchdown Zone Elevation.)
机场标高 从平均海平面,以英尺为单位,量至机场可用跑道的最高点的高度。在少数国家中,机场标高是按机场参考点测量的。(见机场参考点,接地区标高)
AIRPORT RADAR SERVICE AREA (ARSA)(USA)-Designated airspace in which ATC will, in addition to the services and separation current1y applied to aircraft operating under IFR, resolve any potential conflict between an aircraft operating under IFR and an aircraft operating under VFR, as well as provide traffic advisory services and arrival sequencing to all aircraft. Each person operating an aircraft within the ARSA must maintain twoway radio communications with ATC and comply with ATC clearances and instructions .Ultra-light vehicles and parachute jump operations are not a11owed in the ARSA except under the terms of an ATC authorization.
AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT (ARP)-A point on the airport designated as the official airport location.
AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR(ASR)- Approach control radar used to detect and display an aircraft's position in the terminal area. ASR provides range and azimuth information but does not provide elevation data .
AIRPORT TRAFFIC AREA(USA)-Unless otherwise specificially designated in FAR Part 93, that airspace within a horizontal radius of 5statute miles from the geographical center of any airport at which a control tower is operating, extending from the surface up to, but not including, an altitude of 3.,ooofeet above the elevation of the airport.

admin 发表于 2008-9-15 16:05:11

AIR ROUTE-Navigable airspace between two points which is identifiable.
航路 在可识别的两点之间可航行的空域。
AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER (ARTCC)-A facility established to provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace and principally during the enroute phase of flight.
AIR TRAFFIC CLEARANCE/ATC CLEARANCE/CLEARANCE-An authorization by air traffic control, for the purpose of preventing co11iSion between known aircraft, for an aircraft to proceed under specified traffic conditions within controlled airspace.
AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (ATC)-A service operated by appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.
AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL ASSIGNED AIRSPACE(ATCAA)-Airspace of defined vertical/lateral limits, assigned by ATC, for the purpose of providing air traffic segregation between the specified activities being conducted within the assigned airspace and other IFR air traffic.(See Restricted Airspace-Military operations Area.)

AIRWAY-A control area or portion thereof estab1ished in the form of a corridor, the centerline of which is defined by radio navigational aids.
航路 以走廊形式建立的管制区域或其一部分, 其中心线由无线电导航设施所确定。
ALERT AREA-(See Restricted Air-space.)
ALTERNATE AERODROME(ICAO)-An aerodrome specified in the flight plan to which a flight may proceed when it becomes inadvisable to land at the aerodrome of intended landing.A1ternate aerodromes include the following:
Take-off alternate-An a1ternate aerodrome at which an aircraft can land should this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure.
Enroute alternate. An aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land after experiencing an abnormal or emergency condition while enroute.
Destination alternate .An alternate aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed shot11d it become impossible or iaadvisab1e to land at the aerodrome of intended landing.
NOTE: The aerodrome from which a flight departs may also be an enroute or a destination alternate aerodrome for that flight.
ALTERNATE AIRPORT (USA)-An airport at which an aircraft may land if a landing at the intended airport becomes inadvisable.
备降机场(美国) 当目的地机场变为不适于降落时,可供航空器降落的机场。

译海无涯 发表于 2008-11-13 10:08:33

纸张版又不知道被谁给拿走了, 手上总是缺一本, 郁闷 --!

solomon331 发表于 2009-5-24 22:19:59

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