帅哥 发表于 2009-2-4 17:38:50


<P>金沙冬瓜条 Jinsha White Gourd Strips </P>
<P>雷家豆腐园子 Leijia Bean Curd Dumpling </P>
<P>鸡汁排骨 Braised Chop Mixed with Chicken Meat Sauce </P>
<P>味噌鸡肉串 Grilled Chicken Meat and Shallot </P>
<P>百合鸡丝 Lily Chicken Slices </P>
<P>咖哩田鸡 Curry Frogs </P>
<P>酸甜炸鸡宝 Fried Chicken Delicacies with Sweet and Sour </P>
<P>桔香拌鱿鱼 Boiled Sleeve-Fish Accomplished by Orange Sauce </P>
<P>洋葱炖鸡腿 Stewed Chicken with Onion </P>
<P>西梅番薯串烧 Grilled Plum and Sweet Potato Bunch </P>
<P>恋爱豆腐果 Lover Bean Curd Slice </P>
页: [1]
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