动物集装箱 live-stock container <BR>干货集装箱 dry cargo container <BR>保温集装箱 isothermal container <BR>框架集装箱 flat rack container <BR>散货集装箱 bulk container <BR>罐式集装箱 tank container <BR>冷藏集装箱 refrigerated container <BR>质量 mass <BR>净底盘干质量 bare chassis dry mass <BR>净底盘整备质量 bare chassis kerb mass <BR>底盘与驾驶室干质量 chassis and cab dry mass <BR>底盘与驾驶室整备质量 chassis and cab kerb mass <BR>整车交运质量 complete vehicle shipping mass <BR>整车整备质量 complete vehicle kerb mass <BR>最大设计总质量 maximum design total mass <BR>最大允许总质量 maximum autohrozed total mass <BR>最大设计装载质量 maximum design pay mass <BR>最大允许装载质量 maximum autohorized pay mass <BR>厂定最大总质量 manufacturer's maxumum total mass <BR>载重量 payload <BR>车辆自重 kerb weight <BR>总重量 gross weight <BR>轴荷 axle load <BR>最大设计轴荷 maximum design axle load <BR>最小设计轴荷 minimum authorized axle load <BR>最大允许轴荷 maximum design axle load <BR>轮胎最大设计拖挂质量 maximum design tyre load <BR>最大设计拖挂质量 maximum authorized tyre load <BR>最大允许拖挂质量 maximum authorized towed mass <BR>汽车列车最大设计质量 maximum design mass of vehicle combination <BR>汽车列车最大允许质量 maximum authorized mass of vehicle combination <BR>铰接车最大设计质量 maximum disgn mass of articulated vehicle <BR>铰接车最大允许质量 maximum authorized amss of articulated vehicle <BR>半挂牵引车承受的最大静载荷 maximum design static laod borne by semi-trailer towing vehicle <BR>作用在挂接装置上的最大设计静载荷 maximum design static laod on coupling device <BR>作用在挂接装置上的最大允许静载荷 maximum authorized static load on coupling device <BR>比功率 power/mass ratio <BR>比扭矩 torque/maximum total mass ratio <BR>重量利用系数 factor of weight utilizaton <BR>汽车型谱 chart of automotive model <BR>后驱动汽车 rear drive automobile <BR>前驱动汽车 front drive automobile <BR>发动机后置式客车 bus with rear engine <BR>四轮驱动车辆 all wheel drive automobile <BR>发动机前置式客车 bus with front engine <BR>发动机底置式客车 bus with underfloor engine <BR>计算机辅助设计 computer aided deisgn(CAD) <BR>有限寿命设计 design for finite life <BR>累积疲劳损伤原理 theory of cumulative damage in fatique <BR>优化设计 optimum deisgn <BR>汽车尺寸控制图 sketch on layout ofr dimenshion's control of assembly <BR>汽车总装配图 automobile assembly drawing <BR>汽车总布置草图 sketch for automobile layout <BR>汽车设计的技术经济分析 technical -economic analysis in automobile design <BR>设计任务书 design assignment <BR>系列化、通用化、标准化 seriation ,universalization and standardization <BR>总布置设计 calculation for layout <BR>运动校核 correction of motion <BR>侧视轮廓 side outline <BR>前视轮廓 end outline <BR>顶视轮廓 plan outline <BR>车长 vehicle length <BR>车宽 vehicle width <BR>车高 vehicle height <BR>轴距 wheel base <BR>轮距 track <BR>前轮距 track front <BR>后轮距 track rear <BR>双胎间距 space between twin wheels <BR>前悬 front overhang <BR>后悬 rear overhang <BR>离地间隙 ground clearance <BR>纵向通过角 ramp angle <BR>接近角 approach angle <BR>离出角 departure angle <BR>车架高度 height of chassis above ground <BR>驾驶室后车架最大可用长度 maximum usable length of chassis behind cab <BR>车身长度 body work length <BR>车厢内部最大尺寸 maximum internal dimension of body 货厢内长 loading space length <BR>货厢有效长度 loading length <BR>货厢内宽 loading space width <BR>货厢有效内宽 loading width <BR>货厢内高 loading space height <BR>货厢有效内高 loading height <BR>货台高度 loading surface height <BR>车架自由长度 frame free length <BR>栏板内高 inside board hegiht <BR>货厢容积 loading surface <BR>门高 door height <BR>门宽 door width <BR>车架有效长度 chassis frame useful length <BR>货厢全长 body length <BR>牵引杆长 drawbar length <BR>牵引装置的位置 position of towing attachment <BR>牵引装置的悬伸 overhang of towing atachment <BR>牵引装置的高度 heigth of towing attachment <BR>牵引装置牵距 distance of towing attachment <BR>牵引座前置距 fifth wheel lead <BR>长度计算用牵引座前置距 fifth wheel lead for calculation of length <BR>质量分配用牵引座前置距 fith wheel lead for calculation of mass distribution <BR>牵引座结合面高度 height of coupling face <BR>牵引装置至车辆前端的距离 distance between towing device and front end of towing vehicle <BR>牵引叉销至车辆前端的距离 distance between jaw and front end of towing vehicle <BR>半挂车间隙半径 rear tractor clearance radius of semi-trailer <BR>半挂车前回转半径 front fitting radius of semi trailer <BR>车轮垂直行程 vertical clearance of wheel <BR>车轮提升高度 lift of wheel <BR>转弯半径 turning circle <BR>静止半径 static radius <BR>碰撞 collision (crash,impact) <BR>正碰撞 frontal collision (frontal impact) <BR>侧碰撞 side collision (side impact) <BR>后碰撞 rear collision (rear impact) <BR>擦碰撞 sidewipe collision <BR>碰撞方向 collision direction <BR>碰撞角度 collision angle <BR>倾斜的 oblique(tilt) <BR>成角度的 angled <BR>纵向的 longitudinal <BR>垂直的 perpendicular <BR>对中 centered <BR>偏置 offset <BR>重叠 overlap <BR>碰撞轴线排列 collision axis alignment <BR>纯正撞 pure frontal impact <BR>碰撞位置 impact location <BR>碰撞角度 impact angle <BR>主要力 principal force <BR>主要力方向 direction of principal force(PDOF) <BR>交通事故 traffic accident <BR>事故原因 accident cause <BR>单原因事故 single event accident <BR>多原因事故 multiple event accident <BR>单车事故 single vehicle accident <BR>多车事故 multi vehicle accident <BR>死亡和重伤事故 fatal and seevere accidenet <BR>折头 jack-knife <BR>翻车 rollover <BR>火灾 fire <BR>驶离道路 run off the roadway <BR>变形 deformation <BR>撞车地点 crash site <BR>试验场 proving ground <BR>试验场地 testing site <BR>撞车模拟装置 crash simulation test set-up <BR>汽车模拟碰撞滑车试验装置 auto crash simulation test sled <BR>壁障 barrier <BR>胶合板 plywood <BR>五轮仪法 fifth wheel method <BR>第五轮仪 fifth wheel method <BR>光电屏障 photoelectric barrier <BR>发射器 transmitter <BR>接受器 receiver <BR>传感器 sensor <BR>振荡器 oscillator <BR>数字计时器 digital chronometer <BR>电磁束栏障 eelctromagnetic beam barrier <BR>单轴加速度计 uniaxial accelerometer <BR>三轴加速度计 triaxial accelerometer <BR>速度测量典型方法 typical methods of velocity measurement <BR>多普勒效应法 doppler effect method <BR>运动波 wave in motion <BR>视在频率 apparent frequency <BR>发射波频率 emitted frequency <BR>环境介质 ambient medium <BR>电磁波 electromagnetic vaves <BR>超短波(厘米波) centimetric waves <BR>微波 micrometirc waves <BR>激光 laser <BR>模拟/数字(A/D)转换器 analog/digital converter(A/D converter) <BR>模拟磁带记录器 analogue magnetic recorder <BR>数字式磁带记录器 digital magnetic recorder <BR>纸带记录器 paper tape recorder 数据处理 data processing <BR>滤波 filtering <BR>数字化 digitalisation <BR>取样频率 sampling frequencies <BR>幅值分辨率 amplitude resolution <BR>光学数据通道 optical data channel <BR>失真指数 distortion index <BR>分析系统 analysis system <BR>扫描时基系统 time-base ssytem <BR>显象率 imaging rate <BR>试验标靶 test target <BR>电影摄影法 cinematographic procedure <BR>高速电影摄影 high speed cinematorgrphy <BR>高速摄影机 high speed camera <BR>胶片分析仪 film analysis system <BR>胶片颗粒 grain of the film <BR>摄影机 camera <BR>长焦距镜头 long focal lengh lenses <BR>摄像标志 photographic marks <BR>车载摄像机 on-board camera <BR>假人 dummy <BR>混合型假人 hybrid dummy <BR>仿真度 biofidelity <BR>Hyge滑车架 hyge sled fixture <BR>滑车 sled <BR>座椅 deceleration sled <BR>刚性座椅 rigid seat <BR>座椅调节器 seat adjuster <BR>上部躯体 upper torso <BR>骨盆 pelvis <BR>臀部 hip <BR>带约束系统 belt restraint ssytem <BR>斜挎肩带 shoulder belt (diagonal belt) <BR>腰带 lap belt <BR>叉状带 harness belt <BR>水平胸带 horizontal chest belt <BR>三点式安全带 three-point belt <BR>座椅安全带 seat belt <BR>液力吸能装置 hydraulic energy absorber <BR>前后轴 anterior -posterior axis <BR>头部重心加速度 head C.G.acceleration <BR>头部重心运动轨迹 headc.G. Trajectory <BR>头部旋转 head rotation <BR>头部扭曲 headflexion <BR>头部扭转 head twist <BR>头部伤害指数 head injury criteria (HIC) <BR>生物力学响应 biomechanical response <BR>颈部侧弯试验 lateral neck bending test <BR>高G值尸体试验 high G-level cadaver test <BR>初始速度 rate of onset <BR>包容线 envelop <BR>尸体下落试验 cadaver drop test <BR>尸体滑车试验 cadaver sled test <BR>尸体碰撞试验 cadaver impact test <BR>坚硬表面 rigid surface <BR>缓冲表面 padded surface <BR>冲量 impulse <BR>SAE100和180滤波通道 SAE channel class 100 and 180 filter <BR>摆式碰撞器 pendulum impactor <BR>频率级通道 channel frequency classes <BR>充气约束系统 inflatable restraint system(IRS) <BR>辅助充气约束系统 supplemental inflatable restraint(SIR) <BR>辅助约束系统 supplemental restraint system(SRS) <BR>空气垫约束系统 air cushion restraint system(ACRS) <BR>气囊 airbag <BR>碰撞传感器 crash sensor <BR>电子碰撞传感器 electronic crash sensor <BR>主传感器 primary sensor <BR>安全传感器 safety sensor <BR>二级传感器 secondary sensor <BR>临界点 threshold <BR>电子器件 eelctronic pieces <BR>电容器 capacitor <BR>诊断组件 diagnostic module <BR>准备就绪指示器 readiness indicator <BR>存储器 recorder <BR>短路夹 shorting clip <BR>警告指示器 warning indicator <BR>气体发生器总成 inflator assembly <BR>点火系 inflator assembly <BR>助燃剂/增强剂 booster /enhancer <BR>点火器 igniter <BR>引爆剂 ignition material <BR>引爆器 initiator <BR>电爆管 squib <BR>导火索 transfer cord <BR>气体发生剂 gas generant <BR>冷却剂 coolant <BR>药片 pellet(pill,tablet) <BR>金属件 metal piece <BR>金属盒 canister /catridge <BR>增压器 diffuser (inflator) <BR>过滤器总成 filter assembly <BR>屏蔽室 screen chamber <BR>组件总成 module assembly <BR>囊 bag <BR>囊加强带 bag tethers <BR>垫 cushion <BR>内罩 inner cover <BR>膝气囊 knee bag <BR>保护罩/外罩 protective cover/outer cover <BR>胸气囊 torso bag <BR>多孔性 porosity <BR>排气孔 vent <BR>膝垫 knee bolster <BR>膝挡板 knee bar <BR>膝缓冲器 knee bumper <BR>试验方法 test method <BR>老化试验 aging test <BR>火烧试验 bonfire test <BR>爆破试验 burst test <BR>坠落试验 drop test <BR>电磁干扰试验 electromagnetic interference( <BR>环境模拟试验 environmental simulation test 气体成分试验 gas composition test <BR>湿度试验 humidity test <BR>微粒成分检验 particulate compostion test <BR>箱内试验 tank test <BR>温度负荷试验 temperature load test <BR>视野 vision field (visibility) <BR>眼椭圆 eyellipse <BR>驾驶员视野范围 vision field of driver <BR>视线 sight line <BR>眼椭圆样板 eyellipse template <BR>眼椭圆中心 eyellipse center <BR>眼椭圆定位线 eyellipse locating line <BR>坐标系 coordination system(axissystem) <BR>视觉 vision <BR>视平面 sight plane <BR>视野 vision field <BR>直接视野 direct vesion field <BR>间接视野 indirect vision field <BR>单眼视野 monocular vision field <BR>双眼视野 binocular vision field <BR>两单眼视野 ambinocular vision field <BR>周边视野 peripheral vision field <BR>双眼障碍 binocular obstruction <BR>A 立柱 A-pillar <BR>座椅基准点 seating reference point (SgRP) <BR>有效瞳孔距 effective interpupillary width <BR>视野原点 original points of vision field <BR>颈部转动中心点(P点) neck pivot point (P point) <BR>仪表参考平面 reference plane of instrument panel <BR>显示表面 display surface <BR>转向盘轮缘盲区 steering wheel rim obstruction <BR>转向盘毂及辐条盲区 steering hub and spoke obstruction <BR>派生V点和P点 developing V points and P points <BR>汽车视野障碍 vehicle visural obstruction <BR>视点(V点) vision point (V points) <BR>眼点(E点) eye point (E point) <BR>眼睛投影点 projected eye point <BR>上视角 upward angle of visibility <BR>下视角 downwards angle of visibility <BR>电磁环境 electromagnetic environment <BR>电磁环境兼容性 electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) <BR>电磁敏感度 electromagnetic susceptibility(EMS) <BR>电磁干扰 electromagnetic interference <BR>电磁骚扰(现象) electromagnetic distrubance <BR>(电磁)发射 (eelctromagnetic )emission <BR>窄带(电磁)发射 narrowband emission <BR>宽带(电磁)发射 broadband emission <BR>带外发射 out of band emission <BR>电磁辐射 electromagnetic radiation <BR>横向电磁波模式 transverse electromagnetic (TEM)mode <BR>干扰源 distrubance source <BR>信号源 signal source <BR>无用信号 undesired signal <BR>干扰信号 interfering signal <BR>无线电环境 radio environment <BR>射频骚扰 radio environment <BR>射频干扰 radio frequency interference(RFI) <BR>系统间干扰 inter-system interference <BR>系统内干扰 intra-system interference <BR>电磁噪声 electromagnetic environment <BR>射频噪声 radio frequency noise <BR>自然噪声 natural noise <BR>人为噪声 man-made noise <BR>随机噪声 random noise <BR>静电放电 electrostatic discharge(ESD) <BR>脉冲 pulse <BR>冲激脉冲 impulse <BR>尖峰脉冲 spike <BR>群脉冲 burst of pulses <BR>脉冲噪声 impulsive noise <BR>脉冲骚扰 impulsive distrubance <BR>脉动 pulsating <BR>基波(分量) fundamental (component) <BR>谐波(分量) harmonic (component) <BR>电源骚扰 mains-borne distrubance <BR>磁场 field <BR>均质磁场 homogenous field <BR>磁场强度 field strength <BR>敏感度阈值 susceptibility thresholds <BR>电流注入 bulk current injection (BCI) <BR>无线电干扰抑制 radio interference suppression <BR>骚扰抑制 distrubance suppression <BR>骚扰场强 disturbance field strength <BR>骚扰功率 distrubance power <BR>抗扰性 immunity to a distrubance <BR>抗扰度 immunity level <BR>电源抗扰性 mains immunity <BR>外部抗扰性 external immunity <BR>抗扰性电平 immunity level <BR>抗绕性裕量 immunity margin <BR>藕合路径 coupling path <BR>地藕合干扰 earth-coupled interference <BR>频率响应 frequency response <BR>频率级规格 frequency step sizes <TABLE class=wr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY>
<TD class=gray14><CC>调幅 amplitude modulation (AM) <BR>正弦波调幅 sine-wave amplitude modulation <BR>甚高频 very high frequency (VHF) <BR>超高频 ultra-high frequency (UHF) <BR>无调谐 no-modulation (CW) <BR>交调 crossmodulation <BR>互调 intermodulation <BR>中频抑制比 intermediate frequency rejection ratio <BR>镜频抑制比 image rejection ratio <BR>电压驻波 voltage standing wave(VSW) <BR>电压驻波比 voltage standing wave ratio(VSWR) <BR>脉冲极性 pulse polarity <BR>性能降低 degradation of performance <BR>灵敏度降低 desensitization <BR>抗扰性试验 immunity test <BR>试验强度级 test severity level <BR>功效性能状况分类 function performance status classificaton (FPSC) <BR>开阔试验场地 open area test site(OATS) <BR>吸波室 absorber lined chamber <BR>屏蔽室 shielded chamber <BR>隔音室 anechoicchamber <BR>横向电磁波室 transverse electromagnetic cell <BR>小型诊断室 compact diagnostic chamber <BR>屏蔽门 shielded gate <BR>反射屏蔽 reflective enclosure <BR>吸波材料 absorbing material <BR>尖劈 absorber lined chamber <BR>放大器 amplifier <BR>宽带放大器 broadband amplifier <BR>窄带放大器 narrowband amplifier <BR>天线 antenna <BR>环行天线 loop antenna <BR>双锥天线 bi-conical antenna <BR>对数周期天线 log.per.antenna <BR>天线塔 tripod(mast) <BR>偶极子天线 dipole antenna <BR>平行天线 parallel plate antenna <BR>四分之一波天线 quarter-wave antenna <BR>衰减器 attenuator <BR>信号发生器 signal generator <BR>场强发生器 field generator <BR>电场/脉冲发生器 e-/h-generator <BR>试验脉冲发生器 test pulse generator <BR>磁场控制器 field monitoring equipment <BR>双向藕合器 bidirectional coupler <BR>定向藕合器 directional coupler <BR>注入探头 injection probe <BR>电流探头 current probe <BR>电压探头 voltage probe <BR>迷向磁场探头 isotropic field probe <BR>射频滤波器 radio frequency (RF)filter <BR>低通滤波器 low-pass filter <BR>抑制滤波器 suppression filter <BR>线束 wire harness <BR>同轴电缆 coaxial cable <BR>光导纤维电缆 fiber optic links <BR>人工(电源)网络 artificial network(AN) <BR>宽频人工(电源)网络 broadband artificial network (BAN) <BR>电位计 voltmeter <BR>功率计 power meter <BR>频率分析仪 frequency analyzer <BR>频谱分析仪 spectrum analyzer <BR>测试接收机 testing receiver system <BR>波形采集装置 waveform acquisition equipment <BR>检波器 detector <BR>准峰值检波器 quasi-peak detector <BR>模拟手 antificial hand <BR>吸收钳 absorbing clamp <BR>模拟灯 dummy lamp <BR>带状线 stripline <BR>平衡-不平衡转化器 balun <BR>在试设备 device under test(DUT) <BR>转鼓试验台 roler bench <BR>转台 truntable <BR>测功机 dynamometer <BR>升降台 lifting device for lifting <BR>废气排气系统 exhaust emission suction system <BR>消防系统 fire extinguishing system <BR>可视通话系统 video and intercom system <BR>声学和噪声 acoustic and noise <BR>声学 acoustics <BR>声学工程 acoustical engineering <BR>声波 acoustic wave <BR>声容 acoustic capacitance <BR>声频 acoustical frequency <BR>声阻 acoustical resistance <BR>声级 acoustical level <BR>声谱 acoustic spectrum <BR>声抗 acoustical reactance <BR>声阻抗 acoustic impedance <BR>声质量 acoustical mass <BR>声反馈 acoustic feed back <BR>声功率 acoustical power <BR>声效率 acoustical efficiency <BR>传声性 acoustical conductivity <BR>声藕合 acoustical coupling <BR>声学分析 acoustical analysis <BR>声源 source of sound <BR>声场 sound field <BR>声压 sound pressure <BR>声蟠 sound coil <BR>声速 sound velocity <BR>共鸣 resonance <BR>响度 loudness <BR>回声 echo <BR>噪声 noise <BR>汽车噪声 automobile noise <BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> 噪声控制 noise control <BR>分贝 decibel(dB) <BR>声强与声强级 sound intensity and sound intensity level <BR>声压与声压级 sound pressure and pressure level of sound <BR>响度级与等响曲线 soundness level and equal -loundness contours <BR>声级 sound level <BR>噪声测量系统 measurement system of noise <BR>声功率与声功率级 sound power and power level <BR>汽车噪声测量方法 measurement method of vehicle noise <BR>声学仪器 acoustical instrument <BR>声强计、比声计 acoustimeter <BR>声幅射器 acoustical radiator <BR>共鸣器 acoustic resonator <BR>滤声器 acoustical filter <BR>检声器 sound detector <BR>噪声计 noise meter <BR>精密声级计 precision sound level meter <BR>电平记录仪 level recorder <BR>频谱分析仪 frequency spectrum analyzer <BR>FFT——快速傅里叶变换)分析仪 fft analyzer <BR>机械阻抗分析系统 mechanical impedance analysis system <BR>跟踪滤波器 tracking filter <BR>功率谱分析仪 power spectral density analyzer <BR>概率密度分析仪 probability density analyzer <BR>自相关仪 autocorrelaton function analyzer <BR>消声器(噪声衰减装置) sound attenuatin <BR>噪音消声器(隔音材料) silencer(sound deadener) <BR>清洁度 cleanliness <BR>毛坯清洁度 rough cleanliness <BR>零件清洁度 parts cleanliness <BR>快速不解体清洁度 rapid undisassembly cleanliness <BR>解体清洁度 disassembly cleanliness <BR>装配清洁度 assembly cleanliness <BR>重量法 weighting method <BR>光电比色法 photoelectric colorimetry method <BR>离心法 centrifuagl method <BR>色度比较法 patch test method <BR>滤膜 filtrer membrance <BR>恒重 standing weight <BR>清洗液 leaner <BR>混浊液 dirty soulution <BR>过滤 filtration <BR>微粒 particle <BR>粒度 paritcle size <BR>孔隙度 void ratio <BR>全液过滤 whole solution through filtering <BR>抽样过滤 sample filtering <BR>滤膜气泡点压力 pressure of air bulb in film <BR>滤膜孔隙率 void ratio of film <BR>滤膜萃取率 percentage of film taken off <BR>环境 environment <BR>清洁度检测室 cleanliness measurement room <BR>局部洁净区 clean work area <BR>准备室 preparatory room <BR>将尘量 quantity of fallen dust <BR>抽样基数 sampling basic number <BR>取样部位 sampling location <BR>清洁度限值 cleanliness limit <BR>重量分析法 analysis by weight method <BR>滤膜显微镜分析法 microscopic method <BR>磨料试验法 grit test method <BR>重复性 repeatability <BR>再现性 reproducibility <BR>传动系 drive line(transmission, power train) <BR>机械传动 mechanical transmission <BR>无级传动 stepless transmission (continuously variable transmission ) <BR>液力传动 hydrodynamic drive <BR>液力机械传动 hydromechanical transmission <BR>液压分流传动 hydrostatic differenctial tranmission <BR>液压蓄能传动 hydrostatic stored energy transmission ssytem <BR>飞轮蓄能传动系 flywheel stored energy transmission system <BR>电传动 electrical transmission <BR>电动轮 eelctric wheel <BR>链传动 chain-driving <BR>双发动机并联传动 dual engine drive <BR>传动系的扭转振动 torsional vibrations of transmission <BR>齿轮噪声 gear noiose <BR>传动系的噪声 transmission noise (driveline noise, power tranin noise) <BR>离合器 clutch <BR>类型 type <BR>摩擦式离合器 friction clutcch <BR>单盘离合器 single plate clutch <BR>双盘离合器 double plate clutch <BR>多盘离合器 multi-plate clutch <BR>膜片弹簧离合器 diaphragm spring clutch <BR>自动离合器 automatic clutch <BR>离心式自动离合器 centrifugal tyep automatic clutch <BR>电磁离合器 eelctromagnetic clutch <BR>磁粉离合器 magnetic-powder lutch 螺旋弹簧离合器 spring-loaded clutch <BR>中央弹簧离合器 cetnral spring clutch <BR>斜置弹簧离合器 angle-spring clutch <BR>伺服离合器 servo clutch <BR>部件 assembly and parts <BR>离合器操纵机构 clutch operation <BR>飞轮 flywheel stored energy transmission system <BR>飞轮壳 flywheel casing <BR>从动盘摩擦衬片 clutch palte lining <BR>离合器壳 clutch housing <BR>传力片 steel tape <BR>压盘 pressure plate <BR>分离杆 release lever <BR>分离套筒 release sleeve <BR>离合器轴 clutch shaft <BR>离合器盖 clutchcover <BR>从动盘 clutch plate <BR>从动盘毂 clutch plate hub <BR>分离弹簧 release spring <BR>分离轴承 release thrust bearing <BR>中间压盘 center plate <BR>压紧弹簧 pressure spring <BR>膜片弹簧 diaphragm spring <BR>减震弹簧 damping spring <BR>摩擦片 friction lining <BR>扭转振动减震器 tortional vibration damper <BR>离合器机械式操纵机构 clutch operation device(mechanical) <BR>离合器踏板轴 clutch pedal shaft <BR>离合器踏板臂 clutch pedal lever <BR>离合器踏板密封套 pedal lever seal <BR>离合器踏板 cltuch pedla pad <BR>分离推杆 release rod <BR>分离推杆叉 push-rod fork <BR>离合器分离轴 clutch release shaft <BR>分离杆支座 release lever supoort <BR>分离杆轴 release lever axle <BR>分离杆调整螺钉 release lever adjusting screw <BR>分离轴承和分离套筒总成 release bearing and sleeve assembly <BR>自动调心分离轴承 self-aligning release thrust bearing <BR>离合器推力轴承 clutch thrust bearing <BR>离合器轴前轴承 clutch opilot bearing <BR>分离叉 withdrawal fork <BR>分离叉球头支座 operating fork bal -end <BR>分离推杆调整螺钉 release rod adjusting screw <BR>分离叉回位弹簧 operatign fork retrun spring <BR>踏板回位弹簧 clutch pedal retrun spring <BR>离合器分离拉索 clutch release cable <BR>离合器液压式操纵机构 clutch operaton (hydraulic) <BR>离合器操纵机构主缸 clutch release master cylinder <BR>储液罐 fluid reservoir <BR>主缸活塞 master cylinder piston <BR>主缸推杆 master cylinder push rod <BR>工作缸推杆 slave cylinder push rod <BR>工作缸活塞 slave cylinder piston <BR>工作缸 clutch release slave cylinder <BR>液压系统放气塞 hydraulic system bleeding plug <BR>油管 pipe <BR>联接软管 hose <BR>踏板支座 clutch pedal mounting bracket <BR>分离杆铰销 operating lever articulation <BR>工作缸活塞回位弹簧 slave cylinder piston return spirng <BR>主缸活塞回位弹簧 master cylinder piston return spring <BR>离合器打滑 cltuch slipping <BR>滑磨功 work of slipping <BR>接合平顺性 smoothness of pick-up (engagement) <BR>分离的彻底性 cleanliness of disengagemet <BR>离合器后备系数 reserve coefficient of clutch <BR>离合器的微处理机控制 microprocessor controlled clutch <BR>变速器 transmission (gearbox) <BR>机械式变速器 mechanical transmission <BR>固定轴式变速器 fixed shaft transmission <BR>中间轴变速器 countershaft transmission <BR>双中间轴变速器 twin countershaft transmission <BR>多中间轴变速器 multi-countershaft transmission <BR>两轴式变速器 twin-shaft transmission <BR>行星齿轮式变速器 planetary transmission <BR>滑动齿轮变速器 sliding gear trnasmission <BR>全直齿常啮式变速器 fully constant mesh all spur gear transmission <BR>全斜齿常啮式变速器 fully constant mesh all helical gear transmission <BR>全齿套变速器 all dog clutch transmission <BR>多级变速器 multi-speed transmission <BR>无级变速器 non-stage transmission <BR>同步器式变速器 synchromesh transmission <BR>直接档变速器 direct drive transmission <BR>超速档变速器 over drive transmision 手动换档变速器 manually shifted transmission <BR>直接操纵变速器 direct control transmissionm <BR>远距离操纵变速器 remote control trnasmission <BR>动力助力换档变速器 power assisted shift transmission <BR>自动换档机械式变速器 automatic mechanical tranmission <BR>半自动换档机械式变速器 semi-automatic mechanical transmission <BR>插入式多档变速器 interttype multi-speed tranmission <BR>分段式多档变速器 sectional type multi-speed tranmisssion <BR>组合式变速器 combinatory transmission <BR>主变速器 basic trnasmission <BR>副变速器 splitter <BR>带主减速器的变速器 final driving transmission <BR>液力变速器 hydraudynamic transmission <BR>自动液力变速器 automatic transmission <BR>半自动液力变速器 semiautomatic transmission <BR>人工换档液力变速器 manually shifted transmission <BR>分流式液力变速器 split torque drive tranmisson <BR>定轴式液力变速器 countershaft transmission <BR>行星式液力变速器 planetary trnamission <BR>电子同步变速装置 electronically synchronized transmission assembly <BR>滑动齿轮传动 sliding -gear transmission <BR>常啮合齿轮传动 constant mesh transmission <BR>啮合套 shift sleeve (engagement sleeve) <BR>液力传动 hydraudynamic drive <BR>液力传动装置 dydraudynamic drive unit <BR>液力偶合器 fluid coupling <BR>液力变矩器 torque converter <BR>综合式液力变矩器 torque converter-coupling <BR>锁止式液力变矩器 lock-up torque converter <BR>变容式液力变矩器 variable capacity converter <BR>同步器 synchronizer <BR>常压式同步器 constant pressure synchronizer <BR>惯性式同步器 inertial type of synchronizer <BR>自动增力式同步器 self-servo sysnchronizer <BR>双涡轮液力变矩器 double-turbine torque converter <BR>双泵轮液力变矩器 double-impeller torque converter <BR>导轮可反转的变矩器 torque converter with revereal reacto <BR>分动箱(分动器) transfer case <BR>辅助变速器 auxiliary gear box <BR>取力器(动力输出机构) power take-off <BR>传动轴减速器 dirveline retarder <BR>液力减速器 hydraulic retarder <BR>单向离合器 one-way clutch <BR>锁止离合器 lock-up clutch <BR>叶轮 member <BR>泵轮 impeller <BR>涡轮 turbine <BR>导轮 reactro <BR>转子 rotor <BR>定子 stator <BR>级 stage <BR>相 phase <BR>叶片 blade <BR>转动叶片 variable blade <BR>循环圆 trus section <BR>速度三角形 triangle of velocities <BR>外环 shell <BR>内环 core <BR>设计流线 design path <BR>边斜角(进出口) bias(entrance and exit) <BR>包角 scroll <BR>叶片骨线 mean camberline <BR>叶片角 blade angle</CC>