车身表面处理 body surface treatment <BR>磷化处理 phosphating <BR>远红外线烘干 far-infrared ays drying <BR>白车身 body in white <BR>剥裂试验 peel test <BR>屈强比 yield limit/strength limit <BR>定制车身 custom-built body <BR>回弹 rebound <BR>冲模的楔形机构 wedged mechanism of die <BR>二氧化碳气体保护焊 CO2 gas shield welding <BR>车身试验 body test <BR>车身寿命(疲劳)试验 body durability test <BR>车身密封试验 body sealing test <BR>淋雨试验 rain test <BR>粉尘试验 dust test <BR>车身振动试验 body vibration test <BR>空调试验 air conditioning test <BR>热线风速计 hot wire anemometer <BR>车身表面压力分布试验 body surface pressure distribution test <BR>风洞试验 wind tunnel test <BR>整车风洞或全尺寸风洞 full scale wind tunnel <BR>开式风洞 open wind turnnel <BR>闭式风洞 closed wind tunnel <BR>阻塞效应 blockage effect <BR>阻塞面积比 blockage area ratio <BR>表面丝线法 surface tuft method <BR>流线图 flow pattern <BR>颜料流线 paint streaming <BR>车身材料 body materials <BR>高强度低合金钢 high strength low alloy steel (HSLA) <BR>镀锌钢板 zinc coating steel plate <BR>密封剂和粘接剂 sealer and adhesive <BR>模压塑料板材 sheet moulding compound (SMC) <BR>纤维 fiber <BR>填料 filler <BR>聚氨脂泡沫(塑料) polyurethane foam (urethane foam) <BR>安全玻璃 safety glass <BR>后窗玻璃(后挡玻璃) backlight(backlite) <BR>防弹玻璃 bullet0resisting glass <BR>复合曲面玻璃 complex-curved glass <BR>单曲面玻璃 cylindrically curved glass(single curved glass) <BR>双层中空玻璃 bouble glazed unit <BR>电热安全玻璃 electric heating safety glass <BR>增反射安全玻璃 enhanced reflecting safety glazing material <BR>玻璃-塑料安全材料 glass-plastic glazing material <BR>屏显风窗玻璃 head-up display windscreen <BR>夹层玻璃 laminated-glass <BR>A类夹层玻璃 laminated-glass A <BR>B类夹层玻璃 laminated-glass B <BR>安全玻璃材料 safety glazing material <BR>侧窗玻璃 side window glass <BR>钢化玻璃 tempered glass <BR>前风窗玻璃(前风挡玻璃) windscreen <BR>无雨刷玻璃 wipeless windscreen <BR>区域钢化玻璃 zone-tempered glass <BR>钢化彩虹 trising from tempering float glass <BR>缺角 broken corner <BR>胶合层气泡 bubble in the interlayer <BR>爆边 chip <BR>粗磨边 rude edge-arrissing <BR>吻合度 curvature tolerance <BR>深弯 deep bending <BR>脱胶 delamination <BR>胶合层变色 discoloration <BR>细磨边 smoothed edge-arrissing <BR>胶合层杂质 interlayer dirt <BR>节瘤 knot <BR>绒毛 fine hair <BR>叠差 dislocation <BR>模具痕迹 mold mark <BR>划伤 scratch <BR>浅弯 shallow bending <BR>磨边残留 edge-arrissing residue <BR>挂钩印迹 tong mark <BR>波筋 wave <BR>发霉 weathering <BR>视区 vision area <BR>光学偏移 optical deviation <BR>不平行度 wedge <BR>平行度 parallelism <BR>透光率 light transmittance <BR>副像 secondary image <BR>光学畸变 optical distortion <BR>钢球冲击试验 ball impact test <BR>淬火钢球 hardened steel ball <BR>支承夹具 supporting fixture <BR>耐磨试验 abrasion test <BR>磨损仪 abrading instrument <BR>旋转台 turntable <BR>中心夹具 centre clamp <BR>砂轮 abrasive wheel <BR>光学系统 optical system <BR>白炽灯 incandescent lamp <BR>焦距 focal length <BR>色差 chromatic aberration <BR>光圈 clear aperture <BR>散射光 scattered light <BR>测定散色光的设备 hazemeter <BR>光颈 light trap <BR>碎片试验 fragmentation test <BR>光雾 haze <BR>自动冲头 automatic punch <BR>曲面玻璃 curved glass <BR>人头模型冲击试验 head form impact test <BR>人头模型重块 head form weight <BR>夹层 interlayer <BR>光谱灵敏度 spectral sensitivity 光谱发光效率 spectral luminous efficiency <BR>国际照明委员会1931 CIE 1931 <BR>标准色度观测者 standard photometric observer <BR>白昼视觉 photopic vision <BR>光通路 light patch <BR>次生影像分离试验 secondary image separation test <BR>靶标试验 target test <BR>瞄准望远镜试验 collimation telescope test <BR>单筒望远镜 monocular <BR>气泡 bulb <BR>聚光镜 condenser <BR>毛玻璃屏 ground-glass screen <BR>滤色片 color filter <BR>极座标片 polar co-ordinate plate <BR>无色透镜 achromatic lens <BR>黑点 black spot <BR>幻灯片 slide <BR>光珊 grating <BR>幻灯机 projector <BR>显示屏 display screen <BR>辉纹技术 stration technique <BR>国际照明委员会标准 CIE standard <BR>施照体A illuminant A <BR>色度施照体 colorimetric illuminant values <BR>反射率 reflectance <BR>正规反射率 regular reflectance <BR>扩散反射率 diffused reflectance <BR>反射仪 reflectrometer <BR>光检测器 photodetector <BR>外来光 extraneous light <BR>稳压器 voltage stabilizer <BR>落箭试验 falling dart test <BR>展开面积 developed area <BR>拱高 height of segment <BR>颜色识别试验 identification of color test <BR>前风窗玻璃的安装角 inclination angle of a windscreen <BR>光反射率 luninous reflectance <BR>光透射率 luminous transmittance <BR>给定方向的光畸变 optical distortion in a given direction <BR>抛光面 polished edge <BR>主视区 primary vision area <BR>制品 product <BR>倒圆 round edge arrissing <BR>曲率半径 radius of curvature <BR>抗磨性试验 resistance-to-abrasion test <BR>耐烘烤性试验 resistance-to-bake test <BR>耐化学侵蚀性试验 resistance-to=fire test <BR>耐燃烧性试验 resistance-to-fire test <BR>耐热性试验 resistance-to-high temperature test <BR>耐湿性试验 resistance-to-humidity test <BR>抗穿透性试验 resistance-to-penetration test <BR>耐辐照性试验 resistance-to-radiation test <BR>耐模拟气候试验 resistance-to-simulated weathering test <BR>耐温度变化性试验 resistance-to-temperature change test <BR>霰弹袋试验 shot-bag test <BR>试样 specimens <BR>结石 stone <BR>应力斑 stress pattern <BR>线道 string <BR>试验片 test piece <BR>破碎后的能见度试验 visibility-after -fracture test <BR>翘曲度 warpage <BR>汽车的制造工艺 manufacturing process of automobile <BR>铸造 casting <BR>汽车的生产过程 production process of automobile <BR>定位 locating <BR>工件的六点定位原理 theory of six-point locating of workpiece <BR>加工精度 accuracy of working <BR>尺寸链 dimension chain <BR>铸造工艺 foundry technique(casting technique) <BR>造型工艺 molding process <BR>结构工艺性 structural machinability <BR>有箱造型 tight-flask molding <BR>无箱造型 flaskless mold <BR>地面造型 floor mold <BR>地坑造型 pit molding <BR>高压造型 high pressure molding <BR>树脂砂造型 phenolic and molding <BR>叠箱造型 stack molding <BR>制芯工序 coremaking operation <BR>烘干工序 baking operation <BR>铸造厂 foundry plant <BR>铸件 casting <BR>为清理铸件 undressed casting <BR>为经热处理铸件 green casting <BR>薄壁铸件 light casting <BR>厚壁铸件 heavy section casting <BR>铸钢 cast steel <BR>铸钢件 steel casting <BR>装配 assembly <BR>复型铸造法 double mould casting(dual type casting) <BR>粉未冶金 powder metallurgy <BR>干砂型 dry sand mold <BR>湿砂型 green sand mold <BR>制型材料 molding material <BR>制型芯材料 core molding material <BR>砂芯涂料 core coating <BR>薄壳砂芯 shell core <BR>吹芯 core blowing <BR>挤芯 core extrusion <BR>离心铸造 centrifugal casting <BR>手工造型 hand molding (hand moulding) <BR>机器造型 machine molding (machine moulding) 木模造型 wood pattern molding <BR>金属造型 metal pattern molding <BR>压力铸造 pressure casting (die casting) <BR>熔模铸造 hot investment casting <BR>壳型铸造 shell mould casting <BR>硬模铸造 metal mold casting <BR>挤压铸造 extrusion casting <BR>低压铸造 low-pressure casting <BR>电磁压铸 electromagnetic propulsion <BR>失蜡铸造 dewaxing casting <BR>精密铸造 precision casting <BR>双金属铸造 bimetal casting <BR>实型铸造 full-mold casting <BR>湿型铸造 green sand casting <BR>加压铸造 compresson casting <BR>机械化铸造 machining casting <BR>砂箱 casting box <BR>下箱 drag (lower box) <BR>下砂箱 drg falsk (drag box) <BR>上砂箱 cope box (cope flask) <BR>下压式造型机 molding machine with down sand frame <BR>上压式造型机 molding machine with top sand frame <BR>震实造型机 bumping molding machine <BR>烘炉 baking oven <BR>高频烘干炉 dielectric drying stove <BR>松砂机 aerator(fluffer) <BR>烘芯炉 core stove <BR>高频烘芯炉 dielectric core oven <BR>落砂机 shakeout device (sand shakout,flask shaker) <BR>制芯机 core-making machine <BR>出芯机 core knock-out machine(core breaker0 <BR>射芯机 shoot core machine (core shooter) <BR>壳芯机 shell core machine <BR>无芯高频感应炉 high frequency coreless induction furnace <BR>无芯工频感应电炉 main frequency coreless inductio furnace <BR>造型机 molding machine <BR>压实式造型机 squeeze molding machine <BR>转台造型机 turntable molding machine <BR>气动震实造型机 air jarring moulding machine <BR>有箱造型机 box molding machine <BR>压铸机 die casting machine <BR>热室压铸机 hot-chamber die casting machine <BR>惯性落砂机 inertia knock-out grid <BR>浇包 ladle <BR>浇注机 cating machine <BR>冲天炉 cupola (cupola furnace) <BR>水冷冲天炉 water cooled cupola <BR>焦碳炉 coke-fired furnace <BR>退火炉 annealing oven <BR>回火炉 drawing furnace <BR>喷丸机 high pressure blasting machine <BR>抛砂机 sand throwing machine <BR>摆轮式混砂机 speedmuller <BR>自动分箱机 automatic box splitter <BR>自动合箱机 automatic closer <BR>自动壳型机 autoclino <BR>风动工具 air tool <BR>锻造 forging <BR>无型锻造 open forging <BR>水压机锻造 hydraulic forging <BR>机器锻造 machine forging <BR>自由锻造 flat-die forging <BR>多型槽锻造 multiple impression forging <BR>冷锻 cold forging <BR>锤锻(自由锻) hammer forging <BR>平锻 horzontal forging <BR>镦锻 upset forging <BR>辊锻 roll forging <BR>模锻 die forging <BR>热模锻 pressure forging <BR>开式模锻 open-die forging <BR>精密模锻 prescision drop forging <BR>挤压模锻 no-draft forging <BR>冷拉 cold draw <BR>热拉 hot draw <BR>冷挤压 cold extruding <BR>切边 trim <BR>冷切边 cold trim <BR>热切边 hot trim <BR>冲孔 punching <BR>校正 straightening <BR>板料冲压 sheet stamping <BR>制坯 blank <BR>锻造毛坯 forging blank <BR>上模 upper die <BR>下模 bottom die(counter die) <BR>上锤头 top swage <BR>下锤头 lower die <BR>汽锤 steam hammer <BR>无砧坐模锻锤 forging hammer without anvilbed <BR>摩擦锤 jump hammer <BR>落锤 block hammer <BR>水平分模(平锻机) horizontal parting <BR>冷锻模 cold forging die <BR>型锻模 forging die <BR>精整模 forming die <BR>顶锻模 joggling die <BR>锻压机 forging die <BR>水压机 water press <BR>平锻机 horizontal forging machine <BR>汽力锻压机 steam power forging press <BR>压弯机 bending press <BR>模锻压力机 drop press <BR>曲轴压力机 crank press <BR>曲柄压力机 knuckle-joint press <BR>切边压力机 trimming press <BR>切断压力机 cutting-out press <BR>精压机 coining press <BR>辊锻机 forging roll <BR>镦锻机 upsetting forging press 喷丸清理 sand blast cleaning <BR>消除内应力 residual stress relieving <BR>水力清理 hydraulic blasting <BR>酸洗 pickling <BR>超声波清洗 ultrasonic cleaning <BR>超声波探伤 ultrasonic inspection <BR>冲压 stamping <BR>冲压下料 bar stock cutting by punching <BR>冲压线 press line <BR>凸模 punch <BR>凸凹模 punch-die <BR>冲孔模 piercing die <BR>修边模 trimming die <BR>预弯模 die for first-forming <BR>扭弯模 twisting die <BR>扭弯模 twisting die <BR>扭弯成形模 twisting-forming die <BR>压弯模 bending die <BR>压弯翻边模 bending-flanging die <BR>压扁模 flattening die <BR>压圆模 circular bending die <BR>压弯卷圆模 bending-curling die <BR>压弯压筋模 bending-beading die <BR>落料模 blanking die <BR>落料压印模 blanking-coining die <BR>落料切槽模 blanking-slotting die <BR>缩口模 neckling die <BR>翻孔整形模 hole flanging-sizing die <BR>翻边成形模 flanging forming die <BR>切槽模 slotting die <BR>拉延模 drawing die <BR>下料 stock cutting <BR>开卷 unreel <BR>成形 forming <BR>翻边 flanging <BR>反向拉伸 reverse-draw <BR>整形 restricking <BR>整径 trued <BR>切口 cut-off (shear-out) <BR>切边 trimming <BR>压扁 flattening <BR>应变 strain <BR>压痕 impression <BR>拉延 drawing <BR>拉伸 deep drawng <BR>挤压 extrusion <BR>滚挤 roll-forming <BR>卷边 curling <BR>折边 edging <BR>刮边 scraping <BR>三室清洗机 three-stage cleaning machine <BR>三动压机 triple-action press <BR>折边机 edging machine <BR>开卷机 decoiling unit <BR>万能液压机 universal hydraulic machine <BR>机械压力机 mechanical press <BR>气动压力机 pneumatic press <BR>冲孔机 punch machine <BR>弯曲机 bender <BR>弯管机 pipe bending machine <BR>辊压机 rolling press <BR>滚式弯板机 roll-type sheet bending machine <BR>板料校平机 sheet flattening machine <BR>退料板 stripper <BR>高速棒料剪切机 high speed cropping machine <BR>剪床 shearing machine <BR>转塔式冲床 turret-type punch press <BR>校直机 straightener <BR>挤压机 extrusion press <BR>滚压挤压机 hydraulic extrusion press <BR>卷边机 folding machine <BR>精压机 coining press <BR>上料器 loader <BR>落料机 blanker <BR>搓丝机 thread rolling machine <BR>滚剪机 roller shearing machine <BR>焊接 welding <BR>十字接头 cross-shaped joint <BR>T形接头 T joint <BR>单J形坡口 single-J groove <BR>单U形坡口 single-U groove <BR>双V形坡口 double-V groove <BR>K形坡口 double-vevel groove <BR>双V形对接接头 double-V butt joint <BR>Y形坡口裂缝试验 Y-slit crack test <BR>TIG保护焊 tungsten inert gas (TIG) arc welding <BR>TIG点焊 TIG spot welding <BR>立焊 vertical position of welding <BR>火焰钎焊 brazing by flame <BR>气体保护电弧焊 gas shield arc welding <BR>气焊 gas welding <BR>气电焊 electrogas arc welding <BR>水下焊接 underwater welding <BR>水蒸气保护电弧焊 water vapor arc welding <BR>水平角焊 horizontal fillet welding <BR>手工焊 manual welding <BR>手工电弧焊 covered arc welding <BR>仰焊 face-up bonding <BR>正面角焊缝 front fillet weld <BR>加压气焊 gas pressure welding <BR>加压铸焊 pressure thermit welding <BR>返修焊 rewelding <BR>向上立焊 vertical up welding <BR>向下立焊 vertical down welding <BR>平焊(俯焊) flat position welding <BR>点焊 point welding <BR>双面焊 weld from both sides <BR>双面点焊 direct welding <BR>双弧焊 twin arc welding <BR>压焊 pressure welding <BR>多道焊 multipass welding <BR>多点凸焊 multiple projection welding <BR>多层焊 multilayer welding <BR>定位焊 tack welding <BR>冷压焊 cold pressure welding <BR>环焊 boxing <BR>自动焊接 automatic welding <BR>自动点焊 stitch welding <BR>自动气割 automatic gas cutting 无气体保护电弧焊 non gas shielded arc welding <BR>对接焊 butt welding <BR>补焊 repair welding <BR>深溶焊 deep penetration welding <BR>滚对焊 butt seam welding <BR>滚焊 seam welding <BR>滚点焊 roll spot welding <BR>横焊 horzontal position welding <BR>横向焊缝 cross weld <BR>金属极惰性气体保护点焊 metal inert gas arc welding <BR>金属极电弧焊接 metal arc welding <BR>电焊 eletric welding <BR>电子束焊接 electron beam welding <BR>电子加热钎焊 electric brazing <BR>电阻焊 electric resistance welding <BR>电弧焊 electric arc welding <BR>堆焊 bead welding <BR>坡口焊 groove welding <BR>封底焊道 sealing run <BR>搭接焊 lap welding <BR>激光焊接 laser welding <BR>热焊 hot weld <BR>单面焊 welding by one side <BR>单面点焊 indirect welding <BR>单道焊 single-pass welding <BR>单层焊 single-layer welding <BR>单边多点点焊 series spot welding <BR>单边多电极焊 series welding <BR>仰焊 overhead position welding <BR>熔焊 fusion welding <BR>氩弧焊 argon arc welding <BR>跳焊 skip welding <BR>惰性气体保护焊 inert-gas welding <BR>埋弧自动焊 unionmelt welding <BR>碳弧焊 carbon arc welding <BR>躺焊 fire-cracker welding <BR>缝焊 seam welding <BR>锻焊 blacksmith welding <BR>磁性气体保护焊 gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding <BR>焊接工艺 welding procedure <BR>焊态 as-welded <BR>焊道 bead <BR>焊肉致密 dense deposits <BR>焊后强度 as-deposited strength <BR>焊道裂纹 bead cracking <BR>焊缝 seam <BR>焊根 root of weld <BR>焊波 ripple <BR>焊透 complete penetration <BR>未焊透 incomplete penetration <BR>焊核 nugget <BR>熔滴 droplet <BR>熔敷工艺 deposition techniques <BR>咬边 undercut <BR>去渣 deslag <BR>焊接缺陷 weld defects <BR>乙炔罐 acetylene cylinder <BR>乙炔发生器 acetylene generator <BR>注水式乙炔发生器 water to carbide generator <BR>投入式乙发生器 carbide to water generator <BR>乙炔氧焊装置 acetylene-welding installation <BR>点焊钳 spot welding head <BR>三相整流焊机 three phase rectifier welder <BR>三相低频焊机 three phase low frequency <BR>万能滚焊机 universal seam welder <BR>手动焊炬 hand torch <BR>手动焊枪 hand held gun <BR>压焊机 press welder <BR>交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine <BR>多点焊机 multiple spot welder <BR>多站电焊机 multi-operator welding set <BR>切割机 cutting machine <BR>气瓶 gas cylinder <BR>保护罩 protective boot <BR>电子枪 electron gun <BR>电阻对焊 butt resistance welding <BR>电焊机 electric welding <BR>电弧焊机 arc welding machine <BR>电渣焊机 electroslag welding <BR>仿型氧气切割机 template-type axy-cutting machine <BR>抽头式焊机 welder with taps <BR>仰焊机 overhead welder <BR>单站弧焊机 single operator welding machine <BR>移动式焊机 portable welding machine <BR>移动式接触焊机 portable resistance welder <BR>移动式点焊机 portable spot welder <BR>蓄电池式焊机 battery welder <BR>缝焊机 seam welder <BR>大焊丝盘 large spool <BR>焊工用玻璃 welding galss <BR>焊工用护目镜 welding goggles <BR>焊工用面罩 helmet shield <BR>焊把 holder <BR>乙炔 acetylene <BR>电石 calcium carbide <BR>电极(焊条) electrode <BR>手涂焊条 dipped electrode <BR>合金焊条 hastelloy electrode <BR>双芯焊条 twin electrode <BR>双层药皮焊条 double coated electrode <BR>机械压涂焊条 extruded electrode <BR>包丝焊条 flyspun electrode <BR>深熔焊条 deep penetration electrode <BR>铁粉焊条 iron powder electrode <BR>堆焊焊条 surfacing electrode <BR>碳极 carbon electrode <BR>机加工 machining <BR>车削 turn <BR>高速切削 high speed cutting <BR>强力切削 power cutting <BR>多刀切削 multi-tool cutting <BR>深孔加工 deep hole working <BR>高速精镗 high speed boringh <BR>高速滚削 high speed hobbing <BR>平面铣削 surface milling <BR>镗削 boring <BR>拉削 broaching <BR>成型拉削 form broaching <BR>连续拉削 continuous broaching <BR>分层拉削 progressive broaching <BR>推削 push broaching <BR>刨削 shaping (planing) <BR>磨削 grinding <BR>外圆磨削 cylindrical grinding <BR>内圆磨削 internal grinding <BR>端面磨削 cross grinding <BR>周面磨削 peripheral grinding <BR>插削 slotting <BR>铲削 relieve <BR>钻削 drill <BR>导电磨削 electrical grinding <BR>无心磨削 centerless grinding <BR>高速磨削 high-speed grinding <BR>强力磨削 power grinding <BR>珩磨 honing <BR>研磨 lapping <BR>超精加工 superfinishing</CC>