箱式电炉 chamber electric furnace <BR>箱式电炉 chamber electric oven <BR>箱式电阻炉 chamber electric furnace <BR>箱式电阻炉 chamber electric oven <BR>箱式炉 chamber electric furnace <BR>销售大楼 sales department building <BR>小车停车棚 car shed <BR>小车修理库 repairing room of car <BR>小风机隔音 small fan blower sound insulation <BR>小件酸洗房 small parts acid rinsing <BR>小客车 middle bus <BR>校角模 angle gaging die <BR>校平模 flat check die <BR>校正液压机 compensate hydraulic machine <BR>校正液压机 compensate hydraulic press <BR>泄漏检测仪 leakage detector <BR>新办公楼 new office building <BR>新工具车间 new tool machine shop <BR>新木工间 new woodworking shop <BR>新水泵房 new water pump room <BR>型砂试验机 casting sand tester <BR>型砂试验仪 casting sand tester <BR>型悬挂行车 bar steel suspension crane <BR>型悬挂行车 bar steel suspension crane <BR>修边冲孔 trimming and piercing die <BR>修边冲孔模 trimming and piercing die <BR>修边模 trimming die <BR>修锻车间-冲压库 forging shop-stamping warehouse <BR>修过模 trimming die <BR>蓄电池搬运车 battery car <BR>蓄电池平板车 batter car <BR>悬挂行车 suspension crane <BR>压变成形模 press shaping die <BR>压承轴机 bearing pressing machine <BR>压斗机 bucket pressing machine <BR>压肩模 shoulder pressing die <BR>压筋模 embossing die <BR>压平模 flattening die <BR>压缩机 air compressor <BR>压弯成形 press shaping die <BR>压弯成形模 bending and shaping die <BR>压弯模 bending die <BR>压弯模 pressing and bending die <BR>压弯切分模 bending and dividing die <BR>氩弧焊机 argon arc welder <BR>氩弧焊机 argon arcway welder <BR>氧气站 oxygin station <BR>摇臂钻床 raidial drilling machine <BR>液压板料折弯机 hydrolic plate bender <BR>液压升降台 hydaulic lift platform <BR>液压式材料试验机 universal material tester <BR>液压折弯机 hydraulic bending machine <BR>仪表车床 gauge lathe <BR>音响设备 hi-fi equipment <BR>音响设备 sonic equipment <BR>引风机房 air induction room <BR>应标线床 marker linear cutting machine <BR>油库大棚 gas station shed <BR>油库加油装置 oil filler in oil depot <BR>油漆值班室 paint warehouse <BR>油污水处理装置 oil and water treatment equipment <BR>预料折弯机 anticipation bender <BR>预弯模 die for fisrt forming <BR>元板牙铲磨床 bolt die shovel and grinding machine <BR>园盘剪板机 disc plate shearer <BR>园盘锯 circular saw machine <BR>园盘锯 disc saw <BR>原试制车间 original trial production shop <BR>原总装车间-焊装车间 original body assembly shop-welding shop <BR>圆板牙铲磨床 circular dies cutting and grinding machine <BR>圆锯床 circular saw bench <BR>圆盘剪板机 disc plate shearer <BR>圆蜗杆铣 circle worm milling machine <BR>阅读器 reading machine <BR>跃进卡车 truck Yaojing <BR>在建工程——设备 construction in progress---equipment <BR>轧平机 flattening mill <BR>折边机 edging machine <BR>折弯机 bender <BR>折弯模 bending die <BR>真空泵 vacumm pump <BR>蒸汽管道 steam pipe <BR>蒸汽锅炉 boiler <BR>整形模 sizing die <BR>直流电焊机 DC welder <BR>直流焊机 DC welder <BR>直流弧焊机 DC arc welder <BR>直流弧焊机 DC arcway welder <BR>直流弧焊机 Dc welder <BR>直流稳压电源 DC regulated power supply <BR>制牙成形模 teeth shaping die <BR>制牙圈耳模 teeth circular shaping die <BR>制牙圈圆 teeth circular cutting die <BR>中频碎火控制设备 middle frequency quench control <BR>中型洛氏硬度计 middle rockwell hardness meter <BR>中央配电室 power switch room <BR>重氨晒图机 heavy ammonia blue print apparatus 主减速器壳攻丝机 threading machine for final drive house <BR>主减速器壳铰孔机 reaming machine for final drive house <BR>主减速器壳五孔粗镗 rough boring machine for five hole on final drive house <BR>主减速器壳五孔精镗 finish boring machine for five holes on final drive house <BR>柱式回转悬臂吊 colume suspension crane <BR>柱式悬臂吊 colume suspension crane <BR>铸工变电所冲压 transformer of casting shop-stamping shop <BR>铸工车间 casting shop <BR>铸工金相室 metallography room of casting shop <BR>铸工扩建1 casting shop expanding 1 <BR>铸工扩建2 casting shop expanding 2 <BR>铸工浴室 bath room of casting shop <BR>专家楼 expert rooms <BR>转塔式六角车床 turn turret lathe <BR>转台式斜断锯 turn-table cutting saw <BR>转台式斜断锯 turn-table oblique saw <BR>转向力角测量仪 steering force gauge <BR>锥齿轮研齿机 bevel gear lapping machine <BR>锥齿轮研齿机 taper gear grinder <BR>紫光扫描仪 scanner <BR>紫外光分光度计 ultraviolet spectral photometer <BR>自动恒流充电机 auto stabilizing charger <BR>自行车棚 bicycle shed <BR>总机程控交换机 process control telephone switchboard <BR>总装板式输送机北 assembling conveyer (north) <BR>总装板式输送机南 assembling conveyer (south) <BR>钻铣床 drilling and milling machine <BR>裂解部分 cracking section <BR>初分馏 primary fractionation <BR>急冷水系统 quench water system <BR>稀释蒸汽 dilution steam generation <BR>裂解气压缩 cracked gas compression <BR>碱洗 caustic wash <BR>干燥和凝液汽提 drying and condensate stripping <BR>脱甲烷 demethanizing <BR>乙烯精炼 ethylene purification <BR>脱丙烷塔 depropanizer <BR>脱丁烷塔 debutanizer <BR>丙烯精制 propylene purification <BR>制冷循环 refigeration cycles <BR>裂解汽油加氢 cracked gasoline hydrogenation <BR>丁二烯抽提 butadiene extraction <BR>作废 void <BR>进料预热和裂解 feed preheating and cracking <BR>初分馏塔和急冷塔 primary fractionater and quench tower <BR>稀释蒸汽的发生 dilution steam generation <BR>裂解气压缩机 cracked gas compressor <BR>碱洗系统 caustic washing system <BR>丙烯制冷剂循环 propylene refrigerant cycle <BR>乙烯制冷剂循环 ethylene refrigerant cycle <BR>一段加氢精馏工段 first stage hycrogenation distillation section <BR>废碱处理 spent caustic treatment <BR>排放的烃类回收系统 released HC collecting system <BR>生化处理 biological treatment <BR>开工锅炉 start up boilers <BR>石脑油 naphtha <BR>轻质裂解原料油 light cracking feed oil <BR>丙烯 propylene <BR>共裂解 cocracking with <BR>在工况三中 in case 3 <BR>裂解管的优化选择 selection of optimum cracking coil <BR>苛刻的工作条件 extreme operating conditions <BR>约为0.5巴 ca.0.5 bar <BR>在运转初期 at S.O.R <BR>这是U型设计所特有的 inherent to the U-design <BR>炉管运行周期 coil runlength <BR>对流段 convection section <BR>辐射段炉管 radiant coils <BR>稀释蒸汽与烃类比 dilution steam hydrocarbon ratio <BR>进料量变化 feed rate changes <BR>超前-滞后蒸汽/进料比控制 lead-lag steam/feed ratio control <BR>分配不均匀 mal-distribution <BR>临界流量文丘里管 critical flow Venturi <BR>呈行列布置 be located in-line <BR>引风机 I.D.fan (inducted draft) <BR>约365 365 approx <BR>不会结垢 non flouling behaviour <BR>吹灰器 soot blower <BR>露点 dewpoint <BR>循环泵 pumparound <BR>回收回路 recovery loop <BR>稀释蒸汽负荷 dilution steam duty <BR>筛板塔盘 sieve trays <BR>酸性水汽提塔 soul water stripper <BR>低热通量 low heat fluxes <BR>(苯)酚 phenol <BR>排放物 blowdown <BR>抑制剂 inhibitor 去氧剂 oxygen scavenger <BR>磷酸盐 phosphate <BR>分散剂 dispersant <BR>消泡剂 anti-foam <BR>聚合现象 polymerization phenomena <BR>物相 phase <BR>低温分馏 low temperature fractionation <BR>绝对压力 abs <BR>与……相配 be compatible with <BR>加氢催化剂 hydrogenation catalysts <BR>补充氢气压力 H2 make-up gas pressure <BR>放热 exothermicity <BR>聚合物 polymer <BR>进料/出料换热器 feed/effluent exchanger <BR>失控反应 runaway reaction <BR>浸渍 impregnation <BR>胶状物 gum forming compounds <BR>活化,再生 reactivations, regenerations <BR>过剩氢气 the exess of H2 gas <BR>汽化 vaporization <BR>残余的双烯烃 residual amount of diolefins <BR>加氢胶硫 hydrodesulfurization <BR>硫 sulfur <BR>矾土载体 alumina carrier <BR>成对法兰 conpanion flange <BR>对接法兰 counterflange <BR>乙醛 acetaldehyde <BR>醋酸 acetic acid <BR>丙酮 acetone <BR>乙炔 acetylene <BR>丙烯酸 acylic acid <BR>丙烯酸树脂 acylic resin <BR>标高 EL <BR>快递 EMS <BR>快递 DHL <BR>原料油 feed oil <BR>就地仪表盘 local panel <BR>板式塔 plate column <BR>填料塔 packed column <BR>压缩天然气 CNG <BR>液化天然气 LNG <BR>环氧树脂 epoxy resin <BR>乙稀贴 vinyl appliques <BR>氟里昂 freon <BR>阻燃尿烷泡沫 self-extinguishing urethane foam <BR>聚氨酯 polyurethane <BR>ABS共聚体 Acrylonitrile-Butadlene-Styrene <BR>聚丙烯 polypropylene <BR>泡沫塑料 foam plastic <BR>粘合剂 binder <BR>壳牌公司 Shell <BR>化建公司 CNCCC <BR>中技公司 CNTIC <BR>福莱西宝公司 the Flxible Corporation <BR>中国福莱西宝车辆有限公司 China Flxible Automotive Company LTD. <BR>中国城市车辆总公司 China Urban Automotive General Corporation <BR>常州客车制造厂 Changzhou Bus Factory <BR>常州市机械冶金工业局 the Bureau of Mechanical and Metallurgical Industries of Changzhou Municipal Government <BR>中国建设部 the Ministry of Construction of China <BR>《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》及其《实施条例》 Enterprise Laws of Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures, and its "Implementation Regulations" <BR>国家工商行政管理局 China's National Bureau of Administration for Commerce and Industries <BR>中国客车出口联合体 China Bus Export Association <BR>中国国际信托投资公司 China International Trust and Investment Corporation <BR>中国北方工业公司 China North Industries Corporation <BR>中国长城公司 China Great Wall Corporation <BR>中国机械设备进出口公司 China Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Company <BR>中国汽车进出口公司 China National Automotive Import and Export Company <BR>丰田 Toyota <BR>日产 Nissan <BR>日野 Hino <BR>铃木 Suzuki <BR>五十铃 isuzu <BR>大发 daihatsu <BR>松田 matsuda <BR>别克 Buick <BR>凯迪拉克 cadillac <BR>雪佛莱 chevrolet <BR>奥斯莫比尔 oldsmobile <BR>旁迪克 pontiac <BR>福特 ford <BR>克莱斯勒 chrysler <BR>道奇 dodge <BR>顺风 plymouth <BR>司蒂蓓克 studebaker <BR>奇姆亚 GMC <BR>威力斯 Willys <BR>三菱日本重工业公司 Fuso <BR>民生 Minsei <BR>富士 Fuji <BR>太脱拉 Tatra <BR>司柯达 Skoda <BR>依卡露斯 Ikarus <BR>却贝尔 csepal <BR>星牌 Star <BR>英国奥斯汀 BMC ASTIN <BR>标准 standard <BR>凯旋 triumph <BR>奥贝尔 opel <BR>科恩 Koln <BR>格利阿特 goliath <BR>马自达-奔驰 mercedes-benz <BR>雪铁龙 citroen <BR>西姆卡 simca <BR>菲亚特 FIAT <BR>阿什尔时 Abarth <BR>沃尔沃 volvo <BR>萨伯 saab <BR>爱森纳赫 eisenach <BR>萨克森令 sachsenring <BR>斯太尔 steyr <BR>达夫 daf <BR>克拉布拉 carabela <BR>布鲁塞尔-安特列希特 brussel-anderlecht <BR>福特-莫那库 Ford-Monarch <BR>福特-莫冠利 Ford-mercury</CC>