帅哥 发表于 2008-12-21 16:46:17


CLOUD CHARACTERISTICSCLOUD TYPEDESCRIPTIONICINGPRECIPITATION Cirrus (high)CiWhite tufts or filaments composed of ice crystals indicating upper level jet streams, wind shear and turbulence Nil Nil Cirrocumulus (high)CcSmall puffy or rippled elements composed of ice crystals width less than 1o (1 finger) Usually nil Nil Cirrostratus (high)CsNearly transparent sheet or veil like cloud covering.
Halo effect around sun is often observed.
Composed of ice crystals Usually nil NilAltocumulus (middle)AcWhite to gray, rippled elements 1-5 (3 fingers)Light rime possible and light turbulenceLight showers of rain possible if castellanus Altostratus (middle)AsGrey sheet or layer.
Sun appears through ground glassModerate Rime possible and light turbulenceLight to moderate rain or snow Cumulus (low)CuSmall to large cauliflower shaped cloud, flat base needs unstable or conditionally instable atmosphere Clear ice in towering Cu (TCU) above freezing level Showers of Rain or SnowStratocumulus (low) ScWhite to gray layered cloudOccasional Rime iceDrizzleStratus (low)StThin grayish sheet or layer associated with bad weather Usually nil DrizzleCumulonimbus (low and middle)CbTowering cauliflower shape, anvil top, lightning, thunder Sever clear ice Heavy showers of rain, hail or snowNimbostratus (middle) NsThick gray cloud layer.
Often darkModerate rime ice, clear ice probableContinuous rain or snow
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