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System Safety Process Steps

ssprocdesrv103.doc 01/05/05
System Safety Process Steps
The System Safety discipline is defined as the application of special technical and managerial skills to the
systematic, forward-looking identification and control of hazards throughout the life cycle of a project,
program, or activity. The primary objective of System Safety is accident prevention. Proactively identifying,
assessing, and eliminating or controlling safety-related hazards, to acceptable levels, can achieve accident
prevention. A hazard is a condition, event, or circumstance that could lead to or contribute to an unplanned or
undesired event. Risk is an expression of the impact of an undesired event in terms of event severity and event
likelihood. Throughout this process, hazards are identified, risks analyzed, assessed, prioritized, and results
documented for decision-making. The continuous loop process provides for validation of decisions and
evaluation for desired results and/or the need for further action.
The System Safety process steps are depicted graphically in the following figure. It is a formal and flexible
process that generally follows the steps in the FAA’s Safety Risk Management Order, 8040.4. A systematic
approach to process improvement requires proactively searching for opportunities to improve the process at
every step, not simply identifying deficiencies after an undesired event. Risk Management has been defined as
the process by which Risk Assessment results are integrated with political, social, economic, and engineering
considerations for decisions about need/methods for risk reduction.
Define Objectives
Validation of Control: Evaluate
Results for Further Action
System Descriptions
Identification: Identify
Hazards and Consequences
Risk Analysis: Analyze
Hazards and Identify Risks
Risk Assessment: Consolidate
and Prioritize Risks
Decision-Making: Develop an
Action Plan
System/Process Review
System Safety Process
ssprocdesrv103.doc 01/05/05
1. Define Objectives
The first step in the System Safety process is to define the objectives of the system under review. These
objectives are typically documented in business plans and operating specifications
2. System Description
A description of the interactions among people, procedures, tools, materials, equipment, facilities, software,
and the environment. This also includes descriptions of data available
3. Hazard Identification: Identify Hazards & Consequences
Potential hazards may be identified from a number of internal and external sources. Generally, hazards are
initially listed on a Preliminary Hazard List (PHL), then grouped by functional equivalence for analysis. Prior
to risk analysis you must also include the consequence (undesired event) resulting from the hazard scenarios.
Hazard scenarios may address the following: who, what where, when, why and how. This provides an
intermediate product that expresses the condition and the consequences that will be used during risk analysis.
4. Risk Analysis: Analyze Hazards and Identify Risks
Risk analysis is the process whereby hazards are characterized for their likelihood and severity. Risk analysis
looks at hazards to determine what can happen when. This can be either a qualitative or quantitative analysis.
The inability to quantify and/or the lack of historical data on a particular hazard does not exclude the hazard
from the need for analysis. Some type of a Risk Assessment Matrix is normally used to determine the level of
risk (see an example contained in Attachment 1)
5. Risk Assessment: Consolidate & Prioritize Risks
Risk Assessment is generally defined as the process of combining the impacts of risk elements discovered in
risk analysis and comparing them against some acceptability criteria. Risk Assessment can include the
consolidation of risks into risk sets that can be jointly mitigated, combined, and then used in decision making.
6. Decision Making: Develop Action Plans
This step begins with the receipt of a prioritized risk list. Review the list to determine how to address each risk,
beginning with the highest prioritized risk. The four options that may be chosen for a risk are transfer,
eliminate, accept, or mitigate (T.E.A.M). Generally, design engineering follows the “safety order of
precedence”: 1) Design for minimum risk, 2) Incorporate safety devices, 3) Provide warning devices, or 4)
Develop procedures and training. This may result in alternative action plans.
7. Validations and Control: Evaluate Results of Action Plan for Further Action
Validation and control begins with (1) the results of scheduled analyses on the effectiveness of actions taken
(this will include identification of data to be collected and identification of triggering events if possible; then
developing a plan to review the data collected) and (2) the current status of each prioritized risk. If the residual
risk is acceptable, then documentation is required to reflect the modification to the system, and the rationale
for accepting the residual risk. If it is unacceptable, an alternate action plan may be needed, or a modification
to the system/process may be necessary.
8. Modify System/Process (if needed)
If the status of a risk should change or the mitigating action does not produce the intended effect, a
determination must be made as to why. It may be that the wrong hazard was being addressed, or the
system/process needs to be modified. In either case, one would then re-enter the system safety process at the
hazard identification step.
ssprocdesrv103.doc 01/05/05
Attachment 1
Example Risk Assessment Matrix
Likelihood Negligible Marginal Critical Catastrophic
Severity Scale Definitions
Catastrophic Results in fatalities and/or loss of the system.
Critical Severe injury and/or major system damage.
Marginal Minor injury and/or minor system damage.
Negligible Less than minor injury and/or less than minor system damage.
Likelihood Scale Definitions
Frequent Individual Likely to occur often.
Fleet Continuously experienced.
Probable Individual Will occur several times.
Fleet Will occur often.
Occasional Individual Likely to occur some time.
Fleet Will occur several times.
Remote Individual Unlikely to occur, but possible.
Fleet Unlikely but can reasonably be expected to occur.
Improbable Individual So unlikely, it can be assumed it will not occur.
Fleet Unlikely to occur, but possible.
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