校长室 President Office<P> 副校长室 Vice President Office</P>
<P> 秘书室 Secretariat</P>
<P> 主任秘书室 Secretary-General</P>
<P> 英文秘书室 English Secretariat</P>
<P> 议事组 Conference Service Section</P>
<P> 综合业务组 Secretariat Affairs Section</P>
<P> 记者招待室 Press Room</P>
<P> 联合服务中心 Joint Service Center</P>
<P> 校友联络室 Alumni Liaison Office</P>
<P> 教务处 Academic Affairs Division</P>
<P> 教务长室 Office of Dean of Academic Affairs/Dean, Academic Affairs</P>
<P> 教务处秘书室 Secretariat of Academic Affairs</P>
<P> 注册组 Undergraduate Academic Affairs Section</P>
<P> 成绩股 Transcripts Subsection</P>
<P> 学籍股 Student Registration Subsection</P>
<P> 课务组 Curriculum Section</P>
<P> 讲义股 Instructional Copy Service Subsection</P>
<P> 研究生教务组 Graduate Academic Affairs Section</P>
<P> 信息组 Computer Information Management Section</P>
<P> 媒体教学制作中心 Media Instruction and Production Center</P>
<P> 教育学程中心 Center for Teacher Education</P>
<P> 实习辅导组 Practicum and Internship Section</P>
<P> 教学组 Curriculum and Instruction Section</P>
<P> 学生事务处 Student Affairs Division</P>
<P> 学务长室 Office of Dean of Student Affairs/Dean, Student Affairs</P>
<P> 生活辅导组 Personal Counseling Section</P>
<P> 课外活动指导组 Extracurricular Activities Section</P>
<P> 卫生保健及医疗中心 Health Center</P>
<P> 毕业生就业辅导组 Placement Service Section</P>
<P> 侨生及外籍生辅导组 Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students</P>
<P> Advising Section</P>
<P> 学生活动中心管理组 Student Activity Center Administration Section</P>
<P> 第一学生活动中心 1st Student Activity Center</P>
<P> 第二学生活动中心 2nd Student Activity Center</P>
<P> 学生心理辅导中心 Center for Psychological Services</P>
<P> 学务处晤谈室 Counseling Room, Student Affairs Division</P>
<P> 学生住宿服务组 Student Housing Service Section</P>
<P> 总务处 General Affairs Division</P>
<P> 总务长室 Office of Dean of General Affairs/</P>
<P> Dean, General Affairs</P>
<P> 总务处秘书室 Secretariat of General Affairs</P>
<P> 文书组 documentation Section</P>
<P> 收发室 Receiving and Dispatching Office</P>
<P> 档案室 Archives</P>
<P> 信件室 Mail Room</P>
<P> 事务组 General Services Section</P>
<P> 保管组 Property Management Section</P>
<P> 出纳组 Cashier Section</P>
<P> 营缮组 Construction and Maintenance Section</P>
<P> 购运组 Purchasing Section</P>
<P> 经营管理组 Facilities Service Section</P>
<P> 驻卫警察队 Campus Security</P>
<P> 物品出纳室 Office Supplies</P>
<P> 会计室 Accounting Office</P>
<P> 会计主任室 Comptroller, Accounting Office</P>
<P> 岁计组 Budgeting Section</P>
<P> 审核组 Auditing Section</P>
<P> 会计组 Accounting Section</P>
<P> 基金组 University Fund Section</P>
<P> 人事室 Personnel Office</P>
<P> 人事主任室 Director, Personnel Office</P>
<P> 人事室第一组(任免组) Employment Section</P>
<P> 人事室第二组(考训组) Assessment Section</P>
<P> 人事室第三组(退抚保险组) Retirement, Pension and Insurance Section</P>
<P> 人事室专门委员 Senior Executive Officer, Personnel Office</P>
<P> 人事资料室 Personnel File Room</P>
<P> 图书馆 Libraries</P>
<P> 行政组 Administration Department</P>
<P> 采访组 Acquisitions Department</P>
<P> 期刊组 Serials Department</P>
<P> 编目组 Cataloging Department</P>
<P> 阅览组 Readers Service Department</P>
<P> 推广服务组 Reference and Extension Services Department</P>
<P> 视听服务组 Multimedia Service Department</P>
<P> 特藏组 Special Collections Department</P>
<P> 系统信息组 System and Automation Department/System Information and Automation Department</P>
<P> 计算器及信息网络中心 Computer and Information Networking Center</P>
<P> 主任室 Director, Computer and Information Networking Center</P>
<P> 程序设计组 System Design Section</P>
<P> 教学研究组 E-Learning Section</P>
<P> 作业管理组 Information Management Section</P>
<P> 信息网络组 Network Management Section</P>
<P> 研究发展委员会 Commission on Research and Development</P>
<P> 企划组 Planning Section</P>
<P> 创新育成组 Innovation and Incubation Section</P>
<P> 台大创新育成中心 NTU Innovation and Incubation Center</P>
<P> 国际学术交流中心 Center for International Academic Exchanges</P>
<P> 建教合作中心 Center for Sponsored Research Projects</P>
<P> 研究计划管理组 Section for Management of Sponsored Research Projects</P>
<P> 服务组 Section for Services, and Intellectual</P>
<P> Properties</P>
<P> 共同教育委员会 Commission for General Education</P>
<P> 共同教育组 General Education Section</P>
<P> 通识教育组 Liberal Education Section</P>
<P> 体育室 Physical Education Office</P>
<P> 军训室 Military Education Office</P>
<P> 军训主任室 Director, Military Education Office</P>
<P> 军训教官办公室 Military Education Instructor Office</P>
<P> 总值日教官室 General-Duty Military Education</P>
<P> Instructor's Office</P>
<P> 环境保护暨职业安全卫生中心 Environmental Protection and</P>
<P> Occupational Safety and Health Center/</P>
<P> Environmental and Occupational Health Center</P>
<P> 综合业务组 Comprehensive Business Section</P>
<P> 危害性物质及废污管制组 Hazardous Material and Waste Control Section</P>
<P> 辐射防护组 Radiation Protection Section</P>
<P> 生物性污染防护组 Biological Pollution Control Section</P>
<P> 职业安全组 Occupational Safety Section</P>
<P> 职业卫生组 Occupational Health Section</P>
<P> 人口与性别研究中心 Population and Gender Studies Center</P>
<P> 妇女与性别研究组 Women and Gender Studies Section</P>
<P> 人口研究组 Population Studies Section</P>
<P> 信息组 Information Management Section</P>
<P> 出版中心 The University Press</P>
<P> 编辑出版组 Editing and Publication Section</P>
<P> 销售发行组 Marketing Section</P>
<P> 生物技术研究中心 Center for Biotechnology</P>
<P> 计算机室 Computer Room</P>
<P> 分子生物学实验室 Molecular Biology Laboratory</P>
<P> 生物技术核心实验室 Biotechnology Core Technique Laboratory</P>
<P> 细胞与组织培养实验室 Cell and Tissue Cultures Laboratory</P>
<P> 视听教室 Audio-Visual Classroom</P>
<P> 社会科学院 College of Social Sciences</P>
<P> 院长室 Dean, College of Social Sciences</P>
<P> 教务分处 Branch Office of Academic Affairs</P>
<P> 学务分处 Branch Office of Student Affairs</P>
<P> 事务组 Business Affairs Section</P>
<P> 会计组 Accounting Section</P>
<P> 人事组 Personnel Section</P>
<P> 法律暨社科学院图书分馆 College of Law and Social Sciences Library</P>
<P> 医学院 College of Medicine</P>
<P> 院长室 Office of the Dean</P>
<P> 教务分处 Branch Office of Academic Affairs</P>
<P> 信息组 Medical Informatics Section</P>
<P> 学务分处 Branch Office of Student Affairs</P>
<P> 事务组 General Affairs Section</P>
<P> 会计组 Accounting Section</P>
<P> 人事组 Personnel Section</P>
<P> 图书分馆 Medical Library</P>
<P> 共同教育室 Medical Education</P>
<P> 研究发展室 Research and Development</P>
<P> 生物资源暨农学院 College of Bioresources and Agriculture</P>
<P> 农业陈列馆 Agricultural Exhibition Hall</P>
<P> 水工试验所 Hydrotech Research Institute</P>
<P> 农业推广委员会 Agricultural Extension Committee</P>
<P> 农业试验场 Agricultural Experimental Farm</P>
<P> 动物医院 Veterinary Hospital/Animal Hospital</P>
<P> 实验林管理处 Experimental Forest Administration</P>
<P> 山地实验农场 Upland Experimental Farm</P>
<P> 进修推广部 Division of Continuing Education and</P>
<P> Professional Development</P>
<P> 秘书室 Secretariat</P>
<P> 进修教务组 Academic Affairs Section</P>
<P> 推广教务组 Professional Development Section</P>
<P> 谘商辅导组 Student Counseling Section</P>
<P> 远距教学组 Distance Learning Section</P>
<P> 总务组 General Affairs Section</P>
<P> 学校分部总办事处 Branch Campus Administration</P>
<P> 竹北分部筹备小组 Preparatory Team, Chupei Branch Campus</P>
<P> 云林分部筹备小组 Preparatory Team, Yunlin Branch Campus</P>
<P> 校园规划小组 Campus Planning Team</P>
<P> 两性平等委员会 Gender Equality Committee</P>
<P> 员生消费合作社 University Co-op</P>
<P> 妇女研究室 Women's Studies Office</P>
<P> 儿童医院筹建小组 Children's Clinic Preparatory Team</P>
<P> 财团法人凝态科学研究基金会 Foundation for Condensed Matter Sciences</P>
<P> 财团法人台湾大学学术发展基金会 National Taiwan University Academic</P>
<P> Development Foundation</P>
<P> 财团法人台湾大学校园建设基金会 National Taiwan University Campus</P>
<P> Development Foundation</P>
<P> 大学招生委员会联合会 Joint Board, College Recruitment Commission</P>