巡洋潛艦 SSC<BR>尋星 star finding<BR>尋找目標 pick up target<BR>尋子午線力矩 meridian-seeking moment<BR>尋子午線轉矩 meridian-seeking torque<BR>循環櫃 circulating tank<BR>循環率 turnover rate<BR>循環水槽 circulating water tank<BR>循環水率 circulating water ratio<BR>循環所需之時間 turnover time<BR>蟳 serrated crab<BR>鱘魚類;蝶鮫 acipenser<BR>訊號情報/電子作戰協調中心 S/EWCC<BR>訓練計畫 training program<BR>訓練艦 SCOLSHIP<BR>訓練水雷 training mine<BR>訓練演習協調官 TEC<BR>訓練炸彈箱 P-boat<BR>訓練戰備研判 TRE<BR>訓練支援 TNGSUP<BR>訓練中心 training center<BR>訓令 LOI<BR>押金;保證金;預防 deposit<BR>壓艙水袋 bag-water ballast<BR>壓艙鐵塊 iron ballast; kentledge<BR>壓艙物駁船;壓載物駁船 ballast lighter<BR>壓電晶體 piezocrystal<BR>壓電轉換器 piezo eletric transducer<BR>壓力級 pressure stage<BR>壓力控制閥 pressure-control valve<BR>壓力拾波器;壓力拾音器 pressure pick-up<BR>壓力水櫃 water pressure tank<BR>壓力水雷 pressure mine<BR>壓力真空斷路器 pressure and vacuum breaker<BR>壓裂試驗 bursting test<BR>壓氣沈箱基礎 foundation pneumatic caisson<BR>壓鉛絲 take lead<BR>壓燃式引擎 self-ignition engine<BR>壓水試驗;水頭試驗 water head test<BR>壓縮機;鏈掣 compressor<BR>壓縮機顫動試驗 compressor surging test<BR>壓縮空氣排水浮升 raising by dewatering with compressed air<BR>壓縮空氣起動系統 compression air starting system<BR>壓縮室容積 compression chamber volume<BR>壓縮圖 compression diagram<BR>壓型冰;流冰 pack ice<BR>壓載 ballasting<BR>壓載艙漆 ballast-tank paint<BR>壓載物水線 ballast mark<BR>壓載物裝卸監督人 ballast master<BR>壓載系統 ballast system<BR>壓搾機 expeller<BR>壓制射擊 neutralization fire<BR>芽胞 spore<BR>亞濱海帶 sublittoral zone<BR>亞潮間帶 subtidal zone<BR>亞綱 subclass<BR>亞寒帶冷水域 subarctic cold waters<BR>亞界 subkingdom<BR>亞科 subfamily<BR>亞歷山大港棉花協定 Alexandria Cotton Tariff<BR>亞門 subphylum<BR>亞米茄 Omega<BR>亞米茄傳播修正值 Omega propagation correction {= OPC}<BR>亞米茄定位 Omega fix<BR>亞米茄航儀 Omega navigator<BR>亞米茄信號格式 Omega signal format<BR>亞目 suborder<BR>亞洋性沈澱物 hemipelagic deposit<BR>亞種;亞群 substock<BR>亞種群 subspecies<BR>亞屬 subgenus<BR>亞族;亞連 subtribe<BR>亞族群 subpopulation<BR>咽頭齒 pharyngeal teeth<BR>胭脂蝦 red shrimp<BR>煙囪外殼;桶狀浮標 cask buoy<BR>煙燻器;燻蒸器 fumigator<BR>煙燻損失 smoke damage<BR>醃乾品 salted and dried<BR>延遲發航 delay of ship<BR>延遲費連續計算 once on demurrage always on demurrage<BR>延遲攻擊 late attack<BR>延期回扣制[度] deferred rebate system<BR>延期檢驗 extension survey<BR>延日存倉量 storage ton-day<BR>延伸基礎 spreading foundation<BR>延伸警報 extension alarm<BR>延伸軸 extension shaft<BR>延繩 trawl line<BR>延繩釣 banding; banding line<BR>延繩釣;長繩釣 long lines<BR>延繩釣枝繩 gangen; ganger; ganging<BR>延繩留水時間 soaking time<BR>延續條款;展限條款 continuation clause<BR>延展承保 extended coverage<BR>延展承保條款 extended cover clause<BR>延滯除外不保 delay exclusion<BR>延滯費留置權 lien for demurrage<BR>岩盤基礎 rock foundation<BR>岩石磷酸鹽 rock phosphate<BR>岩灘 rocky beach<BR>岩蝦 palaemon elegans<BR>沿岸;近岸 alongshore<BR>沿岸標誌 alongshore mark<BR>沿岸測量 coastwise survey<BR>沿岸帶 eulittoral zone<BR>沿岸地形 coastal feature<BR>沿岸動物 littoral fauna<BR>沿岸航行 coastal navigation<BR>沿岸貨物保稅單 bill of sufferance<BR>沿岸漂流 littoral drift<BR>沿岸區;海岸地區 coastal zone<BR>沿岸沈澱物 littoral deposits<BR>沿岸性浮游生物 neritic plankton<BR>沿岸魚 coastal fish<BR>沿岸漁業 coastal fisheries; inshore fishery<BR>沿岸自行光合植物 autotrophic littoral flora<BR>沿海駁船 coastal barge<BR>沿海燈塔 coasting light<BR>沿海國 coastal state<BR>沿海航線 coastal route<BR>沿海航運;沿海貿易權 cabotage<BR>沿海航運權;沿海貿易權 right cabotage [= cabotage]<BR>沿海警告 coastal warning<BR>沿海救生艇 coastal life boat<BR>沿海區 littoral zone<BR>沿海引水人 coasting pilot<BR>沿海漁港 coastal fishery harbor<BR>沿海運河 maritime canal<BR>沿切線轉向法 method of altering course along tangents<BR>沿途停靠 touch and stay {= t. and s.}<BR>沿位置線追瞄法 track homing<BR>巖礁魚類 reef fish<BR>鹽藏;鹽漬;醃製 curing<BR>鹽乾鱈 cured cod<BR>鹽乾魚 dry salted fish<BR>鹽燒 salt burn<BR>鹽水沖淋式 brine shower system<BR>鹽水凍結法;鹹水凍結法 brine freezing<BR>鹽水浸漬法 brine salting<BR>鹽水噴霧式 brine spray system<BR>鹽水漬 in brine<BR>鹽漬魚卵 caviar<BR>掩蔽錨地 protected anchorage<BR>掩網類 cover nets<BR>眼高 height of eye<BR>眼高水平視距 distance to the horizon from height of eye<BR>眼眶魚;皮刀魚 moonfish<BR>演替 succession<BR>演習計畫官 OSE<BR>演習區 exercise area; practice area<BR>堰 weir<BR>燕魟 eagle ray<BR>羊角繫纜栓 bollard cleat<BR>羊首魚 sheepshead<BR>洋菜 agar-agar<BR>洋菜培養基 nutrient agar-agar<BR>洋流圖 ocean current chart<BR>洋區 ocean regions<BR>洋區碼 ocean region code<BR>陽瞠線 lands<BR>揚彈機 projectile hoist<BR>揚帆行駛之船舶 vessel under sail<BR>揚繰網 raising haul net<BR>揚聲器通信 loud speaker signalling<BR>揚網;起網 picking up<BR>揚網機;捲網機 net hauler<BR>仰極高度 polar altitude<BR>氧氣分析器 oxygen analyser<BR>養成池 growing pond<BR>養蝦 reed shrimp<BR>養魚場 fish farm<BR>養魚池;[甲板上的]貯魚池 fishpond<BR>養魚經營 fish pond management<BR>養魚專家 fish culturist<BR>養育場 breeding ground<BR>養育量 brood amount<BR>養殖 cultivation<BR>養殖池 culture pond<BR>養殖面積;養殖區域 culture area<BR>養殖真珠 culture pearl<BR>樣品供給泵 sample feed pump<BR>腰結 bowline on the bight<BR>搖擺梯階射擊法;搖擺梯階彈著修正法 rocking ladder<BR>搖擺誤差 rolling error<BR>搖櫓船 oar propelled boat<BR>搖旗通信 wig-wag<BR>搖鐘網 swing bell net<BR>遙[控指]令 telecommand<BR>遙測系統 teletering system<BR>遙控掃雷航海勤務 remote control mine-sweeping navigation service<BR>遙控異常警報 remote control abnormal alarm<BR>遙控追蹤 remote track<BR>要保財物 insurable property<BR>要保後退保 failure of consideration<BR>要保人 proposer<BR>要港;戰略港 strategic port<BR>要求交貨 delivery on demand<BR>要求之作業能力 required operational capabilities<BR>要塞港 fortified port<BR>藥包吊運機;揚藥機 powder hoist<BR>椰子纖維網索 grass rope<BR>椰子蟹 coconut crab<BR>野彈;亂落彈 wild shot<BR>曳綱;曳索 steel warp [= warp]<BR>曳綱束鑽用導索器 chock for towing block<BR>曳開橋 draw bridge<BR>曳繩釣 trolling; troll line; troll lining; whiffing line<BR>曳繩釣起繩機 trolling gurdy<BR>曳網 hauling net; tow net<BR>曳網類 haul nets; haul seine<BR>曳網時間 hauling duration<BR>曳網速度 hauling speed<BR>夜標桿 night beacon<BR>夜浮游生物 nyctipelagic plankton<BR>夜光貝 green snail<BR>夜光蟲 noctiluca scintillans<BR>夜間救生圈 night life buoy<BR>夜間視察裝置 night observation device {= NOD}<BR>夜間信號;夜標 night signal<BR>夜間運輸 night shipment<BR>夜間照相演練 PODEX<BR>夜視六分儀 night vision sextant<BR>夜行性動物 nocturnal animal<BR>液艙櫃檢查 inspection of tank<BR>液浮迴轉儀 liquid floated gyroscope<BR>液化氣體船 liquefied gas carrier<BR>液貨船 liquid cargo ship<BR>液貨船管路系統 tanker piping system<BR>液貨閥 cargo valve<BR>液貨紀錄簿 cargo record book<BR>液控止回閥 hydraulic control non-return valve<BR>液力變速驅動裝置 hydraulic variable speed driver<BR>液力操縱閥 hydraulic operated valve<BR>液力操作液貨閥 hydraulic operated cargo valve<BR>液力錘;液壓錘;金錘 hydraulic hammer<BR>液力墊塊;液壓墊塊 hydraulic block<BR>液力調速器 hydraulic governor<BR>液力方向控制閥 hydraulic directional control valve<BR>液力緩衝器 hydraulic buffer<BR>液力絞盤;液壓絞盤 hydraulic capstan<BR>液力馬達 fluid motor<BR>液力起重機;液壓起重機 hydraulic crane<BR>液力傾倒車;液壓傾倒車 hydraulic dumping car<BR>液力升高起重機;液壓升高起重機 hydraulic hoist<BR>液力升降機;液壓升降機 hydraulic elevator<BR>液力伺服閥 hydraulic servo valve<BR>液力伺服馬達 hydraulic servo-motor<BR>液力鎖閉設施 hydraulic blocking device<BR>液力增壓器 hydraulic booster<BR>液力致動排氣閥機構 hydraulically actuated exhaust valve mechanism<BR>液力致動器 hydraulic actuator<BR>液力作動機構 hydraulic actuating gear<BR>液密 liquid-tight<BR>液體載壓物 liquid ballast<BR>液體阻尼器 liquid damping vessel<BR>液燻 liquid smoking<BR>液壓變矩器 hydraulic moment converter; hydraulic moment variator<BR>液壓艙口蓋 hydraulic hatch cover<BR>液壓絞轆;液力絞車 hydraulic jigger<BR>液壓接頭 hydraulic joint<BR>液壓起貨機 hydraulic cargo winch<BR>液壓上支撐 hydraulic top bracing<BR>液壓鎖 hydraulic lock<BR>液壓遙控裝置 hydraulic telemotor<BR>液壓油 hydraulic oil<BR>液壓油櫃 hydraulic oil tank<BR>葉端漏洩損失 tip-leakage loss<BR>葉紅素;胡蘿蔔素 carotene<BR>葉輪轉子 blade wheel rotor<BR>業務代碼 service code<BR>業務通知 service advice<BR>業務信號 service signal<BR>業務準備金 technical reserve<BR>一般緊急狀況全打擊部隊演習 PACSTRIKEX<BR>一般閃光 ordinary flash<BR>一般通信 general communication<BR>一般無線電通信 general radio communication<BR>一般無線電業務 conventional radio service<BR>一般照明 general lighting<BR>一次場 primary field<BR>一次迴路 primary loop<BR>一次力矩補償器 the first order moment compensator<BR>一次密碼 one time code<BR>一次屏蔽水系統 primary shield water system<BR>一等無線電子員證書 first-class radio electronic certificate<BR>一掛[旗] a hoist<BR>一列式頂推船隊 one column pusher train<BR>一目減一目作成的三角網地 hanging meshes<BR>一年生魚類 annual fish<BR>一年生藻類 annual algae<BR>一品紅菜 fuchsin<BR>一切險;全險{貨櫃保險條款} all risks {= a.r.} {Container Clauses}<BR>一人魚類消費量 fish consumption per capita<BR>一網;一次作業 a haul<BR>一網次 a set; a warp; draft<BR>一型控制登陸艇 LCC (1)<BR>一直保持浮泊 always afloat {= a.a.}<BR>一字力錨 riding one point anchors<BR>衣領式魚籤 collar fish tag<BR>依慣例快速處理 customary quick despatch<BR>依據時間表開航;勞依茲日報公告船期 sailed as per list {= s.a.p.l.}<BR>依約照付 pay as may be paid<BR>依照原保單所載價值 valued as in the original policy {= VOP}<BR>依照原保險單規定賠付 as may be paid thereon<BR>依照原保險內容及其增減規定 as &/or as<BR>依照原保險契約規定賠付 to pay as may be paid thereon<BR>依照原規定續保 as expiry<BR>醫療 medical care<BR>醫療費用 medical expenses {= med. exps.}<BR>醫療信文 medical message<BR>醫療運送;醫療傳送 medical transports<BR>移動船舶修理 removal of ship for repairs<BR>移動費用 cost of removal<BR>移動風域 moving fetch<BR>移動網具 moveable gear<BR>移動性安全區 moving haven<BR>移動性動物 mobile fauna<BR>移動性目標指示器 moving target indicator<BR>移動性潛水艦安全區 moving submarine haven<BR>移動性水面艦安全區 moving surface ship haven<BR>移動壓載物 shifting ballast<BR>移幅按鍵 amplitude shift keying {= ASK}<BR>移機吊桿 karry crance<BR>移頻電報術 frequency shift telegraphy<BR>移殖;稚魚移植 transplantation<BR>移重法 shifting weight method<BR>移重式穩定器 moving-weight stabilizer<BR>遺傳性 heredity<BR>乙級船員;定額出力 rating<BR>已承保業務{責任額} signed line<BR>已出售船舶 sold vessel<BR>已發生損失 incurred losses<BR>已付保費稅條款 tax paid clause<BR>已結算之保險年度 closed policy year<BR>已結算之協會年度 closed club year<BR>已看過 seen<BR>已滿期保險費收入 earned premium income {= e.p.i.}<BR>已簽署 signed<BR>已全部實際承保業務 being full signed line {= b.f.s.l.}<BR>已全部約定承保業務 being full written line {= b.f.w.l.}<BR>已沈沒 sunk<BR>已碎波 broken wave<BR>已遭受的損害 damage received<BR>已知損失 known loss<BR>已知損失除外 no known loss<BR>已知意外不賠 free of reported casualty {= f.r.c.}<BR>已知意外索賠除外 free of claims {= FOC; f.o.c.}<BR>已知意外之索賠除外 free of calim for accident reported {= f.c.a.r.}<BR>已註銷 cancelled {= canc.}<BR>已裝載之部隊及裝備實施海上整備 SEHAB<BR>以每件為基準之海損賠償 average payable on each package<BR>易腐物 perishable goods<BR>易感性 susceptibility<BR>易燃貨[物] inflammable cargo; inflammable goods<BR>異常潮 abnormal tide<BR>異常大量死亡 abnormal mass mortality<BR>異常高潮 extraordinary high tide<BR>異常噴射 abnormal injection<BR>異常危險 abnormal risk<BR>異常終止{解約、失效} abnormal exit<BR>異齒鮫 centracion shark<BR>異形混凝土塊 irregular concrete block<BR>異型混凝土塊消波堤 irregular concrete block breakwater<BR>逸出;艉踢出;退水路 escape<BR>逸增 increased escapement<BR>意外海難報導服務 casualty reports service<BR>意外事故 accident {= acc.}; casualty; fortuitous accident; fortuity<BR>意外之操作狀況 overriding operational condition<BR>意外準備金 contingent reserve<BR>溢出 spilling<BR>溢額{再保險} surplus line<BR>溢額合約再保險 surplus treaty reinsurance<BR>溢額再保險 surplus line reinsurance<BR>溢流壩 overflow dam<BR>溢流閥式噴射泵 spill-valve injection pump<BR>溢流櫃 overflow tank<BR>義大利驗船協會;義大利船舶登記協會;義大利船舶登記局 Registro Italiano [= Registro Italiano Navale] {= RI}<BR>義綱;懸架 bridle<BR>義鐵鍊 bridle chain<BR>義務 obligatory<BR>義務再保險 obligatory reinsurance<BR>翼式網板 wing-board<BR>翼網 heart<BR>翼型浮子 wing shaped float<BR>翼足蟲軟泥 pteropod ooze<BR>藝術品保險 fine arts isnruance<BR>因超過再保險契約索賠所徵收之會費 overspill call<BR>因貨損增加之普通費用 enhanced ordinary charges<BR>因缺配件而損及之艦艇戰備 SCIP<BR>音速誤差 sound velocity error<BR>音速校準 sound velocity calibration<BR>音響探鯨機 echo whale finder<BR>音響網 sound net<BR>音響漁業 acoustic fishery<BR>殷曲麥瑞條款 Inchmaree Clause<BR>陰 covered<BR>陰極射線管顯示器 cathode-ray tube display<BR>陰時多雲 mostly covered<BR>銀鮭 coho salmon<BR>銀鮫 chimaera; chimera; rat fish<BR>銀鱸 silver perch<BR>銀行匯票 bank draft {= b/d}<BR>引潮力;生潮力 tide generation force<BR>引導畫標 range day beacon<BR>引導示標 leading beacon<BR>引進腐植物 allochthonous detritus<BR>引起注意信號 signal to attract attention<BR>引擎檢查員 engine surveyor<BR>引擎起動轉速 starting engine speed<BR>引示信號;引水人信號 pilot signal<BR>引水;[沿岸]導航 piloting<BR>引水法 law of pilotage<BR>引水規章 pilot rules<BR>引水航路 pilot fairway<BR>引水錨地 pilot anchorage<BR>引水簽證單 pilotage form<BR>引水人紀錄簿 pilot record<BR>引水人考試 pilot examination<BR>引水人輪值簿 pilot turn book<BR>引水人升降機 pilot hoist<BR>引水人執照 pilot licence<BR>引水人作業區域 pilot cruising ground<BR>引水制度 system of pilotage<BR>引退;轉進;退休 retirement<BR>引揚綱 hauling leg; haul up line<BR>引揚桁索 dandy; dandy bridle<BR>隱蔽港 hidden harbor<BR>隱蔽或秘密雷區 uncountered minefilds<BR>隱棲透導法 shelter revulsion<BR>印度蝦 penaeus indicus<BR>印刷士 printer {= PI}<BR>印刷士;攔截點;照相判讀 PI<BR>印紋魚鱗保存法 impression method of scale mounting<BR>印有蜂巢標誌的承保條 honey-comb slip<BR>英國1924年海上貨物運送法 Carriage of Good by Sea Act 1924, UK<BR>英國保險集團 British Insurance Group<BR>英國保險協會 British Insurance Association {= BIA}<BR>英國保險學會 Chartered Insurance Institute {= CII}<BR>英國保險學會會員 Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute {= FCII}<BR>英國保險學會準會員 Associate of the Charted Insurance Institute {= ACII}<BR>英國標準時間 British Standard Time {= BST}<BR>英國標準協會 British Standards Institute {= BSI}<BR>英國捕獲條款 British Capture Clause<BR>英國船舶經紀人協會會員 Fellow or the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers {= FICS}<BR>英國法律與實務 English Law and Practice<BR>英國海上法協會協議 British Maritime Law Association's Agreement<BR>英國驗船協會 British Corporation {= BS}<BR>英國驗船協會規定之機器等級 m.b.s.<BR>應變計測感器 strain-gauge transducer<BR>應答霧炮 responding fog gun signal<BR>應負賠償責任 liable to pay<BR>應急操縱 emergency maneuvering<BR>應急柴油發電機 emergency generator diesel engine<BR>應急電力設備 emergency electric equipment<BR>應急電源;應急動力源 emergency power source<BR>應急動力站 emergency power station<BR>應急鼓風機 emergency blower<BR>應急救火泵 emergency fire pump<BR>應急快閉閥 quick-closing emergency valve<BR>應急羅經 emergency compass<BR>應急配電板 emergency switchboard<BR>應急起動 emergency starting<BR>應急示位發射機;緊急位置發射機 emergency locator transmitter {= ELT}<BR>應急說明;應急指示 emergency instruction<BR>應急天線 emergency antenna<BR>應急照明系統 emergency lighting system<BR>應急指位無線電示標識別 EPIRB identification<BR>應急裝置;應急帆裝 jury rig<BR>應急準備 emergency preparedness<BR>櫻花鮭 cherry salmon<BR>櫻花蝦 sergestidas<BR>迎風 close haul<BR>迎風棹戧轉帆;定位點焊 tacking<BR>迎艏正遇情況 head-on situation<BR>盈餘佣金 profit commission {= p/c; PROF COM.; prof. com}<BR>營房艇 YHB<BR>營救浮環 buoyant rescue quoit<BR>營養水準 trophic level<BR>營養體 trophozoite<BR>營養係數 nutrition quotient<BR>營養值 dietary value<BR>硬搓索法;緊撚 hard lay<BR>硬鋼索 inflexible steel wire rope<BR>硬骨魚 teleost<BR>硬盔 rigid helmet<BR>硬鱗 ganoid scale<BR>硬殼對蝦亞科 sicyoninae<BR>硬珊瑚 hard coral<BR>傭船人應付運費 charterer's freight<BR>傭船運費 charter freight; chartered freight<BR>永久船磁 ship permanent magnetism<BR>永久性部隊代號 PUC<BR>永遠有效 always open<BR>湧高 swell height<BR>湧級 swell scale<BR>湧升流水域 area of upwelling<BR>用戶等效距離誤差 user equivalent range error {= UERE}<BR>用戶碼 subscriber number<BR>用救難浮箱浮升 raising with salvage pontoons<BR>用具箱 kit<BR>優惠承保業務 oblighe line<BR>優惠待遇 ex gratia<BR>優惠賠付 ex gratia payment<BR>優惠賠款{自願賠付被保險人} voluntary payment to assured<BR>優惠業務 accommodation line<BR>優良漁區 zone of favourable catch<BR>優劣等第{艦隊操演評比} merit {in fleet exercises}<BR>優先 preference<BR>優先償付原保險的再保險 flat line reinsurance<BR>優先次序表 priority sequence table<BR>優先購買權 pre-exemption<BR>優先權 right of priority<BR>優先再保險 first interest reinsurance<BR>由...來 bound from<BR>由海軍艦艇派出;海軍登陸組 naval landing party<BR>由艦艇派遣岸上糾察隊;迅速巡邏艇;大潮;班點;球形[浮標] SP<BR>由經紀人安排保險 placing insurance<BR>由一家公司簽署之聯合保險單 Singleton Policy<BR>油駁 YCD<BR>油駁船 oil barge; oil lighter<BR>油駁船{有動力} YO<BR>油艙塗料 oil tank coating<BR>油份瞬間排洩率 instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content<BR>油管固定柵架 hose tie rack<BR>油管線 oil pipe line<BR>油跡 traces of oil<BR>油擴散泵 oil defusing pump<BR>油料 POL {petrol, oil and lubricants}<BR>油輪海洋清潔指南 clean seas guide for oil tankers<BR>油輪錨地 oil tanker anchorage; tanker anchorage<BR>油馬達 oil motor<BR>油碼頭 oil pier<BR>油泥;河流軟泥;沈澱物 sludge<BR>油泥[艙]櫃 sludge tank<BR>油泥焚化爐 sludge incinerator<BR>油黏結 caking of oil<BR>油漆船底 painting the bottom<BR>油漆間 paint room<BR>油鯊 seven-gilled shark<BR>油燒;油酵 oil burn<BR>油水[分]界面 oil/water interface<BR>油水分離駁船 oil separating barge; separator barge<BR>油水分離器 oil separator; oily water separator<BR>油水分離設備 oily-water separating equipment<BR>油水管理軍士;燃油記錄士 oil king<BR>油水界面計 oil water interface detector<BR>油艇 oil flat<BR>油污 oil contamination; oil pollution<BR>油污法 Oil Pollution Act<BR>油污毀損 oil damage<BR>油污險 oil pollution risk<BR>油壓差控制器 oil pressure differential controller<BR>油漬 in oil<BR>油漬罐頭 canned foods in oil<BR>油漬沙丁魚罐頭 canned sardines in oil<BR>郵包 parcel post {= p.p.}<BR>郵遞公函 mailgram<BR>郵件及行李間 mail and baggage room<BR>郵務兵 mail orderly<BR>郵箱業務 mailbox service<BR>游絲 hair wire <BR>游泳目 natantia<BR>游泳生物 nekton<BR>游泳肢;游足 pleopods<BR>遊釣 sport fishing<BR>遊釣量調查 creel census<BR>遊釣漁業 game fisheries; recreational fisheries; sport fisheries<BR>遊釣者 sport fisherman<BR>遊覽船 tourist ship<BR>遊索;遊網 fly rope<BR>遊艇保險單 yacht policies<BR>遊艇保險條款 yacht clause<BR>遊艇泊區 yacht basin<BR>遊漁 game fishing<BR>魷 common squid<BR>魷乾 dried squid<BR>魷魚;小信管{海軍軍語} squid<BR>魷魚釣機 squid angling machine<BR>有毒性、爆炸性或危險性貨物 toxic, explosive, corrosive or hazardous {= t.e.c.h. cargo}<BR>有風險之總運費 gross freight at risk<BR>有軌電車;索道吊車 tramway<BR>有害干擾 harmful interference