短程彈道飛彈 SRBM<BR>短程攻擊飛彈;核子反應爐緊急停用 SCRAM<BR>短距迴轉 turning short round<BR>短纜繫結 short-line connection<BR>短期保險 short term<BR>短期保險費率 short rate<BR>短期潮 short period tide<BR>短閃光 short flashing light<BR>短少及/或未送達 shortage and/or non-delivery {= s and/or n.d.}<BR>短少通知 advice of shortage<BR>短途運輸 short distance shipment<BR>短卸報告 short land report<BR>短延時 short time delay<BR>短週期事故 short period accident<BR>短裝 short shipment<BR>短裝貨物 shut shipping cargo<BR>短裝損失 damage for short lift<BR>段同步 segment synchronization<BR>段信號 segment signal<BR>斷層海岸 fault shore line<BR>斷續海岸 broken coast<BR>堆肥 compost<BR>堆高機 fork lift; fork truck; forklift truck<BR>堆積試驗 stacking test<BR>堆積圖 stowage diagram<BR>堆積裝具 stacking fitting<BR>隊長兼值更官 watch and division officer<BR>隊形變換 changing formation<BR>隊形長度 length of formation<BR>隊形寬度 width of formation<BR>對岸轟擊 shore bombardment<BR>對衝活塞柴油機 opposed piston diesel engine<BR>對船舶之惡意破壞 sabotage to ship<BR>對第三人之責任 liabilities to third parties<BR>對非艦隊或部隊作戰管制單位提供後勤支援 SLOG<BR>對港口、碼頭、防波堤等所造成的損害 injury to harbours, wharves, piers etc.<BR>對航運河 two lane canal<BR>對貨物陳述錯誤 wrongful declaration of cargo<BR>對流層折射修正 tropospheric refraction correction<BR>對其它船義務 other ship's engagements<BR>對人訴訟權{拉丁} in personam<BR>對水移動 making way through water<BR>對物訴訟權{拉丁} in rem<BR>對蝦亞科 penaeinae<BR>對演習負責軍官;戰備之評估 ORE<BR>對運送人的索賠通知 notification of claim against carrier<BR>對指定單位之支援作戰 SUP<BR>躉船 wharf boat<BR>頓光 occulting current; occulting light<BR>頓光裝置 occulting apparatus<BR>頓速閃光 occulting quick flashing light<BR>多[路]徑傳播 multipath propagation<BR>多[路]徑誤差 multipath error<BR>多波束測深系統 multi-beam sounding system<BR>多程 multi-pass<BR>多船避碰 multi-ship collision avoidance<BR>多點繫泊系統 multi-point mooring system<BR>多浮筒繫泊 multi-buoy mooring<BR>多個卸貨港 several ports of discharge<BR>多功能打樁架 multiple pile driven tower<BR>多管式 multi-tube type<BR>多級閃蒸發 multiple-stage flash evaporation<BR>多礁水域航行 navigating in rocky water<BR>多進口脈衝轉換器系統 multi-entry pulse converter system<BR>多脈搏型鏈 multi-pulse mode chain {= MP mode chain}<BR>多排式頂推船隊 multi-row pusher train<BR>多鰭魚 bichir<BR>多式聯運 multimodal transportation<BR>多式聯運經營人 multimodal transport operator<BR>多式聯運載貨證券 multimodal transport bill of lading<BR>多衛星鏈路 multi-satellite link<BR>多向發射 ODR<BR>多效式壓縮機 multi-effect compressor<BR>多卸報告 ower land report<BR>多用途貨船 multipurpose cargo vessel<BR>多用途拖船 multipurpose towing ship<BR>多用途漁船 multipurpose fishing boat<BR>多種火箭火砲系統 MARS<BR>多重定位 combined fix {= CF}<BR>多專長甲級船員 polyvalent officer<BR>舵機從動裝置 steering hunting gear<BR>舵力 rudder force<BR>舵面積比 rudder area ratio<BR>舵手 steersman<BR>舵壓力 rudder pressure <BR>舵壓力中心 rudder pressure center<BR>舵軸 rudder axle <BR>俄國驗船協會 Russian Register of Shipping<BR>額齒 rostral teeth<BR>額定斷電容量 rated breaking capacity<BR>額定舵桿扭矩 rated stock torque<BR>額定工作狀況 rated working condition<BR>額定接續容量 rated making capacity<BR>額定連續常用出力 continuous service rating; continuous serving rating<BR>額定引擎轉速 rated engine speed<BR>額定載重量 rated load weight<BR>額定最大連續出力 maximum continuous rating<BR>額外費用 extra charges<BR>鵝頸式起重機 goose neck crane<BR>鵝頸形吊桿座 gooseneck bracket<BR>惡劣氣候航行 navigating in heavy weather<BR>惡劣氣候航行作業模式管理 heavy weather navigation operating mode management<BR>惡劣氣候損害 heavy weather damage {= h.w.d.}<BR>惡意破壞行為 sabotage<BR>惡意破壞之損失 malicious damage {= mal. d.}<BR>惡意行為 malicious act<BR>耳環 nobman; norman<BR>耳石;聽石 otolith<BR>餌釣;竿釣作業 bait fishing<BR>餌料 bait<BR>餌料消化率 digestive coefficient of feed<BR>餌魚 bait minnows<BR>二衝程柴油機 two stroke diesel engine<BR>二衝程引擎 two-cycle engine<BR>二次場 secondary field<BR>二次回波 second-trace echo<BR>二次力矩補償器 the second order moment compensator<BR>二次噴射 secondary injection<BR>二次相位因數 secondary phase factor {= SPF}<BR>二等無線電子員證書 second-class radiooelectronic certificate<BR>二分大潮 equinoctial spring<BR>二級增壓 two-stage supercharging<BR>二枚貝 bivalve<BR>二枚貝幼生 lamellibranchea trochophora<BR>二十四小時條款 twenty four hours clauses<BR>二手貨機器;舊機器 second hand machinery<BR>二手貨機器重置條款;舊機器重置條款 second hand replacement clause<BR>二艘式圍網 circullar morred net<BR>二歲魚 yearling fish<BR>二位三通方向控制閥 two-position three way directional control valve<BR>二型控制登陸艇 LCC (2)<BR>二重刺網{捕蟹用} crab trammel; crab trammel net<BR>二自由度迴轉儀 two-degree of freedom gyroscope<BR>發電機激磁系統 generator excited system<BR>發電機控制板 generator control panel<BR>發電機跳電應急處理 generator blackout emergency maneuver<BR>發電器官 electric organ<BR>發火器 torch pot<BR>發火裝置{水雷} mechanism {mine}<BR>發酵;醱酵 fermentation {= ferm.}<BR>發霉條款 spotting clause<BR>發票 invoice<BR>發票日後{定期付款} after date {= a/d}<BR>發起線;攻擊發起線 line of departure {= LOD}<BR>發情;交尾 rut<BR>發情色彩 nuptial coloration<BR>發散水域 area of divergence<BR>發射、拋擲救生索 lift shot<BR>發射等級 class of emission<BR>發射機 XMTR<BR>發射器{火箭或飛彈} launcher {rocket or missile}<BR>發射深水炸彈用K砲 k-gun<BR>發射速度 rate of fire<BR>發射臺識別符號 transmitter identification character<BR>發射無效之定置搜救衛星警報 GEOSAR invalid alert transmitted<BR>發射信號火箭器械;火箭發射器 rocket apparatus<BR>發聲浮標 sound signals buoy<BR>發信臺 station of origin<BR>發眼期 eyeing stage<BR>發眼魚卵 eyed eggs<BR>發育不良 stunted<BR>閥燒損 valve ablation<BR>閥重疊角 valve overlap angle<BR>法定除外事項 statutory exclusions<BR>法定規格 legal size<BR>法定檢驗 statutory survey<BR>法定默示保證 implied warranty of legality<BR>法定時 legal time<BR>法定責任限制 legal limitation of liability<BR>法國波爾多至德國漢堡 Bordeaux-Hamburg range {= B/H} {Europe}<BR>法國波爾多至德國漢堡間 Continent of Europe between Bordeaux and Hamburg {= Cont. B/H}<BR>法國波爾多至德國漢堡間之大陸 Continent between Bordeaux and Hamburg {= CB & H}<BR>法國哈佛爾到德國漢堡 Havre to Hamburg {= H/H} {Europe}<BR>法國哈佛爾至德國漢堡間 Continent of Europe between Havre and Hamburg {= Cont. H/H}<BR>法國式拖網 chalut<BR>法律責任 legal liability<BR>帆纜箱 boatswain's chest<BR>帆纜作業 canvas and rope work<BR>翻車魨 head fish<BR>翻車魚 sunfish<BR>蕃茄醬 tomato puree<BR>繁殖場 nursing ground; nusery ground<BR>繁殖期 breeding season<BR>繁殖區域 nursery areas<BR>反爆通過法 rendering passive<BR>反捕押特許證 letter of countermart<BR>反舵角 counter rudder angle<BR>反航疊標 vack range<BR>反接制動 plug braking<BR>反潛飛機 MARLIN<BR>反潛鼠籠式火箭 mousetrap<BR>反潛作戰阻柵;潛艦巡邏區 SUBPA<BR>反潛作戰阻柵;水面巡邏艦 SURF<BR>反射波 reflection wave<BR>反射羅經 reflector compass<BR>反射透鏡 catoptric lens<BR>反射折射透射鏡 catadioptric lens<BR>反滲透法 reverse osmosis method<BR>反水雷措施;飛彈管制模型 MCM<BR>反跳硬度 scleroscope hardness<BR>反斜面射擊 reverse slope fire<BR>反循環樁 recycling pile<BR>反應 reaction<BR>反應落後 response lag<BR>反作用力 counter-acting force<BR>返航;回航 homeward voyage<BR>返航搜索線;引退線 line of retirement<BR>泛光燈;洪光燈 flooding light<BR>泛水角 flooding angle<BR>泛水速度 speed of flooding<BR>泛溢式 flooded type<BR>泛溢式蒸發法 flooded evaporating process<BR>飯匙鯊;犁頭鯊 shovelnose-ray<BR>方格海圖;網格海圖 gridded chart<BR>方塊吊桿 lewis<BR>方探靈敏度 direction finder sensitivity<BR>方位變動率 rate of bearing variation<BR>方位標誌 cardinal mark<BR>方位隊形 bearing formation<BR>方位迴轉儀 azimuth gyro<BR>方位角;垂直分力;時區子午線 Z<BR>方位角差 azimuth difference<BR>方位解析度 bearing resolution<BR>方位距離定位 fixing by bearing and distance<BR>方位位置線 position line by bearing<BR>方位線;梯隊 LOB<BR>方位信號 bearing signal<BR>方向燈 direction light<BR>方向換算 conversion of directions<BR>方向效應 direction effect<BR>方形盒蟹 squrae-bodied box crab<BR>方型艉 square cut stern<BR>坊工重力式碼頭 masonry type gravity wall<BR>防爆風扇 explosion proof fan<BR>防爆型 explosion proof type<BR>防波堤末端 terminal breakwater<BR>防波動系統 surge-preventing system<BR>防擦索 keeling<BR>防潮包裝 damp-proof packing<BR>防潮水閘 tide gate<BR>防洪堤 levee<BR>防護及補償危險 Protection and Indemnity risks {= P & I risks}<BR>防護及補償協會{又稱船東責任互保協會} protection and indemnity club {= P & I Club}<BR>防護甲板 protective deck<BR>防護衣 protective clothing<BR>防火規則 fire protecting rules<BR>防火門;爐門 fire door<BR>防火設備 fire protection equipment<BR>防濺板 splash plate<BR>防空燈 blackout light<BR>防空砲;艦上防空武器 sky guns<BR>防空潛力為零 ZAP<BR>防潛網 net defense<BR>防潛網工作船 YN<BR>防潛網巡邏 net partrol<BR>防沙堤;沈沙丁壩 sand groin<BR>防水手電筒 waterproof electric torch<BR>防水型 water proof type<BR>防颱錨地 typhoon anchorage<BR>防焰網 flame screen<BR>防禦突擊;架次出港發航 sortie<BR>防禦網柵 nets and booms<BR>防震索;防跳縛索;暫接管索;水兵服之上衣 jumper<BR>防止海上油污國際公約 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil<BR>防止損失 presrerving from loss<BR>房艙風扇;艙室通風機 cabin fan<BR>房艙通風機 cabin ventilator<BR>魴鮄 gurnard<BR>仿造真珠 imitation pearl<BR>紡錘形浮標 sprindle buoy<BR>訪問[艦] VST<BR>放電特性曲線 discharge characteristic curve<BR>放光時間 light period<BR>放假班 liberty party<BR>放棄航程 abandonment of the voyage<BR>放棄條款 wavier clause<BR>放射蟲軟泥 radiolaria ooze<BR>放射管制 RADCON<BR>放射線安全措施 radsafe<BR>放射線防禦 radiological defense<BR>放射性戰爭;放射戰 radiological warfare<BR>放繩機 line casting machine<BR>放水泵 blowdown pump<BR>放水率 blowdown rate<BR>放鬆;鬆開 ease off<BR>放養率 stocking rate<BR>放養密度;放流密度 density of released fish<BR>非被保險人所能控制 beyond control of the assured<BR>非表定單位 non-scheduled units<BR>非常密集漂流冰 very close pack ice<BR>非常稀疏漂流冰 very open pack ice<BR>非常犧牲 extraordinary sacrifice<BR>非傳統戰爭 unconventional warfare<BR>非定置搜救衛星通訊容量 volume of non-GEOSAR traffic<BR>非動力漁船 non-powered fishing craft<BR>非對稱扇形光柱 asymmetrical fan beam<BR>非法危險[航行] unlawful adventure<BR>非海上 non marine {= n.m.}<BR>非海上保險之附帶危險 incidental non-marine {= i.n.m.}<BR>非航用海圖 non-navigational chart<BR>非軍事船隻類別 non-military vessel categories <BR>非開放港 unopened port<BR>非開戰術系統資料追瞄{模擬追蹤} non-NTDS track {dummy track}<BR>非排水型船 non-displacement craft<BR>非潛水艦 non-submarine {= NONSUB}<BR>非射擊線 NEL<BR>非生產價值區 non-productive area<BR>非生物資源 non-living resources<BR>非收放型鰭板穩定器 non-retractable fin stabilizer<BR>非水雷海底目標 NOMBOS<BR>非消耗性補給品 non-expendable supplies<BR>非協會條款 non institute clause<BR>非修理中 not under repair {= NUR}<BR>非音響潛水艦效應 NASE<BR>非載貨船 non carrying vessel<BR>非增壓的 unsupercharged<BR>非戰備補給 NORS<BR>非戰鬥傷己 nonbattle casualties {NB}<BR>非戰用水雷 non-service mine<BR>非正規作戰 UW<BR>非正規作戰聯合特遣部隊 JUWTF<BR>非週期過渡條件 aperiodic transitional condition<BR>非自航式挖泥船 non-propelled dredge<BR>非作戰預備保養;核子作戰預備演習 NORM<BR>飛靶;對空靶 tow glider<BR>飛彈彈著定位制度 MILS<BR>飛彈發射[器]系統 MLS<BR>飛彈發射器操縱手控制系統 LCCS<BR>飛彈艦合格試驗 MSQT<BR>飛彈砲彈飛行時間 time of flight<BR>飛彈區 missile zone<BR>飛彈射擊演習 MISSILEX<BR>飛彈射控系統 MFCS<BR>飛彈協調管制官 missile coordinator<BR>飛航情報區 flight information region<BR>飛機差艇 rearming boat<BR>飛機救護艦 plane guard<BR>飛機拖的袖形靶 sleeve<BR>飛機運輸駁船{無動力} YCV<BR>鯡流關漁船{使用鯟流網漁船之一種} buss<BR>鯡魚漁網 bastard herring net<BR>肥滿度 condition factor; fatness<BR>肥滿係數 coefficient of condition<BR>肥瘦係數 block coeffienient<BR>肥沃度 fertility<BR>沸騰蒸發 boiling evaporation<BR>費率表;費率規章 tariff<BR>費率待議定 rate to be agreed {= r.t.b.a.}<BR>費用 costs<BR>費用保險條款 Expenses Form<BR>廢貨載重{可任意處理或拋棄之裝載} disposal load<BR>廢氣排放 exhaust emission<BR>廢氣熱交換器 exhaust gas heat exchanger<BR>廢氣渦輪發電機組 exhaust turbine generating set<BR>廢氣渦輪複合系統 exhaust turbo compound system<BR>廢棄物 waste<BR>廢棄物;金屬廢料;殘角;殘屑 scrap<BR>廢熱回收裝置 waste-heat recovery plant<BR>廢物處理系統 waste disposal system<BR>分保 cede<BR>分保[業務]明細表 bordereau {= Bord}<BR>分保公司證明書 ceding company certficate {= ceding company cert.}<BR>分保人 cedant<BR>分保業務 cession<BR>分布層 scattering layer<BR>分潮日 component day<BR>分出轉再保險人 retrocedant<BR>分道航[行]標 separate channel mark<BR>分道區 separation zone<BR>分道通航制 traffic separation scheme<BR>分道線 separation line<BR>分電光度計 spectro photometer<BR>分段航程 voyage in stages<BR>分段航行 sectional navigation<BR>分段配電板 section board<BR>分段式浮塢 bolted section dock<BR>分段輸入 step input<BR>分段引水 sectional pilotage<BR>分封交換 packet switching<BR>分封交換電話網路 packet switching telephone network<BR>分封交換數據網路 packet switching data network<BR>分航道 sub-channel<BR>分火齊放 split salve fire<BR>分貨員 sorter<BR>分級航道 graded fairway<BR>分級航區 graded region<BR>分級卸載保護 classification unload protection<BR>分解;腐敗 decomposition<BR>分解危險度 decomposition hazard<BR>分離分隊 leaver section<BR>分離盤 separating disc<BR>分離培養 separation culture<BR>分離盆 separating bowl<BR>分離式燃燒室 divided combustion chamber<BR>分裂菌寄生病 fission-fungus parasitic disease<BR>分配表 table of distribution<BR>分配船席者;繫船課長 berthing master<BR>分區搜救協調官 sub-regional SAR coordinator<BR>分區協調人 sub-area co-ordinator<BR>分散設施 noncontiguous facility<BR>分散危險 spreading the risk<BR>分損不賠償保證 warranted free from average<BR>分損除外保證 free of average warranty<BR>分攤 contribution<BR>分攤責任 right of contribution<BR>分巷 centi-lane; lane fraction<BR>分項保險金額 separate value<BR>分子速度{波浪} particle velocity<BR>焚毀 burnt<BR>粉碎設備 comminuter<BR>鱝;赤鱏;虎魚 ray<BR>封閉貨櫃 closed container<BR>封閉蒸汽系統 sealing steam system<BR>封艙抽水浮升 raising by sealing patching and pumping<BR>封存艦隊 mothball fleet<BR>封缸 closing cylinder; decoupling of cylinder<BR>封密加壓燃油系統 closed and pressured fuel system<BR>封密甲板閥 hermetic deck valve<BR>封鎖;阻塞 blockade<BR>封鎖通告 notification of blockade<BR>風暴警報 wind warning<BR>風成浪高 wind wave height<BR>風力記錄計;測風儀 anemograph<BR>風乾 loft drying; seasoning<BR>風時 wind duration<BR>風速風壓表;風壓紀錄計 anemobarometer<BR>風襲區域長度 fetch length<BR>風向風速計 anemorumbometer<BR>風向風速儀 anemorumbograph<BR>風向圖 wind chart<BR>風壓差及漂流角 leeway and drift angle<BR>風壓差角 leeway angle<BR>風壓差係數 leeway coefficient<BR>風壓傾側力臂 wind heeling lever<BR>風壓傾側力矩 wind heeling moment<BR>風雨密性 weather tightness<BR>風阻力矩 moment of wind resistance<BR>風阻力係數 wind resistance coefficient<BR>蜂巢狀肉頭 honey-comb meat<BR>豐富的 abundance<BR>豐富餌料場 food abundant localities<BR>豐富餌料區域 rich feeding area<BR>豐富營養水 fertile water<BR>豐年蝦 brine shrimp<BR>豐漁 big catch; fine haul; good haul; heavy catch<BR>豐漁年級 successful year class<BR>縫帆工具 sailmaker's tool<BR>佛吉鯔 large-scaled mullet<BR>否定旗號 negative flag<BR>孵化場 hatchery<BR>孵化場經營 hatchery management<BR>孵化場魚 hatchery fish<BR>孵化池 hatching pond<BR>孵化酵素 hatching enzyme<BR>孵化率 hatching rate<BR>孵化稚魚 alevin<BR>敷網類 blanket net; lift nets<BR>伏礁 submerged rock<BR>扶正力臂曲線 righting arm curve; righting lever curve<BR>服勤整補時期 readiness for sea period<BR>俘獲船臨時船長 prize master<BR>俘獲船隻 prize<BR>浮[船]塢 floating dock<BR>浮[子]標 buoy float<BR>浮標;浮筒 buoy<BR>浮標附件 buoy appendages<BR>浮標桿 floating pole<BR>浮標規費 buoy dues<BR>浮標母船;浮標管理船;浮標補給船 buoy tender<BR>浮標繩 buoy line; daffins; dan line; flag line; main line hanger<BR>浮標系統 buoyage system<BR>浮刺網 anchored gill net; floating gill net; surface gill net<BR>浮燈 floating light<BR>浮動車{無動力} YCF<BR>浮動供電駁船{無動力} YFP<BR>浮動沈澱物 activated sludge<BR>浮動障礙物 floating obstruction<BR>浮敷網 floating lift net<BR>浮槳 buoyant paddle<BR>浮雷;浮筒 watching<BR>浮力;舉起 uplift<BR>浮力調節系統 buoyancy regulating system<BR>浮落網 floating net<BR>浮碼頭 floating pontoon; floating wharf<BR>浮萍 duckweed<BR>浮橋 floating bridge; pontoon birdge<BR>浮繩 float line<BR>浮式產油平臺 floating oil production platform<BR>浮式吊桿;吊桿船 floating derrick<BR>浮式防波堤 floating breakwater<BR>浮式護舷 floating fender<BR>浮式檢潮儀 floating type tide gauge<BR>浮式沈箱 floating caisson<BR>浮式沈箱碼頭 floating caisson type wharf<BR>浮式生產貯卸油設施 floating production storage and offloading facility {= FASO}<BR>浮式生產貯油裝置 floating production storage unit {= FPSU}<BR>浮式輸油軟管 floating oil loading hose<BR>浮式塢門 floating gate<BR>浮式主標 floating beacon<BR>浮式貯油裝置 floating storage unit {= FU}<BR>浮水杓 buoyant bailer<BR>浮筒船席 buoy berth<BR>浮筒繫鉤 buoy hook<BR>浮筒使用費;浮標安裝法規 buoyage<BR>浮箱{打撈沈船沈物用} lifting pontoon<BR>浮箱駁船 pontoon barge; rhino barge {FERRY}<BR>浮箱拖船 warping tug<BR>浮箱棧或碼頭 pontoon causeway or pier<BR>浮心高 height of center of buoyancy<BR>浮性卵 pelagic egg<BR>浮性水生植物 floating aquatic plants<BR>浮延繩 drift line<BR>浮延繩釣 floating long-line<BR>浮曳繩釣 floating trawl-line<BR>浮曳網 floating trawl<BR>浮油層取樣器 float oil layer sampler<BR>浮游甲殼類 plankton crustacea<BR>浮游生物 plankton<BR>浮游生物採集器 plankton sampler<BR>浮游生物採集網 plankton net<BR>浮游生物大量繁殖 booming of plankton<BR>浮游生物共同性 cosmopolitamism of plankton<BR>浮游生物密集週期 plankton pulse<BR>浮游水中之高等植物 pleuston<BR>浮游物;水中物質 seston<BR>浮游性 planktonic life<BR>浮載重 load buoyant<BR>浮棧橋 floating landing stage; landing stage<BR>浮裝/浮卸 float on/float off<BR>浮子方短索 head pendant<BR>浮子綱 cork line; floating line; flue; head line; head rope; top line; top line rope<BR>浮子綱緣網 corkline strip; corkline selvage strip<BR>浮子配置圖 corkline strip plan<BR>符合證書 document of compliance<BR>幅射式交替船臺滑道 radiating relieve slipway<BR>幅射污染 radioactive contamination<BR>複保險 double insurance<BR>複本封印 copy seal<BR>複動式衝罐機 double acting press<BR>複動式壓縮機 double acting compressor<BR>複合循環燃氣渦輪機 complex cycle gas turbine<BR>複迴歸分析 multiple regression analysis<BR>複激阻抗 compounding impedance<BR>複撚 ply twist<BR>複膨脹式蒸汽機 compound expansion steam engine<BR>複式泵 compound pump<BR>複式過濾器 duplex strainer<BR>複訓{海軍軍語} REFTRA<BR>複醃 final salting<BR>複製硬質國際信號代碼A旗 rigid replica of the International Code flag A<BR>輻射電子反制 radiation electronic counter<BR>輻射監測 RADMON<BR>輻射性廢水箱櫃 radioactive waste water tank<BR>輻射性固體廢棄物儲存箱櫃 radioactive solid waste storage tank<BR>輻向平行搜察 radial-parallel search<BR>俯仰力矩 trimming moment<BR>腐爛 putrefaction; putrification<BR>腐鰭病 fin rot<BR>腐植土 humus soil<BR>腐植營養湖 dystrophic lake<BR>腐植營養型 dystrophic type<BR>輔鍋爐自動控制系統 auxiliary boiler automatic control system<BR>輔迴轉儀 auxiliary gyro<BR>輔機冷凝器循環泵 auxiliary condenser circulating pump<BR>輔鱗 accessory scale<BR>輔蒸汽渦輪機 auxiliary steam turbine<BR>輔助布雷艦 MMA