阿金氏標魚籤 atkin's fish tag<BR>阿金氏孵化器 atki's incubator<BR>阿金氏孵化設備 atkin incubation apparatus<BR>阿米蘭{商品名,聚醯胺系合成纖維} amilan<BR>安定海岸 stable beach<BR>安排保險或保險已安排 placing<BR>安全保證 security<BR>安全標誌;避險標誌;導航標誌 clear mark [= clearing mark]<BR>安全存儲期 safe storage time<BR>安全吊貨鉤 cargo safety hook<BR>安全管理手冊 safety management manual<BR>安全管理系統 safety management system {= SMS}<BR>安全管理證書 safety management certificate<BR>安全呼叫 safety call<BR>安全呼叫格式 safety call format<BR>安全良好狀態 in good safety<BR>安全錨地 clear anchorage<BR>安全噴射系統 safety injection system<BR>安全區 safety zones<BR>安全深度 safe depth<BR>安全水域標誌 safety water mark<BR>安全速度 safety speed<BR>安全通信程序 safety communication procedure<BR>安全網路 safetyNET<BR>安全系統 safety system<BR>安全卸貨 safely landed<BR>安全信文 safety message<BR>安全優先順序 safety priority<BR>安全與環保政策 safety and environmental protection policy<BR>安全與聯鎖設施 safety and interlock device<BR>安全載流量 safe carrying capacity<BR>安全針形魚籤 safety-pin tag<BR>安全主航道 safety fairway<BR>安全座底區域 safe bottoming areas<BR>安裝設備流動保險單 installation floater<BR>鞍座垂索 saddle pendant<BR>鞍座輔索 saddle preventer<BR>鞍座滑車 saddle trolley<BR>鞍座絞機 saddle winch<BR>鮟鱇魚 anglerfish<BR>岸壁 quay wall<BR>岸標定位 fixing by landmark<BR>岸電 shore power<BR>岸電聯鎖保護 interlock protection of shore power connection<BR>岸對船遇險警報 shore-to-ship distress alerting<BR>岸轟 SHOBON<BR>岸勤分隊 shore party team<BR>岸勤中隊 shore party group<BR>岸勤組;灘勤隊 shore party<BR>岸上管理 shore based management<BR>岸上火力管制組 SFCP<BR>岸上艦砲管制組 shore fire control party {= SFCP}<BR>岸上區域;高潮線上的區域 supralittoral zone<BR>岸上維修 shore-based maintenance {= SBM}<BR>岸臺費 coast station charge<BR>岸吸岸推 suction and repulsion<BR>岸源冰 land-origin ice<BR>岸至岸運動 shore-to-shore movement <BR>岸至岸作業;岸至岸作戰 shore-to-shore operation<BR>按日數比例 daily pro rata {= d.p.r.}<BR>按以英磅匯率沖帳 release to true Sterling<BR>暗底檢視法 dark-ground illumination<BR>暗區;不透明帶 opaque zone<BR>暗語 paraphrase<BR>凹陷[損害] denting<BR>八艘張網 basning; eight boat lift net<BR>八子蝦 postlarva<BR>八字錨泊 bridle moor<BR>巴鰹 oceanic bonito<BR>巴拿馬運河噸位證書 Panama Canal tonnage certificate<BR>巴氏貨油艙清洗系統 Butterworth tank cleaning system<BR>拔樁機 pile extractor<BR>靶筏 target raft<BR>罷工、暴動、民眾騷擾及惡意行為 strikes, riots, civil commotion malicious damage {= s. r. c.c. and m.d.}<BR>罷工、暴動及民眾騷擾 strikes, riots and civil commotion {= s. r. and c.c.}; strike, riots and civil commotions {= strikes etc. risks}<BR>罷工[保險]條款 strikes cluase<BR>罷工等危險 strikes etc. risks<BR>罷工費用 strikes expenses<BR>罷工險額外賠償費用 additional expenses-strikes<BR>壩;水堰 dam<BR>白冰 milky ice<BR>白鯧 pomfret; white butter fish; white pomfret<BR>白長鬚鯨 blue whale<BR>白帶魚;瘦帶 ribbonfish<BR>白道斜度 obliquity of the moon path<BR>白點病 ichthyophiriasis; white spot; white spot disease<BR>白蝶貝 gold-lip<BR>白鮭 dog salmon<BR>白化 albino<BR>白鯨 beluga<BR>白口魚 white-mouth croaker<BR>白鰱 chub<BR>白鰱;竹葉鰱 silver carp<BR>白磷彈{砲彈} WP<BR>白鰻 japanese eel<BR>白鯰魚 albino clara<BR>白皮旗魚 giant black marlin; white marlin<BR>白色標籤 white label<BR>白色浮標 white buoy<BR>白色魚粉 white meal<BR>白鯊條;星貂鮫 smooth dogfish<BR>白鐵鏽 white rust<BR>白星火箭 white star rocket<BR>白煮 boiling<BR>白濁肝病 white-turbid liver<BR>百慕達級 Bermudan {= Berm.; BM; BMU}<BR>百帕[斯卡] hectopascal<BR>百萬分之一 parts per million {= ppm}<BR>擺動波 wave cycloidal<BR>擺式電盤經 pendulous gyrocompass<BR>擺線推進器 cycloidal propeller<BR>班;隊 party<BR>班輪接觸條款 contact clause-liners<BR>班輪疏忽條款 liner negligence clause<BR>斑海鯰 sea cat-fish<BR>斑黑鱸 spotted black bass<BR>斑節蝦 banded shrimp; odori edi; penaeus japonicus bate; striped shrimp<BR>斑青鱗魚 scaled sardine<BR>搬移殘骸{用於漁船保險} removal of wreck {i.f.v.c.}<BR>搬移殘骸費用 wreck removing charges<BR>搬移殘骸延展承保{用於遊艇保險} removal of wreck extension<BR>搬移至岸上條款 removal ashore clause<BR>搬運安全原則 operating principle of safety<BR>搬運車 transfer car<BR>搬運單位化原則 operating principle of unitization<BR>頒布令;位置線 LOP<BR>板舵 plate rudder<BR>板鰓類 ELASMOBRANCH<BR>板式蒸發器 plate-type evaporator<BR>板臺化;墊板化[裝卸] palletization<BR>板拖網發明者 hearder<BR>板樁 sheet pile<BR>板樁井角式防波堤 sheet pile cullular type breakwater<BR>板樁式防波堤 sheet pile breakwater<BR>板樁式碼頭 sheet pile type wharf<BR>板樁圍堰 sheet pile cofferdam<BR>板樁之橫檔 waling<BR>半潮港 half tidal basin<BR>半潮礁 half tide rock<BR>半潮碼頭 half tide dock<BR>半穿甲彈 SAP<BR>半淡鹹水魚塭 brackish water fish pond<BR>半導體空調器 semiconductor air conditioner<BR>半導體冷凍 semiconductor refrigeration<BR>半封密冷凍壓縮機裝置 semi-hermetic refrigerating compressor unit<BR>半輻合角 half-convergency<BR>半高櫃 half height container<BR>半固裝彈藥 semi-fixed ammunition<BR>半合成纖維 semi-synthetic fiber<BR>半集約式 semi-intensive<BR>半解析[式]慣性導航系統 semianalytic inertial navigation system<BR>半門式起重機 semi-portal crane<BR>半密閉式 semi-hermetic<BR>半年 semester<BR>半膨脹罐 flipper<BR>半乾 semi-drying<BR>半潛式船 semisubmerged ship<BR>半潛式鑽油平臺 semi-submersible rig<BR>半人工港 semi-artificial harbor<BR>半忍耐限度;半致死濃度 median tolerance limit {= TLM}<BR>半生浮游生物 metoplankton<BR>半數致死量 mean lethal dose<BR>半雙工作業 semi-duplex operation<BR>半透明帶 translucent zone<BR>半硬式繫結推頂船隊 semi-flexible connected pusher train<BR>半圓法 semicircular method<BR>半漲潮 half flood<BR>半致死劑量 half lethal dose<BR>半自動封罐機 semi-automatic seamer<BR>半自動速率管制追瞄 semiautomatic rate control {TRACKING}<BR>伴流橫向力 transverse force of wake current<BR>絆索式火焰信號器 trip flare<BR>辦公室;局;部;處 bureau<BR>傍靠傳遞法 along-side method<BR>傍拖 towing alongside<BR>棒錨 spud<BR>棒錨井孔 spud well<BR>棒受網 stick-held blanket net; stick net<BR>棒張網漁業 stick-held dip net fishery<BR>包裹 parcel {= pcl.}<BR>包裹運費 parcel freight<BR>包括 including {= inc.; incl.}<BR>包括保險費在內之貨價 cost and insurance {= c & i}<BR>包括及除外損失 included and excluded losses<BR>包周差 envelope to cycle difference {= ECD}<BR>包裝 packing; package {= pkg.}<BR>包裝編碼 packaging code number<BR>包裝不牢 slacks<BR>包裝材料 packing materials<BR>包裝尺碼 bale meassure<BR>包裝分類 packaging group<BR>包裝檢查 inspection of package<BR>包裝瑕疵 faulty packing<BR>孢子囊 sporocysts<BR>孢子體 sporozoite<BR>剝落條款 stripping clause<BR>剝皮機 belf knife splitting machine; peeler<BR>剝取脂肪或皮 flense<BR>褒獎集合;敘功集合 meritorios mast<BR>保持平放 keep flat<BR>保持乾燥 keep dry<BR>保持陣位轉向法 method of altering course with station-kept<BR>保單解釋規則 rules for construction of policy<BR>保單形式 from of policy<BR>保額通知基礎 reporting form basis<BR>保費稅條款 tax clause<BR>保固期 warranted period<BR>保護費率表 scale of rates<BR>保護權 right of protection<BR>保護網 chafing gear; chafing piece; cod end protector<BR>保護網;貼底網 false belly<BR>保護位置 protective location {= PL}<BR>保密區分 security classification<BR>保全財產費用 expenses incurred for preservation of property<BR>保稅倉庫;關棧倉庫 bonded warehouse<BR>保稅貨[物] bonded cargo<BR>保稅貨物;關棧貨物 bonded goods {= b/g}<BR>保稅價值 bonded values<BR>保稅庫房 bond room<BR>保稅品 bonded store<BR>保溫[貨]櫃 thermal container<BR>保險 assurance; insurance {= ins.}<BR>保險[危險]之開始 terminus a que<BR>保險[危險]之終止 terminus ad quem<BR>保險安排人 placer<BR>保險標的之記載 designation of subject matter<BR>保險補償限度 measure of indemnity<BR>保險代理人 insurance agent<BR>保險單 copy policy; insurance policy<BR>保險單承保之內陸危險時間及航次 mixed sea and land risks<BR>保險單持有人 policy holder<BR>保險單除外條款 policy exclusion<BR>保險單及印花稅 policy and stamp<BR>保險單結構 policy construction<BR>保險單留置權 policy lien<BR>保險單內附加便條 wafering<BR>保險單年度 year of account<BR>保險單簽發前危險已結束 time on risk {= t.o.r.}<BR>保險單簽署處 policy signing office<BR>保險單簽署及保費入帳 signing and accounting {= s & a}<BR>保險單生效日期 inception of the policy<BR>保險單條件 policy conditions<BR>保險單條款 policy terms<BR>保險單之解釋 construction of policy<BR>保險單之生效 execution of policy<BR>保險單之轉讓 policy assignment<BR>保險單中保險費收訖之文字 receipt on the policy<BR>保險單轉讓 assignment of policy<BR>保險對價 consideration<BR>保險法 insurance law<BR>保險費 insurance premiums; permium {= pm.}<BR>保險費待議定 premium to be arranged<BR>保險費遞減 premium reducing<BR>保險費繳付 payment of premium<BR>保險費留置權 lien for premium<BR>保險費入帳分類程序 separation procedure<BR>保險費入帳通知分類箱 separation box<BR>保險費收付放棄辦法 a.p./r.p. waiver scheme<BR>保險費收付聯營辦法 a.p./r.p. pool scheme<BR>保險費通知單 premium advice note {= p.a.n.}<BR>保險費退還之履行 enforcement of return<BR>保險費移轉 premium transfer<BR>保險費用 insurance charges<BR>保險費預知單{保險經紀人用語} debit not only {= d.n.o.}<BR>保險費折扣 rebate<BR>保險費準備金 premium reserve<BR>保險公司 insurance company<BR>保險公司核保人 company underwriter<BR>保險價值 insured amount; insured value<BR>保險價值計算基礎 basis of valuation<BR>保險監理官 commissioner of insurance<BR>保險金額 face amount; sum assured; sum insured {= s.i.; s/i}<BR>保險經紀人 insurance broker; underwriting agent<BR>保險經紀人公司 corporation of insurance brokers {= CIB}<BR>保險經紀人或代理人代為安排保險 control a line<BR>保險類別 branch of insurance<BR>保險理賠 settlement of insurance claim<BR>保險利益 insurable interest<BR>保險利益範圍 extent of interest<BR>保險利益之證明 policy proof of interest {= p.p.i.}<BR>保險利益轉讓 assignment of interest<BR>保險年度 policy year<BR>保險賠償 recover form underwriters<BR>保險憑證 certificate of insurance<BR>保險期間 torm<BR>保險期限 insurance period<BR>保險權益 benefit of insurance<BR>保險人 assurer; insurer<BR>保險人不負賠償責任 free of<BR>保險人對運送人之追償權 right of insurance against carrier<BR>保險人無救助利益 without benefit of salvage to the insurer {= w.b.s.}<BR>保險人責任範圍 extent of insurer's liability<BR>保險人之保險利益 insurer's interest<BR>保險人之責任 liability of the insurer<BR>保險人支付費用 underwriter's pay fee {= u.p. fee}<BR>保險人支付稅金 underwriters pay tax {= u.p. tax}<BR>保險人支付印花稅 underwriter pay stamp {= u.p.s.}<BR>保險市場實務及慣例 market practice<BR>保險索賠 insurance claim<BR>保險條件 terms<BR>保險條款 insuring clause<BR>保險未生效退費 return for non-attachment<BR>保險係依據最大誠信原則 insurance is uberrimae fidei<BR>保養需求卡;動態報告中心 MRC<BR>保證 bond {= bd.}; warranted {= w/d}<BR>保證;特約條款 warranty {= why.}<BR>保證費 bond premium<BR>保證公司 bonding company; surety company<BR>保證金;準備金 cuation money<BR>保證金利益 interest on deposits<BR>保證人 guarantor<BR>保證書 guarantee<BR>寶刀魚 silver-bar fish; wolff-herring<BR>抱卵母蝦 ovigerous female<BR>抱卵數指數 index of fecundity<BR>報案無索賠 no claim for accident reported {= n.c.a.r.}<BR>報到應遣 report for duty<BR>報告 report<BR>報告程序 reporting procedures<BR>報告點 reporting point {= RP}<BR>報頭 preamble<BR>暴動及民眾騷擾 riots and civil commotions {= RSCC; r.s.c.c.}<BR>暴動及民眾騷擾除外 free of riots and civil commotions {= f.r.c.c.}<BR>暴風雨 heavy rainstorms<BR>暴力偷竊 assailing thieves<BR>暴露試驗 exposure test<BR>鮑魚 abalone; common abalone; common abalone shell; ear-shell<BR>鮑魚漁業 abalone fishery<BR>爆發限度測計 measuring the explosive limit<BR>爆破 blow out; demolition<BR>爆炸品錨地 explosive anchorage<BR>爆震 knock<BR>杯狀細胞 goblet cell<BR>北方標誌 north mark <BR>北極陳冰 arctic pack<BR>北極海流 arctic current<BR>北極氣團 arctic air mass<BR>北京座標系統 Beijing coordinate system<BR>北距 northing<BR>北美洲保證條款;北美洲禁區保證 North American Warranty {= BNA Warranty}<BR>北天極 north celestial pole<BR>北向迴轉儀 north gyro<BR>北洋捕鯨用銛 arctic whaling iron<BR>北原式採水器 kitahara's water sampler<BR>貝灰 shell lime<BR>貝類及甲殼類 shellfish<BR>貝類學 conchology<BR>貝耙 cockle rake<BR>背景亮光 background light<BR>背離規則 departure from these rules<BR>背面風 leeward side<BR>背鰭;脊鰭 dorsal fin<BR>背書;批單 endorsement<BR>背書提單 endorsement of bill<BR>背網 baiting; doubling; upper belly; upper blade; upper leaf<BR>背壓調整器 back pressure regulator<BR>背壓蒸汽渦輪機 back pressure steam turbine<BR>被保險標的 subject matter insured<BR>被保險標的狀況良好保證 warranty of good safety<BR>被保險船舶 insured vessel<BR>被保險船舶被拖 towage of the insured vessel<BR>被保險船舶之拖船費用 towage bill<BR>被保險船拖曳他船 towage by the insured vessel<BR>被保險人 assured {= ASSD; assd.}; insured<BR>被保險人授權經紀人代為索賠 payment order<BR>被保險人之責任 liability of the assured<BR>被動歸向導引 pasive homing guidance<BR>被動紅外線侵入偵測圖 PIRID<BR>被動或電子作戰 PEW<BR>被動式聲納 passive sonar<BR>被動式聲納偵測 passive sonar detection<BR>被動式水中射控可行性研究 passive underwater fire control feasibility study {= PUFFS}<BR>被動式音響魚雷 passive acoustic torpedo {= PAT}<BR>被覆層 cover layer<BR>被扣留 detained<BR>被侵蝕海岸 erosion beach<BR>被拖船 towed vessel<BR>被再保險人 reassured {= REASSD; reassd}; reinsured<BR>備便彈藥箱 ready box<BR>備便發航 RFS<BR>備便發航報告 ready-to-sail report {= READYREP}<BR>備便基地 READY<BR>備便救難船 STSALV<BR>備便任務;備便單位 READU<BR>備便小艇;小艇人員就位 man the boat<BR>備品 spare<BR>備用彈藥 ready service ammunition<BR>備用發電機 stand-by generator<BR>備用發射機 reserve transmitter<BR>備用接收機 reserve receiver<BR>備用經線儀 hack chronometer<BR>備用天線 reserve antenna<BR>奔浪泡沫線 foam line<BR>本地現行價格 current domestic value {= c.d.v.}<BR>本艦航向 own-ship course {= Co}<BR>本艦艦速正橫發射面之分量 Xog<BR>本艦艦速正橫瞄準線之分量 Xo<BR>本能反應 instinctive reaction<BR>本砲 local<BR>本砲發射鑰 local key<BR>本砲瞄砲 local gun laying<BR>本砲射控 local fire control<BR>本砲所正 local spot<BR>本砲追瞄 local track<BR>本日服裝規定 uniform of the day<BR>本臺{或「這是」,無線電話用語} Delta Echo {or This is}<BR>崩波 spillig breaker<BR>泵;唧筒 pump<BR>泵捕魚法 pump-fishing<BR>泵能量 pump capacity<BR>泵室海水閥 pump room sea valve<BR>泵室海水吸入閥 pump room sea suction valve<BR>泵特性曲線 pump characteristic curve<BR>泵網 pump net<BR>泵吸挖泥船 pump dredger<BR>泵壓頭 pump head<BR>泵自動切換設施 pump auto-change over device<BR>比功率;比馬力 specific power<BR>比較單位 comparing unit<BR>比例尺 proportioner<BR>比例調整器 proportional regulator<BR>比例積分微分調節器 P-I-D regulator<BR>比例再保險 quota share reinsurance<BR>比目魚 bastard halibut<BR>比相;相位比較 phase comparison<BR>比照貨物保險單賠付 to pay as cargo<BR>比照首席保險人 fellow the lead<BR>比重盤 gravity disc<BR>彼此接近 close quarters situation<BR>閉杯法試驗 closed cup test<BR>閉環系統 closed-loop system<BR>閉口港 closed basin; closed harbor; closed port<BR>閉口港船閘 basin lock<BR>閉路網路 closed network<BR>閉路用戶組;群內通信 closed user group<BR>閉式冷卻系統 closed cooling system<BR>閉式液壓系統 closed-type hydraulic system<BR>閉鎖式網具 closing net<BR>壁;牆 wall<BR>壁式插座 wall plug<BR>避風港 shelting harbor<BR>避難港倉儲費 warehouse charges at POR<BR>避難港費用 expenses at port of refuge; port of refuge expenses<BR>避碰措施 action to avoid collision<BR>避碰決策 decision making of collision avoidance<BR>避碰行為 collision avoidance behavior<BR>避碰專家系統 collision avoidance expert system<BR>編隊方位 formation bearing<BR>編隊角 formation angle<BR>編隊係數 formation coefficient<BR>編隊線 formation line<BR>編碼之位置資料 encoded position data<BR>編碼資訊 coded information<BR>編網 weaving net; webbibg<BR>編網;網片 netting<BR>編網之起目 halver<BR>編制表 table of organization<BR>編裝表 table of organization and equipment {= TO/E}<BR>邊界潤滑 boundary lubrication<BR>邊緣碼頭 marginal wharf<BR>鞭毛 flagella<BR>扁鶴鰔;鱟魚 needle fish<BR>扁鮫 angelshark<BR>扁平酸敗 flat sour<BR>扁鯖 stripe mackerel<BR>扁魚 flat fish<BR>辨識 identifying<BR>辨星儀 star identifier<BR>辯護費 defence costs<BR>變白症 white discoloration<BR>變動載重 varying load<BR>變更 altered {= alt}<BR>變更登記 registration of alteration<BR>變更航程 change of voyage<BR>變更航程條款 change of voyage clause<BR>變更啟航港 alteration of port of departure<BR>變紅 reddening<BR>變紅症 red discoloration<BR>變換機構 change-over mechanism<BR>變換角度補償器 fleet angle compensator<BR>變極調速 speed regulation by pole changing<BR>變量泵 variable capacity pump; variable delivery pump<BR>變頻調速 speed regulation by frequency variation<BR>變時 VT<BR>變時信管;變時引信;近發引信 VT fuze<BR>變態階段 metamorphosis states<BR>變位運動 station-changing manoeuvre<BR>變溫動物 cool blood animal<BR>變向能力 course changing ability<BR>變向能力試驗 course changing ability test<BR>變性肉 altered muscle<BR>變種 variety<BR>杓斗挖泥船;鏟斗挖泥船 dipper dredge[= shovel dredge; spoon dredge]<BR>標稱速降 nominal speed loss<BR>標繪航線 plot a course<BR>標繪距離 plot a distance<BR>標買小艇 market boat<BR>標籤損失 loss of labels<BR>標籤條款 label clause {= L/C}<BR>標圈 aiming circle<BR>標識船 mark boat<BR>標識放流 marking experiment<BR>標識放流試驗 capture and recaptureexperiment<BR>標識鯨 marked whale<BR>標識魚 marked fish; tagged fish<BR>標示布板 marking panel<BR>標示船 marker ship<BR>標售受損貨物之所得額 credit given for prodeeds {= c.g.f. proceeds}<BR>標貼 placard<BR>標誌 idnetification mark<BR>標誌船 marking vessel<BR>標誌燈 identification lamp<BR>標誌信號 identification signal<BR>標準保險單 plain form of policy<BR>標準報告格式 standard reporting format<BR>標準操縱性試驗 standard maneuvering test<BR>標準船型 notional ship<BR>標準存量 standard stock<BR>標準定位業務 standard positioning service {= SPS}<BR>標準海上保險條款{協會條款} Standard Marine Clause<BR>標準航海語彙 standard marine navigational vocabulary {= SMNV}<BR>標準滑閥圖 standard slide valve diagram<BR>標準介面說明 standard interface description<BR>標準空隙深度 standard void depth<BR>標準口令 standard commands<BR>標準羅經航向 standard compass course<BR>標準排洩接頭 standard discharge connection<BR>標準頻時信號 standard frequency and time signal<BR>標準頻時信號臺 standard frequency and time signal station<BR>標準頻時信號業務 standard frequency and time signal service<BR>標準平板計數 standard plate count<BR>標準術語 standard terminology<BR>標準桶 standard pail<BR>標準戰術直徑 standard tactical diameter<BR>鏢 harpooning<BR>鏢具 spear<BR>鏢銛 dart<BR>鏢魚船 harpoon boat<BR>鏢漁船 dart boat<BR>鏢漁具 harpoons and spears<BR>鏢漁業 spear fishing<BR>表層移動界限水深 surface moving critical depth<BR>表層用延繩釣具 surface trawl<BR>表定操演 scheduled exercise<BR>表定射擊 scheduled fire<BR>表面空氣冷卻器 surface air cooler<BR>表面有限振幅波 finite amplitude surface wave<BR>鰾 air bladder<BR>鱉 soft shelled turtle<BR>鱉養殖 culture of soft-shelled turtle<BR>濱海水產實驗場 littoral fisheries station; littoral fisheries experimental station<BR>冰崩 calving; ice avalanche<BR>冰層厚度 ice thickness<BR>冰凍期 ice period<BR>冰凍條款 ice clause<BR>冰凍險除外條款 ice exclusion clause<BR>冰凍越航條款 ice deviation clause<BR>冰凍越航危險 ice deviation risk<BR>冰封區域 icecovered area<BR>冰間水道 lead lane; vein<BR>冰庫 ice room; ice storage<BR>冰況報告 ice report<BR>冰況地圖 ice atlas<BR>冰情警報 ice warning<BR>冰區船舶 ice ship<BR>冰區航路 ice lead