帅哥 发表于 2009-11-20 12:14:23

阀门附件(4)Valve Accessories (4)

Switch Box Kits for Manual Operation   作为一种安全或过程控制的方式,有时希望能够敏感的察觉手动精确操作阀门的开关位置和信号指示灯或逻辑控制板的电动执行滞后。这种用于球阀的标准组件包括两个单刀双掷微型开关,配置可调凸轮,一般设置用于检测开启和关闭的位置。两个辅助开关和凸轮套件或一个标准1K电位器,4-20 mA输出信号,可以增加更加丰富的检测感受功能。
  As a matter of safety or process control, it is sometimes desirable to sense the position of a manually operated valve and electrically relay that information to indicator lights or a logic control panel. The standard kits for ball valves contain two single-pole double-throw micro-switches with adjustable cams, typically set for sensing the on and off positions. Two additional switch and cam sets or a standard 1K potentiometer with 4 –20 mA output signal may be added for more sophisticated sensing. http://www.h6688.com/valve/nibco/040531/16/img/280_1.jpg开关盒套件部件编号
Part Numbers For Switch Box Adaption Kits开关盒套件组件
Type Switch Box Adaptation Kit
(For manual valve operation)安装场所
Valve SizeDN15
1-1/4 &
1-1/2 DN50
8TB球阀 - 安装开关盒组件
TB Ball Valve-Mounted Switch Box Kit
(With special lever handle)现场
Factory2928010729280108292801092928011129280112—292801142928011629280118— 手动齿轮操作机构
Manual Gear Operators   利用齿轮减压器的优点实现低扭矩的顺利操作,将1/4转阀门操作转变为一个圆形手柄的多转手动操作。在1/4转阀门上应用齿轮操作机构的其它优点还有:防止阀门突然地关闭或开启,因此防止管道系统避免液压冲击。与直接手动定位相比,节流控制更加可靠。由于随着阀门通径的增加,旋转扭矩也随之增加,因此对于DN250通径的类型C蝶阀的手动操作来说,齿轮操作机构是一种标准配置。这种通径不配置杠杆手柄。但是,对于其它所有通径的蝶阀,齿轮操作机构只是作为选配附件提供,这点和其它具有各种特殊功能的选配件相同。请参阅下表。此外,最小的的齿轮操作机构可以安装在Tru-Bloc球阀上。这些组件可以在本页底部的的表格中找到。最后,齿轮操作机构可以安装在用于1/4转阀门的所有阀杆加长件的外部支撑板上。
  Provides smooth low-torque operation by virtue of a gear reducer, which converts multiturn manual operation of a round handle into quarter-turn valve operation. Additional benefits of applying a gear operator to a quarter-turn valve are: Sudden closing or opening of the valve is prevented, thus protecting the piping system from hydraulic shock. Throttling control is far more reliable than direct manual positioning. Because of increased turning torque with valve size, a gear operator is standard equipment for manual operation of the 10” Model-C Butterfly Valve. No lever handle is available. However, gear operators are available as an accessory for all other sizes of butterfly valves, along with an assortment of special-use options. See the table below. Also, the smallest gear operator may be mounted on the Tru-Bloc Ball Valve. Those kits may be found in the table at the bottom of this page. Finally, gear operators may be munted on the external support plate of all stem extensions for quarter-turn valves. http://www.h6688.com/valve/nibco/040531/16/img/280_2.jpg 用于蝶阀的齿轮操作机构和选配件部件编号1
Part Numbers of Gear Operators and Options For Butterfly Valves1项目
BF Valve
Valve SizeDN50
Gear Operator #981 (Must also select
appropriate G.O. Bushing)B & C29240018292400182924001829240018292400182924001929240020用于齿轮操作机构#981的
G.O. Drive Bushing For
Gear Operator #981B——292420142924201629242018——C29241014292410142924101429241016292410192924101929241020用于齿轮操作机构#981的止动记忆装置
Memory Stop for G.O. #981B & C2292440182924401829244018292440182924401829244018
Flag Indicator for G.O. #981B & C229245018292450182924501829245019292450182924501829245018用于齿轮操作机构#981的2英寸方形螺母
2" Sq. Nut (C.I.) for G.O. #981B & C229393020293930202939302029393020293930202939302029393020用于齿轮操作机构#981的挂锁法兰
Padlock Flange for G.O. #981B & C229243018292430182924301829243018292430182924301929243020用于齿轮操作机构#981的巴比特合金链轮
Babbit Sprocket for G.O. #981B & C229390020293900202939002029390020293900202939002029390020用于巴比特合金链轮的1/0链条/英尺
1/0 Chain /ft. for Babbit SprocketB & C2293910202939102029391020293910202939102029391020293910201 本表中所有齿轮操作机构项目都可以现场安装或工厂安装在蝶阀上。如果需要工厂组装,在阀门型号上增加附件的部件编号。
1 All gear operator items in this table may be field or factory assembled to butterfly valves. When factory assembly is desired, add the accessory part number(s) to the valve figure number.
2 用于TB球阀的齿轮操作机构上选配件也可用来作为备选项。请参阅第29页表格上的这些组件。
2 Gear operator options may also be selected for inclusion on gear operator kits for TB ball valves. See the table on page 29 for these kits.不要将本样本中的测试数据用在压缩空气或其它气体上。如果需要关于专用于压缩空气和其它气体的抗龟裂热塑塑料管道系统请参阅Chemtrol Chem-Aire®产品样本。
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases. See Chemtrol Chem-Aire® literature for information about shatter-resistant thermoplastic piping systems specifically designed for compressed air and other gases.
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