阀门附件(5)Valve Accessories (5)
手动齿轮操作机构(续)Manual Gear Operators (continued) 旗形指示器选配件
Flag Indicator Option 为相关的阀瓣位置提供便于观察的指示标志。用于当阀门安装在高处或无法靠近的地方时,但是有需要经常观察阀门开启位置的情况。
Provides an easy visible indication of the relative disk position. Used when the valve is mounted in high or out-of-reach locations, but frequent monitoring of the valve position is required.
2" Square Operating Nut Option 当在操作阀门时用一个标准通用的扳手在齿轮操作机构上替代手轮。大多是应用是在阀门位于一个地下阀门盒里时的情况。
Replaces the handwheel on gear operators when a standard utility wrench is to be used for valve operation. The most common application is for valves located in an underground valve box.
Padlock Flange (cast iron) Option 具有八个位置,据此一把钥匙或数码锁可以用来将齿轮操作机构锁定在某个开启位置上,防止阀门开启位置受到意外或故意的破坏。
Provides eight positions whereby a keyed or combination padlock can be used to lock the gear operator into position to prevent accidental or deliberate tampering with valve posture.
Memory Stop Option 在90o弧旋转范围内的任何位置上可设置无极记忆点。使得阀门能够关闭或重开启到前一个平衡位置。
Provides infinite position memory at any position throughout the 90o arc of rotation. Allows for valve closing and reopening to previously balanced position.
Chain-Fall Operator Option 巴比特合金链轮轮辋(铸铁),配置链条导轨(可锻铸铁)和1/0驱动链条,使得安装在头顶上无法够到地方的齿轮操作机构阀门能够远距离操作。链条的全长必须指定。
The Babbit Sprocket Rim (cast iron) with chain guide (malleable iron) and 1/0 drive chain allows remote operation of a gear operated valve mounted
overhead in out-of-reach locations. The total footage in the loop of chain must be stipulated.
Gear Operator Kits for Mounting on Tru-Bloc Ball Valves 对于较大通径阀门(DN32 - DN150)的较大的扭矩提供更好的机械性能,防止球阀突然开启或关闭,使得球阀具有与多旋转阀门相同的精确控制的可能。并不需要一个TB球阀-安装组件,来配合安装在球阀阀杆加长件的外置顶部轴承板上的齿轮操作机构。
Provides mechanical advantage for higher turning torque of larger size valves (1-1/4" – 6"), prevents sudden opening or closing of a ball valve, and presents the opportunity for the same precise control of valve position afforded by multi-turn valves. A TB Ball Valve-Mount Kit is not required for adapting a gear operator to the external top bearing plate of a stem extension for a ball valve.
http://www.h6688.com/valve/nibco/040531/16/img/290_6.jpg 用于Tru-Bloc球阀的齿轮操作组件的部件编号
Part Numbers of Gear Operator Kits For Tru-Bloc Ball ValvesTru-Bloc球阀组件规格说明
Tru-Bloc Ball Valve
Kit Description安装场所
Valve SizeDN32
6TB球阀 - 安装齿轮操作机构组件1
TB Ball Valve-Mounted Gear
Operator Kit1现场
Gear operator options may also be selected for inclusion on gear operator kits for TB ball valves. The options are listed in the table on page 28 of gear operators and options for butterfly valves.
When factory assembly of the option(s) to a TB ball valve-mounted gear operator kit is desired, add the accessory part number(s) to the kit number.不要将本样本中的测试数据用在压缩空气或其它气体上。如果需要关于专用于压缩空气和其它气体的抗龟裂热塑塑料管道系统请参阅Chemtrol Chem-Aire®产品样本。
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases. See Chemtrol Chem-Aire® literature for information about shatter-resistant thermoplastic piping systems specifically designed for compressed air and other gases.