帅哥 发表于 2009-11-25 13:59:39


坏味bad aji<BR>死子captured stones<BR>味消destroying aji<BR>味道potential<BR>空角empty triangle; compare guzumi<BR>坏棋empty corner<BR>恶手bad move<BR>打吃atari-a stone or stones will be taken in the next move. Often used as a warning, like "check" in chess.<BR>厚味thick,thickness<BR>显示手数match with set number of moves<BR>盘面5目胜a win by 5 pts on the board i.e. without komi<BR>打吃后的吃子capturing after a series of ataris<BR>征hat, cap<BR>读妙time where X no. of moves must be made in Y amount of time<BR>接不归capturing the tail of a group<BR>長生eternal life i.e. super ko in Ing terms<BR>锦标赛championship match<BR>挑战者challenger for a title<BR>中盘the middle game<BR>中国流Chinese fuseki<BR>中盘胜winning by resignation<BR>超大飞a grand knight's move; four horiz and one vert or vice versa<BR>骗着trick move. <BR>单官an intersection owned by neither opponent; a liberty<BR>段the ranking above kyu and below professional dan; generally 1 – 7 (or 9); 7 is high<BR>团子dumpling<BR>冲断pushing and cutting<BR>封blockade<BR>布局the opening portion of a game<BR>围棋go<BR>棋盘a go board<BR>棋合go bowls<BR>五子棋five-in-a-row; a game played on a go board, the first player to get five in a row wins.<BR>后手a passive move; a move which does not need to be answered<BR>后中先a gote move preparing a sente followup<BR>愚形bad shape<BR>逆先手a gote move that deprives the opponent of a sente move<BR>半目half a point<BR>半目胜负a game decided by half a point<BR>花六flowery six the dead shape; a rabbity six<BR>看花劫flowery ko; a one-sided ko<BR>扳a play diagonally from one’s stone and orthagonally from the opponent’s<BR>半眼half an eye i.e. needing another move<BR>夹pincer,clamp<BR>反夹counter pincer<BR>快棋fast/lightning go<BR>早活living quickly<BR>象眼playing to split at a diagonal one space jump<BR>象飞diagonal one space jump, same as zoi tobi and chikiri tobi弱weak<BR>下手weak,weaker player<BR>退drawing back<BR>低low<BR>拆extension<BR>宽wide<BR>紧气劫a real ko<BR>本因坊holder of the Honinbo title; traditional Japanese go families<BR>星star point; handicap point<BR>细棋lots of intricate situations scattered throughout the board<BR>活棋life<BR>一间one space i.e. jump<BR>一间夹one-space pincer<BR>一间拆one-space extension<BR>一间封角one-space corner closure<BR>一间跳one-space jump<BR>一局棋one game<BR>一级one kyu<BR>地territory<BR>实地the balance of territory<BR>和棋a tie<BR>实利actual profit<BR>序盘opening game<BR>定石a standardized set of plays resulting in both players having near equal positions; a set sequence.<BR>定先playing with black in all games<BR>上手skillful,stronger player<BR>墙wall<BR>盖to cover. boshi<BR>胜winning<BR>胜负winning or losing<BR>压pressing toward the edge<BR>假眼false eye<BR>乌龟不出头crane's nest<BR>韩国棋院The Korea Baduk Association<BR>完败complete defeat<BR>复盘post game analysis<BR>轻棋light<BR>废子junk stones i.e. not worth defending<BR>肩冲shoulder<BR>单先手one sided sente<BR>接牢solid connection<BR>形(good) shape<BR>大夹compensation<BR>小飞a knight's move; placing a stone two horizontal and one vertical (or one vert, two horiz) from another stone<BR>形势不明unclear position i.e. possibly even<BR>形势判断positional judgement<BR>浅消reduction<BR>棋院a go institution; a go club<BR>气合fighting spirit<BR>严厉severe<BR>棋道way or spirit of go<BR>棋谱diagram or record of a game<BR>有利的一着forcing move<BR>胜着game deciding move<BR>断cut<BR>扭十字crosscut<BR>出头head extension: one further than the horse's hed/neck, or in English, Nessie's neck<BR>棋圣go saint: Honinbos Dosaku, Jowa, or Shusaku; the holder of the top title in Japan<BR>棋士professional go or shogi player<BR>小目the 3-4 point<BR>伤wound, defect<BR>贴目the 3-4 point compensation<BR>凝形overconcentrated or heavy<BR>尖黑子black stones<BR>急所urgent point<BR>劫<BR>劫争ko fight<BR>劫材ko threat<BR>曲bending<BR>曲四bent four in the corner<BR>输losing, loss<BR>模仿棋mirror go, mirroring play<BR>万年劫ten thousand (i.e. “innumerable”) ko<BR>眼eye<BR>有眼杀无眼a group with one eye beats a group with no eyes<BR>眼形eye shape, same as gankei<BR>赌棋gambling go, so much bet by point<BR>证书rank diploma<BR>见合two points of mutual equivalence: if a player plays in one, the opponent can play in the other<BR>目外3–5 point<BR>模样a widespread net where a player hopes to make territory<BR>瞎劫invalid ko threat<BR>向小目komoku facing komokus <BR>妙手brilliant move<BR>雪崩avalanche (joseki)<BR>投降resign. see toryo<BR>点playing inside a group to prevent two eyes from forming<BR>二连星parallel 4-4 point opening<BR>二线the second line<BR>连板bane <BR>二眼two eyes<BR>猜先routine to decide who goes first<BR>刺peep<BR>大飞a large knight's move; three horiz and one vert or vice versa<BR>大雪崩large avalanche joseki<BR>大场a large fuseki point or extension<BR>大飞挂角large knight corner approach<BR>三连星three star points in a row<BR>三间高夹three-space high pincer<BR>三间夹three-space pincer<BR>双活a stalemate in one section of the board: play by either player will result in loss of stones, so neither player moves in that area.<BR>僵棋stalemate; a local situation where if either player moves, the other will take, so no move is made<BR>先手the initiative; a move which needs to be answered<BR>死活life and death<BR>四劫four kos<BR>白子white stones<BR>初段first dan level<BR>手談a name for go: go allows conversing with the hands, not with the mouth终盘the closing stage<BR>终局the end<BR>高目the 5-4 point<BR>脫先ignoring a move and playing elsewhere<BR>手筋a tactical move; a critical move<BR>俗crude, inelegant<BR>俗筋bad style<BR>渡a linking move<BR>薄いthin, weak<BR>天元the center point<BR>次序sequence<BR>急所a difficult point in the middle game where strategies have to be read out
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