于当今航空业大环境中保持竞争力 PPT
<P>Staying Competitive in Today’s Aviation Environment:于当今航空业大环境中保持竞争力</P><P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> Staying Competitive in<BR>Today’s Aviation Environment:<BR>于当今航空业大环境中保持竞争力<BR>An Asian Perspective 亚洲远景<BR>Director General & CEO, CAAS<BR>新加坡民航局局长&首席执行官<BR>Lim Kim Choon 林金春<BR>􀁺 Oil price fluctuations 油价波动<BR>􀁺 Global economic crisis 全球经济危机<BR>􀁺 Economic and climate change 经济和气候的变化<BR>􀁺 “Imminent Influenza A H1N1 according to WHO 国际卫生组织公布的即将流行的<BR>甲型HINI流感<BR>􀁺 In Asia-Pacific pandemic 亚太地区的趋势<BR>• Carriers lead in decline in passenger demand, a 14.5% drop (IATA<BR>Mar data) 航空公司引领不景气, 客运需求下降14.5%(IATA3月数据)<BR>• Impacted by fall-off in long-haul travel, which is contracting faster<BR>than short-haul 长航线出行的运输量受影响, 比短航线紧缩得更快<BR>Challenges 考验<BR>Not all bleak, opportunities still exist 并非一派萧条, 仍有契机存在<BR>􀁺 Liberalization of air travel market stimulating growth 航空旅行市场的自<BR>由化刺激增长<BR>􀁺 New aircraft technology, new possibilities 新的航空器技术, 新的可能性<BR>• A380, B787 空客380, 波音787<BR>􀁺 New air traffic management capabilities 新的航空交通管理能力<BR>• NexGen, SESAR 美国下一代航空运输系统,欧洲单一天空计划<BR>􀁺 Development of alternative fuel 可替代性航油的开发<BR>Opportunities 机会<BR>For Singapore, multi-pronged and multi-faceted approaches,<BR>including restructuring of internal framework 对于新加坡而言, 多角<BR>度和多层面的解决方式, 包括内部结构重组<BR>􀁺 Enhance focus 加强重点<BR>• Aviation regulator, promoter and<BR>ANSP 航空规章制订者, 促进者, 和空<BR>中导航服务提供者<BR>• Airport operator 机场运营者<BR>􀁺 Better meet the future of the aviation<BR>industry 更好地迎接航空业的未来<BR>• Flexibility for both aviation<BR>regulator and airport operator to<BR>innovate and improve 对航空规则<BR>修订者和机场运营者都具有灵活性以<BR>求创新和改良机场运营者<BR>民航规章制订者,<BR>促进者, 空中导航<BR>服务提供者<BR>1 July 2009<BR>Corporatisation 公司化<BR>Logical and comprehensive – 3 lenses approach 逻辑性和全面性– 3度视角<BR>Inputs from<BR>Stakeholders 从利益<BR>相关方汲取‘输入’<BR>Learning from<BR>Benchmarks<BR>从标杆获得经验<BR>Achieve desired<BR>objectives 达到既定目标<BR>3 lenses approach<BR>3维解决方案<BR>Approach 解决办法<BR>􀁺 Key consideration is to balance key objectives of the<BR>state/industry and the airport operator 主要考虑是寻求国家/产业<BR>与机场运营者在核心目标上的平衡<BR>新加坡航空业的继续发展为机场运营者提供足够的灵活性<BR>以实现创新并可迎接未来的挑战<BR>Balance 平衡<BR>􀁺 CAAS will introduce new regulation for the airport operator<BR>新加坡民航局将对机场运营者采用新的法规<BR>• Pricing regulation to maintain reasonable prices 制<BR>定价格规章以保持合理价格<BR>• Service regulation to maintain service standards 制<BR>定服务规章以保持服务质量<BR>􀁺 Conditions set for operating the airport 制订经营机场的条件<BR>• Airport land leased to airport operator 租赁给机场运<BR>营者的机场土地<BR>• Poor performance can lead to termination 经营不<BR>善将导致终止经营<BR>Balance 平衡<BR>􀁺 A moderate to heavy approach to<BR>regulation on the airport operator<BR>was taken: 针对机场运营者的法规力<BR>度变重<BR>• Time needed for all<BR>parties to get familiar with<BR>regulation 给予各方面熟悉<BR>法规的时间<BR>• Possible to lighten<BR>regulation over time 随着<BR>时间推移油可能淡化法规<BR>• Benchmarks show that<BR>this minimises risk to the<BR>State 与标杆对照表明其可<BR>以使国家的风险减少到最小<BR>Less risk but<BR>less flexibility<BR>for operator 对<BR>运营者而言, 风险<BR>小但较低灵活度<BR>Desired but<BR>hard to<BR>achieve 希望<BR>但难以实现<BR>Sub-Optimal<BR>不理想的<BR>More flexibility<BR>for operator but<BR>more risk灵活性<BR>强但风险大<BR>Low低High高<BR>Heavy 重度<BR>Flexibility for airport operator<BR>针对机场运营者的灵活度<BR>Degree of<BR>regulation<BR>法规的等级<BR>Light轻度<BR>New Regulations 新规章<BR>􀁺 Activities essential to the airport operation or airlines are<BR>moderately regulated 针对机场或航空公司运营的必要活动进<BR>行中度监管<BR>• Total revenue from such activities is capped by<BR>the regulator 从以上活动中获取的总收益由法规调<BR>整者限高<BR>• Airport operator has flexibility to adjust individual<BR>prices charged for each activity机场运营者可以<BR>灵活调整每项活动的单项费用<BR>􀁺 Activities not essential to the airport operations or airlines<BR>are lightly regulated 针对机场或航空公司运营的非必要活动采<BR>取对轻度监管<BR>• Encourage innovation by airport operator 机场运<BR>营者鼓励革新<BR>• Part of revenue from these activities would be<BR>used to subsidise activities essential to airport<BR>operations or airlines 以上活动的部分收益将用于补<BR>贴机场或航空公司运营的必要活动<BR>Price Regulation 定价规章<BR>􀁺 High level, targeted service indicators would be monitored, e.g. customer<BR>service perceptions: 高等级的定向服务指标将被监控, 例如顾客服务认知度<BR>􀁺 Service quality is important to the airport operator for customer<BR>satisfaction 服务质量对于机场运营者保证顾客满意度是至关重要的<BR>􀁺 Reputation of Changi Airport as an airport with high levels of service<BR>quality 樟宜机场是享有高水准服务质量声誉的机场<BR>Service Regulation 服务规章<BR>􀁺 CAAS has always recognised the importance of its<BR>people and these were key considerations in the process<BR>新加坡民航局从不忽视员工的重要性,这是公司化发展过程中需<BR>要考虑的重要因素<BR>􀁺 Develop strong and compelling employee value<BR>propositions 建立强势和强制性的雇员价值观<BR>􀁺 Create more opportunities for development 创造更多<BR>的发展机会<BR>􀁺 Greater scope of work to cater to different talent 更丰<BR>富的工作岗位以满足员工不同的技能<BR>􀁺 Staff are allocated based on organisation functional<BR>needs 员工的岗位根植于组织功能性需求<BR>􀁺 Staff preferences are taken into account where<BR>possible 员工的偏好会尽可能被考虑在内<BR>􀁺 Regular and comprehensive staff communications<BR>chaired by top leadership 高层领导和员工进行全面定期<BR>的沟通<BR>Staff Transition 员工过渡<BR>Alignment of Master Plan framework which affects developments<BR>of the aviation industry and has significant financial implications. 根<BR>据航空业发展情况调整总体规划框架,具有重大的财政意义<BR>Civil Aviation Authority 民航局Airport Company 机场公司<BR>Developing Changi<BR>开发樟宜机场<BR>Safeguard airport land and other strategic<BR>needs to serve broader and longer term<BR>national interests 保护机场土地,满足其它的<BR>战略需求以更广泛更长远地服务于国家的利益<BR>Maximise return on airport land assets;<BR>flexibility to optimise and innovate 机场土<BR>地资产的最大回报; 提供进行优化和创新的灵<BR>活度<BR>Airport land ownership<BR>机场土地所有权<BR>Holds airport land title vested by the State<BR>由政府持有机场地契<BR>Holds land sub-leased by State for airport<BR>operation从国家租赁土地以用于机场运营<BR>Future consultations on<BR>airport land use 对机场<BR>未来土地利用的建议<BR>Approves changes and developments<BR>允许变化和发展<BR>Required to seek endorsement from<BR>NewCAA 需要由新的民用航空局审批<BR>Master Plan Framework<BR>总体规划框架<BR>Current Airport Master Plan<BR>当前的总体规划<BR>􀁺 Aviation will continue to be dynamic, presenting challenges<BR>and opportunities 航空业将持续保持活力, 既有挑战也有机遇<BR>􀁺 For this phase, Singapore is streamlining its regulatory and<BR>airport operations functions to better meet the future<BR>challenges of this industry 在此阶段, 新加坡正在精简其规章和机场<BR>运营功能, 以求更好地应对航空业未来的挑战<BR>Conclusion 结束语<BR>Staying Competitive in<BR>Today’s Aviation Environment:<BR>于当今航空业大环境中保持竞争力<BR>An Asian Perspective 亚洲远景<BR>Thank you for your attention 感谢关注 <P>我狂顶狂顶狂顶!!!</P> Thank you 分享! 当今航空业大环境中保持竞争力 这是什么....看看 楼主辛苦,谢谢!!!!!!!! 顶贴是美德!!! ljcxlzvhzhcvjgvc
于当今航空业大环境中保持竞争力 PPT