民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:18:35


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民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:19:03

737.1<BR>CDS Blockpoint 2004<BR>Drew Houck<BR>Avionics Display Engineering<BR>Boeing Commercial Airplanes<BR>May 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.2<BR>Occttobeerr 2002 Aiirrlliinee Cauccuss Reessullttss Sttattuss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.3<BR>Occttobeerr 2002 Aiirrlliinee Cauccuss Reessullttss Sttattuss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.4<BR>Occttobeerr 2002 Aiirrlliinee Cauccuss Reessullttss Sttattuss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.5<BR>Occttobeerr 2002 Aiirrlliinee Cauccuss Reessullttss Sttattuss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.6<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>• New revision to the Operational Program Software<BR>(OPS) software. Part number is to be included in the<BR>Boeing Service Bulletin.<BR>• New software will be certified and delivered Line<BR>Position 1640 and on. Line Position 1640 is scheduled<BR>for delivery January 2005.<BR>• Retrofit information included in Boeing Service Bulletin<BR>737-31- 1246 to be released approximately 1Q05.<BR>• New software includes product enhancements and new<BR>functionality.<BR>The Boeing Company 737.7<BR>• Round Dial Radio Altimeter<BR>– Logic change to prevent unintentional latching of round dial RA.<BR>• Adaptive Airspeed Filter<BR>– Improve Speed Tape readability in heavy turbulence by ramping in<BR>a filter algorithm change when airborne. Maintain required lag<BR>corrections during take-off<BR>• Vref + 15/20 Speed Bug<BR>– Change to Vref+20 for 737-800/900<BR>– Remains Vref+15 for 737-600/700<BR>Minor Fixes / Enhancements:<BR>15 kts 20 kts<BR>737-600/700 737-600/700<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.8<BR>• GLS Enhancements<BR>– Addition of Frequency and Course Display to EFIS/Map<BR>• VSD Enhancements<BR>– Use Center (CTR) button instead of DATA button<BR>– Maintain ability to display altitude constraint and estimated time<BR>of arrival (ETA) via DATA button while using VSD<BR>• NPS Enhancements<BR>– Add full-time display of ANP/RNP to ND and EFIS/Map<BR>– Add full-time display of vertical deviation numeric<BR>– Display scale and pointer in HDG SEL<BR>Minor Fixes / Enhancements, cont’d.:<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.9<BR>• LNAV Go-Around Roll Mode<BR>• Limited “Comm” Messages<BR>• WXR Auto-tilt Mode Annunciation<BR>• Fuel Totalizer<BR>• Engine Oil Quantity in Gallons<BR>• Selectable Low Fuel Quantity Threshold Alerting<BR>Optional Features:<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.10<BR>• EFIS Format Approach Data Block – Frequency and Course<BR>Display<BR>GLS Enhancements<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.11<BR>• RNP - ANP Annunciations<BR>• New Vertical Deviation Numeric Logic<BR>• PFD NPS Deviation Scales displayed with TO/GA Engaged<BR>Lateral RNP / ANP<BR>Annunciation<BR>Vertical RNP / ANP<BR>Annunciation<BR>Vertical Deviation Numeric<BR>30 ft vice 400 ft enable<BR>NPS Enhancements<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.12<BR>X<BR>GA Engaged<BR>400 ft<BR>LNAV Engaged<BR>LNAV Armed<BR>LNAV Go Around Roll Mode<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.13<BR>• Annunciation to support multi-scan or autotilt<BR>Autotilt Mode Manual Tilt Mode<BR>A M<BR>WXR Autotilt Mode Annunciation<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.14<BR>• Replace existing Round Dial Fuel Quantity<BR>Indication with Digital Fuel Quantity Indication<BR>that includes Total Fuel.<BR>New Over/Under Display<BR>Current Display<BR>New Side By Side Display<BR>Fuel Totalizer<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>Actual display format may be modified as a result of flight testing<BR>The Boeing Company 737.15<BR>OIL QTY<BR>3.8 GAL 3.8<BR>55 OOIILL QQTTYY %%<BR>Over-Under Format<BR>Gallons , %, Liter or Quarts<BR>Side-by-Side Format<BR>Gallons or %<BR>• Selectable Units<BR>Engine Oil Quantity<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.16<BR>• Supports Datalink Options and<BR>Communication Operations<BR>• Two Messages:<BR>• ACARS<BR>• ATC (Side by Side)<BR>• Each Message accompanied by a<BR>single High-Low Chime<BR>Over/Under Engine<BR>Side by Side Engine<BR>Limited “Comm” Messages<BR>CDS BP 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.17<BR>• Selectable alerting<BR>threshold:<BR>• 1000 lbs or 2000 lbs<BR>UUNNIITTSS CCAAPPTTIIOONN LLOOWW QQUUAANNTTIITTYY AALLEERRTT<BR>Selectable Low Fuel Quantity Threshold Alerting<BR>CDS BP 2004

失速 发表于 2010-6-11 00:29:41

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Virgin 发表于 2010-6-11 22:56:52


Virgin 发表于 2010-6-11 23:06:28


cisping 发表于 2014-5-12 21:48:29

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tonyblairer 发表于 2022-1-13 11:02:40

thanks a lot
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