民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:22:31


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民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:22:40

737.1<BR>Flight Controls Design<BR>Changes and Checklists<BR>Terry Sheehan<BR>737NG Procedures Manager<BR>Boeing Commercial Airplanes<BR>May 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.2<BR>Flight Controls Failures<BR>• Flight crews have experienced flight control failures in<BR>which the leading edge devices or trailing edge flaps<BR>fail to move to the commanded position<BR>• Lockout of leading edge devices generally occurs<BR>during retraction after takeoff<BR>• Lockout of trailing edge flaps generally occurs during<BR>extension while on approach to landing<BR>Baacckkggrroouunndd<BR>The Boeing Company 737.3<BR>Leading Edge Devices<BR>• Leading edge device lockouts occur due to<BR>excessive fluid flow<BR>– The system sets hydraulic fuses and stops<BR>further motion<BR>Loocckkoouuttss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.4<BR>Leading Edge Devices<BR>• Three known causes have been identified:<BR>– Debris in the system holds the LE slat pressure<BR>relief valve in the open position<BR>– O-ring extrusion in the slat actuator cylinders<BR>allows fluid flow between cylinders<BR>– Metallic debris in the auto slat valve (introduced<BR>during valve production) allows fluid to flow to<BR>the hydraulic return<BR>Loocckkoouuttss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.5<BR>Leading Edge Devices<BR>• The leading edge slat actuator has been<BR>redesigned to remove the internal pressure relief<BR>valve and to prevent separation of the O-ring<BR>– New design introduced in January 2002<BR>– Service Bulletin issued for in-service airplanes<BR>• Production procedures have been changed to<BR>significantly reduce the possibility of metal fracture<BR>during manufacturing<BR>Deessiiggnn Chhaannggeess<BR>The Boeing Company 737.6<BR>Trailing Edge Flaps<BR>• Trailing edge flap lockouts occur due to<BR>– Sticking position transmitters<BR>– Inadvertent torque brake actuation<BR>Loocckkoouuttss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.7<BR>Trailing Edge Flaps<BR>• Position transmitters stick due to contamination in<BR>the synchronization bearings caused by the<BR>improper mixing of two types of lubricants<BR>• The difference in the position information between<BR>the left and right indicators results in an asymmetry<BR>shutdown<BR>Loocckkoouuttss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.8<BR>Trailing Edge Flaps<BR>• Torque brake activates inadvertently and prevents<BR>further movement of the trailing edge flaps<BR>– Occurs with flaps under high load (Flaps &gt; 15)<BR>• A number of failures can be attributed to<BR>momentary activation of the flap load relief function<BR>Loocckkoouuttss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.9<BR>Trailing Edge Flaps<BR>• Position transmitters have been reworked by supplier<BR>– Warranties have been extended<BR>• Torque brake has been redesigned<BR>– New torque brake design was introduced in<BR>production at Line Number 696<BR>– “Toothed” torque brake design results in less<BR>internal drag<BR>Deessiiggnn Chhaannggeess<BR>The Boeing Company 737.10<BR>Flight Crew Impact<BR>• These design changes have significantly reduced the<BR>number of flight control lockouts, but have not entirely<BR>eliminated them<BR>– Flight crew must continue to accomplish nonnormal<BR>checklists<BR>The Boeing Company 737.11<BR>Checklist Changes<BR>• Input from operators indicate flight crews were often<BR>confused about the proper checklist to use in the<BR>event of a flight control failure<BR>• Boeing has worked to delete unnecessary checklists,<BR>combine checklists where possible and provide<BR>additional clarification<BR>The Boeing Company 737.12<BR>Leading Edge Flap Transit<BR>The Boeing Company 737.13<BR>Leading Edge Flap Transit<BR>The Boeing Company 737.14<BR>Leading Edge Flap Transit<BR>The Boeing Company 737.15<BR>Trailing Edge Flap Asymmetry<BR>The Boeing Company 737.16<BR>Trailing Edge Flap Asymmetry<BR>The Boeing Company 737.17<BR>Trailing Edge Flap Disagree<BR>The Boeing Company 737.18<BR>Trailing Edge Flap Disagree

pongpong 发表于 2010-4-6 09:06:24


seven007 发表于 2010-4-6 09:26:14


lcman88 发表于 2010-6-15 18:41:54


漫步007 发表于 2010-12-29 16:41:07

回复 1# 民航 的帖子


stan843 发表于 2011-11-3 21:15:49


erics8482 发表于 2011-12-15 22:58:31


tonyblairer 发表于 2022-1-13 17:16:43

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