民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:24:11


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民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:24:26

737.1<BR>737 FMC<BR>U10.6 Changes<BR>Mark Peterson<BR>Avionics-FMC<BR>Boeing Commercial Airplanes<BR>May 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.2<BR>737 FMC<BR>• Remaining automatic switches to speed descent<BR>mode are removed. Selecting the SPEED prompt is<BR>the only way to get into the SPEED descent mode<BR>• “Geometric” Path descent is now basic, not optional<BR>• Switch to path on “point to point” legs<BR>• Nuisance VNAV DISCONNECT message during<BR>flare and landing is eliminated<BR>U1100..66 VNAV Baassiicc Chhaannggeess<BR>The Boeing Company 737.3<BR>737 FMC<BR>• Descent path now extends beyond lateral<BR>discontinuities<BR>• Approach waypoint altitude constraints cannot be<BR>deleted with altitude intervention<BR>• Allow crew modification of runway angle (for VFR<BR>approaches). Added a field for angle entry to ARR<BR>page, under RW EXT field<BR>U1100..66 VNAV Baassiicc Chhaannggeess<BR>The Boeing Company 737.4<BR>Geometric Path Descent (Basic)<BR>Late Descent or Speed Intervention<BR>VNAV switches from VNAV SPD to<BR>VNAV PTH on “point to point” leg<BR>“Non-geometric” option no<BR>longer available<BR>The Boeing Company 737.5<BR>Descent Path After Discontinuities<BR>Speed/altitude<BR>predictions.<BR>The Boeing Company 737.6<BR>Altitude Intervention Cannot Delete<BR>Approach Waypoint Constraints<BR>Base approach altitude constraints can be deleted<BR>only via the CDU (to prevent inadvertent deletion)<BR>Cannot be deleted with Altitude Intervention<BR>The Boeing Company 737.7<BR>Crew Defined Runway Angle<BR>New<BR>field<BR>The Boeing Company 737.8<BR>10.6 Optional VNAV Changes<BR>Added as part of Common VNAV option:<BR>• Use VNAV SPD instead of overspeed disconnect for<BR>unforecast tailwinds or late descent (Common with<BR>other Boeing FMCs)<BR>• Remove SPEED DES prompt from DES page<BR>• PATH or SPEED removed from DES page title, since<BR>it is now always path, e.g., ACT ECON DES<BR>• Common VNAV will provide increased commonality<BR>with other Boeing FMCs and reduce training<BR>The Boeing Company 737.9<BR>Common VNAV<BR>VNAV SPD used for late descent and reversions<BR>Page title changed<BR>SPEED<BR>prompt<BR>removed<BR>The Boeing Company 737.10<BR>Common VNAV<BR>Descent path recaptured when<BR>airplane satisfies capture criteria<BR>The Boeing Company 737.11<BR>Other U10.6 Features<BR>• Improve SEL DES WPT page:<BR>– Add capability to display names of airports,<BR>navaids, and non-directional beacons<BR>– Added NDB frequencies<BR>– New page format can be used with or without<BR>extra data in navigation data base<BR>The Boeing Company 737.12<BR>SELECT DESIRED WAYPOINT<BR>Name added in header, and frequencies displayed, matches charts<BR>Old page.<BR>The Boeing Company 737.13<BR>SELECT DESIRED WAYPOINT<BR>Names in the navigation data base may be omitted to keep data base<BR>size smaller for mixed fleet use with older FMCs such as U5. The page<BR>display is the same, minus the names.<BR>Old page<BR>The Boeing Company 737.14<BR>Other U10.6 Features<BR>• Speed Propagation (Option)- When a manual speed is<BR>entered on CRZ page, it propagates to the rest of the<BR>vertical pages (like MD80/90)<BR>• Four additional FIX pages for a total of six (Option)<BR>• Quiet Climb modified to keep CUTBACK enabled during<BR>reentry of Vspeeds (Improvement to QCS Option)<BR>• LNAV Change to reduce bank angle at high altitudes<BR>(Basic)<BR>• Takeoff Speed Order Checking (V1&lt;Vr&lt;V2) (Basic)<BR>The Boeing Company 737.15<BR>Speed Propagation<BR>300 entered on CRZ, propagates to DES<BR>The Boeing Company 737.16<BR>Four Additional FIX pages<BR>The Boeing Company 737.17<BR>LNAV Roll Angle Change<BR>0.0<BR>5.0<BR>10.0<BR>15.0<BR>20.0<BR>25.0<BR>0 20 40 60 80 100 120<BR>Track Change<BR>Nominal Roll Angle<BR>U10.5<BR>DO-236A Floor<BR>U10.6<BR>The Boeing Company 737.18<BR>Takeoff Speed Order Checking<BR>• If an entry is made that violates V1&lt; Vr &lt; V2, the<BR>remaining V speeds are deleted<BR>119<BR>The Boeing Company 737.19<BR>The End

shanren 发表于 2010-5-22 10:37:03


失速 发表于 2010-6-11 00:21:48

回复 1# 民航 的帖子


howie666888 发表于 2010-7-3 15:13:00


netwang 发表于 2010-7-4 09:02:13


pumbaa 发表于 2010-7-4 19:51:11


lxp888 发表于 2010-9-15 16:32:46


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:37:34


tonyblairer 发表于 2022-1-13 10:59:25

thanks a lot
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