民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:24:59


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民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:25:27

737.1<BR>High Altitude<BR>Maneuvering<BR>Catherine Davis<BR>Flight Operations Engineering<BR>Boeing Commercial Airplanes<BR>May 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.2<BR>High Altitude Maneuvers<BR>• Limits to Altitude Capability<BR>• Maneuvering Issues – Impact of thrust limits on turn margins<BR>• Recommendations/Considerations for Operation at High Altitude<BR>Diissccuussssiioonn Tooppiiccss<BR>The Boeing Company 737.3<BR>Maximum Altitude<BR>Defined by Thrust / Drag relationship<BR>• User-defined Residual Rate of Climb (RROC)<BR>• Temperature-dependent!<BR>Thrust-Limited Maximum Altitude<BR>There are three things that can limit Altitude Capability:<BR>Defined by Initial Buffet CL<BR>• User-defined maneuver margin<BR>Buffet-Limited Maximum Altitude<BR>Maximum Certified Altitude (Structural Limit)<BR>The Boeing Company 737.4<BR>Flight Management System (FMS)<BR>Control Display Unit (CDU)<BR>Airline Policy Page 1/2<BR>The Boeing Company 737.5<BR>27000<BR>29000<BR>31000<BR>33000<BR>35000<BR>37000<BR>39000<BR>30 40 50 60 70<BR>Gross Weight (1000 kg)<BR>Altitude (ft) 737-400 Optimum and Maximum Altitude<BR>Buffet-limited Maximum<BR>Altitude (1.3g)<BR>Thrust-limited<BR>Maximum<BR>Altitude (100 fpm)<BR>ISA + 20C<BR>ISA + 15C<BR>ISA + 10C<BR>Optimum<BR>Altitude<BR>140<BR>(1000 lb)<BR>70 80 90 100 11<BR>0<BR>120 130 150<BR>Max Cert Alt<BR>The Boeing Company 737.6<BR>31000<BR>33000<BR>35000<BR>37000<BR>39000<BR>41000<BR>43000<BR>40 50 60 70 80<BR>Gross Weight (1000 kg)<BR>Altitude (ft) 737-800 Optimum and Maximum Altitudes<BR>Max Cert Alt<BR>Buffet-limited<BR>Maximum<BR>Altitude (1.3g)<BR>Thrust-limited<BR>Maximum<BR>Altitude (100 fpm)<BR>ISA + 20C<BR>ISA + 15C<BR>ISA + 10C<BR>Optimum<BR>Altitude<BR>160<BR>(1000 lb)<BR>90 100 110 120 13<BR>0<BR>140 150 170<BR>The Boeing Company 737.7<BR>737-800W Optimum and Maximum Altitudes<BR>31000<BR>33000<BR>35000<BR>37000<BR>39000<BR>41000<BR>43000<BR>40 50 60 70 80<BR>Gross Weight (1000 kg)<BR>Altitude (ft)<BR>Buffet-limited<BR>Maximum<BR>Altitude(1.3g)<BR>Thrust-limited<BR>Maximum<BR>Altitude(100 fpm)<BR>ISA + 20C<BR>ISA + 15C<BR>ISA + 10C<BR>Optimum<BR>Altitude<BR>160<BR>(1000 lb)<BR>90 100 110 120 13<BR>0<BR>140 150 170<BR>Max Cert Alt<BR>The Boeing Company 737.8<BR>Primary Flight Display (PFD) Airspeed<BR>Indication<BR>NOTE: The amber band<BR>does not give any<BR>indication of thrust limits<BR>The amber band:<BR>– displays the<BR>maneuver speed<BR>– provides 1.3g/40<BR>degrees of bank<BR>angle (default)<BR>margin to buffet<BR>– constant regardless<BR>of ambient<BR>temperature<BR>The Boeing Company 737.9<BR>8500<BR>9000<BR>9500<BR>10000<BR>10500<BR>11000<BR>11500<BR>12000<BR>12500<BR>13000<BR>13500<BR>0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85<BR>Mach number<BR>Drag (lb)<BR>737-800 Drag vs Mach number<BR>Gross Weight = 70000 kg = 154323 lb<BR>Altitude = 35000 ft<BR>Drag in level flight LRC<BR>Thrust Available<BR>Drag in<BR>Level Flight<BR>Margin to<BR>Thrust Limit in<BR>Level Flight<BR>The Boeing Company 737.10<BR>8500<BR>9000<BR>9500<BR>10000<BR>10500<BR>11000<BR>11500<BR>12000<BR>12500<BR>13000<BR>13500<BR>0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85<BR>Mach number<BR>Drag (lb)<BR>737-800 Drag vs Mach number<BR>Gross Weight = 70000 kg = 154323 lb<BR>Altitude = 35000 ft<BR>LRC<BR>Thrust Available<BR>Drag associated with a 15&ordm; turn<BR>Drag in a<BR>15&ordm; Turn<BR>Drag in<BR>Level Flight<BR>Margin to<BR>Thrust Limit<BR>with 15&ordm; turn<BR>The Boeing Company 737.11<BR>8500<BR>9000<BR>9500<BR>10000<BR>10500<BR>11000<BR>11500<BR>12000<BR>12500<BR>13000<BR>13500<BR>0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85<BR>Mach number<BR>Drag (lb)<BR>737-800 Drag vs Mach number<BR>Gross Weight = 70000 kg = 154323 lb<BR>Altitude = 35000 ft<BR>LRC<BR>Thrust Available<BR>Drag associated with a 30&ordm; turn<BR>Drag in a<BR>30&ordm; Turn<BR>Drag in a<BR>15&ordm; Turn<BR>Drag in<BR>Level Flight<BR>Drag is higher than<BR>available thrust in<BR>30&ordm; turn<BR>The Boeing Company 737.12<BR>8500<BR>9000<BR>9500<BR>10000<BR>10500<BR>11000<BR>11500<BR>12000<BR>12500<BR>13000<BR>13500<BR>0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85<BR>Mach number<BR>Drag (lb)<BR>737-800 Drag vs Mach number<BR>Gross Weight = 70000 kg = 154323 lb<BR>Altitude = 35000 ft<BR>LRC<BR>Thrust Available<BR>Drag in a<BR>30&ordm; Turn<BR>Drag in a<BR>15&ordm; Turn<BR>Drag in<BR>Level Flight<BR>Thrust Available in CNT Mode<BR>More thrust is available in Max<BR>Continuous Thrust (MCT) mode<BR>The Boeing Company 737.13<BR>29000<BR>31000<BR>33000<BR>35000<BR>37000<BR>39000<BR>40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80<BR>Gross Weight (1000 kg)<BR>Altitude (ft) 737-400 Maneuver Capability<BR>at Maximum Altitude<BR>Standard Day<BR>140<BR>(1000 lb)<BR>70 80 90 100 110 120 130 150<BR>LRC, Optimum<BR>1.3g Initial Buffet (40&ordm; Bank)<BR>MCRT, 20&ordm; Bank<BR>MCRT, 10&ordm; Bank<BR>MCRT, 100 FPM<BR>Max Cert Alt<BR>The Boeing Company 737.14<BR>737-800 Maneuver Capability<BR>at Maximum Altitude<BR>31000<BR>33000<BR>35000<BR>37000<BR>39000<BR>41000<BR>43000<BR>40 50 60 70 80<BR>Gross Weight (1000 kg)<BR>Altitude (ft)<BR>Standard Day<BR>LRC, Optimum<BR>MCRT, 20&ordm; Bank<BR>1.3g Initial Buffet (40&ordm; Bank)<BR>MCRT, 100 FPM<BR>MCRT, 10&ordm; Bank<BR>160<BR>(1000 lb)<BR>90 100 110 120 130 140 150 170<BR>Max Cert Alt<BR>The Boeing Company 737.15<BR>737-800 Maneuver Capability<BR>at Maximum Altitude<BR>31000<BR>33000<BR>35000<BR>37000<BR>39000<BR>41000<BR>43000<BR>40 50 60 70 80<BR>Gross Weight (1000 kg)<BR>Altitude (ft)<BR>ISA + 20&ordm;C Day<BR>LRC, Optimum<BR>1.3g Initial Buffet (40&ordm; Bank)<BR>MCRT, 100 FPM<BR>MCRT, 10&ordm; Bank<BR>160<BR>(1000 lb)<BR>90 100 110 120 130 140 150 170<BR>Max Cert Alt<BR>MCRT, 20&ordm; Bank<BR>The Boeing Company 737.16<BR>Recommendations/Considerations<BR>for Flight at High Altitudes<BR>&#1048707; To get accurate altitude limits from the FMC:<BR>&#1048707; Enter an accurate aircraft weight<BR>&#1048707; Enter an accurate temperature deviation at the cruising altitude<BR>&#1048707; For LNAV operation:<BR>&#1048707; the FMC provides a real-time bank angle limiting function<BR>&#1048707; this function will protect the commanded bank angle from exceeding<BR>the current available thrust limit.<BR>&#1048707; this bank angle protection is not available when LNAV mode is<BR>deactivated.<BR>The Boeing Company 737.17<BR>Recommendations/Considerations<BR>for Flight at High Altitudes (cont)<BR>&#1048707; For LNAV deactivated:<BR>&#1048707; Fly at least 10 knots above the lower amber band<BR>&#1048707; Limit bank angles to no more than 10&ordm; for manual steering in<BR>cruise (set MCP bank angle selector to 10&ordm; from TOC to TOD)<BR>&#1048707; If speed drops below the lower amber band limit, immediately<BR>increase speed by doing one or more of the following:<BR>1. Reduce bank angle (to 10 - 15&ordm; maximum)<BR>2. Increase thrust (up to maximum continuous thrust) as<BR>required<BR>3. Descend

失速 发表于 2010-6-11 00:27:04

回复 1# 民航 的帖子


Virgin 发表于 2010-6-12 07:26:21


tingtima 发表于 2010-6-21 22:51:51


maodun 发表于 2010-10-30 16:45:19

好东西:handshake :hug:

ida51737 发表于 2010-11-4 15:26:44

nice  up  up    up up

Jam 发表于 2011-1-31 02:56:33


wendellc 发表于 2011-3-11 14:20:11

了解一下 看看

powerlife 发表于 2011-4-22 20:36:44

谢啦 谢啦 谢啦
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