民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:26:05


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民航 发表于 2010-4-5 01:26:19

737.1<BR>Reduced Thrust Considerations<BR>Taakkeeooffff Peerrffoorrmaanccee Maarrggiinss<BR>Dick Mayward<BR>Flight Operations Engineering<BR>Boeing Commercial Airplanes<BR>May 2004<BR>The Boeing Company 737.2<BR>Common Misconceptions<BR>• “If reduced thrust is used, then the airplane will not<BR>be able to clear the obstacles if an engine fails<BR>during takeoff.”<BR>• “If the maximum allowable assumed temperature is<BR>used, then there will be no stopping margin left if the<BR>takeoff is aborted.”<BR>The Boeing Company 737.3<BR>Regulatory Compliance<BR>Boeing AFM states:<BR>“Operations at reduced takeoff thrust based on<BR>an assumed temperature higher than the actual ambient<BR>temperature is permissible if the airplane meets ALL<BR>applicable performance requirements at the planned<BR>takeoff weight and reduced thrust setting.”<BR>AC//AMJJ 2255--1133<BR>The Boeing Company 737.4<BR>Regulatory Performance Requirements<BR>• Have sufficient runway length for:<BR>– 115% of all-engine takeoff distance<BR>– One engine inoperative takeoff distance<BR>– Accelerate-stop distance<BR>• Achieve the one engine inoperative minimum climb gradient<BR>for:<BR>– First segment<BR>– Second segment<BR>– Final segment<BR>• Clear all obstacles in the intended takeoff flight path<BR>The Boeing Company 737.5<BR>Effect of Temperature on True<BR>Airspeed and Thrust<BR>• Air density is lower at higher outside air<BR>temperature (OAT)<BR>• For a given indicated airspeed (IAS), true<BR>airspeed (TAS) is higher at higher OAT<BR>• For a given reduced engine power setting (N1<BR>or EPR), lower air density (higher OAT) results<BR>in lower thrust<BR>The Boeing Company 737.6<BR>The Assumed Temperature Method<BR>• Dispatch takeoff performance must assume the<BR>higher true airspeed at the assumed higher<BR>temperature<BR>• Takeoff thrust assumed is the rated thrust<BR>at that assumed temperature<BR>The Boeing Company 737.7<BR>Inherent Conservatism<BR>of the Assumed Temperature Method<BR>• The actual thrust will be higher than the rated thrust<BR>at the assumed temperature, because the actual air<BR>density is higher<BR>• The actual true airspeed will be lower, because<BR>the actual ambient temperature is lower<BR>• The lower true airspeed combined with the higher<BR>thrust will result in a shorter ground distance<BR>The Boeing Company 737.8<BR>The True Airspeed Effect<BR>148<BR>146<BR>144<BR>142<BR>140<BR>True<BR>airspeed,<BR>kt<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>OAT – assumed temperature difference<BR>Assumed true airspeed<BR>Actual true airspeed at OAT, 15°C<BR>30 32 34 36 38 40<BR>The Boeing Company 737.9<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 0 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 7000 FT, DRY<BR>NO OBSTACLES<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 V R V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 V R V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 60400 FLD 134 135 140 55900 FLD 131 131 134<BR>55 62200 FLD 136 137 142 57700 FLD 133 133 137<BR>50 65000 FLD 138 139 146 59700 FLD 134 135 139<BR>45 67200 FLD 140 141 148 61900 FLD 136 137 142<BR>40 69300 FLD 141 143 150 64100 FLD 138 139 144<BR>38 70300 FLD 142 144 151 65000 FLD 139 140 145<BR>36 71100 FLD 142 145 152 65800 FLD 139 141 146<BR>34 72000 FLD 143 145 153 66700 FLD 140 141 147<BR>32 72900 FLD 143 146 154 67700 FLD 141 142 148<BR>30 73700 FLD 144 147 155 68600 FLD 141 143 149<BR>25 74300 FLD 144 147 156 69200 FLD 142 144 150<BR>20 75000 FLD 145 148 156 69800 FLD 143 144 151<BR>15 75600 FLD 146 149 157 70300 FLD 144 145 151<BR>10 76200 FLD 146 149 157 71000 FLD 144 146 152<BR>Maximum Allowable<BR>Assumed Temperature 38°C<BR>27K, OAT 15°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 70300 KG<BR>The Assumed Temperature Method<BR>The Boeing Company 737.10<BR>Margins Between Assumed and Actual Performance<BR>at the Maximum Allowable Assumed Temperature<BR>Parameter<BR>V1 (KIAS / KTAS)<BR>VR (KIAS / KTAS)<BR>V2 (KIAS / KTAS)<BR>Thrust per engine at V1, lb<BR>Thrust per engine at VR, lb<BR>Thrust per engine at V2, lb<BR>One engine inoperative takeoff distance, ft<BR>Accelerate-stop distance, ft<BR>115% all-engine takeoff distance, ft<BR>OAT 38°C OAT 15°C<BR>assume 38°C<BR>Extra<BR>margin<BR>142 / 148<BR>144 / 150<BR>151 / 157<BR>23855<BR>19833<BR>19857<BR>7000<BR>7000<BR>6942<BR>142 / 142<BR>144 / 144<BR>151 / 151<BR>24061<BR>20019<BR>20034<BR>6507<BR>6507<BR>6464<BR>6<BR>6<BR>6<BR>206<BR>186<BR>177<BR>493<BR>493<BR>478<BR>The Boeing Company 737.11<BR>6800<BR>6600<BR>6400<BR>6200<BR>6000<BR>Field<BR>length, ft<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>Runway length<BR>Actual balanced field length<BR>30 32 34 36 38 40<BR>Field Length Margin Increases With Lower<BR>Assumed Temperature Due to Higher Thrust<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft<BR>• Runway Length 7000 ft, Dry<BR>• Flaps 5, Standard Takeoff Speeds<BR>• OAT 15°C, Takeoff Weight 70300<BR>kg<BR>7200<BR>7000<BR>28<BR>Fiieelldd Leennggtthh Maarrggiinn<BR>875 ft<BR>493 ft<BR>The Boeing Company 737.12<BR>25500<BR>25000<BR>24500<BR>24000<BR>23500<BR>Net thrust/<BR>engine at<BR>V1, lb<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>Rated thrust<BR>Actual thrust<BR>30 32 34 36 38 40<BR>Thrust Margin Decreases<BR>With Lower Assumed Temperature<BR>26000<BR>28<BR>Raatteedd Thhrruusstt Veerrssuuss Accttuuaall Thhrruusstt • 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft<BR>• Runway Length 7000 ft, Dry<BR>• Flaps 5, Standard Takeoff Speeds<BR>• OAT 15°C, Takeoff Weight 70300<BR>kg<BR>206 llb<BR>139 llb<BR>The Boeing Company 737.13<BR>737-800W W ITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 0 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 7000 FT, DRY<BR>NO OBSTACLES<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 60400 FLD 134 135 140 55900 FLD 131 131 134<BR>55 62200 FLD 136 137 142 57700 FLD 133 133 137<BR>50 65000 FLD 138 139 146 59700 FLD 134 135 139<BR>45 67200 FLD 140 141 148 61900 FLD 136 137 142<BR>40 69300 FLD 141 143 150 64100 FLD 138 139 144<BR>38 70300 FLD 142 144 151 65000 FLD 139 140 145<BR>36 71100 FLD 142 145 152 65800 FLD 139 141 146<BR>34 72000 FLD 143 145 153 66700 FLD 140 141 147<BR>32 72900 FLD 143 146 154 67700 FLD 141 142 148<BR>30 73700 FLD 144 147 155 68600 FLD 141 143 149<BR>25 74300 FLD 144 147 156 69200 FLD 142 144 150<BR>20 75000 FLD 145 148 156 69800 FLD 143 144 151<BR>15 75600 FLD 146 149 157 70300 FLD 144 145 151<BR>10 76200 FLD 146 149 157 71000 FLD 144 146 152<BR>Lower Takeoff Weight May Permit Higher<BR>Maximum Allowable Assumed Temperature<BR>The Boeing Company 737.14<BR>145<BR>140<BR>135<BR>130<BR>True<BR>airspeed,<BR>kt<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>Assumed true airspeed<BR>Actual true airspeed at OAT<BR>40 45 50 55 60 65<BR>True Airspeed Effect Increases<BR>With Higher Assumed Temperature<BR>150<BR>35<BR>6 kt<BR>10 kt<BR>Trruuee Aiirrssppeeeedd Effffeecctt<BR>The Boeing Company 737.15<BR>22000<BR>21000<BR>20000<BR>19000<BR>18000<BR>Net thrust/<BR>engine at<BR>V1, lb<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>Rated thrust<BR>Actual thrust<BR>40 45 50 55 60 65<BR>Thrust Margin Increases<BR>With Higher Assumed Temperature<BR>23000<BR>35<BR>650 llb<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft, OAT 15°C<BR>• Runway Length 7000 ft, Dry<BR>• Flaps 5, Standard Takeoff<BR>Speeds<BR>24000 206 llb<BR>25000<BR>Raatteedd Thhrruusstt Veerrssuuss Accttuuaall Thhrruusstt<BR>The Boeing Company 737.16<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft, OAT 15°C<BR>• Runway Length 7000 ft, Dry<BR>• Flaps 5, Standard Takeoff<BR>Speeds<BR>6600<BR>6400<BR>6200<BR>6000<BR>5800<BR>Field<BR>length, ft<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>Runway length<BR>Actual balanced field length<BR>40 45 50 55 60 65<BR>Field Length Margin Due to the True Airspeed Effect<BR>Increases With Higher Assumed Temperature<BR>6800<BR>35<BR>493 ft<BR>1035 ft<BR>7200<BR>7000<BR>Fiieelldd Leennggtthh Maarrggiinn<BR>The Boeing Company 737.17<BR>• If performance is limited by the one engine inoperative<BR>minimum climb gradient requirements, the higher<BR>actual thrust will result in a higher climb gradient<BR>• If performance is limited by obstacle clearance,<BR>the higher climb gradient combined with the shorter<BR>takeoff distance will result in extra clearance margin<BR>Extra obstacle<BR>clearance margins<BR>Performance Margins in Flight Path With<BR>Assumed Temperature Reduced Thrust<BR>Actual thrust and climb gradient<BR>Rated thrust at the assumed temp<BR>The Boeing Company 737.18<BR>737-800W W ITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 5000 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 12000 FT, DRY<BR>NO OBSTACLES<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 57300 CLB 133 133 136 49300 CLB 124 124 126<BR>55 59900 CLB 136 136 139 51500 CLB 126 126 129<BR>50 62500 CLB 138 139 142 53800 CLB 129 129 132<BR>45 65100 CLB 141 141 145 56200 CLB 132 132 134<BR>40 68100 CLB 143 144 148 58900 CLB 135 135 138<BR>35 71000 CLB 146 147 151 61700 CLB 138 138 141<BR>30 73900 CLB 148 150 154 64600 CLB 140 141 144<BR>25 75400 CLB 149 151 155 67600 CLB 143 144 147<BR>20 76400 CLB 150 152 156 70800 CLB 146 147 151<BR>15 76400 CLB 150 152 156 70900 CLB 146 147 151<BR>10 76500 CLB 150 152 156 71000 CLB 146 147 151<BR>27K, OAT 10°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 71000 KG<BR>Maximum Allowable<BR>Assumed Temperature 35°C<BR>Thrust And Climb Gradient Margins At The<BR>Maximum Allowable Assumed Temperature<BR>Parameter<BR>Thrust per engine at V2, lb<BR>One engine inoperative climb gradient, %<BR>OAT 35°C OAT 10°C<BR>assume 35°C<BR>Extra<BR>margin<BR>20108<BR>2.4<BR>20355<BR>2.54<BR>247<BR>0.14<BR>The Boeing Company 737.19<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 5000 ft<BR>• Runway Length 12000 ft, Dry<BR>• Flaps 5, Standard Takeoff Speeds<BR>• OAT 10°C, Takeoff Weight 71000 kg<BR>2..8<BR>2..6<BR>2..4<BR>2..2<BR>Climb<BR>gradient<BR>, %<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>Regulatory minimum<BR>Actual gradient<BR>20 25 30 35 40<BR>3..0<BR>15<BR>3..4<BR>3..2<BR>Climb Gradient Increases With Lower<BR>Assumed Temperature Due to Higher Thrust<BR>0.9 %<BR>Clliimbb Grraaddiieenntt Maarrggiinn<BR>0.14 %<BR>The Boeing Company 737.20<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 5000 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 12000 FT, DRY<BR>NO OBSTACLES<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 57300 CLB 133 133 136 49300 CLB 124 124 126<BR>55 59900 CLB 136 136 139 51500 CLB 126 126 129<BR>50 62500 CLB 138 139 142 53800 CLB 129 129 132<BR>45 65100 CLB 141 141 145 56200 CLB 132 132 134<BR>40 68100 CLB 143 144 148 58900 CLB 135 135 138<BR>35 71000 CLB 146 147 151 61700 CLB 138 138 141<BR>30 73900 CLB 148 150 154 64600 CLB 140 141 144<BR>25 75400 CLB 149 151 155 67600 CLB 143 144 147<BR>20 76400 CLB 150 152 156 70800 CLB 146 147 151<BR>15 76400 CLB 150 152 156 70900 CLB 146 147 151<BR>10 76500 CLB 150 152 156 71000 CLB 146 147 151<BR>Lower Takeoff Weight May Permit A Higher<BR>Maximum Allowable Assumed Temperature<BR>The Boeing Company 737.21<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 5000 ft, OAT 10°C<BR>• Runway Length 12000 ft, Dry<BR>• Flaps 5, Standard Takeoff Speeds<BR>Climb<BR>gradient<BR>, %<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>30 35 40 45 50 55<BR>Climb Gradient Margin Due to the True Airspeed<BR>Effect Increases With Higher Assumed Temperature<BR>60 65<BR>2..6<BR>2..4<BR>Regulatory minimum<BR>Actual gradient<BR>0.25 %<BR>0.14 %<BR>2..3<BR>2..5<BR>2..7<BR>Clliimbb Grraaddiieenntt Maarrggiinn<BR>The Boeing Company 737.22<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 0 FT<BR>RUNWAY 9000 FT, DRY<BR>OBSTACLE: 50 FT HT AT 1000 FT DIST FROM LIFTOFF END<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 62900 OBS 138 138 143 57000 OBS 132 132 136<BR>55 65200 OBS 140 141 145 59200 OBS 134 134 138<BR>50 68600 OBS 142 144 149 61600 OBS 137 137 141<BR>45 71300 OBS 144 146 152 64200 OBS 139 140 144<BR>43 72400 OBS 145 147 153 65200 OBS 140 141 145<BR>41 73500 OBS 146 148 154 66300 OBS 141 142 146<BR>39 74600 OBS 147 149 155 67400 OBS 142 143 148<BR>37 75700 OBS 147 150 156 68400 OBS 143 144 149<BR>35 76700 OBS 148 151 157 69400 OBS 143 145 150<BR>30 79300 OBS 149 153 160 72200 OBS 146 147 153<BR>25 79800 OBS 150 153 160 72700 OBS 146 147 153<BR>20 80300 OBS 150 154 161 73100 OBS 147 148 153<BR>15 80800 OBS 151 154 161 73500 OBS 147 148 154<BR>10 81300 OBS 151 155 161 73900 OBS 147 149 154<BR>Maximum Allowable<BR>Assumed Temperature 41°C<BR>27K, OAT 15°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 73500 KG<BR>Obstacle Clearance Margin at the Maximum<BR>Allowable Assumed Temperature<BR>Parameter<BR>Net clearance<BR>OAT 41°C OAT 15°C<BR>assume 41°C<BR>Extra<BR>margin<BR>35 ft 61 ft 26 ft<BR>The Boeing Company 737.23<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft<BR>• Runway Length 9000 ft, Dry<BR>• Obstacle: 50 ft Ht at 1000 ft Dist from liftoff end<BR>• Flaps 5, Standard Takeoff Speeds<BR>• OAT 15°C, Takeoff Weight 73500 kg<BR>80<BR>60<BR>40<BR>20<BR>Net<BR>clearance,<BR>ft<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>Regulatory minimum<BR>Actual net clearance<BR>30 32 34 36 38<BR>100<BR>28<BR>120<BR>Obbssttaaccllee Clleeaarraannccee Maarrggiinn<BR>Net Clearance Margin Increases With Lower<BR>Assumed Temperature Due to Higher Thrust<BR>26 ft<BR>81 ft<BR>40 42<BR>The Boeing Company 737.24<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 0 FT<BR>RUNWAY 9000 FT, DRY<BR>OBSTACLE: 50 FT HT AT 1000 FT DIST FROM LIFTOFF END<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 62900 OBS 138 138 143 57000 OBS 132 132 136<BR>55 65200 OBS 140 141 145 59200 OBS 134 134 138<BR>50 68600 OBS 142 144 149 61600 OBS 137 137 141<BR>45 71300 OBS 144 146 152 64200 OBS 139 140 144<BR>43 72400 OBS 145 147 153 65200 OBS 140 141 145<BR>41 73500 OBS 146 148 154 66300 OBS 141 142 146<BR>39 74600 OBS 147 149 155 67400 OBS 142 143 148<BR>37 75700 OBS 147 150 156 68400 OBS 143 144 149<BR>35 76700 OBS 148 151 157 69400 OBS 143 145 150<BR>30 79300 OBS 149 153 160 72200 OBS 146 147 153<BR>25 79800 OBS 150 153 160 72700 OBS 146 147 153<BR>20 80300 OBS 150 154 161 73100 OBS 147 148 153<BR>15 80800 OBS 151 154 161 73500 OBS 147 148 154<BR>10 81300 OBS 151 155 161 73900 OBS 147 149 154<BR>Lower Takeoff Weight May Permit Higher<BR>Maximum Allowable Assumed Temperature<BR>The Boeing Company 737.25<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft, OAT 15°C<BR>• Runway Length 9000 ft, Dry<BR>• Obstacle: 50 ft Ht at 1000 ft Dist from liftoff<BR>end<BR>• Flaps 5, Standard Takeoff Speeds<BR>60<BR>40<BR>20<BR>Net<BR>clearance,<BR>ft<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>Regulatory minimum<BR>Actual net clearance<BR>40 45 50 55 60<BR>80<BR>Obbssttaaccllee Clleeaarraannccee Maarrggiinn<BR>65<BR>Net Clearance Margin Due to True Airspeed Effect<BR>Increases With Higher Assumed Temperature<BR>58 ft<BR>69 ft<BR>The Boeing Company 737.26<BR>Issues With Takeoff Speeds<BR>• Standard takeoff speeds depend on:<BR>– Takeoff weight<BR>– Flap setting<BR>– Thrust (temperature, pressure altitude,<BR>and engine bleed configuration)<BR>– V1 also depends on runway slope, wind, and<BR>surface condition (dry or wet)<BR>• Takeoff speeds vary with thrust, therefore,<BR>they vary with assumed temperature<BR>The Boeing Company 737.27<BR>Increasing V1 and VR, typically resulting in lower V2, will re-balance field length<BR>V1 = 140 VR = 145 V2 = 150<BR>Lower thrust<BR>Proper takeoff speeds for a balanced field length<BR>V2 = 155<BR>Higher thrust<BR>V1 = 135 VR = 140<BR>Effect of Thrust on Takeoff Speeds (IAS)<BR>The Boeing Company 737.28<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft<BR>• Flaps 5, Dry Runway, Standard<BR>Speeds<BR>• OAT 15°C, Takeoff Weight 60400 kg<BR>140<BR>135<BR>130<BR>125<BR>Takeoff<BR>speeds,<BR>KIAS<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °C<BR>V1<BR>VR<BR>25 30 35 40 45 50<BR>145<BR>Thhrruusstt Effffeecctt oonn Taakkeeooffff SSppeeeeddss<BR>55 60<BR>Takeoff Speeds (IAS) Vary<BR>With Assumed Temperature<BR>V2<BR>65<BR>The Boeing Company 737.29<BR>Use the FMC or QRH to Obtain<BR>Proper Standard Takeoff Speeds<BR>T A K E O F F R E F 1 / 2<BR>F L A P S<BR>°<BR>2 6 K N 1<BR>98. 8 / 98.8%<BR>C G TRIM<BR>22.5% 5 . 2 5<BR>RUNW A Y<BR>&lt; P ERF I N I T<BR>Q R H V 1<BR>V R<BR>V 2<BR>G W / T O W<BR>S E L E C T<BR>QRH OFF&gt;<BR>— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —<BR>— — — —<BR>— — — —<BR>— — — —<BR>Standard Takeoff Speeds Only<BR>Standard takeoff speeds, plus adjustments for clearway<BR>and stopway, slippery and contaminated runways, and<BR>inoperative system. No optimized V1 or improved climb.<BR>Quick<BR>Reference<BR>Handbook<BR>The Boeing Company 737.30<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 0 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 7000 FT, DRY<BR>NO OBSTACLES<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 60400 FLD 134 135 140 55900 FLD 131 131 134<BR>55 62200 FLD 136 137 142 57700 FLD 133 133 137<BR>50 65000 FLD 138 139 146 59700 FLD 134 135 139<BR>45 67200 FLD 140 141 148 61900 FLD 136 137 142<BR>40 69300 FLD 141 143 150 64100 FLD 138 139 144<BR>38 70300 FLD 142 144 151 65000 FLD 139 140 145<BR>36 71100 FLD 142 145 152 65800 FLD 139 141 146<BR>34 72000 FLD 143 145 153 66700 FLD 140 141 147<BR>32 72900 FLD 143 146 154 67700 FLD 141 142 148<BR>30 73700 FLD 144 147 155 68600 FLD 141 143 149<BR>25 74300 FLD 144 147 156 69200 FLD 142 144 150<BR>20 75000 FLD 145 148 156 69800 FLD 143 144 151<BR>15 75600 FLD 146 149 157 70300 FLD 144 145 151<BR>10 76200 FLD 146 149 157 71000 FLD 144 146 152<BR>27K, OAT 15°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 60400 KG<BR>Maximum Allowable<BR>Assumed Temperature 60°C<BR>Overspeed<BR>Use Speeds for the Maximum Allowable Assumed<BR>Temperature, Ignoring Thrust Effect on Speeds<BR>The Boeing Company 737.31<BR>737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>Pressure Altitude 0 ft, OAT 15°C<BR>Dry Runway, Standard Speeds<BR>Flaps 5, Takeoff Weight 60400 kg<BR>15°C 128 / 131 / 143<BR>45°C 131 / 133 / 142<BR>60°C 134 / 135 / 140<BR>V1 / VR / V2<BR>(kt)<BR>Assumed<BR>temperature<BR>Proper Takeoff Speeds From QRH<BR>The Boeing Company 737.32<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 0 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 7000 FT, DRY<BR>NO OBSTACLES<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 60400 FLD 134 135 140 55900 FLD 131 131 134<BR>55 62200 FLD 136 137 142 57700 FLD 133 133 137<BR>50 65000 FLD 138 139 146 59700 FLD 134 135 139<BR>45 67200 FLD 140 141 148 61900 FLD 136 137 142<BR>40 69300 FLD 141 143 150 64100 FLD 138 139 144<BR>38 70300 FLD 142 144 151 65000 FLD 139 140 145<BR>36 71100 FLD 142 145 152 65800 FLD 139 141 146<BR>34 72000 FLD 143 145 153 66700 FLD 140 141 147<BR>32 72900 FLD 143 146 154 67700 FLD 141 142 148<BR>30 73700 FLD 144 147 155 68600 FLD 141 143 149<BR>25 74300 FLD 144 147 156 69200 FLD 142 144 150<BR>20 75000 FLD 145 148 156 69800 FLD 143 144 151<BR>15 75600 FLD 146 149 157 70300 FLD 144 145 151<BR>10 76200 FLD 146 149 157 71000 FLD 144 146 152<BR>27K, OAT 15°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 60400 KG<BR>Maximum Allowable<BR>Assumed Temperature 60°C<BR>Overspeed<BR>Use Speeds for the Lower Assumed Temperature,<BR>Ignoring Weight Effect on Speeds<BR>The Boeing Company 737.33<BR>6000<BR>6200<BR>6400<BR>6600<BR>6800<BR>7000<BR>7200<BR>28 30 32 34 36 38 40<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft, OAT 15°C<BR>• Runway Length 7000 ft, Dry<BR>• Flaps 5, Takeoff Weight 70300 kg<BR>• Max Allowable Assumed Temp<BR>38°C<BR>Field<BR>length,<BR>ft<BR>Fiieelldd Leennggtthh Maarrggiinn Wiitthh Ovveerrssppeeeedd<BR>Overspeed Reduces Field Length Margin<BR>Proper<BR>speeds<BR>Runway length available<BR>Overspeed<BR>– Max assumed<BR>temp Overspeed<BR>– Lower assumed<BR>temp<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °°C<BR>The Boeing Company 737.34<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 5000 ft, OAT<BR>10°C<BR>• Runway Length 12000 ft, Dry<BR>• Flaps 5, Takeoff Weight 71000 kg<BR>• Max Allowable Assumed Temp<BR>35°C<BR>Climb<BR>gradient,<BR>%<BR>Clliimbb Grraaddiieenntt Maarrggiinn Wiitthh Ovveerrssppeeeedd<BR>Proper<BR>speeds<BR>Regulatory minimum<BR>Effect of Overspeed on Climb Gradient<BR>2..2<BR>2..4<BR>2..6<BR>2..8<BR>3..0<BR>3..2<BR>3..4<BR>3..6<BR>15 20 25 30 35 40<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °°C<BR>Overspeed<BR>– Lower assumed temp<BR>Overspeed<BR>– Max assumed temp<BR>The Boeing Company 737.35<BR>• 737-800W / CFM56-7B27<BR>• Pressure Altitude 0 ft, OAT 15°C<BR>• Runway Length 9000 ft, Dry<BR>• Obstacle: 50 ft Ht at 1000 ft Dist from liftoff<BR>end<BR>• Flaps 5, Takeoff Weight 73500 kg<BR>• Max Allowable Assumed Temp 41°C<BR>Net<BR>clearance<BR>, ft<BR>Assumed ttemperratturre,, °°C<BR>Obbssttaaccllee Clleeaarraannccee Wiitthh Ovveerrssppeeeedd<BR>Overspeed Reduces<BR>Obstacle Clearance Margin<BR>20<BR>40<BR>60<BR>80<BR>100<BR>120<BR>28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42<BR>Proper speeds<BR>Regulatory minimum<BR>Overspeed<BR>– Max assumed<BR>temp<BR>Overspeed<BR>– Lower assumed<BR>temp<BR>The Boeing Company 737.36<BR>Means to Maximize Thrust Reduction<BR>and Performance Margins<BR>• Takeoff configuration:<BR>– Flaps setting selection<BR>– No engine bleed for A/C packs<BR>• Takeoff speeds options:<BR>– Improved climb<BR>– Optimized V1 (unbalanced)<BR>• Goal: Increase the difference between the OAT<BR>and the assumed temperature, thus increasing<BR>the true airspeed effect.<BR>The Boeing Company 737.37<BR>7 3 7 -80 0W W ITH C FM 56 -7B 2 7 ENG IN E S<BR>PR ESSURE A LT ITUDE 0 FT<BR>R U NW A Y LE N G T H 7 0 0 0 F T , D R Y<BR>NO O BSTACLES<BR>27K , STANDARD TAKEO FF S P EED S<BR>O AT<BR>(C )<BR>FLA P S 5<BR>A /C A U TO<BR>FLA P S 15<BR>A /C A U TO<BR>FLA P S 5<BR>A /C O FF<BR>60 60400 6 0 800 6 1 300<BR>55 62200 6 3 400 6 3 200<BR>50 65000 6 6 100 6 6 000<BR>45 67200 6 8 200 6 8 100<BR>40 69300 7 0 500 7 0 300<BR>38 70300 7 1 400 7 1 100<BR>36 71100 7 2 300 7 2 000<BR>34 72000 7 3 200 7 2 800<BR>32 72900 7 4 100 7 3 600<BR>30 73700 7 5 000 7 4 400<BR>25 74300 7 5 700 7 5 000<BR>20 75000 7 6 300 7 5 600<BR>15 75600 7 6 900 7 6 200<BR>10 76200 7 7 600 7 6 900<BR>Means to Maximize Thrust<BR>Reduction and Margin<BR>OAT 15°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 70300 KG<BR>Peerrffoorrmaannccee Liimiitteedd bbyy Fiieelldd Leennggtthh<BR>The Boeing Company 737.38<BR>Assumed<BR>temperature<BR>38°C<BR>38°C<BR>38°C<BR>40°C<BR>40°C<BR>Field length<BR>required, ft<BR>Extra<BR>margin, ft<BR>6507<BR>6314<BR>6360<BR>6416<BR>6461<BR>493<BR>686<BR>640<BR>584<BR>539<BR>Field Length Margin<BR>With Optimum Takeoff Configuration<BR>Takeoff configuration<BR>Flaps 5, A/C Auto<BR>Flaps 15, A/C Auto<BR>Flaps 5, A/C Off<BR>Flaps 15, A/C Auto<BR>Flaps 5, A/C Off<BR>The Boeing Company 737.39<BR>7 3 7 -800W W ITH CFM5 6 -7B2 7 ENGINES<BR>PRESSUR E ALTITUDE 5000 FT<BR>RUNW AY L ENGTH 12000 FT , DRY<BR>NO O BSTACLES<BR>27K, A /C AUTO<BR>OAT<BR>(C )<BR>FLA P S 5<BR>NO IMP C LB<BR>FLA P S 1<BR>NO IMP C LB<BR>FLA P S 5<BR>W ITH IMP CLB<BR>60 57300 59300 60600<BR>55 59900 62000 63200<BR>50 62500 64700 65700<BR>45 65100 67400 68300<BR>40 68100 70500 71100<BR>39 68700 71100 71600<BR>37 69900 72400 72500<BR>35 71000 73100 73400<BR>30 73900 74000 75300<BR>25 75400 74800 76500<BR>20 76400 75500 77300<BR>15 76400 76100 77700<BR>10 76500 76800 78100<BR>Means to Maximize<BR>Thrust Reduction and Margin<BR>OAT 10°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 71000 KG<BR>Peerrffoorrmaannccee Liimiitteedd bbyy Clliimbb oorr Obbssttaaccllee Clleeaarraannccee<BR>The Boeing Company 737.40<BR>Performance Margins<BR>With Optimum Takeoff Option<BR>Assumed<BR>temperature<BR>35°C<BR>35°C<BR>39°C<BR>40°C<BR>Field length<BR>required, ft<BR>Extra<BR>margin, ft<BR>9086<BR>9804<BR>10153<BR>10642<BR>2914<BR>2196<BR>1847<BR>1358<BR>Takeoff option<BR>Flaps 5, No Imp Climb<BR>Flaps 1, No Imp Climb<BR>Flaps 1, No Imp Climb<BR>Flaps 5, Improved Climb<BR>Climb<BR>gradient, %<BR>2.54<BR>2.93<BR>2.58<BR>2.58<BR>The Boeing Company 737.41<BR>The Takeoff Derate Method<BR>• Available for use on slippery or contaminated runways<BR>and with inoperative antiskid<BR>• Can be combined with use of assumed temperature<BR>The Boeing Company 737.42<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 0 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 7000 FT, DRY<BR>NO OBSTACLES<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 60400 FLD 134 135 140 55900 FLD 131 131 134<BR>55 62200 FLD 136 137 142 57700 FLD 133 133 137<BR>50 65000 FLD 138 139 146 59700 FLD 134 135 139<BR>45 67200 FLD 140 141 148 61900 FLD 136 137 142<BR>40 69300 FLD 141 143 150 64100 FLD 138 139 144<BR>38 70300 FLD 142 144 151 65000 FLD 139 140 145<BR>36 71100 FLD 142 145 152 65800 FLD 139 141 146<BR>34 72000 FLD 143 145 153 66700 FLD 140 141 147<BR>32 72900 FLD 143 146 154 67700 FLD 141 142 148<BR>30 73700 FLD 144 147 155 68600 FLD 141 143 149<BR>25 74300 FLD 144 147 156 69200 FLD 142 144 150<BR>20 75000 FLD 145 148 156 69800 FLD 143 144 151<BR>15 75600 FLD 146 149 157 70300 FLD 144 145 151<BR>10 76200 FLD 146 149 157 71000 FLD 144 146 152<BR>Runway Length Consideration<BR>OAT 15°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 70300 KG<BR>The Boeing Company 737.43<BR>24K Derate<BR>OAT 15°C<BR>27K<BR>assume 38°C<BR>7000<BR>22353<BR>93.8<BR>6507<BR>24061<BR>97.2<BR>Parameter<BR>Field Length Required, ft<BR>Thrust per Engine at V1, lb<BR>Takeoff N1 Setting<BR>Using Derate<BR>Reduces Performance Margins<BR>The Boeing Company 737.44<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 5000 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 12000 FT, DRY<BR>NO OBSTACLES<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 57300 CLB 133 133 136 49300 CLB 124 124 126<BR>55 59900 CLB 136 136 139 51500 CLB 126 126 129<BR>50 62500 CLB 138 139 142 53800 CLB 129 129 132<BR>45 65100 CLB 140 141 145 56200 CLB 132 132 134<BR>40 68100 CLB 141 141 148 58900 CLB 135 135 138<BR>35 71000 CLB 146 147 151 61700 CLB 138 138 141<BR>30 73900 CLB 148 150 154 64600 CLB 140 141 144<BR>25 75400 CLB 149 151 155 67600 CLB 143 144 147<BR>20 76400 CLB 150 152 156 70800 CLB 146 147 151<BR>15 76400 CLB 150 152 156 70900 CLB 146 147 151<BR>10 76500 CLB 150 152 156 71000 CLB 146 147 151<BR>Climb Consideration<BR>OAT 10°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 71000 KG<BR>The Boeing Company 737.45<BR>24K Derate<BR>OAT 10°C<BR>27K<BR>assume 35°C<BR>2.4 2.54<BR>Parameter<BR>One Engine Inoperative<BR>Climb Gradient (%)<BR>Using Derate<BR>Reduces Performance Margins<BR>The Boeing Company 737.46<BR>737-800W WITH CFM56-7B27 ENGINES<BR>PRESSURE ALTITUDE 0 FT<BR>RUNWAY LENGTH 9000 FT, DRY<BR>OBSTACLE: 50 FT HT AT 1000 FT DIST FROM LIFTOFF END<BR>FLAPS 5, A/C AUTO, STANDARD TAKEOFF SPEEDS<BR>MAXIMUM RATED THRUST (27K) 24K DERATE<BR>OAT<BR>(C)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>MTOW<BR>(KG)<BR>PERF<BR>LIM<BR>V1 VR V2<BR>(KT)<BR>60 62900 OBS 138 138 143 57000 OBS 132 132 136<BR>55 65200 OBS 140 141 145 59200 OBS 134 134 138<BR>50 68600 OBS 142 144 149 61600 OBS 137 137 141<BR>45 71300 OBS 144 146 152 64200 OBS 139 140 144<BR>43 72400 OBS 145 147 153 65200 OBS 140 141 145<BR>41 73500 OBS 146 148 154 66300 OBS 141 142 146<BR>39 74600 OBS 147 149 155 67400 OBS 142 143 148<BR>37 75700 OBS 147 150 156 68400 OBS 143 144 149<BR>35 76700 OBS 148 151 157 69400 OBS 143 145 150<BR>30 79300 OBS 149 153 160 72200 OBS 146 147 153<BR>25 79800 OBS 150 153 160 72700 OBS 146 147 153<BR>20 80300 OBS 150 154 161 73100 OBS 147 148 153<BR>15 80800 OBS 151 154 161 73500 OBS 147 148 154<BR>10 81300 OBS 151 155 161 73900 OBS 147 149 154<BR>Obstacle Clearance Consideration<BR>OAT 15°C<BR>Takeoff Weight 73500 KG<BR>The Boeing Company 737.47<BR>Using Derate Reduces<BR>Performance Margins<BR>24K Derate<BR>OAT 15°C<BR>27K<BR>assume 41°C<BR>35 61<BR>Parameter<BR>Net Clearance (ft)<BR>The Boeing Company 737.48<BR>98<BR>96<BR>94<BR>93<BR>N1<BR>OAT,, °C<BR>27K and max allowable assumed temp<BR>24K Derate at OAT<BR>15 20 25 35 45 50<BR>99<BR>10<BR>For Equivalent Performance, Using Derate Lowers N1<BR>(RPM) and Achieves More Effective Thrust Reduction<BR>30 40<BR>97<BR>95<BR>The Boeing Company 737.49<BR>Other Advantages Of Takeoff Derate<BR>• Permitted on slippery or contaminated runways,<BR>where the use of assumed temperature reduced<BR>thrust is prohibited<BR>• Permitted with anti-skid system inoperative<BR>• May increase maximum takeoff weight when<BR>performance is limited by VMCG<BR>• May improve aircraft loadability, for some models,<BR>by extending aft takeoff CG limit<BR>• Better trimmed for rotation and climbout<BR>for most models<BR>The Boeing Company 737.50<BR>Summary On Performance Margins<BR>• Extra performance margins are inherent in the<BR>Assumed Temperature method of reduced thrust,<BR>including at the maximum allowable assumed<BR>temperature<BR>• Using those inherent margins for takeoff weight<BR>planning is prohibited!<BR>The Boeing Company 737.51

失速 发表于 2010-6-11 00:27:31

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Virgin 发表于 2010-6-11 23:11:43


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Reduced Thrust Considerations

Reduced Thrust Considerations

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