民航 发表于 2010-4-5 20:48:06

B757 Contaminated And Slippery Runways

<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P>

民航 发表于 2010-4-5 20:48:35

Giesman757.1<BR>Contaminated and<BR>Slippery Runways<BR>Paul Giesman<BR>Performance Engineer Operations<BR>Flight Operations Engineering<BR>Boeing Commercial Airplanes<BR>May 2004<BR>The Boeing Company<BR>“I glanced at the air speed indicator and saw it registered 105 knots and was flickering. When it<BR>reached 117 knots I called out `V1‘ . Suddenly the needle dropped to about 112 and then 105. Ken shouted,<BR>`Christ, we can‘t make it’ and I looked up from the instruments to see a lot of snow and a house<BR>and a tree right in the path of the aircraft”.<BR>Inside the passengers‘ compartment Bill Foulkes had sensed that something was wrong:<BR>“There was a lot of slush flying past the windows and there was a terrible noise, like when a car<BR>leaves a smooth road and starts to run over rough ground”.<BR>The Elizabethan left the runway, went through a fence and crossed a road before the port wing<BR>struck a house. The wing and part of the tail were torn off and the house caught fire. The cockpit<BR>struck a tree and the starboard side of the fuselage hit a wooden hut containing a truck loaded<BR>with fuel and tyres. This exploded.<BR>Giesman757.2<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.3<BR>Non-Dry Runway Topics<BR>• Wet runway<BR>– Regulatory/operations<BR>• Slush / standing water<BR>• Snow covered runway<BR>– Loose/compact<BR>• Slippery runways<BR>• Crosswind considerations<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.4<BR>Wet Runway Regulatory Requirements<BR>• FAA historically<BR>– No definitive regulatory requirements for wet runway<BR>performance adjustments in Part 25 or 121<BR>– Boeing supplied as a subset of slippery runway data<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.5<BR>Wet Runway Regulatory Requirements<BR>• FAA current (737-6/7/8/900, 757-300, 767-400)<BR>– Wet runway is part of AFM certification basis<BR>– Amendment 25-92<BR>– Assumptions<BR>– 15 foot screen height<BR>– Engine inoperative reverse thrust credit<BR>• JAA Operators<BR>− New certifications - same as FAA (Note: 747-400 also certified<BR>to a different wet runway standard)<BR>Note: This data is based on an agreed upon certification method<BR>which adjusts a standard wet runway braking characteristic<BR>curve by the individual airplanes anti-skid system efficiency.<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.6<BR>Wet Runway Regulatory Requirements<BR>• Operational data - JAROPS 1<BR>– Requires operational wet runway data based on<BR>possibility of an engine failure<BR>– Boeing supplies performance information for wet as a<BR>subset of slippery runway data<BR>– Recommend use of the data based on pilot reported<BR>braking action of Good (approximately &frac12; the dry<BR>runway effective ness when runway friction limited)<BR>– This performance level is consistent with CAA<BR>certification flight testing accomplished on the 707, 727,<BR>737-1/2/200Adv, 747-100/200<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.7<BR>Boeing Slush/Standing Water Data<BR>AFM information<BR>FAA – No AFM requirements<BR>JAA – AFM contains advisory data for more<BR>recent airplanes<BR>747-400, 777, 737NG, 757-300, 767-400<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.8<BR>Boeing Slush/Standing Water Data<BR>Operational information<BR>• Boeing supplies data in the OM, FPPM, PEM and<BR>performance software<BR>• Data in manuals are weight reductions and V1 adjustments<BR>• Assumptions in calculation of performance<BR>– One engine inoperative<BR>– 15 screen height at the end of the runway<BR>– Reverse thrust on operating engines<BR>Note: All engines slush standing water data is still available –<BR>very few use this data<BR>– Weight reduction<BR>– NoV1 adjustment provided<BR>– Preserves 15% margin<BR>No V1<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.9<BR>Snow data<BR>• Provided in operational software for<BR>– 737-6/7/8/900, 777, 757-300, 767-400<BR>– Loose dry snow<BR>– Calculations based on slush modeling using snow<BR>specific gravities — depths to 101 mm<BR>– Compact snow based on a relationship agreed upon<BR>during JAA certification that is equivalent to a pilot<BR>reported braking action of “good”<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.10<BR>Slippery Runway<BR>• Weight reduction and V1 adjustment provided<BR>– Reduced tire to ground friction<BR>– Credit for reverse thrust<BR>– Go to 15-ft screen height<BR>• Data a function of pilot reported braking action<BR>– Good — wet<BR>– Medium — comparable to 727 ice and compact snow<BR>testing — 60’s<BR>– Poor — wet melting ice<BR>• Boeing does not correlate performance data with<BR>friction cart information<BR>Datta prresentted iin aiirrpllane Operrattiionss Manuall,, FPPM,, and PEM<BR>((Weett,, IIccyy))<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.11<BR>Crosswind Guidelines<BR>• Boeing publishes takeoff and landing crosswind guidelines<BR>in the Flight Crew Training Manuals<BR>– Derived from analysis and piloted simulations<BR>– Based on steady winds<BR>– Function of runway condition — dry, wet, standing<BR>water/slush, snow — no melting, ice — no melting<BR>– Accounts for asymmetric reverse thrust<BR>– Provides guidance on technique (side slip, crab)<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.12<BR>Example Of FCTM Information<BR>May Be Different For TO And Land<BR>Ice — No Melting** 15<BR>Snow — No Melting** 20<BR>Standing Water/Slush 15<BR>Wet 25<BR>Dry 40<BR>Runway Condition Crosswind — Knots*<BR>The Boeing Company Giesman757.13<BR>Crosswind Guidelines<BR>Recently Boeing extended additional guidance relating<BR>runway condition to Pilot reported Braking Action<BR>FCTM Runway Condition Braking<BR>(TO and Land Guidelines)<BR>Dry Dry<BR>Wet Good<BR>Snow — No Melting Medium to Good<BR>Slush/St. Water or Medium to Poor<BR>Ice — No Melting<BR>Pilot Reported Action

hehe1019 发表于 2010-5-6 14:57:38


979199501 发表于 2011-4-12 14:35:12

回复 1# 民航 的帖子

CFM56-7 Starter Reliability

tonyblairer 发表于 2014-5-27 19:36:19


raikkonen10 发表于 2016-11-17 19:44:11

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