航空 发表于 2010-4-30 16:50:54

BRC Global Standards(BRC全球标准)

The BRC Global Standards are a suite of four industry-leading Technical Standards that specify requirements to be met by an organisation to enable the production, packaging, storage and distribution of safe food and consumer products. Originally developed in response to the needs of UK members of the British Retail Consortium, the Standards have gained usage world-wide and are specified by growing numbers of retailers and branded manufacturers in the EU, North America and further afield. Certification to a Global Standard, which is achieved through audit by a third party Certification Bodies, reassures retailers and branded manufacturers of the capability and competence of the supplier, and reduces the need for retailers and manufacturers to carry out their own audits, thereby reducing the administrative burden on both the supplier and the customer.
<P>  针对近来发生的多次食品恐慌事件,比如感染疯牛病的牛肉、家禽和蛋的沙门氏菌污染和奶制品中李斯特菌超量等等,BRC(英国零售业协会,一个代表英国零售商利益的英国商业组织)发表了BRC-全球食品标准,对食品制造工厂的最低卫生标准进行了规范。</P>
<P>  BRC-全球食品标准是针对向英国零售商供应食品的任何国家以及任何食品的供应商设计的。遵守此项方案并不是法律规定,但是英国零售商对这个标准十分推崇。为了遵守此标准,食品供应商/制造商必须在他们的管理体系中采用三项主要标准:</P>
<P>  HACCP的采用和实施</P>
<P>  一个备有证明文件的和有效的质量管理体系</P>
<P>  工厂环境标准、产品、过程和人员的控制</P>
<P>  按照BRC-全球食品标准要求认证您的食品管理系统会给贵企业带来以下的益处:</P>
<P>  改善贵公司食品安全和食品安全管理体系</P>
<P>  展示贵公司对生产或销售安全食品的承诺</P>
<P>  获得英国零售业的认可和信任</P>
<P>  提高贵公司客户/消费者对产品安全和质量的信心</P>
<P>  改善贵公司新市场/新客户的看法</P>
<P>  减少供应商的审核次数</P>
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