航空 发表于 2010-5-8 07:53:09


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航空 发表于 2010-5-8 07:53:41

canadair<BR>chatienQer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>SECTION 7<BR>ELECTRICAL<BR>TABLE OF CONTENTS<BR>Subject<BR>SUPPLY<BR>General<BR>Power Generating Systems<BR>DC Static Conversion System<BR>Secondary DC Power System<BR>External Power System<BR>AC Power<BR>No. 1 and No. 2 Generators<BR>Transfer and Bus Tie<BR>APU and External Power<BR>AC Metering<BR>DC Power<BR>Internal DC Power<BR>External DC Power<BR>DC Metering<BR>DISTRIBUTION<BR>Page<BR>1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>Figure<BR>Number<BR>LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS<BR>Title Pajge<BR>1 Electrical System - Basic Configuration<BR>2 Electrical System Control Panels<BR>3 Primary AC Control<BR>4 Auxiliary AC Control<BR>5 Main DC Control<BR>6 Essential AC Power and ADG Control<BR>7 External Power and Battery Control<BR>8 AC and DC Metering<BR>5<BR>6<BR>7<BR>8<BR>9<BR>10<BR>11<BR>12<BR>7 - CONTENTS<BR>Page 1<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>chanenper<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>Figure<BR>Number Title Page<BR>| 9 Main AC No. 1 and DC No. 1 Circuit Breaker Panel (6 Sheets) 13<BR>| 10 Battery Bus - Left Circuit Breaker Panel 19<BR>| 11 Main AC No. 2 and DC No. 2 Circuit Breaker Panel (2 Sheets) 20<BR>| 12 Battery Bus - Right Circuit Breaker Panel (2 Sheets) 22<BR>13 AC Essential Bus Circuit Breaker Panel (3 Sheets) 24<BR>14 DC Essential Bus Circuit Breaker Panel (3 Sheets) 27<BR>I 15 Aft Electrical Distribution Box Circuit Breaker Panel {2 Sheets) 30<BR>7 - CONTENTS<BR>Page 2<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canaaair<BR>chauenQer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>SECTION 7<BR>ELECTRICAL<BR>1. SUPPLY<BR>A. General<BR>The electrical power system consists of generating and static conversion<BR>systems, and secondary and external power systems*<BR>| (1) Power Generating Systems<BR>There are three power generating systems:<BR>( Primary ac power is provided by two integrated drive generators,<BR>GEN 1 and GEN 2. Both generators provide 115/200 volts ac, 400<BR>Hz, 3 phase, with a maximum power rating of 30 kVA.<BR>I - Auxiliary ac power is provided by the auxiliary power unit (APU).<BR>The generator output is 115/200 volts ac, 400 Hz, 3 phase, with a<BR>maximum power rating of 30 kVA.<BR>I - Emergency ac power is provided by an air-driven generator (ADG).<BR>The generator provides 115/200 volts, 400 Hz, 3 phase, with a<BR>maximum power rating of 15 kVA at 160 knots.<BR>| (2) DC Static Conversion System<BR>The primary and essential ac supplies are fed to three transformer<BR>rectifier units (TRU) which produce unregulated 28-volt dc supplies.<BR>(3) Secondary DC Power System<BR>A nickel-cadmium battery provides secondary and emergency dc power.<BR>(4) External Power System<BR>| The aircraft can be supplied from an external source through ac and dc<BR>receptacles on the lower fuselage.<BR>B. AC Power (Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4)<BR>(1) No. 1 and No. 2 Generators<BR>Each generator normally supplies its own distribution system. GEN 1<BR>supplies power to the ac main bus No. 1 which feeds the ac essential<BR>I bus, TRU 1 and the ac utility bus No. 1. The AC essential bus<BR>supplies the essential loads and TRU 3.<BR>SECTION 7<BR>Page 1<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canadair<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>GEN 2 supplies ac main bus No. 2 which feeds the main No. 2 loads,<BR>TRU 2, ac utility bus No. 2 and the battery charger.<BR>Transfer and Bus Tie (Figures 1, 2, 5 and 6)<BR>If either primary generator fails, the associated bus is transferred<BR>automatically to the other generator and both ac utility busses are<BR>isolated. The GEN OFF light comes on but the MAIN BUS OFF light<BR>remains out to indicate that the bus is tied to another supply. To<BR>restore the services of the ac utility busses, the APU generator must<BR>be brought on line.<BR>Under bus tie conditions, if an overload occurs in the bus tie, the<BR>generator control circuit de-energizes the transfer contactors and the<BR>FAIL and MAIN BUS OFF lights come on. When the AUTO OFF/FAIL<BR>switch/light is pressed, the automatic transfer circuit is inhibited,<BR>the AUTO OFF light comes on and the FAIL light goes out.<BR>If power is lost from ac main bus No. 1, the essential transfer<BR>contactor automatically transfers the ac essential bus to ac main bus<BR>No. 2.<BR>If all ac power is lost, the ADG is deployed automatically. If<BR>automatic deployment fails, the ADG can be deployed manually by<BR>operating the manual deploy handle located on the centre pedestal.<BR>When the ADG comes on line, the ADG ac emergency transfer contactor<BR>transfers the ac essential bus to the ADG bus and also connects the<BR>dc essential bus to the battery bus.<BR>APU and External Power (Figures 1, 2 and 7)<BR>The APU and external ac power can supply any ac bus through the AP/EP<BR>contactor and line and transfer contactors.<BR>When external power is connected to the aircraft the AVAIL light comes<BR>on. When the GPWR switch is set to on, the external contactor<BR>energizes. The AVAIL light goes out, the IN USE light comes on and<BR>the external power is connected to the ac main busses. When the APU<BR>is running and on line, it overrides the external supply and supplies<BR>power to the main busses.<BR>AC Metering (Figure 8)<BR>All sources of ac power are monitored on the metering section of the<BR>power management panel.<BR>SECTION 7<BR>Page 2<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canadair<BR>chaiienc/er<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>DC Power<BR>(1) Internal DC Power<BR>When ac power is available from the ac busses, the transformer<BR>rectifier units supply dc power to dc bus No. 1, dc bus No. 2, and the<BR>dc essential bus. Two other busses, dc utility bus No. 1 and dc<BR>utility bus No. 2, are supplied by dc bus No. 1 and dc bus No. 2<BR>respectively under normal operating conditions. Power to the battery<BR>bus from the battery direct bus is fed via a battery contactor<BR>controlled by a battery bus power sensing relay. Normally this relay<BR>is energized and the battery bus is isolated except when a bus tie<BR>operation is carried out. Each bus, except the utilities, has an<BR>associated light which is out when the bus has power.<BR>If either dc bus No. 1 or No. 2 loses power, it can be supplied from<BR>the other bus by pressing the appropriate BUS TIE CLOSED switch/light<BR>on the power management panel. When the bus is tied, the BUS TIE<BR>CLOSED light comes on. If the dc essential bus loses power because of<BR>TRU 3 failure, it can be supplied from either dc bus No. 1 or No. 2 by<BR>pressing the appropriate BUS TIE CLOSED switch/light. For any of the<BR>described tie conditions, the battery bus receives power.<BR>If a complete power failure occurs, an emergency transfer takes place<BR>and power is fed from the battery direct bus via the battery<BR>contactor. The contactor is energized via the BATTERY MASTER switch<BR>and de-energized battery bus power sensing relay. The dc essential<BR>bus receives power from the battery bus via an emergency dc transfer<BR>contactor. The BATT BUS OFF light goes out and the CHARGE light comes<BR>on, indicating that the battery is on load.<BR>The battery direct bus supplies refuel/defuel facilities, passenger<BR>doors, control circuits for the battery, boarding lights and service<BR>lights.<BR>(2) External DC Power<BR>External dc power is connected to the aircraft through an external<BR>receptacle located adjacent to the battery compartment. It energizes<BR>an external dc contactor and supplies the battery direct bus.<BR>(3) DC Metering<BR>A rotary switch on the power management panel permits all sources of<BR>dc power to be monitored on the metering section.<BR>SECTION 7<BR>Page 3<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canaaatr<BR>cftanentjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>2. DISTRIBUTION<BR>| Primary ac power from the integrated drive generators (GEN 1 and GEN 2) or from<BR>the APU generator and external ac power are supplied to ac main bus No. 1 and<BR>ac main bus No. 2 through the main electrical distribution panel. The ac<BR>essential bus is normally supplied from ac main bus No. 1 but transfer<BR>facilities permit the ac essential bus to be fed from ac main bus No. 2 or, in<BR>an emergency, from the ADG bus.<BR>Primary dc power to dc bus No. 1 and dc bus No. 2 is obtained from primary ac<BR>I power by transformer rectifier units (TRUs). The dc essential bus is supplied<BR>from the essential TRU. Battery and external dc power are fed to the battery<BR>| bus through the aft electrical distribution box and the battery direct bus.<BR>The electrical power is distributed through the following circuit breaker<BR>panels:<BR>I - CBP-A is located on the forward bulkhead behind the pilot's position and is<BR>divided into two sections. One section contains ac main bus No. 1, dc bus<BR>No. 1, and dc utility bus No. 1 circuit breakers. The other section<BR>contains battery bus circuit breakers (refer to Figures 9 and 10).<BR>| - CBP-B is located on the forward bulkhead behind the copilot1s position and<BR>divided into two sections. One section contains ac main bus No. 2, dc bus<BR>No. 2, dc utility bus No. 2 and ac utility bus No. 2 circuit breakers. The<BR>other section contains battery bus circuit breakers (refer to Figures 11<BR>and 12).<BR>I - CBP-C is located in the flight compartment on the pilot's left console and<BR>contains the ac essential bus and ADG bus circuit breakers (refer to<BR>Figure 13).<BR>| - CBP-D is located in the flight compartment on the copilot's right console<BR>and contains the dc essential bus circuit breakers (refer to Figure 14).<BR>| The aft electrical distribution box is located in the battery compartment and<BR>contains the battery direct bus circuit breakers (refer to Figure 15).<BR>SECTION 7<BR>Page 4<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canadair<BR>chaHencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>Electrical System - Basic Configuration<BR>Figure 1 SECTION 7<BR>Page 5<BR>Apr 4/83<BR>canadair<BR>chanenqer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>"(&pound;) IGNITION (5) ELECT PWR<BR>I IGNA<BR>ON<BR>CONT.J<BR>tGN 1<BR>&copy;<BR>r. ENGINE START<BR>START I START<BR>1NFLT<BR>START &copy;<BR>GPWR<BR>BATTERY<BR>MASTER<BR>&reg;<BR>ENGINE START AND<BR>ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL<BR>O<BR>rygnTflfti<BR>POWER MANAGEMENT PANEL<BR>&copy;<BR>fro UNIT<BR>(5n<BR>PWRTXFR<BR>&pound; | OVERRIDE^) 1<BR>LTADG AUTO DEPLOrg]<BR>^ CONTROL (^<BR>MANUAL DEPLOY HANDLE AUTO DEPLOY PANEL<BR>O<BR>ESSENTIAL<BR>AC POWER<BR>FAIL<BR>ALTN<BR>PUSH TO<BR>TRANSFER<BR>ESSENTIAL AC POWER<BR>TRANSFER PANEL 5<BR>Electrical System Control Panels<BR>Figure 2<BR>SECTION 7<BR>Page 6<BR>May 28/82<BR>canaetair<BR>ctiaiiencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>ON<BR>OFF/RESET<BR>TEST<BR>ON - OFF/RESET - TEST SWITCH<BR>Three-position generator control switch with the following functions:<BR>ON - supplies power to ac busses.<BR>OFF - removes auxiliary power from the ac busses.<BR>RESET - reselects generator after a fault.<BR>TEST - checks voltage and frequency of the generator off -load.<BR>MAIN<BR>BUS 1<BR>OFF<BR>t&gt; MAIN BUS 1 OFF LIGHT<BR>Amber MAIN BUS 1 OFF light<BR>comes on when main bus No.1 is not<BR>connected to any generator.<BR>AUTO OFF SWITCH /LIGHTS<BR>When pressed, the automatic bus tie operation is disabled and<BR>the associated amber AUTO OFF light comes on<BR>FAIL LIGHTS<BR>Associated amber FAIL light comes on if a bus tie overcurrent or<BR>generator overcurrent condition exists.<BR>MAIN BUS 2 OFF LIGHT<BR>Amber MAIN BUS 2 OFF light<BR>comes on when main bus No. 2 is not<BR>connected to any generator.<BR>Primary AC Control SECTION 7<BR>Figure 3 Page 7<BR>May 28/82<BR>canadair<BR>chaiiencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>APU KVA LOAD METER<BR>Indicates kVA toad on the APU generator.<BR>• ^<BR>ON - OFF/RESET - TEST SWITCH<BR>Three-position generator control switch with the<BR>following functions:<BR>ON — supplies power to ac busses.<BR>OFF — removes auxiliary power from the ac busses.<BR>RESET — reselects generator after a fault.<BR>TEST — checks voltage and frequency of the<BR>generator off-load.<BR>BUS 1<BR>ON<BR>OFF/RESET<BR>TEST<BR>BUS 2<BR>GEN LIGHT OFF<BR>Amber GEN OFF light comes on when the generator<BR>is off line for any of the following reasons:<BR>— Generator frequency out of tolerance.<BR>— Generator voltage out of tolerance.<BR>— No output from the generator.<BR>If APU is shut down, the APU GEN OFF light goes<BR>out.<BR>OVLD LIGHT<BR>If the generator output current exceeds 100 A for<BR>more than 2 seconds, the overload monitoring circuit<BR>in the GCU operates and the amber OVLD light<BR>comes on.<BR>Auxiliary AC Control<BR>Figure 4<BR>SECTION 7<BR>Page 8<BR>May 28/82<BR>canadair<BR>chauencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>MAIN BUS 1 OFF LIGHT<BR>Amber MAIN BUS 1 OFF light comes on if<BR>power is lost from the main dc bus No. 1 due<BR>to failure of TRU 1 or ac bus No. 1. Power is<BR>supplied from main dc bus No. 2 when both<BR>BUS TIE CLOSED switch/lights are pressed.<BR>ESS BUS OFF LIGHT<BR>Amber ESS BUS OFF light comes on if power<BR>is lost from the dc essential bus due to the<BR>failure of TRU 3 or ac essential bus. Power is<BR>restored to the dc essential bus by pressing<BR>either BUS TIE CLOSED switch/light or, in<BR>emergency conditions, by deploying ADG.<BR>MAIN BUS 2 OFF LIGHT<BR>A/nb#* MAIN BUS 2 OFF light comes on "rf<BR>is tost from the main dc bus No. 2 due<BR>to tariure of TRU 2 or ac bus No. 2. Power is<BR>from main dc bus No. 1 when both<BR>BUS TIE CLOSED switch/lights are pressed.<BR>BUS TIE CLOSED SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>When pressed, dc bus No. 1 supplies the<BR>battery bus and/or the dc essential bus. The<BR>amber BUS TIE CLOSED light comes on and<BR>the dc utility bus No. 1 is disconnected.<BR>BUS Ti

f214216709 发表于 2010-5-18 11:54:26


guomai127 发表于 2010-9-11 09:14:34

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dul 发表于 2011-2-11 13:33:12



ericgyf 发表于 2011-6-28 20:17:50

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bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 07:42:59

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