<P>Bombardier-Challenger_00-Flight_Instruments庞巴迪挑战者飞行仪表</P><P> </P>
<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> canadair<BR>ctiaiienqer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>SECTION 11<BR>FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS<BR>TABLE OF CONTENTS<BR>Subject page<BR>GENERAL 1<BR>PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM AND TEMPERATURE SENSING SYSTEM 1<BR>ADS Heater Control Panel<BR>Static Pressure Selector Valve 4<BR>Stall Protect Valve<BR>Pitot Heat Failure Indicator<BR>ATTITUDE REFERENCE SYSTEM 5<BR>Gyro Fast Erect<BR>Flight Director Switching Panel<BR>HEADING REFERENCE SYSTEM 5<BR>Compass Control Panels<BR>INSTRUMENT COMPARATOR 9<BR>PRIMARY FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 11<BR>Electrically Operated Flight Instruments<BR>Pneumatically Operated Flight Instruments<BR>STANDBY FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 11<BR>Artificial Horizon<BR>Standby Magnetic Compass 12<BR>LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS<BR>Figure<BR>Number Title Page<BR>1 Pitot-Static System - Components (2 sheets) 2<BR>2 Flight Director Switching Panel 6<BR>3 Compass Control Panel (2 Sheets) 7<BR>4 Instrument Comparator 10<BR>5 Pilot's Mach/Airspeed Indicator 13<BR>11 -CONTENTS<BR>Page 1<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>cacnhaatiiiaeinr Qer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>Figure<BR>Number Title pa ge<BR>6 Pilot's Altimeter 14<BR>7 Pilot's Vertical Speed Indicator 15<BR>8 Radio Altimeter 16<BR>9 Horizontal Situation Indicator (2 Sheets) 17<BR>10 Attitude Director Indicator (2 Sheets) 19<BR>11 Copilot's Mach/Airspeed Indicator 21<BR>12 Copilot's Altimeter 22<BR>13 Copilot's Vertical Speed Indicator 23<BR>14 Standby Artificial Horizon 24<BR>15 Standby Magnetic Compass 25<BR>11 -<BR>Paae<BR>Oct<BR>cacnhaadllaeinr ger<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>SECTION 71<BR>FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS<BR>1. GENERAL<BR>The primary flight instruments, which are mounted on each pilot's instrument<BR>panel, are either electrically or pneumatically operated and are integrally<BR>illuminated. Where applicable, display functions are displaced out of view<BR>when not in use, and a warning flag covers a display in the event of a<BR>malfunction* Each pilot has an alternative source of information for each<BR>primary flight instrument. The course and heading controls and AFCS controls<BR>are located on the centre pedestal for easy access by both pilots. For further<BR>information about these controls, refer to SECTION 4, AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>SYSTEM. A standby magnetic compass and an artificial horizon are also provided.<BR>2. PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM AND TEMPERATURE SENSING SYSTEM (Figure 1)<BR>The pitot-static system provides the pitot and static pressures required to<BR>operate the pneumatic flight instruments, the air data computer (ADC) and the<BR>cabin pressure indicator. The system consists of the pilot's and copilot's<BR>pitot-static tubes, left and right static ports, A.D.S. HEATER CONT. panel,<BR>pilot's and copilot's PITOT HEAT fail annunciators and pilot's and copilot's<BR>STATIC PRESSURE SELECTOR VALVES. A temperature-sensing probe located on the<BR>right side of the forward fuselage provides a total-air-temperature input to<BR>the air data computer. The pitot tubes, the static ports and the temperature<BR>probe contain anti-icing heater elements which are controlled from the A.D.S.<BR>(air data sensors) HEATER CONT. panel.<BR>On aircraft with STC No. SA99NE incorporated,<BR>the pitot-static system is also equipped with pilot's and copilot's STALL<BR>PROTECT valves.<BR>The copilot's mach/airspeed, altimeter and vertical speed indicators are<BR>connected directly to the pitot-static system. The corresponding instruments<BR>on the pilot's side are connected to the air data computer. The controls<BR>associated with the pitot-static system are the A.D.S. HEATER CONT. panel and<BR>the STATIC PRESSURE SELECTOR VALVES.<BR>On aircraft with STC No. SA99NE incorporated,<BR>the controls associated with the pitot-static system are the A.D.S. HEATER<BR>CONT. panel, the STATIC PRESSURE SELECTOR VALVES and the STALL PROTECT valves.<BR>A. ADS Heater Control Panel<BR>The A.D.S. HEATER CONT. panel contains the switches and indicators for the<BR>pitot-static anti-icing system. The application of power to the heating<BR>elements in the pitot-static tubes, the static ports and the temperature<BR>SECTION 11<BR>Page 1<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canadair<BR>ctiaiienQer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>HTR II ALL<BR>FAIL II ON<BR>A.D.S. HEATER CONT. k<BR>PUSH TO<BR>RESET<BR>f / R T A T . / \ \<BR>;wic\ I > A / OA<BR>W/ D PWR &<BR>r METER<BR>I SELECT<BR>HTRS % HTR CURRENT<BR>OFF<BR>AIR DATA SENSORS<BR>f*M HEATER CONTROL<BR>PANEL<BR>AP<BR>FAIL<BR>AP<BR>FAIL<BR>AFCS PITOT<BR>HEAT<BR>GYRO<BR>FAST 1<BR>ERECT<BR>TAT PROBE<BR>0<BR>STATIC PORT<BR>(LEFT AND<BR>RIGHT SIDES)<BR>PITOT HEAT FAIL<BR>ANNUNCIATOR<BR>EFFECTIVITY: A/C WITHOUT STC NO<BR>SA99NE INCORPORATED<BR>Pitot-Static System - Components<BR>Figure 1 (Sheet 1)<BR>STATIC PRESSURE<BR>SELECTOR VALVE<BR>SECTION 11<BR>Page 2<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canadair<BR>chanencfer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>o,<BR>HTR<BR>FAIL<BR>A.D.S. HEATER CONT.<BR>/ / A T.A.T. / \ \<BR>/ S W I C \ I / L<BR>A ; o . A \<BR>PUSH TO<BR>RESET<BR>ALL<BR>VP-TOT/ T<BR>^ HTRS<BR>OFF<BR>PWR<BR>&<BR>METER<BR>SELECT<BR>AIR DATA SENSORS<BR>UM HEATER CONTROL<BR>PANEL<BR>AP<BR>PAIL<BR>AP<BR>FAtL<BR>AFCS PITOT<BR>HEAT<BR>GYRO<BR>FAST<BR>ERECT<BR>TAT PROBE<BR>© ^<BR>0 0<BR>0 0<BR>O STATIC PORT<BR>•M (LEFT AND<BR>RIGHT SIDES)<BR>© PiTOT-STATIC TUBE<BR>PITOT HEAT FAIL<BR>ANNUNCIATOR<BR>STATIC<BR>>RE£f\UF*E<BR>PROTECT f.f<BR>STATIC<BR>NOJP^AL<BR>EFFECTIVITY: A/C WITH STC NO. SA99NE<BR>INCORPORATED<BR>PILOTS STATIC<BR>PRESSURE SELECTOR<BR>VALVE AND STALL PROTECT<BR>STATIC PRESSURE SELECTOR<BR>VALVE (SAFETY GUARD<BR>REMOVED FOR CLARITY)<BR>COPILOTS STALL<BR>PROTECT STATIC<BR>PRESSURE SELECTOR VALVE<BR>AND STATIC PRESSURE<BR>SELECTOR VALVE<BR>Pitot-Static System - Components<BR>Figure 1 (Sheet 2)<BR>SECTION 11<BR>Page 3<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canadair<BR>ctianencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>sensing probe is controlled by the PWR & METER SELECT switch. Power is<BR>applied when the switch is set to any position except HTRS OFF*<BR>If the amber HTR FAIL warning light on the control panel comes on, the<BR>failure of one of the static port heaters is indicated. To determine which<BR>heater has failed, rotate the PWR & METER SELECT switch through the<BR>STATIC L and STATIC R positions. The defective heater is indicated by a<BR>reading in the red zone on the % HTR CURRENT meter. After the defective<BR>heater is determined, pressing the HTR FAIL switch/light causes the warning<BR>light to go out and resets the fault detection circuits.<BR>When the PWR & METER SELECT switch is set to HTRS OFF, the HTR FAIL light<BR>comes on and the % HTR CURRENT meter gives a red zone reading. Although<BR>power is applied to the two pitot-static tube heaters via the A.D.S. HEATER<BR>CONT. panel, a pitot-static tube heater failure is not indicated by the HTR<BR>FAIL warning light.<BR>Static Pressure Selector Valve<BR>The pilot's and copilot's STATIC PRESSURE SELECTOR VALVES each have two<BR>positions - STATIC TUBE and ALTERNATE SOURCE. The STATIC TUBE position is<BR>the normal (guarded) position. In normal operation, the static ports are<BR>used only to operate the cabin pressure indicator. When the pilot's STATIC<BR>PRESSURE SELECTOR VALVE is set to the ALTERNATE SOURCE position, static<BR>port pressure is also supplied to the air data computer instead of static<BR>pressure from the pitot-static tubes. When the copilot's STATIC PRESSURE<BR>SELECTOR VALVE is set to ALTERNATE SOURCE, the copilot's pneumatic flight<BR>instruments receive static pressure inputs from the static ports instead of<BR>the pitot-static tubes. The setting of the STATIC PRESSURE SELECTOR VALVE<BR>does not affect the cabin pressure indicator, which always operates on<BR>static port pressure.<BR>Stall Protect Valve<BR>The pilot's and copilot's STALL PROTECT valves each have STATIC NORMAL and<BR>CLOSED positions. When a valve is in the STATIC NORMAL position, the<BR>selected static source is directed to the stall transducer. When a valve<BR>is set to CLOSED position, the selected static source is shut off from the<BR>stall transducer.<BR>Pitot Heat Failure Indicator<BR>The pilot's and copilot's instrument panels each contain an amber PITOT<BR>HEAT warning light. If the heater element in the pilot's or copilot's<BR>pitot-static tube becomes defective, the associated PITOT HEAT warning<BR>light comes on. The pitot-static tube warning circuits cannot be reset.<BR>The PITOT HEAT warning lights also come on when the PWR & METER SELECT<BR>switch on the A.D.S. HEATER CONT. panel is set to HTRS OFF.<BR>SECTION 11<BR>Page 4<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canadair<BR>chaiiencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>ATTITUDE REFERENCE SYSTEM (Figure 2)<BR>Primary attitude reference is provided by two, electrically driven vertical<BR>gyros. Gyro VG-1 supplies pitch and roll attitude data to the pilot's ADI and<BR>flight director computer. VG-2 supplies pitch and roll attitude data to the<BR>copilot's ADI and flight director computer. Each vertical gyro also produces a<BR>validity signal which, if lost, causes the red ATT flag to come into view on<BR>the associated ADI.<BR>A. Gyro Fast Erect<BR>The pilot and copilot each have a GYRO FAST ERECT switch/light for use when<BR>a gyro is suspected of toppling or drifting. When the switch/light is<BR>pressed, and the aircraft is within 6 degrees of level flight, the gyro<BR>erects in 3 minutes.<BR>B. Flight Director Switching Panel<BR>The flight director switching panel has a CAPT FLT DIR switch with two<BR>positions - NORM and NAV 2:<BR>(1) NORM Position<BR>Navigational information for the pilot's flight director is supplied<BR>from the NAV 1 receiver.<BR>(2) NAV 2 Position<BR>Navigational information for the pilot's flight director is supplied<BR>from the NAV 2 receiver.<BR>HEADING REFERENCE SYSTEM (Figure 3)<BR>The compass system provides primary heading data to the horizontal situation<BR>indicators (HSIs), the radio magnetic indicators (RMIs), and the automatic<BR>flight control system (AFCS). The data is provided by two flux<BR>valve/directional gyro systems, corrected for the aircraft magnetic fields.<BR>The output of gyro DG-1 supplies the pilot's HSI and the copilot's RMI, and<BR>gyro DG-2 supplies the pilot's RMI and the copilot's HSI. This arrangement<BR>ensures that both pilots receive heading information, even if one gyro system<BR>in inoperative.<BR>A. Compass Control Panels<BR>Two compass control panels are provided, one for each system. Each panel<BR>contains a mode switch and a slew switch. The compass control panel is<BR>shown in Figure 3 (Sheet 1).<BR>For aircraft 1021 and subs,<BR>the compass control panel is shown in Figure 3 (Sheet 2 ).<BR>SECTION 11<BR>Page 5<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>cacnhaadiiaeinr tjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>GYRO<BR>FAST<BR>ERECT<BR>GYRO<BR>FAST<BR>ERECT<BR>PILOT'S SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>When pressed, erects gyro within 3 minutes,<BR>if aircraft is within 6-degree level flight.<BR>©<BR>COPILOT'S SWITCH LIGHT<BR>When pressed, wicn gvo within 3 minutes,<BR>if aircraft is with»n 6 O0gr«e level flight. o<BR>o5l<BR>C A P T V §<BR>FLT DIR<BR>NORM<BR>NAV 2<BR>CAPT FLT r>* SWITCH<BR>NORMAL<BR>received fro**- * *<BR>NAV 2<BR>received fro^> NAV 2<BR>^formation<BR>rttcmation<BR>Flight Director Switching Panel<BR>Figure 2<BR>SECTION 11<BR>Page 6<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>canaaair<BR>ctiaiienQer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>MODE SWITCH<BR>Controls mode of operation of the system.<BR>DG—Directional gyro in free mode.<BR>SLAVED—Directional gyro controlled by flux<BR>valve.<BR>Displays synchronization error between the<BR>flux valve heading and the gyro heading.<BR>When system is synchronized, the pointer is<BR>in the central position.<BR>EFFECTIVITY: A/C 1004 TO 1020<BR>SYNCH SWITCH<BR>Switch is slewed to synchronize gyro with the flux valve.<BR>Compass Control Panel<BR>Figure 3 (Sheet 1)<BR>SECTION 11<BR>Page 7<BR>Oct 03/83<BR>cacnhaadiiaeinr qer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>MODE SWITCH<BR>Controls mode of operation of the system.<BR>DG - Directional gyro in free mode.<BR>SLAVED - Directional gyro controlled by flux valve.<BR>® COMPASS CONTROLS ®<BR>DG<BR>+ 11 i l l l )#<BR>SLAVED<BR>SYNCH SWITCH<BR>Switch is slewed to synchronize gyro<BR>with the flux valve.<BR>EFFECTIVITY : A/C 1021
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