<P>Bombardier-Challenger_01-Aural_and_Visual_Warning_Systems</P><P> </P>
<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> <P>cacntiaaduaeinr cjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>SECTION 3<BR>AURAL/VISUAL WARNING SYSTEMS<BR>TABLE OF CONTENTS<BR>Page<BR>1. GENERAL 1<BR>2. AURAL WARNING SYSTEM 1<BR>3. MASTER CAUTION AND WARNING SYSTEM 2<BR>LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS<BR>Figure<BR>Number Title Pay-:<BR>1 Aural Warning System - Simplified Block Diagram 3<BR>2 Aural Warning Test Panel 4<BR>3 Master Caution and Warning System - Simplified Block Diagram 5<BR>4 Master Caution and Warning System 10-Channel Annunciator Panel 6<BR>5 Master Caution and Warning System 8-Channel Annunciator Panel 7<BR>6 Master Caution and Warning System Switches and Switch/Lights 8-<BR>3-CONTENTS<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 02/87</P>
<P>cacnhaaduaeinr Qer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>SECTION 3<BR>AURAL/VISUAL WARNING SYSTEMS<BR>GENERAL<BR>There are two aircraft central warning systems: the aural warning system,<BR>which provides audible tones associated with eight significant events, and<BR>the master caution and warning system which advises the crew of system<BR>malfunctions.<BR>AURAL WARNING SYSTEM (Figures 1 and 2)<BR>The aural warning system monitors several events and provides a separate<BR>aural warning for each event, as follows:<BR>Event<BR>Engine fire<BR>Overspeed<BR>Airspeed too high for flap setting<BR>Stall<BR>Incorrect take-off configuration<BR>Altitude alert<BR>Landing gear not down and locked<BR>HF call detected by selcal unit<BR>Autopilot disconnect<BR>(Aircraft 5041 and 5146)<BR>Warning<BR>Fire bell<BR>CI acker<BR>Wailer<BR>Warbler<BR>Intermittent horn<BR>C chord<BR>Horn<BR>Chime<BR>Cavalry charge<BR>The aural warnings are presented on the flight compartment speakers and the<BR>intercom system.<BR>The take-off configuration warning circuitry monitors the throttle setting,<BR>landing gear and control surface positions to ensure that they are correct<BR>for take-off. If they are not correct and the throttles are advanced towards<BR>take-off power, the take-off configuration warning circuitry provides an<BR>output to the aural warning system to sound the intermittent horn.<BR>The aural warning system consists of the aural warning unit and test panel.<BR>On aircraft 5041 and 5146,<BR>Liit! aural warniny sysiem consists of two aural warning units and a test panel,<BR>SECTION 3<BR>Page 1<BR>Aug 14/02<BR>cacnhaadnaeinr per<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>3. MASTER CAUTION AND WARNING SYSTEM (Figures 3 through 6)<BR>The master caution and warning system is an indicating system that provides the<BR>flight crew with aircraft system caution, warning, advisory and safe indication<BR>annunciations. Cautions are annunciated by amber lights, warnings are<BR>annunciated by red lights and advisories and safe indications are annunciated<BR>by white or green lights, depending on the function of the light. The<BR>annunciator lights are not part of the master caution and warning system, but<BR>are part of the systems that the lights concern. The related systems are shown<BR>in Figure 3.<BR>Legends on the 10-channel and 8-channel annunciator panels also come on (amber)<BR>to identify the malfunctioning system. Two master caution lights, located on<BR>the glareshield, flash (white) to indicate an active caution annunciation on<BR>the 10-channel or 8-channel annunciator panel. Warning, advisory and safe<BR>indication annunciations do not trigger the master caution lights or the<BR>legends on the 10-channel or 8-channel annunciator panels.<BR>SECTION 3<BR>Page 2<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>dair<BR>haJlenqer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>FLIGHT GUIDANCE<BR>CONTROLLER<BR>NAVIGATION<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>ENGINE FIRE<BR>DETECTOR UNITS<BR>AIR DATA<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>LANDING GEAR<BR>CONTROL UNIT<BR>FLAP<BR>CONTROL UNIT<BR>SELCAL UNIT<BR>TOC WARNING<BR>SYSTEM<BR>SINGLE<BR>CHANNEL <BR>DUAL CHANNEL g ]<BR>STALL<BR>PROTECTION<BR>COMPUTER<BR>AURAL<BR>WARNING<BR>UNIT NO. 1<BR>AURAL<BR>WARNING<BR>TEST PANEL<BR>S AURAL<BR>WARNING<BR>UNIT NO. 2<BR>INTERCOM<BR>SYSTEM<BR>iW<BR>FLIGHT DESK<BR>SPEAKERS<BR>H S3<BR>EFFECTIVITY<BR>A/C 5001 TO 5134 PRE SB 601-0396<BR>A/C POST SB 601-0396 AND A/C 5135 & SUBS<BR>A/C 5041 AND 5146<BR>A/C 5001 TO 5099 PRE SB 601-0390<BR>A/C POST SB 601-0390 AND A/C 5100 & SUBS<BR>Aural Warning System -<BR>Simplified Block Diagram<BR>Figure 1<BR>SECTION 3<BR>Page 3<BR>Aug 14/02<BR>cacnnasdUasirn psr<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>EFFECTIVITY : A/C 5041 AND 5146<BR>VOLUME CONTROL TONE TEST SWITCH<BR>Adjusts the level of the audio Selects the aural warning for<BR>output. testing purposes.<BR>TONE MUTED<BR>SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>Mutes the fire bell and waiter<BR>aural warnings.<BR>EFFECTIVITY : A/C 5001 TO 5040, 5042 TO 5145 AND 5147 AND SUBS<BR>COPILOT'S SIDE PANEL<BR>Aural Warning Test Panel SECTION 3<BR>Figure 2 page 4<BR>Aug 14/02<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>ANTI-ICE SYSTEM<BR>STALL/AOA SYSTEM<BR>FLIGHT MANAGEMENT<BR>SYSTEM<BR>LANDING GEAR<BR>CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>ENGINE CONTROL £<BR>INDICATING SYSTEMS<BR>EMERGENCY LIGHTING<BR>SYSTEN<BR>SELECTIVE CALL<BR>SYSTEU<BR>FIRE OETECTION SYSTEM<BR>FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>• i i<BR>APU CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>ANTI-SKID SYSTEM<BR>ELECTRICAL POWER<BR>SYSTEM<BR>AUTOMATIC FLIGHT<BR>CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>FUEL SYSTEM<BR>FLIGHT DATA RECORDER<BR>[ CD<BR>ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL<BR>SYSTEM<BR>WEATHER RADAR SYSTEM<BR>DOOR WARN SYSTEU<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>SPOILER CONTROL<BR>SYSTEM<BR>HYDRAULIC SYSTEM<BR>DIMMING MODULES<BR>DIMMING MODULES<BR>• '<BR>| LIGHT TEST SWITCHES<BR>8-CHANNEL SYSTEM<BR>ANNUNCIATOR PANEL<BR>i<BR>ELECTRONIC<BR>CIRCUIT BREAKER<BR>' t<BR>I<BR>'<BR>10-CHANNEL SYSTEM<BR>ANNUNCIATOR PANEL<BR>t<BR>1<BR>i *<BR>> Ltl<BR>MASTER CAUTION<BR>i<BR>f<BR>LIGHTS<BR>EFFECTIVITY:<BR>QPQST SB 601-0394<BR>Master Caution and Warning System -<BR>Simplified Block Diagram<BR>Figure 3<BR>SECTION 3<BR>Page 5<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>APU ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates a fault in the APU.<BR>a w CONT ANNUNCIATOR<BR>indicates a fault in the:<BR>• Air conditioning<BR>- Cabm pressurizaiion<BR>TEST/RECALL SWITCH<BR>When held in the TEST position, at!<BR>annunciator legends and master<BR>caution fights come on.<BR>When a fault indication is reset by<BR>pressing the MASTER CAUTION.<BR>PRESS TO RESET switch/lights,<BR>and the fault st3t exists; setting the<BR>TEST/RECALL switch to RECALL<BR>causes the fault indication to be<BR>ANTMCE ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates a fault in the:<BR>Anti icing system<BR>- ADS sensor heater control<BR>Ice detection system<BR>ANTI-SKID ANNUNCIATOR<BR>indicates a fault in the anti-skid<BR>system.<BR>Controls the brightness of all the<BR>master caution 9nd warning system<BR>rotated lights.<BR>MLG BAY OVHT FAIL<BR>ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates a fault in the main lancing<BR>gear overheat detect or. NAV ANNUNCIATOR<BR>indicates a fault in the navigation<BR>systems.<BR>OVERHEAD PANEL<BR>FIT REC ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicate* when the flight<BR>data recorder fails.<BR>FIT REC<BR>^<BR>EFFECTlVmr: POST SB 601-089*<BR>o<BR>Master Caution and Warning System<BR>10-Channel Annunciator Panel<BR>Figure 4<BR>SECTION 3<BR>Page 6<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601 A - 6<BR>DOORS ANNUNCIATOR<BR>indicates that the passenger door is<BR>unlocked or unarmed or the baggage<BR>door Is unsafe.<BR>FUEL ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates a fault in the fuel<BR>distribution system.<BR>ELEC ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates a fault in the:<BR>- AC power generation and control<BR>- APU power generation and<BR>control<BR>OC power generation<BR>ENGINE ANNUNCIATOR<BR>indicates a fault in the:<BR>- Engine vibration monitoring<BR>system<BR>- Thrust reverser<BR>- Engine speed control system<BR>FIRE fAULT<BR>FIRE FAULT ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates a fault in the:<BR>* Engine fire detection and warning<BR>- APU fire detection and warning<BR>- Engine fire extinguishing<BR>ENGINE<BR>WOW ANNUNCIATOR<BR>indicates a WOW fauh.<BR>FLT CONT ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates a fault in the:<BR>Pitch trim system<BR>Ground and flight spoilers<BR>Right control morwtonng<BR>Stability augmentation system<BR>EMERG LTG FLT REC<BR>ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates when the emergency<BR>lighting ARM/OFF/ON switch is set<BR>to OFF or the flight data recorder<BR>faits.<BR>OVERHEAD PANEL<BR>EMERG LTG ANNUNCIATOR<BR>indicates when the emergency<BR>ligfitinQ ARM/OFF/ON switch<BR>is set to OFF<BR>EFFECnVTTY: POST SB 601*0394 o<BR>Master Caution and Warning System<BR>8-Channel Annunciator Panel<BR>Figure 5<BR>SECTION 3<BR>Page 7<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>chauencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>MASTS) CAUTION PRESS TO<BR>RESET SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>Flashes to indicate an active caution<BR>annunciator on the 10 or 8-channel<BR>annunciator panel. When pressed,<BR>the switch/light resets itsetf and the<BR>annunciator on the 10 or 8-channet<BR>annunciator panel.<BR>WARN ITS AND WARNING LT<BR>TEST SWITCHES<BR>When set to the TEST or ON<BR>position, as applicable, at! the master<BR>caution related lights are turned on.<BR>MASTER<BR>! CAUTION<BR>PRESS<BR>I TO RESET<BR>WARN<BR>ITS<BR>TEST<BR>OFF<BR>GLARESHIELD PILOTS AND COPILOTS<BR>FACIA PANEL<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>Master Caution and Warning System<BR>Switches and Switch/Lights<BR>Figure 6<BR>SECTION 3<BR>Page 8<BR>Apr 02/87</P>
这个好啊,我喜欢,呵呵呵 音响和视觉警告系统 偶然经过,学习一下