Bombardier-Automatic Flight Control_System庞巴迪挑战者自动飞行操纵系统
<P>Bombardier-Challenger_01-Automatic_Flight_Control_System</P><P> </P>
<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> cftanenoer<BR>OPERATING HANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>SECTION 4<BR>AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>TABLE OF CONTENTS<BR>Page<BR>1. GENERAL 1<BR>A. Flight Director Function ]<BR>B. Autopilot Function -4<BR>C. Advisory Display 4<BR>LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS<BR>Figure<BR>Number Title Pag*<BR>1 Automatic Flight Control System - Simplified Block Diagram 5<BR>2 Flight Director Function Related Controls - Flight Guidance<BR>Controller (3 sheets) 6<BR>3 Flight Director Function Related Controls - Instrument Remote<BR>Controllers 9<BR>4 Flight Director Function Related Displays - EFIS EADI 10<BR>5 Flight Director Function Related Failure Displays - EFIS EADI 11<BR>6 Flight Director Function Related Displays - EFIS EHSI 12<BR>7 Autopilot Function Related Controls - Flight Guidance Controller<BR>(2 Sheets) 13<BR>8 Autopilot Function Related Controls - Turn and Pitch Controller 15<BR>9 Autopilot Function Related Controls - Remote Switches and<BR>Annunciators (2 Sheets) 16<BR>10 Autopilot Function Related Display - EFIS EADI 18<BR>11 AFCS - Advisory Display 19<BR>12 Advisory Display - Display Format 20<BR>4 - CONTENTS<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>Figure<BR>Number<BR>13<BR>14<BR>15<BR>16<BR>17<BR>18<BR>19<BR>20<BR>21<BR>22<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>Advisory Display<BR>4 - CONTENTS<BR>Page 2<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>Title Page<BR>Flight Director Lateral and Vertical Arm Modes 21<BR>Flight Director Lateral and Vertical Active Modes 21<BR>SAT/TAT/TAS Displays 22<BR>Warning Disengage Messages (Amber Flashing) 22<BR>Caution Disengage Messages (Amber Steady) 23<BR>Primary Caution Messages (Amber Steady) 23<BR>Advisory Caution Messages (Amber Steady) 24<BR>Sensor Failure Messages (Amber Steady) 25<BR>AFCS Status Messages 25<BR>Invalid Operation Messages (Amber Steady) 26<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>SECTION 4<BR>AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>1. GENERAL<BR>The automatic f l i g h t control system (AFCS) processes actual a i r c r a f t attitude<BR>versus desired a i r c r a f t a t t i t u d e to provide control of the a i r c r a f t ' s control<BR>surfaces and to provide command signals for display on the e l e c t r i c a l f l i g ht<BR>instrument system (EFIS).<BR>The AFCS provides f l i g h t director guidance, autopilot and s t a b i l i ty<BR>augmentation functions.<BR>The AFCS consists of the f l i g h t guidance computer, the f l i g h t guidance<BR>c o n t r o l l e r , the turn and p i t ch controller and the following associated systems:<BR>D i g i t a l air data system (DADS), refer to Section 11<BR>Radio altimeter system, refer to Section 16<BR>I n e r t i a l reference system (IRS), refer to Section 16<BR>Electronic f l i g h t instrument system (EFIS), refer to Section 11<BR>Flight management system (FMS), refer to Section 16<BR>A. Flight Director Function (Figures 1 through 6)<BR>The f l i g h t director function produces lateral and vertical control command<BR>signals for the autopilot function r o l l and pitch axis and also for display<BR>on the EFIS. All f l i g h t director modes are selectable on the f l i g ht<BR>guidance controller, with the exception of the go around (GA) mode, which<BR>i s selected from the GA switches on the t h r o t t l e actuating levers.<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>ctianenc/er<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>The flight director roll (lateral) modes consist of the following:<BR>Heading select mode (HDG)<BR>VOR mode (NAV)<BR>Lateral navigation mode (NAV)<BR>Localizer mode (NAV)<BR>Localizer approach mode (APP)<BR>Back course mode (BC)<BR>Preselect course approach mode<BR>Category 2 mode (CAT 2)<BR>The flight director pitch (vertical) modes consist of the following:<BR>Pitch attitude hold mode<BR>Vertical speed hold mode (VS)<BR>Flight level change mode (FLO<BR>Attitude old mode (ALT)<BR>Altitude preselect mode (ALT SEL)<BR>Glides lope mode (APP)<BR>Dual couple approach mode<BR>Vertical navigation mode (VNAV)<BR>The flight director command signals are indicated on the pilot's and<BR>copilot's EFIS electronic attitude director indicators (EADI) by the flight<BR>director command bars. When the autopilot function is not engaged, the<BR>command bars indicate to the pilot, the maneouvers required to maintain the<BR>aircraft attitude for the selected flight director mode. When the<BR>autopilot function is engaged, the command bars indicate the commands<BR>followed by the autopilot function to maintain the aircraft attitude for<BR>the selected flight director mode.<BR>The pilot's and copilot's EADIs and the advisory display provide an<BR>indication of the selected flight director mode(s). The modes are<BR>displayed in green when active and in white when armed. Modes without<BR>armed submodes are displayed in green only.<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 2<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cacntiaaeuteanirc jer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>On the pilots and copilot's EADIs, the flight director lateral and<BR>vertical modes are annunciated as follows:<BR>Lateral modes<BR>HDG (captured only)<BR>VOR (armed and captured)<BR>BC (armed and captured)<BR>LOC (armed and captured)<BR>LNAV (armed and captured)<BR>Vertical Modes<BR>ASEL (captured only)<BR>GS (armed and captured)<BR>PLC (captured only)<BR>VFLC (captured only)<BR>VASL (captured only)<BR>VALT (captured only)<BR>VPTH (captured only)<BR>VS (captured only)<BR>ALT (captured only)<BR>GA (captured only)<BR>MACH (captured only)<BR>When a flight director mode changes from armed to captured, the green mode<BR>annunciation flashes for 5 seconds to indicate the submode transition.<BR>The advisory display also provides an indication of the flight director<BR>mode(s) selected (refer to paragraph l . C ).<BR>The pilot's and copilot's electronic horizontal situation indicators (EHSI)<BR>provide for lateral flight director mode set-ups, and the pilot's and<BR>copilot's EADIs provide for vertical flight director mode set-ups. The<BR>pilot's and copilot's EFIS instrument remote controllers provide the<BR>controls for both the lateral and vertical flight director mode set-ups.<BR>The lateral navigation (LNAV) and vertical navigation (VNAV) flight<BR>director modes (VFLC, VASL, VALT and VPTH) are selected and set up on the<BR>flight management system (refer to Section 11).<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 3<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>Autopilot Function (Figures 1 and 7 through 10)<BR>The autopilot system responds to command signals from the flight director<BR>function (refer to paragraph 2.), the flight guidance controller, the air<BR>data system, the attitude and heading system and the accelerometers to<BR>control the aircraft attitude in the pitch, roll and yaw axes.<BR>When a vertical or lateral flight director mode is selected and the<BR>autopilot function is engaged, the selected flight director steering<BR>command is displayed on the EFIS and control is provided for the associated<BR>servo-drive motors and linear actuators. These servo-drive motors and<BR>linear actuators consist of two rudder linear actuators for yaw axis<BR>control, a dual aileron servo for roll axis control and a dual elevator<BR>servo for pitch axis control (refer to Section 10).<BR>When the autopilot function is engaged without a selected flight director<BR>mode, the autopilot function provides wings level, heading hold and pitch<BR>hold mode functions, controlled from the turn and pitch controller.<BR>The autopilot function also consists of a pitch trim function and a Mach<BR>trim function.<BR>The pitch trim function is automatically activated when the autopilot<BR>function is engaged. The computed pitch trim command signal is applied to<BR>the pitch trim system (refer to Section 10).<BR>The Mach trim function is selected by pressing the M TRIM pushbutton on the<BR>flight guidance controller (refer to Figure 2 (Sheet 3)). The computed<BR>Mach trim command signal is applied to the pitch trim system (refer to<BR>Section 10).<BR>The EFIS electronic attitude director indicator (EADI) and the advisory<BR>display (refer to paragraph l.C), provide an indication of the autopilot<BR>status.<BR>Advisory Display (Figures 11 through 22)<BR>The advisory display provides warning, caution, status failure and invalid<BR>operation messages, and air data and flight director mode status. Low<BR>priority messages are inhibited during heavy work load periods, such as<BR>take-offs and landings.<BR>In addition to the display functions, the advisory display provides<BR>controls for AFCS selection, message resetting and display brightness.<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 4<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>H A/C POST SB 601-035$ AND<BR>A/C 5100 AND SUBS<BR>FRONT REAR<BR>COPILOrS CONTROL WHEEL<BR>Automatic Flight Control System -<BR>Simplified Block Diagram<BR>Figure 1<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 5<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>cftauentjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>NAV PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, arms the lateral<BR>guidance for capture of the selected<BR>navigation course displayed on the<BR>coupled EHSI.<BR>BANK PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, selects the bank angle limit used during the HOG select mode.<BR>At power on. the high bank limit (27 degrees) is selected. Pressing the BANK<BR>pushbutton selects the low bank limit (17 degrees). Pressing the BANK<BR>pushbutton a second time selects the high bank limit. The selected bank limit<BR>is displayed on the advisory display (refer to Figure 14).<BR>B/C PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, selects the<BR>approach mode guidance<BR>for capture and tracking of<BR>back course ILS data.<BR>STBY PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, clears all<BR>flight director modes.<BR>CAT 2 PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, activates the<BR>category 2 approach logic for<BR>annunciation of CAT 2 STATUS.<BR>provided that the approach (APP)<BR>mode is armed and radio altitude is<BR>greater than 800 feet.<BR>GLARESHiELD<BR>Flight Director Function Related Controls -<BR>Flight Guidance Controller<BR>Figure 2 (Sheet 1)<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 6<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cftai/enoer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>HDG PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, activates the lateral<BR>guidance to compute bank<BR>commands based on the selected<BR>heading displayed on the coupied<BR>SHSI.<BR>ALT PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, selects vertical<BR>guidance to hold attitude.<BR>I) I:<BR>|l 'I<BR>I I STBY<BR>APP PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, arms the lateral<BR>guidance for localizer capture.<BR>Immediately following localizer<BR>capture, the vertical guidance is<BR>armed for gfcoeslope capture.<BR>VS PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, selects vertical<BR>guidance to hold vertical speed.<BR>When pressed, selects the flight<BR>Jevei change mode and overrides all<BR>active vertical modes, except VNAV<BR>VNAV PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, selects the vertical<BR>navigation mode, tracking the<BR>vertical flight profile from the<BR>selected FMS.<BR>GLARESHIELD<BR>Flight Director Function Related Controls -<BR>Flight Guidance Controller<BR>Figure 2 (Sheet 2)<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 7<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>CPL POINTERS<BR>Indicate whether the pilot's EHSl and OAOC is<BR>coupled to the master FGC (left pointer) or the<BR>copilot's EHSl and DADC is coupled to the master<BR>FGC {right pointer). During an ILS approach, the<BR>AFCS automatically selects the data from both<BR>sides {both pointers come on). If on side fails, the<BR>remaining good side is selected.<BR>CPL PUSHBUTTON<BR>When pressed, selects either the pilot's or copilot's<BR>EHSl and DADC data for lateral and vertical flight<BR>guidance to the FGC 1 and FGC 2. During transfer,<BR>all flight director modes are cancelled. At power<BR>up, the pilot's data is selected. Pressing the CPL<BR>pushbutton selects the copilot's data. Pressing it a<BR>second time reseieet the pilot's data.<BR>GLARESHIELD<BR>Flight Director Function Related Controls -<BR>Flight Guidance Controller<BR>Figure 2 (Sheet 3)<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 8<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>canaaair<BR>ctiauencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>HOG PUSH SYNC PUSHBUTTON<BR>When rotated, moves the heading<BR>bug on the pilot's EHSI. When<BR>pressed, causes the heading bug to<BR>synchronize to the aircraft heading.<BR>IAS/MACH PUSH CHG CONTROL/<BR>SWITCH<BR>When rotated, adjusts the<BR>JAS/Mach reference on the pilot's<BR>and copilot's EADls. When pressed.<BR>change the IAS reference to Macti<BR>reference or vice versa. The push-:ochange<BR>function is inhibited wtth the<BR>aircraft on the ground.<BR>CRS PUSH OCT CONTROL/<BR>SWITCH<BR>When rotated, moves the course<BR>select pointer on the associated<BR>EHSI. When pressed, causes the<BR>^course pointer to indicate the zero<BR>deviation course to the tuned VOR<BR>station. When an FMS source is<BR>selected, rotating the control causes<BR>the preselect course pointer to<BR>move.<BR>ALT S CONTROL<BR>When rotated, adjusts the<BR>ASEL display on the piJot's<BR>and copilot's EAOIs.<BR>HDG PUSH SYNC PUSHBUTTON<BR>When rotated, moves the heading<BR>bug on the copilot's EHSI. When<BR>pressed, causes the heading bug to<BR>synchronize to the aircraft heading.<BR>GLARESHIELD<BR>Flight Director Function Related Controls -<BR>Instrument Remote Controllers<BR>Figure 3<BR>SECTION 4<BR>Page 9<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>FLIGHT DIRECTOR COUPLE<BR>ARROW<BR>indicates whether the pilot's side or<BR>copilot's side is coupled to the<BR>AFCS. The couple arrow is Displayed<BR>in green when on-side the FGC is<BR>master and yellow when the crossside<BR>FGC is master.<BR>FLIGHT DIRECTOR MODE<BR>ANNUNCIATIONS<BR>indicate the selected flight director<BR>models) and the status of the mode.<BR>Armed modes are displayed in green<BR>and captured modes are displayed in<BR>white.<BR>AicL D SI LA .<BR>O f?*->? *.?? s ' - ^ i i ' : .;? : . _ ?: ' - . . .-.<BR>flight director ASEL mode. Range is<BR>from 0 to ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 真是太谢谢楼主了
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