航空 发表于 2010-5-9 08:54:30


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航空 发表于 2010-5-9 08:54:56

<P>canadair<BR>cfianenaer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>SECTION 6<BR>COMMUNICATIONS<BR>TABLE OF CONTENTS<BR>Page<BR>1. GENERAL 1<BR>2. VHF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 1<BR>3. HF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 1<BR>4. SELCAL SYSTEM 2<BR>5. AUDIO INTEGRATING SYSTEM 2<BR>6. FLIGHT COMPARTMENT VOICE VOICE RECORDER SYSTEM 3<BR>LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS<BR>Fi gure<BR>Number Title Page<BR>1 VHF Communication System Control Unit 4<BR>2 VHF Communication System Selection/Control - Audio Integrating System 5<BR>3 HF Communication System - Simplified Block Diagram 6<BR>4 HF Communication System Control Unit (2 Sheets) 7<BR>5 HF Communication System Selection/Control - Audio Integrating System 9<BR>6 Selcal System - Simplified Block Diagram 10<BR>7 Selcal System Control Unit 11<BR>8 Audio Integrating System - Simplified Block Diagram 12<BR>9 Interphone Audio Selection/Control - Audio Integrating System 13<BR>10 Audio Integrating System - Interphone Units 14<BR>11 Flight Compartment Voice Recorder System - Controls and Indicators 15<BR>6-CONTENTS<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 02/87</P>
<P>canadair<BR>chanencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>KP 601A-6<BR>SECTION 6<BR>COMMUNICATIONS<BR>1. GENERAL<BR>The a i r c r a f t communication systems consist of the following systems:<BR>VHP communication system<BR>HF communication system<BR>Selcal system<BR>Audio integrating system<BR>Flight compartment voice recorder system<BR>2. VHP COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (Figures 1 and 2)<BR>The VHF communication system provides short-range AM voice communication over<BR>the frequency range of 118.000 to 151.975 MHz. The system i s a dual system,<BR>consisting of the VHF communication system No. 1 (VHF 1) and the VHF<BR>communication system No. 2 (VHF 2 ) . Control and selection of the VHF 1 and VHF<BR>2 audio are provided by the audio integrating system.<BR>The VHF 1 and VHF 2 consist of a transceiver, a control unit and an antenna<BR>each.<BR>3. HF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (Figures 3 through 5)<BR>The HF communication system is used for long-range voice communication over the<BR>high-frequency band (2.000 to 29.999 MHz) and operates in the upper sideband<BR>(USB), lower sideband (LSB), amplitude modulation equivalent (AME), continuous<BR>wave (CW), or optional frequency modulation (FM) mode. Communication is<BR>possible in simplex or half-duplex mode, and the system is monitored by the<BR>selective calling (Selcal) system (refer t o paragraph 4 . ) . The system consists<BR>of two HF radio f a c i l i t i e s (HF1 and HF2) operating through a common notch<BR>antenna.<BR>The HF communication system consists of two HF receiver-exciter units, two<BR>power amplifier-coupler units, two control units and a single notch antenna.<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>chauenaer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>SELCAL SYSTEM (Figures 6 and 7)<BR>The selcal decoder permits ground stations equipped with tone-transmitting HF<BR>communication equipment to call the aircraft by means of a coded signal. When<BR>the correct coded signal is received, the aircraft decoder produces an output<BR>to the aural warning system to operate the selcal chime tone- The selcal<BR>system also provides outputs for two PRESS TO RESET switch/lights on the selcal<BR>control unit- The PRESS TO RESET switch/lights indicate incoming calls for the<BR>associated HF communication system. Selective calling eliminates the necessity<BR>of continuous monitoring of HF frequencies by the flight crew.<BR>A TEST switch on the selcal control unit permits the selcal system to be tested.<BR>The selcal system consists of the decoder unit and associated annunciators and<BR>the switch/lights.<BR>AUDIO INTEGRATING SYSTEM (Figures 8, 9 and 10)<BR>The audio integrating and interphone are combined into one system. The audio<BR>integrating controls are described in the systems which the controls concern.<BR>The audio integrating system receives audio inputs from the following systems:<BR>VHF navigation systems (VHF/NAV 1 and VHF/NAV 2)<BR>Automatic direction finder systems (ADF 1 and ADF 2)<BR>Distance measuring equipment systems (DME 1 and DME 2)<BR>Aural warning system<BR>VHF communication systems (VHF 1 and VHF 2)<BR>HF communication systems (HF 1 and HF 2)<BR>The interphone provides communication between the pilot, copilot and three<BR>ground crew stations- Interphone communication can be made, without the use of<BR>any controls, between any two stations in the systems, with one exception: if<BR>a pilot's MIC selector switch is in position 1 or 2, the pilot can listen on<BR>interphone but cannot talk on i t . When the switch is in the INPH position, the<BR>microphone output is routed to the interphone line. The INPH position of the<BR>MIC selector switch is a hot mike position for interphone operation.<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 2<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>The interphone channels do not have volume controls. The microphone circuits<BR>for the nose wheel well and the API! stations are disconnected in flight.<BR>An emergency mode of operation is automatically initiated by the system when a<BR>power supply failure occurs in the pilot's or copilot's audio channel in the<BR>audio electronics unit. In this mode, the pilot's or copilot's microphones and<BR>keylines bypass the audio electronics unit and are connected directly to the<BR>associated VHF radio sets. Also, audio from the associated VHF and NAV<BR>receivers, and from the aural warning and voice advisory systems is connected<BR>directly to the pilot's and copilot's headphones.<BR>6. FLIGHT COMPARTMENT VOICE RECORDER SYSTEM (Figure 11)<BR>The flight compartment voice recorder system continuously records radio<BR>communication, flight crew conversations, and flight compartment sounds. The<BR>audio integrating system (refer to paragraph 5.) supplies the communications<BR>input signals to the flight compartment voice recorder system. The input<BR>signals consist of all signals transmitted and received over the pilot's<BR>microphone headset. Flight crew conversations and flight compartment sounds<BR>are picked up by the microphone monitor and remote microphone. Operation of<BR>the compartment voice recorder is automatic and begins when the aircraft busses<BR>are energized.<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 3<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>RMT ANNUNCIATOR<BR>indicates when the VHP<BR>communication system is remotely<BR>tuned. Not used in this installation.<BR>S\<BR>ACTIVE ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Rashes while the active frequency is<BR>changed. Continues to flash if the<BR>actual frequency differs from that<BR>shown on the display<BR>ACTIVE FREQUENCY DISPLAY<BR>Displays the active frequency,<BR>diagnostic messages, and memory<BR>channel numbers.<BR>PRESET FREQUENCY DISPLAY<BR>Displays the preset (inactive)<BR>frequency, diagnostic messages, and<BR>memory channel frequencies.<BR>MEM ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates when a stored frequency is<BR>displayed in the lower display.<BR>VOLUME CONTROL<BR>Controls the receiver audio level.<BR>MODE SELECTOR<BR>ON and OFF positions switch system<BR>power. SQ OFF position disables the<BR>receiver squelch.<BR>AUTOMATIC DISPLAY DIMMER<BR>SENSOR<BR>Automatically controls the display<BR>brightness.<BR>SELF-TEST PUSHBUTTON<BR>Inmates the transceiver self "test<BR>TRANSFER/MEMORY RECALL<BR>SWITCH<BR>in the XFR position, the displayed<BR>preset frequency becomes the active<BR>frequency and the transceiver<BR>retunes. in the MEM position, one of<BR>the six memory frequencies is loaded<BR>into the preset display. Six<BR>operations of the switch cycle all<BR>memory frequencies through the<BR>display.<BR>TRANSMIT ANNUNCIATOR<BR>Indicates that the transceiver is<BR>transmitting.<BR>FREQUENCY SELECTORS<BR>Selects the active or preset<BR>frequency. The outer knob changes<BR>two digits to the left of the decimal<BR>point in 1-MHz steps. The inner<BR>knob changes the two digits to the<BR>right of the decimal point in 5t&gt;kH2<BR>steps, or in 2S-kHz steps after the<BR>direction of rotation is reversed.<BR>ACTIVE PUSHBUTTON<BR>Enables the frequency select controls<BR>to directly retune the transceiver<BR>active frequency. Deletes the preset<BR>frequency display while direct tuning<BR>ts m progress.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>VHF Communication System Control Unit SECTION6<BR>Figure 1 Page 4<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cftanenaer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>PILOT'S OXYGEN MASK<BR>AND STOWAGE<BR>COPILOT'S OXYGEN<BR>MASK AND STOWAGE<BR>PILOTS AND COPILOT'S<BR>MICROPHONE AND<BR>HEADPHONE JACKS<BR>Selects (up position&gt; VHF 1 audio<BR>for presentation on the speaker<BR>and/or headphones.<BR>&copy;<BR>A SPKR/PHONE SWITCH<BR>Switches audio to speaker.<BR>headphones, or both, but pilot's<BR>speech on interphone is not<BR>transferred to speaker.<BR>VHF 2 MONITOR SWITCH<BR>Selects (up position)<BR>VHf 2 audio for<BR>presentation on the<BR>speaker and/or<BR>headphones.<BR>0 9 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 8<BR>NOTE<BR>A1 \ r f power fate in either channel of the<BR>audio electronics unit, the controls<BR>will not function.<BR>Emergency Operation: PSot can<BR>use VHF 1 and hear NAV 1 without<BR>volume control. Copilot can use VHF<BR>2 and hear NAV 2 without volume<BR>control.<BR>&laquo; C<BR>Turns microphone on<BR>continuously by bypassing J1<BR>press-to-transmit switch. J I<BR>SPKR VOL CONTROL<BR>Varies volume of audio to speaker<BR>and headphones except aural<BR>warning. Turn clockwise to increase<BR>volume.<BR>A<BR>BOOM/OXY SWITCH<BR>Connects headset boom • / /<BR>microphone or oxygen<BR>mask microphone to<BR>system.<BR>MIC SWITCH<BR>When set to the 1 or 2<BR>position, connects the<BR>headphones, microphone<BR>and push-to-transrnh (PTT)<BR>switch to the VHF 1 or<BR>VHF 2. respectively.<BR>VHF Communication System Selection/Control -<BR>Audio Integrating System<BR>Figure 2<BR>SECTIONS<BR>Page 5<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>1 HF1<BR>1<BR>1<BR>HF2 1<BR>•j SELCAL<BR>m " - ' '<BR>i f<BR>HF<BR>\ ANTENNA<BR>A<BR>^ _i<BR>i<BR>^ — .... ... .<BR>, -^1 SaCAL I<BR>HF 1 SELCAL<BR>SWITCH/UGHT<BR>.... ._^ JPRESS 1<BR>J TO 1<BR>I RESET!<BR>&laquo;y<BR>AUDIO<BR>INTEGRATING<BR>SYSTB/I j<BR>i<BR>HF2<BR>swm<BR>r w%<BR>SELCAL<BR>:H/UGK<BR>PRESSl<BR>TO 1<BR>RESET|<BR>M<BR>T<BR>I •*&raquo; ••&raquo; *&copy;• •&raquo; •*• 1<BR>PILOTS AUDIO CONTROL UNIT<BR>3 00088.88 8 88 Q<BR>COPILOTS AUOIO CONTROL UNIT<BR>HF Communication System -<BR>Simplified Block. Diagram<BR>Figure 3<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 6<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>canadair<BR>chauenejer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>FREQ/LD PUSHBUTTON<BR>The FREQ/LD pushbutton performs the functions<BR>described for the following operating modes:<BR>PGM mode (simplex) - Loads selected receive-transmit<BR>frequency and mode into selected channel of<BR>programmable PRESET memory.<BR>PGM mode (duplex) - Loads selected receive frequency<BR>and mode into selected channel of programmable preset<BR>memory. To load the transmit frequency, the FREQ/LD<BR>pushbutton must be pressed while the trarisminer is keyed.<BR>MAR and CHN mode (duplex) - Causes the transmit<BR>frequency to be displayed when pressed while the<BR>transmitter is keyed.<BR>OPR MODE FREQ/CH.l<BR>H<BR>F<BR>M O M B BO/ &laquo;<BR>I! OS 00 Nl L J D ' I<BR>PWR<BR>VOL CONTROL<BR>Adjusts the receiver audio<BR>level.<BR>VALUE CONTROL<BR>Alters the field marked<BR>by the cursor.<BR>SQL CONTROL<BR>Eliminates background noise<BR>when the signal is not<BR>received.<BR>Disables the squelch<BR>function.<BR>CURSOR CONTROL<BR>Used to position the cursor<BR>to the left or right.<BR>CHAN SELECTOR<BR>Selects one of ten<BR>preset frequencies for<BR>display on the<BR>FREQ/CHAN display.<BR>The preset frequency<BR>channel number is<BR>indicated by the last<BR>digit of the<BR>FREQ/CHAN display.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>HF Communication System Control Unit SECTION 6<BR>Figure 4 (Sheet 1) Page 7<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>OPR DISPLAY<BR>Displays one of the following operating modes, or conditions:<BR>MAN -Manual frequency control mode<BR>CHN - User programmable preset channel mode<BR>MAR - Preprogrammed maritime preset mode<BR>TST - Serf-test mode<BR>PGM - User programmable preset channel program mode<BR>^ R - Emergency pn^ooiamrned preset channel mode<BR>SCN - Scan mode<BR>EXT - External system control mode<BR>SBY - Standby mode<BR>FLT - Fault<BR>WRG -Warning<BR>VOL - Displayed Momentarily after the VOL control is moved<BR>SQC - Displayed momentarily after the SQL control is moved<BR>MODE DISPLAY<BR>Displays the type of RF mode selected by the VALUE control:<BR>- Upper sideband voice<BR>- Lower sideband voice<BR>- Upper sideband data<BR>- Lower sideband data<BR>- Amplitude modulation equivalent<BR>- Continuous wave<BR>- Frequency modulation<BR>OPR MODE// FREQ/CHAN PWR<BR>CURSOR<BR>When positioned under a<BR>field, allows that field's<BR>values to be changed. The<BR>cursor is positioned using the<BR>CURSOR control.<BR>00/ D D U C D 1 5<BR>J o OULJ 0 g<BR>FREQ/LD CURSO!<BR>VALUE<BR>FREQ/CHAN DISPLAY<BR>The first five digits, from the<BR>left, display the selected<BR>frequency. The test digit<BR>indicates the selected<BR>channel. If a faulty module is<BR>detected during a self-test,<BR>the faulty unit number is<BR>displayed.<BR>PWR DISPLAY<BR>Indicates the output power<BR>level selected by the value<BR>control.<BR>Low Power - Bottom bar<BR>Medium Power - Bottom two bars<BR>High Power - Three bars<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>HF Communication System Control Unit SECTION 6<BR>Figure 4 (Sheet 2) Page 8<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>chauenejer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>PILOT'S OXYGEN MASK<BR>AND STOWAGE<BR>COPILOT'S OXYGEN<BR>MASK AND STOWAGE<BR>LJPUSH-<BR>TO-TRANSMIT<BR>SWITCH<BR>Keys the system selected<BR>by the MIC switch.<BR>HF 1 MONITOR SWITCH<BR>Selects Cup position) HF 1<BR>audio for presentation on<BR>the speaker and/or<BR>headphones.<BR>PiLOT'S CONTROL<BR>WHEEL CCOPILOT'S<BR>OPPOSITE)<BR>PILOTS AND COPILOT'S<BR>MICROPHONE AND<BR>HEADPHONE JACKS<BR>&copy;<BR>A SPKR/PHONE SWITCH<BR>Switches audio to speaker.<BR>headphones, or both, bo: pilots<BR>speech on interphone is not<BR>vznsterred to speaker.<BR>| ^ NAV MKR ADF * VHF _j<BR>P 6 99 Q 9 90 9 9 QM<BR>-OFF I<BR>O<BR>|As<BR>HF 2 MONITOR SWITCH<BR>^Selects (up position) HF 2<BR>\ j audio for presentation on<BR>\ 1 the speaker and/or<BR>\ I headphones.<BR>H?\<BR>A<BR>NOTE<BR>If power tails in either channel of the<BR>audio electronics unit, the controls<BR>win not function.<BR>Emergency Operation: Pilot can<BR>use VHF 1 and hear NAV 1 without<BR>volume control. Copdot can use VHF<BR>2 and hear NAV 2 without volume<BR>control.<BR>^SPKR VOL CONTROL<BR>HOT OXY<BR>;OOM<BR>2 HF1,HF2<BR>V-INPH<BR>^<BR>MIC<BR>Varies volume of audio to speaker<BR>and headphones except aural<BR>warning. Turn clockwise to increase<BR>volume. A HOT MIC<BR>Turns microphone on<BR>continuously by bypassing<BR>press-to-transmit switch.<BR>BOOM/OXY SWITCH<BR>Connects headset boom<BR>microphone or oxygen<BR>mask microphone to<BR>system.<BR>A MIC SWITCH<BR>When set to the HF l or<BR>HF 2 position, connects<BR>the headphones.<BR>microphone and push-to<BR>transmit &lt;PTT) switch to<BR>the HF communication<BR>system No. T and HF<BR>communication system<BR>No. 2. respectively.<BR>HF Communication System Selection/Control -<BR>Audio Integrating System<BR>Figure 5<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 9<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>I HF1<BR>HF2<BR>L RECEIVE AUDIO<BR>RECEIVE AUDIO<BR>SELCAL<BR>SYSTEM<BR>m-- &lt; '--J<BR>fc<BR>! W<BR>HF7<BR>PRESS<BR>TO<BR>RESET<BR>TEST<BR>HF2<BR>PRESS<BR>TO<BR>RESET<BR>w I<BR>AURAL<BR>WARNING<BR>SYSTEM<BR>Selcal System - Simplified Block Diagram<BR>Figure 6<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 10<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>"EfiJSieiiQer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>HF1 PRESS TO RESET<BR>SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>Come on to indicate an<BR>incoming cail on the HF 1.<BR>When pressed, resets the<BR>seicai system, and the<BR>PRESS TO RESET<BR>switch/light goes out.<BR>HF2 PRESS TO RESET<BR>SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>Comes on to indicate an<BR>incoming caii on the HF2.<BR>When pressed, resets the<BR>seicai system, and the<BR>PRESS TO RESET<BR>switch/light goes out.<BR>b PRESS<BR>TO<BR>RESET<BR>TEST<BR>HF<BR>1<BR>SELCAC<BR>d<BR>TEST SWITCH<BR>When set to the TEST<BR>position, simulates an<BR>incoming cat!.<BR>COPILOrS SIDE PANEL<BR>Seicai System Control Unit SECTION6<BR>Figure 7 Page 11<BR>Apr.<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>JQ PILOT'S<BR>[*" MICROPHONE<BR>I AND HEADSET<BR>PILOTS OXYGBI<BR>MASK MICROPHONE<BR>D *<BR>l | -o<BR>PILOTS<BR>PTT SWITCH<BR>MARKER BEACON NO. 1<BR>VHF/NAV1 RXNAV AUDIO<BR>MARKER BEACON NO. 2<BR>VHF/NAV2 KXNAV AUDIO<BR>ADF1<BR>ADF2<BR>RX AUDIO<BR>RX AUDIO<BR>TXAUDIO/PTT<BR>HF1 HI RX AUDIO<BR>TXAUDIO/PTT<BR>HF2 ERX AUDIO<BR>VHF1<BR>TXAUDIO/PTT<BR>RX AUDIO<BR>TXAUDIO/PTT<BR>VHF2 [&laquo;RX AUDIO<BR>&laquo;IH&gt;<BR>COPILOTS<BR>PTT SWITCH<BR>COPILOTS OXYGBY<BR>MASK MICROPHONE<BR>Vb2<BR>COPILOTS<BR>MICROPHONE<BR>AND HEADSET<BR>AURAL WARNING A U D !0<BR>S Y S T ^<BR>A NOTE<BR>The APU and wheel well interphone<BR>units are inoperative while in tight.<BR>AUDIO<BR>INTEGRATING<BR>SYSTBU<BR>Audio Integrating System -<BR>Simplified Block Diagram<BR>Figure 8<BR>TO FLIGHT<BR>- • COMPARTMENT VOICE<BR>RECORDER<BR>FLIGHT<BR>COMPARTMENT<BR>SPEAKER<BR>P 6 Q 0 Q QoQ 8 8 Q 0 H<BR>PILOTS AUDIO CONTROL UNIT<BR>88 &copy;0 O d<BR>COPILOTS AUDIO CONTROL UNIT<BR>FUGHT<BR>COMPARTMENT<BR>SPEAKER<BR>J&gt; RADIO RACK<BR>INTERPHONE<BR>MICROPHONE AND<BR>HEADSET<BR>J) APU INTERPHONE<BR>MICROPHONE AND<BR>HEADSET<BR>J&gt;. WHKLWELL<BR>^ INTERPHONE<BR>A MICROPHONE AND<BR>/ 7\HEADSET<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 12<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>ctiaiientjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>PILOTS OXYGEN<BR>MASK AND<BR>STOWAGE COPILOT'S OXYGEN<BR>MASK AND<BR>STOWAGE<BR>MIC SWITCH<BR>When set to 1NPH position.<BR>connects the headphones and<BR>microphone to the interphone. The<BR>audio output selected by the monitor<BR>switches can also be heard. The PTT<BR>switch is not operational.<BR>When in the 1, 2. HF 1 or HF 2<BR>position the pilot/copitot can<BR>monitor the interphone but cannot<BR>talk on the interphone.<BR>PILOTS AND COPILOTS<BR>MICROPHONE AND<BR>HEADPHONE JACKS<BR>O<BR>NAV MKR ADF<BR>P 0 0000 666 00 &lt;?j<BR>SPKR DME<BR>SPKR/?=^\ l 2<BR>A SPKR/PHONE SWITCH<BR>Switches audio to speaker,<BR>headphones, or both, but pilot's<BR>speech on interphone is not<BR>transferred to speaker.<BR>PHONE v/n. V^OFF J<BR>A<BR>A NOTE<BR>If power late in either channel of the<BR>sudk&gt; electronics unit, the controls<BR>wffl not function.<BR>Emergency Operation: Pilot can<BR>use VHF 1 and hear NAV 1 without<BR>volume control. Copilot can use VHF<BR>2 and hear NAV 2 without volume<BR>control.<BR>1 ^ SPKR VOL CONTROL<BR>Varies volume of audio to speaker<BR>and headphones except aural<BR>warning. Turn clockwise to increase<BR>volume.<BR>O<BR>B00M/OXY SWITCH<BR>Connects headset boom microphone<BR>or oxygen mask microphone to<BR>system.<BR>Interphone Audio Selection/Control -<BR>Audio Integrating System<BR>Figure 9<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 13<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>NOSE WHEEL<BR>WELL STATION<BR>HDPH MIC<BR>o , &reg; o<BR>INTERPHONE UNIT FOR WHEEL WELL. APU.<BR>RADIO RACK<BR>No controls on the unit. Operator talks and listens to<BR>aO stations that are using the interphone.<BR>NOTE<BR>Although units are for use on the ground, imenjhone is functionaJry complete in the<BR>air. except that the microphone circurts of the nose wheel and APU stations are<BR>disconnected.<BR>Audio Integrating System - Interphone Units<BR>Figure 10<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 14<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cftanenqer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>REMOTE MICROPHONE<BR>Picks up voice<BR>communication in the<BR>flight compartment.<BR>METER<BR>Used to monitor tone burst<BR>during test.<BR>TEST SWITCH<BR>inmates operational test of<BR>voice recorder.<BR>ERASE SWITCH<BR>When activated for at least two<BR>&gt; seconds. Erases the entire<BR>recorded information, provided<BR>the aircraft has landed and the<BR>parking brake is on.<BR>HEADSET<BR>600 OHMS<BR>COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER<BR>HEADSET MONITOR JACK<BR>Provides for connection of a<BR>headset for continuous and<BR>simultaneous monitoring of aH<BR>four recorded channels.<BR>Flight Compartment Voice Recorder System -<BR>Controls and Indicators<BR>Figure 11<BR>SECTION 6<BR>Page 15<BR>Apr 02/87</P>

kakabrazil 发表于 2010-9-2 19:23:28


guomai127 发表于 2010-9-11 09:00:59

:lol :lol :lol :lol

dul 发表于 2011-2-11 13:32:50



standbybus 发表于 2011-2-11 13:44:06


ericgyf 发表于 2011-6-28 20:26:19


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 07:39:23


liu5031 发表于 2012-3-10 10:04:51


tonyblairer 发表于 2022-1-13 16:53:06

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