航空 发表于 2010-5-9 09:01:41


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航空 发表于 2010-5-9 09:01:51

OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>SECTION 10<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS<BR>TABLE OF CONTENTS<BR>GENERAL<BR>Page<BR>A. Control Disconnect Systems 1<BR>B. Power Control Units 1<BR>C. Artificial Feel Mechanisms 2<BR>D. Trim Systems 2<BR>E. Control Surface, Trim and Flap Position Indicators 2<BR>F. Gust Locks 2<BR>ROLL CONTROL SYSTEM 3<BR>A. Aileron Trim 3<BR>B. Aileron Control Wheels 3<BR>C. Artificial Feel Mechanisms 3<BR>YAW CONTROL SYSTEM 4<BR>A. Rudder Trim 4<BR>B. Rudder Pedal Assemblies 4<BR>C. Anti-Jam Mechanisms 4<BR>D. Artificial Feel Mechanisms 4<BR>PITCH CONTROL SYSTEM 5<BR>A. Pitch Trim 5<BR>B. Control Columns 6<BR>C. Gain Change Mechanisms 6<BR>D. Artificial Feel Mechanisms 6<BR>E. Anti-Jam Mechanisms 6<BR>WING FLAP SYSTEM 7<BR>A, Flap Control Unit 7<BR>B- Power Drive Unit 7<BR>C. Asymmetry/Overspeed Detector and Brake Assemblies 8<BR>10-CONTENTS<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING HANUU.<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>Page<BR>6. SPOILER SYSTEM 8<BR>A. Flight Spoilers 8<BR>B. Ground Spoilers 9<BR>7. STALL PROTECTION SYSTEM 9<BR>A. Angle-of-Attack Transducers 10<BR>B. Stall Protection Computer 10<BR>C. Stall Protection System Monitoring 11<BR>D. Stick Shakers 11<BR>E. Stick Pusher Sub-system 12<BR>LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS<BR>Figure<BR>Number Title Page<BR>1 Flight Controls 13<BR>2 Control Disconnect T-Handles 14<BR>3 Flight Controls - Hydraulics 15<BR>4 Control Surface Position Indicator and Servo Monitor Lights 16<BR>5 Trim Controls and Trim Position Indicators 17<BR>6 Control Wheel 18<BR>7 Wing Flap Controls and Indicators 19<BR>8 Spoiler Controls and Indicators 20<BR>9 Stall Protection System Controls and Indicators 21<BR>10-<BR>Page<BR>Apr<BR>OPERATING MAMUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>SECTION 10<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS<BR>1. GENERAL (Figures 1 and 3)<BR>The primary flight controls, consisting of roll control, yaw control, pitch<BR>control, flight spoilers and ground spoilers, are fully powered from all three<BR>hydraulic systems. Mechanical inputs from the pilots1 controls in the flight<BR>compartment are conveyed via push/pull rods, quadrants and cables to power<BR>control units (PCU). There is no interconnection between hydraulic systems,<BR>and all PCUs are totaViy independent of each other. The secondary controls<BR>consist of the wing trailing edge flaps and control surface trim systems, and<BR>are electrically controlled and actuated.<BR>The ailerons, elevators and flight spoilers are each powered by two of the<BR>three independent hydraulic systems. The rudder is powered by all three<BR>systems and the ground spoilers are powered by No. 1 system only. The primary<BR>flight control systems are capable of continued safe operation if jamming or<BR>disconnection of a component, loss of normal electrical power and, with the<BR>exception of the spoilers, loss of hydraulic systems No. 1 and/or No. 2 occur.<BR>Jamming or disconnection of a component is nullified by incorporation of dual<BR>control circuits with anti-jam and/or disconnect mechanisms.<BR>Loss of normal electrical power is overcome by an air-driven generator (ADG)<BR>which is capable of supplying, emergency electrical power to drive hydraulic<BR>system No. 3.<BR>Loss of hydraulic systems No. 1 and/or No. 2 is catered for by hydraulic system<BR>No. 3 which supplies a PCU for each of the primary controls except spoilers.<BR>A. Control Disconnect Systems (Figure 2)<BR>Control disconnect mechanisms are provided for disconnecting the control<BR>columns (pitch control) and the control wheels (roll control), if a jam<BR>occurs in their respective cable runs. The disconnect mechanisms are<BR>operated by the PITCH DISC and ROLL DISC T-handles on the centre pedestal.<BR>If a jam occurs in the rudder control circuits, break-out bungees and an<BR>anti-jam mechanism isolate the jammed circuit. Yaw control is retained by<BR>both pilots.<BR>B. Power Control Units<BR>The primary flight control surfaces are fully power-operated by hydraulic<BR>actuators known as power control units. To provide for failsafe operation<BR>and eliminate fluid interflow between the three aircraft hydraulic systems,<BR>each aileron is powered by a dual PCU consisting of two independent<BR>actuators; each elevator is powered by two independent PCUs; and the rudder<BR>is powered by three independent PCUs.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cttaueneter<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 60U-6<BR>Each PCU consists mainly of a control-valve-operated piston moving in a<BR>cylinder.<BR>The PCUs are connected to the control surfaces by rod-end attachments and<BR>operate to move the control surfaces in the desired direction upon receipt<BR>of a signal from the pilots1 controls or from the automatic flight control<BR>system (AFCS). A flight control monitoring unit monitors the operation of<BR>the PCUs. The flight control monitoring unit receives inputs from PCU<BR>proximity sensors and transmits warning signals to the servo monitor panel<BR>in the flight compartment.<BR>Artificial Feel Mechanisms<BR>Because the primary flight control surfaces are fully power-operated,<BR>artificial feel mechanisms, consisting of spring devices, are incorporated<BR>in the control systems to simulate aerodynamic forces and provide a means<BR>of sensing control loads under various flight conditions.<BR>Trim Systems (Figures 5 and 6)<BR>Trim inputs are introduced into the roll and yaw control systems by<BR>electrically driven actuators controlled by the AIL TRIM and RUD TRIM<BR>switches on the centre pedestal. Pitch trim is obtained by varying the<BR>angle of incidence of the horizontal stabilizer. Signals from the pitch<BR>trim switches on the control wheels, from the AFCS and from the stability<BR>augmentation system (SAS) are processed by a control unit to operate an<BR>electrically driven actuator which applies the required amount of<BR>stabilizer deflection. The pitch trim disconnect switch on each control<BR>wheel disconnects and brakes the pitch trim actuator in an emergency.<BR>Control Surface, Trim and Flap Position Indicators (Figures 4, 5 and 7)<BR>Flight control surface positions and trim angles are displayed on<BR>indicators located on the centre instrument panel. A flap position<BR>indicator on the copilot's instrument panel displays flap position angles.<BR>Inputs to the position indicators are provided by transmitters and trim<BR>actuators.<BR>Gust Locks<BR>Gust locking of the ailerons, rudder and elevators is provided by trapping<BR>hydraulic fluid within the PCUs whenever hydraulic pressure is removed from<BR>the PCUs. This arrangement locks the control surface against the effect of<BR>gusts but permits restricted movement of the surface, if a sufficiently<BR>large external force is applied continously.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 2<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>2. ROLL CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>Roll (lateral) control is achieved by hydraulically powered ailerons which are<BR>controlled primarily from conventional column-mounted horn-type wheels.<BR>Primary control is supplemented by an electrically actuated trim system.<BR>The roll control system incorporates a dual PCU for each aileron, and a dual<BR>control system. Normally, both control systems are interconnected so that<BR>there is simultaneous movement of both ailerons; but i t is possible to isolate<BR>a jammed aileron control circuit by means of a disconnect mechanism, thereby<BR>allowing limited control (one aileron only) through the unjamrned circuit (refer<BR>to Figures 1 and 2).<BR>Control wheel movement is transmitted by cables and pulleys which incorporate<BR>an a r t i f i c i a l feel unit to the PCUs located outboard in the wing, forward of<BR>the rear spar.<BR>Each PCU actuator is capable of aileron operation should there be a failure<BR>associated with the adjacent actuator.<BR>Signal inputs from the AFCS are made through the right aileron system only.<BR>Therefore, should jamming of the right control system occur, the autopilot<BR>inputs would not be transmitted to the left aileron system (refer to Section 4 ).<BR>A. Aileron Trim<BR>An electrically driven actuator applies a bias to the primary control<BR>circuit, when required, by operation of the AIL TRIM switches located on<BR>the centre pedestal. The amount of trim applied to the ailerons is shown<BR>on the control surface trim position indicator.<BR>B. Aileron Control Wheels (Figure 6)<BR>The aileron control wheels are horn-type handwheels, spline-mounted on the<BR>control columns. Each control wheel mounts a pitch trim switch, a pitch<BR>trim disconnect switch, an autopilot/stick pusher disconnect switch, an<BR>autopilot touch control switch and a radio key.<BR>C. Artificial Feel Mechanisms<BR>Two a r t i f i c i a l feel mechanisms provide the pilots with positive feel of the<BR>power-operated control system and act as centering devices.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 3<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>ctianenQer<BR>OPERATING KMftJAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>3. YAW CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>Yaw (directional) control is achieved by a hydraulically powered rudder,<BR>controlled primarily from conventional dual, cross-coupled pedals- Primary<BR>control is supplemented by an electrically actuated trim system.<BR>The yaw control system incorporates three independent, parallel-connected PCUs<BR>and a dual control system which includes two anti-jamming mechanisms for<BR>isolating or overriding the effects of a jammed circuit, enabling control to be<BR>maintained via the intact circuit. The system i s also protected by anti-jam<BR>mechanisms built into the PCU input levers, which act to isolate a jammed PCU.<BR>Pedal assembly movement is transmitted by cables and pulleys which include<BR>artificial feel mechanisms, load limiters and a trim mixing system.<BR>In addition to control inputs from the pedal assembly, inputs from the<BR>stability augmentation system of the AFCS are applied to the system through two<BR>yaw dampers in the trim mixing system (refer to Section 4).<BR>A. Rudder Trim<BR>An electrically driven actuator applies a bias to the primary control<BR>circuit, when required, by operation of the RUD TRIM control located on the<BR>centre pedestal. The amount of trim applied to the rudder is shown on the<BR>control surface trim indicator.<BR>B. Rudder Pedal Assemblies<BR>Conventional rudder pedal assemblies enable foot control of the aircraft<BR>wheel brake system and the rudder control system.<BR>Each set of pedals is provided with a hand-operated adjusting mechanism to<BR>cater to the individual requirements of pilots.<BR>C. Anti-Jam Mechanisms<BR>The two forward anti-jam mechanisms operate to nullify the effects of a<BR>jammed cable circuit and maintain normal pedal/rudder movement ratio.<BR>The anti-jam mechanism on each rudder PCU acts as a push/pull rod for the<BR>PCU input linkage during normal operation. If the input linkage cannot<BR>move because of a jam in the PCU, the anti-jam mechanism breaks out to<BR>isolate the defective PCU from the system. The remaining PCUs continue to<BR>operate the rudder.<BR>D. Artificial Feel Mechanisms<BR>Two artificial feel mechanisms provide the pilots with positive feel of the<BR>power-operated system and act as a centering device for the system.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 4<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>canaaair<BR>ctiauencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>4. PITCH CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>Pitch (longitudinal) control is achieved primarily by two independent,<BR>hydraulically powered elevators. Elevator movement i s controlled from<BR>conventional control columns. Primary control is supplemented by an<BR>e l e c t r i c a l l y actuated t r im system which varies the angle of incidence of the<BR>horizontal stabilizer.<BR>The pitch control system incorporates two parallel-connected PCUs for each<BR>elevator, and a dual control system. Normally, both control systems are<BR>interconnected so that there i s simultaneous movement of both elevators, but it<BR>is possible to isolate a jammed c i r c u i t by means of a disconnect mechanism,<BR>thereby providing limited p i t c h control (one elevator only) through the<BR>remaining c i r c u i t (refer t o Figures 1 and 2).<BR>Control column movement i s transmitted by cables and pulleys, through an<BR>a r t i f i c i a l feel unit, to the PCUs.<BR>Operation of the elevator PCUs i s similar to that of the aileron PCUs.<BR>Signal inputs from the AFCS are made through the rear quadrant of the l e ft<BR>elevator control system only. Therefore, should jamming of the l e f t cable<BR>circuit occur, the autopilot inputs would no longer be available to the<BR>elevator system.<BR>A. Pitch Trim<BR>The aircraft is trimmed iti pitch by varying the horizontal stabilizer angle<BR>of incidence. Trim commands from the pilot's or copilot's control wheel<BR>switches, the AFCS and the stability augmentation system (SAS) are<BR>processed by a trim control unit to operate the electrically driven<BR>stabilizer actuator. Commands from the pilot's trim switch override those<BR>from the copilot's trim switch, the AFCS and the SAS. Commands from the<BR>copilot's trim switch override only those from the AFCS and the SAS. Both<BR>control wheels have a red disconnect button, PITCH TRIM DISC, which can be<BR>pressed to remove power from the system and brake the actuator. In order<BR>to enhance the longitudinal trim movement, the movement of the horizontal<BR>stabilizer is accompanied by a degree of elevator movement that alters the<BR>stabilizer/elevator camber. An elevator servo input is generated by the<BR>horizontal stabilizer movement to produce the required elevator deflection.<BR>The electrically driven screw actuator, located at the top of the vertical<BR>stabilizer, varies the horizontal stabilizer angle of incidence. The<BR>actuator is driven by two electric motors directly connected to the drive<BR>train each containing a high and low trim rate. Manual trim commands from<BR>the control wheel pitch trim switches produce a steady rate of stabilizer<BR>movement of 1/2 degree per second. Depending on flap position, the<BR>autopilot commands variable high or low trim rates of 0.1 to 0.5 degree per<BR>second and 0.01 to 0.1 degree per second respectively. Mach trim commands<BR>a variable rate of stabilizer movement between 0.01 and 0.1 degree per<BR>second. Each of the electric motors driving the trim actuator is protected<BR>against overspeed by a dual coil brake.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 5<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING HMU4L<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>The control unit controls the rate and direction of movement of the<BR>actuator. The unit consists of two independent channels and operates from<BR>two power busses so that electrical failure on one bus does not preclude<BR>operation of the stabilizer trim. A pilot reset capability allows channel<BR>transfer at the pilot's option,<BR>The system normally operates on channel No. 1, with channel No. 2<BR>performing only a monitoring and back-up function. Should a failure occur<BR>within a controller channel or its associated motor, the control unit<BR>automatically transfers to the back-up channel. In the event of an<BR>overspeed condition, the control unit removes power from the drive motor<BR>and operates the brake in the actuator. Channel failure, overspeed<BR>condition and channel change are indicated by switch/lights on the centre<BR>pedestal.<BR>Two trim position sensors on the actuator send signals to the control<BR>unit. One sensor supplies the AFCS with stabilizer angle data and the<BR>second is connected to the flight recorder. Both position sensors provide<BR>travel limit signals for the control unit. Stabilizer trim position is<BR>also an input to the take-off configuration warning system. A third<BR>position sensor supplies position signals to the control surface trim<BR>position indicator.<BR>Control Columns<BR>The pilot's and copilot's control columns each consist of a conventional<BR>tubular column mounted vertically in a housing. A control column shaker,<BR>which is a component part of the stall protection system, is mounted on the<BR>column.<BR>Gain Change Mechanisms<BR>Two independent gain change mechanisms ensure that the rate of elevator<BR>movement increases as the control column is moved from neutral to provide<BR>the required control response.<BR>Artificial Feel Mechanisms<BR>Two artificial feel mechanisms, one for each elevator, provide the pilots<BR>with positive feel of the power-operated systems and act as centering<BR>devices for the systems. The system is designed to ensure a reduced feel<BR>force when rapid control column movement is required.<BR>Anti-Jam Mechanisms<BR>The elevator anti-jam mechanisms act normally as push/pull rods for the PCU<BR>input rod linkages. If a PCU input linkage cannot move because of a jam in<BR>the PCU, the mechanism breaks out to isolate the defective PCU from the<BR>system. The other PCU continues to operate the affected elevator.<BR>When the mechanism breaks out, a proximity sensor is deactivated and the<BR>amber PITCH light on the SERVO MONITOR panel comes on (refer to Figure 4).<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 6<BR>Anr H?/R7<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>5. WING FLAP SYSTEM (Figures 1 and 7)<BR>The flap system consists of externally hinged inboard and outboard<BR>double-slotted flap panels mounted on the trailing edge of each wing. The<BR>panels are electrically driven by a power drive unit (PDU) located in the main<BR>landing gear bay. The motor action of the PDU is translated to eight<BR>actuators, two to each flap panel, by flexible shaft assemblies. An<BR>asymmetry/overspeed detector and brake unit is incorporated in each flap drive<BR>system.<BR>The outboard flaps have fixed leading edge vanes and the inboard flaps have<BR>movable leading edge vanes which automatically extend or retract as the flaps<BR>are lowered or raised.<BR>The flaps are extended or retracted in response to command signals from the<BR>FLAPS control lever located on the centre pedestal.<BR>The signals are fed to the PDU via the flap control unit. If the control unit<BR>logic detects an anomaly such as flap asymmetry or overspeed, power is removed,<BR>causing the PDU motor brakes and the asymmetry/overspeed detector brakes to<BR>stop the system. The FLAPS FAIL light on the copilot's instrument panel comes<BR>on when a system fault is detected.<BR>A. Flap Control Unit<BR>The flap control unit (FCU) is powered from dc bus No. 1 and dc bus No. 2.<BR>Although two power supplies are provided, only one is necessary to operate<BR>the unit. The function of the unit is to assess the flap extend/retract<BR>commands received from the FLAPS control lever and provide the correct<BR>activating signal to the PDU. Once a selected flap angle is reached, the<BR>flaps are locked in position by the PDU motor brakes and the<BR>asymmetry/overspeed detector brake units.<BR>The FCU also signals the aural warning unit (refer to Section 3) to<BR>initiate aural warnings for airspeed/flap, take-off/flap and gear-up/flap<BR>configuration incompatibilities.<BR>B. Power Drive Unit<BR>Two PDU motors are coupled to a mechanical differential which drives the<BR>output shaft through a clutch and an output gear train. With power applied<BR>to the PDU, the motor brakes are released and the motor drives the flexible<BR>shaft assemblies and actuators. When the selected flap position is<BR>reached, the motors are de-energized and the motor brakes are re-applied.<BR>If power to one of the PDU motors fails, the associated brake is<BR>automatically applied and the second motor continues to operate the system<BR>at half speed. In the event of overheating of a PDU motor, thermal<BR>switches de-energize the applicable motor and an amber overheat light on<BR>the copilot's instrument panel comes on. The thermal switches reset once<BR>the overheat condition has passed.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 7<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>C. Asymmetry/Overspeed Detector and Brake Assemblies<BR>The function of these assemblies is to transmit signals to the FCU to<BR>provide positive braking action to the flaps in the event of asymmetric<BR>movement of the left and right flaps, or o*e-speed.<BR>6. SPOILER SYSTEM (Figures 1 and 8)<BR>Wing l i f t modulation is achieved by the operation of flight and ground<BR>spoilers- The flight spoilers may be extended to any position, between 0 and<BR>MAX (40 degrees), required for the intended flight path. The ground spoilers<BR>have only two positions, fully retracted during flight or fully deployed (45<BR>degrees) when activated with the aircraft on the ground, to assist other<BR>braking systems by dumping l i f t and increasing drag.<BR>A. Flight Spoilers<BR>The flight spoilers are two hydraulically powered panels, one hinged to the<BR>upper surface of each wing, forward of the outboard flaps, and are<BR>controlled mechanically through pilot movement of a lever on the centre<BR>pedestal. Each panel is powered by two hydraulically independent PCUs.<BR>Each PCU is independently connected to its spoiler and is capable of<BR>spoiler operation should the adjacent PCU fail either mechanically or<BR>hydraulically.<BR>The spoiler control lever is connected to the PCUs via cables and pulleys.<BR>The spoilers are fully retracted when the lever is in the fully forward<BR>position. Pulling the spoiler control lever rearward deploys the flight<BR>spoilers, spoiler panel deployment being proportional with control lever<BR>movement.<BR>Lever positions, when selected, are held by a serrated plate and plunger<BR>mechanism.<BR>Spoiler panel position is transmitted to the control surface position<BR>indicator, the LH FLT SPLR and RH FLT SPLR lights and the LEFT and RIGHT<BR>FLIGHT SPOILERS lights.<BR>A detent mechanism on both of the spoiler wing circuits prevents<BR>unacceptable spoiler asymmetry. If an asymmetry occurs, the detent<BR>mechanism closes the affected spoiler when the spoilers are less than<BR>one-half extended or retracts i t to the one-half extended position when the<BR>spoilers are more than one-half extended- Operation of the LEFT and RIGHT<BR>FLIGHT SPOILERS lights indicate that the flight spoiler detent mechanism is<BR>serviceable and that blowback protection in an asymmetrical spoiler<BR>condition has been reset to the one-half extended position.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 8<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cacnhaadiiaeinr Qer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>B. Ground Spoilers<BR>The ground spoilers are two hydraul ically powered panels, one hinged to the<BR>upper surface of each wing, forward of the inboard flaps, and are<BR>controlled electrically. Each panel is powered by one actuator supplied<BR>from a dual hydraulic selector valve.<BR>The ground spoilers deploy automatically when armed, with a<BR>weight-on-wheels or wheel spin-up signal present, and the spoiler control<BR>lever and throttle lever selected to the proper positions (refer to Figure<BR>8).<BR>A spoiler control unit monitors weight-on-wheels and wheel spin-up signals,<BR>throttle lever position, GROUND SPOILERS switch position and the position '<BR>of the two valves in the dual hydraulic selector valve. When all of the<BR>conditions for ground spoiler deployment have been met, hydraulic pressure<BR>is applied at the ground spoiler actuators, the actuators unlock and the<BR>spoilers are powered to the extended position. If the spoiler control unit<BR>detects a difference in the positions of the hydraulic selector valves, the<BR>ground spoilers, if extended, close and lock. If both throttle levers are<BR>not pulled back to IDLE simultaneously, the SPLRS INOP light will come on.<BR>Ground spoiler operation is monitored via the LH and RH GND SPLR and SPLRS<BR>INOP lights. The system test is initiated via the GROUND SPOILERS switch.<BR>7. STALL PROTECTION SYSTEM (Figure 9)<BR>The stall protection system senses the aircraft angle of attack, provides the<BR>flight crew with a visual and tactile warning of an impending stall and, if no<BR>corrective action is taken, prevents flight into the stalled condition by<BR>activating a stick pusher mechanism. The principal system components consist<BR>of two trailing vane type angle-of-attack transducers, a dual-channel stall<BR>protection computer, two altitude transducers, two lateral accelerometers and<BR>two flap position transmitters. The system controls and indicators are:<BR>Two stick shakers<BR>A stick pusher sub-system<BR>Stall protection test indicators<BR>System warning lights and test switches<BR>An aural warning horn (warbler)<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 9<BR>Jul 19/05<BR>cacnhaadiiaeinr Qer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>When a dangerously high angle of attack is approached, the stall protection<BR>computer applies continuous ignition to the engines and, if the angle of attack<BR>continues to increase, activates the stick shakers to generate a stall warning<BR>in the form of a mechanical vibration of the control columns. If the aircraft<BR>angle of attack still continues to increase to the stick pusher trip point, the<BR>aural warning horn sounds and the stick pusher sub-system forces the control<BR>columns forward to effect recovery from the impending stall. When the aircraft<BR>angle of attack has decreased to a preset point below the pusher trip point,<BR>the aural warning horn stops and the stick pusher is deactivated. The stick<BR>shakers and continuous ignition switch off automatically when the aircraft<BR>angle of attack decreases through their respective trip points.<BR>Red STALL/PUSH lights flash whenever the aural warning horn and stick pusher<BR>are operating.<BR>If the autopilot is engaged when the aircraft approaches the stall, it is<BR>automatically disengaged on a signal from the stall protection computer when<BR>the aircraft angle of attack reaches the stick shaker trip point.<BR>A. Angle-of-Attack Transducers<BR>There are two angle-of-attack transducers, one on each side of the forward<BR>fuselage. Each transducer is attached to an externally mounted trailing<BR>vane. The trailing vane is moved by the local airflow which varies in<BR>proportion to the aircraft angle of attack. The angles of attack sensed by<BR>the left and right transducers are transmitted to the left and right<BR>channels respectively of the stall protection computer.<BR>The transducer trailing vanes are protected against ice by built-in heater<BR>elements controlled from the ADS heater control panel (refer to Section 14).<BR>B. Stall Protection Computer<BR>The stall protection computer is divided into two identical and independent<BR>(left and right) channels. Each channel uses inputs from its associated<BR>angle-of-attack transducer, altitude transducer, lateral accelerometer and<BR>flap position transmitter to compute angle-of-attack trip points for<BR>auto-ignition, stick shaker operation, aural warning and stick push. If<BR>the angle of attack increases at a rate greater than 1 degree per second,<BR>the computer lowers the angle-of-attack trip points for the various system<BR>functions. This action prevents the aircraft momentum in the pitching<BR>plane from carrying it through the stall warning/stick pusher sequence into<BR>the stall.<BR>The two altitude transducers provide altitude signals to the associated<BR>left and right sides of the stall protection computer. The transducers are<BR>connected to the left and right static systems via static source selectors<BR>on the pilot's and copilot's side panels (refer to Section 11).<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 10<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>As the altitude transducers signal an increase in altitude between 2,000<BR>and 15,000 feet, the computer progressively lowers the angle-of-attack trip<BR>points for the stick shaker and pusher. Below 2,000 feet and above 15,000<BR>feet, the trip points are constant- If one or both of the altitude signals<BR>i s lost or if the difference between signals exceeds 2,000 feet, the<BR>computer automatically applies the trip points associated with the 15,000<BR>foot altitude.<BR>The two lateral accelerometers monitor skid or sideslip and signal the<BR>corresponding channel of the computer. Each of the computer channels uses<BR>the signals to generate compensated angle-of-attack values produced by<BR>manoeuvres involving skid or sideslip. The compensated angles insure that<BR>adequate stall protection is provided during uncoordinated flight. The<BR>trip points are also lowered progressively, on signals from the two flap<BR>position transmitters, as the flaps move, through the 0-, 20-, 30- and<BR>45-degree positions- If one or both of the flap position signals are lost,<BR>the computer automatically applies the stick shaker, continuous ignition<BR>and stick pusher trip points associated with the next higher flap setting.<BR>The weight-on-wheels inputs from the landing gear control unit enable the<BR>computer to disable the stick shakers and pusher and the system failure<BR>warning lights while the aircraft is on the ground, except during system<BR>test.<BR>To prevent inadvertent operation of the stick pusher due to a failure in<BR>one of the computer channels, the computer does not command a stick push<BR>unless both of the computer channels signal a stick push simultaneously.<BR>Stall Protection System Monitoring<BR>The stall protection computer monitors the operation of the system for<BR>possible mechanical defects in the angle-of-attack transducers and for<BR>faults in the electrical circuitry.<BR>Stick Shakers<BR>There are two stick shakers, one on the p i l o t s and one on the copilot's<BR>control column. Each shaker is a dc electric motor driving an eccentric<BR>weight. The shakers operate independently of each other and are powered by<BR>their respective stall protection computer channels. The noise of the<BR>stick shakers operating is sufficiently loud to constitute an aural warning<BR>of shaker operation.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 11<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>E. Stick Pusher Sub-system<BR>The stick pusher consists of a rotary actuator driven by a dc electric<BR>motor which operates on the right elevator control. The pusher logic<BR>circuits are so arranged that pusher signals must be transmitted<BR>simultaneously from both channels of the stall protection computer befcr,- a<BR>stick push can be initiated. When in operation, the stick pusher exerts an<BR>80-pound forward push on the control columns. Red STALL/PUSH lights flash<BR>whenever the stall protection system computer commands a stick push.<BR>In order to prevent the aircraft from flying into a low or negative G<BR>condition during the stick push, two accelerometer switches disconnect the<BR>pusher drive i f the aircraft reaches 0.5 G during the pitching manoeuvre<BR>induced by the stick push.<BR>At any time, the pilot or copilot can stop the stick pusher and disconnect<BR>the autopilot by pressing and holding the AP/SP DISC switch installed on<BR>the left horn of each control wheel. The stick pusher is capable of<BR>operating immediately when the switch is released. The stick pusher can be<BR>deactivated by either of two PUSHER toggle switches, located on the pilot's<BR>and copilot's STALL PROTECTION panels, which would cause flashing STALL<BR>PROTECT FAIL lights to come on.<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 12<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>chanehtyer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>AUTOPILOT SERVO<BR>ACTUATOR<BR>PILOTS CONTROL COLUMN<BR>Flight Controls<BR>Figure 1<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 13<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>PITCH DISC AND ROLL DISC T-HANDLES<BR>Provides a disconnecting mechanism for control columns and<BR>control wheels if a jam occurs in respective cable runs.<BR>Puffing either handte disengages associated mechanism.<BR>Then, rotating handle left or right secures handle in<BR>disconnected position. Releasing handle into stowed position,<BR>reconnects associated controls and re-abgns control column<BR>or wheels, as appropriate.<BR>When PITCH DISC handle is pufled. pflot controls left<BR>elevator and copilot controls right elevator.<BR>When ROLL DISC handte is potted, pilot controls left aileron<BR>and copilot controls right aileron.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>Control Disconnect T-Handles<BR>Figure 2<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 14<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>NO. 1 SYSTEM<BR>RESERVOIR<BR>NO. 3 SYSTEM<BR>RESERVOIR<BR>NO. 2 SYSTEM<BR>RESERVOIR<BR>LEFT*<BR>ENGINE<BR>PUMP<BR>ELECT<BR>PUMP<BR>2<BR>mm<BR>ACCUMULATOR ^<BR>4 L-v<BR>RIGHT<BR>ENGINE<BR>PUMP<BR>&pound; i i n i t i i i i i f l i i t iH z<BR>z •&raquo;<BR>iis i<BR>Z 5 ACCUMULATOR<BR>f l l l l l t l l l f l l l l l t l l l l l l l l l l l l l t U I I I l f l l l l l l &pound;<BR>a i f t f i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i t ix<BR>• j i t i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i s i i&laquo;<BR>LEGEND<BR>TO<BR>LANDING GEAR<BR>AND<BR>BRAKE SYSTEMS<BR>NO. 1 HYDRAUUC SYSTEM<BR>NO. 2 HYDRAUUC SYSTEM<BR>NO. 3 HYDRAUUC SYSTEM<BR>Flight Controls - Hydraulics<BR>Figure 3<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 15<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>CONTROL SURFACE POSITION<BR>INDICATOR<BR>Provioes a continuous indication of<BR>control surface posrticns over Tht-&gt;r<BR>operating range.<BR>L AND R FLT SPLR<BR>Right spader up indications.<BR>Max 40 degrees<BR>2/4<BR>la<BR>V4<BR>28 degrees<BR>16 degrees<BR>5 degrees<BR>L AND R AILERON<BR>21.3 degrees<BR>21.3 degrees<BR>L AND R ELEVATOR<BR>Up<BR>Down<BR>23.6 degrees<BR>18.4 degrees<BR>iR L N R \<BR>F ELEVATOR<BR>|A • •<BR>L X R \<BR>RUDDER<BR>RUDDER<BR>Left/right indications<BR>LEFT 25 degrees<BR>RIGHT 25 degrees<BR>CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL<BR>PITCH LIGHT<BR>Amber PITCH light comes on when<BR>proximity sensors detect a jammed<BR>control varve or input linkage at the<BR>elevator power control units.<BR>NOTE<BR>Wrth hyotaufie power off. servo<BR>monitor panel lights are as follows:<BR>- ROLL fight is on<BR>- Y AW light is on<BR>- PITCH light is out<BR>-MON SAFE fight is on.<BR>ROLL AND YAW LIGHTS<BR>Amber ROLL and YAW faghts come<BR>on whenever proximity sensors<BR>detect a jammed control valve or<BR>hydraulic pressure deficiency at the<BR>respective power control units.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>MON SAFE LIGHT<BR>Green MON SAFE light comes on<BR>when all aileron and rudder PCUs<BR>are unpressurized (all hydraulic<BR>systems off) and all elevator PCUs<BR>are unjammed.<BR>Control Surface Position Indicator and<BR>Servo Monitor Lights<BR>Figure 4<BR>SECTION 10<BR>Page 16<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>chauencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>TRIM POSITION INDICATOR<BR>Provides a continuous indication<BR>to trim position over their<BR>operating range.<BR>ROD N l AND NR<BR>Nose (left) NL/noseright &lt;NR)<BR>indications<BR>Left<BR>Right<BR>8.5 degrees<BR>8.5 degrees<BR>AIL LWD AND RWD<BR>Up<BR>Down<BR>7.5 degrees<BR>7.5 degrees<BR>LWD RWD/<BR>T R I M ^ ^<BR>STAB NUP<BR>Nose up (NUP) indications.<BR>StabBizer moves from 0 to -9<BR>degrees incidence. Green band<BR>indicates take-off (TO) trim range.<BR>CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL<BR>RUDDER TRIM CONTROL<BR>Control switch sets rudder trim left<BR>and right.<BR>CHANNEL INOPERATIVE<BR>SWITCH/UGHT<BR>CHAN 1 INOP<BR>CHAN 2 INOP<BR>Amber fights indicate failure in<BR>respective channel.<BR>Pressing swxtch/bght in conjunction<BR>with OVSP/CHANGE CHAN<BR>switch/light activates pitch trim<BR>system.<BR>PITCH TRIM<BR>r—PUSHCMANI<BR>NOTE<BR>If input signals to trim indicator are<BR>lost, aileron and rudder pointers<BR>move off scale 90 degrees from zero<BR>index. Stabilizer pointer moves off<BR>scale to a point between scale end<BR>points.<BR>AILERON TRIM CONTROLS<BR>Control switches sets aileron trim up<BR>and down.<BR>OVERSPEED/CHANNEL CHANGE<BR>SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>Amber lights indicate pitch trim<BR>overspeed or channel change. Can<BR>be used to change from one channel<BR>to other for test.<BR>Pressing switch/tight in conjunction<BR>with CHAN 1/CHAN 2 switch/Hght<BR>activates pitch trim system.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>Trim Controls and Trim Position<BR>Figure 5<BR>Indicators SECTION 10<BR>Page 17<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>AUTOPILOT/STICK PUSHB* DISCONNECT<BR>vvvrrcH<BR>^ed pushbutton which, when pressed, diserrgages<BR>•topfiot and deactivates stick pusher. When<BR>;*teased, stick pusher system is immediately<BR>reactivated but autopilot remains disengaged.<BR>PITCH TRIM SWTICH<BR>Enables piot to vary pitch trim<BR>according to flight requirement.<BR>RADIO K&gt;rY<BR>Light grey button which, when<BR>pressed., switches on radio<BR>transmitter.<BR>FRONT VIEW<BR>AUTOPILOT TOUCH CONTROL<BR>Black button which, when pressed,<BR>enables pilot to manoeuvre aircraft<BR>without disconnecting autopilot.<BR>PITCH TRIM DISCONNECT ^AJTCh<BR>Red button which, when pressed, removes power<BR>from system and brakes actuator to cater to a<BR>possfcle runaway trim actuator. System is<BR>reactivated with CHAN 1 INOP/CHAN 2 INOP<BR>and OVSP/CHANGE CHAN switch/lights<BR>(refer to figure 5).<BR>REARVIEW<BR>Control Wheel SECTION 10<BR>"Sure 6 page 18<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cacnhaadiiaeinr Qer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>FLAPS<BR>FAIL<BR>OVHT<BR>M0T1<BR>OVHT<BR>MOT 2<BR>FLAP FAIL LIGHT<BR>Amber light comes on to indicate a<BR>flap asymmetry or speed response<BR>fault.<BR>PDU MOTOR OVERHEAT LIGHTS<BR>Amber light comes on to indicate an<BR>overheat condition in the associated<BR>PDU motor.<BR>FLAP POSITION INDICATOR<BR>Provides a continuous angular<BR>indication of the flaps over their<BR>operating range.<BR>COPILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANEL<BR>FLAP CONTROL LEVER<BR>Controls operation of flap power<BR>drive unit (PDU).<BR>Lever quadrant is marked with the<BR>four flight modes:<BR>Flight/Taxiing 0 degrees<BR>Take-off 20 degrees<BR>Approach 30 degrees<BR>Landing 45 degrees<BR>Each mode corresponding with a<BR>detented position of the lever.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>Wing Flap Controls and Indicators SECTION 10<BR>Figure 7 Page 19<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cacnhaadiiaeinr Qer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>FLIGHT SPOILER DEPLOYED INDICATON<BR>Amber lights come on steady when flight spoilers<BR>are not fully retracted. Lights come on flashing<BR>and take-off configuration aural warning sounds<BR>when N1 rpm is increased beyond 75% and flight<BR>spoilers are not retracted.<BR>GROUND SPOILER DEPLOYED INDICATION<BR>Amber lights come on when ground spoilers are<BR>at any position other than fully retracted.<BR>LH FLT<BR>SPLR<BR>LH GND<BR>SPLR<BR>RH FLT<BR>SPLR<BR>RH GND<BR>SPLR<BR>GLARESHIELD<BR>SPOILER CONTROL LEVER<BR>To deploy flight spoilers, lever may be moved<BR>rearwards to any one of eight detented positions<BR>according to flight path requirements until MAX<BR>position stop is reached.<BR>FLIGHT SPOILERS LEFT AND RIGHT<BR>INDICATION<BR>Green lights come on when flight spoilers are<BR>extended beyond one-half position.<BR>GROUND SPOILERS SWiTCH<BR>ON - Arms ground spoilers for deployment.<BR>Ground spoilers deploy automatically if a weighton-<BR>wheels or wheel spin-up signal is present and<BR>either of the following two sets of conditions has<BR>been met:<BR>- Spoiler control lever at or above 0 through<BR>to 1/4 positions and both throttle levers<BR>have been advanced above IDLE then<BR>returned to IDLE or SHUTOFF positions.<BR>-Spoiler control lever is between 1/4 and<BR>MAX positions and both throttle levers are<BR>at IDLE or SHUTOFF positions.<BR>OFF - Ground spoilers are disarmed and cannot<BR>be deployed.<BR>TEST - LH and RH GND SPLR and SPLRS INOP<BR>lights come on to indicate correct operation of<BR>ground spoiler control system. Refer to Volume 1.<BR>NORMAL PROCEDURES for test procedure.<BR>GROUND SPOILER INOP LIGHT<BR>Amber light comes on if spoiler control unit<BR>detects fault in ground spoiler hydraulic selector<BR>valves or if both throttle levers are not pulled back<BR>to IDLE simultaneously.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>Spoiler Controls and Indications SECTION 10<BR>Figure 8 Page 20<BR>Jul 19/05<BR>ehauenper<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP601A-6<BR>ALT COMP FAIL LIGHTS (2)<BR>Red lights come on if one or both attitude signals<BR>to SPS computer are lost or if 2000 foot<BR>difference between them is detected. 15,000 foot<BR>angle of attack trip points are applicable when<BR>tights are on.<BR>GLARESHIELD<BR>STALL/PUSH LIGHTS (2)<BR>Red lights flash when angle of attack reaches<BR>stick pusher trip point.<BR>STALL PROTECT FAIL WARNING LIGHTS (2i<BR>Red warning lights flash in the following cases:<BR>- To indicate a system fault.<BR>Whenever one of th AP/SP DISC buttons on<BR>the control wheels is pressed.<BR>- During system test.<BR>Lights come on steady when power is removed<BR>from system.<BR>RED SECTOR<BR>YELLOW SECTOR<BR>NOTE<BR>Stick pusher can only be tested on the ground;<BR>all other tests can be conducted on the ground<BR>or in-flight.<BR>BLUE SECTOR<BR>SPS TEST INDICATORS (2)<BR>Coloured sectors on indicator provide references<BR>for stall warning/stick pusher sequence during<BR>system test (refer to Volume 1. NORMAL<BR>PROCEDURES). Indicator is nor calibrated to<BR>provide in-flight angle of attack indication oi<BR>approach speed reference.<BR>PILOT'S AND COPILOTS SIDE PANELS<BR>S T A L L<BR>PROTECTION<BR>TEST PUSHER<BR>.ON<BR>PILOTS STALL PROTECTION TEST SWITCH<BR>Spring-loaded toggle switch. Holding switch on<BR>activates serf-testing of stall protection system.<BR>During test, simulated approach to stall is<BR>observed as pointer of left SPS TEST<BR>INDICATOR moves from the blue to the red<BR>sector. Stick pusher can be checked only when<BR>pilot's and copilot's TEST switches are held on<BR>simultaneously.<BR>STICK PUSHER SYSTEM SWITCHES &pound;2)<BR>Two-position toggle switches wired in series<BR>between stick pusher actuator and battery bus.<BR>When both switches are sei to ON. power is<BR>available for stick pusher operation.<BR>If one switch is OFF. stick pusher cannot operate<BR>and both STALL PROTECT FAIL lights come on<BR>steady.<BR>G SWITCH TEST SWITCH<BR>Spring-loaded toggle switch tests operation of<BR>one of the accelerometer switches on stick<BR>pusher actuator- During stick pusher test, correct<BR>operation of accelerometer switch is indicated if<BR>stick pusher is immediately de-energized when G<BR>SWITCH TEST switch is set to TEST.<BR>COPILOTS STALL PROTECTION TEST<BR>SWITCH<BR>Spring-loaded toggle switch. Holding switch on<BR>activates test of right side of system. Test is<BR>identical to test of left side of system activated<BR>by pilot s TEST switch except that right stick<BR>shaker operates and ALT COMP FAIL lights do<BR>not come on.<BR>PILOT'S FACIA PANEL COPILOTS FACIA PANEL<BR>Stall Protection System Controls and Indicators SECTION 10<BR>figure 9 Page 21<BR>Apr 02/87

dul 发表于 2011-2-11 15:20:17



qiushengsean 发表于 2011-3-1 03:59:51

<P>thank you</P>

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:25:57

Airbus A380 operations at alternate airports
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