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航空 发表于 2010-5-10 09:56:06

<P>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>SECTION 17<BR>POWER PLANT<BR>TABLE OF CONTENTS<BR>Page<BR>1. GENERAL 1<BR>2. ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM 1<BR>A. Firewall Fuel Shutoff Valve 2<BR>B. Fuel Pressure Sensor 2<BR>C. Engine Fuel Pump 2<BR>D. Fuel Heater (Aircraft 5001 to 5134) 2<BR>E. Heat Exchanger (Aircraft 5135 and subsequent) 2<BR>F. Fuel Temperature Sensor 2<BR>G. Fuel Filter 2<BR>H. Fuel Control Unit (FCU) 3<BR>I . Fuel Flow Transmitter 3<BR>J. Oil Cooler 3<BR>K. Fuel-Row Distributor and Injectors (Aircraft 5001 to 5134) 3<BR>L. Fuel Manifold (Aircraft 5135 and subsequent) 3<BR>M. Fuel Injectors (Aircraft 5135 and subsequent) 3<BR>N. Ecological Drain System (Aircraft 5001 to 5134) 3<BR>3. AUTOMATIC PERFORMANCE RESERVE (APR) SYSTEM 4<BR>4. ENGINE OIL SYSTEM 4<BR>A. Oil Replenishment System 4<BR>B. Oil Storage Tank 5<BR>C. Oil Temperature Sensor 5<BR>D. Oil Circulation 5<BR>E. Oil Filter 5<BR>F. Oil Cooler 5<BR>G. Oil Pressure Sensor and Low Oil Pressure Switch 5<BR>5 . ENGINE CONTROLS 6<BR>6. THRUST REVERSER 6<BR>6<BR>7<BR>7<BR>7<BR>7<BR>8<BR>8<BR>17 - CONTENTS<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>A.<BR>B.<BR>Operation<BR>Safety Features<BR>(1) Throttle Retarder System<BR>(2) Throttle Lockout System<BR>(3) Auto Slow System<BR>(4) Emergency Stow System<BR>(5) Safety relay<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>Page<BR>7. ENGINE INSTRUMENTS 8<BR>A. Signal Data Converter (SDC) 8<BR>B. Engine Instruments 8<BR>8. EN6INE BLEED AIR 8<BR>A. Tenth Stage Bleed Air 9<BR>B. Fourteenth Stage Bleed Air 9<BR>C. Bleed Air Leak Detection and Warning System 9<BR>9. ENGINE STARTING AND IGNITION SYSTEMS 10<BR>A. Ground Starting 10<BR>B. In-Right Starts 10<BR>C. Continuous Ignition 11<BR>10. ENGINE VIBRATION MONITORING SYSTEM 11<BR>LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS<BR>Figure Title Page<BR>Number<BR>1 Power Plant - Schematic 12<BR>2 Engine Fuel System - Schematic (2 Sheets) 13<BR>3 Fuel Control Panel - Engine Fuel System Monitoring 14A<BR>4 APR and Engine Speed Control Panel 15<BR>5 Engine Oil System - Schematic 16<BR>6 Oil Temperature and Pressure Indicators 17<BR>7 Throttle Quadrant and Thrust Reverser Controls and Indicators 18<BR>8 Thrust Reverser Stowed and Deployed Positions 19<BR>9 Engine Instruments and Control Panel 20<BR>10 Tenth Stage Engine Bleed Air - Schematic 21<BR>11 Bleed Air Control Panel 22<BR>12 Fourteenth Stage Engine Bleed Air - Schematic 23<BR>17 - CONTENTS<BR>Page 2<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>cfianencjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>Figure<BR>Number Title Page<BR>13 Bleed Air Leak Warning and Testing 24<BR>14 Engine Start and Ignition Controls 25<BR>15 Engine Vibration Monitor Panel 26<BR>17-CONTENTS<BR>Page 3<BR>Apr 02/87</P>
<P>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>SECTION 17<BR>POWER PLANT<BR>. GENERAL (Figure 1)<BR>The aircraft is powered by two General Electric CF34 turbofan engines. The<BR>engine is a dual-rotor, front-fan configuration with a bypass ratio of:<BR>6.2:1 (aircraft 5001 to 5134)<BR>6.26:1 (aircraft 5135 and subsequent).<BR>The low pressure (or NJ rotor consists of a single-stage fan driven by a<BR>four-stage low-pressure turbine. A high-pressure (or N2) rotor consists of a<BR>fourteen-stage axial-flow compressor driven by a two-stage turbine. For a<BR>two-engine operation under standard sea-level conditions, the engine is rated<BR>at a take-off thrust of 8,729 pounds. An automatic performance reserve (APR)<BR>system increases the standard take-off thrust rating to 9,220 pounds if an<BR>engine failure occurs.<BR>The engine airflow passes through the fan assembly and is divided into two<BR>airflow systems. The main airflow, bypass air, is routed around the core<BR>cowls and exhausts through the thrust reverser assembly, over the tailpipe<BR>fairing. The remaining airflow passes through the engine core consisting of<BR>the compressor, a combustion chamber, the high-pressure turbine and the<BR>low-pressure turbine. The hot gas is then exhausted through an exhaust<BR>nozzle.<BR>The compressor has a variable geometry system that varies the position of the<BR>compressor inlet guide vanes and the first five stages of the stator vanes.<BR>The system operates throughout the operating range of the engine to improve<BR>compressor efficiency and prevent stalling and surging.<BR>An accessory gearbox, driven by the N2 rotor, drives the engine lubrication<BR>pumps and fuel pump as well as an aircraft hydraulic pump and ac generator.<BR>The engine starter drives the N2 rotor through this accessory gear box.<BR>Bleed air is taken from the 10th and 14th stages of the compressor for air<BR>conditioning/pressurization, engine crossbleed starting, anti-icing and<BR>thrust reverser operation.<BR>. ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM (Figures 2 and 3)<BR>Each engine has a self-contained fuel system for the controlled distribution<BR>of fuel to the combustion chamber. Secondary functions of the system are<BR>control of the compressor variable geometry system, cooling of engine oil,<BR>and motive fuel supply to the aircraft fuel system ejector pumps (refer to<BR>Section 12).<BR>Sensors are installed at suitable locations in the system to provide the<BR>required inputs to the flight compartment controls and indicators.<BR>On aircraft 5001 to 5134,<BR>the principal components that make up the engine fuel system are described in<BR>a fuel flow sequence, starting at the firewall fuel shutoff valve through to<BR>the combustion chamber and the ecological drain system.<BR>On aircraft 5135 and subsequent,<BR>the principal components that make up the engine fuel system are described in<BR>a fuel flow sequence* starting at the firewall fuel shutoff valve through to<BR>the combustion chamber.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 1<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>esnEmSntyttr<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>A. Firewall Fuel Shutoff Valve<BR>This valve isolates the engine fuel system from the engine feed line<BR>(refer to Sections 9 and 12).<BR>B. Fuel Pressure Sensor<BR>This sensor, connected to a warning light in the flight compartment,<BR>allows monitoring of fuel pressure from associated ejector and electric<BR>fuel pumps in the aircraft fuel system,<BR>C. Engine Fuel Pump<BR>The engine-driven fuel pump contains a low-pressure section and a<BR>high-pressure section. The low-pressure section supplies fuel through<BR>the fuel heater to the fuel filter, and back to the high-pressure section<BR>of the pump.<BR>The high-pressure section is divided into two elements, designated the<BR>primary element and the secondary element. The primary element pumps<BR>fuel from the fuel filter to the fuel control unit and the secondary<BR>I element supplies high-pressure fuel to the aircraft tanks for motive<BR>I flow.<BR>I D. Fuel Heater (Aircraft 5001 to 5134)<BR>The fuel heater is an air-to-liquid heat exchanger which uses hot<BR>compressor bleed air to heat the fuel. The fuel temperature is<BR>maintained above 5*C, by a thermal sensor and an air modulating valve, to<BR>prevent icing in the fuel filter. A fuel bypass valve allows fuel to<BR>bypass the fuel heater should i t become clogged.<BR>| E. Heat Exchanger (Aircraft 5135 and subsequent)<BR>I Fuel is heated by the liquid to liquid (oil to fuel) heat exchanger.<BR>I F. Fuel Temperature Sensor<BR>This sensor, connected to an indicator in the flight compartment, allows<BR>monitoring of the fuel temperature and the fuel heater operation.<BR>| 6. Fuel Filter<BR>The fuel filter, located downstream of the fuel heater, contains a<BR>disposable filter element. A bypass valve allows the fuel to bypass the<BR>filter element should it become clogged. A differential pressure switch<BR>connected to a warning light in the flight compartment warns of an<BR>impending bypass condition. Should a bypass occur, a red button on the<BR>housing rises to indicate the condition.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 2<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>J H. Fuel Control Unit (FCU)<BR>The FCU i s a hydro-mechanical/electrical device consisting of two<BR>sections: a fuel metering section and a computer section.<BR>The flight compartment throttle lever movement is transmitted to the FCU<BR>which in turn controls engine speed in one of the following two modes:<BR>- At relatively low power settings, the FCU hydro-mechanically meters the<BR>fuel to the injectors to control engine N2 speed. In this mode,<BR>matched movement of the throttle levers produces matched N2 speeds, but<BR>Ni speeds and thrust may be mismatched between the engines.<BR>- At take-off, climb and cruise power settings, the engine is Ni speed<BR>controlled. In this mode, the FCU electrically responds to Ni speed<BR>references. (Electrical power for operation in this mode is supplied<BR>by an Ni driven alternator, completely independent of the aircraft<BR>electrical system). Matched movement of the throttle levers produces<BR>matched Ni speeds, hence matched thrust between the engines. This<BR>engine speed control can be selected on or off by a switch in the<BR>flight compartment. If selected off, the engine speed control reverts<BR>to the N2 mode described above for all engine speeds.<BR>The FCU also meters pressurized fuel from the engine-driven fuel pump to<BR>the two actuators for the compressor variable geometry system. The<BR>actuators move the compressor inlet guide vanes, and the affected stator<BR>vanes open as engine speed increases and close as speed decreases.<BR>j I. Fuel Flow Transmitter<BR>This transmitter sends fuel flow information to be displayed on the<BR>associated fuel flow indicator in the flight compartment.<BR>I J. Oil Cooler<BR>The oil cooler heats the fuel before the fuel enters the combustion<BR>chamber while cooling the engine oil. (Refer to paragraph 4.F.)<BR>I K. Fuel-Flow Distributor and Injectors (Aircraft 5001 to 5134)<BR>The fuel-flow distributor precisely meters the fuel to the injectors.<BR>The injectors inject fuel into the combustion chamber. At shutdown, the<BR>distributor drains fuel to an ecological drain system.<BR>J L. Fuel Manifold (Aircraft 5135 and subsequent)<BR>Metered fuel leaves the FCU, thru fuel flow transmitter and enters fuel<BR>I manifold. The manifold consists of 2 separate halves, which form one<BR>J continuous ring which encircles the combustion chamber frames.<BR>M. Fuel Injectors (Aircraft 5135 and subsequent)<BR>Integral with the continuous ring are 18 fuel injector hoses which<BR>connect to 18 fuel injectors. Each injector has 2 independent fuel flow<BR>passages, a primary and a secondary. The primary introduces fuel into<BR>I the combuster at lower power settings (start-up-idle) the secondary<BR>introduces fuel at higher power settings, resulting in 2 cones of fuel.<BR>I N. Ecological Drain System (Aircraft 5001 to 5134)<BR>This system prevents the fuel collected by the shut-down fuel drain<BR>system from being discharged to the atmosphere. The ecological drain<BR>tank collects this fuel which is then routed to an aspirator in the<BR>engine fuel feed line to be consumed during the subsequent engine<BR>operation.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 3<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>3. AUTOMATIC PERFORMANCE RESERVE (APR) SYSTEM (Figures 2 and 4)<BR>The APR system monitors engine thrust levels at high power settings and<BR>automatically commands an increase in thrust on both engines if a<BR>predetermined thrust loss is detected on one of them. To arm the system,<BR>both engine speed control switches must be selected to ON and the APR switch<BR>selected to ARM.<BR>With the system armed and the engines operating in the Ni speed control mode,<BR>an Ni drop to 5000 rpm (approximately 67.5% Ni) on either engine causes the<BR>APR controller to command an N2 speed increase of 167 rpm (approximately 2%<BR>Ni) on both engines. The engine still operating at the normal take-off Nx<BR>has its Ni increased by approximately 2% while the engine affected by the Ni<BR>drop reverts to N2 speed control mode, hence not responding to the Ni speed<BR>increase command.<BR>NOTE: The APR system does not affect or override the throttle lever inputs<BR>to the FCU. Therefore, it is possible to advance the throttles and<BR>obtain power settings higher than the normal (non-APR) take-off<BR>thrust. Should this condition be followed by a power loss on one of<BR>the engines, the other engine would respond to the APR command and<BR>further increase Ni above its previously set higher power setting,<BR>with the likely result of its inter-turbine temperature (ITT) limits<BR>being exceeded.<BR>Two system tests, a static and a dynamic system test, ensure system<BR>serviceability before take-off- The static test is performed with the<BR>engines running at idle, using a selector switch in the flight compartment.<BR>The dynamic test is conducted automatically by the APR controller, with the<BR>system armed and when the engines are accelerated through 83.5% Ni for<BR>take-off. The dynamic system test cannot be repeated unless the<BR>weight-on-wheels status changes or the system is selected off and re-armed.<BR>4. ENGINE OIL SYSTEM (Figures 5 and 6)<BR>Each engine is lubricated and cooled by its own self-contained oil system.<BR>In addition to an engine-mounted oil storage tank, an oil replenishment<BR>system located in the rear equipment bay is also provided.<BR>Sensors are installed at suitable locations in the system to provide inputs<BR>to the oil temperature and pressure indicators in the flight compartment.<BR>Impending oil filter blockage is also monitored.<BR>The principal components that make up the engine oil system are described in<BR>a flow sequence, starting at the oil replenishment system through to the oil<BR>return to the oil storage tank.<BR>A. Oil Replenishment System<BR>This system is used to add oil to the oil storage tanks on both engines.<BR>It consists of a replenishment tank, an electric pump, an OIL LEVEL<BR>CONTROL panel and a selector valve.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 4<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>The OIL LEVEL CONTROL panel indicates if the storage tanks are full and<BR>also tests the replenishment system. The selector valve is manually<BR>selected to the desired left or right storage tank. The electric pump<BR>transfers oil from the replenishment tank to the selected storage tank.<BR>The replenishment tank is gravity-filled. Its tank-mounted sight gauge<BR>indicates oil level.<BR>B. Oil Storage Tank<BR>Each storage tank oil level can be determined by a dips tic mounted in the<BR>filler cap. The tank can be directly gravity filled or remotely filled<BR>using the replenishment system.<BR>C. Oil Temperature Sensor<BR>This sensor, located in the storage tank and connected to an indicator in<BR>the f l i g h t compartment, allows monitoring of engine oil temperature<BR>including the oil cooler operation.<BR>D. Oil Circulation<BR>Oil flows from the storage tank to the lube pump. The pressurized oil is<BR>then directed through the f i l t e r , the cooler and then to the various engine<BR>components requiring lubrication and cooling. Oil is returned to the<BR>storage tank by scavenge pumps.<BR>E. Oil Filter<BR>The o i l f i l t e r consists of a f i l t e r element, a differential pressure switch<BR>connected to an oil pressure impending bypass indicator, and a bypass<BR>valve. The impending bypass indicator, located in the rear equipment bay,<BR>warns of an impending blockage of the f i l t e r element. Should the f i l t er<BR>become clogged, the bypass valve would open to allow unfiltered oil to<BR>maintain engine lubrication.<BR>F. Oil Cooler<BR>The o i l cooler is an oil-to-fuel heat exchanger which uses fuel as a<BR>cooling medium for the engine o i l .<BR>G* Oil Pressure Sensor and Low Oil Pressure Switch<BR>The pressure sensor and the low pressure switch, connected to their<BR>indicator and warning light respectively in the flight compartment, provide<BR>independent indications of engine oil pressure. Both circuits sense the<BR>differential oil pressure between the lube pump discharge and the scavenge<BR>pump suction.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 5<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>ENGINE CONTROLS (Figure 7)<BR>Each throttle lever with its hinged thrust reverse (TR) lever is connected to<BR>i t s engine fuel control unit (FCU) through a single flexible cable extending<BR>from the throttle quadrant in the flight compartment to the throttle control<BR>gearbox on the engine.<BR>This system transfers all throttle and thrust reverse lever movement to the<BR>engine to command forward or reverse thrust as well as fuel shutoff. This<BR>system also mechanically provides a t a c t i l e feedback to the throttle and thrust<BR>reverse levers when the FCU is kept at, or should be returned to, idle by the<BR>t h r o t t l e retarder system.<BR>Individual throttle lever release latches prevent inadvertent selection of fuel<BR>SHUT OFF or fuel-on (IDLE) and individual thrust reverse lever release latches<BR>prevent inadvertent operation of thrust reverse levers. Mechanical interlocks<BR>within the throttle quadrant also prevent a thrust reverse lever from being<BR>operated unless its throttle lever is at IDLE, or prevent a throttle lever from<BR>being advanced above IDLE when i ts thrust reverse lever is pulled up from the<BR>forward idle position.<BR>A t h r o t t l e lever friction adjustment control is also provided.<BR>THRUST REVERSER (Figures 7 and 8)<BR>Each engine is equipped with a thrust reverser to assist in aircraft braking<BR>after landing. When the thrust reverser is deployed, a translating cowl moves<BR>rearward on tracks driven by a pneumatic actuator and uncovers forward facing<BR>cascade vanes. Blocker doors, operated by interconnected linkages, move inward<BR>to block the fan air exhaust duct and redirect the fan exhaust air through the<BR>cascade vanes. The system is powered by 14th stage bleed air.<BR>A. Operation<BR>Each thrust reverser is armed for operation by i ts associated REVERSE<BR>THRUST switch/light. With the throttle lever at IDLE and either a<BR>weight-on-wheels signal or a 16-knot wheel spin-up signal, raising the<BR>thrust reverse lever to the deploy position initiates the following<BR>deployment sequence:<BR>- Wing and engine anti-icing shutoff valves, i f open, are closed to<BR>conserve 14th stage bleed air for the reverser operation.<BR>- 14th stage bleed air unlocks the reverser from i t s stowed position and<BR>powers a pneumatic drive unit (PDU) which deploys the reverser.<BR>• As the reverser is fully deployed, i t is locked in position by the PDU,<BR>and the thrust reverse lever is mechanically released by a throttle<BR>retarder system and is electrically released by a throttle solenoid, so<BR>that thrust settings up to maximum reverse thrust can be selected.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 6<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>canadair<BR>ctianenQer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>Moving the thrust reverse lever back to the deploy position t h r o t t l e s the<BR>engine down to reverse i d l e - Continued movement of the lever to the f u l ly<BR>down position stows and locks the reverser, in the reverse sequence to the<BR>deployment described above.<BR>As the reverser is f u l l y stowed and locked in position by the PDU, the<BR>t h r o t t l e retarder system mechanically releases the t h r o t t l e lever so that<BR>forward thrust setting above IDLE can be selected again. Wing and engine<BR>a n t i - i c i ng is also restored to normal controls.<BR>After the above sequence to stow and lock the reverser is complete, the<BR>reverser can be disarmed by i t s associated REVERSE THRUST switch/light.<BR>B. Safety Features<BR>Each reverser is protected by the safety features described below.<BR>(1) Throttle Retarder System<BR>The t h r o t t le retarder system is a mechanical system connected to the<BR>thrust reverser and the engine FCU control linkage. If the engine is<BR>t h r o t t l ed above i d l e and there is an inadvertent thrust reverser<BR>deployment, the t h r o t t l e retarder system returns the FCU to i d l e , and,<BR>through the i n t e r l i n k cable, pulls the t h r o t t l e lever to IDLE. This<BR>system also operates during normal operation of the reverser, as<BR>described in paragraph 6.A. above.<BR>(2) Throttle Lockout System<BR>The throttle lockout system prevents movement above IDLE of a<BR>previously retarded throttle lever if the aircraft is airborne and the<BR>thrust reverser moves from the fully stowed position. Under such<BR>conditions, initial movement of the thrust reverser energizes a<BR>throttle lockout solenoid which locks the throttle linkage at the FCU<BR>and prevents throttle lever movement beyond IDLE. If the reverser is<BR>returned to the stowed position, the throttle lockout solenoid is<BR>de-energized and freedom of movement is returned to the throttle lever.<BR>(3) Auto Stow System<BR>In the case of an uncommanded movement of the reverser from the stowed<BR>position, a microswitch commands the PDU to return the reverser to the<BR>stowed position.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 7<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>(4) Emergency Stow System<BR>If the REVERSER UNLOCKED light is on and the auto stow system fails to<BR>stow the reverser, the appropriate THRUST REVERSER EMERG STOW<BR>switch/light can be pressed to ensure positive operation of the sys^--<BR>to the stowed position.<BR>(5) Safety Relay<BR>Actuation of the thrust reverse lever with the aircraft not on the<BR>ground causes the REVERSE THRUST UNSAFE TO ARM light to come on.<BR>ENGINE INSTRUMENTS (Figure 9)<BR>Engine instruments monitor Nl %rpm, inter-turbine temperature (ITT), N2 %rpm,<BR>fuel flow, oil temperature and oil pressure.<BR>A. Signal Data Converter (SDC)<BR>The SDC controls the power supply and provides automatic dimming to the<BR>engine indicator systems.. Two power supplies are divided within the SDC<BR>into dual lamp-processing and signal-processing power supplies.<BR>B. Engine Instruments<BR>Each instrument provides a vertical analog display of the relevant engine<BR>variable using a series of miniature incandescent lamps inside the<BR>indicator, which provide the light source for the vertical row of coloured<BR>light segments.<BR>Digital displays on the Nl, ITT, N2 and FUEL FLOW indicators provide more<BR>accurate indications when compared with the readings on the vertical scales.<BR>ENGINE BLEED AIR<BR>Engine bleed air consists of two systems, each with its own source. One source<BR>is at the 10th stage and the other is at the 14th stage of the compressor of<BR>each engine. Each system contains distribution ducting, shutoff valves,<BR>isolator valves and check valves. Both systems are protected by a bleed air<BR>leak detection system. The flight compartment BLEED AIR and ANTI-ICE control<BR>panels provide the necessary controls and indicators.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 8<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cacntiaaauaeirn cjer<BR>OPERATING KANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>Tenth Stage Bleed Air (Figures 10 and 11)<BR>The 10th stage bleed a i r system can be supplied from the l e f t and right<BR>engines or from the APU, or from a ground a i r supply unit through an<BR>external connection on the lower left side of the rear fuselage. The 10th<BR>stage system supplies bleed air to the following systems:<BR>Air conditioning/pressurization<BR>Cabin pressurization control<BR>Footwarmer/demister and emergency pressurization<BR>Engine s t a r t i ng<BR>A bleed air isolator valve is normally closed to separate the l e f t and<BR>right d i s t r i b u t i o n ducting. This isolator valve is automatically opened by<BR>the engine s t a r t system to ensure air supply to both engines regardless of<BR>the a i r source. It can also be selected open when required, i . e . , to<BR>supply both ACUs from a single engine bleed source.<BR>A l e f t and r i g h t pressure indicator receives signals from two sensors, ont<BR>on each side of the isolator valve, for continuous monitoring. For<BR>operation of LH and RH footwarmer/demister valves and l e f t and r i g h t ACU<BR>valves, refer to Section 2.<BR>Fourteenth Stage Bleed Air (Figures 11 and 12)<BR>The 14th stage bleed a i r system is supplied only by the l e f t and right<BR>engines. The 14th stage system supplies bleed air to the following systems:<BR>Wing a n t i - i c i ng<BR>Engine a n t i - i c i ng<BR>Thrust reverser<BR>The operation of engine and wing a n t i - i c i ng valves (including the isolator<BR>valve) is controlled by the ANTI-ICE control panel (refer to Section 14).<BR>Bleed Air Leak Detection and Warning System (Figure 13)<BR>Six temperature sensors ( f i r e - w i r e type) are attached to the bleed a ir<BR>ducts and are connected to two bleed air leak detection control units.<BR>Dual detection loops are provided for the l e f t and r i g h t sections of the<BR>10th stage bleed air system, and single loops are provided for the 14th<BR>stage bleed a i r system, the fuselage pylons and the a n t i - i c i n g ducts<BR>running through the fuselage and wings. If a leak occurs, the hot bleed<BR>a i r escaping i s detected by the temperature sensors and i n i t i a t e s a warning<BR>signal.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 9<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cana&amp;air<BR>cftanenoer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>The warning signal is picked up by its leak detection control unit and<BR>transmitted to the flight compartment via a centrally located flashing DUCT<BR>FAIL warning light as well as an appropriate individual DUCT FAIL warning<BR>light on the control panel for the system affected by the leak.<BR>The individual DUCT FAIL warning light identifies the defective duct whicn<BR>can then be depressurized and isolated using the BLEED AIR control panel.<BR>A bleed air leak annunciator panel, behind the copilot's seat, also<BR>provides for fault isolation through eight latching magnetic indicators.<BR>With the exception of the indicators on the bleed air leak annunciator<BR>panel, all of the warning indicators go out when their associated<BR>temperature sensors have cooled sufficiently. Warnings and testing of the<BR>bleed air leak detection system are summarized in Figure 13.<BR>9. ENGINE STARTING AND IGNITION SYSTEMS (Figure 14)<BR>The engine starting and ignition systems consist of a pneumatically driven air<BR>turbine starter, ignition-exciter boxes and igniter plugs for each engine. The<BR>systems are controlled by individual switch/lights in the flight compartment.<BR>The starter transmits starting torque to the N2 rotor through the accessory<BR>gearbox. An automatic centrifugal shutoff switch opens at a preset rpm to<BR>protect the starter against overspeed. The 10th stage bleed air system<BR>supplies the starter through a starter valve.<BR>Each engine has two ignition systems, A and B, each system connected to its<BR>igniter plug in the combustion chamber. The systems are powered by 115-volt ac<BR>power.<BR>A. Ground Starting<BR>The APU, an external ground air source or an operating engine can be used<BR>to supply the 10th stage bleed air system for engine starting.<BR>An IGN A and/or IGN B switch/light arm(s) the associated igniter plugs on<BR>both engines. With the 10th stage bleed air system pressurized, pressing a<BR>START switch/light initiates the starting sequence on the associated<BR>engine. Refer to Figure 14 for description of the starting sequence.<BR>B. In-Flight Starts<BR>An IN FLIGHT START switch/light provides a separate power supply and fires<BR>both igniter plugs (A and B) on the selected engine without any other<BR>switch/light having to be operated- However, if the windmilling rpm is<BR>less than 131 N2, starter assist using the START switch/light is required.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 10<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>C. Continuous Ignition<BR>A CONT IGN switch/light provides continuous i g n i t i on to both engines<BR>through the pre-selected A and/or B i g n i t e r plugs. Firing of the igniter<BR>plugs is continuous until the CONT IGN switch/light is pressed out.<BR>10. ENGINE VIBRATION MONITORING SYSTEM (Figure 15)<BR>The engine vibration monitoring (EVM) system provides a continuous indication<BR>of the vibration level of each engine. The main components of the system<BR>include a transducer mounted on the compressor casing of each engine, a signal<BR>conditioner and an indicator panel in the f l i g h t compartment.<BR>Each transducer generates an electrical signal proportional to the intensity of<BR>engine vibration. The signal conditioner converts these signals into values<BR>readable on the EVM indicator.<BR>An alarm c i r c u i t causes an amber caution light on the EVM indicator panel to<BR>come on i f the vibration level of either engine exceeds 1.7 MILS for a period<BR>greater than 3 seconds. This 3-second delay prevents spurious warnings caused<BR>by high transient engine vibrations.<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 11<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>u z UI<BR>O Ui<BR>mJ<BR>2^&raquo;<BR>—J<BR>O<BR>O<BR>CexO.<BR>m<BR>tz<BR>Z&gt;<BR>CO<BR>CO<BR>UJ<BR>c<BR>o<BR>_J<BR>&lt;M<BR>2<BR>Coo,L_!<BR>CO<BR>UJ<BR>1cc5<BR>CO<BR>CO<BR>Ui<BR>en<BR>X<BR>o X<BR>I<BR>Power Plant - Schematic<BR>Figure 1<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 12<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>BLEED<BR>AIR f<BR>4-<BR>ECOLOGICAL<BR>DRAIN<BR>TANK<BR>FIREWALL!<BR>SHUTOFF<BR>(VALVE<BR>AIRCRAFT<BR>FUEL<BR>SYSTEM W<BR>11 Hftl I j<BR>F™5H<BR>TO RIGHT<BR>ENGINE ^F WBT<BR>e=FECTIVnY: A C 6001TO 613*<BR>LEFT ENGINE ILLUSTRATED<BR>LEGEND<BR>• I • I • MOTIVE FUEL SUPPLY<BR>i l l l l l l l f l t l METERED PRESSURIZED FUEL<BR>* * * * * * ECOLOGICAL DRAIN LINE<BR>ftT] DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH<BR>Engine Fuel System - Schematic<BR>Figure 2 (Sheet 1)<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 13<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>1 j MAI&laquo;=OU)~H<BR>UlLUHVUV; A/C619S AND SUBS<BR>LEFT ENGINE ILLUSTRATED<BR>LEGEND<BR>• ( • I B MOTIVE FUEL SUPPLY<BR>millttllir METBIED PRESSURIZED FUEL<BR>fp"] OfFFERBCTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH<BR>Engine Fuel System - Schematic<BR>Figure 2 (Sheet 2)<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 14<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>FUELTEMPERATURE INDICATOR<BR>Shows temperature at left and right toef heater outlets.<BR>A!C 6001 TO 5134:<BR>Nofnw opefflDHQ rai<BR>Cwbcmry range ftraDoer}<BR>and<BR>&gt;VC 5136 AND 8UB8:<BR>r e to acre<BR>-2CrCto5*C<BR>6CTCto70*C<BR>No*nrfop*rata^ range (ferem) 4*Cto120*C<BR>Ceitfomry range fj^iiow) -66~Cto4*C<BR>FUEL CONTROL<BR>PUSH ON/OFF 1<BR>RTANK<BR>PUMP EJCTRS<BR>d<BR>LOW PRESSURE WARNING UGHTS<BR>Amber warning light comes on to indicate low pressure at<BR>associated engine fuel inlet port.<BR>VALVE CLOSED UGHTS<BR>White light comes on whenever associated firewall fuel ahutoff<BR>valve is closed.<BR>FILTER BYPASS WARNING UGHTS<BR>Amber light comes on when fuel pressure drop is detected<BR>across associated main fuel fitter.<BR>NOTES<BR>1 Refer to FUEL for details of aircraft fuel<BR>system control and rnonrtoring.<BR>2 On A/C 5135 and SUBS, the fuel<BR>LOW PRESS lights wiH be on<BR>until the pumps are selected ON.<BR>CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL<BR>Fuel Control Panel -<BR>Engine Fuel System Monitoring<BR>Figure 3<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 14A<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPBUTMG MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BUNK<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 14B<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>ctiat/encjer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>READY LIGHT<BR>Green light comes on to confirm system<BR>readiness after system is initially armed.<BR>When APR operates, light goes out when<BR>L ON or R ON light comes on.<BR>L ON/R ON LIGHTS<BR>Green lights come on to<BR>indicate left or right engine is<BR>responding to APR command<BR>following a power loss.<BR>APR SELECTOR SWITCH<BR>Three-position toggle switch:<BR>ARM - Arms system if both ENG SPEED<BR>CONTROLS switches are on, both<BR>engines are in Nl speed control mode<BR>and APR light is out.<BR>OFF - De-activates system.<BR>TEST/RESET - Initiates static test of<BR>system (refer to NORMAL<BR>PROCEDURES). Resets system after a<BR>fault is cleared.<BR>APR LIGHTS<BR>Amber light comes on when:<BR>- APR selector switch is off prior to take-off.<BR>- APR self-monitoring circuits detect fault in APR<BR>or engine fuel control system.<BR>READY<BR>li TEST I<BR>] I<BR>APR<BR>ENG. SPEED<BR>CONTROL<BR>ON ON<BR>Green light comes on during<BR>static and dynamic tests of the<BR>system (refer to NORMAL<BR>PROCEDURES).<BR>ENGINE SPEED CONTROL SWITCHES<BR>Two-position toggle switches.<BR>ON - Engine speed control i s m N l mode<BR>when NT rpm exceeds nominal 79.1 %.<BR>OFF - Engine speed control is in N2<BR>mode regardless of Nl rpm.<BR>CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL<BR>APR and Engine Speed Control Panel SECTION 17<BR>Figure 4 Page 15<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>t<BR>LD<BR>BYPASS VALVE<BR>DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE<BR>SENSOR OR SWITCH<BR>Engine Oil System - Schematic<BR>Figure 5<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 16<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR<BR>Vertical scale indicator displays ofl pressure of each engine.<BR>Coloured fight segments of vertical scales come on<BR>to indicate the following range.<BR>NZ 5001 TO 5134:<BR>Low pressure warning Ene (red) 25 psi<BR>Normal operating range (green) 25 to 95 psi<BR>Cautionary pressure range (yellow) 95 to 100 psi<BR>High pressure warning line (red) 100 psi<BR>OIL<BR>TEMP<BR>—&raquo;1t0 —<BR>1—140 —<BR>|&laquo;&raquo; &laquo;&raquo; IOMI mmm<BR>\mmm ^m<BR>— 120 —<BR>&laquo;^&raquo; &laquo;a&raquo;<BR>! &laquo; • • SMS<BR>&laquo;•&raquo; mm<BR>— 100&laquo;-&raquo;<BR>!•&raquo; ^&raquo; &raquo;••• GO sea<BR>• • • OBi<BR>aa&raquo; 0 aaa<BR>aaaB -70 -IB*<BR>0<BR>jd j<BR>j 1 q 1<BR>IJ 1<BR>•i I<BR>J 1<BR>"1 1<BR>R<BR>A/C 5135 AND SUBS:<BR>Low pressure warning fine (red) 25 psi<BR>Normal operating range (green) 25 to 115 psi<BR>Cautionary pressure range (yellow) 115 to 130 psi<BR>High pressure warning line (red) 130 psi<BR>OIL TEMPERATURE aMDICATOft<BR>Vertical scale M o t o r dspisyt oil<BR>Coloured fight segments of vertical come on to indicate the<BR>LOW OIL PRESSURE LIGHTS<BR>Red warning lights coma on whan oil pressure of<BR>associated angina drops below 2B i . 3 pax.<BR>Normal operaUiy lenye tarean)<BR>^M6onajYranga (yaaow)<BR>Warning fine (red)<BR>-20°Cto140°C<BR>140°Cto180°C<BR>ieo°c<BR>ENGINE INSTRUMENT PANEL<BR>Oil Temperature and Pressure Indicators SECTION 17<BR>Figure 6 pa g e 17<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PS? 601A-6<BR>THRUST REVERSER EMERG STOW<BR>SWITCH/LIGHTS<BR>When pressed, power is applied directly to<BR>arming and stow solenoid valves to initiate<BR>stowage of reverser.<BR>Amber REVERSE UNLOCKED light comes on<BR>whenever reverser moves from fully stowed<BR>position and remains on until reverser is returned<BR>to fully stowed position.<BR>Green REVERSE THRUST light comes on when<BR>reverser reaches fully deployed position and goes<BR>out immediately when reverser moves from<BR>deployed position.<BR>THRUST REVERSER<BR>EMERG STOW<BR>REVERSER<BR>UNLOCKED!<BR>REVERSE<BR>THRUST<BR>REVERSER<BR>UNLOCKED<BR>REVERSE<BR>THRUST<BR>THRUST REVSISE (TR) LEVERS<BR>With throttle levels at IDLE, putting<BR>onTR levels deploy levsisers if<BR>following conditions met:<BR>- REVERSE THRUST switch/lights<BR>have armed reversers.<BR>• Aircraft on ground or wheel spinup<BR>exceeds 16 knots.<BR>Throttle solenoids prevent TR lever<BR>movernem beyond deploy (or reverse<BR>idle) position until reverser<BR>assemblies fully deployed.<BR>Once reversers fully deployed, TR<BR>levers regulate reverse thrust from<BR>reverse idle to maximum reverse<BR>power.<BR>Reverser operation shuts off 14th<BR>stage bleed air to engine and wing<BR>GO-AROUND SWITCHES<BR>Momentarily push button switches.<BR>These switches are associated with<BR>go-around mode of flight director<BR>system.<BR>Returning TR levers to forward IDLE<BR>(fully down) stow reversers. Once<BR>reversers stowed, throttle levers can<BR>be moved forward to increase thrust.<BR>NOTE Reverser deployment do not<BR>prevent throttle levers from being<BR>selected to SHUTOFF.<BR>THROTTLE SETTINGS<BR>SHUTOFF - Shuts off fuel to engine<BR>at the FCU. Located at rear throttle<BR>IDLE - Lowest forward thrust<BR>setting. Located at idle throttle lever<BR>stop.<BR>MAX POWER - Highest forward<BR>thrust setting. Located at forward<BR>throttle lever stop.<BR>PUSH LEFT PUSH RIGHT<BR>GLARESHIELD<BR>THROTTLE LEVERS<BR>Control forward thrust and acts a<BR>fuel shutoffs. Remain locked at IDLE<BR>position during thrust reverser<BR>operation.<BR>THROTTLE LEVER RELEASE LATCHES<BR>Lift to advance throttle levers from SHUTOFF to<BR>IDLE positions or retard throttle levers from IDLE<BR>to SHUTOFF positions.<BR>THRUST REVERSE LEVER<BR>RELEASE LATCHES<BR>Lift to release TR levers from<BR>forward IDLE stops. ^ 3<BR>THROTTLE LEVER FRICTION ADJUSTMENT<BR>Adjusts friction on throttle levers only. Rotate<BR>control clockwise to increase friction.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>REVERSE THRUST<BR>SWITCH/UGHTS<BR>When pressed in, arms thrust<BR>reverser system and puts on amber<BR>ARMED light.<BR>When pressed out, providing thrust<BR>reverser stowed* disarms thrust<BR>reverser system and puts out amber<BR>ARMED tight.<BR>Amber UNSAFE TO ARM light<BR>comes on if:<BR>- electrical fault exists in reverser<BR>F tEVERSE THRUST 3\<BR>LEFT RIGHT ( j<BR>| UNSAFE 1<BR>j TO ARM j<BR>ARMED<BR>1 PUSH TO<BR>1 UNSAFE 1<BR>j TO ARM j<BR>j ARMED<BR>ARM<BR>deploy is selected or deploy<BR>switch fault occurs during flight.<BR>CENTRE PEDESTAL<BR>Throttle Quadrant and Thrust Reverser Controls<BR>and Indicators<BR>Figure 7<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 18<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>canatiair<BR>ctiauenejer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>STOWED POSITION<BR>CASCADE<BR>VANES<BR>FAN AIR<BR>BLOCKER DOORS<BR>TRANSLATING COWL<BR>TORQUE BOX<BR>DEPLOYED POSITION<BR>Thrust Reverser Stowed and Deployed Positions SECTION 17<BR>Figure 8 Page 19<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>Engine Instruments and Control Panel<BR>Figure 9<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 20<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>GROUND AIR<BR>SUPPLY<BR>A TO CABIN PRESSURIZATiON<BR>? CONTROL SYSTEM<BR>| JET PUMP<BR>LEFT ENGINE<BR>10TH STAGE<BR>BLEEDS<BR>RIGHT ENGINE<BR>10TH STAGE<BR>BLEEDS<BR>ENGINE<BR>START<BR>SYSTai<BR>CLOSE<BR>EFFECTIVITY<BR>H A/C 5001 TO 6134<BR>LEGEND<BR>BLEED AIR<BR>ELECTRICAL SIGNAL<BR>SHUTOFF VALVE<BR>REGULAT1NG/SHUTOFF VALVE<BR>CHECK VALVE<BR>Tenth Stage Engine Bleed Air - Schematic<BR>Figure 10<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 21<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>10TH AND 14TH STAGE SWITCH/UGHTS<BR>I in, associated blood air shtitoff valve opens and<BR>vriata BLEED CLOSED tight goes out Whan pressed out valve<BR>tand light comas on.<BR>BLEED AIR ISOL SWITCH/UGHT<BR>Whan prassad in, bleed air isolator vafrve<BR>opens. When prassad out valve closes.<BR>Green OPEN light comes on whenever<BR>bleed air aoiator valve is open.<BR>BLEED AIR PRESSURE GAUGE<BR>Indicates pressure in left and right<BR>sections of 10TH stage bleed &raquo;r system.<BR>EFFECTMTY: A/C 5135* SUBS<BR>OVERHEAD PANEL<BR>Bleed Air Control Panel SECTION 17<BR>Figure 11 Page 22<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>TOWING<BR>ANTMCING<BR>TO ENGINE<BR>ANTI-ICING<BR>TO THRUST<BR>REVERSER<BR>LEFM4TH<BR>STAGE<BR>BJGINE<BR>BLSD<BR>TOWING<BR>ANTMCING<BR>TO ENGINE<BR>ANTI-ICING<BR>TO THRUST<BR>REVERSER<BR>CLOSE<BR>-**<BR>[ CLOSE THRUST<BR>REVERSERS<BR>IN<BR>OPERATION<BR>CLOSE<BR>RIGHT 14TH<BR>STAGE<BR>ENGINE<BR>BLEED<BR>O<BR>CLOSE U-+ RH ENG<BR>RRE<BR>PUSH<BR>LEGEND<BR>BLEED AIR<BR>ELECTRICAL SIGNAL<BR>SHUTOFF VALVE<BR>REGULATING/SHUTOFF VALVE<BR>CHECK VALVE<BR>Fourteenth Stage Engine Bleed Air - Schematic<BR>Figure 12<BR>SECTION 17<BR>Page 23<BR>Apr 10/95<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>DUCT MON SWTTCH<BR>Three-portion DUCT MON toggJe switch tests serviceability of each of the<BR>detector loops A and B on the left and right 10th stage manifold sections.<BR>LOOP A - Duct fail warning occurs if loop A of either section is damaged.<BR>LOOP B - Duct fail warning occurs if loop B of either section is damaged.<BR>BOTH - In-flight switch position. Both detection loops are in operation on left<BR>and right sections.<BR>DUCT FAIL LIGHTS (4)<BR>Red light comes on if the bleed leak<BR>temperature sensors detect a failure in the associated<BR>duct segment.<BR>Light goes out when the failed duct is isolated and<BR>temperature sensor cools.<BR>OVERHEAD PANEL<BR>WING ANTI-ICE DUCT FAIL LIGHT<BR>Red DUCT FAIL light comes on if<BR>bleed air leak is detected in wing left<BR>and right anti-icing ducts running<BR>along fuselage.<BR>OVERHEAD PANEL<BR>, 14 STAGE ,<BR>- , * RIGHT LEFT ' o o<BR>• RIGHT F U S LEFT o o<BR>(RIGHT<BR>O<BR>'RIGHT o<BR>-WING*<BR>-10 STAGE<BR>IND RESET SYSTEM TEST O O<BR>BLEED AIR LEAK<BR>8LEED AIR<BR>LEAK DETECT<BR>DUCT<BR>FAIL<BR>PUSH TO TEST<BR>BLSD AIR LEAX DETECT SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>Red DUCT FAIL light flashes if a bleed air leak is<BR>detected by any of the detection elements.<BR>PUSH TO TEST-- When pressed, system is tested by<BR>grounding detection circuit to simulate bleed air leak.<BR>Flashing DUCT FAIL light on swttch/tight and steady<BR>DUCT FAIL lights on bleed air and arm-ice panels<BR>come on if leak detection system is serviceable.<BR>BLEED AIR LEAK ANNUNCIATOR PANEL<BR>Panel indicate* s have two positions: a black set<BR>position when no fault exists and a white reset<BR>position visible when there is a bleed leak in the<BR>associated ducting.<BR>Reset positions VB magneocaUy latched to remain on<BR>after associated temperature sensor has cooled or<BR>electrical power is removed from aircraft. Pressing<BR>IND RESET button returns positions to set.<BR>Pressing SYSTfcM TEST switch tests system by<BR>grounding detection circuit to simulate bleed air leak.<BR>Afi the DUCT FAIL lights come on and ail eight<BR>indicatots on panel show white if leak detection<BR>system is serviceable.<BR>CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL<BR>Bleed Air Leak Warning and Testing SECTION 17<BR>Figure 13 Page 24<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>cttanenejer<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>IGNITION SWITCH/LIGHTS<BR>When pressed in, arms associated igniter plug of both<BR>engines for start and continuous igntion operation.<BR>When pressed out, disarms associated igniter plug of both<BR>engines for start and continuous ignition operation.<BR>Green IGN A (or SGN B) light comes on immediate<BR>associated switch/light pressed.<BR>White ON lightfs) comets) on when associated igniter<BR>plugs on one or both of the engines are in operation.<BR>START SWITCH/UGHTS<BR>Momentarily pressing switch/light causes green START<BR>light to come on and initiates engine start sequence:<BR>- opens Of not previously opened) left and right bleed air<BR>shutoff valves and isolator valve.<BR>- opens associated starter valve.<BR>- fires pre selected A and/or B igniter plugis) on<BR>associated engine, ignition white ON tightts) cornels)<BR>on.<BR>When engine reaches 55° N2, the starter automatic shutoff<BR>switch:<BR>- closes (unless selected open by associated control<BR>switch) left and right bleed air shutoff valves and<BR>isolator valve.<BR>doses associated starter valve.<BR>- turns off pre selected A and/or B igniter plugis) of<BR>1 engine, ignition white ON bghtls) goies) out.<BR>STOP SWITCH/LIGHTS<BR>Momentarily pressing switch/light stops engine start<BR>CONT IGN SWITCH/LIGHT<BR>When pressed in. green CONT IGN light comes on and<BR>continuous ignition is supplied to both engines through<BR>IGN A and/or IGN B switch/tight(s). When pressed out.<BR>CONT IGN light goes out and continuous ignition is turned<BR>off.<BR>IN FUGHT START SWITCH/UGHTS<BR>When pressed in, fires both igniter plugs on associated<BR>engine and green IN FUGHT START light and white ON<BR>light come on.<BR>^A/hen pressed out, turns off both associated igniter plugs,<BR>green IN FUGHT START light and white ON light.<BR>Amber STOP light comes on GO seconds after START<BR>switch is pressed if engine has failed to start.<BR>OVERHEAD PANEL<BR>Engine Start and Ignition Controls SECTION 17<BR>Figure 14 Page 25<BR>Apr 02/87<BR>OPERATING MANUAL<BR>PSP 601A-6<BR>wxm<BR>ENGINE<BR>VIBRATION<BR>OEEN<BR>EFFECTTVTTY: A/C 5001 TO

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