航空 发表于 2010-7-31 16:15:55

How to Use Briefing Notes Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

<P>How to Use Briefing Notes Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations</P>
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航空 发表于 2010-7-31 16:16:36

How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations<BR>Term or Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>A/THR<BR>Autothrottle or Autothrust system<BR>AAL<BR>Above Airport Level<BR>AC<BR>U.S. FAA Advisory Circular<BR>ACAS<BR>Airborne Collision Avoidance System (see also TCAS)<BR>ACP<BR>Audio Control Panel (see also DCDU)<BR>ADC<BR>Air Data Computer<BR>AFE<BR>Above Field Elevation<BR>AFL<BR>Above Field Level (e.g., 1000 ft - height AFL)<BR>Page 1 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>AFM<BR>Airplane Flight Manual (approved by certification authorities)<BR>AFS<BR>Automatic Flight System, this includes the flight director (FD), the autopilot (AP), the autothrottle/autothrust system (A/THR) and the flight management system (FMS)<BR>AGL<BR>Above Ground Level (e.g., 1000 ft - height AGL, indicated by the radio altimeter or computed by subtracting the terrain elevation from the altitude above MSL)<BR>AIM<BR>U.S. FAA Aeronautical Information Manual (previously called Airman Information Manual)<BR>AIP<BR>Aeronautical Information Publications<BR>(published by ICAO member states)<BR>ALA<BR>Approach-and-Landing Accident<BR>ALAR<BR>Approach-and-Landing Accident Reduction<BR>ALS<BR>Airport Lighting System<BR>ALTN<BR>Alternate<BR>AMC<BR>Acceptable Means of Compliance (for compliance with JAR-OPS 1)<BR>AOM<BR>Aircraft Operating Manual (established by operator)<BR>AP<BR>Auto Pilot<BR>Page 2 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>APP<BR>Approach control frequency<BR>Approach Gate<BR>A point in space with a defined configuration and energy state<BR>(see also Stabilization Height and Next Target)<BR>ARTCC<BR>Air Route Traffic Control Center (usually referred to as "Center")<BR>ASAP<BR>Aviation Safety Action Partnership<BR>ATC<BR>Air Traffic Control<BR>ATIS<BR>Automatic Terminal Information Service<BR>ATM<BR>Air Traffic Management (one of the two components of FANS, see also FANS and CNS)<BR>BASIS<BR>British Airways Information System<BR>BRG<BR>Bearing (e.g., bearing to a waypoint or navaid)<BR>CAP<BR>U.K. Civil Aviation Publication<BR>CAPT<BR>Captain (see also PIC)<BR>CAST<BR>Commercial Aviation Safety Team (international industry task force led by U.S. FAA)<BR>Causal Factor<BR>A causal factor is an event or item judged to be directly instrumental in the causal chain of events leading to an accident (source: Flight Safety Foundation)<BR>Page 3 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>CAWS<BR>Collision Avoidance Warning System (see TCAS)<BR>CDU<BR>Control and Display Unit (see also MCDU)<BR>CFIT<BR>Controlled Flight Into Terrain<BR>Checklist<BR>See also QRH<BR>Circumstantial Factor<BR>A circumstantial factor is an event or an item that was judged not to be directly in the causal chain of events but could have contributed to the accident (source: Flight Safety Foundation)<BR>CNS<BR>Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (one of the two components of FANS, see also FANS and ATM)<BR>CONF<BR>Configuration (e.g., slats, flaps, roll spoilers, ground spoilers, ...)<BR>CORR<BR>Correction (e.g., wind or configuration correction on final approach speed)<BR>CPDLC<BR>Controller Pilot Data Link Communications<BR>CRM<BR>Crew Resource Management<BR>DA(H)<BR>Decision Altitude (Height)<BR>DCDU<BR>Data Communications Display Unit<BR>DDG<BR>Dispatch Deviation Guide (see also MMEL and MEL)<BR>DIR TO<BR>Direct route to <BR>Page 4 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>DIST<BR>Distance<BR>DME<BR>Distance Measuring Equipment<BR>DNA<BR>French Direction de la Navigation Aerienne<BR>ECAM<BR>Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor<BR>EFIS<BR>Electronic Flight Instruments System<BR>EGPWS<BR>Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (see also TAWS)<BR>EGT<BR>Exhaust Gas Temperature<BR>ETOPS<BR>Extended Twins Operations<BR>F/O<BR>First Officer<BR>FAA<BR>U.S. Federal Aviation Administration<BR>FAF<BR>Final Approach Fix<BR>FANS<BR>Future Air Navigation System (see also CNS and ATM)<BR>FAR<BR>U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations<BR>FBS<BR>Fixed Base Simulator<BR>FCOM<BR>Flight Crew Operating Manual (established by Airbus) Page 5 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>FCU<BR>Flight Control Unit (i.e., AP/FD interface)<BR>FD<BR>Flight Director<BR>FDF<BR>Final Descent Fix<BR>FFCC<BR>Forward-Facing-Crew Cockpit<BR>FFS<BR>Full Flight Simulator<BR>FIR<BR>Flight Information Region<BR>FL<BR>Flight Level<BR>FMGS<BR>Flight Management and Guidance System<BR>FMA<BR>Flight Modes Annunciator<BR>FMGES<BR>Flight Management, Guidance and Envelop System<BR>FMS<BR>Flight Management System<BR>FOQA<BR>Flight Operations Quality Assurance<BR>FSF<BR>Flight Safety Foundation<BR>ft<BR>Feet<BR>GA<BR>Go Around<BR>GAIN<BR>Global Analysis and Information Network<BR>Page 6 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>GCAS<BR>Ground Collision Avoidance System<BR>GND<BR>Ground control frequency<BR>GNSS<BR>Global Navigation Satellite System<BR>GPS<BR>Global Positioning System<BR>GPWS<BR>Ground Proximity Warning System<BR>GS<BR>Glide Slope<BR>GW<BR>Gross Weight<BR>HAT<BR>Height Above Touchdown<BR>HF<BR>High Frequency<BR>HIRL<BR>High Intensity Runway Lighting<BR>HSI<BR>Horizontal Situation Indicator<BR>hPa<BR>Hectopascals<BR>IAF<BR>Initial Approach Fix<BR>IAP<BR>Instrument Approach Procedure<BR>IAS<BR>Indicated Air Speed<BR>ICAO<BR>International Civil Aviation Organization Page 7 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>IEM<BR>Interpretative and Explanatory Material<BR>(for compliance with JAR-OPS 1)<BR>IF<BR>Intermediate Fix<BR>IFR<BR>Instrument Flying Rules<BR>ILS<BR>Instrument Landing System (see also GS and LOC)<BR>ILS-DME<BR>Instrument Landing System with collocated Distance Measuring Equipment<BR>IMC<BR>Instrument Meteorological Conditions<BR>in.Hg<BR>Inches of Mercury (unit for pressure measurement)<BR>INFO<BR>Information service frequency<BR>IOE<BR>Initial Operating Experience (Line Training)<BR>IRS<BR>Inertial Reference System<BR>JAA<BR>European Joint Aviation Authority<BR>JAR<BR>European Joint Aviation Regulations<BR>JAR-AWO<BR>JAR - All Weather Operations requirements<BR>JAR-OPS<BR>JAR Operations requirements<BR>Page 8 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>JSAT<BR>U.S. CAST Joint Safety Analysis Team<BR>JSIT<BR>U.S. CAST Joint Safety Implementation Team<BR>JSSI<BR>European Joint Safety Strategies and Initiatives<BR>kt<BR>Knots<BR>LAAS<BR>GPS Local Area Augmentation System<BR>LAHSHO<BR>Land and Hold Short operation<BR>Lateral Navigation<BR>FMS managed lateral navigation (i.e., NAV mode)<BR>LDA<BR>LOC-type Directional Aid<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>LOC<BR>Localizer<BR>LOC BCK CRS<BR>Localizer back course<BR>LOFT<BR>Line Oriented Flight Training<BR>m<BR>Meters<BR>MAP<BR>Missed Approach Point<BR>MCDU<BR>Multi-purpose Control and Display Unit (see also CDU)<BR>MDA(H)<BR>Minimum Descent Altitude (Height)<BR>Page 9 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>MEA<BR>Minimum Enroute Altitude<BR>MEL<BR>Minimum Equipment List (operator' customized version of MMEL)<BR>METAR<BR>Meteorological Airport Report<BR>MMEL<BR>Master Minimum Equipment List (approved by operational authority)<BR>Mode<BR>Type of guidance used to guide the aircraft towards a target or set of targets, or along a vertical flight path and/or lateral flight path<BR>"Selected modes" refers to the modes armed or engaged by the pilot on the FCU<BR>"Managed modes" refers to FMS vertical navigation and lateral navigation<BR>MSA<BR>Minimum Safe Altitude or Minimum Sector Altitude<BR>MSAW<BR>Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (provided by ATC)<BR>MSL<BR>Mean Sea Level (e.g., 1000 ft - altitude above MSL, indicated by the barometric altimeter when set to QNH)<BR>NATS<BR>U.K. National Air Traffic Services<BR>Navaid<BR>Navigation Aid (e.g., NDB, VOR, VOR-DME, LOC, ILS,...)<BR>ND<BR>Navigation Display<BR>NDB<BR>Non Directional Beacon<BR>Page 10 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>Next Target<BR>Any required element or combination of one or more of the following elements:<BR>A position,<BR>An altitude,<BR>An aircraft configuration,<BR>A speed,<BR>A vertical speed, and/or<BR>A power setting.<BR>NEXT WPT<BR>The waypoint located after the TO WPT<BR>nm<BR>Nautical miles<BR>NOTAM<BR>NOtice To AirMen<BR>OAT<BR>Outside Air Temperature<BR>OCA(H)<BR>Obstacle Clearance Altitude (Height)<BR>OM<BR>Outer Marker<BR>PA<BR>Passenger Address system<BR>PAPI<BR>Precision Approach Path Indicator<BR>PF<BR>Pilot Flying Page 11 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>PFD<BR>Primary Flight Display<BR>PIC<BR>Pilot In Command<BR>PIREPS<BR>Pilot REPorts<BR>PNF<BR>Pilot Not Flying<BR>The PNF is sometimes referred to as the Pilot Monitoring to enhance his/her role in terms or monitoring, cross-check and backup<BR>QAR<BR>Quick Access Recorder<BR>QFE<BR>Actual atmospheric pressure at airport elevation<BR>Altimeter setting required to read a height above airport elevation<BR>QNH<BR>Actual atmospheric pressure at sea level, based on actual atmospheric pressure at station<BR>Altimeter setting required to read an altitude above mean sea level (MSL)<BR>QRH<BR>Quick Reference Handbook<BR>R/I<BR>Radio / Inertial navigation<BR>RA<BR>Depending on context:<BR>Radio Altimeter, or<BR>Resolution Advisory (see also TCAS)<BR>Page 12 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>RA DH<BR>Radio Altimeter Decision Height<BR>Raw Data<BR>Raw navigation data: bearing and/or distance from aircraft to the tuned navaid<BR>REIL<BR>Runway End Identification Lights<BR>Reversion<BR>A mode reversion is a manual or automatic changeover from one AP mode to another mode (usually, a lower level of automation) resulting from:<BR>- a pilot action (e.g., the selection of a lower level of automation or the disengagement of a mode for manual reversion to the AP basic mode); or,<BR>- a system built-in condition (e.g., a guidance limit or an active flight envelope protection); or,<BR>- a failure or temporary loss of the engaged mode.<BR>RMI<BR>Radio Magnetic Indicator<BR>RNAV<BR>aRea NAVigation (i.e., lateral navigation based on defined waypoints)<BR>RNP<BR>Required Navigation Performance<BR>RVR<BR>Runway Visual Range<BR>RVSM<BR>Reduced Vertical Separation Minima<BR>SAT<BR>Static Air Temperature Page 13 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>SDF<BR>Simplified Directional Facility<BR>SID<BR>Standard Instruments Departure<BR>SOPs<BR>Standard Operating Procedures<BR>Stabilization Height<BR>The height above airfield elevation or the height above touchdown (HAT) at which the aircraft should be stabilized for the approach to be continued; the stabilization height should be:<BR>- 1000 ft in IMC<BR>- 500 ft in VMC<BR>STAR<BR>Standard Terminal ARrival<BR>STD<BR>Standard altimeter setting (i.e., 1013.2 hPa or 29.92 in.hg)<BR>TA<BR>Traffic Advisory (see also TCAS)<BR>Target<BR>A guidance target (e.g., a speed, heading, altitude, vertical speed, flight path angle, track, course, etc) selected by the pilot on the appropriate panel (FCU, FMS CDU or keyboard)<BR>TAS<BR>True Air Speed<BR>TAWS<BR>Terrain Awareness and Warning System<BR>TAWS is the term used by the European JAA and the U.S. FAA to describe equipment meeting ICAO standards and recommendations for ground-proximity warning system (GPWS) equipment that provides predictive terrain-hazard warnings Page 14 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>TCAS<BR>Traffic Collision Avoidance System (see also ACAS)<BR>TDWR<BR>Terminal Doppler Weather Radar<BR>Weather radar capable of detecting areas of wind shear activity<BR>TDZ<BR>Touch Down Zone<BR>TDZE<BR>Touch Down Zone Elevation<BR>TERPS<BR>U.S. Standard for Terminal Instrument Approach Procedures (FAR - Part 97)<BR>TO WPT<BR>Waypoint of the F-PLN flight plan considered by the FMS for immediate lateral navigation guidance (in case of incorrect flight plan sequencing, the TO WPT may happen to be behind the aircraft)<BR>TOD<BR>Top Of Descent<BR>Transition<BR>A mode transition is a manual or automatic changeover from one AP mode to another mode, resulting from:<BR>- a pilot action (e.g., the selection of a new mode on the FCU, as appropriate for the task or following an ATC instruction); or,<BR>- an automatic mode sequencing resulting from a prior mode selection involving several mode changes in sequence (e.g., altitude capture changeover to altitude hold or selected heading changeover to localizer capture then to localizer tracking)<BR>V APP<BR>Final Approach Speed<BR>Page 15 of 16<BR>How to Use Briefing Notes<BR>Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Flight Operations Briefing Notes<BR>Term or<BR>Abbreviation<BR>Definition<BR>V MCL<BR>Minimum control speed in landing configuration with the critical engine inoperative<BR>V REF<BR>Reference approach speed (also referred to as threshold reference speed or target threshold speed)<BR>V stall<BR>Stalling speed (in a specified configuration)<BR>V/S<BR>Vertical speed or AP Vertical Speed mode<BR>VASI<BR>Visual Approach Indicator<BR>VDP<BR>Visual Descent / Decision Point<BR>Vertical Navigation<BR>FMS-managed vertical navigation<BR>VFR<BR>Visual Flying Rules<BR>VHF<BR>Very High Frequency<BR>VMC<BR>Visual Meteorological Conditions<BR>VOR<BR>VHF Omni Range<BR>VOR-DME<BR>Collocated VOR and DME navaids<BR>WAAS<BR>GPS Wide Area Augmentation System<BR>WMO<BR>World Meteorological Organization<BR>Page 16 of 16

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