Airbus RNP Operations空客RNP运行
<P>Airbus RNP Operations空客RNP运行</P><P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> Implementing RNP, Toulouse October 4 and 5 2005<BR>Airbus RNP Operations Presentedby:Capt. Michel BRANDTDeputy Vice President FlightOperations Support & Services<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 2 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>Contents<BR>􀃎RNP Enroute and in Terminal Area<BR>􀃎RNAV in approach<BR>􀃎RNP SAAAR<BR>􀃎RNP<0.3 Certification<BR>􀃎Operational Evaluation/Approval<BR>􀃎International Standardization<BR>􀃎Conclusion<BR>RNP RNAV Enroute and in Terminal Area<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 4 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNP Enroute<BR>RNP 10 in oceanic and remote area:••With time limitation in IRS ONLY for aircraft without GPSaircraft GPS••No time limitation with GPSNo GPSRNP Enroute continental:RNP ••European BEuropean B--RNAV (5 NM accuracy)••US RNAV routes (QUS Q--routes) 2 NM accuracyaccuracyQ-11Q-9Q-13Q-7Q-1Q-3Q-5Source FAASource FAARNP 4 (2) in oceanic and RNP remote area:••GPS requiredGPS requiredAll Airbus with an FMSAll FMScan fly these routescan routes<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 5 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNAV in Terminal AreaRNAV Instrument procedures RNAV requiring Prequiring P--RNAV Capability (1 NM accuracy)(accuracy)􀁺Compliance with JAA TGL 10US RNAV US SIDsSIDsand STARSand STARS••Type A (2 NM accuracy)••Type B (1 NM accuracy)••Compliance with FAA AC 90 --100100􀁺Both TGL 10 and AC 90-100 have 􀀗Airworthiness and 􀀗Operational requirements<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 6 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNAV in Terminal AreaAll Airbus with an FMSAll FMScomply with the airworthiness comply requirements of TGL 10 and AC 90AC 90--100100<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 7 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNAV in Terminal Area<BR>􀁺The radio navaid infrastructure supports the required Navigation Accuracy level<BR>–It is not the Operator’s duty to verify the adequacy of radio navaid coverage<BR>–Inadequate radio navaid coverage should be notified by NOTAM or on the instrument procedure chart ⇒GPS required<BR>􀀗GPS acceptable if TSO C 129A certified<BR>–All Airbus with GPS comply<BR>􀀗Single or Dual RNAV system<BR>–Single system acceptable, unless flight path below area MSA<BR>or/and (?) no radar coverage (TGL 10)<BR>–Should be stated on the instrument procedure chart<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 8 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNAV in Terminal Area<BR>􀁺Operational Approval:􀀗Aircraft capability–Stated in the AFM􀀗Crew documentation–OPS Manual based on FCOM–MEL􀀗Crew training–RNAV system knowledge–Briefing on RNP RNAV􀀗Navigation database integrity–Approved database suppliers–Operator’s validationNavigation Database Navigation validation was the main challenge to deploy Pchallenge P--RNAV. The main database providers are now ED76/D0200A compliantcompliant<BR>RNAV in approach<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 10 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNAV in approach􀁺RNAV (GNSS) “Sensor related”􀁺RNP RNAV “Performance related”–RNP 0.3, –Straight final segment􀁺DA as lowas 250 ftAGLwithFINAL APP mode (LNAV/VNAV ) guidanceA large part of the Airbus world fleets can A fly instrument approach procedures published under ICAO PANS OPS (or TERPS) criteria.A lot of destinations could benefit from the implementation of such procedures.<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 11 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>The Advantages of RNAV Approaches-3°FAFFACFIFTFTFDADAFACFMAP]FAFIFCFCFMDAMDASDF••Approach on runway axisApproach axis••Final descent at a constant Flight Path Angle to a DAFinal DA••Stabilized approach leading 50 ft above runway thresholdStabilized threshold••Accuracy of navigationAccuracy navigation<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 12 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>-3°FAFFACFIFTFTF•All Airbus with an FMS and GPS are capable to fly such RNAV Approaches The Advantages of RNAV Approaches•All Airbus with FMS 2 can fly in addition RF legsSince mid-80’s, Airbus promotes a constant slope NPA rather than step-down (“dive and drive”) proceduresThis is in line with the CDFA concept (NPA OPS-41)<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 13 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNAV in Approach -Operational Approval<BR>􀁺Generic Approval for RNP 0.3 RNAV or RNAV(GNSS) (PANS OPS)<BR>􀀗Crew Procedures<BR>–FCOM SOP<BR>􀀗Dispatch Requirements<BR>􀀗Crew Training<BR>–Briefing on RNP RNAV<BR>–Navigation system knowledge (known by all Airbus pilots)<BR>–Use of RNAV navigation system (known by all Airbus pilots)<BR>􀂄Training on FINAL APP mode<BR>􀀗Documentation update<BR>􀀗Navigation Database IntegrityNavigation Database Navigation validation by the Operators must be clarified by EASA AMC 20 XZAMC XZ<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 14 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNAV in Approach<BR>􀁺It is now time to take benefit of Airbus aircraft RNAV capabilities in approach<BR>􀁺“PANS OPS” straight in RNP 0.3 RNAV or RNAV(GNSS) approaches can easily be implemented:<BR>􀀗Deletion of circling procedures<BR>􀀗Deletion of “old style” NPAs<BR>􀀗Access to new destinations<BR>RNP SAAAR<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 16 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNP SAAAR -Background<BR>􀁺On many destinations, opportunities exist in Approach, and Missed Approach<BR>–For Lower RNPvalues<BR>–For Curved Approaches / Missed Approaches<BR>􀀗Opportunities provided to Operators satisfying SAAAR<BR>(Special Aircrew and Aircraft Authorization Required)<BR>􀀗RNP RNAV or Containment Based RNAVprocedures<BR>–Links RNAV airspace design to Aircraft PerformanceROC based on VEBROC VEB2 x RNP2 RNP<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 17 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNP SAAAR -Background<BR>􀁺RNP SAAAR benefits:<BR>􀀗Reduce minima<BR>􀀗More efficient and PredictableAir Traffic Management:<BR>–De-conflicting adjacent airports<BR>–Better access to simultaneous parallel runway or converging runway approaches<BR>􀀗Optimize noise abatementprocedures in sensitive areas<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 18 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNP<0.3 Single Aisle Certification<BR>􀁺To anticipate Airbus customers’ needs:<BR>􀀗Target RNP 0.1<BR>􀀗A318, A319, A320 have been certified for RNP as low as 0.15 with Honeywell FMS 2<BR>􀀗Demonstrations are in progress for other aircraft types and/or FMS vendors<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 19 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNP SAAAR constraints<BR>􀁺RNP SAAAR constraints:<BR>􀀗Operational evaluation of each instrument procedure<BR>􀀗Special flight crew training<BR>􀀗Specific operational approval<BR>􀀗National Authorities need to approve FAA SAAAR criteria or develop their own criteria<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 20 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNP SAAAR ProjectAIRBUSRNAV-RNP< 0.3 Certification with EASA/FAAAIRLINEAIRLINEOperational ApprovalOperational Approvalwith the support ofwith ofAirbus and the Airbus ProcedureProcedureDesignerDesignerApproach ProcedureApproach ProcedureDesignerDesigner<BR>•Aircraft performance<BR>•Fly-ability checks<BR>•Flight crew procedures<BR>•Crew training<BR>•Documentation•Approach design•Approach charts •Nav. Database coding•Nav. Database integrity•Procedure maintenance<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 21 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>Operator validation andand<BR>Navigation Database ValidationProcedure designApproved SuppliersApproved SuppliersApproved SuppliersApproved Supplierscrew checkcrew checkChartsFMSARINC 424 “master” fileData SupplierFMS Database ProcessingPacked DataOperator validationOperator validationand crew check and<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 22 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>RNP SAAAR -Airbus Deliverables<BR>􀁺RNP 0.3 SAAAR Capability and Operational Compliance Document, or the Airworthiness Compliance Document for RNP<0.3 􀀗Aims to be used by Operators to support operational approval􀀗Provides all relevant information for safe operation of RNP SAAAR 􀀗Summarizes:–Airworthiness Assessment –Assumptions & Limitations that should be considered in the operational evaluation–Assumptions & Limitations that should be considered for the instrument approach procedure design<BR>International Standardisation<BR>Current Situation and Perspectives<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 24 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>International standardisation -Current situation and perspectives<BR>􀂃Instrument procedures design criteria:<BR>􀂾ICAORNP RNAV Procedure (PANS OPS) available for RNP 0.3<BR>-ICAO RNP SORSG meetings:<BR>􀂾Objective : to standardize a new approach type for RNP < 0.3<BR>􀂃Aircraft airworthiness and operational requirements:<BR>􀂾EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency) aims at standardisation across European countries and harmonization with FAA<BR>-AMC20-XZin progressAIRBUS intent is to be compliant with AMC 20 XZ<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 25 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>International standardisation -Current situation and perspectives<BR>􀁺Area where EASA-FAA harmonisation is urgently needed:<BR>􀀗Understanding of the overall safety objectives<BR>–ED75/DO236 Airworthiness Criteria<BR>–Use of operational mitigation means to reach the required objective<BR>􀀗Clarification on the line of demarcation between the airworthiness approval and operational approval<BR>􀀗Methods for the assessment of operational mitigation means<BR>􀀗Demonstration methods for Flight Technical Error assessment<BR>–How the engine failure needs to be taken into account in the performance demonstration<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 26 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>Conclusions<BR>􀀹A large part of the Airbus fleet has the capacity to benefit from cost-effective RNAV(GNSS) or RNP RNAV approach implementation􀀹Airbus is already involved in RNP SAAAR projects with several Airlines􀀹Airbus will anticipate the future developments of RNP RNAV Operations, and other approach and landing means, to optimize the Airbus aircraft capabilities through R&T projects such as Optimal (<A href=""></A>)<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 27 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>Conclusions<BR>􀀹Deploy in priority P-RNAV and RNAV(GNSS) or RNP 0.3 RNAV straight-in (PAN OPS)􀀹RNP SAAAR (or equivalent) to be used only when an operational benefit can be achieved􀀹Develop ICAO standards similar to SAAAR, harmonized with FAA “Public” SAAAR􀀹Harmonize regulations between Europe and USA<BR>For authorities and airspace administrations:<BR>© AIRBUS 2005 S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.<BR>Airbus RNP Operations 28 Implementing RNP, October 4-5 2005<BR>Questions ?<BR>This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of AIRBUS S.A.S. No intellectual property rights are granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the express written consent of AIRBUS S.A.S. This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied.<BR>The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based on the mentioned assumptions and are expressed in good faith. Where the supporting grounds for these statements are not shown, AIRBUS S.A.S. will be pleased to explain the basis thereof.AN EADS JOINT COMPANYWITH BAE SYSTEMS<BR>