航空 发表于 2010-8-1 10:22:49

Less Paper in the Cockpit 驾驶舱少纸化

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航空 发表于 2010-8-1 10:23:03

AI/ST-F 1<BR>Airbus “Less Paper in the Cockpit” Concept<BR>Less Paper in the Cockpit<BR>A modern approach to the cockpit information management<BR>By Christian MONTEIL<BR>Dty. Vice President Training &amp; Flight Operations Support &amp;<BR>Services<BR>AI/ST-F 2<BR>Objectives<BR>&#1048698; To find a new way how to manage operational<BR>documentation on the flight deck<BR>&#1048698; To provide an easy access to an increasing<BR>amount of complex information<BR>&#1048698; To provide an accurate computation of<BR>performance analysis - Real time computation<BR>&#1048698; To provide information for a given aircraft tail<BR>number<BR>&#1048698; To provide a unique platform for several<BR>applications<BR>&#1048698; To reduce revision and distribution cycle and to<BR>ensure technical data accuracy<BR>&#1048698; To ease and improve the updating process<BR>AI/ST-F 3<BR>FOVE<BR>&#1048698; aims at integrating the Performance Modules<BR>and the Flight Operations Technical<BR>Information.<BR>&#1048698; aims at exchanging information between the<BR>applications.<BR>&#1048698; F.O.V.E. is based on an open architecture and<BR>consequently information of FOVE modules can<BR>be shared with external applications.<BR>Flight Operations Versatile Environment<BR>AI/ST-F 4<BR>LPC Architecture Overview<BR>F.O.V.E.<BR>Take<BR>Off MEL FCOM<BR>Weight<BR>&amp;<BR>Balance<BR>Airline In Flight<BR>Info Landing<BR>MEL<BR>Mngt<BR>W&amp;B<BR>Admin<BR>Interface<BR>TakeOff<BR>Admin<BR>Interface<BR>FCOM<BR>Mngt<BR>On Board Tools On Ground Tools<BR>AI/ST-F 5<BR>F.O.V.E Description<BR>F.O.V.E.<BR>Weight &amp; TAKE OFF MEL FCOM<BR>Airline Balance In Flight<BR>Info LANDING<BR>AI/ST-F 6<BR>Welcome Page<BR>AI/ST-F 7<BR>FCOM Consultation<BR>AI/ST-F 8<BR>TakeOff<BR>AI/ST-F 9<BR>Weight &amp; Balance<BR>AI/ST-F 10<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>&#1048698; General<BR>– All functions are accessible from the keyboard to avoid the<BR>use of the mouse<BR>– Color scheme<BR>• background/frame/field entry color modifiable<BR>• Night vision/Day vision switch(Alt -V)<BR>AI/ST-F 11<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>&#1048698; Main Screen<BR>– Limited number of screens<BR>– All important information readable on the main screen<BR>– Data or information all contained and grouped in “frames”<BR>– Function keys are used to access each frame<BR>– Arrow keys are used to navigate within each frame<BR>AI/ST-F 12<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(2)<BR>&#1048698; The Frame<BR>– When a function key is pressed, the corresponding frame<BR>receives the focus on the first field.<BR>– The focus is clearly marked by a blue arrow between the<BR>field label and the field entry. The label is marked with a<BR>blue box.<BR>– The field is composed of a label followed by the units used<BR>and followed by the entry value.<BR>AI/ST-F 13<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(2)<BR>&#1048698; The Frame<BR>– When a function key is pressed, the corresponding frame<BR>receives the focus on the first field.<BR>– The focus is clearly marked by a blue arrow between the<BR>field label and the field entry. The label is marked with a<BR>blue box.<BR>– The field is composed of a label followed by the units used<BR>and followed by the entry value.<BR>– A field can be displayed in 3 different ways:<BR>• No entry is possible, the parameter is written in plain &#1048675;<BR>• The entry is entered by the pilot, the entry area is a box &#1048676;<BR>• The entry is selected from a list of available options, the<BR>entry area is a box with an arrow down to indicate a list &#1048677;<BR>1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>AI/ST-F 14<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(2)<BR>&#1048698; The Frame<BR>– When a function key is pressed, the corresponding frame<BR>receives the focus on the first field.<BR>– The focus is clearly marked by a blue arrow between the<BR>field label and the field entry. The label is marked with a<BR>blue box.<BR>– The field is composed of a label followed by the units used<BR>and followed by the entry value.<BR>– A field can be displayed in 3 different ways:<BR>• No entry is possible, the parameter is written in plain &#1048675;<BR>• The entry is entered by the pilot, the entry area is a box &#1048676;<BR>• The entry is selected from a list of available options, the<BR>entry area is a box with an arrow down to indicate a list &#1048677;<BR>– The Status Bar offers help to the pilot when a field receives<BR>the focus.<BR>AI/ST-F 15<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(3)<BR>&#1048698; Protection and Security<BR>– All fields are protected against involuntary modification and<BR>this protection is removed by typing the ENTER key.<BR>– When the user changes any input parameter, the result<BR>frame is emptied immediately.<BR>– If the pilot entry is converted by the interface (e.g. unit<BR>change, …), the pilot entry is displayed in between brackets<BR>after the converted value.<BR>AI/ST-F 16<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(4)<BR>&#1048698; Managing Error Entries<BR>– Errors are managed at 4 different levels:<BR>– Error level A<BR>• validation of a discrete datum against available range<BR>AI/ST-F 17<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(4)<BR>&#1048698; Managing Error Entries<BR>– Errors are managed at 4 different levels:<BR>– Error level A<BR>• validation of a discrete datum against available range<BR>– Error level A+<BR>• validation of a datum against other field of the same<BR>frame<BR>Temperature range<BR>checked against runway<BR>condition<BR>AI/ST-F 18<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(4)<BR>&#1048698; Managing Error Entries<BR>– Errors are managed at 4 different levels:<BR>– Error level A<BR>• validation of a discrete datum against available range<BR>– Error level A+<BR>• validation of a datum against other field of the same<BR>frame<BR>– Error level B<BR>• validation of data of a frame with respect to other<BR>frames<BR>AI/ST-F 19<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(4)<BR>&#1048698; Managing Error Entries<BR>– Errors are managed at 4 different levels:<BR>– Error level A<BR>• validation of a discrete datum against available range<BR>– Error level A+<BR>• validation of a datum against other field of the same<BR>frame<BR>– Error level B<BR>• validation of data of a frame with respect to other<BR>frames<BR>– Error level C<BR>• validation of all data which can only be done by<BR>executing a separate computation.<BR>For example: Loading distribution outside CG envelope<BR>AI/ST-F 20<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules<BR>(5)<BR>&#1048698; Display of Results<BR>– Differentiation of useable results from unusable ones.<BR>– Unusable results are either:<BR>• displayed in Magenta/Red when the maximum<BR>permissible takeoff weight is lower than the actual<BR>weight<BR>• not provided and an error message explains the reason<BR>of the failure<BR>AI/ST-F 21<BR>Design Principles for Performance Modules (5)<BR>&#1048698; Display of Results<BR>– Differentiation of useable results from unusable ones.<BR>– Usable results are displayed in numerical and graphical<BR>format (when applicable)<BR>AI/ST-F 22<BR>Coming Soon<BR>In Flight Module<BR>34000<BR>35000<BR>36000<BR>37000<BR>38000<BR>39000<BR>60000<BR>61000<BR>62000<BR>63000<BR>64000<BR>65000<BR>66000<BR>67000<BR>68000<BR>Weight (1000 x kg)<BR>Pressure Altitude (ft)<BR>MAX REC ALT (ft) MAX REC CRZ ALT (ft)<BR>MAX CLB ALT (ft) OPTIMUM ALT (ft)<BR>68038<BR>66997 Weight (kg) 61498<BR>66836 61330<BR>Landing<BR>In Flight<BR>MEL<BR>AI/ST-F 23<BR>Coming Soon - Landing module<BR>&#1048698; Dispatch Condition<BR>– Required Landing Distance<BR>– Approach climb limiting climb<BR>&#1048698; In-Flight Condition<BR>– Normal or in-flight failure affecting approach/landing<BR>performance<BR>– Actual landing distance<BR>• Dry, Wet, contaminated runway<BR>• With/without Autobrake<BR>• with/without Autoland<BR>– Approach climb limiting weight<BR>– Calculation of VAPP in case of in-flight failure<BR>AI/ST-F 24<BR>Coming soon - In-Flight module<BR>&#1048698; A complement to the FMS performance<BR>computations<BR>– Maximum &amp; Optimum altitudes,<BR>– Climb performance<BR>– Cruise performance<BR>– Descent performance<BR>– Holding performance,<BR>– Engine-out gross flight path descent trajectory (drift down),<BR>– Wind altitude trade (optimum FL determination),<BR>– In-Cruise quick check for abnormal cases (landing gears or<BR>airbrakes extended, deviation from CDL, …)<BR>&#1048698; Tabular or graphical presentation of results<BR>AI/ST-F 25<BR>Sample External Application - Route Manual<BR>AI/ST-F 26<BR>Conclusion<BR>&#1048698; Presently 45 airlines are using at least one module of the<BR>LPC.<BR>&#1048698; 10 % of yearly increase is expected.<BR>&#1048698; LPC is the first application brick paving the way for AFIS<BR>(Airbus in-Flight Information Services) and A380<BR>&#1048698; Future developments should privilege:<BR>– The context based access to the information<BR>– One-way interactivity with aircraft systems between cockpit systems and<BR>LPC<BR>– New technologies capabilities (intelligent graphics,audio,video…)<BR>– Level of interactivity with FMS (One-way or 2-way ?)

guanshyy 发表于 2011-3-31 09:45:36


xf_dragonwing 发表于 2011-4-7 21:50:08


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