Preliminary Report
<P>Preliminary Report</P><P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> 1<BR>PRELIMINARY REPORT<BR>TACA INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES FLIGHT 390<BR>AIRBUS A320-233<BR>REGISTER No. EI-TAF<BR>TONCONTIN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (MHTG/TGU)<BR>TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS<BR>MAY 30TH, 2008<BR>PRELIMINARY REPORT;TACA INTL. AIRLINES; A320-233; MSN1374; REG. EI-TAF<BR>2<BR>A TACA Airlines Airbus A320, flight TA390, with Irish Registry EI-TAF, with 135<BR>passengers and crew on board, overran at the end of the runway during landing at<BR>Tegucigalpa caused the deaths of three people on board and two on the ground.<BR>The government of Honduras delegated the conduct of investigation to the Salvadorian<BR>Civil Aviation Authorities, as provided for in Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention.<BR>In accordance with international agreements, France sent two investigators from the BEA<BR>(Bureau d´Enquetes et d´Analyses), accompanied by five technical advisors from Airbus;<BR>United States sent two investigators from the NTSB (National Transportation Safety<BR>Board), accompanied by one advisor from FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and<BR>one technical Advisor from IAE (International Aero Engine); and Ireland sent one<BR>investigator.<BR>Both flight recorders (CVR and DFDR) were recovered and taken to the NTSB in order<BR>to perform the read out.<BR>The following data result from the analysis done by the BEA and Airbus of the accident<BR>recorders, which have been processed within the NTSB facilities under the leadership of<BR>the in-charge Authorities.<BR>It is confirmed that the aircraft was dispatched without any deferred MEL item.<BR>Prior to landing, the wind information given by the ATC to the crew was 190°/10kt and<BR>ATC also confirmed that the runway was wet.<BR>The Captain was the Pilot Flying (PF).<BR>Landing configuration was established with Slats/Flaps fully extended, gear down,<BR>ground spoilers armed, autobrake selected to MED.<BR>The aircraft landing weight was 63.5t (max landing weight 64.5t), Vapp 137kt.<BR>The aircraft was cleared to land on runway 02 and landed with Autopilot and Flight<BR>Directors OFF, and autothrust engaged in managed speed mode. At time of touch down,<BR>IAS was 139kt and Ground Speed (GS) was 159kt (estimated tailwind was 12kt from<BR>DFDR data analysis).<BR>The aircraft landed on runway 02 (Runway 02 is 3297 feet high and has a displaced<BR>threshold of 213m). The Landing Distance Available (LDA) for runway 02 is of 1649m.<BR>The touch down occurred at approximately 400m from the runway 02 displaced<BR>threshold.<BR>Immediately after touch down, the crew selected MAX REV, and both engine reversers<BR>and the Ground Spoilers (G/S) deployed normally.<BR>The nosewheel touch down occurred 7s after the Main Landing Gear (MLG) following<BR>PF inputs.<BR>PRELIMINARY REPORT;TACA INTL. AIRLINES; A320-233; MSN1374; REG. EI-TAF<BR>3<BR>The crew applied manual braking 4s after MLG touch down and commanded maximum<BR>pedal braking in 10s (14s after MLG touch down).<BR>At 70kt Indicated Airspeed Speed (IAS), upon Pilot Non Flying (PNF) call-out, the PF<BR>selected IDLE REV. The remaining distance to the runway end was approximately 190m.<BR>The aircraft overran the runway at 54kt and dropped down the 20 m embankment<BR>sustaining severe damage on impact with the ground.<BR>The landing performance analysis confirms that the landing performances are consistent<BR>with runway condition and crew actions.<BR>End of Preliminary Report. 什么内容的呀?