航空 发表于 2010-8-2 15:34:19

ATTACHMENTS Excerpts from the Airbus A300400 FCOM

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航空 发表于 2010-8-2 15:35:10

ATTACHMENT S<BR>Excerpts from the Airbus A300400 FCOM<BR>FACTUAL REPORT ATTACHMENTS DCA02MA001<BR>.. ..., .:... .. .. . .... ..,<BR>2:: .;:v<BR>.i . .<BR>MAXIMUM TAXI WEIGHT<BR>WEIGHT (BRAKES RELEASE)<BR>MAXIMUM LANDING WEIGHT<BR>MAXIMUM ZERO FUEL<BR>WEIGHT"<BR>MINIMUM WEIGHT<BR>MAXIMUM TAKE-OFF .<BR>..... ..-.' ..... . :..: : .. !<BR>~ KG POUNDS<BR>172600 380580<BR>771 700 375 590<BR>140 000 308 700<BR>123000 27! 210<BR>90000 198410<BR>........ . .<BR>: . \ ,<BR>I<BR>. .<BR>! . C... ..... t<BR>VMCG<BR>. . .<BR>-<BR>114 in 15/0 and 15/15<BR>113 in 15/20<BR>109.5<BR>1 - WEIGHTWCENTER OF GRAVITY<BR>VMCA<BR>A. Center of gravity limits<BR>PERCENTAGE OF THE MEAN AERODYNAMIC CHORD,<BR>LANDING GEAR EXTENDED. THE MAC IS 6.608 METERS<BR>LONG (260.15 INCHES). STATION 0 IS LOCATED 6.3825<BR>METERS (251.28 INCHES) FORWARDOF FUSELAGE NOSE.<BR>THE LIMITS OFTHE CENTER OF GRAVITY ARE GIVEN IN<BR>120.6 in 1510and 15/15<BR>120 in 15/20<BR>117.0<BR>: Aircraft Center of gravity must always be within<BR>presented limits regardless of fuel load.<BR>Maneuver on ground :<BR>- When the weight is higher than 152tons<BR>(335 160 Ib), do not exceed f 65" on nose wheel<BR>travel during towing. - When the weight is higher than 163.5tons<BR>(360520Ib), do not exceed a maximum taxiing<BR>speed of 15 kt during a turn.<BR>Code : 0030 us<BR>8. Weight limitations<BR>- Maximum zerofuelweight is 130 DO0 kg (286 650 Ib)<BR>when maximum take off weight is below 170 500 kg<BR>- M(37a5x i9m5u0m Ib-)z.e rofuelweighti s 131 300 kg (288 810 Ib)<BR>when maximum take-off we1 ht is below 167 800 kg<BR>(369 920 1b)providedtheTRlhtankisemptyandthe<BR>CENTER tankdepleted (in accordance with applicable<BR>procedure, as described in FCOM 2.06.30 p B) prior<BR>to eke-off.<BR>Note : Residual CTR TK FQI reading is dependant<BR>upon aircraft pitch attirude and is nor to be<BR>considered as part of the ZNI! unless above<BR>180 kg (400 Lbs).<BR>Under exceptional conditions following a take off at any<BR>weightwithin maxtakeoff weight and max landing weight<BR>an immediate landing is permitted provided overweight<BR>landing procedure is adhered to.<BR>Exceptional conditions are : .. aembneorrgmenacliiteiess wherein continuance 01 flight to<BR>destination is not possible.<BR>-<BR>2 - SPEED<BR>VMCA-VMCG<BR>I ktCAS I M IAS I<BR>A. Maximum operating speeds<BR>The maximum operating limit speed VMO may lot be<BR>deliberately exceeded in any regime of flight (climb, cruise<BR>or descent). -<BR>VMO<BR>u 0 CAS (KT)<BR>GE Eng. : 80C2A5-80C2A5F R<BR>1 .:.................................... ............................ .......................................................................................................................... ............ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...... :.~.'.~:.~.~:.~:.f:,~.f:.~.f:.~:.~:.~:.~:.~:.~:.~:.:.:.~:.~:.~:.~:.~:.':.':.~:.~:.~.':.~:.~:.:.~:,~.~:,~:.~:,f:,.:,.<BR>I I<BR>15 0<BR>16 15<BR>15 20<BR>30 40<BR>FUQHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL 1 7 1<BR>250 kt<BR>215 kt<BR>205 k<BR>175 M<BR>0 P E RAT1 N G LI M lTATl0 N S<BR>AfRCRAFT GENERAL<BR>2.01.02<BR>I REV 22 ISEQ 8001<BR>B. Maximum flapdslats speeds (VE)<BR>MAXIMUM SLATS/FLAPS EXTENDED SPEEDS OR<BR>OPERATING SPEEDS<BR>I Maximum operating altitude : 20000 ft I I SLATS 1 FLAPS I SPEED(IAS1 I<BR>C. Gear operating speeds<BR>VLO are the maximum speeds at which the landing<BR>gear may be extended or retracted :<BR>VLE is the maximum speed with landing gear<BR>extended :<BR>VLO extension : 270 kt/M 0.59<BR>: 270 kt/M 0.65<BR>VLO retraction : 240 kt/M 0.53<BR>D. Kruger :<BR>If Kruger cannot be retracted, do not<BR>E. Manual pitch trim<BR>When operating with manual pitch trim only,<BR>do not exceed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 WO.78 M<BR>exceed ....................... 300 ktr0.65 M<BR>3 - MISCELLANEOUS<BR>A. Minimum flight crew<BR>I THE MiNlMUM FLIGHT CREW CONSISTS OF I 2 PILOTS.<BR>-. - I , .<BR>: i<BR>I R. Dispatchibiliiy<BR>For dispatch in the event of equipment failure or missing<BR>parts, refer to MEUCDL.<BR>C. Fiight maneuvering load acceleration limits : .<BR>CLEAN CONFIGURATION : 4-2.5gtO-1 g<BR>g\i-gkFI CONFIGURATION : + 2 g to I g<BR>HOLDING<BR>(SLATS EXTENDED)<BR>D. Operating performance limitations :<BR>(7) Environmental envelope<BR>I<BR>0<BR>0 - U<BR>0<BR>.o<BR>N0<BR>0<BR>I<BR>U 0<BR>U<BR>Y<BR>Y0<BR>m<BR>(2) Airport Operation limitations<BR>RUNWAY SLOPE (MEAN) . . . . . . . . . . . f 2 %<BR>Runway altitude ................... 8500 ft<BR>WIND :<BR>.TAIL WlND COMPONENT (TAKE-OFF AND . LANDING). .................... 1Okt . CROSS WIND (TAKE OFF AND LANDING) : R ...<BR>maximum demonstrated on dry and wet R 2 )<BR>runway,, ...................... 32kt R x *...<BR>Max wind for passenger and cargo doors<BR>operation ........................ 60kt<BR>Mod : 7007 or (Mod : 7007/PW 4158)<BR>us<BR>@A30@600<BR>FUQHT CREW OPERATINO MANUAL I<BR>1. SYMBOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS<BR>PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES 1 2.02.01<BR>GENERAL PAGE 1 I<BR>OPERATING SPEEDS<BR>- vs<BR>................. ........... .................................................................................... ............................_............................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........ ...........................................................................................-.-............. ......... ................................................. ..... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................... .... ... ....... ...... .<BR>' ............................................................................................................................................................... .. ....................................................<BR>. , R -VMCG<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R - v1<BR>- VR<BR>- v2<BR>- VMCA<BR>- F<BR>.-:. , .<BR>: Minimum stalling s eed for a specified<BR>configuration, It is a tnction of the aircraft<BR>weight and altitude.<BR>: Minimum control speed on round at which<BR>Primary flight controls only, in case of a sudden.<BR>ailure of the critical engine (the other engine<BR>remaining at takeoff power).<BR>: Speed at which the pilot can make the decision,<BR>following failure of critical engine :<BR>either to continue take-off<BR>or to stop the aircraft.<BR>Represented by u 1 m on airspeed scale (or V1<BR>value when out of range).<BR>: Speed at which rotation is initiated to reach V2<BR>at an altitude of 35 feet.<BR>: Take-off safety speed reached before the<BR>altitude 35 feet with one engine failed.<BR>Represented by the SPEED SELECT symbol on<BR>airspeed scale as any speed selected on FCU.<BR>: Minimum control speed In flight at which<BR>aircraft can be controlled with 5" max bank, in<BR>case of failure of the critical engine, the other<BR>engine remaining attake-off power (take-off flaps<BR>setting and gear retracted).<BR>: Equal to 1.25 Vs Slats 15.Flaps 0 . It is the<BR>minimum speed at which the flaps may be<BR>retracted to 0".<BR>Represented by u F B on airspeed scale when<BR>the SLATELAP handle is in the 15/15 or 15/20<BR>the aircraft can be controlle B by use of the<BR>. . configuration. - S : Equal to 1.25 Vs Slats 0 Flaps 0 , It is the<BR>minimum speed at which the slats may be<BR>. ...:. . . . .<BR>. . . . . . . . ' .. :..<BR>retracted to '0".<BR>Represented by u.S D on airspeed scale when the<BR>SLATFLAP handle Is In the 15/0 configuration. - 0 (a GREEN DOT D) : ENGINE OUT OPERATING speed<BR>(BEST LIFT TO DRAG RATIO speed or DRIFT<BR>DOWN speed) in clean configuration. It<BR>corresponds also to the FINAL TAKE OFF speed.<BR>It is equal to205 k a t 120 t f 1 kt perton + 3 kt<BR>per 1 000 ft above 20 000 pt.<BR>Represented by uOm (green dot) on airspeed<BR>scale when the SLATFLAP handle is in the 0/0<BR>configuration.<BR>N S : 0, FandS speeddisplayedare only valid,<BR>8s manoeuvring speeds, when the<BR>SLATS/FLAPS 8~ in the commanded<BR>-- VVFREE F :: MReafxeirmpeonuscmietsi opsne . eedef odr euascehd s lafotsrf lapas ncoornmfigaul rfaintioanl<BR>approach, it E equal to 1.3 Vs Slats 30 /Flaps<BR>- VLS : 4L0o wceosntf i# eulreactitoanb.l e speed. It is represented by<BR>an amber strip along the airspeed scale which<BR>appears 5 seconds after lift-off.<BR>In the T10 schedule VLS = 1.2 Vs of the actual<BR>. .<BR>. ... ..'<BR>R<BR>R T/O configuration.<BR>..<BR>' In the LANDING Schedule VW = 1.3 Vs of the<BR>-a cCtuhaaln lgaen dinfrgo mco nfTig/Our attioon . landin schedule<BR>is triggered by SLATS/FLAk handle<BR>displacement (either retraction or extention, - CFange from landing to T/O schedule s<BR>triggered by LDG GEAR SHOCK absorber<BR>compression (NC on QTound).<BR>Above 25 000 ft VLS is calculated so that %ere<BR>is 0.3 g margin with respect to BUFFETING.<BR>In case of SLATS orland :LAPS JAMMING, 4 3<BR>represents 1.3 Vs of the actual (ABNOPMALI<BR>configuration.<BR>: Stick shaker speed : Pe speed at Nhich the<BR>stick shaker is activated. t is represented by d<BR>red and black strip along the airspeed scale. It<BR>is equal to 1.128 Vs ia clean configuratiop,<BR>1.11 Vs in other configurations.<BR>- Vss<BR>- VAPP : Final approach speed,<BR>+ VAPPc an be computed based on VREFo r ~ L S:<BR>VAPP = VREF + VREF INCREMENT + WIND CORR,<BR>VAPP = VLS + VLS INCREMENT + WIND CORR. - In SLATS =/FLAPS 40 configuration, LLS =<BR>- VREF incrementsareconsidered in case offailures<BR>- aVfLfSe citnincgre tmhee mntas naeruev ceoranbsiilditeyr oerd th web s t?anlle mvierrg tihne,<BR>failure is not accounted in the VLS cp rmpmtion<BR>1i.e. kruger retracted or rod spoilers inoperative).<BR>VREF,<BR>2. WIND CORRECTION<BR>I -7<BR>I WIND CORRECTION = (1/3 AVERAGE WIND) OR (GUST IF, HIGHER) I<BR>N B : 1. The average wind is the wind speed due<BR>reportedb y the ATlS or tnwer, irrespective 3f its<BR>direction.<BR>2. Thegustis the differencedetween themaxmum<BR>wind speed and the average wind pees e.g.<BR>for a wind of 20.kVgustmg 25 kz the average<BR>wind speed is 20 &amp;and tPe gust is (25-20) I 5 kt.<BR>+ Apply WIND CORR only ifthere is notail-wind component<BR>+ If MHR is used or when significant ice accretion is<BR>suspected :<BR>if WIND CORR &lt; 5 kt, take WI JD CORR = 5 kt,<BR>+ Maximum WIND CORR = 15 kt,<BR>+ If LDG SPD INCREMENT ON VR :F c 20 kt ;<BR>maximum LDG SPD INCREME NT ON VREF + WIND<BR>' CORR = 20 kt,<BR>+ If LDG SPD INCREMENT ON VR IF &gt; 20 kt ,<BR>do not apply any WIND CORF<BR>FMS VAPP (on APPROACH page IS defined as :<BR>VAPP = VREF + (11 kt, if bndir 3 in 20/20) t 5 kt + WIND CORR.<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>R<BR>t I 2.03.1 0<BR>I<BR>STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES<BR>PAGE 1<BR>@A300-600<BR>WGW CREW OPERATING MANUAL I TAXI<BR>NOSE Light ........................ TAXI<BR>Select NOSE Light to TAXI day and night<BR>TAXI CLEARANCE ................ Obtained<BR>PARKING BRAKE ...................... OFF - Release the parking brake and check brake pressure<BR>ELAPSED TIME ...................... Start<BR>To record block time<BR>EXTERIOR LTS ..................... As req<BR>THRUST LEVERS .................... As req . In order to get the aircraft moving, little if an wer<BR>above idle thrust will be required (max 40% Nlr. grust<BR>should normally be used symmetrically. Once aircraft is<BR>moving little thrust is required. . The wing mounted engines are close to the ground.<BR>Avoid placing engines over unconsolidated or unprepared<BR>ground e.g over the edge of taxyways.<BR>Avoid high thrust settings at low ground speeds due to<BR>the risk of ingestion (FOD).<BR>BRAKES ........................... Check . Brakes can be checked once the aircraft is moving or<BR>while stopped.<BR>To check the brakes while sto ped, depress brake<BR>pedals with parking brake ON, sepect the parking brake<BR>OFF and check that the yellow hyd pressure is zero on<BR>the brake pressure triple indicator.<BR>The main purpose of the brake check is to check that<BR>green pressure has taken over and that yellow pressure<BR>is at zero on the brake pressure triple indicator.<BR>Note : Anypressure below 13Opsion the brake pressure<BR>. Thereafter the normal maximum taxi speed should be<BR>30 kt in a straight line, 15 kt for a sharp turn. The ground<BR>speed is difficult to assess so monitor ground speed on<BR>ND. Do not "ride" the brakes, as 30 kt is exceeded, apply<BR>brakes smoothly and decelerate to 10 kt, release the<BR>brakes and allow the aircraft to accelerate again. . Below - 40" C, small braking inputs are required during<BR>Taxi.= will beindicatedin placeofthe braketemperatures<BR>while the temperatures are below 0".<BR>CAUTION<BR>If the brakes fail during ground o rations,<BR>immediately select the BRWAISKID sw to ETN-OFF<BR>and modulate the brakes with pedals.<BR>Brake pedals should be released when the #ISKID is<BR>switched OFF. Otherwise the pedal braking orders<BR>will be taken into account and the aircraft will react<BR>strongly.<BR>In an extreme emergency and only if pedals are<BR>ineffective with the antiskid OFF the aircraft may be<BR>stopped with the parking brake (full pressure<BR>application will occur).<BR>zero.<BR>.<BR>- trble indicator can be considered as zero.<BR>- If aircraft has beenC pAaUrkTeIdO iNn wet conditions for a<BR>long period, efficiency of first brakes application at<BR>low speed will be reduced.<BR>ECAM .................. Select WCTL page<BR>Mod: 5670<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS ................. Check<BR>At a convenient stage during taxi :<BR>1. The PNF checl$ full travel and feel of the elevators and<BR>ailerons/spoilers, whilst monitoring on the ECAM F/CTL<BR>page.<BR>: If PlTCH FEEL pushbptron is selected OFFIR then<BR>ON, full traveland feel force ofthe elevators must<BR>be checked.<BR>2. The PF holds the nose wheel steering handle to<BR>maintain theaircraft direction and checks fulltraveland<BR>feel of the rudder, whitst the PNF monitors the

f214216709 发表于 2010-10-26 08:23:18


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:37:54

ATTACHMENTS Excerpts from the Airbus A300400 FCOM

tonyblairer 发表于 2022-1-13 20:32:25

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