RMIT飞行训练课件-Steep Turns 大坡度转弯
<P>Steep Turns</P><P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> RMIT Flight Training Steep Turns<BR>RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 1 Brief 11<BR>STEEP TURNS<BR>Aim: To learn the principles and considerations involved in conducting a steep turn.<BR>Application:<BR>- An evasive manoeuvre.<BR>- Coordination exercise.<BR>Definitions:<BR> A steep turn is when the angle of bank is equal to or in excess of 45o.<BR>Revision:<BR> Forces in a MLT<BR> Load Factor = L / W<BR>Principles:<BR> Forces in a Steep Turn<BR>S & L STEEP TURN<BR>L = 2W<BR> LF = 2g<BR>L<BR>W<BR>Straight and level<BR>L = W<BR>L<BR>W W<BR>L<BR>L<BR>W<BR>L<BR>W W<BR>L<BR>RMIT Flight Training Steep Turns<BR>RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 2 Brief 11<BR>Considerations:<BR> Power<BR>- The AoA causes an DI which must be balanced by T, to maintain<BR>speed.<BR> Load Factor<BR>- Since L = 2W then LF = 2g and you feel twice your normal weight.<BR>- Remember graph from stalling lesson: @ 60 AoB ie: 2g<BR>VS by 40%<BR>to 62KIAS<BR> Spiral Dive<BR>- Due to disorientation or loss of altitude during high AoB manoeuvres.<BR>Symptoms:<BR>1. High and increasing IAS<BR>2. Low nose attitude, high RoD<BR>3. High AoB<BR>4. High noise level<BR>Increased<BR>Stall Speed<BR>1G 2G 3G 4G<BR>2.0<BR>1.8<BR>1.6<BR>1.4<BR>1.2<BR>1.0<BR>“g” load<BR>RMIT Flight Training Steep Turns<BR>RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 3 Brief 11<BR>Air Exercise:<BR> Pre-Entry<BR>- Trim for S&L<BR>- Select a reference point<BR>- Lookout<BR>- Check minimum entry speed (>80kt)<BR> Entry<BR>- B Bank passing 30o AoB increase power<BR>- B Balance<BR>- B Back Pressure anticipate increased amount due Lv<BR> During<BR>- A Attitude<BR>- L Lookout<BR>- A Attitude<BR>- P Performance<BR> Exit<BR>- B Bank passing 30o AoB reduce power<BR>- B Balance<BR>- B Back Pressure anticipate reduction due more back pressure<BR> Spiral Dive Recovery<BR>1. Reduce power to idle<BR>2. Ease wings level<BR>3. Ease out of dive, to climb attitude<BR>4. At 100KIAS, increase power<BR>5. Climb away.<BR>DO NOT ATTEMPT TO EASE OUT OF A DIVE UNTIL WINGS LEVEL!<BR>Airmanship:<BR>- Lookout<BR>- Smooth but positive aircraft handling<BR>- Correct Handover/Takeover procedure<BR>- Awareness of spiral dive symptoms and prompt recovery if necessary. 谢谢楼主,我正准备去RMIT读书