航空 发表于 2010-8-4 08:58:44

RMIT飞行训练课件-Steep Descending Turns 大坡度下降转弯

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航空 发表于 2010-8-4 08:59:27

RMIT Flight Training Steep Descending Turns<BR>RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 1 Brief 13<BR>STEEP DESCENDING TURNS<BR>Aim: To understand the principles involved in descending an aircraft at a 45 AoB,<BR>maintaining balance and airspeed.<BR>Application:<BR>- Height loss manoeuvre within a confined space<BR>- Control coordination exercise<BR>Revision:<BR> Forces in a Steep Turn<BR> Forces in a Glide Descent:<BR>Principles:<BR>- The vertical component of lift is reduced in both the descent and turn.<BR>- The combination of both manoeuvres produces a highly tilted lift vector.<BR>- Therefore, at the glide speed a high rate of turn and RoD will be achieved.<BR>- Back pressure will be required to maintain speed.<BR>W<BR>L<BR>D<BR><BR>L<BR>W W<BR>L<BR>RMIT Flight Training Steep Descending Turns<BR>RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 2 Brief 13<BR>Considerations:<BR> Overbank / Underbank<BR>- Banking tendencies will tend to balance each other out.<BR> Load Factor and Stall Speed<BR>- Load factor and stall speed increases therefore fly faster (70kts) to<BR>maintain a safe buffer over the stall.<BR>Air Exercise:<BR> Pre-Entry<BR>- Trim for glide attitude<BR>- Select a reference point<BR>- Lookout<BR> Entry<BR>- Roll into steep descending turns, as you would into a steep turn (B B B)<BR>except that, you lower the nose for 70kts and apply a little back pressure.<BR> During<BR>- ALAP<BR>- If done correctly, descend 500ft every 360<BR> Exit<BR>- Same as steep turn resuming glide attitude.<BR>Airmanship:<BR>- Lookout<BR>- Smooth but positive aircraft handling<BR>- Correct Handover/Takeover procedure<BR>A<BR>B Outer Wing<BR>Horizontal Distance Travelled<BR>Loss of<BR>Altitude<BR>L Inner Wing L<BR>Larger Angle<BR>of Attack
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