航空 发表于 2010-8-10 09:23:50


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航空 发表于 2010-8-10 09:24:28

机场数字集群通信的应用与发展<BR>• TETRA数字集群技术及其发展概况<BR>• 数字集群在机场的应用<BR>• 机场对数字集群网络的主要要求<BR>• 机场对用户机的特殊要求<BR>功能特性<BR>– 互操作<BR>– 安全<BR>– 可靠性和可用性<BR>– 未来扩容<BR>控制权<BR>– 频率<BR>– 用户注册<BR>– 终端用户接口<BR>– 服务套餐<BR>覆盖(COVERAGE)<BR>– 机场<BR>– 地区<BR>– 全国<BR>– 无缝隙<BR>容量<BR>– 频谱<BR>– 带宽<BR>– 灵活性<BR>成本(COST)<BR>– 经济<BR>– 最小运营成本<BR>– 最小投资成本<BR>– 可预计<BR>建设数字集群系统考虑5个方面( 5 C’s)<BR>5 Characteristics of a system that are critical in the development of a SOLUTION ...<BR>Control: Ability to Manage and Monitor Who Is Communicating, When They Communicate, and Who<BR>They Communicate with. Guaranteed access to the system, reliability and availability is very<BR>important.<BR>Coverage: Ensuring Ubiquitous, Reliable, Consistent coverage to all users with in the organization's<BR>operational boundaries ( ability to guarantee coverage in different environments such as in-building,<BR>in subways, rural areas)<BR>Capability: Provide for the unique communications needs of the work-team (types of features and<BR>applications )<BR>- Instant communications, 1to1 and 1-many, centralized dispatch, security, ruggedized units, high<BR>power<BR>Capacity: Simultaneous accommodation of all Data and Communications needs between multiple<BR>users at any given time. Unpredictable nature of mission critical communications given capacity is<BR>acceptable 90% of time but need for system capacity increases exponentially in case of emergency.<BR>Its a big problem if the system is not designed to handle it.<BR>Costs: Best mix of Technologies and Services to Ensure Cost-Effective Communications. Trade-off<BR>between capital vs operating budget (purchase units as capital and use free airtime vs lease units<BR>and pay airtime (Op expense). For mission critical usually demand value for dollars but less willing to<BR>compromise control, capabilities coverage and capacity in regards to price.<BR>示例:某机场<BR>Main<BR>Terminal<BR>Bldg<BR>Admin<BR>Bldg<BR>Satellite Bldg A<BR>Engrg<BR>Bldg<BR>Contact Pier<BR>机场航站楼室内覆盖<BR>典型室内覆盖设计<BR>Use example to illustrate integration with existing system.<BR>For example, Police National Computer (PNC) in UK is an existing<BR>database, where licence plate search application was integrated. This<BR>allowed police on the roads/motorways to make checks as and when<BR>necessary. Previously, police would have had to call Dispatch Centre<BR>to raise search, taking up valuable time and tying up two people –<BR>police office &amp; control room - to perform a simple task.<BR>机场航站楼室内覆盖<BR>室内覆盖设计考虑<BR>• 室内覆盖设计考虑的因素:<BR>– 设备规范要求<BR>– 系统余量<BR>• 确定设计参数后,在计算:<BR>– 功放的增益<BR>– 漏缆类型和型号<BR>• 反复计算Donor<BR>Station<BR>Pickup<BR>Antenna<BR>LCX<BR>(91.44m)<BR>BDA<BR>6.4km<BR>0.6 Fresnel<BR>Clearance<BR>12.2m<BR>Use example to illustrate integration with existing system.<BR>For example, Police National Computer (PNC) in UK is an existing<BR>database, where licence plate search application was integrated. This<BR>allowed police on the roads/motorways to make checks as and when<BR>necessary. Previously, police would have had to call Dispatch Centre<BR>to raise search, taking up valuable time and tying up two people –<BR>police office &amp; control room - to perform a simple task.<BR>机场航站楼室内覆盖<BR>• 根据建筑结构<BR>– 每层分别设计<BR>– 确定最合适的方案<BR>• 确定用天线还是漏缆<BR>RF<BR>Feed<BR>RF<BR>Feed<BR>RF<BR>Feed<BR>RF<BR>Feed<BR>RF<BR>Feed<BR>RF<BR>Feed<BR>RF<BR>Feed<BR>Use example to illustrate integration with existing system.<BR>For example, Police National Computer (PNC) in UK is an existing<BR>database, where licence plate search application was integrated. This<BR>allowed police on the roads/motorways to make checks as and when<BR>necessary. Previously, police would have had to call Dispatch Centre<BR>to raise search, taking up valuable time and tying up two people –<BR>police office &amp; control room - to perform a simple task.<BR>虚拟隔离网(VPN)<BR>• 口令保护<BR>• 每个用户组织有多级的接<BR>入权限<BR>– 按应用和按职能<BR>• 安全隔离<BR>– 数据库隔离:<BR>• 按地理位置或地区<BR>• 按部门或机构<BR>• 按应用<BR>• 按用户或操作者<BR>RADIO MAINTENANCE<BR>REGIONS SUBSCRIBER CONFIGURATION<BR>ACCESS CONTROL<BR>CENTRAL<BR>Airlines<BR>Airport<BR>SECURITY<BR>AIRLINES<BR>AIRPORT OPS<BR>RADIO<BR>DISPATCH<BR>MANAGER<BR>SYSTEM MANAGER DISPATCHER<BR>ZONEWATCH<BR>REPORTS<BR>MANAGER<BR>ZONEWATCH<BR>MAINTENANCE<BR>APPLICATIONS<BR>Authority<BR>各个用户组织可以共享基础设施并随虚拟网隔离<BR>800兆模拟系统到TETRA的平稳过渡<BR>对于一个几乎需要全天候实时工作的关键系统,需要精心策划和各方的<BR>紧密配合,以实现模拟到数字的平稳过渡,和100%的通信保障率,化<BR>解风险。<BR>主要问题:<BR>• 新系统需要一个优化和稳定的过程<BR>• 用户需要熟悉新终端的操作<BR>• 用户需要熟悉新的呼叫流程<BR>• 新旧系统共存的期间,跨系统呼叫<BR>如何实现<BR>• 应急通信预案和保障措施<BR>主要对策:<BR>• 经过市场检验的成熟系统<BR>• 尽量减少操作上的差异<BR>• 培训<BR>• 需要技术解决方案<BR>• 实际工程经验和技术支持<BR>Use example to illustrate integration with existing system.<BR>For example, Police National Computer (PNC) in UK is an existing<BR>database, where licence plate search application was integrated. This<BR>allowed police on the roads/motorways to make checks as and when<BR>necessary. Previously, police would have had to call Dispatch Centre<BR>to raise search, taking up valuable time and tying up two people –<BR>police office &amp; control room - to perform a simple task.<BR>超大容量及超高密度话务量的考虑<BR>• 用户密度高:如某机场,根据需求调研和预测,到2010年系统用户将超<BR>过10000台。<BR>• 话务量大:系统必须能够承受高密度大话务量的冲击<BR>选择系统要求:<BR>• 分布式处理设计:专为关键任务而设计的系统,保障“接入时间”始终小<BR>于500ms。<BR>• 辅助集群调度功能:通过“强拆、强插、动态数据信道”等功能保障高优<BR>先级的调度通话,以及通过“通话组合并”、“区域呼叫”等功能降低话务<BR>量。<BR>奥运会、世界杯、世博会、亚运会的实践检验。<BR>Use example to illustrate integration with existing system.<BR>For example, Police National Computer (PNC) in UK is an existing<BR>database, where licence plate search application was integrated. This<BR>allowed police on the roads/motorways to make checks as and when<BR>necessary. Previously, police would have had to call Dispatch Centre<BR>to raise search, taking up valuable time and tying up two people –<BR>police office &amp; control room - to perform a simple task.<BR>全国呼叫建立时间<BR>区域交换中心,全功能、全国覆盖<BR>• 全功能广域覆盖<BR>• 无缝连接:全国快速呼叫<BR>• 无缝漫游: 用户漫游时保持呼叫<BR>连接<BR>×<BR>During the introduction we already discussed the need for public safety organisations<BR>to coordinate operations across large geographical areas. Dimetra IP allows for this<BR>due to the wide area coverage capability of the system.<BR>But mere coverage is not enough. Performance and functionality of the network need<BR>to be maintained as users roam across the coverage area: Group and emergency calls<BR>must be established with minimal delay. Dimetra IP uses a ”flat mesh” architecture,<BR>with no need for calls to travel across multiple transit switches with considerable delays<BR>as it is seen in traditional circuit switched networks. With Dimetra IP calls are set up in<BR>fractions of a second no matter where in the network the call participants may be<BR>located. We call this ”Seamless Connection”. In a coordinated drug bust, for<BR>example, where multiple Police squads conduct a national raid, there is no time to wait<BR>for a call to be set up on the communication system. Again, time is a critical factor.<BR>Now, once a call is set up it is critical that communication is maintained, while users on<BR>the call roam across the network. ”Seamless roaming” allows officers to conduct calls<BR>in hot pursuit of suspects, without having to adjust radio settings or worrying about<BR>whether their back up teams are in a different county. Motorola Dimetra IP is the only<BR>TETRA system currently available to provide this functionality.<BR>单站集群功能(LST)<BR>• 基站用户登记<BR>• 真正集群<BR>• 控制信道备份<BR>• 组呼(编组不变)<BR>• 主叫显示<BR>• 紧急呼叫<BR>• 排队回呼<BR>• 迟后加入<BR>• 定时自动提示<BR>• 自动恢复广区集群<BR>机场B<BR>机场A<BR>链路故障概率比设备故障高,且设备有(热)备份。<BR>金羊网-新快报和http://news.tom.com 2003年07月06日报道:<BR>前天(7月4日)10时53分至12时26分,首都机场离港系统因发生设备<BR>故障而瘫痪93分钟,无法为旅客办理登机手续。共有71个出港航班因<BR>此发生延误,至少3000名旅客无法准时登机。有关方面在当天下午召<BR>开的新闻发布会上称,此次事故是通信网络中的光通信接点机发生故<BR>障造成的。首都机场离港系统前端在机场、后台在中航信。离港系统<BR>的所有设备都是双备份的,只有与电信部门的接点机没有备份。据介<BR>绍,这样的情况当天在中国其他机场也有发生。<BR>网易报道:罗马尼亚小偷一夜卷走数百电缆机场瘫痪5小时<BR>http://news.163.com 2005-03-15 08:22:20 英国媒体14日报道,最近<BR>,罗马尼亚两名小偷来到首都布加勒斯一家机场,盗走300根31米长的<BR>电缆,导致机场停电,而瘫痪了至少5个小时。当时,这两名小偷乘着<BR>夜黑风高,偷偷潜入布加勒斯特一家机场的后勤中心,盗走其内300根<BR>31米长的电缆。其后,原本灯火通明的机场瞬间变得漆黑一片,原本<BR>由电子卡控制的所有大门也失去了功能,整个机场瘫痪了至少5个小时<BR>。<BR>开放IP 接口<BR>第三方应TETRA 主机应智能<BR>IP 交换网<BR>电信网<BR>公司<BR>互联网<BR>应用软件的增值解决方案可以平滑经济地接入<BR>基<BR>移动应<BR>内部计算机网<BR>IP交换和支持IP连接:接入各种应用和业务<BR>Motorola has an open interface policy, that ensures that third party products and<BR>applications can easily be integrated onto the TETRA network. Interfaces to the system<BR>via our terminals or other system elements are all based on IP Connectivity, which<BR>gives the following benefits:<BR>•The standard environment provides an ideal basis for 3rd party developers to design<BR>applications<BR>•Customers gain access to a host of wire-line and wireless applications from the entire<BR>software community<BR>•Being based on standard interfaces data/voice applications are ”plug &amp; play”<BR>•Support of all types of applications<BR>… voice, data, mobile office, paging, video<BR>Note: IN= Intelligent Network is a telecom network architecture in which processing<BR>capabilities for call control and related functions are distributed among specialized<BR>nodes rather than concentrated in a switching system<BR>动态静态结合的分组数传信道<BR>不需要每次传送数据均通过主控制信道(MCCH)申请数传信道<BR>60个分组数据用户可同时使用此信道<BR>下行<BR>上行<BR>时隙1<BR>时隙2<BR>时隙3<BR>时隙4<BR>时隙1<BR>时隙2<BR>时隙3<BR>时隙4<BR>话音<BR>voice<BR>数据1 data 1<BR>数据1<BR>SwMI<BR>话音通信中<BR>的移动台<BR>#1数据终端进行数据查询<BR>#2数据终端进行数据查询<BR>主机负责对数据查询<BR>的响应<BR>主机负责对数据查询的响<BR>应<BR>分组数据信道(PDCH):<BR>- PDCH被不同的用户共享<BR>- 优化的PDCH应用<BR>- 大大降低了主控制信道(MCCH)的负担<BR>专注的分组数据信道(PDCH)<BR>数据2 数据2<BR>数据2 数据2<BR>数据1<BR>拒绝入网<BR>非法用户<BR>• 频率相同<BR>• 组识别码相同<BR>• 个人识别码相同<BR>错误鉴权码<BR>拒绝服务<BR>包括系统网络鉴权和移动台鉴权<BR>合法用户<BR>假系统网络<BR>错误鉴权码<BR>系统鉴权功能<BR>外围机场本地管理用户,本地接入电话和数据的<BR>一种方法<BR>EBTS<BR>TETRA<BR>交换控<BR>制中心<BR>PCM<BR>光端机<BR>链路设备<BR>备份链路<BR>PCM<BR>光端机<BR>调动台<BR>网管终端<BR>PABX<BR>调动台<BR>网管终端<BR>LAN<BR>E1<BR>E1<BR>Q-Sig<BR>SS1<BR>PABX<BR>Q-Sig<BR>Or SS1<BR>Q-Sig<BR>SS1<BR>E1<BR>2*E1<BR>LAN<BR>主机场外围机场<BR>• 基于标准协议(TETRA)的解决方案<BR>• 系统网络容量大<BR>• 系统兼容能力强<BR>• 通信安全性高(可鉴权、加密)<BR>• 通信即时性好(同站300ms,跨站500ms)<BR>• 系统可靠性高(系统级和设备级冗余)<BR>• 长期可用性保护投资(基于IP交换控制平台)<BR>• 系统集成能力强(广泛采用IP技术)<BR>• 利用TETRA技术实现单信道双工话音通信<BR>• 一个通信平台上综合了调度、数传、电话业务<BR>• 一个系统满足用户各种无线通信需求<BR>选择TETRA产品应考虑<BR>数字集群系统建设应考虑的问题<BR>• 800兆模拟系统到TETRA的平稳过渡<BR>• 机场航站楼室内覆盖<BR>• 频率规划(频率分配与复用方案)<BR>• 重叠覆盖及其优化管理<BR>• 超大容量及超高密度话务量的考虑<BR>• 地区机场区域组网及其相关的VPN管理问题<BR>• 系统可靠性问题<BR>• 增值应用及其集成<BR>• 工程进度与分期实施<BR>• 其它(比如:应急联动与机场反恐等)<BR>Use example to illustrate integration with existing system.<BR>For example, Police National Computer (PNC) in UK is an existing<BR>database, where licence plate search application was integrated. This<BR>allowed police on the roads/motorways to make checks as and when<BR>necessary. Previously, police would have had to call Dispatch Centre<BR>to raise search, taking up valuable time and tying up two people –<BR>police office &amp; control room - to perform a simple task.
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查看完整版本: 机场对数字集群网络的主要要求