**** Hidden Message ***** CAA CAYMAN ISLANDS<BR>MAINTENANCE CONTROL MANUAL<BR>OTAR 39 OPTION ONE SUPPLEMENT<BR>Company<BR>Policy & Procedures Supplement<BR>Cover page<BR>Name and address of the EASA Part M Subpart G Approved Organisation<BR>EASA Part M Subpart G Organisation<BR>Approval No.: EASA.<BR>Date of Supplement:<BR>CAA Cayman Islands Approval No.:<BR>Date of Approval:<BR>Issue: Amendment: ‘0’ Date: Page: 1 of 6<BR>Civil Aviation Authority Cayman Islands<BR>CAA CAYMAN ISLANDS<BR>MAINTENANCE CONTROL MANUAL<BR>1. Table of contents<BR>Page No.<BR>Cover Page 1<BR>1. Table of Contents 2<BR>2. List of effective pages 3<BR>3. Accountable Managers Commitment Statement 4<BR>4. Supplement Control 4<BR>5. Changes to the approved maintenance management organization 4<BR>6. Duration of Approval 4<BR>7. Approval Limitations and Privileges 4<BR>8. Major and Minor Repair 4<BR>9. Major and Minor Design changes (Modifications) 5<BR>10. Maintenance Programme Approval 5<BR>11. Weight and Balance 5<BR>12. Contracted Maintenance 5<BR>13. Certification of Maintenance 5<BR>14. Defects and Discrepancies 5<BR>15. Mandatory Continued Airworthiness Requirements 5<BR>16. Reporting Serious Defects 5<BR>17. Technical Log 5<BR>18. Training 5<BR>19. Audits 5<BR>20. Aircraft Maintenance Records 5<BR>21. CAA Cayman Islands Approval 6<BR>22. Maintenance Management Contracts 7<BR>Issue: Amendment: 0 Date: Page: 2 of 6<BR>CAA CAYMAN ISLANDS<BR>MAINTENANCE CONTROL MANUAL<BR>Civil Aviation Authority Cayman Islands<BR>19. List of effective pages<BR>Supplement<BR>Page<BR>Supplement<BR>Issue<BR>Supplement<BR>Revision<BR>Supplement<BR>Issue / Revision Date<BR>1 1 0<BR>2 1 0<BR>3 1 0<BR>4 1 0<BR>5 1 0<BR>6 1 0<BR>7 1 0<BR>Issue: Amendment: 0 Date: Page: 3 of 6<BR>Civil Aviation Authority Cayman Islands<BR>CAA CAYMAN ISLANDS<BR>MAINTENANCE CONTROL MANUAL<BR>3. Accountable Manager Statement of Commitment<BR>This manual supplement together with the organizations EASA Part M Continued Airworthiness Management<BR>Exposition (CAME) defines the procedures upon which the CAA Cayman Islands (CAACI) OTAR 39 approval<BR>of the continuing airworthiness management of (…Operators) aircraft is based.<BR>These procedures are approved by the undersigned and should be complied with as applicable, in order to<BR>ensure all continuing airworthiness tasks of (...quote operators) aircraft are completed on time and to an<BR>approved standard.<BR>It is accepted that these procedures do not override the necessity of complying with any new or amended<BR>regulation published from time to time where these new or amended regulations are in conflict with these<BR>procedures.<BR>It is understood that the CAACI will approve this manual supplement and maintenance management<BR>arrangements whilst the CAACI is satisfied that the procedures are being followed and the work standard is<BR>maintained. It is also understood that the CAACI reserves the right to suspend, vary or revoke this approval if<BR>the CAACI has evidence that these procedures are not being followed and the standards not upheld.<BR>Signed …………………………<BR>Accountable Manager<BR>Dated……………………………<BR>(Organisation)……………………………………<BR>4. Supplement Control<BR>The Cayman Islands CAA accepts this supplement and amendments by issuing an OTAR 39 Option 1<BR>approval.<BR>5. Changes To The Approved Maintenance Management Organization<BR>The responsible person for amendment actions within the approved maintenance management organization is<BR>(Head of Quality Management, Mr………………………).<BR>The procedures for amendments are as specified in the company exposition Part (…………………..).<BR>(Mr…………………) will notify the CAACI of any changes of facilities, equipment, material, procedures, work<BR>scope and staff that may affect the organizations approval.<BR>Any amendment to this supplement will be submitted to CAACI for notification and approval.<BR>6. Duration of Approval<BR>Cayman Islands Civil Aviation Authority approval is valid for 24 months from issue date providing that<BR>EASA approval Number (……………..) remains valid.<BR>Note The organization will be subject to an audit by the CAACI at a frequency of 12 months.<BR>7. Approval Limitations and Privileges<BR>(……..Organisation) is approved to manage the continuing airworthiness on Civil Aviation Authority Cayman<BR>Islands registered aircraft for the following aircraft types:-<BR>a. e.g. Airbus A319, A320, A321.aircraft powered by GE CFM 56 and V2500 engines.<BR>b. All above aircraft are i.a.w. CAM Exposition No……………… scope of work.<BR>8. Major and Minor repairs<BR>All major and Minor repairs will be carried out to the requirements of OTAR Part 21Subpart M and this<BR>Organization will forward all supporting documents to CAACI for approval and issue of a reference number.<BR>Issue: Amendment: 0 Date: Page: 4 of 6<BR>CAA CAYMAN ISLANDS<BR>MAINTENANCE CONTROL MANUAL<BR>9. Major and Minor Design Changes (Modifications)<BR>Approval of all major and minor design changes installed on the aircraft shall comply with the requirements of<BR>OTAR Part 21 Subpart C. Any continued airworthiness requirements arising from the changes will be<BR>incorporated in the aircraft maintenance programme as necessary.<BR>10. Maintenance Programme Approval<BR>The maintenance programme shall be approved by CAACI and subject to regular development to ensure<BR>effective continued airworthiness of the aircraft and made available to those involved in the maintenance of the<BR>aircraft. The maintenance programme will be prefaced by the CAACI Standard Maintenance Practices<BR>document and include an Annual Review.<BR>11. Weight and Balance<BR>The aircraft should be weighed in accordance with the requirements of OTAR 39.81 and records maintained<BR>to reflect the approved aircraft configuration.<BR>12. Contracted Maintenance<BR>All contracted maintenance will be carried out by an appropriately approved OTAR Part 145<BR>Organisation unless agreed by CAACI.<BR>13. Certification of Maintenance<BR>All Certificates of Release to Service shall be made as prescribed in OTAR 43.<BR>14. Defects and Discrepancies<BR>Any discrepancy or defect shall be rectified , or deferred in accordance with OTAR 91.537 prior to flight and<BR>any inoperative equipment shall be identified and carried forward in accordance with an approved Minimum<BR>Equipment List (MEL).<BR>15. Mandatory Continued Airworthiness requirements<BR>Arrangements are made to receive all relevant mandatory continuing airworthiness requirements (including<BR>Airworthiness Directives) which shall be assessed and complied with within the prescribed period.<BR>16. Reporting Serious Defects<BR>All reportable occurrences should be forwarded to CAA Cayman Islands in accordance with the requirements<BR>of OTAR Part 13 using CAM Exposition (Part ……………….. ) reporting procedures.<BR>17. Technical Log<BR>An approved technical log shall be provided which has the provision for recording the requirements of OTAR<BR>39.79<BR>18. Training<BR>It is (Organisation….) responsibility to notify staff assigned to CAACI registered aircraft of this supplement<BR>during quality manual and continuation training.<BR>19. Audits<BR>CAA Cayman Islands auditor have the right to access (Organisation…) facility at any reasonable time it is<BR>requested in coordination and arrangement with (nominated coordinator).<BR>20. Aircraft Maintenance Records<BR>All Continued airworthiness records shall be maintained in accordance with OTAR 39 Subpart D.<BR>Issue: Amendment: 0 Date: Page: 5 of 6<BR>CAA CAYMAN ISLANDS<BR>MAINTENANCE CONTROL MANUAL<BR>Cayman Islands Civil Aviation Authority<BR>21. Insert CAA Cayman Islands certificate of approval<BR>Issue: Amendment: 0 Date: Page: 6 of 6<BR>Maintenance Management Contracts<BR>(Organisation………….) has the following maintenance management contracts in<BR>place:-<BR>1) (Operator/Owner……..)<BR>Technical Coordinator –<BR>Aircraft Registrations -<BR>2) (Operator/Owner……..)<BR>Technical Coordinator –<BR>Aircraft Registrations –<BR>3) (Operator/Owner……..)<BR>Technical Coordinator –<BR>Aircraft Registrations - 好高深啊,楼主辛苦了 study hard 值得下载收藏,谢谢