The Aircraft Type Certification Process Its application to systems
**** Hidden Message ***** Phases of Type Certification<BR>Joachim Bargmann, Airbus<BR>Certification Manager Electrical Systems, EAA<BR>Issue: 17-04-07<BR>The Aircraft Type Certification Process<BR>Its application to systems<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 2<BR>Table of Content<BR>- Background<BR>- Phase 0 – Feasibility<BR>- Phase 1 – Application for TC / Organisation<BR>Establishment<BR>- Phase 2 – Familiarisation / TC Basis Preparation<BR>- Phase 3 – Means of Compliance / Certification Plan<BR>Establishment & Agreement<BR>- Phase 4 – Final Phase<BR>- Key Messages<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 3<BR>Background<BR>Type Certification is:<BR>The process demonstrating that<BR>the design of a new type or derivative aircraft<BR>complies with the applicable<BR>aviation requirements<BR>Type Certification is required by Law<BR>(laid down in ICAO Annex 8, EASA Basic regulation & Part 21)<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 4<BR>Applicable Aviation Requirements<BR>• Airworthiness requirements:<BR>- basically JAR-25 at chg 15 * / FAR Part 25 amdt 1-98<BR>Large Aeroplanes<BR>Examples for ATA24:<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 5<BR>The Type Certification Process<BR>0. Feasibility<BR>Study<BR>3. Establish the MOC<BR>and Certification<BR>Plans<BR>1. Application and<BR>establishing the<BR>Organisation<BR>2. Familiarisation / Establish<BR>Certification Basis<BR>4. Compliance<BR>Demonstration / Final phase<BR>Type<BR>Certificate<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 6<BR>Flow Chart of TC process - Phase 0<BR>Activities initiated<BR>Application prepared<BR>Develop new A/C Type Certification Process<BR>EASA & FAA<BR>Activities<BR>* Airbus is currently switching from Milestones to Maturity Gates in program development (such being already under deployement for A350)<BR>*<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 7<BR>Flow Chart of TC process - Phase 1<BR>Nomination of<BR>EASA & FAA<BR>team<BR>EASA & FAA<BR>Familiarization<BR>Meeting<BR>EASA & FAA<BR>procedures &<BR>agreements<BR>started<BR>Airbus Initial<BR>Certification Plan<BR>Certification Milestones<BR>defined<BR>EASA & FAA<BR>Activities<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 8<BR>Phase 2: Architecture of the Electrical System<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 9<BR>Phase 2: Architecture EPGDS / Equipment Location<BR>RAT<BR>VFG TRU BAT<BR>APU<BR>Gens<BR>Emergency Power<BR>Centre<BR>Secondary Power Centre<BR>Primary Power Centre<BR>TRU ABTRU BAT<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 10<BR>Flow Chart of TC process - Phase 2<BR>EASA & FAA<BR>Activities<BR>EASA & FAA Panel<BR>meetings, 1st meeting<BR>detailed familiarization<BR>Non-EASA &<BR>non-FAA<BR>coordination<BR>meetings, if<BR>needed<BR>EASA & FAA Type<BR>Board Meetings<BR>Certification Basis<BR>proposal set-up<BR>Certification Basis<BR>update<BR>Certification Plan<BR>updates<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 11<BR>The Type Certification process<BR>Phase 2 - Familiarisation & TC Basis preparation<BR>Type Certification Basis<BR>Set of applicable requirements under which the aircraft is certified:<BR>• Date of application freezes the JAR 25 / FAR 25 amendment for which the aircraft<BR>needs to be compliant<BR>􀀗“Reference Date”; EASA & FAA may have different reference dates<BR>• Type Certification must be achieved within 5 years of the reference date, unless<BR>specifically determined by the authorities (IR21.17)<BR>􀀗If this is not achieved, EASA or FAA may require compliance<BR>with further rule amendments.<BR>• Certification Basis is not a Design Specification, nor a Safety Policy Handbook<BR>􀀗Responsible aircraft manufacturers have to deal with all three items and the<BR>envelope of the three sets of requirements<BR>• Agreed certification basis is the applicable requirement plus ……<BR>􀀗Special Condition: new or modified regulations due to e.g. new technologies,<BR>resolution of an unsafe condition<BR>􀀗Exemption (FAA) / Deviation (EASA): regulation substantiated not applicable<BR>􀀗Elect to comply: regulation under draft but not in the existing code (risk<BR>mitigation<BR>􀀗Reversion: (derivative only) previous regulation version used<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 12<BR>Example of CRI<BR>Special<BR>Condition, not<BR>directly<BR>ATA24<BR>responsibility<BR>Interpretative<BR>Material<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 13<BR>Flow Chart of TC process - Phase 3<BR>Certification Basis<BR>update<BR>EASA & FAA<BR>Activities<BR>EASA (with FAA<BR>as agreed)<BR>Panel Meetings<BR>FAA declares<BR>validation items and<BR>finalizes delegation to<BR>EASA<BR>EASA & FAA Type<BR>Board Meetings<BR>Certification Basis<BR>update<BR>Work on approved<BR>documentation starts<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 14<BR>The Type Certification process / Phase 3 -<BR>Agreement on Means of Compliance and Certification Plans<BR>For each technical discipline, a detailed certification plan is prepared for<BR>discussion with the Aviation Authorities specialists to obtain their<BR>agreement<BR>This certification plan must contain:<BR>• a general description of the design/characteristics/features relevant for the<BR>considered discipline (for example for a system: the architecture, main<BR>functions, operation)<BR>• a list of all relevant requirements and interpretative material from the initial<BR>certification basis<BR>• the proposed Means of Compliance (MOC) associated to each requirement<BR>• the list of Certification Documents to be produced to demonstrate compliance<BR>with applicable requirements<BR>• the proposed compliance demonstration methods, the list and description of<BR>the major Certification tasks with associated planning<BR>(in particular : laboratory, flight, simulator or bench tests…), and the<BR>compliance demonstrations to be witnessed by the AA and those to be<BR>approved under manufacturers DOA privileges<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 15<BR>Phase 3 - MoC<BR>The Means of<BR>Compliance for<BR>each Rule<BR>Paragraph and<BR>ATA Chapter must<BR>be agreed upon at<BR>the start of the<BR>final Certification<BR>process<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 16<BR>Flow Chart of TC process - Phase 4<BR>EASA & FAA<BR>Activities<BR>FAA Review of<BR>non-delegated<BR>items<BR>EASA Final TBM<BR>FAA final TBM<BR>Issue of EASA TC<BR>Issue of FAA TC<BR>Certification Basis<BR>update<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 17<BR>The Type Certification Process<BR>Phase 4 - Compliance Demo - Final Phase<BR>• Compliance Demonstration Phase (FAA involvement only<BR>for retained items): Equipment Qualification, Simulations,<BR>Lab/Gnd/Flight Tests/AA Witnessing, Inspection etc.<BR>Frame<BR>Actuator<BR>Uplock<BR>Turbine<BR>Gearbox<BR>Strut &<BR>drive shaft<BR>Generator<BR>BEIGE<BR>(Electrical Generation Test Facility)<BR>Iron Bird<BR>RAT<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 18<BR>Design Organisation Approval (Part 21, Subpart J)<BR>• Prerequisite for TC<BR>• Organisational structure<BR>• Responsibilities<BR>• Procedures<BR>• Resources<BR>• Independent monitoring of<BR>organisation<BR>• Independent checking of product<BR>compliance<BR>DESIGN ASSURANCE SYSTEM<BR>DESIGN<BR>ORGANISATION<BR>MANUAL<BR>EASA<BR>INVESTIGATION Design<BR>Organisation<BR>Approval<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 19<BR>Design Organisation Approval (Part 21, Subpart J)<BR>ORGANISATION PRIVILEGES<BR>• Issuance of certification documents for type<BR>certification and major changes without<BR>systematic EASA verification<BR>• Classification of changes, repairs and<BR>unintentional manufacturing deviations<BR>(concessions) as minor or major<BR>• Approval of minor changes, minor and<BR>major repairs and concessions<BR>• Issuance of information or instructions<BR>stating that the technical content is<BR>approved under the authority of the DOA<BR>Design<BR>Organisation<BR>Approval<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 20<BR>Type Certification vs. Type Validation<BR>• By law, the manufacturer must obtain a Type Certificate (TC)<BR>from its state of design<BR>• “Type Certification”<BR>􀀗EASA has this responsibility for all European states<BR>􀀗EASA is the “primary authority”<BR>• To export the aircraft, each foreign state must validate the<BR>Type Certificate issued by the Primary Authority (EASA)<BR>􀀗“Type Certification Validation”<BR>􀀗All foreign authorities, including FAA, are validating<BR>authorities<BR>􀀗Scope of Validation depends on the authority<BR>- Influencing factors: aviation industry, economic impact, industrial<BR>partner<BR>- FAA certification is performed more & more concurrently with EASA<BR>• Ensures basic aircraft architecture complies with both sets of regulations<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 21<BR>Type Certificate<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 22<BR>Type Certification - Key messages<BR>• Certification is an integral part of the program with defined<BR>deliverables for the program and for the Authorities<BR>• Early identification and resolution strategy for certification<BR>issues is essential<BR>• Some certification requirements may evolve through<BR>Authority discussions until late in the process, although<BR>best efforts are made to fix the majority of requirements at<BR>Component Level Design Completion<BR>• Good communication between involved parties is essential<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 23<BR>Abbreviations<BR>AA Aviation Authorities<BR>ACC Airbus Certification Committee<BR>ACJ Advisory Circular Joint<BR>ACMT Aircraft Component Management Team<BR>AE Airworthiness Engineer<BR>AFM Aircraft Flight Manual<BR>ALI Airworthiness Limitations Item<BR>ALS Airworthiness Limitation Section<BR>AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance<BR>AMJ Advisory Material Joint<BR>AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual<BR>AP Airbus Procedure<BR>ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice<BR>ATA Air Transport Association of America<BR>AWO All Weather Operations<BR>CAE Chief Airworthiness Engineer<BR>CC Certification Coordinator<BR>CE Chief Engineer<BR>CEH Complex Electronic Hardware<BR>CG Centre of Gravity<BR>CM Certification Manager<BR>CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements<BR>CoC Centre of Competence<BR>CRI Certification Review Item<BR>CS Certification Specification<BR>DDP Declaration of Design & Performance<BR>DCS Designated Certification Specialist<BR>DGAC Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile<BR>DOA Design Organisation Approval<BR>DOM Design Organisation Manual<BR>EASA European Aviation Safety Agency<BR>EIS Entry Into Service<BR>ELA Electrical Load Analysis<BR>ESF Equivalent Safety Finding<BR>ETC Elect To Comply<BR>EU European Union<BR>EX Exemption<BR>FAA Federal Aviation Administration<BR>FAR Federal Aviation Regulation<BR>FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual<BR>GM Guidance Material<BR>ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation<BR>IP Issue Paper<BR>IR Implemented Rules<BR>JAA Joint Aviation Authorities<BR>JAR Joint Aviation Requirements<BR>MMEL Minimum Master Equipment List<BR>MOC Means of Compliance<BR>MPD Maintenance Planning Document<BR>MRB Maintenance Review Board<BR>MRBR Maintenance Review Board Report<BR>NPA Notice of Proposed Amendment<BR>NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking<BR>OPS Operations<BR>PCM Project Certification Manager<BR>SC Special Condition<BR>SCE Showing Compliance Engineer<BR>SDD System Description Document<BR>SSA System Safety Assessment<BR>SRM Structure Repair Manual<BR>SW Software<BR>TBM Type Board Meeting<BR>TC Type Certification<BR>TCDS Type Certification Data Sheet<BR>TCM Type Certification Manager<BR>TSM Trouble Shooting Manual<BR>WBM Weight and Balance Manual<BR>© AIRBUS All rights reserved Confidential and proprietary document<BR>Ref.: EAA_L24PR0702285_v3 Issue: 17 Apr '07 Page 24<BR>© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and<BR>proprietary document.<BR>This document and all information contained herein is the sole<BR>property of AIRBUS S.A.S.. No intellectual property rights are<BR>granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of<BR>its content. This document shall not be reproduced or<BR>disclosed to a third party without the express written consent<BR>of AIRBUS S.A.S. This document and its content shall not be<BR>used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied.<BR>The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They<BR>are based on the mentioned assumptions and are expressed<BR>in good faith. Where the supporting grounds for these<BR>statements are not shown, AIRBUS S.A.S. will be pleased to<BR>explain the basis thereof.<BR>AIRBUS, its logo, A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321,<BR>A330, A340, A350, A380, A400M are registered trademarks. <H1>The Aircraft Type Certification Process Its application to systems </H1> The Aircraft Type Certification Process Its application to systems :(The Aircraft Type Certification Process Its application to systems thanks a lot