航空 发表于 2010-8-13 20:28:20


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航空 发表于 2010-8-13 20:28:53

Multilateration &amp; MAGS<BR>L. Gonzales<BR>2<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Outline<BR>1. Principle of multilateration<BR>2. Aircraft signal<BR>3. Multilateration on airports<BR>4. Conclusion<BR>3<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>1. Principle of multilateration<BR>4<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Basic Principle of Multilateration<BR>Multilateration (MLAT) is a technique initially developed for military<BR>applications, which allows to passively locate co-operative targets by<BR>multistatic measurements.<BR>&#1048708; Passive: no interrogation from the surveillance system are<BR>required (i.e. receive only), provided the aircraft transmits a<BR>signal<BR>&#1048708; Co-operative: the principle requires appropriate onboard<BR>equipment (e.g. a transponder)<BR>&#1048708; Multistatic: The same signal needs to be received<BR>simultaneously by several ground stations<BR>5<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Comparison with other Surveillance Principles<BR>Data measured by<BR>surveillance system?<BR>Interrog.<BR>required?<BR>Onboard equipment<BR>Surveillance Principle required?<BR>No<BR>dependent surveillance<BR>No<BR>passive<BR>Yes<BR>ADS-B co-operative<BR>Yes (partly)<BR>partly independent<BR>surveillance<BR>No<BR>passive<BR>Yes<BR>Mode S Multilateration co-operative<BR>Yes (partly)<BR>partly independent<BR>surveillance<BR>Yes<BR>active<BR>Yes<BR>Mode A/C Multilateration co-operative<BR>Yes (partly)<BR>partly independent<BR>surveillance<BR>Yes<BR>active<BR>Yes<BR>Secondary Surveillance Radar co-operative<BR>Yes<BR>independent surveillance<BR>Yes<BR>active<BR>No<BR>Primary Radar non-co-operative<BR>6<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Principle of Multilateration Systems (1)<BR>Time of Arrival in A: TOA1<BR>Time of Arrival in B: TOA2<BR>A and B are a pair of Ground<BR>Stations receiving both a<BR>signal from an aircraft.<BR>The Time of Arrival TOA of the<BR>signal is measured by each<BR>Ground Station.<BR>The time difference<BR>TOA1-TOA2 corresponds to the<BR>distance difference<BR>X2 - X1 = c • (TOA2 – TOA1)<BR>X1 = c • TOA1<BR>X2 = c • TOA2<BR>7<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Principle of Multilateration Systems (2)<BR>Time of Arrival in A: TOA1<BR>Time of Arrival in B: TOA2<BR>At a given time, the Aircraft is on<BR>the locus of points having the<BR>distance X2 - X1 constant:<BR>X2 - X1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)<BR>This is a hyperbola (curve in<BR>blue)<BR>=&gt; Two ground stations allow to<BR>determine one hyperbola where<BR>the aircraft is located<BR>X1 = c • TOA1 X2 = c • TOA2<BR>X2 - X1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)<BR>8<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Principle of Multilateration Systems (3)<BR>Time of Arrival in A: TOA1<BR>Time of Arrival in B: TOA2<BR>A third station in C gives<BR>two more differences<BR>X2 - X1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)<BR>X2 - X3 = c • (TOA2 - TOA3)<BR>X1 - X3 = c • (TOA1 - TOA3)<BR>and thus allows to determine<BR>two more hyperbolas<BR>=&gt; The aircraft is located<BR>at the intersection of the three<BR>hyperbolas<BR>X3 = c • TOA3<BR>Time of Arrival<BR>in C: TOA3<BR>X2 = c • TOA2 X1 = c • TOA1<BR>9<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Multilateration Principle Summary<BR>Ground stations determine the precise time of arrival<BR>(TOA) of received signals<BR>Intersection of several hyperbolas is the target<BR>position<BR>Knowing the speed of wave propagation,<BR>a hyperbolic line of position results<BR>TOA difference is calculated for each pair of<BR>ground stations<BR>Signal transmitted by aircraft transponder is received by several ground<BR>stations (a minimum of 3 for 2D position) in the vicinity<BR>This principle can be extended to measure 3D positions : a 4th ground station<BR>is then required<BR>10<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Generic System Architecture<BR>To implement the principle of multilateration system, the generic<BR>system architecture consists of:<BR>&#1048708; A sufficient Number of Ground Stations (GS) capable of:<BR>&#1048708; receiving the signal(s) from aircraft located in the service area,<BR>&#1048708; measuring the time of arrival and forwarding the TOA to a central<BR>station,<BR>&#1048708; being synced to the same timebase<BR>&#1048708; A Central Processing Station (CPS):<BR>&#1048708; to receive the TOAs from the Ground Stations and<BR>&#1048708; to compute the aircraft position from the set of measurement.<BR>&#1048708; In addition the CS has to manage the fact that several aircraft<BR>can be located in the service area,<BR>&#1048708; A communication network to link all the GS to the CS<BR>11<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Constraints related to the principle of multilateration systems<BR>The measurement of time of arrival must be very accurate<BR>&#1048708; As an inaccurate measurement will degrade the accuracy of the<BR>position calculation<BR>&#1048708; This can be achieved by high frequency sampling of incoming<BR>signals<BR>The clocks of the ground stations must be very well synchronised<BR>&#1048708; As a bias between GS clocks will imply a measurement error<BR>&#1048708; This can be achieved by several means :<BR>&#1048708; transmission of a calibration signal<BR>&#1048708; use of an universal common time reference signal (regional time<BR>signal transmitter, GPS)<BR>12<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>2. Aircraft Signal<BR>13<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Cooperative target<BR>Unequipped aircraft will not be seen by the MLAT system.<BR>Only cooperating targets will be detected.<BR>For civil aviation, the signal transmitted by aircraft can be:<BR>&#1048708; either a Mode A/C or Mode S reply to any interrogator in the<BR>neighbourhood (e.g. Radar, ACAS)<BR>&#1048708; the Short Squitter (acquisition squitter for ACAS) transmitted once per<BR>second for aircraft equipped with a Mode S Transponder<BR>&#1048708; In the next future, the Extended Squitter transmitted twice per second<BR>for ADS-B equipped aircraft.<BR>In case the aircraft are not equipped with Mode S transponders, and no<BR>MSSR are available in the neighbourhood, a specific interrogator must be<BR>implemented to trigger Mode A/C replies.<BR>14<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Aircraft Signal which can be used by multilateration<BR>Implementation<BR>is just starting<BR>24bit aircraft<BR>address and the<BR>rest is variable<BR>Various rates up ADS-B<BR>ADS-B to 2 per second<BR>Extended Squitter<BR>Widespread due<BR>to ACAS<BR>mandate<BR>24bit aircraft<BR>address and<BR>transponder<BR>capability<BR>Once per second ACAS<BR>Acquisition<BR>squitter<BR>&laquo; short squitter &raquo;<BR>Expanding (few<BR>ground Mode S<BR>interrogation)<BR>Mode S replies<BR>widespread due<BR>to ACAS<BR>mandate<BR>24bit aircraft<BR>address. The<BR>rest depends on<BR>interrogation<BR>Ground ATC<BR>surveillance and<BR>ACAS<BR>Sent in response<BR>to interrogation<BR>Mode S reply<BR>Mode A or Mode Very widespread<BR>C code<BR>depending on<BR>interrogation<BR>Ground ATC<BR>surveillance and<BR>ACAS<BR>Sent in response<BR>to interrogation Mode A/C reply<BR>Transponder When sent Original purpose Data contents Use today<BR>transmission<BR>15<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Difference between processing Mode S and<BR>Mode A/C aircraft<BR>With Mode S signals, each ground station receives a signal which is<BR>uniquely identified by the ICAO 24 bits address; this allows the MLAT<BR>system to unambiguously associate the various messages as<BR>belonging to the same aircraft<BR>For Mode A/C signals, the association is easy if the signal is a Mode A<BR>signal, but if it is a Mode C signal, the MLAT system must maintain a<BR>table of all aircraft in the service area before being sure to associate<BR>the replies received by ground stations as belonging to the same<BR>aircraft.<BR>16<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Identification of aircraft (1)<BR>In civil applications, identity of the aircraft is required<BR>MLAT extracts aircraft identity information from the<BR>transmitted signal (also used to measure aircraft position)<BR>This is obtained by Mode A information when the signal is a<BR>reply to MSSR or Mode S interrogation<BR>17<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Identification of aircraft (2)<BR>The identification is not straightforward in case no Mode S or MSSR<BR>radars are implemented in the neighbourhood.<BR>If the aircraft is equipped with a Mode S transponder it transmits the<BR>short squitter, including the 24 bits ICAO address of the aircraft<BR>&#1048708; The 24 bits ICAO address is currently not included in Flight Plans<BR>=&gt; does not allow to correlate the signal with aircraft ID<BR>&#1048708; The MLAT must then interrogate the aircraft to obtain Mode A information<BR>&#1048708; This will no longer be true with Extended Squitter as the Call Sign is<BR>transmitted by Extended Squitter<BR>If the aircraft is equipped with a MSSR transponder, the MLAT system<BR>must interrogate the aircraft to obtain a Mode A reply.<BR>18<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Aircraft Altitude<BR>In the same manner as for identity, aircraft barometric<BR>altitude will be obtained by using Mode C.<BR>In the case of 3D MLAT system, only the geometric altitude<BR>of the aircraft is measured :<BR>&#1048708; Not used in “normal” surveillance operation<BR>&#1048708; Used in monitoring of the performance of aircraft altimeters,<BR>for example in the case of RVSM implementation. In this case<BR>a modelling of the variation of atmospheric pressure with<BR>altitude must be established<BR>ADS-B provides barometic and geometric Altitude<BR>19<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>3 - Conclusion<BR>20<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Airport Multilateration Summary<BR>Strengths<BR>&#1048708;High performance<BR>&#1048708;For airports, it exceeds present<BR>SMR performance<BR>&#1048708;No additional aircraft equipage<BR>required<BR>&#1048708;Aircraft widely equipped with SSR<BR>transponders<BR>&#1048708;More and more aircraft are<BR>equipped with Mode S<BR>Transponders<BR>&#1048708;Lifecycle cost lower than Radar<BR>&#1048708;no rotating machinery,<BR>essentially maintenance-free<BR>Weaknesses<BR>&#1048708;Performance affected by<BR>ground effects (multipath,<BR>shadowing, etc)<BR>&#1048708;Change in installations and<BR>procedures may be required<BR>&#1048708;So transponder is not disabled<BR>on the ground<BR>21<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Key Features<BR>&#1048707;Automatic aircraft labelling/<BR>Identification<BR>&#1048707;Passive aircraft location<BR>&#1048707;Growth potential to receive and<BR>forward ADS-B reporting<BR>&#1048707; Easily adaptable to airport layout<BR>&#1048707; Integration into STREAMS (Thales<BR>ATM’s SMGCS)<BR>Co-operative Multilateration System<BR>22<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>MAGS Target Location Methods<BR>Passive multilateration<BR>&#1048713; Using all Mode S downlink formats<BR>received<BR>Active multilateration<BR>&#1048713; Includes a low power interrogator<BR>(100 W) for less covered areas and<BR>approach<BR>Capable of growth towards reception<BR>and processing of ADS-B / extended<BR>squitter<BR>23<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>MAGS Adaptability<BR>&#1048713; Scaleable number of Ground Stations<BR>&#1048713; Adjustable antenna coverage<BR>&#1048713; Processing algorithms individually<BR>adaptable for each airport area<BR>&#1048713; Full local and remote control<BR>&#1048713; Easy integration into STREAMS<BR>&#1048713; Wide range of Commercial Off The Shelf<BR>(COTS) network equipment<BR>&#1048713; Industry standard interfaces and protocols<BR>24<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>Coping with Multipath<BR>&#1048713; Antenna patterns and special MAGS signal processing design allow<BR>to reduce multipath influence<BR>&#1048713; It is essential to optimise ground stations placement<BR>&#1048713; A trade-off must be carried out between station geometry ,<BR>multipath avoidance, and operational constraints<BR>25<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>MAGS Technical Data<BR>TOA resolution: 128 MHz (7 ns / 2.4 m)<BR>Mean accuracy: &lt; 7 m<BR>Detection probability: &gt;95%<BR>&gt;99% in restricted areas<BR>(e.g. runways)<BR>Mean update rate: 1/s<BR>Localisation capacity: 300 plots/s max.<BR>Interrogation capacity: 200/s<BR>26<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>MAGS-GSR (outdoor Version)<BR>&#1048713; Off-the-Shelf Cabinet<BR>&#1048713; Heat Exchanger between Twin Walls<BR>&#1048713; 300 W Heater<BR>To be mounted to a wall, to a mast or<BR>standing on Ground (together with<BR>plinth as shown)<BR>27<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>MAGS at K&ouml;ln/Bonn Airport<BR>• Focus on one area<BR>(Apron, TWY A/B/E, RWY14L)<BR>• Five Ground Stations<BR>(1 GST 4 GSR)<BR>• Uses all valid Mode S<BR>downlink formats<BR>• Raw data shown,<BR>i.e. no tracking or filtering<BR>• Remote control, diagnosis<BR>and configuration<BR>over ISDN/SNMP<BR>28<BR>L. Gonzales 29/07/05<BR>Thales ATM Do not reproduce without permission<BR>ACRONYMS<BR>&#1048707; ADS-B : Automatic Dependence<BR>Surveillance Broadcast<BR>&#1048707; COTS : Commercial Off The<BR>Shelf<BR>&#1048707; CS : Central Station<BR>&#1048707; DPX : Duplexer<BR>&#1048707; GSR : Receive only Ground<BR>Station<BR>&#1048707; GST : Transmit only Ground<BR>Station<BR>&#1048707; HDOP : Horizontal Dilution of<BR>Precision<BR>&#1048708; ISDN : Integrated Service Digital Network<BR>&#1048708; MAGS : Mode S Airport Ground Sensor<BR>&#1048708; NTA : Network Terminal Adapter<BR>&#1048708; RWY : Runways<BR>&#1048708; RXU : Receiver Unit<BR>&#1048708; SNMP : Simple Network Management<BR>Protocol<BR>&#1048708; SPB : System Processing Board<BR>&#1048708; SPC : System Processing Computer<BR>&#1048708; SSR :Secondary Surveillance Radar<BR>&#1048708; TOA : Time Of Arrival<BR>&#1048708; TWY : Taxiway<BR>&#1048708; TXU : Transceiver Unit

desperado 发表于 2010-9-9 12:27:27


gzhehua 发表于 2010-10-13 15:46:17

thank you !

hhix2005 发表于 2011-1-2 22:31:10


brightjm 发表于 2011-1-23 21:10:16

Thanks,I am&nbsp; learning this.

guanshyy 发表于 2011-3-29 14:48:45


ca300300 发表于 2011-4-29 10:54:14

study study

cqatcjia 发表于 2011-5-13 20:17:30


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junbok 发表于 2011-5-13 21:28:55

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