<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>1<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>1.0. Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>1.1. Airbus A320/A321<BR>Contents<BR>1.1.1. Aircraft Dimensions and Vertical Clearances 3<BR>1.1.2. Airplane Servicing Arrangement A320/A321 4<BR>1.1.3. Service Points A320/A321 5<BR>1.1.4. Description of Cargo Compartments 7<BR> Cargo Compartments of A320-214 7<BR> Load Securing A320 (bulk loaded) 8<BR> Dimensions of Cargo Compartments A320 8<BR> Forward Cargo Compartment 8<BR> Aft Cargo Compartment 8<BR> Bulk Cargo Compartment 8<BR> Cargo Compartments of A321-211 9<BR> Load Securing A321 (bulk loaded) 10<BR> Dimensions of Cargo Compartments A321 11<BR> Forward Cargo Compartment 11<BR> Aft Cargo Compartment 11<BR> Bulk Cargo Compartment 11<BR> Cargo Door Operations A320/A321 13<BR> Door of FWD Cargo Compartment and AFT Cargo Compartment 13<BR> Door of Compartment 5 (bulk cargo door) 13<BR> Loadable ULD A320 / A321 15<BR> Cargo Loading System - A320 / A321 15<BR> Control Panel 15<BR> Loading/Unloading of Cargo Compartments 17<BR> Missing or Inoperative Restraints Load Limits 18<BR>1.1.5. Package Tables 19<BR> Package Size Dimensions 19<BR> Forward Cargo Compartment - A320 19<BR> Forward Cargo Compartment - A321 19<BR> AFT Cargo Compartment - A320 20<BR> AFT Cargo Compartment - A321 20<BR> Packages lift assisted AFT Compartment 5 (BULK) - A320/A321 20<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>2<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>1.1.6. Temperature Control and Ventilation of Cargo Compartments 21<BR>1.1.7. Potable Water Service 21<BR>1.1.8. Lavatory System 21<BR>1.1.7. Configuration and Cabin Layout 23<BR> A320-214 Y174 23<BR> A321-211 Y210 24<BR>List of Tables and Figures<BR>table 1 clearances ..........................................................................................................................3<BR>table 2 cargo capacities ..................................................................................................................7<BR>table 3 cargo capacities A321..........................................................................................................9<BR>table 4 package size dimensions FWD - A320 ................................................................................19<BR>table 5 package size dimensions FWD - A321 ................................................................................19<BR>table 6 package size dimensions AFT - A320..................................................................................20<BR>table 7 package size dimensions FWD - A321 ................................................................................20<BR>table 8 package size dimensions AFT - hold 5.................................................................................20<BR>figure 1 dimensions ........................................................................................................................3<BR>figure 2 ground servicing.................................................................................................................4<BR>figure 3 service points.....................................................................................................................5<BR>figure 4 cargo compartments...........................................................................................................7<BR>figure 5 sizes of cargo compartments...............................................................................................7<BR>figure 6 FWD hold - A320 ...............................................................................................................8<BR>figure 7 AFT hold -A320..................................................................................................................8<BR>figure 8 bulk - A320 / A321..............................................................................................................8<BR>figure 9 FWD hold A321 ...............................................................................................................11<BR>figure 10 AFT hold A321 ...............................................................................................................11<BR>figure 11 bulk - A320/A321............................................................................................................11<BR>figure 12 cargo door service panel - location ..................................................................................13<BR>figure 13 cargo door ....................................................................................................................13<BR>figure 14 cargo door - vent door ....................................................................................................13<BR>figure 15 cargo door - indication window........................................................................................13<BR>figure 16 loadable ULD A320 - AKH...............................................................................................15<BR>figure 17 cargo loading system control panel ..................................................................................15<BR>figure 18 cargo loading system - FWD...........................................................................................17<BR>figure 19 cargo loading system - AFT.............................................................................................17<BR>figure 20 package size dimensions FWD - A320.............................................................................19<BR>figure 21 package size dimensions AFT - A320...............................................................................20<BR>figure 22 package size dimensions AFT - hold 5 .............................................................................20<BR>figure 23 potable water - AFT service panel ....................................................................................21<BR>figure 24 lavatory/waste panel........................................................................................................21<BR>figure 25 configuration A320-214 Y174 ..........................................................................................23<BR>figure 26 configuration A321-211 Y210 ..........................................................................................24<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>3<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>1.1.1. Aircraft Dimensions and Vertical Clearances<BR>figure 1 dimensions<BR>Note: Passenger Exit doors A320/A321 L1 and L4<BR>(A320 L2/R2 and L3/R3 overwing emergency exits<BR>A321 L2/R3 and L3/R3 emergency exits only)<BR>vertical clearances door sizes<BR>A320 A321<BR>minimum maximum minimum maximum width x height <BR>A 3.39 3.46 3.40 3.53<BR>B 1.99 2.06 2.01 2.11 1.81 x 1.24<BR>C 1.99 2.11 2.04 2.11 1.81 x 1.24<BR>D 2.14 2.30 2.25 2.35 0.94 x 0.86<BR>E 3.36 3.55 3.42 3.71<BR>F 11.68 11.91 11.73 12.10<BR>Maximum and minimum ground clearances reflect the airplane loading within the boundaries<BR>of normal operational C.G. envelopes.<BR>table 1 clearances<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>4<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>1.1.2. Airplane Servicing Arrangement A320/A321<BR>figure 2 ground servicing<BR>or Highlifter<BR>Highlifter or<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>5<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>1.1.3. Service Points A320/A321<BR>figure 3 service points<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>6<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>intentionally left blank<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>7<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320<BR>1.1.4. Description of Cargo Compartments<BR> Cargo Compartments of A320-214<BR>The cargo compartments are located in the lower fuselage, below the passenger cabin. They are divided<BR>into one forward hold (compartment 1) and three aft holds (compartment 3, 4 and 5 = bulk).<BR>All compartments meet the FAR, Part 25, Class D requirements.<BR>The access doors to the cargo compartments are electrically operated from control panels adjacent to<BR>each door. The door may be operated manually in case of power failure with a door hand crank.<BR>A semi-automatic cargo loading system is installed in the FWD (CMPT 1) and AFT compartment (CMPT<BR>3/4). Each system is similar and can be operated by one person. A control panel, installed on the<BR>compartment door controls the electrical POWER DRIVE UNITS (PDU) and the door sill latches.<BR>If bulk load is loaded<BR>in FWD or AFT the<BR>section-nets must be<BR>installed and the<BR>limitations for A320<BR>(bulk loaded) will apply.<BR>figure 4 cargo compartments<BR>CARGO COMPARTMENT CAPACITIES<BR>Hold 1 Hold 3 Hold 4 Hold 5 TOTAL<BR>VOLUME 13.2 9.7 8.5 5.88 37.28<BR>A320 (bulk loaded)<BR>structural<BR>WEIGHT LIMIT <BR>3402 2426 2110 1497 9435<BR>max weight 11 12 13 31 32 41 42 51 52 53<BR>per net section 1045 1225 1132 1301 1125 928 1182 374 353 770<BR>The cargo compartment floor is designed for an evenly distributed load of 732<BR>kg/m2 of bulk loads with a maximum load density of 240 kg/m3.<BR>A320-214<BR>structural<BR>WEIGHT LIMIT <BR>3402 4536 1497 9435<BR>max floor limit 488 kg/m2 732 kg/m2<BR>amount of AKH (volume 3.6m3) 3 2 2<BR>max gross weight of<BR>AKH on all positions<BR>1134 kg<BR>table 2 cargo capacities<BR>figure 5 sizes of cargo compartments<BR>Ä<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>8<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320<BR> Load Securing A320 (bulk loaded)<BR>The divider and door net in each compartment must be closed at any time. Additional tie-down is<BR>normally not required except for individual items of load which by their nature, shape or density may<BR>constitute a hazard. They must be restrained, which can be achieved by filling the cargo hold or net<BR>section volumetrically, or by tie-down.<BR>When filled up to ¾ of height, the cargo hold or net section is considered to be volumetrically full.<BR>Packages weighing more than 150kg shall be restraint or individually tied-down. Single packages should<BR>be tied-down. Tie-down of loads to aircraft structure is achieved by straps or nets connected to the tiedown<BR>points located on the cargo hold floor. Each tie-down point is designed to an ultimate load of<BR>906kg, in any direction.<BR>A minimum clearance of 5 cm must be kept between any load and compartment hold ceiling.<BR> Dimensions of Cargo Compartments A320<BR> Forward Cargo Compartment<BR>figure 6 FWD hold - A320<BR> Aft Cargo Compartment<BR>figure 7 AFT hold -A320<BR> Bulk Cargo Compartment<BR>figure 8 bulk - A320 / A321<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>9<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A321<BR> Cargo Compartments of A321-211<BR>The cargo compartments are located in the lower fuselage, below the passenger cabin. They are divided<BR>into one forward hold (compartment 1) and three aft holds (compartment 3, 4 and 5 = bulk).<BR>All compartments meet the FAR, Part 25, Class D requirements.<BR>The access doors to the cargo compartments are electrically operated from control panels adjacent to<BR>each door. The door may be operated manually in case of power failure with a door hand crank.<BR>A semi-automatic cargo loading system is installed in the FWD (CMPT 1) and AFT compartment (CMPT<BR>3/4). Each system is similar and can be operated by one person. A control panel, installed on the<BR>compartment door controls the electrical POWER DRIVE UNITS (PDU) and the door sill latches.<BR>Two additional center tanks (ACT) are installed in compartment 3 - position 31 and 32.<BR>CARGO COMPARTMENT CAPACITIES<BR>Hold 1 Hold 2 Hold 3 Hold 4 Hold 5 TOTAL<BR>VOLUME 8.86 13.95 9.41 8.52 5.88 46.62<BR>A321 (containerized - ULD loading)<BR>* 2 ACT installed on position 31 + 32 - further limitation according actual fuel load in ACT<BR>** 1 ACT installed on position 31<BR>structural<BR>WEIGHT LIMIT <BR>2202 3468 1121 * / 2298 ** 2083 * 1497 * 11548 *<BR>max weight 11 12 21 22 23 31 32 * 33 41 42<BR>per position 1134 1134 1134 1134 1134 ACT ACT<BR>**(1134)<BR>112<BR>1<BR>1134 1134<BR>The compartment floor is designed for an evenly distributed load of 732 kg/m2<BR>A321 (bulk loaded)<BR>* 2 ACT installed on section 31 + 32 - further limitation according actual fuel load in ACT<BR>** 1 ACT installed on section 31<BR>structural<BR>WEIGHT LIMIT <BR>2202 3468 1121 * / 2298 ** 2083 * 1497 * 11548 *<BR>max weight 11 12 21 22 23 31 32 * 33 41 42<BR>per net section 1013 1189 1189 1189 1090 ACT ACT<BR>**(1134)<BR>112<BR>1<BR>919 1164<BR>The compartment floor is designed for an evenly distributed load of 732 kg/m2 with a maximum load density of 240 kg/m3.<BR>* 2 ACT installed (position 31 + 32)<BR>loading of AFT and BULK HOLD (compartment 3, 4 and 5)<BR>is limited by the maximum section load, furthermore by<BR>the actual fuel load of the ACT and the maximum<BR>remaining load capacity:<BR>ACTs empty (TOF < 18600) = 4899 kg<BR>1st ACT full (TOF > 18600) = 3925 kg<BR>2nd ACT full (TOF > 21000) = 1459 kg<BR>** 1 ACT installed (position 31)<BR>loading of AFT and BULK HOLD (compartment 3, 4 and 5) is<BR>limited by the maximum section load, furthermore by the<BR>actual fuel load of the ACT and the maximum remaining<BR>load capacity:<BR>ACT empty (TOF < 18600) = 5878 kg<BR>ACT filled (TOF > 18600) = 4832 kg<BR>table 3 cargo capacities A321<BR>Loading of following articles is strictly prohibited in AFT/BULK (compartment 3+4+5) in all cases:<BR>- any dangerous goods in class 8 (RCM) CORROSIVE<BR>- any dangerous goods in division 1.4S (RXS) EXPLOSIVE<BR>- any dangerous goods in division 2.1 (RFG) FLAMMABLE GAS<BR>- any dangerous goods in class 3 (RFL) FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS<BR>- any cargo items with a front section equal or less than 40x40cm and a length exceeding 1.9m<BR>- any package weighing more than 150kg (HEA)<BR>Above articles may be loaded FWD only.<BR>If A321 is bulk loaded in FWD or AFT, the section nets must be installed and the limitations for<BR>A321 (bulk loaded) will apply and loading instructions and limitations of AFT/BULK must be<BR>adhered (see also next page).<BR>D<BR>D<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>10<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A321<BR> Load Securing A321 (bulk loaded)<BR>The divider and door net in each compartment must be closed at any time. Additional tie-down is<BR>normally not required except for individual items of load which by their nature, shape or density may<BR>constitute a hazard. They must be restrained, which can be achieved by filling the cargo hold or net<BR>section volumetrically, or by tie-down.<BR>When filled up to 80% of height, the cargo hold or net section is considered to be volumetrically full.<BR>Packages weighing more than 150kg shall be restraint or individually tied-down. Single packages should<BR>be tied-down. Tie-down of loads to aircraft structure is achieved by straps or nets connected to the tiedown<BR>points located on the cargo hold floor. Each tie-down point is designed to an ultimate load of<BR>906kg, in any direction.<BR>A minimum clearance of 5 cm must be kept between any load and compartment hold ceiling.<BR>AFT cargo loading limitation due to ACT installation:<BR>· The loading of following articles is strictly prohibited in AFT and BULK (CMPTs 3+4+5):<BR>- any dangerous goods in class 8 (RCM) CORROSIVE<BR>- any dangerous goods in division 1.4S (RXS) EXPLOSIVE<BR>- any dangerous goods in division 2.1 (RFG) FLAMMABLE GAS<BR>- any dangerous goods in class 3 (RFL) FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS<BR>- any cargo items with a front section equal or less than 40x40cm and a length exceeding 1.9m<BR>- non unitized cargo<BR>- any package weighing more than 150kg (HEA)<BR>above articles or packages must be loaded FWD only<BR>· Beginning behind the ACT, each section has to be filled up to at least 80% of its volume, before the<BR>next section can be loaded. If a net section in CMPT 3 or CMPT 4 is not filled up to at least 80% of<BR>its volume, the BULK (CMPT 5) is restricted to a maximum of 250kg in total.<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>11<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A321<BR> Dimensions of Cargo Compartments A321<BR> Forward Cargo Compartment<BR>figure 9 FWD hold A321<BR> Aft Cargo Compartment<BR>2 ACTs installed 1 ACT installed<BR>figure 10 AFT hold A321<BR> Bulk Cargo Compartment<BR>dimensions of BULK (compartment 5)<BR>are equal to A320<BR>figure 11 bulk - A320/A321<BR>D<BR>D<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>12<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A321<BR>intentionally left blank<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>13<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR> Cargo Door Operations A320/A321<BR> Door of FWD Cargo Compartment and AFT Cargo Compartment<BR>figure 12 cargo door service panel - location<BR>To open<BR>· Turn the door locking handle downward (105°) to the UNLOCKED position.<BR>(make sure vent door will open)<BR>· open the door service panel<BR>· move the selector switch to the open position and hold it until green indicator light comes on<BR>In case of an electrical failure or if the pump fails, the door can be opened or closed manually with the<BR>hand pump. The crank is inserted into socket fittings located in the lower fuselage, aft of right-hand main<BR>landing gear (yellow system - ground service panel).<BR>To close<BR>· move the selector switch to the CLOSE position and hold it until the compartment door is closed<BR>(Note: the green indicator light goes off when the door starts to close)<BR>· turn the door locking handle up to the LOCKED position and push it into the recess of the handle flap<BR>· make sure that the green mark is visible through each cargo door indication window<BR>Note: the following external indications show that the cargo door is not correctly closed:<BR>- vent door stays in open position<BR>- door locking handle stays away from the outer contour of the door<BR>- red mark is visible through cargo door indication window<BR>If one of these signs is visible call the ground engineer. Do not attempt to open the door immediately<BR>after it has been closed, as the pressure of the hydraulic system prevents the door from moving to the<BR>vertical position<BR>figure 13 cargo door figure 14 cargo door - vent door figure 15 cargo door - indication window<BR> Door of Compartment 5 (bulk cargo door)<BR>The bulk cargo door is completely manual operated.<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>14<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR>intentionally left blank<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>15<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR> Loadable ULD A320 / A321<BR>Only NAS3610 2K2C IATA code AKH (LD3-46) ULDs are available within LTU.<BR>tare weight : 80 kg maximum net weight: 1054 kg<BR>standard weights for baggage loading<BR>(average baggage density 170 kg/m)<BR>including tare weight:<BR>max gross weight: 1134 kg<BR>3<BR>AKH LD3-46<BR>full<BR>¾ 50<BR>½<BR>¼<BR>empty<BR>660 kg<BR>0 kg<BR>360 kg<BR>220 kg<BR>80 kg<BR>LD3 - 46 Container<BR>AKH<BR>figure 16 loadable ULD A320 - AKH<BR>Also one AKG or AKJ containers or 60.4"x61.5" pallet with a maximum height of 46" (116cm) are<BR>loadable per position.<BR> Cargo Loading System - A320 / A321<BR> Control Panel<BR>The control panel is installed on the FWD and AFT cargo door.<BR>figure 17 cargo loading system control panel<BR>D<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>16<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR>intentionally left blank<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>17<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR> Loading/Unloading of Cargo Compartments<BR>Door Sill Latches<BR>Each cargo compartment door sill is equipped with two door sill latches. Each door sill latch has two<BR>independently operated latches:<BR>· One latch, when raised, stops the inadvertent roll-out of an ULD during load/unload operations. It is<BR>overridable in the load direction. This latch is lowered electrically from a switch on the control panel.<BR>· The other latch locks the ULD in the door area position at the door sill and is manually operated.<BR>Unloading of FWD (Compartment 1):<BR>1. open cargo compartment door<BR>2. lower door sill latches manually<BR>3. set POWER switch to ON<BR>4. set SILL LATCH switch to down and hold to<BR>lower second latch of door sill latches<BR>5. set joystick to out and hold until ULD in door<BR>area (pos 11) moves from compartment<BR>6. release SILL LATCH switch when ULD is<BR>above door sill latches<BR>7. lower XZ-latch at next ULD<BR>8. set joystick to FWD and hold until ULD is in<BR>line with doorway<BR>9. do again steps 4. - 6. to unload ULD<BR>Loading of FWD (Compartment 1):<BR>1. move ULD onto PDU on ball mat (door area)<BR>2. set joystick to in and hold until ULD is fully in<BR>compartment<BR>figure 18 cargo loading system - FWD<BR>3. lock in position by raising XZ-latch<BR>When compartment is not fully loaded, latches must be raised in empty positions<BR>4. raise door sill latches and close compartment door<BR>Unloading of AFT (Compartment 3/4):<BR>1. open cargo compartment door<BR>2. lower door sill latches manually<BR>3. set POWER switch to ON<BR>4. set SILL LATCH switch to down and hold to<BR>lower second latch of door sill latches<BR>5. set joystick to out and hold until ULD in door<BR>area (pos 41) moves from compartment<BR>6. release SILL LATCH switch when ULD is<BR>above door sill latches<BR>7. lower XZ-latch at next ULD<BR>8. set joystick to FWD/AFT and hold until ULD is<BR>in line with doorway<BR>9. do again steps 4. - 6. to unload ULD<BR>Loading of AFT (Compartment 3/4):<BR>1. move ULD onto PDU on ball mat (door area)<BR>2. set joystick to in and hold until ULD is fully in<BR>compartment.<BR>3. set joystick to FWD/AFT and hold until ULD is<BR>in loading position<BR>figure 19 cargo loading system - AFT<BR>4. lock in position by raising XZ-latch<BR>When compartment is not fully loaded, latches must be raised in empty positions<BR>5. raise door sill latches and close compartment door<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>18<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR> Missing or Inoperative Restraints Load Limits<BR>For the FWD and AFT cargo compartment the following limits apply:<BR>If any latch is missing or inoperative the position must be kept unloaded (or max. an empty ULD), except<BR>for the YZ-latches at the side guide rail, as the load must be reduced to 794kg if one unit or one unit on<BR>each side is missing or inoperative; if two or more units are missing or inoperative the position must be<BR>kept unloaded (or max. an empty ULD).<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>19<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR>1.1.5. Package Tables<BR>These tables show maximum package size dimensions which will pass through the cargo door openings.<BR>Package sizes are approximate: Tilting, twisting bending and/or rotating packages through openings will<BR>allow additional lengths in many cases, but should be determined for each situation. A trial loading is<BR>recommended for packages with dimensions close to maximum dimensions indicated in the tables.<BR>The height dimensions do not include allowances for items increasing package height such as fork lift<BR>tine thickness, pallet depths, skid tub heights, etc. Any such devices must be accounted for the total<BR>package height.<BR> Package Size Dimensions<BR> Forward Cargo Compartment - A320<BR>figure 20 package size dimensions FWD - A320<BR>clear opening of forward cargo door 181 cm x 124 cm<BR>HEIGHT<BR><BR>WIDTH <BR>10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 164<BR>LENGTH <BR>115 415 395 375 355 335 315 294 274 254 234 214 194 173 165 143 143<BR>97 475 475 455 435 414 394 374 354 334 314 294 273 253 233 212 200<BR>70 475 475 475 475 475 465 444 424 403 382 362 341 319 298 275 253<BR>table 4 package size dimensions FWD - A320<BR> Forward Cargo Compartment - A321<BR>HEIGHT<BR><BR>WIDTH <BR>10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170<BR>up to<BR>LENGTH <BR>119 399 379 359 339 319 299 279 259 238 218 197 177 164 164 -- -- --<BR>101 494 474 454 434 414 394 373 353 333 313 293 273 252 232 211 199 --<BR>79 565 545 525 505 484 464 443 423 402 382 361 340 319 297 274 252 --<BR>table 5 package size dimensions FWD - A321<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>20<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR> AFT Cargo Compartment - A320<BR>clear opening of aft cargo door<BR>181 cm x 124 cm<BR>figure 21 package size dimensions AFT - A320<BR>HEIGHT<BR><BR>WIDTH <BR>10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 171<BR>LENGTH <BR>115 424 404 384 364 344 324 304 284 264 243 223 203 182 172 143 143 143<BR>97 485 485 465 445 425 405 384 364 344 324 304 284 264 243 223 202 200<BR>70 485 485 485 485 485 475 455 435 414 394 373 352 331 310 288 266 253<BR>table 6 package size dimensions AFT - A320<BR> AFT Cargo Compartment - A321<BR>The transport of non unitized load behind the ACT is not allowed. Tie-down points not required for net<BR>fastening are not allowed to use for individual restraint of packages. All nets must be installed, therefore<BR>the largest net section is section 41 and 42. Larger packages may be loaded FWD.<BR>HEIGHT<BR><BR>WIDTH <BR>10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170<BR>up to<BR>LENGTH <BR>114 330 330 330 330 328 308 288 268 247 272 206 185 152 -- -- -- --<BR>101 330 330 330 330 330 310 310 310 310 310 303 283 263 243 222 202 152<BR>79 330 330 330 330 330 310 310 310 310 310 310 300 300 300 288 265 252<BR>table 7 package size dimensions FWD - A321<BR> Packages lift assisted AFT Compartment 5 (BULK) - A320/A321<BR>clear opening of bulk cargo door 94 cm x 86 cm<BR>HEIGHT<BR><BR>WIDTH <BR>10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85<BR>LENGTH <BR>65 279 261 243 225 205 186 165 148 141<BR>table 8 package size dimensions AFT - hold 5<BR>figure 22 package size dimensions AFT - hold 5<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>21<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR>1.1.6. Temperature Control and Ventilation of Cargo Compartments<BR>Only the BULK (CMPT 5) is equipped with a heating and ventilation system.<BR>A320 / A321<BR>max 3 AVI/H (full size kennels) in BULK (CMPT 5)<BR>as the capacity of BULK is limited there is a maximum of either 3 AVI/H (full size kennels) or 3<BR>surfboards or 3 bikes or any combination thereof.<BR>1.1.7. Potable Water Service<BR>To fill the tank (max 200 l) the hose must be connected to the fill/drain port of the AFT fill and drain<BR>panel. Turn the fill/drain handle to the pull to fill position and pull the handle out to the mechanical stop.<BR>Switch the pump of the service vehicle on (do not exceed<BR>water pressure 3.45 bar). The quantity indicator shows the<BR>required quantity. The fill/drain handle will automatically<BR>return to the normal position when the tank full light comes<BR>on. If the tank is overfilled, water will flow from the overflow<BR>port.<BR>figure 23 potable water - AFT service panel<BR>If the system must be drained and electrical power is not available, all panels (forward, center, aft) must<BR>be serviced simultaneously.<BR>1.1.8. Lavatory System<BR>To drain the waste tank (max capacity 200 l) the<BR>hose must be connected to the toilet drain<BR>connection (AFT). Push the open lever and pull<BR>the drain valve control handle from the NORMAL<BR>to the DRAIN position and the waste will drain.<BR>Connect the flush/fill hose of the toilet servicing<BR>vehicle to the fill and rinse connection (do not<BR>exceed 2.4 bar) and flush the toilet system with<BR>approximately 20 liters. The drain valve control<BR>handle must be in the DRAIN position during this<BR>operation.<BR>figure 24 lavatory/waste panel<BR>Switch the pump of the servicing vehicle off and put the drain valve control handle in NORMAL position.<BR>Disconnect the adapter and the drain hose. To close the inner flap valve pull the push to open lever until<BR>the lever clicks. Pump 10 l of water as prime charge and disconnect the fill and rinse hose and let the<BR>water in the line drain completely. Close the cap and visually examine for leaks.<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>22<BR>14<BR>04/02<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320 / A321<BR>intentionally left blank<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>23<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A320<BR>1.1.7. Configuration and Cabin Layout<BR> A320-214 Y174<BR>ROW 1<BR>ROW 12<BR>ROW 2<BR>ROW 3<BR>ROW 4<BR>ROW 5<BR>ROW 6<BR>ROW 7<BR>ROW 8<BR>ROW 9<BR>ROW 10<BR>ROW 11<BR>ROW 14<BR>ROW 15<BR>ROW 16<BR>ROW 17<BR>ROW 18<BR>ROW 19<BR>ROW 20<BR>ROW 21<BR>ROW 22<BR>ROW 23<BR>ROW 24<BR>ROW 25<BR>ROW 26<BR>ROW 27<BR>ROW 28<BR>ROW 29<BR>ROW 30<BR>A B C<BR>A B C<BR>D E F<BR>D E F<BR>Exit L1 Exit R1<BR>A B C D E F<BR>A B C D E F<BR>Emer- L2<BR>gency<BR>Exit L3<BR>Emergency<BR>Exit R2<BR>Emergency<BR>Exit R3<BR>Exit L4 Exit R4<BR>PAX Cmpt 0A<BR>ROW 1-10<BR>TTL 60 seats<BR>PAX Cmpt 0B<BR>ROW 11-21<BR>TTL 60 seats<BR>PAX Cmpt 0C<BR>ROW 22-30<BR>TTL 54 seats<BR>figure 25 configuration A320-214 Y174<BR>A320-214 Y174<BR>Special seats:<BR>UMs SEATS 2 A B C<BR>3 A B C<BR>3 D E F<BR>4 D E F<BR>Handicapped SEAT 4 - 8 C+D<BR>Passengers 15 - 26 C+D<BR>Baby Baskets SEATS 1 ABC (1x)<BR>1 DEF (1x)<BR>Stretcher 28 DEF-30 DEF<BR>Position (to be loaded through L4)<BR>Exits L1/R1 - - - - - -<BR>Emergency L2/R2 ROW 12 A - F<BR>Exits L3/R3 ROW 14 A - F<BR>Exits L4/R4 - - - - - -<BR>No Recline ROW 11 + 12<BR>No PET/C at ROW 1, ROW 12 and ROW14<BR>Max infants (due to infant life jacket) 15<BR>Oxygen supply:<BR>In case of rapid decompression of the aircraft<BR>cabin a passenger oxygen supply system will<BR>be activated automatically.<BR>Above every seat group (ABC + DEF) an<BR>additional mask will fall down.<BR>Boarding Sequence<BR>passenger bridge/jetway or one stair L1<BR>1. preboarding<BR>2. rows 15-30<BR>3. rows 01-14<BR>two stairs L1 + L4<BR>1. preboarding<BR>2. rows 01-14 (front entry) and<BR>¨<BR>GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>___________________________________________________________________<BR>Aircraft Data, Limitation and Description<BR>Chapter:<BR>Page:<BR>Rev:<BR>Date:<BR>1.1.<BR>24<BR>15<BR>05/03<BR>AIRBUS I NDUSTRIE A320 / A321<BR>A321<BR> A321-211 Y210<BR>A321-211 Y210<BR>Special seats:<BR>figure 26 configuration A321-211 Y210<BR>UMs 2 A B C<BR>3 A B C<BR>3 D E F<BR>4 D E F<BR>Handicapped 4 - 8 C+D<BR>Passengers 15 - 24 C+D<BR>Baby Baskets 1 ABC (1x)<BR>2 DEF (1x)<BR>Stretcher 36 DEF-38 DEF<BR>Position<BR>Exits L1/R1 - - - - - -<BR>Emerg L2/R2 ROW 10, ROW 11, 12 ABC<BR>Exits L3/R3 ROW 25, ROW 26, 27 A-C<BR>Exits L4/R4 - - - - - -<BR>No Recline 10 B-E, 25 C D<BR>37 A-C, 38 D-F<BR>No PET/C at ROW 1, 2D-F, ROW10,<BR>ROW11, 12 A-C, ROW 25, ROW 26<BR>and 27 ABC<BR>Max infants (due to infant life jacket) 20<BR>Oxygen supply:<BR>In case of rapid decompression of the aircraft<BR>cabin, a passenger oxygen supply system will be<BR>activated automatically.<BR>Above every seat group (ABC + DEF) an<BR>additional mask will fall down.<BR>Boarding Sequence<BR>passenger bridge/jetway or one stair L1<BR>1. preboarding<BR>2. rows 20-38<BR>3. rows 01-19<BR>two stairs L1 + L4<BR>1. preboarding<BR>2. rows 01-19 (front entry) and<BR>¨ 看看。:loveliness: 谢谢!!!