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Boeing 777 Aircraft Technical Log 波音777飞机技术记录本
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B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 1 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>Boeing 777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>This document details the principles behind and the common procedures and practices associated with<BR>the B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Source documents for this text include :<BR>􀀩 EK Engineering Procedures Manual, Section 08-04, Revision 19, 01-12-2000 (Aircraft Tech Log)<BR>􀀩 EK Engineering Procedures Manual, Section 08-06, Revision 13, 01-12-2000 (Aircraft Cabin Log)<BR>􀀩 EK Engineering Procedures Manual, Section 08-60, Revision 19 , 01-12-2000 (Aircraft IFE Log)<BR>􀀩 FOM Revision #14 Date 25 August, 2001<BR>􀀩 B777 Aircraft Tech, Cabin & IFE Log.<BR>􀀩 B777 MEL Preamble, Revision #20, June 2001<BR>􀀩 B777 Fault Reporting Manual, Revision #24, May 05 2001<BR>􀀩 FCI 01/120 “Concession To Operate”<BR>􀀩 FCI 01/148 “Overweight Landing Policy in the FOM”<BR>􀀩 EK IFS Cabin Crew Manual Section 400 (411), Page 1, Issue 05, 15 November 2000<BR>Please be aware that while these notes have been compiled with all due care, they are in no way<BR>authoritative. Where information is based on Company Documentation, references are provided. Items based<BR>upon operational experience are clearly identified as such. In no case should the content of this document be<BR>taken over statements and instructions in EK GCAA approved documentation.<BR>1. Introduction.<BR>The Aircraft Technical Log consists<BR>of three volumes :<BR>• Aircraft Technical Log<BR>• Cabin Discrepancy Log<BR>• In Flight Entertainment (IFE)<BR>Defect Log<BR>An Aircraft Technical Log is<BR>required to be kept for all UAE registered<BR>aircraft for which a Certificate of<BR>Airworthiness in the Transport Category is<BR>in force.<BR>With reference to aircraft operating<BR>under JAR the aircraft technical log<BR>procedures must comply with operators<BR>requirements as set forth in their<BR>engineering procedures<BR>The Aircraft Technical Log is required to reflect the current status of Defects, Repairs, Replacements,<BR>Adjustments and Inspections whilst the aircraft is in service. These entries form a permanent part of the<BR>aircraft records.<BR>In this document the term “Aircraft Tech Log” is used normally to refer to the first volume only,<BR>although it must be understood that technically all three books are a part of the “Aircraft Technical Log”.<BR>TABLE OF CONTENTS<BR>1. Introduction................................................................................. 1<BR>2. General......................................................................................... 2<BR>3. Aircraft Technical Log Contents. ............................................. 3<BR>4. Sector Record Pages. .................................................................. 5<BR>5. Sector Record Page Contents. ................................................... 6<BR>6. Entering Defects.......................................................................... 9<BR>7. Action of Defects. ...................................................................... 10<BR>8. Deferring of Defects.................................................................. 11<BR>9. Action of Deferred Defects....................................................... 12<BR>10. Deferred Defects Record Pages. .............................................. 12<BR>11. Defect Log Consolidation......................................................... 12<BR>12. Fault Reporting Manual (FRM) ............................................. 13<BR>13. Boeing 777 Overweight Landings. .......................................... 14<BR>14. Cabin Discrepancy Log............................................................ 15<BR>15. In Flight Entertainment Defect Log. ...................................... 17<BR>16. Aircraft Defect Summary and Overview................................18<BR>Page 2 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>2. General.<BR>The Emirates Technical Log comprises of the following :<BR>• Contents Sheet.<BR>• Active Concessions (Optional).<BR>• Notices to Flight/Maintenance Crews.<BR>• Certificate of Maintenance Review.<BR>• Maintenance Statement SMI CRS “Weekly” (Service)<BR>• Maintenance Statement SMI CRS “A Check” (Check)<BR>• Aircraft Damage Charts.<BR>• Modification Status.<BR>• ATA 100 Index.<BR>• Sector Record Pages.<BR>• Line Deferred Defect Record Pages.<BR>• Base Deferred Defect Record Pages.<BR>Additional items including completed Engine Monitoring Log Sheets (A300/310 Only) will be kept in the<BR>front pouch. Auto Land Report forms are no longer in use on any fleet. Inoperative labels will be kept in the<BR>rear pouch.<BR>When making an entry in the Aircraft Technical Log, the following must be observed :<BR>• All official instructions including Engineering Procedures and Quality Notices must be adhered to.<BR>• Print all entries using a blue or black “ball point” pen and ensure that all writing has transferred<BR>and is legible on all underlying copies.<BR>• The entry must be as clear and concise as possible.<BR>• Abbreviations where used must be standard.<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 3 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>3. Aircraft Technical Log Contents.<BR>3.1. Aircraft Technical Log Contents Page.<BR>The Contents Page lists approved documents held in the Log together with approved form numbers<BR>and revision status. Any forms which do not carry the correct revision status should be re-issued.<BR>Additional forms and documents to the Aircraft Technical Log must be referred to Emirates Quality<BR>Assurance for classification and recording before insertion.<BR>3.2. Active Concessions.<BR>Inside plastics sleeves after the Contents Page there may well be one or more Concession Sheets for<BR>the aircraft. A concession is an approval to operated with a defect that is either not covered by the Minimum<BR>Equipment List (MEL), or in the case that dispatch with the defect is not permitted by the MEL. Check the<BR>identifying details for the concession (Date / Airline / Type / Registration) are correct. Also check for any<BR>limitations that may apply to the operation of the flight.<BR>A concession must be signed and stamped by an authorised representative of Quality Assurance.<BR>• Note that in the past Engineering have inserted a new concession for an aircraft inside the<BR>Contents Page plastic sleeve in front of any previous concessions. When a concession is<BR>present in this sleeve, always remove the concession to check for additional concessions<BR>behind.<BR>• A concession will normally be associated with an item in the Deferred Defects Log. Always<BR>ensure that a copy of the Concession in the Tech Log accompanies any reference to a<BR>Concession in the DDL.<BR>• A Description of the role of and the process for obtaining a Concession is detailed on page 18.<BR>3.3. Notices to Flight / Maintenance Crew.<BR>This section of the Aircraft Tech Log is used to bring to the flight/maintenance crew’s attention<BR>information that may be of assistance during the Line Operation of the aircraft. Entries must be made in black<BR>or blue ink and deleted by scoring out with a line.<BR>Notice Entries must be signed, dated and the Engineer’s approval number entered. Notices that are no<BR>longer in force are deleted by scoring out with a line.<BR>3.4. Certificate of Maintenance Review.<BR>An aircraft must not be dispatched when the CMR has expired. The CMR remains current until the day<BR>of next review.<BR>• This means that the date limit of the Certificate of Maintenance Review falls due at the end<BR>of the day of the date noted. Thus if the expiry date is 02.Apr.2000, the aircraft is current<BR>to fly that day, as long as it will be on the ground (somewhere it can be serviced !) by 24:00<BR>that day, UTC time.<BR>A Maintenance Review consists of a variety of checks and includes, but is not restricted to :<BR>􀂉 Airworthiness Directives are check<BR>in compliance.<BR>􀂉 Any maintenance required by the<BR>Maintenance Schedule is complied<BR>with.<BR>􀂉 Any outstanding maintenance is<BR>accomplished or deferred.<BR>􀂉 Tech Log entries are correct<BR>􀂉 Engine Trend Monitoring (where applicable) is<BR>reviewed.<BR>􀂉 Weight and Balance data is correct or updated.<BR>􀂉 Any outstanding concessions are reviewed/<BR>Page 4 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>3.5. Maintenance Statements.<BR>An aircraft must not be dispatched when a Scheduled Maintenance Inspection is due, as recorded in<BR>the bottom left hand corner.<BR>There are typically two Maintenance Statements in the Tech Log. The first is normally a statement<BR>regarding the Check status of the aircraft (last check, next check) and the second concerns the Service status<BR>of the aircraft (last service, next service). Either statement may include out of phase inspections or component<BR>requirements that also limit the availability of the aircraft for flight, on both a time and date basis.<BR>The Check statement will include release to service approvals for five aspects of aircraft serviceability :<BR>􀂉 Airframe<BR>􀂉 Engines<BR>􀂉 Electrical/Instruments/Auto<BR>Pilot<BR>􀂉 Compass<BR>􀂉 Radio.<BR>Each of these items should be signed off and the relevant certifying engineer’s approval number<BR>(stamp) entered.<BR>• Note : A flight must not depart such that the flight time required would exceed the available<BR>hours (diversion to Alternate & subsequent recovery flight ??) as limited by either the<BR>Scheduled Check/Service or Un-Scheduled Phase Inspection/Component changes.<BR>• Note : Many of the checks that have a specified Airframe time limit include a tolerance<BR>(i.e. ± 20 hours) which is to be used in evaluating available flight hours for a departure.<BR>• The date limit of an impending Inspection / Component change falls due at the end of the day<BR>of the date noted. Thus if an Inspection is due on 02.Apr.2000, the aircraft is current to fly<BR>that day, as long as it will be on the ground (somewhere it can be serviced !) by 24:00 that<BR>day, UTC time.<BR>3.6. Aircraft Damage Charts.<BR>These pages are used to indicate the location of known external damage to the aircraft including<BR>windshields. Entries must be signed and dated and authorization number (stamp) applied.<BR>• Airframe.<BR>If further action is required (i.e. repeat inspection or permanent repair required) a deferred defect should<BR>be raised indicating the required action.<BR>On terminating action the entry on the damage chart should be struck out signed, dated and authorization<BR>number (stamp) applied. The engineer is also required to enter a cross reference to the Tech Log Entry<BR>Page/Item number where the damage was originally reported.<BR>• Windshields (Airbus Only).<BR>Acceptable damage on flight deck windows should be marked with a china graph pencil. The extent of the<BR>damage with approximate dimensions should be indicated on the windshield damage charts.<BR>Any progression of damage outside the marked area should be entered on the chart during re-inspection,<BR>signed, dated and authorization number (stamp) applied and the windshield remarked.<BR>In the case of windshield replacement, the damage chart should be replaced, after transferring information<BR>for the remaining windows.<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 5 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>3.7. Modification Status.<BR>This page is to convey to Flight and Maintenance crew members information on modifications recently<BR>incorporated. Whenever necessary, Engineering will make an entry to provide Date, Modification Number and<BR>Description of the modification. This data will remain for three calendar months – and will be removed by<BR>Engineering.<BR>Each entry in the Modification Status list should be signed and stamped (written number corresponding<BR>to the Engineer’s licence will suffice)<BR>3.8. ATA 100 Index.<BR>This is used by maintenance crew to classify Defects according to the internationally standardised ATA<BR>Chapter Index, as is required on the Sector Record page. The use of the ATA Chapter number is required in all<BR>three Tech Log Volumes (Aircraft, Cabin, IFE).<BR>4. Sector Record Pages.<BR>The Sector Record page is designed to interface with Emirates Airlines “EMPACS” system.<BR>The Sector Record page consists of three carbonless copy pages. The sheets are in packs of twentyfive<BR>and are serialised (numbered sequentially). Pages are number sequentially to detect missing pages – thus<BR>pages must be left intact in the Tech Log. The practice of removing pages after a return to stand or entry<BR>errors must not be undertaken.<BR>The three pages of the Sector Record consist of the following:<BR>4.1. Top (White)<BR>This is the original copy and is retained in the Aircraft Technical Log. Pages older than one week will be<BR>removed during ‘Weekly Checks’ and forwarded to Technical Records.<BR>When several pages have been completed for a single arrival/departure, the flight crew will begin<BR>entering the flight details on the first.<BR>4.2. Second (Green)<BR>This copy is removed in DXB and forwarded to Technical Records. It is used for EMPACS data entry and<BR>destroyed once the original is received.<BR>4.3. Third (Pink)<BR>This copy is removed at each station and kept for a minimum period of two months. It is used for data<BR>transmission from outstations.<BR>Page 6 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>5. Sector Record Page Contents.<BR>Certain blocks contain character boxes. Ensure that<BR>only one character is entered in each box.<BR>Whenever the DATE, ITEM NUMBER, DD RAISED<BR>NUMBER or DD CLEARED NUMBER has less digits than the space provided, it must be<BR>prefixed with zeros.<BR>􀀴 FLIGHT NUMBER : Normally completed by flight crew. If an additional page is<BR>used by Maintenance staff, the word “MAINT” must be entered.<BR>􀀴 FROM, TO : The three letter IATA designation of the Departure and Arrival<BR>airports.<BR>􀀴 DEPARTURE DATE : Date of departure of the flight (UTC) Dates are entered<BR>using the European (dd/mm/yy) date format. Entries should be prefixed with<BR>zero’s where appropriate<BR>􀀴 TYPE : Type of Aircraft. B772 (-200) or B773 (-300).<BR>􀀴 REGISTRATION : Full registration of the aircraft.<BR>􀀴 LOG PAGE NUMBER : Pre-printed page identification number.<BR>􀀴 ON BLOCK : The time the aircraft arrived at the gate (UTC).<BR>􀀴 OFF BLOCK : The time the aircraft departed the gate (UTC).<BR>􀀴 LAND : The time the aircraft wheels touched down for the completion of a flight sector<BR>(UTC).<BR>􀀴 TAKE-OFF : The time the aircraft wheels left the ground (UTC).<BR>􀀴 SECTOR TIME : TAKE OFF time subtracted from LAND time.<BR>􀀴 LOG HRS BF : TOTAL HOURS brought forward from the previous<BR>Sector Record page.<BR>􀀴 TOTAL HOURS : LOG HRS BF added to SECTOR TIME.<BR>􀀴 EXTRA LANDINGS : Any landings greater than one<BR>(specifically for training flights).<BR>􀀴 CAPTAINS RELEASE : The inbound flight crew<BR>Captain signs here to indicate that all defects that<BR>affect the airworthiness or safe operation of the<BR>aircraft have been noted in the Sector record pages or the statement “Nil<BR>Defects” if no such defects are known to him. Note that the entry of “Nil<BR>Defects” must also include the entry of the associated FRM code 999 999<BR>99.<BR>• Note : In the event that the previous Captain has forgotten to sign the Tech Log, the Aircraft<BR>cannot dispatch. Verbal confirmation is not acceptable. In the event that the previous Captain is<BR>not contactable, a concession from the GCAA (through EK QA) is probably the only avenue of<BR>dispatch relief. Note that engineering have advised that the last resort in this situation is to<BR>perform an A Check.<BR>􀀴 CAPTAINS ACCEPTANCE : The Departure flight crew Captain signs to<BR>indicate that the aircraft is accepted for flight and that he has satisfied<BR>himself that the fuel/oils/fluids are satisfactory for the operational<BR>requirement.<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 7 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>􀀴 AIRCRAFT FUEL QTY : The Arrival fuel<BR>distribution will be entered by the flight<BR>crew from the Fuel Quantity indication<BR>after shutdown. The Departure<BR>distribution will be entered by the<BR>maintenance crew.<BR>􀁮 Note the separate type specific<BR>columns/rows for the Boeing (B777)<BR>and Airbus (AB) Aircraft.<BR>􀀴 FUEL UPLIFT : Actual fuel quantity<BR>uplifted from the Fuelling Company,<BR>strike out the units not used.<BR>􀀴 FUEL SG : Specific Gravity of the fuel<BR>uplifted.<BR>􀀴 CALCULATED UPLIFT : Is a Fuel figure<BR>obtained by subtracting (􀁙) Arrival Fuel<BR>figure, from the (􀁚) Departure Fuel<BR>figure, measured in kilograms.<BR>􀀴 ACTUAL UPLIFT : Uplift of fuel from the<BR>Fuelling Company in Kilograms (using the Fuel Docket litres and the SG figure noted).<BR>􀀴 DISCREPANCY : Is equal to the (􀁜) ACTUAL UPLIFT less the (􀁛) CALCULATED UPLIFT in Kilograms. Then<BR>check to see if the DISCREPANCY is positive or negative, and apply the ± 5% check.<BR>􀀴 DISCREPANCY Positive : The DISCREPANCY must be less than 5% of the CALCULATED UPLIFT, and less<BR>than 2000 Kg<BR>􀀴 DISCREPANCY Negative : The DISCREPANCY (magnitude of) must be less than 5% of the CALCULATED<BR>UPLIFT, and less than 1000 Kg<BR>• Note : Engineering procedures stipulate that an average APU fuel consumption of 200 kg/hour<BR>must be taken into account when determining a fuel discrepancy. If a discrepancy still exists<BR>after all factors have been taken into account, a defect should be raised and actioned. This would<BR>indicate that a Tech Log entry for an excessive Discrepancy figures is not required when APU<BR>Fuel burn is found to be the cause – contrary to common practice on the line.<BR>• However the recent FOM amendment to the fuel uplift check (FOM CH 11 P 8 25 Aug 2001)<BR>makes no mention of APU fuel usage at all.<BR>􀀴 ENGINE/APU OIL QTY : Engine and<BR>APU oil uplift and departure totals are<BR>entered here. Blocks not used are to<BR>be deleted by entering diagonal lines<BR>from corner to corner.<BR>􀀴 HYDRAULIC QTY : Quantity of<BR>Hydraulic fluid uplifted is entered.<BR>􀀴 FUEL/OILS SVC : When signed by the maintenance crew, this<BR>states that the disposition of fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid and<BR>departure totals are in accordance with operational<BR>requirements and all associated servicing is complete.<BR>Page 8 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>􀀴 GROUND DE-ICE : This is to record the time De-icing started, time<BR>finished and signature on completion. Should the aircraft be De-iced at<BR>a remote location where maintenance staff are unable to enter the<BR>aircraft, the information will be relayed using VHF to ground staff who<BR>will note the information for the Station file.<BR>• Note : Following De-Icing, the Tech Log must be actioned by<BR>Engineering. If this is not possible, the Flight Crew must action<BR>the GROUND DE-ICE block, in addition to an entry, noting that<BR>“For info – Aircraft De-Iced, Message Sent.” Refer FOM Ch 23 P 7 01.May.1996.<BR>􀀴 AUTOLAND STATUS : The Autoland Capability will be certified in this box<BR>by appropriately authorised avionics staff in DXB. At outstations,<BR>should a defect occur which, in accordance with the MEL, downgrades<BR>the Autoland Capability, the Category must be entered and certified by<BR>a suitably authorised staff (“Extension A” minimum). If there are no<BR>defects which affect the last certified status, it remains current and no<BR>further entries are required.<BR>• Note : For the B777, the Autoland Capability should read<BR>“Land 3” or “Land 2” or “No Autoland” to reflect available Auto Pilot autoland status.<BR>• Note : For the A330, the Autoland Capability should read “Cat I”, “Cat II”, “Cat IIIa”, ‘Cat IIIb”<BR>• Note : For the A300/310 the Autoland Capability should read “Cat I”, “Cat II”, “Cat III”<BR>􀀴 MAINTENANCE CHECK ACCOMPLISHED : To<BR>be completed by appropriately authorised<BR>staff, the box corresponding to the<BR>check(s) is to be identified by a tick,<BR>signed and authorisation number,<BR>date/time (UTC) entered. There are three<BR>types of check applicable to this area of<BR>the Tech Log Page (explained below). A<BR>Line should be drawn through either<BR>TRANSIT or PDI, leaving untouched the<BR>check that was actually completed. A line will also be drawn through whichever aircraft type is not used i.e.<BR>DAILY B777/A330 indicates daily check accomplished on the B777.<BR>(i) TRANSIT : A Transit check is performed when an aircraft transits a station without a Daily Check<BR>being performed. This check may be performed by the Flight Crew and signed off by the Captain under<BR>special circumstances (FOM Ch 17 Pg 7, Jun 15, 2000). If a Transit Check has been performed, the PDI<BR>check is not required prior to Departure.<BR>(ii) PDI (Pre Departure Inspection) : When a Daily inspection is carried out by Engineering, the aircraft<BR>must undergo a Pre Departure Inspection (PDI) before it is legal to depart. This Inspection /<BR>Certification is a requirement even if the Daily was just completed by the Engineer releasing the aircraft<BR>to service. A PDI can be accomplished by the Captain under special circumstances (FOM Ch 17 Pg 7,<BR>Jun 15, 2000). Note that a PDI is not required if a Transit Check has been completed and signed for.<BR>(iii) DAILY : An aircraft must be within its coverage period of the most recent Daily Check. If a Daily Check<BR>has been performed and certified, an aircraft still requires a PDI before it can be released to service.<BR>• Note : A Daily check is valid for the B777 for 48 hours, the Airbus 300/310/330 for<BR>36 hours from the time of signature. (FOM Ch 20 Pg 5 15.DEC.1999).<BR>􀀴 ETOPS : Additional pre-departure<BR>checks are required to be carried out by<BR>Engineering for an ETOPS flight. The<BR>FOM states this check/signature is valid<BR>for an intermediate stop prior to final<BR>destination, as long as no ETOPS sensitive failure has occurred. This statement is currently interpreted to<BR>cover any number of intermediate stops prior to a return to Dubai. (FOM Ch 24 Pg 9 15.JUN.2000)<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 9 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>6. Entering Defects.<BR>The Defect block of the Sector Record<BR>Pages is to be completed by the flight crew for<BR>any defects that have occurred in flight or by<BR>maintenance crew for any defects that are<BR>observed on the ground. Only one defect per<BR>block may be entered, further bocks may be<BR>used for the same defect if necessary. Each<BR>sheet has provisions to enter three defects,<BR>additional defects to be entered on the next<BR>sheet.<BR>Any defect with controls accessible to<BR>the flight crew must be clearly placarded. If<BR>inadvertent operation of the defective<BR>control/system could produce a hazard, such equipment must be rendered inoperative in accordance with the<BR>given maintenance procedure in the MEL.<BR>􀀴 ITEM : The ITEM NUMBER must be written in numerical sequence order for each entry a sector, ie: 01, 02,<BR>03.<BR>• Note : If a defect is recurring, a brief description only is required<BR>along with a reference to the known prior occurrences (previous Tech<BR>Log page and Item Number required).<BR>• Note : If more than three defects are to be recorded for a single Sector, a second Sector<BR>Record page is to be used. The flight identifying details on the second page are not to be<BR>completed, and the ITEM NUMBERS will continue in sequence (i.e. 4 and on).<BR>􀀴 DEFECT DESCRIPTION : The text of the defect must describe the symptoms or additional work requirement<BR>accurately and precisely. If no defects have occurred during flight, the Captain must enter “Nil Defects”.<BR>• Note : The entry of “Nil Defects” is an abbreviated form of the more correct Fault Reporting<BR>Manual (FRM) item # 999 999 99 - “No faults occurred during the flight leg.” The entry of the<BR>FRM number with the “Nil Defects” item is mandatory.<BR>􀀴 PIREP : “Y” (Yes) is entered only for pilot reported defects. If a defect is entered<BR>by maintenance crew “N” will be entered.<BR>• Note : An entry made by flight crew for which a deferred defect (DD)<BR>already exists is not a PIREP and therefore “N” should be entered.<BR>• Note : Non Defect related items such as ‘Nil Defects” or “Auto Land Completed Satisfactory,<BR>ASA Land 3 Annunciated” are NOT Pilot Reported Defects and should be annotated “N” in the<BR>PIREP box.<BR>􀀴 FRM (Boeing Only) : The FRM code number can be found in the<BR>Fault Reporting Manual. An FRM code should be entered for each<BR>defect entered in the Tech Log (FOM Ch 17 Pg 5 or 6<BR>25.Aug.2001). For a description of the FRM and it’s intended usage see page 13.<BR>• Note : For non EICAS related (Observed) defects that are found in the FRM, the text<BR>describing the fault in the FRM must be used to describe the fault in the Defect Description in<BR>the Aircraft Tech Log.<BR>• Note : See “DEFECT DESCRIPTION” (above) regarding the requirement for the FRM code entry<BR>associated with “Nil Defects” as required by (cancelled) FCI 29/2001.<BR>Page 10 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>7. Action of Defects.<BR>The ACTION block is to be<BR>completed by appropriately authorised staff<BR>and will describe the action taken to enable<BR>the Certificate of Release to Service (CRS)<BR>to be issued. It must describe clearly and<BR>concisely the action required to Certify the<BR>defect or additional work requirement. If<BR>the action is continued into another block,<BR>both must be clearly marked with the item<BR>number. All defects must be answered including “Nil Defects” which should be answered<BR>“Noted.” and certified.<BR>􀀴 ITEM NUMBER : The ITEM NUMBER used must be the same number<BR>used to report the defect in the DEFECT block.<BR>􀀴 MEL : If the defect is deferred using the Emirates Minimum<BR>Equipment List (MEL), the reference is to be quoted in the block provided.<BR>􀀴 DD CAT (BOEING ONLY) : The category (P, C, E, M, R, L, N) of defect is taken from<BR>the MEL must be entered in this block. See Deferring of Defects (P 11) in this<BR>document.<BR>􀀴 ATA CHAPTER : The maintenance crew will enter the ATA chapter<BR>reference to four digits in the block provided. Servicing and other routine<BR>items such as Water Checks, Fuel Transfer, Landing Gear Pin removal etc., require ATA 1200 to be<BR>entered. An ATA index reference page is inserted in the Aircraft Technical Log (P 5).<BR>􀀴 MM (BOEING ONLY) : The maintenance crew will enter the most<BR>appropriate Maintenance Message (MM) given by the Maintenance<BR>Access Terminal (MAT).<BR>􀀴 ENGINE : When the defect concerns the engine or related systems (ATA<BR>Chapters 71-80) the engine position number is to be entered. If more than one<BR>engine affected, the letter “A” will be entered. For an APU defect, a “0” (Zero) will be<BR>used.<BR>􀀴 Only appropriately authorised staff may issue a Certificate<BR>of Release to Service. The person(s) must sign, enter his<BR>authorisation number and the date. The CRS statement is<BR>reproduced below the clearance blocks. There are certain<BR>circumstances where non-authorised personnel can sign<BR>the CRS – see the summary at the end of this document.<BR>􀀴 MAN HOURS : Total man hours taken in accompanying the<BR>“Action Taken” should be annotated in this block by the<BR>LAE signing the CRS. For example – “Panel Replacement<BR>(Wing)” takes one LAE and two Mechanics 2 hours to complete – this<BR>would be 6 man hours. Man hours applies for the Technical, Cabin and IFE<BR>Log Books.<BR>􀀴 When components are used in defect rectification the component change details will be entered at the<BR>bottom of the page. It is required to enter defect ITEM NUMBER (in DEFECT ITEM), SERIAL NUMBERS off and<BR>on, PART NUMBERS off and on and the stores EK GRN number. The ITEM NUMBER will be the same as the<BR>defect ITEM NUMBER for which the component is related to.<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 11 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>8. Deferring of Defects.<BR>If a defect cannot be cleared for some reason and it is considered acceptable to continue the aircraft in<BR>service, details of the defect in its entirety must be transferred to the Deferred Defect Record pages held at the<BR>rear of the Technical Log.<BR>There are four types of deferred defects :<BR>• Line Deferred Defects (DD’s).<BR>• Base Deferred Defects (BDD’s).<BR>• Cabin Deferred Defects (P 15).<BR>• IFE Deferred Defects (P 17).<BR>8.1. Line Deferred Defects.<BR>Line Deferred Defects are those defects which occur during normal line maintenance operations of the<BR>aircraft, that cannot be corrected prior to the next aircraft dispatch. DD’s are entered on the Green Line<BR>Deferred Defect Record, towards the rear of the Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>The DD Type is established from the following list :<BR>• P : Defects deferred using the Emirates MEL which have Performance/Penalty or ETOPS<BR>restrictions. These restrictions are identified in the remarks column of the MEL.<BR>• C : Defects concerning the passenger cabin.<BR>• E : Entertainment.<BR>• M : Defects which are deferred using the Emirates MEL which have no Performance/Penalty.<BR>• R : Repeat inspection, or QA concession.<BR>• L : To be used when a Loan/Penalty Pool item is installed.<BR>• N : To be used for any other non-airworthiness defects not covered by the above codes.<BR>Note : If the DD type code P or M is used, MEL reference must also be provided and vice versa.<BR>If a defect is deferred per the MEL, the only acceptable codes are P or M.<BR>8.2. Base Deferred Defects.<BR>Base Deferred Defects are not normally apparent during line operations of the aircraft, e.g. minor<BR>corrosion deferred to next base check etc. BDD’s are entered on the Yellow Base Deferred Defect Record.<BR>BDD’s are used to record defects discovered during Weekly / A Checks / C Check inspections - BDD’s<BR>will not be raised by outstation maintenance staff.<BR>Page 12 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>9. Action of Deferred Defects.<BR>When a Deferred Defect (DD) is to be actioned, the full DD text is entered in its entirety as the next<BR>defect ITEM on the Sector Record page and actioned accordingly.<BR>To “clear” the DD the TYPE and NUMBER will be entered<BR>in the DD CLEARED Block together with full details of action<BR>taken and certified accordingly. The SECTOR RECORD LOG PAGE<BR>NUMBER and ITEM NUMBER will be entered on the right hand<BR>side of the Deferred Defect Record page.<BR>When any work i.e. trouble shooting, unit replacement etc, is carried out on a DD, but the defect is not<BR>cleared, all details are to be entered including the same DD TYPE and NUMBER in the DD RAISED block. This<BR>will establish a history for actions accomplished for this particular deferred defect.<BR>Each Deferred Defect, whether raised or cleared, must have its own corresponding entry in the defect<BR>column of the Tech Log sheets. It is not permissible to clear and raise separate Deferred Defects in a single<BR>action column.<BR>Note that all Defects entered on the Sector Record Page(s) must be actioned, that is signed off as<BR>deferred or repaired (or “inspected, cannot fault, report further …”), before the Tech Log Sector Record page<BR>copies are removed for processing.<BR>10. Deferred Defects Record Pages.<BR>All Deferred Defects will be entered on the record pages,<BR>prefixed by the appropriate TYPE CODE and pre-numbered in<BR>sequential order. Note that each all except the last sheet will be<BR>noted “TICK HERE IF NEXT SHEET USED” at the bottom.<BR>When it is necessary to defer a defect, engineering staff will:<BR>• Enter in the action column of the Sector Record Page that<BR>the defect is transferred to the Deferred Defect Record.<BR>• The defect will be copied to the next available unused DD<BR>Record information block. The following fields are mandatory<BR>:<BR>􀀴 TYPE CODE : As discussed previously (P 11) (P, C*, E*, M, R, L, N)<BR>􀀴 DATE : Date of departure of the flight (UTC) Dates are entered using the<BR>European (dd/mm/yy) date format.<BR>􀀴 L/P, ITEM NO : Tech Log (Sector Record) Page Number and ITEM<BR>NO from the Defect Entry on the related Sector Record page.<BR>• The MEL reference if applicable will be quoted.<BR>• After completion of the DD record, enter the DD Code & Number in<BR>the DD raised block on the Sector Record page.<BR>11. Defect Log Consolidation.<BR>The Deferred Defects Record is assessed during “Weekly Checks” to reduce the number of used pages<BR>- all open deferred defects are recorded in ascending numerical order and copied verbatim. Such DD’s will be<BR>re-written on “Consolidation” sheets which are not pre-numbered. The DD clearance section of the transferred<BR>DD’s should be annotated transferred to DD consolidation sheet and Authorisation Number (Stamp) entered in<BR>the cleared box. Any unused blocks on the consolidation sheet will be struck out. The last pre-numbered sheet<BR>containing any entry must be left in the log, even if all the DD’s are cleared, in order to preserve the numerical<BR>sequence. When less than three unused DD sheets remain, they are to be replenished on the next transit of<BR>DXB.<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 13 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>12. Fault Reporting Manual (FRM)<BR>The Boeing FRM is applicable only to a specific list of aircraft as detailed inside the manual. It lists<BR>possible aircraft defects (faults) with an associated fault reporting number. An engineer can take the number<BR>reported by the crew and refer to the Fault Isolation Manual for any Boeing specified procedures associated<BR>with the reported fault. Thus it is important that all defects in the Tech Log are accompanied where possible by<BR>an FRM code to greatly assist engineering in fault finding and repairing reported defects. FOM Ch 17 Pg 6<BR>25.Aug.2001 refers.<BR>The FRM is divided into four sections, some of which are further divided. Each of the sections is<BR>essentially a comprehensive list of defects. These defects can be either (a) Primary EICAS messages,<BR>(b) Observed by the flight/engineering/loading crew, (c) a Status Message, or (d) Observed by the Cabin Crew.<BR>a) Primary EICAS message list.<BR>This section is essentially an alphabetical listing of all Primary EICAS messages (Warning, Caution,<BR>Advisory, Com and Memo) with an associated FRM code.<BR>b) Observed Faults.<BR>This section lists faults via a short text description of the defect. Note that most faults have multiple<BR>entries in the listing to allow for the variations in describing the fault (ie: “Light, Overhead, Faulty” or<BR>“Overhead Light, Faulty”)<BR>When reporting non-EICAS faults, it is a requirement to enter the text message describing the fault in<BR>the FRM into the Defect Description block of the Tech Log. The observed faults section is divided into :<BR>- PFD related faults<BR>- ND related faults<BR>- Primary ECIAS Engine exceedences<BR>- Flight Crew Observed Flight Deck faults<BR>- Flight Crew Observed Pre Flight faults<BR>- Servicing Crew observed faults<BR>- Cargo Loading Crew observed faults<BR>- Ground Maintenance Crew observed faults<BR>c) Status message list.<BR>This section is a list of all status messages with an associated FRM code.<BR>d) Cabin Faults.<BR>This section lists faults via a short text description. As with the Observed Faults section (above), most faults<BR>have multiple entries with varied descriptions. Since the Cabin Tech Log does not have a space for a FRM<BR>code, I presume this section is used when reported Cabin Faults are airworthiness related and need to be<BR>recorded in the main Aircraft Tech Log.<BR>A cabin FRM code is in three parts. The first three characters specify a system. The second two identify a<BR>component. The third gives the location in the cabin of the defect.<BR>The Cabin Faults section is divided into two parts. Firstly a listing of observed defects, followed by a series<BR>of Aircraft Cabin diagrams specifying numbers for the various locations throughout the Cabin.<BR>The Cabin Faults are grouped into the following systems :<BR>- Communications<BR>- Doors & Windows<BR>- Emergency Equipment<BR>- Galleys<BR>- In Flight Entertainment (IFE)<BR>- Lights<BR>- Miscellaneous<BR>- Seats<BR>- Toilets<BR>Page 14 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>13. Boeing 777 Overweight Landings.<BR>In the event of an overweight landing on the 777, the Captain is required to record the event as a<BR>defect in the Tech Log. The FOM (FOM Ch 25 Page 17 25.Aug.2001) requires Captains to record the occurrence<BR>of an overweight landing as an Information Item, recording the aircraft landing weight and approximate rate of<BR>descent on touchdown. An inspection is required prior to any subsequent dispatch of the aircraft.<BR>Note that FCI 01/148 specifically prohibits both Overweight Landings and the Jettisoning of fuel other<BR>than in Non Normal situations.<BR>This Maintenance Manual inspection is essentially a visual one, looking in specific areas for indications<BR>of damage as a result of the landing over Maximum Certified Landing weight. If no indications of damage are<BR>seen during the inspection, the Defect will be actioned and the CRS certified.<BR>If indications of damage, or indications that damage may have been done in areas not covered by the<BR>check are discovered, a more extensive check must be conducted in accordance with the Maintenance Manual.<BR>Both these checks would normally have to be completed by a GCAA/EK licensed engineer. Whether a<BR>dispensation would be available for this check in the event of a diversion to an unsupported aerodrome is at<BR>present conjecture. Presumably an EK QA and/or a GCAA concession to perform the check could enable an<BR>appropriately experienced engineer, or perhaps the Captain could be approved to perform what is essentially a<BR>visual inspection, but at this time no firm comment from EK QA is available.<BR>14. Miscellaneous Tech Log Defect Entries.<BR>Note that there are some events for which you will be required to generate Tech Log entries in the<BR>Defect block:<BR>􀂉 Overweight Landing (enter Weight / R.O.D. as “Info Item”)<BR>􀂉 Over Speed (use EICAS EVENT Button)<BR>􀂉 Lightning Strike (use EICAS EVENT Button)<BR>􀂉 Severe Turbulence (use EICAS EVENT Button)<BR>􀂉 Use of Oxygen<BR>􀂉 Use of EMK<BR>􀂉 Hard Landing (>600 fpm)<BR>􀂉 Loose Items in Flight Deck<BR>􀂉 Serious Incident “Remove CVR FDR for investigation”<BR>􀂉 De-Icing “For info: Aircraft De-iced - message sent”<BR>􀂉 ETOPS “ETOPS Verification Flight Satisfactory”<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 15 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>15. Cabin Discrepancy<BR>Log.<BR>The Cabin Discrepancy Log is used<BR>for the purpose of recording defects within<BR>an aircraft cabin. It comprises of Sector<BR>Record log pages and Cabin Deferred Defect<BR>record cards that are Blue in colour.<BR>In essence the Cabin Technical log<BR>is similar to the Aircraft Technical Log, so a<BR>detailed examination of its pages will not be<BR>entered into here. An overview, including<BR>differences and points of emphasis include<BR>the following :<BR>Basic flight details such as FLIGHT<BR>NUMBER, FROM & TO, DEPARTURE DATE,<BR>AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION, CABIN LOG PAGE<BR>NUMBER, CSD/SCCM (PURSER) Name /<BR>STAFF NUMBER / Signature and CAPTAIN’S<BR>RELEASE are essentially similar to the functionality of the Aircraft Tech Log.<BR>A Cabin Tech Log Sector Record page must be filled<BR>out and signed by the CSD/SCCM and Captain for each<BR>sector. While the Captain’s signature reflects his awareness<BR>of the Cabin Sector Record and the defects logged by the<BR>CSD/SCCM, his signature here is in fact the Release, as is<BR>signed in the Aircraft Tech Log to “ indicate all defects that<BR>affect the airworthiness or safe operation of the aircraft<BR>have been noted in the Sector record pages or the<BR>statement “Nil Defects” if no such defects are known to him.<BR>The C.REP box fulfils the same function as the<BR>PIREP box in the Technical Log. A defect reported by Cabin Crew requires a “Y”, a defect entered by the<BR>Engineer is represented by “N”.<BR>If there are no defects for the sector, an entry of “Nil Defects” must be entered by the CSD/SCCM. All<BR>defect entries, including “Nil Defects” must be actioned by Engineering in the same manner as the Aircraft Tech<BR>Log Sector Record pages.<BR>Any non-airworthiness items<BR>entered in the Cabin Discrepancy Log<BR>that cannot be Actioned are to be<BR>deferred to the Blue Cabin Deferred<BR>Defect Log at the rear of the Cabin<BR>Discrepancy Log in a similar manner<BR>described in the Aircraft Tech Log<BR>section above.<BR>Page 16 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>Airworthiness items can be considers as those which are defined in the preamble of the MEL. Although<BR>a definitive list does not exist, consider the following items :<BR>􀂉 Damage to the main aircraft structure<BR>􀂉 Damage to doors<BR>􀂉 Damage / use of emergency equipment<BR>􀂉 Electrical shorts or fumes<BR>􀂉 Water leaks<BR>􀂉 Damage to fittings that may result in<BR>injury<BR>􀂉 Overhead lockers<BR>􀂉 Mirrors / Glass<BR>􀂉 The emergency medical kit (Use<BR>of/Damage to)<BR>􀂉 Oxygen (Use of/Damage to)<BR>• Note : The only definition of an Airworthiness Item available in the B777 MEL is the following<BR>paragraph :<BR>• “For the sake of brevity, the MEL does not include obviously required items such as wings,<BR>rudders, flaps, engines, landing gear etc. Also the list does not include items which do not affect<BR>the airworthiness of the airplane, such as galley equipment, entertainment systems, passenger<BR>convenience items, etc. It is important to note that all items, which are related to the<BR>airworthiness of the airplane and not included on the list, are automatically required to be<BR>operative. An inoperative item or component not listed in the MEL on which there may be a<BR>question of airworthiness is to be referred to EK Quality Assurance.” (MEL 02-02-01<BR>11.JUN.1999)<BR>• If in doubt, refer to the MEL and FRM for any cabin defects that you consider may be<BR>airworthiness related. Note that the MEL directs you to refer to EK QA for clarification on<BR>whether a defect is an airworthiness item.<BR>• As an example : Aircraft Structure, Doors, Emergency Exits, Electrical short circuits or fumes,<BR>Water leaks, Damage to fittings that may result in injury (overhead lockers, mirrors & glass) etc.<BR>Any airworthiness items that cannot be Actioned must be must be transferred to the Sector Record of<BR>the Aircraft Technical Log, where if possible, it may be deferred in accordance with the MEL. This should be<BR>made clear in the action taken column of the Cabin Discrepancy Log. See the section above on the Fault<BR>Reporting Manual for FRM Code Numbers for observed faults in the Cabin.<BR>The ATA block must be completed for each defect.<BR>When clearing the DD, the defect will be transcribed verbatim back to the defect column in the Cabin<BR>Log and the number of the DD entered into the DD cleared block. The entry made in the Cabin Deferred Defect<BR>record will be cancelled by a single line drawn across the entry an appropriate entries made in the clearance<BR>reference column.<BR>When all defects have been actioned, the pink copy will be removed and processed accordingly. The<BR>green copy will be removed at Dubai only and processed accordingly. The white copy will be retained for a<BR>period of not longer than four sectors and will be then be removed and forwarded to technical records.<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 17 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>The Cabin Crew have a set of instructions associated with the Cabin Defect Log in the IFS Cabin Crew<BR>Manual. Essentially, these instructions include the following points :<BR>• Pre-Flight, SCCN to check the Aircraft Cabin Defect/IFE Defect Log Books<BR>• All Aircraft Cabin/IFE Defects which will affect cabin crew or passengers on the next flight<BR>must be faxed to Engineering (approx 30 mins before landing) on Fax +971 4 244081 using the<BR>Service Recovery Engineering Defects form. SCCM must still record the defects in the Cabin Log<BR>Book.<BR>• Any discrepancy related to the catering and service equipment’s which remain onboard, ie: folding<BR>trolleys, extension tops, PCS tools, hot cups etc, should be entered in the Aircraft Cabin Defect<BR>Log Book.<BR>• SCCM to check Aircraft Defect Log Record/Deferred Defect Record on both the Cabin and IFE<BR>Defect Log Books when entering defects to see if they have been previously logged.<BR>• SCCM to complete a separate log page for each sector and enumerate every defective item. The<BR>“C.Rep” (Crew Report indicator) to be completed with “Y” for each entry made.<BR>• The SCCM and Captain must sign the Aircraft Cabin Log book. SCCM only to sign the IFE Defect<BR>Log book. If there are no defects, never use the whole page. Just mention Nil Defects as item 01<BR>in the respective column.<BR>• SCCM to hand over yellow copies of the Aircraft Cabin/IFE Defect Log books to IFS Briefing<BR>along with other documents.<BR>16. In Flight Entertainment Defect Log.<BR>The IFE Defect Log book is used for the purpose of recording defects within the aircraft IFE systems.<BR>The IFE Log is comprised of Sector Record log pages and IFE Deferred Defect record cards that are buff colour.<BR>Each page has four copies (white, green pink, yellow).<BR>􀀴 The logging of the Sector Record for the IFE Log is essentially similar to the Cabin Log, except that the<BR>Captain’s signature is not required.<BR>􀀴 A new page is started for each flight and all IFE defects will be recorded. If no defects occur during the<BR>flight “Nil Defects” will be entered in the defects column.<BR>􀀴 The “C Rep” indicator functions as described in the Cabin Log section – “Y” for Crew reported defects, “N”<BR>for those from Engineering.<BR>􀀴 All defects, including ‘Nil Defects” must be actioned.<BR>􀀴 At Dubai only, all IFE defects for those aircraft with Matshushita IFE systems (A6-EMK and on) will be<BR>actioned by Matsushita Technicians. This includes completing the log page – Serial Numbers, GRN and<BR>deferring defects. The Matsushita Technicians will sign for rectification complete. The CRS will be signed by<BR>an appropriately authorised Engineer.<BR>􀀴 Any defect block not used must have a diagonal line drawn through it.<BR>􀀴 Any IFE defects that cannot be cleared will be deferred to the Deferred Defect Record (buff coloured<BR>pages) at the rear of the IFE log. Defects will be transferred in the same manner as detailed in the<BR>Deferring Defects section of the Aircraft Technical Log (previously discussed).<BR>􀀴 The ATA BLOCK in the action column must be completed.<BR>􀀴 When all defects have been actioned, the pink copy will be removed and processed accordingly. The green<BR>copy will be removed at Dubai only and processed accordingly. The white copy will be retained for a period<BR>of not longer than four sectors and will be then be removed and forwarded to technical records.<BR>Page 18 of 19 B777 Aircraft Technical Log.<BR>As At : 29.11.2001 Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc<BR>17. Aircraft Defect Summary and Overview (MEL & Concessions)<BR>􀀩 References : FOM Ch 17 Pages 5-10, 25.Aug.2001, MEL Preamble, Revision #18, November 2000<BR>Note that although the following discussion becomes quite complicated, the worst of it requires the<BR>combination of non-MEL defect, no contact with the company and no ground support available. In most cases<BR>contact with the company will be available and Captains are guided in their decision making by EK Engineering<BR>and EK Quality Assurance. The following is given for background and summary.<BR>• Prior to each dispatch, the relevant Tech Log page(s) must be completed and the appropriate<BR>copies removed from the Log. Note that the page is not complete until all entries in the Defect<BR>Block (including “Nil Defects”) have been actioned (CRS signed).<BR>• Whenever a defect is entered into the Tech Log, the Certificate of Airworthiness is invalidated.<BR>• A Certificate of Release to Service (CRS) must be signed to return the aircraft to legal<BR>airworthiness. This includes entries in Cabin and IFE log.<BR>• Only UAE GCAA Licensed and Approved Engineers are allowed to issue a CRS (notwithstanding the<BR>exceptions listed below)<BR>• If a fault cannot be rectified, it may be deferred under the provisions of the MEL.<BR>• To operate with a defect that :<BR>a) Is not present in the MEL; or<BR>b) The MEL does not permit dispatch with; or<BR>c) Where the nature of the flight to be undertaken is in contravention with the requirements<BR>placed on the flight by the MEL maintenance/operational procedures associated with the<BR>Defect ;<BR>a Concession may be applied for to allow dispatch.<BR>• A concession is issued as a “one off” special procedure to operate the aircraft strictly for the<BR>purpose of returning or proceeding to a place where it is reasonably practical for repairs to be<BR>made, with unserviceabilities of systems or equipment not normally permitted by the MEL. In cases<BR>where it would not be possible for the affected aircraft to be positioned by means of a single flight,<BR>a number of flights (no more than the minimum number required) may be permitted.<BR>• If the concession is against an existing defect that will exceed it’s repair interval (and repairs are<BR>not available) an EK QA concession against “B” and “C” intervals can be sought. UAE GCAA<BR>concession approval is required to dispatch against “A” or “D” repair intervals.<BR>• Note that the Configuration Deviations List (CDL) is part of the Manufacturer’s Airplane Flight<BR>Manual, and not strictly part of the MEL, although a copy is located in the EK MEL Binder. MEL<BR>concessions do not cover dispatch against defects found in the CDL.<BR>• A Concession should only be asked for by the Captain and must be signed by an approved<BR>representative from Quality Assurance. The details required on an application for concession are<BR>specified in the MEL Preamble, and include :<BR>- Aircraft Registration and Type<BR>- Details of Failure<BR>- Minimum number of flights required<BR>- Suitability of forecast weather for the<BR>route of the flight(s)<BR>- Any other pertinent information that<BR>the aircraft commander considers<BR>would assist Flight Ops & GMQA in<BR>considering the issue of a<BR>concession.<BR>• An application for concession is made to GMEQA via Dubai Maintenance Control Centre, and copied<BR>to the Duty Manager. The following contacts may be useful :<BR>- Maintenance Control Centre :<BR>- Fax : +971 (04) 2244380<BR>- Tel : +971 (04) 2085539 / 40<BR>- SITA : DXBMCEK<BR>- Sen Mgr Network Control :<BR>- Fax : +971 (04) 2823889<BR>- Tel : +971 (04) 7036462 / 3<BR>- SITA : DXBOEMK<BR>• A copy of the Concession must be sent to the GCAA.<BR>• If another Captain will take over the aircraft down route while the concession is in force, he should<BR>be consulted for acceptance of the Concession. A Captain taking over an aircraft that is operating<BR>B777 Aircraft Technical Log. Page 19 of 19<BR>Locator : C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Emirates\777\Notes\Tech Log\B777 Tech Log.Doc As At : 29.11.2001<BR>under a concession must re-assess the concession in the light of the circumstances of his own<BR>operation. He is not required to accept concessions previously applied for and accepted by other<BR>Captains.<BR>• FOM Ch 17 Page 5 specifies that a Concession may be issued orally, but all steps possible should<BR>be taken to obtain a written concession and a written copy must be obtained upon arrival back in<BR>Dubai.<BR>• The details of the concession must be written alongside the record of the Defect in the Tech Log.<BR>• In the situation where the aircraft has a defect but no GCAA approved engineer is available, the<BR>Captain is approved to defer the defect in accordance with the provisions of the MEL. In this case<BR>the Captain has the approval to issue a CRS by signing the certified column (refer FOM). There is<BR>no requirement to inform the GCAA.<BR>• In the situation where the aircraft has a defect that is either not permissible under the MEL or the<BR>applicable MEL restrictions preclude dispatch and no GCAA approved engineer is available, dispatch<BR>is still possible. At this point the Captain is guided by FOM CH 17 P 5 & 6 (25 Aug 2001) and the<BR>MEL pre-amble. The following considerations are involved.<BR>- An agreement in writing (Fax/Telex) is required for any of the following :<BR>• Entering into an agreement for maintenance assistance from an outside agency - Fax/Telex<BR>from EK QA.<BR>• Use of spare parts from an outside source - A Concession from EK QA and Fax/Telex<BR>(ACARS ?) from EK Engineering. A copy of this last agreement is to be retained by the<BR>Captain and kept in the ship's papers.<BR>• A local engineer to issue and sign the CRS - a concession from EK QA.<BR>- As mentioned previously, concessions can be obtained verbally, but it is strongly advised to<BR>obtain a concession in written form if at all possible. Even obtaining the text of the concession<BR>through ACARS (ask QA to fax the concession to SMNC, get SMNC to ACARS the text to the<BR>aircraft) will at least go part way to removing the ambiguities inherent in verbal concessions.<BR>- It is permissible for a Non GCAA engineer (or even the crew) to rectify a defect for dispatch<BR>without a concession as long as no parts are used. In this case the aircraft can depart without<BR>a signed CRS. The Captain must be satisfied as to the airworthiness of the aircraft, and the<BR>GCAA must be informed within 10 days. In this situation the CRS should indicate the<BR>following :<BR>• The type of defect ;<BR>• The circumstances regarding the defect ;<BR>• The action taken to clear the defect, including the organisation/personnel involved, the<BR>qualifications of the engineers (licence, rating) and the use of replacement parts.<BR>• The communications with EK Engineering.<BR>• Finally, the Captain’s Authority includes the right to certify the Tech Log for Refuelling,<BR>Pre-Departure and Transit Checks and as mentioned above, as well as the deferring of defects in<BR>accordance with the provisions of the MEL. The document stipulating this approval is in the Aircraft<BR>Documents folder.
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Boeing 777 Aircraft Technical Log 波音777飞机技术记录本
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