Instrument number CASA EX69/07
**** Hidden Message ***** Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 1 of 7 pages<BR>Instrument number CASA EX69/07<BR>I, SHANE PATRICK CARMODY, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Strategy and<BR>Support, a delegate of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 308 of the Civil<BR>Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR 1988).<BR><BR>Shane Carmody<BR>Deputy Chief Executive<BR>Strategy and Support<BR>21 December 2007<BR>Exemption — from take-off and landing minima inside and outside<BR>Australian territory<BR>1 Revocation<BR>Instrument CASA EX61/06 is revoked.<BR>2 Duration<BR>This instrument:<BR>(a) commences on the day after it is registered; and<BR>(b) stops having effect at the end of 31 October 2009.<BR>3 Application<BR>This instrument applies to Airbus A330 aircraft (the aircraft):<BR>(a) operated by Jetstar Airways Pty Limited, Aviation Reference Number<BR>510654 (the operator); and<BR>(b) in take-off and landing operations inside and outside Australian territory;<BR>and<BR>(c) at aerodromes where air traffic control has advised that low visibility<BR>procedures are in use.<BR>4 Exemption<BR>The aircraft are exempt from compliance with regulation 257 of CAR 1988 in<BR>relation to the standard take-off and landing minima determined by CASA under<BR>subregulation 257 (1) and set out in AIP En-route 1.5, sections 4.3 and 4.4.<BR>Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 2 of 7 pages<BR>5 Conditions<BR>The exemption is subject to the minima and the minima requirements mentioned<BR>in Schedule 1 and the conditions mentioned in Schedule 2.<BR>Schedule 1 Take-off and landing minima<BR>The pilot in command of the aircraft must use the minima mentioned in this<BR>Schedule that apply to the type of operation or procedure in which the aircraft is<BR>engaged.<BR>1 Take-off minima<BR>Take-off Runway Visual Range (RVR) minima are:<BR>(a) 125 metres in the Touchdown Zone (TDZ); and<BR>(b) 125 metres in the Mid-point Zone (MID); and<BR>(c) 125 metres in the Stop-end Zone (END).<BR>2 Landing minima<BR>Category II minima:<BR>(a) landing RVR minima are 400 metres TDZ with 200 metres MID or, if MID<BR>not available, 200 metres END;<BR>(b) landing decision height (DH) is 100 feet.<BR>3 RVR requirements<BR>(1) For take-off if the RVR in the TDZ, the MID or the END is less than 200 metres,<BR>the RVR is required for all 3 zones.<BR>(2) For take-off and landing, if the RVR in the TDZ is at least 200 metres but is less<BR>than the standard take-off and landing minima:<BR>(a) a MID RVR is required; or<BR>(b) if a MID RVR is not available— an END RVR is required.<BR>Note If both a MID RVR and an END RVR are available, the END RVR is advisory only.<BR>(3) In this clause:<BR>standard take-off and landing minima means the standard take-off and landing<BR>minima determined by CASA under subregulation 257 (1) of CAR 1988 and set<BR>out in the AIP En-route 1.5, sections 4.3 and 4.4.<BR>4 Application of minima<BR>If the take-off or landing minima set out in an aerodrome chart or approach chart<BR>are more restrictive than the minima that would otherwise apply under this<BR>instrument, the pilot in command must apply the more restrictive minima.<BR>5 Specific restrictions<BR>(1) The pilot in command of an Airbus A330 type aircraft must not carry out a<BR>take-off with less than 300 metres RVR within Australia.<BR>Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 3 of 7 pages<BR>(2) The pilot in command of an Airbus A330 type aircraft must not carry out a<BR>Category II landing within Australia.<BR>Schedule 2 Conditions<BR>1 Definition<BR>In this Schedule:<BR>low visibility operations means:<BR>(a) operations to less than Category I ILS minima; and<BR>(b) take-off with less than 500 metres visibility.<BR>2 Compliance<BR>For pilots to conduct low visibility operations inside and outside Australia, the<BR>operator must ensure these conditions are met.<BR>Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 4 of 7 pages<BR>3 Training<BR>The operator must certify that the members of the flight crew have successfully<BR>completed a Low Visibility Operations training course as set out in the<BR>following table.<BR>Section of<BR>course<BR>Contents<BR>Low Visibility<BR>Ground<BR>Training<BR>General concepts and appropriate definitions.<BR>Aerodrome procedures, aids, markings, Cat II and Cat III<BR>lighting systems and approach bans.<BR>Factors affecting the determination of minima.<BR>Reversionary minima.<BR>An understanding of aircraft maintenance requirements and<BR>serviceability.<BR>Aircraft performance limitations.<BR>Normal operating procedures.<BR>Non-normal procedures for handling pilot incapacitation,<BR>engine and system failures below 1 000 feet, alert height<BR>(AH) and DH.<BR>Low Visibility<BR>Simulator<BR>Training<BR>(both day and<BR>night where<BR>possible)<BR>Taxiing— low visibility.<BR>Take-offs –minimum visibility:<BR> normal operations<BR> engine and system failures before and after V1<BR> loss of visibility<BR>Landings and go-arounds — Cat II:<BR> normal operations<BR> aircraft and ground system failures and loss of visibility<BR>at heights above and below AH and DH<BR> pilot incapacitation.<BR>Take-offs and landings must be at high weights and at<BR>10 knots crosswind.<BR>4 Experience<BR>Before conducting a Category II landing, a pilot must have the following<BR>experience, unless otherwise approved by CASA:<BR>(a) a captain must have either a minimum time in command of 300 hours or<BR>50 sectors in the operator’s Airbus A330 aircraft;<BR>(b) a first officer must have a minimum time as first officer of 100 hours or 30<BR>sectors in the operator’s Airbus A330 aircraft;<BR>(c) a captain must have performed at least 5 autolands on the Airbus A330 in<BR>Category I or better conditions using low visibility procedures;<BR>(d) a first officer must have performed at least 2 autolands on the Airbus A330<BR>in Category I or better conditions using low visibility procedures.<BR>Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 5 of 7 pages<BR>5 Recency<BR>(1) Within 90 days before conducting a Category II landing, a captain must have<BR>completed an autoland using low visibility procedures in a simulator or aircraft<BR>(recency).<BR>(2) A captain who has lost recency must regain it before conducting a Category II<BR>landing under this instrument.<BR>(3) Lost recency is regained by performing an autoland in a simulator, or in<BR>Category I conditions or better in an aircraft.<BR>(4) An aircraft to be used for a Category II landing must have had its autoland<BR>capability exercised in accordance with the approved Aircraft Maintenance<BR>Planning Document.<BR>6 Competency<BR>(1) The flight crew must have successfully completed, to approved operational and<BR>meteorological limits, a simulator competency check including:<BR>(a) a near V1 engine failure (RTO) and a V1 engine failure (continue); and<BR>(b) a Category II landing; and<BR>(c) a Category II auto go-around.<BR>(2) The flight crew must demonstrate competency in Low Visibility Operations<BR>approximately every six months as follows:<BR>where there are 2 paired sessions per year— at each paired session.<BR>(3) At least once a year competency must be demonstrated to a Category B or<BR>Category C check pilot.<BR>7 Maintenance<BR>The operator must ensure that the aircraft are maintained in accordance with:<BR>(a) the requirements for Category II operations; and<BR>(b) the requirements detailed in the applicable CASA approved Aircraft<BR>Maintenance Planning Document.<BR>8 Operational restrictions<BR>(1) Take-off and landing operations are subject to the requirements of the State of<BR>the aerodrome, if these are more restrictive than the requirements of this<BR>instrument.<BR>(2) For a take-off or landing:<BR>(a) the Quick Reference Handbook section of the Operations Manual must<BR>include all relevant information for briefing of low visibility take-offs and<BR>landings; and<BR>(b) the pilot in command must be “pilot flying” in the left seat for all low<BR>visibility operations.<BR>Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 6 of 7 pages<BR>(3) The aircraft may take-off with RVR:<BR>(a) if runway edge lighting (with light spacing of not more than 60 metres) is<BR>operating and either runway centreline lighting is operating or runway<BR>centreline markings are clearly visible— less than 500 metres but at least<BR>400 metres; or<BR>(b) if runway edge lighting (with light spacing of not more than 60 metres) and<BR>runway centreline lighting are operating— less than 400 metres but at least<BR>300 metres; or<BR>(c) if Category II or Category III movement area lighting (taxiway lighting,<BR>high intensity runway edge lighting and runway centreline lighting) is<BR>operating and visibility is expressed as RVR derived from a<BR>transmissometer— less than 300 metres but at least the approved minima.<BR>(4) The aircraft must not take-off:<BR>(a) from a runway that requires a turn of more than 15 degrees, at either<BR>runway head or below 200 feet, for all-engine or engine-out take-offs, if<BR>RVR is less than 500 metres; or<BR>(b) if RVR is not more than 400 metres and crosswind is more than 10 knots.<BR>(5) For a take-off:<BR>(a) if RVR for all 3 zones are required, centreline light spacing must be not<BR>more than 15 metres; and<BR>(b) if RVR is less than 300 metres, the operator must have a standard procedure<BR>call in the aircraft type’s operations manual, for the “pilot not flying” to<BR>advise the “pilot flying” of deviations from the runway centre line.<BR>(6) For a Category II landing:<BR>(a) the runway must have been approved by the operator for autoland in<BR>accordance with the operator’s Autoland Safety Operational Specification;<BR>and<BR>(b) high intensity approach lighting of at least 720 metres must be available.<BR>(c) braking action on the runway must not be reported as worse than “medium”;<BR>and<BR>(d) wind components, including gusts, must not exceed a headwind of 25 knots,<BR>a tailwind of 10 knots or a crosswind of 10 knots; and<BR>(e) the landing distance available must be the greater of 2 400 metres or that<BR>required from the Landing Performance Chart multiplied by 1.15.<BR>(7) For Category II landings, until visual conditions are established, the aircraft<BR>must have “CAT 2” or “CAT 3 SINGLE” or “CAT 3 DUAL” indicated on its<BR>flight mode annunciator.<BR>Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 7 of 7 pages<BR>9 Approvals<BR>(1) Low visibility operations may be conducted at an aerodrome only if the operator<BR>has:<BR>(a) told CASA that the aerodrome and runway terrain details and charts,<BR>including the calculations used to determine the applicable minima, have<BR>been checked and are available for inspection; and<BR>(b) received approval to do so from the relevant foreign regulatory authority;<BR>and<BR>(c) given CASA a copy of the approval.<BR>(2) The operator must conduct low visibility operations in accordance with the<BR>approvals it has received.<BR>10 Requirements<BR>(1) The operator must keep a copy of this instrument and a list of aerodromes and<BR>runways approved for Category II operations in a manual available to all pilots.<BR>(2) The operator’s procedures for low visibility operations must be in accordance<BR>with this instrument, must be followed and must not be amended without<BR>approval from CASA.