ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System<BR>ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System<BR>ACC Area Control Centre<BR>ADC Air Data Computer<BR>ADF Automatic Direction Finding<BR>ADS Automatic Dependant Surveillance<BR>AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network<BR>AIC Aeronautical Information Circular<BR>AIP Aeronautical Information Publication<BR>AIRAC Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control<BR>AIS Aeronautical Information Service<BR>ARINC ARINC - formerly Aeronautical Radio Incorporated<BR>ASR Aviation Safety Report<BR>ATA Actual Time of Arrival<BR>ATC Air Traffic Control<BR>ATM Air Traffic Management<BR>ATS Air Traffic Services<BR>AWPR Automatic Waypoint Position Reporting<BR>BOTA Brest Oceanic Transition Area<BR>BRNAV Basic Area Navigation<BR>CAR Caribbean<BR>CDL Configuration Deviation List<BR>CDR ConDitional Route<BR>CDU Control Display Unit<BR>CMA Central Monitoring Agency<BR>Conflict A situation that occurs when it is predicted that the spacing between aircraft, an aircraft and a defined airspace, or an aircraft and terrain, may or will reduce below the prescribed minimum.<BR>CPDLC Controller Pilot Data Link Communications<BR>CTA Control Area<BR>DCPC Direct Controller/Pilot Communications<BR>DME Distance Measuring Equipment<BR>DR Dead Reckoning<BR>DVD ROM Digital Video Disk Read-Only Memory<BR>ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter<BR>ETA Estimated Time of Arrival<BR>ETOPS Extended Range Twin-engine Aircraft Operations<BR>NORTH ATLANTIC MNPSA OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>NAT MNPS vi Edition 2009<BR>EUR Europe<BR>FAA Federal Aviation Administration<BR>FANS 1/A Future Air Navigation System 1 or A. (Respectively, Boeing and Airbus Proprietary Air-Ground ATC Data Link Communications Systems)<BR>FDE Fault Detection and Exclusion<BR>FIR Flight Information Region<BR>FL Flight Level<BR>FLAS Flight Level Allocation Scheme<BR>FMC Flight Management Computer<BR>FMS Flight Management System<BR>GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System<BR>GMU GPS (Height) Monitoring Unit<BR>GNE Gross Navigation Error<BR>GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System<BR>GP General Purpose<BR>GPS Global Positioning System<BR>HF High Frequency<BR>HMU Height Monitoring Unit<BR>HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator<BR>IATA International Air Transport Association<BR>ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation<BR>IFR Instrument Flight Rules<BR>INS Inertial Navigation System<BR>IRS Inertial Reference System<BR>JAA Joint Aviation Authorities<BR>kHz Kilohertz<BR>LAT Latitude<BR>LONG Longitude<BR>LRNS Long Range Navigation System<BR>MASPS Minimum Aircraft System Performance Specification<BR>MEL Minimum Equipment List<BR>MET Meteorological<BR>MHz Megahertz<BR>MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List<BR>MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications<BR>MTT Minimum Time Track<BR>NAM North America<BR>NAR North American Route<BR>NAT North Atlantic<BR>NAT SPG North Atlantic Systems Planning Group<BR>NORTH ATLANTIC MNPSA OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>NAT MNPS vii Edition 2009<BR>NDB Non Directional Beacon<BR>NERS North Atlantic European Routing Scheme<BR>NM Nautical Mile<BR>NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration<BR>NOTA Northern Oceanic Transition Area<BR>NOTAM Notice to Airmen<BR>OAC Oceanic Area Control Centre<BR>OCA Oceanic Control Area<BR>Oceanic Entry Point That point on the FIR boundary where the aircraft enters the first oceanic control area<BR>Oceanic Exit Point That point on the FIR boundary where the aircraft leaves the last oceanic control area<BR>OESB Oceanic Errors Safety Bulletin<BR>OTS Organized Track System<BR>PRM Preferred Route Message<BR>Procedural Control Term used to indicate that information derived from an ATS surveillance system is not required for the provision of air traffic control service. (PANS-ATM)<BR>RA Resolution Advisory (per ACAS/TCAS)<BR>RAIM Receiver-Autonomous Integrity Monitoring<BR>RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator<BR>RNP Required Navigation Performance<BR>R/T Radio Telephony<BR>RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum<BR>SAM South America<BR>SELCAL Selective Calling<BR>SID Standard Instrument Departure<BR>SLOP Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures<BR>SMS Safety Management System<BR>SOTA Shannon Oceanic Transition Area<BR>SSB Single Sideband<BR>SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar<BR>Strategic Control As used in this manual, control techniques employed in an environment where the level of surveillance and intervention capability requires that each oceanic clearance be planned and issued prior to the flight‟s entry into oceanic airspace, in order to provide safe separation between known traffic from oceanic entry to oceanic exit.<BR>TA Traffic Advisory (per ACAS/TCAS)<BR>Tactical Control As used in this manual, control techniques employed in an environment where the surveillance and intervention capabilities allow conflicts between flights to be resolved nearer the time they would occur, rather than prior to the oceanic clearance being issued.<BR>TAS True Airspeed<BR>NORTH ATLANTIC MNPSA OPERATIONS MANUAL<BR>NAT MNPS viii Edition 2009<BR>TCAS Traffic (Alert and) Collision Avoidance System<BR>TLS Target Level of Safety<BR>TMI Track Message Identification<BR>UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time<BR>VHF Very High Frequency<BR>VOR VHF Omni-directional Range<BR>WAH When Able Higher<BR>WATRS West Atlantic Route System<BR>WPR Waypoint Position Report