航空 发表于 2010-8-20 12:58:09


<FONT size=3>AVIATION GLOSSARY A-E- -&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>ATIS Airport Terminal Information Service 机场终端信息服务 <BR>ATIS Automated(automatic) Terminal Information Service 自动终端情报服务 <BR>ATM Air Traffic Management 空中交通管理 <BR>ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network 航空电信网 <BR>ATNP (ICAO)Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Panel (国际民航组织)航空电信网专家组 <BR>ATO Actual Time Over 实际经过时间 <BR>ATRK Along-Track Error 沿航线误差 <BR>ATS Air Traffic Services 空中交通服务 <BR>ATSC Air Traffic Services Communication 空中交通服务通信 <BR>ATT Attitude 姿态 <BR>AUSSAT Australian Satellite 澳大利亚卫星 <BR>AUTODIN Automated Digital Network 自动化数字网络 <BR>AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network 自动化话音网络 <BR>AUX Auxiliary 辅助 <BR>AVOL Aerodrome Visibility Operational Level 机场能见度运行等级 <BR>AVPAC Aviation VHF Packet Communications 航空甚高频分组通信 <BR>AVS Aviation Standards 航空标准 <BR>AWANS Aviation Weather And NOTAM System 航空气象和航行通告系统 <BR>AWOP (ICAO) All Weather Operations Panel (国际民航组织)全天候运行专家组 <BR>AWOS Automated Weather Observing System 自动化气象观测系统 <BR>AWP Aviation Weather Processor 航空气象处理器 <BR>AWS Aviation Weather Service 航空气象服务 <BR>AZ Azimuth transmitter 方位台 <BR>B <BR>BARO Barometric 气压 <BR>BAZ Back Azimuth 后方位,背航道 <BR>BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则 <BR>BER Bit Error Rate 误码率 <BR>BIT Built-In-Test 机内测试 <BR>BITE Built-In-Test Equipment 机内测试设备 <BR>BOP Bit Oriented Protocol 面向位的协议 <BR>BPS bits per second 每秒传送位数;每秒比特数 <BR>BPSK Biphase Shift Keying 两相相移键控 <BR>BRITE Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment 塔台高亮度雷达显示设备 <BR>BRL Bearing Range Line 方位距离线 <BR>BSU Beam Steering Unit 天线方位控制组件 <BR>BUEC Backup Emergency Communications 备用紧急通信 <BR>C 通信 <BR>C-Band Approx. 5,000MHz C波段 <BR>C/A (CA) Code Course Acquisition Code 粗获码(民用的) <BR>C/I Carrier-to-Interference Ratio 信号干扰比 <BR>C/N Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 信噪比 <BR>CA Conflict Alert 冲突告警 <BR>CA GPS Course- Acquisition Code 粗捕获码(民用码) <BR>CA/MSAW Conflict Alert/Minimum Safe Altitude Warning 冲突告警/最低安全高度警告 <BR>CAA Civil Aviation Administration, Civil Aeronautical Authority, Civil Aviation Authority 民航局 <BR>CAAC General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 中国民用航空总局 <BR>CAASD Center for Advanced Aviation System Development(The MITRE Corporation) (MITRE公司)高级航行系统开发中心 <BR>CAB Civil Aeronautical Bureau 民航局 <BR>CARF Central Altitude Reservation Function 中央飞行高度保留功能 <BR>CARs Civil Air Regulations 民用航空规则 <BR>CASITAF CNS/ATM implementation task force 新航行系统实施特别工作组 <BR>CAT Category 仪表着陆等级 <BR>CATⅠ Category Ⅰ 一类仪表着陆 <BR>CATⅡ Category Ⅱ 二类仪表着陆 <BR>CAT Ⅲa Category Ⅲa 三类a级仪表着陆 <BR>CAT Ⅲb Category Ⅲb 三类b级仪表着陆 <BR>CAT Ⅲc Category Ⅲc 三类c级仪表着陆 <BR>CATC Civil Aviation Training Center 民航培训中心 <BR>CATMAC Co-operative Air Traffic Management Concept 空中交通管理合作方案 <BR>CBA Cost/Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析 <BR>C-BAND The frequency range between 4000 and 8000MHz 4000到8000MHz频段 <BR>CBI Computer Based Instruction 计算机基本指令 <BR>CBT Computer-Based Training 计算机辅助训练 <BR>CC Connection Confirm 联接确认 <BR>CCA Continental Control Area 大陆管制区 <BR>CCC 蜂窝式CNS概念 <BR>CCD Consolidated Cab Display 综合机舱显示器 <BR>CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会 <BR>CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee 国际电报电话咨询委员会 <BR>CCP Contingency Command Post 应急指挥站 <BR>CCWS Common controller workstation 通用管制员工作站 <BR>CD Common Digitizer 通用数字化仪设备 <BR>CDC Computer Display Channel 计算机显示通道 <BR>CDI Course Deviation Indicator 偏航指示器 <BR>CDM Code division multiplex 码分复用 <BR>CDM Continuous Delta Modulation 连续增量调制 <BR>CDMA Code Division Multiple Access 码分多址 <BR>CDT Controlled Departure Times 管制离场时间 <BR>CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information 驾驶舱交通信息显示 <BR>CDU Control Display Unit 控制显示组件 <BR>CEP Circular error probability 圆概率误差 <BR>CERAC Combined Center Radar Approach Control 雷达进近管制联合中心 <BR>CFCC Central Flow Control Computer 中央流量管制计算机 <BR>CFCF Central Flow Control Facility 中央流量管制设施(功能) <BR>CFDPS Compact Flight Data Processing System 小型飞行数据处理系统 <BR>CFWP Central Flow Weather Processor 中央流量气象处理机 <BR>CFWSU Central Flow Weather Service Unit 中央流量气象服务单元(组件) <BR>CHI Computer Human Interface 机人接口 <BR>CIDIN Common ICAO Data Interchange Network 国际民航组织公用数据交换网 <BR>CIS Cooperative independent surveillance 合作式独立监视 <BR>CLAM Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring 放行高度保持监视 <BR>CLB Climb 爬升 <BR>CLK Clock 时钟 <BR>CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接网络规程(协议) <BR>CLR Clear 清除 <BR>CMC Central Maintenance Computer 中央维护计算机 <BR>CMD Command 命令 <BR>CMS Cabin Management System 机舱管理系统 <BR>CMU Communications Management Unit 通信管理单元 <BR>CNDB Customized Navigation Database 用户导航数据库 <BR>CNS Consolidated NOTAM System 综合航行通告系统 <BR>CNS/ATM Communication Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management 通信导航监视/空中交通管理 <BR>CODEC Coder/Decoder 编码器/解码器 <BR>COM/MET/OPS Communication/ Meteorology/ Operations 通信/气象/运行 <BR>COMLO Compass Locator 罗盘定位器;罗盘示位信标 <BR>COMM Communication 通信 <BR>COMP Compressor 压缩器 <BR>COMSEC Communications Security 通信保安 <BR>CON Continuous 连续 <BR>CONUS Continental, Contiguous, or Conterminous United States 美国大陆本部(四十八州) <BR>COP Change Over Point 转换点 <BR>COP Character Oriented Protocol 面向字符协议 <BR>COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf 商业货架产品供应 <BR>CPDLC Controller Pilot Data Link Communications 管制员驾驶员数据链通信 <BR>CPFSK Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying 连续相位频移键控 <BR>CR Connection Request 联接申请 <BR>CRA Conflict Resolution Advisory 冲突解脱咨询 <BR>CRC Cyclic Redundant Check 循环冗余校验 <BR>CRCO Central Route Charges Office 中央航路收征费办公室 <BR>CRM C Reference Model C参考模式 <BR>CRM Collision Risk Modeling 碰撞危险模型 <BR>CRM Crew Resource Management 机组人员安排 <BR>CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管 <BR>CRZ Cruise 巡航 <BR>CSA Standard Accurate Channel 标准精度通道 <BR>CSE Course Setting Error 航线设定误差 <BR>CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access (datalink protocol) 载波侦听多址访问 <BR>C/SOIT Communication/ Surveillance Operational Implementation Team 通信监视运行实施小组(美国) <BR>CTA Calculated Time of Arrival 计算到达时间 <BR>CTA Control Area 管制区 <BR>CTAS Central Tracon Automation System 中央终端雷达进近管制自动系统 <BR>CTL Control 控制 <BR>CTMO Central traffic Management Organization 中央交通流量管理组织 <BR>CTMO Centralized Traffic Management Organization 中央交通管理组织 <BR>CTOL Conventional Take Off and Landing 常规起飞着陆 <BR>CTR Control zone 管制地带 <BR>CTS Control Tracking Station 控制跟踪站 <BR>CU Control Unit 控制单元 <BR>C§W Control and Warning 控制和告警 <BR>CW Carrier Wave 载波 <BR>CWI Continuous Wave Interference 连续波干扰 <BR>CWP Central Weather Processor 中央气象处理器 <BR>CWSU Center Weather Service Unit 中央气象服务单元 <BR>D <BR>D/A Digital-to-Analog 数/模转换 <BR>DABS Discrete Addressable Beacon System 离散寻址信标系统 <BR>DADC Digital Air Data Computer 数字大气数据计算机 <BR>D-ATIS Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service 数字自动终端信息服务 <BR>DA Decision Addressing beacon system 决断寻址信标系统 <BR>DA Demand Assignment 按需分配 <BR>DA/H Decision Altitude(Height) 决断高度 <BR>DARC Direct Access Radar Channel 直接存取雷达信道 <BR>DARP Dynamic Air Route Planning 动态航线计划 <BR>DARPS Dynamic Aircraft (Air) Route Planning Study 动态飞机航线计划研究 <BR>DC Departure Clearance 离场放行许可 <BR>DC Direct Current 直流(电) <BR>DCC Display Channel Complex 显示通道组合 <BR>DCIU Data Control Interface Unit 数据控制接口单元 <BR>DCL Departure Clearance Delivery 起飞许可传送 <BR>DCPC Direct Controller Pilot Communication 管制员驾驶员直接通信 <BR>DES Data Encryption Standard 数据加密标准 <BR>DF Direction Finder 测向器 <BR>DFCS Digital Flight Control System 数字飞行控制系统 <BR>DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit 数字飞行数据采集单元 <BR>DGCA Director-General Civil Aviation 民航局长 <BR>DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System 差分全球导航卫星系统 <BR>DGPS Differential Global Positioning System 差分全球定位系统 <BR>DH Decision Height 决断高度 <BR>DIP Diplexer 双工器 <BR>DL Data Link 数据链 <BR>DLAC Data Link Applications Coding 数据链应用编码 <BR>DLAS Differential GNSS Instrument Approach System 差分GNSS仪表进近系统 <BR>DLK data link 数据链 <BR>DLORT FAA Data Link Operational Requirements Team FAA数据链运行要求工作组 <BR>DMAP ICAO Data Link Mobile Applications Panel(proposed) 国际民航组织数据链移动应用专家组(建议) <BR>DME Distance Measuring Equipment 测距设备 <BR>DME/N Distance Measuring Equipment/Normal 标准测距设备 <BR>DME/P Distance Measuring Equipment/Precision 精密测距设备 <BR>DMU Data Management Unit 数据管理单元 <BR>DO(DOC) Document 记录(文件) <BR>DOD Department of Defense (美国)国防部 <BR>DOP Dilution of Precision 精度扩散因子 <BR>DOT Department of Transportation (美国)运输部 <BR>DOTS Dynamic Ocean Tracking System 动态海洋跟踪系统 <BR>DP Disconnect Request 分离拆线请求 <BR>DPF Data Processing Function 数据处理功能 <BR>D8PSK Differential Eight-Phase Shift Keying 差分8相移键控 <BR>DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying 差分相移键控 <BR>DRMS Distance Root Mean Square 距离均方根值 <BR>DRN Document Release Notice 文件发放通告 <BR>DSB-AM Double Sideband Amplitude 双边带调幅 <BR>DSDU Data Signal Display Unit 数据信号显示单元 <BR>DSP Departure Sequencing Program 起飞排序计划;离港排序计划 <BR>DT Data 数据 <BR>DTE Data Terminal Equipment 数据终端设备 <BR>DT&amp;E Development Test and Evaluation 开发测试和评估 <BR>DTF Data Test Facility 数据检测设备 <BR>DTG 待飞距离 <BR>DTN Data Transport Network 数据传输网络 <BR>DUAT Direct User Access Terminal 用户直接存取终端 <BR>DVOR Doppler Very high frequency Omni-directional Range 多普勒甚高频全向信标 <BR>E <BR>EANPG European Air Navigation Planning Group 欧洲航行规划小组 <BR>E-DARC Enhanced Direct Access Radar Channel 增强的直接存取雷达信道 <BR>EARTS En route Automated Radar Tracking System 航路自动化雷达跟踪系统 <BR>EASIE Enhanced ATM and Mode S Implementation in Europe 欧洲S模式和增强的空中交通管理实施项目 <BR>EATCHIP European ATC Harmonization Implementation Program 欧洲空中交通管制协调实施计划 <BR>EATMS European Air Traffic Management System 欧洲空中交通管理系统 <BR>ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference 欧洲民航会议 <BR>ECEF 地心地固坐标 <BR>EDCT Estimated Departure Clearance Time 预计离港起飞放行时间 <BR>EET Estimated Elapsed Time 预计经过时间 <BR>EFAS En route Flight Advisory Service 航路飞行咨询服务 <BR>EFAS Extended Final Approach Segment 扩展最后进近段 <BR>EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System 电子飞行仪表系统 <BR>EFC Expect Further Clearance 预期进一步放行许可 <BR>EFIS Electronic Flight Information System 电子飞行情报系统 <BR>EGNOS European global navigation overlay system 欧洲全球导航重迭系统 <BR>EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 电子平面状态显示器 <BR>EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiate Power 等效各向同性辐射功率 <BR>EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 扩展的工业标准结构 <BR>EL Elevation Transmitter 仰角台 <BR>ELOD En route sector Load 航路扇区负载管制飞机数量 <BR>ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter 紧急示位发射机 <BR>EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容 <BR>EMI Electromagnetic Interference 电磁干扰 <BR>ENRI Electronic Navigation Research Institute (日本)电子导航研究所 <BR>EOF Emergency Operations Facility 应急运行设施 <BR>EPA Environmental Protection Agency 环境保护署 <BR>ER Error 误差 <BR>ERL Environmental Research Laboratories 环境研究实验室 <BR>ERM En Route Metering 航路计量管制 <BR>ERN Earth Referenced Navigation 大地参考导航 <BR>ERP Effective Radiated Power 有效幅射功率 <BR>ES End System 终端系统 <BR>ESA European Space Agency 欧洲航天局 <BR>ESCAN Electronic Scanning(radar antenna) <BR>ESMMC Enhanced SMMC 增强的系统维护监视台 <BR>ESP En route Spacing Program 航路间隔计划 <BR>EST Estimated message 预计信息 <BR>ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <BR>ETB Estimated Time of Boundary 预计边界时间 <BR>ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预计离港时间 <BR>ETG Enhanced Target Generator 增强的显示目标产生器 <BR>ETN Estimated Time of Entry 预计进入时间 <BR>ETO Estimated Time Over 预计飞越时间 <BR>ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准学会 <BR>EU European Union 欧洲联盟 <BR>EURATN European ATN 欧洲航空电信网 <BR>EUROCAE European Organization for Civil Aviation Electronics 欧洲民用航空电子学组织 <BR>EUROCONTROL European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation 欧洲航行安全组织(欧安局) <BR>EVS Enhanced Vision System 增强视景系统 <BR>EWAS En-route Weather Advisory Service 航路气象咨询服务 <BR>F <BR>F&amp;E Facilities and Equipment 设施和设备 <BR>F,E&amp;D Facilities, Engineering, and Development 设施、工程和开发 <BR>FAA Federal Aviation Administration (美国)联邦航空局 <BR>FAATC FAA Technical Center (美国)联邦航空局技术中心 <BR>FAF Final Approach Fix 最终进近坐标 <BR>FANS ICAO Future Air Navigation Systems (国际民航组织)未来航行系统 <BR>FANS Special Committee on Future Air Navigation Systems 未来航行系统特别委员会 <BR>FANS(Phase II) Special Committee for the Monitor- ing and Co-ordination of Develop- ment and Transition Planning for the Future Air Navigation System 未来航行系统监督、协调发展与过渡规划 专门委员会 <BR>FAR Federal Aviation Regulation 联邦航空条例 <BR>FAS Final Approach Segment 最后进近段 <BR>FASID Facilities And Services Implementation Document 设施和服务实施文件 <BR>FCC Flight Communication Center 飞行通信中心 <BR>FCC Federal Communication Commission 联邦通信委员会 <BR>FCC Flight Control Computer 飞行控制计算机 <BR>FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit 飞行数据收集单元 <BR>FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 光纤分布数据接口 <BR>FDEP Flight Data Entry and Printout 飞行数据输入和输出 <BR>FDI Fault Detection and Isolation 故障检测和隔离 <BR>FDIO Flight Data Input/Output 飞行数据输入/输出 <BR>FDM Frequency Division Multiplex 频分复用 <BR>FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址 <BR>FDP Flight Data Processor 飞行数据处理器 <BR>FDPS Flight Data Processing System 飞行数据处理系统 <BR>FDR Flight Data Recorder 飞行数据记录仪 <BR>FEATS Future European ATS System Concept 未来欧洲空中交通服务系统方案 <BR>FEATS ICAO Future European Air Traffic Management System 国际民航组织未来欧洲空中交通管理系统 <BR>FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错 <BR>FGC Flight Guidance Computer 飞行引导计算机 <BR>FGCC Federal Geodetic Control Committee 联邦大地测量管理委员会 <BR>FI Flight Inspection 飞机校验 <BR>FIC Flight Information Center 飞行信息中心 <BR>FIFO First In-First Out 先入先出 <BR>FIFO Flight Inspection Field Office 飞行检查现场办事处 <BR>FIR Flight Information Region 飞行情报区 <BR>FIS Flight Information Services 飞行情报服务 <BR>FISA Automatic Flight Information Service 自动飞行信息服务 <BR>FL Flight Level 飞行高度层 <BR>FLIR Forward Looking Infra-red Detection 前视红外线探测 <BR>FM Frequency Modulation 调频 <BR>FMC Flight Management Computer 飞行管理计算机 <BR>FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式效果分析 <BR>FMS Flight Management System 飞行管理系统 <BR>FMS Frequency Management System 频率管理系统 <BR>FMSG Frequency Management Study Group 频率管理研究组 <BR>FMU Flight Management Unit 飞行管理组件 <BR>FMU Flow Management Unit 流量管理单元 <BR>FOC Full Operation Capability 全运行能力 <BR>FOM Figure of Merit 性能指数 <BR>FPA Flight Path Angle 航迹倾角 <BR>FPD Flight Plan Data 飞行计划数据 <BR>FPS Military Primary Radar 军用一次雷达 <BR>FREQ Frequency 频率 <BR>FRP Federal Radio navigation Plan 联邦无线电导航计划(美国) <BR>FS Functional Statement 功能描述 <BR>FSAS Flight Service Automation System 飞行服务自动化系统 <BR>FSDPS Flight Service Data Processing System 飞行服务数据处理系统 <BR>FSK Frequency Shift Keying 频移键控 <BR>FSP Flight Strip Printer 飞行进程单打印机 <BR>FSS Flight Service Station 飞行服务站 <BR>FSTN Federal Security Telephone Network 联邦政府保安电话网络 <BR>FT Functional Test 功能测试 <BR>FTE Flight Technical Error 飞行技术误差 <BR>FY Fiscal Year 财政年度; 会计年度 <BR>G <BR>GA General Aviation 通用航空 <BR>GA Ground annta 地面天线 <BR>Gatelink Datalink for packed aircraft 网关数据链路 <BR>GADS Generic Aircraft Display System 通用航空器显示系统 <BR>GAIT Ground-based Augmentation and Integrity Technique 陆基增强和完好性技术 <BR>GAO Government Accounting Office (联邦)政府会计署 <BR>GBA Geostationary broadcast area 静止卫星广播区域 <BR>GCAS Ground Collision Avoidance System 地面防撞系统 <BR>GCS Ground Controlled Approach 地面控制系统 <BR>GDLP Ground Data Link Processor 地面数据链处理器 <BR>GDOP Geometic Dilution of Position 位置几何扩散因子 <BR>GDOP Geometry Dilution of Precision 精度几何扩散因子 <BR>GEO Geostationary 静地的 <BR>GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit 相对地球静止轨道静止卫星 <BR>GES Ground Earth Station 地面地球站 <BR>GFE Government-Furnished Equipment 政府提供的设备 <BR>GHz Giga hertz 千兆赫兹 <BR>GIB GNSS integrity broadcast 全球导航卫星系统完好性数据广播 <BR>GIC GNSS Integrity Channel 全球卫星导航系统完好性通道 <BR>GICB Ground-initiated Comm-B 地面启动的B类通信 <BR>GIRU Ground Interrogator Receiver Unit 地面应答机接收单元 <BR>GIS Geographical Information System 地理信息系统 <BR>GLONASS Global Orbit Navigation Satellite System 全球轨道导航卫星系统(俄罗斯) <BR>GLS GPS Landing System GPS着陆系统 <BR>GM Guidance Material 指导材料 <BR>GMC Ground Movement Control 地面活动管制 <BR>GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying <BR>GMT Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间 <BR>GNAS General NAS 综合国家空域系统 <BR>GND Ground 地 <BR>GNE Gross Navigational Error 总导航误差 <BR>GNR Global Navigation Receiver 全球导航接收机 <BR>GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System 全球导航卫星系统 <BR>GNSSP ICAO Global Navigation Satellite Systems Panel 国际民航组织全球卫星导航系统专家组 <BR>GPSSU Global Positioning System Sensor Unit 全球定位系统(GPS)传感器组件 <BR>GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 静地运行环境卫星 <BR>GOS Grade of Service 服务等级 <BR>GOSEP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile 政府开放系统互联结构 <BR>GOSIP Government Open systems Implementation Profile 政府开放系统实施结构 <BR>GP Glide-Path 下滑道 <BR>GPIP Glide-Path Intercept Point 下滑道截获点 <BR>GPIWP Glide Path Intercept Waypoint 滑行道切入点 <BR>GPO/GPI General Purpose Output/General Purpose Input 通用输出/通用输入 <BR>GPS Global Positioning System 全球定位系统 <BR>GPWS Ground Proximity Warming System 近地告警系统 <BR>GREPECAS Caribean/South American Planning and Implementation Regional Group 加勒比/南美洲计划和实施区域小组 <BR>GRS Ground-Reference Station 地面基准站 <BR>GRS80 Geodetic-Reference System-80 大地基准系统-80 <BR>GS(G/S) Glide Slope 下滑坡度 <BR>GS Ground Speed 地速 <BR>GSA General Services Administration 综合服务管理局(联邦政府下属) <BR>GSL General Support Laboratory 综合保障实验室 <BR>GSM Global System (or Mobile) Communication 全球通信系统 <BR>GWS Graphic Weather Service 图形气象服务 <BR>H <BR>H Homing radio beacon 归航无线电信标 <BR>HARN High Accuracy Reference Network 高精度参考网 <BR>HAT Height Above Touchdown 高于接地点的高度 <BR>HCI Human Computer Interface 人机接口 <BR>HDD Head Down Display 下视显示器 <BR>HDG Heading 航向 <BR>HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision 精度水平扩散因子 <BR>HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse 高空电磁脉冲 <BR>HEO High Elliptical Orbit 高椭圆率轨道 <BR>HF High Frequency(3-30MHz) 高频 <BR>HFDL High Frequency Data Link 高频数据链 <BR>HGA High Gain Antenna 高增益天线 <BR>HIRF High Intensity Radiated Fields 高强度辐射场 <BR>HIWAS Hazardous In-flight Weather Advisory Service 飞行时遇危险天气的咨询服务 <BR>HMI Human Machine Interface 人机接口 <BR>HPA high power amplifier 高功率放大器 <BR>HPF Horizontal Position Fix Error 水平位置坐标误差 <BR>HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator 水平位置指示器 <BR>HUD Head-up Display 平视显示仪 <BR>HUI Head up Display <BR>HVAC Heating, Ventilating, And air Conditioning 加热,通风和空调 <BR>Hybird GNSS/ILS Precision Approach/Landing based on combination of GNSS localizer and ILS glide path 基于GNSS航向和ILS下滑道组合的精密进近/着陆系统 <BR>Hz Hertz 赫兹 <BR>I <BR>IA5 International Alopabet 5 国际字母表第5号码 <BR>IACA International Air Carrier Association 国际航空公司协会 <BR>IACSP International Aeronautical Communication Service Provider 国际航空通信业务提供者 <BR>IAF Initial Approach Fix 初始进近点(坐标) <BR>IAG International Association of Geodetical 国际测地协会 <BR>IAIN International Association of Institutes of Navigation 国际导航学会联合会 <BR>IAOPA International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations 航空器企业主和驾驶员协会国际委员会 <BR>IAP Instrument Approach Procedure 仪表进近程序 <BR>IAR Intersection of Air Routes 航路交叉点 <BR>IAS Indicated Air Speed 指示空速 <BR>IASC Inter Area Speech Circuit 区域间话音线路 <BR>IATA International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会 <BR>IBAC International Business Aviation Council 国际商业航空委员会 <BR>ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织 <BR>ICCAI(A) International Co-ordination Council of Aerospace Industries Associations 国际宇航工业联合会合作委员会 <BR>ICD Interface Control Document 接口控制文件 <BR>ICO Interim Circle Orbit 中高度圆轨道 <BR>ICSS Integrated Communications Switching System 综合通信转换系统 <BR>ID Identifier(Identification) 标识码(编码、识别标志) <BR>ID Instrument Departure 仪表离场 <BR>IDSG ICAO Internet Working Standards Drafting Group 国际民航组织网间标准起草小组 <BR>IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气和电子工程师学会 <BR>IF Intermediate approach Fix 中间进近定位点 <BR>IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations 航空公司驾驶员协会国际联合会 <BR>IFATCA International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations 空中交通管制员协会国际联合会 <BR>IFCN Interfacility Flow Control Network 设施(单位)间流量管制网络 <BR>IFF 敌我识别器 <BR>IFM Integrated Flow Management 综合流量管理 <BR>IFR Instrument Flight Rules 仪表飞行规则 <BR>IFRB International Frequency Registration Board 国际频率注册委员会 <BR>IFSS International Flight Service Station 国际飞行服务站 <BR>IBM International Business Machines (美国)国际商用机器公司 <BR>ILA International Law Association 国际法律协会 <BR>ILS Instrument Landing System 仪表着陆系统 <BR>IMA Integrated Modular Avionics 集成化模块式航空电子设备 <BR>IMAWP Initial Missed Approach Waypoint 起始复飞航路点 <BR>IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions 仪表气象条件 <BR>IMCS Interim MCS 过渡性监控/管制软件 <BR>IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 <BR>IMS Integrity Monitoring System 完好性监视系统 <BR>IN Information Need 信息需求 <BR>INMARSAT International Marine Satellite Organization 国际移动卫星组织(原名国际海事卫星组织) <BR>INS Inertial Navigation System 惯性导航系统 <BR>INS Insert 插入 <BR>INTNET Integrated Data Communications Network 集成化数据通信网络 <BR>I/O input/output 输入/输出 <BR>IOACG Informal Indian Ocean Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group 非正式印度洋空中交通服务协调小组 <BR>IOC Initial Operational Capability 初始运行能力 <BR>IOD GPS Issue of Data 全球定位系统数据发布 <BR>ION Institute of Navigation 导航学会 <BR>IOR Indian Ocean Region 印度洋区域 <BR>IOT§E Initial Operational Test and Evaluation 初始运行测试和评估 <BR>IP Internetwork Protocol 网络间协议 <BR>IPACG Informal Pacific Air Traffic Control Coordination Group 非正式太平洋空中交通管制协调小组 <BR>IRS Inertial Reference System 惯性参考系统 <BR>ISA International Standard Atmosphere 国际标准大气 <BR>ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network 综合业务数字网络 <BR>ISNS 国际卫星导航服务 <BR>ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织 <BR>ISPACG Informal South Pacific ATS Co-Ordination Group 非正式南太平洋空中交通服务协调小组 <BR>ISSS Initial Sector Suite Subsystem 起始扇区管制席位分系统 <BR>ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟 <BR>ITWS Integrated Terminal Weather Service 综合终端气象服务 <BR>IVAD Integrate Voice and Data 综合话音和数据(通信数据链) <BR>IVRS Interim Voice Response System 过渡性话音响应系统 <BR>IWP Interim Working Party 临时工作组 <BR>JAWS Joint Airport Weather Studies 联合机场气象研究 <BR>JCAB Japan Civil Aviation Bureau 日本民航局 <BR>JAWS Joint Airport Weather Studies 联合机场气象研究 <BR>JPO Joint GPS Planning Office 联合GPS规划办公室 <BR>JSS Joint Surveillance System 联合监视系统 <BR>Kbps Kilo bits per second 千位每秒 <BR>KDP Key Decision Point 关键性决定点 <BR>kHz Kilohertz 千赫 <BR>KLAAS Kinematics Local Area Augmentation System 动态地面局域增强系统 <BR>KLADGNSS Kinematics Local Area Differential GNSS 动态地局域差分GNSS&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <BR>kW Kilowatt 千瓦 <BR>kWh Kilowatt hour 千瓦小时 <BR>L <BR>L1 1575.42MHz L-Band carrier L1频率 <BR>L2 1227.6MHz L-Band carrier L2频率 <BR>LAAS Local Area Augmentation System 局域增强系统 <BR>LACAC Latin American Civil Aviation Commission 拉丁美洲民航委员会 <BR>LADGNSS Local Area Differential GNSS 局域差分全球卫星导航系统 <BR>LADS 局域差分系统 <BR>LAN Local Area Network 局域网 <BR>LAT/LONG Latitude/Longitude <BR>Lat/Long Reference Waypoint 经/纬度 <BR>经/纬度参考点 <BR>L-Band Approx 1,500MHz L 波段(1500兆赫附近频段) <BR>LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示 <BR>LCN Local Communications Network 局域通信网络 <BR>LDGPS Local Differential GPS 本地差分GPS <BR>LEO Low Earth Orbit 近地轨道、低高度轨道 <BR>LGA Low Gain Antenna 低增益天线 <BR>LCN Local Communications Network <BR>LLWSA(S) Low Level Wind Shear Alert System 低空风切变报警系统 <BR>LMM Locator Middle Marker 航向中指点标 <BR>LNA Low Noise Amplifier 低噪音放大器 <BR>LNAV Lateral Navigation 侧向导航 <BR>LOC Localize Transmitter(Localizer) 航向台发信机 <BR>LOM Locator Outer Marker 航向外指点标 <BR>LON Longitude 经度 <BR>LORAN-C Long Range Navigation System 罗兰-C导航系统 <BR>LPC Linear Predicative Coding 线性预测编码 <BR>LRR Long Range Radar 远程雷达 <BR>LRU Line Replaceable Unit 在线替换部件 <BR>LSB Least Significant Bit 最低有效位 <BR>LVA Large Vertical Aperture 大垂直孔径 <BR>M <BR>MALSR Medium-intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway alignment indicator lights 中级亮度进近照明系统,并有跑道对准线显示灯 <BR>MAP Missed Approach Point 复飞点 <BR>MAR Minimally Attended Radar 需低度护理的雷达 <BR>MASPS Minimum Aeronautical System Standards 最低航空系统标准 <BR>MASPS Minimum Aircraft (Aviation) System Performance Specification(Standards) 最小飞机(航空)系统性能标准 扩展频谱 <BR>MAWP Missed Approached Waypoint <BR>MB Market Beacon 指点标 <BR>MBI Message Block Identifier 信息块指示器 <BR>mbps、Mbit/s mega bits per second 兆位每秒 <BR>MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude 最低穿越高度 <BR>MCC Maintenance Control Center 维护控制中心 <BR>MCDU Multifunction Control Display Unit 多功能控制显示单元 <BR>MCI Mode C intruder 装有C模式应答器的入侵飞机 <BR>MCS Master Control Station 主控站 <BR>MCS Monitoring/Control Software 监控/管制软件 <BR>MDA Minimum Descent Altitude 最低下降高度 <BR>MDT Maintenance Data Terminal 维护数据终端 <BR>MEA Minimum En-route Altitude 最低航路高度 <BR>MED Manual Entry Device 人工输入器 <BR>MET Meteorology 气象 <BR>METAR Meteorological Report of Aerodrome Conditions 机场条件气象报告 <BR>MFCP Multifunction Control Display Panel 多功能控制显示面板 <BR>MFDU Multifunction Display Unit 多功能显示单元 <BR>MHz Megahertz 兆赫 <BR>MIDANPIRG Middle East Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group 中东地区航行规划&lt;请合法使用í?t&gt;实施小组 <BR>MIFR Master International Frequency Registration 国际频率注册管理站(员) <BR>MIL Military 军方 <BR>MKR Marker 指点标 <BR>MLS Microwave Landing System 微波着陆系统 <BR>MMALS Multi-Mode Approach and Landing System 多模式进近和着陆系统 <BR>MMI Man-Machine Interface 人机接口 <BR>MMR Multi-Mode Receiver 多模式接收机 <BR>MMS Maintenance Management System 维护管理系统 <BR>MMW Millimeter Wave 毫米波 <BR>MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specification 最低导航性能规范 <BR>MNPSA MNPS airspace 最低导航性能规范空域 <BR>MNT Mach Number Technique 马赫数技术 <BR>MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitudes 最低超障净空高度 <BR>Mode S specific services S模式特定业务 <BR>MODEM Modulator-Demodulator 调制解调器 <BR>MOPR Minimum Operational Performance Requirements 最低运行性能要求 <BR>MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards 最低运行性能规范 <BR>MORA Minimum Off-Route Altitude &lt;请合法使用软件&gt;低偏离航路高度 <BR>MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor 金属-氧化物半导体 <BR>MOU Memorandum Of Understanding 备忘录 <BR>MPS Maintenance Processor Subsystem 维护处理机分系统 <BR>MRA Minimum Reception Altitude 最低接受高度 <BR>MRT Multi-Radar Tracking 多雷达跟踪 <BR>MRT-VU Multi-Radar Tracking using Variable Update 采用变化更新的多雷达跟踪 <BR>MSA Minimum Sector Altitude 最低扇区高度 <BR>MSAT 移动业务卫星系统(美国的) <BR>MSAW Minimum Safe Altitude Warning 最低安全高度警告 <BR>MSCP Mobile Satellite Service Provider 移动卫星业务提供者 <BR>MSE Mean Square Error 均方误差 <BR>MSK Minimum Shift Keying 最小移频键控 <BR>MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面 <BR>MSP Mode S specific protocol S模式特别协议(规程) <BR>MSU Mode Select Unit 模式选择单元 <BR>MTBA Mean Time Between Alarm(Warning) 平均告警间隔时间 <BR>MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均故障间隔时间 <BR>MTBO Mean Time Between Outage 平均故障停工间隔时间 <BR>MTBR Mean Time Between Repairs 平均故障修复间隔时间 <BR>MTBUR Mean Time Between Unit Replacements 平均更换故障单元间隔时间 <BR>MTBW Mean Time Between Warning 平均告警间隔时间 <BR>MTD Maintenance Terminal Display 维护终端显示器 <BR>MTI Moving Target Indicator 活动目标指示器 <BR>MTM Module Test and Maintenance 模块测试和维护 <BR>MTMIU Module Test and Maintenance Bus Interface Unit 模块测试和维护总线接口单元 <BR>MTN MEGA Transport Network MEGA运输网络 <BR>MTSAT Multi-Functional Transport Satellite 多功能传送卫星(日本) <BR>MTTDA Mean Time To Dispatch Alert 平均签派告警时间 <BR>MTTF Mean Time To Failure 平均故障时间 <BR>MTTM Mean Time To Maintenance 平均维护时间 <BR>MTTR Mean Time to Repair 维平均修时间 <BR>MTTR Mean Time to Restore 平均恢复时间 <BR>MU Management Unit 管理单元 <BR>MUS Minimum Use Specification 最低应用规格 <BR>MUX Multiplexer 复用器 <BR>MN Multisensor Navigation 多传感器导航 <BR>MUX Multiplexer 多工器,复用器 <BR>MWARA Major World Air Route Area 世界主要航路区 <BR>MWO Meteorological Watch Office 气象观测台 <BR>N <BR>N Navigation 导航 <BR>NA Not Applicable 不可用 <BR>NACK Negative Acknowledgment 出错通知 <BR>NAD North American Datum 北美数据(基准) <BR>NADIN National Airspace Data Interchange Network 国家空域数据交换网 <BR>NAGU 咨询报告 <BR>NAILS National Airspace Integrated Logistics Support 国家空域综合后勤保障 <BR>NAPA 国家公共管理科学院(美国) <BR>Nanosecond One billionth of a second 十亿分之一秒 <BR>NAR National Airspace Review 国家空域审议 <BR>NARACS National Radio Communications System 国家无线电通信系统 <BR>NAS National Airspace System 国家空域系统 <BR>NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration 国家航空和宇航局(美国) <BR>NASNET National Airspace System Network 国家空域系统网络 <BR>NASP National Airport System Plan 国家航空港系统计划 <BR>NASPALS NAS Precision Approach and Landing System 国家空域系统进近和着陆系统 <BR>NAT North Atlantic 北大西洋地区 <BR>NAT ADSG North Atlantic Automatic Dependent Surveillance Development Group 北大西洋自动相关监视开发小组 <BR>NAT ATS North Atlantic Air Traffic Services 北大西洋空中交通服务 <BR>NAT SPG North Atlantic Systems Planning Group 北大西洋系统规划组 <BR>NATCOM National Communications Center, Kansas City, Missouri 国家通信中心(位于密苏里州堪萨斯城) <BR>NATS National Air Traffic Service 国家空中交通服务 <BR>NAV Navigation <BR>NAVAID Navigational Aid 导航设施 <BR>NAVAID Radio Aid to Navigation 无线电助(导)收设备 <BR>NAVD North American Vertical Datum 北美垂直向数据 <BR>NCA National Control Authority 国家指挥当局 <BR>NAWP National Aviation Weather Processor 国家航空气象处理机 <BR>NCC Network Control Center 网络控制中心 <BR>NCD No-Computed Data 无算出数据 <BR>NCIU NEXRAD communications interface unit 改进型气象雷达通信接口单元 <BR>NCP Network Control processor 网络控制处理器 <BR>NCS Network Coordinating Station 网络协调台 <BR>NDB Nondirectional Radio Beacon 无方向信标 <BR>NEAN North European ADS-B Network 北欧ADS-B网络 <BR>NEOF National Emergency Operations Facilities 国家应急指挥设施 <BR>NEXRAD Next Generation Weather Radar 改进型气象雷达;下一代气象雷达 <BR>NGRS National Geodetic Reference System 国家测地参考系统 <BR>NGS National Geodetic Survey 国家测地勘察 <BR>NICS NAS Interfacility Communications System 国家空域系统设施间的通信系统 <BR>NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 国家标准和技术研究所 <BR>NLES 导航岸站 <BR>NM (NMI) Nautical Mile 海里,节 <BR>NMC National Meteorological Center 国家气象中心(美国) <BR>NMCE Network Monitoring and Control Equipment 网络监控设备 <BR>NMDPS Network Management Data Process System 网络管理数据处理系统 <BR>NMS Navigation Management System 导航管理系统 <BR>NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 国家海洋和大气局(美国) <BR>NOPAC North Pacific 北太平洋 <BR>NOTAM Notice to Airmen 航行通告 <BR>NPA Non-Precision Approach 非精密进近 <BR>NPDU Network Protocol Data Unit 网络协议数据单元 <BR>NPLAS National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems 国家综合航空港系统的计划 <BR>NRC National Research Committee 国家科学研究委员会(美国的) <BR>NSAP Network Service Access Point 网络服务访问点 <BR>NSB National Secure Bureau 国家保安局(美国的) <BR>NSC Network Service Centre 网络服务中心 <BR>NSDU Network Service Data Unit 网络服务数据单元 <BR>NSE Navigation System Error 导航系统误差 <BR>NSSF NAS Simulation Support Facility 国家空域系统的仿真保障设施 <BR>NTLA National Telecommunications Information Agency 国家电信资料署(美国) <BR>NTSB National Transportation Safety Board 国家运输安全委员会(美国) <BR>NWS National Weather Service 国家气象服务(美国) <BR>O <BR>O&amp;M Operation and Maintenance 运行和维修 <BR>O.R. Operational Requirement 运营要求 <BR>OACC Oceanic Area Control Center 海洋区域管制中心 <BR>OAS Obstacle Assessment Surface 障碍物评价面 <BR>OAS Oceanic Automation System 海洋自动化系统 <BR>OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude 超障净高度 <BR>OCA Oceanic Control Area 海洋管制区 <BR>OCH Obstacle Clearance Height 超障高 <BR>OCM Oceanic Clearance Message 海洋放行许可信息 <BR>OCP ICAO Obstacle Clearance Panel 国际民航组织超障净空专家组 <BR>OCS 运行控制系统 <BR>OCS Obstacle Clearance Surface 超障面 <BR>ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System 全向进近灯光系统 <BR>ODAPS Oceanic Display and Planning System 远洋飞行显示和规划系统 <BR>ODF Oceanic Development Facility 海洋开发设施 <BR>ODIAC Operational Development of Initial Air-ground data Communications 早期空-地数据通信运行开发 <BR>ODL Oceanic Data Link 海洋数据链 <BR>OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 原始设备制造商 <BR>OFDPS Offshore Flight Data Processing System 近海飞行数据处理系统 <BR>OLAN Onboard Local Area Network 机载局域网 <BR>OLDI On-line Data Interchange 联机数据交换 <BR>OMB Office of Management and Budget 国家管理和预算局(美国) <BR>OMEGA A navigation system that uses two high-powered transmitter grounds stations to broadcast a continuous wave signal. 奥米加导航系统 <BR>ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System 全向进近灯光系统 <BR>OOOI Out-Off-On-In 滑出-起飞-接地-停靠门位 <BR>OP Operational 运行 <BR>OP SUP Operational Supervisor 运营监督 <BR>OPMT Operations Planning Management Team 运营规划管理小组 <BR>OPTUS Name of one of Australia's Telecommunications Providers 澳大利亚电信业务提供者之一的名字 <BR>OR Operational Requirements 运行要求 <BR>ORD Operational Readiness Demonstration 运行准备就绪示范 <BR>ORI Orientation 面向 <BR>OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration 职业安全和卫生局(美国) <BR>OSI Open Systems Interconnection 开放系统互联 <BR>OSST FAA Oceanic Separation Standard Team 联邦航空局海洋间隔标准小组(美国) <BR>OTA Office of Technology Assessment 技术评估办公室(美国) <BR>OTC Overseas Telecommunications Company 海外通信公司 <BR>OTS Organized Track Structure 编组航迹系统 <BR>P-Code Precision Code (精)P-码 <BR>oxy Oxygen 氧气 <BR>P <BR>P 精密码(军用码) <BR>PA Preassignment Arrangement 预先分配 <BR>PAC Pacific 太平洋 <BR>PACOTS Pacific Organized Track System 太平洋组织的跟踪系统 <BR>PANS Procedures for air navigation services 空中航行服务程序 <BR>PANS-OPS Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Aircraft Operations 航行服务-航空器运营程序 <BR>PANS/RAC Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Rules of the Air Traffic 空中导航服务程序,空中交通服务规则 <BR>PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator 精密进近航道指示器 <BR>PAR Precision Approach Radar 精密进近雷达 <BR>PATWAS Pilots Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service 驾驶员电话询问气象的自动回答服务 <BR>PCA Positive Control Area 绝对管制区 <BR>PCC Pilot Controller Communication 驾驶员管制员通信 <BR>PCFL Pre-Cleared Flight Level 预放行高度 <BR>PCI Protocol Control Information 协议控制信息 <BR>PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉码调制 <BR>P-Code The GPS precision code GPS精密码(军用码) <BR>PCS Power Conditioning System 电力调节系统 <BR>PDC Pre-Departure Clearance 起飞前放行许可<BR>P-DME Precision Distance Measuring Equipment 精密测距仪 <BR>PDN Public Data Network 公共数据网 <BR>PDOP Position Dilution of Precision 位置精度扩散因子 <BR>PEDI Planning, Education, Demonstration and Implementation 规划、教育、演示和实施 <BR>PER Packed Encoding Rules 分组编码规则 <BR>PET Pacific Engineering Trials 太平洋工程试验 <BR>PF Position Fix Error 位置固定误差 <BR>PFCS Primary Flight Control System 主要飞行控制系统 <BR>PFE Path Following Error 路径跟踪误差 <BR>PFL Planned Flight Level 计划飞行高度 <BR>PHARE Program for Harmonized ATM Research in EUROCONTROL 欧安局空中交通管理研究协调计划 <BR>PIAC Peak Instantaneous Aircraft Count 瞬时峰值飞机数目 <BR>PIREP Pilot Report 驾驶员报告 <BR>PL Psuedolite 伪卫星 <BR>PN Pseudo-noise 伪噪音 <BR>PNCS Performance Navigation Computer System 导航计算机系统性能 <BR>POB Persons On Board 机上人员 <BR>POC Proof Of Concept 概念验证 <BR>POR Pacific Ocean Region 太平洋区域 <BR>PPS Precise Positioning Service 精密定位服务 <BR>PR Psuedo-Range 伪距离 <BR>PRC Pseudorange Correction 伪距校正 <BR>PRE Pseudo-Range Error 伪距误差 <BR>PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency 脉冲重复频率 <BR>PPI Plan Position Indicator 平面位置显示器 <BR>PRM Precision Runway Monitoring 精密跑道监视 <BR>PRN Pseudo Random Number 伪随机噪数字 <BR>PROFS Program for Regional Observing and Forecasting Services 地区观测和预报服务项目 <BR>PRR Pseudo-Range Rate 伪距变化率 <BR>PSK Phase Shift Keying 相移键控 <BR>PSR Primary Surveillance Radar 一次监视雷达 <BR>PSTN Public Switched Telecommunications Network 公共电信交换网 <BR>PTR Production Test Requirements 产生测试请求 <BR>PTT Push To Talk 按下发话 <BR>PTT Post、Telegraph、Telephone 邮政、电报、电话 <BR>PUPS Principal User Processor 主要用户处理器 <BR>PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit 永久性虚拟电路 <BR>PVD Plan View Display 平面图显示器 <BR>PVT Position, Velocity, Time 位置、速度、时间 <BR>PZ-90 基准坐标系统(俄罗斯) <BR>Q <BR>QAM Quadrate Amplitude Modulation 正交调幅 <BR>QC Quality Control 质量控制 <BR>QFE Atmospheric Pressure at Aerodrome Elevations or at Runway Threshold 在机场海拨高度或跑道端头的大气压 <BR>QNH Altimeter Sub-scale Setting to obtain Elevation when off the Ground 高度表示刻度设置以得到离地时的海拨高度 <BR>QOP Quality Operating Procedures 质量操作程序 <BR>QOS Quality-Of-Service 服务质量 <BR>QPSK Quadruple Phase Shift Keying 四相相移键控 <BR>R <BR>R&amp;D Research and Development 研究和开发 <BR>R,E&amp;D Research, Engineering and Development研究,工程和开发 <BR>RA Resolution Advisory 解脱咨询 <BR>RAAS Regional Augmentation System 区域增强系统 <BR>RAC Rules of the Air and ATS 空中规则和空中交通服务 <BR>RACGAT Russian/American Coordinating Group on Air Traffic Control 空中交通管制俄/美协调组 <BR>RADNET Radar Data Network 雷达数据网 <BR>RADS Radar Alphanumeric Display System 雷达字母和数字显示系统 <BR>RAFC Regional Area Forecast Center 区域预报中心 <BR>RAI Radio Altimeter Indicator 无线电高度指示器 <BR>RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring 接收机自主完好性监测 <BR>RAMP Radar Modernization Project 雷达现代化计划 <BR>RAPPS Remote Area Precision Positioning System 边远地区精密定位系统 <BR>RAN Regional Air Navigation 区域空中导航 <BR>RBDS Radio Broadcast Data System 无线电广播数据系统 <BR>RCAG Remote Center Air/Ground communications facility 空对地通信设施的遥控中心 <BR>RCC Rescue Coordination Center 援救协调中心 <BR>RCCC Regional Communications Control Center 地区通信控制中心 <BR>RCE Radio Control Equipment 无线电控制设备 <BR>RCF Radio Communication Failure 无线电通信故障 <BR>RCF Remote Communications Facility 遥控通信设施 <BR>RCL Radio Communications Link 无线电通信链路 <BR>RCL Runway Center Line 跑道中心线 <BR>RCO Remote Communications Outlet 遥控通信引出线 <BR>RCP Required Communication Performance 所需通信性能 <BR>R&amp;D Research and Development 研究和开发 <BR>RDARA Regional and Domestic Air Route Area 地区和国内航路区 <BR>RDF Radar Data Function 雷达数据功能 <BR>RDH Reference Datum Height 基准高度 <BR>RDMI Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator 无线电距离磁指示器 <BR>RDP Radar Data Processing 雷达数据处理 <BR>RDPS Radar Data Processing System 雷达数据处理系统 <BR>RDS Radio Data System 无线电数据系统 <BR>RDSS Radio Determination Satellite Service 无线电测位卫星系统 <BR>RDT&amp;D Research, Development, Trials and Demonstrations 研究、开发、试验和演示 <BR>RECAP Reliability Evaluation and Corrective Action Program 可靠性评估和修改工作项目 <BR>REIL Runway-End Identification Lights 跑道终端识别灯;跑道终端标志灯 <BR>RF Radio Frequency 无线电频率 <BR>RFI Radio Frequency Interference 无线电频率干扰 <BR>RFP Request for Proposal 提案建议 <BR>RFTP Request For Technical Proposal 技术建议提案 <BR>RFU Radio Frequency Unit 射频组件 <BR>RGCSP ICAO Review of the General Concept of Separation Panel 国际民航组织飞行间隔总概念审查专家组 <BR>RGIC Ranging GNSS Integrity Channel 全球导航系统完好性信道范围 <BR>RGS Remote Ground Station 远端地面站 <BR>RHCP Right-Hand-Circular Polarized 右旋圆极化 <BR>RLASM Reduced Lateral Separation Minima 减小的最小侧向间隔 <BR>RLLS runway lead-in lighting system 跑道引进灯光系统 <BR>RLOSM Reduced Longitudinal Separation Minim 减小的最小纵向间隔 <BR>R&amp;M Reliability and Maintainability 可靠性和可维护性 <BR>RML Radar Microwave Link 雷达微波链路 <BR>RMM(S) Remote Maintenance Monitoring System 远端维护监视系统 <BR>RMS Reference Monitoring Station 基准监控站 <BR>RMS Remote Monitoring Subsystem 远端监视分系统 <BR>RMS Root-Mean-Square 均方根值 <BR>RMSC RMS Concentrators 远端监视分系统集中器 <BR>RNAV Area Navigation 区域导航 <BR>RNG Range 距离、范围 <BR>RNP Required Navigation Performance 所需导航性能 <BR>RNPC Required Navigation Performance Capability 所需要导航性能能力 <BR>RNP GM Guidance Material for Required Navigation Performance 所需导航性能指导材料 <BR>RO Roll Out 出厂、装备完备 <BR>ROB Right Outboard 右(飞机)外侧、右(飞机)机翼翼尖处 <BR>ROC Rate Of Climb 爬升率 <BR>ROD Rate Of Descent 下降率 <BR>RPG Radar Products Generator 雷达分量发生器 <BR>RPS Radar Position Symbol 雷达位置符号 <BR>RRWDS Radar Remote Weather Display System 雷达远端气象显示系统 <BR>RSC Rescue Sub-Center 援救分中心 <BR>RSP Required System Performance 所需系统性能 <BR>RSS Root-Sum-Square ( root of squares sum) 平方和根值 <BR>RSSCD Runway Surface Condition 跑道道面情况 <BR>RTA Required Time of Arrival 要求的到达时间 <BR>RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics 航空无线电技术委员会 <BR>RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime 海事无线电技术委员会 <BR>RTD Research and Technical Development 研究和技术开发 <BR>RTDGPS Real-Time DGPS 实时差分全球定位系统 <BR>RTI Real-Time Interrogate 实时询问器 <BR>RTK Real Time Kinematics carrier tracking 实时动态载波跟踪(技术) <BR>RTR Remote Transmitter/Receiver 远端无线电收/发信机 <BR>RTS Request To Send 请求发送 <BR>RVR Runway Visual Range 跑道视程 <BR>RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima 缩减的垂直间隔最低标准 <BR>RVV Runway Visibility Value 跑道能见度值 <BR>RWY Runway 跑道 <BR>S <BR>S Surveillance 监视 <BR>SA Selective Availability 选择可用性 <BR>SAR Search And Rescue 搜索与救援 <BR>SAR System Analysis Recorder 系统分析记录器 <BR>SARPs(SARP) Standard and Recommended Practices 标准和建议措施 <BR>SARSR Air route surveillance radar 航路监视雷达 <BR>SATCOM Satellite Communication 卫星通信 <BR>SCAA 瑞典民航局 <BR>SCAT Special Category 特别类型 <BR>SCAT-I Special Category-I precision approach 特别Ⅰ类精密进近 <BR>SCDU Satellite Control Data Unit 卫星控制数据单元 <BR>SCPC single channel per carrier 单路单载波 <BR>SCSI Small Computer System Interface 小型计算机系统接口 <BR>SD standard deviation 标准偏差 <BR>SDM Space Division Multiplex 空分复用 <BR>SDM System Definition Manual 系统定义手册 <BR>SDMA Space Division Multiple Access 空分多址 <BR>SDU Satellite Data Unit 卫星数据组件 <BR>SEI System Engineering and Integration 系统工程和集成 <BR>SELCAL Selective Calling system 选择呼叫系统 <BR>SEP Spherical Error Probability 球形误差概率 <BR>SET System Embedded Training 系统附带培训 <BR>SICAS Secondary Surveillance Radar Improvements and Collision Avoidance 二次监视雷达改进和防撞系 统(国际民航组织) <BR>SICASP ICAO Secondary Surveillance Radar Improvements and Collision Avoidance Panel 国际民航组织二次监视雷达改进和防撞系 统专家组 <BR>SID Standard Instrument Departure 标准仪表离场 <BR>SIF Standard Interchange Format 标准相互交换格式 <BR>SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information 重要气象信息 <BR>SIGWX Significant Weather 重要天气 <BR>SITA International Society for Aeronautical Telecommunications 国际航空电信协会 <BR>SIU Satellite Interface Unit 卫星接口单元 <BR>SLAP Standard Instrument Approach Procedure 标准仪表进近程序 <BR>SLS Satellite-based Landing System 星基着陆系统 <BR>SM 保密模块 <BR>SMC System Management and Communication 系统管理和通信 <BR>SMC Surface Movement Control 场面活动管制 <BR>SMGCS Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems 场面活动引导和控制系统 <BR>SMMC System Maintenance Monitor Console 系统维护监控台 <BR>SMR Surface Movement Radar 场面活动监视雷达 <BR>SNOWTAM A special NOTAM for notifying snow. ice etc. 雪情通告 <BR>SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio 信噪比 <BR>SOIT Satellite Operational Implementation Team 卫星运行实施小组 <BR>SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea(IMO standard) 洋区生存安全标准(IMO) <BR>SOP Standard Operating Procedure 标准运行程序 <BR>SPDS Space-based Position Determination System 星基位置测定系统 <BR>SPS Standard Position Service 标准定位服务 <BR>SRADD Software Requirements And Design Description 软件要求和设计描述 <BR>SRD System Requirements Document 系统需求文件 <BR>SRR Search and Rescue Region 搜寻和援救区 <BR>SSALF Simplified Short Approach Lighting System with sequenced Flashing lights 简易短距进近近灯光系统,并有顺序闪光灯 <BR>SSALR Simplified Short Approach Lighting system with Runway alignment indicator lights 简易短距进近灯光系统, 并有跑道对准线指示灯 <BR>SSB Single Sideband 单边带 <BR>SSF System Support Facility 系统保障设施 <BR>SSL System Support Laboratory 系统保障实验室 <BR>SSMA Spreaded Spectrum Multiple Access 扩频多址 <BR>SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar 二次监视雷达 <BR>SSR Mode A/C Secondary Surveillance Radar 二次监视雷达A/C模式 <BR>SSR Mode S Secondary Surveillance Radar with Selective Addressing 二次监视雷达S模式(选址模式) <BR>SSSC Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier 单边带抑制载波 <BR>SST Supersonic Transport 超音速运输机 <BR>STAR Standard Instrument Arrival Routes 标准仪表进场航线 <BR>STC Supplementary type certification 补充型号认证 <BR>STCA Short Term Conflict Alert 短期冲突告警 <BR>STDMA Self- organizing Time Division Multiple Access (datalink) 自组织时分多址 <BR>STEP Service Test and Evaluation Program 服务试验和评估项目 <BR>STOL Short Take Off and Landing 短距起飞和着陆 <BR>STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准气温和气压 <BR>SV Space Vehicle 空间运载体(卫星) <BR>SVN Space Vehicle Number 卫星号 <BR>SVS Synthetic Vision System 综合视景系统 <BR>SVU Satellite Voice Unit 卫星话音单元 <BR>S/W Software 软件 <BR>T <BR>T&amp;E Test and Evaluation 试验和评估 <BR>TA Traffic Advisory 交通咨询 <BR>TA Transition Altitude 过渡高度 <BR>TAA Terminal Advanced Automation 终端高级自动化 <BR>TACAN Tactical Air Navigation 战术空中导航(塔康导航系统) <BR>TACS Technical Activities Committee 技术工作委员会 <BR>TARTAR Meeting for the planning and coordination of implementation of ATS Routes Through the Airspace of the Russian Federation, including Middle Asia 通过俄联邦包括中亚的ATC航路实施协调和规划会议 <BR>TAS True Air Speed 真空速 <BR>TBA To be Announced 待发布 <BR>TBD To Be Determined 待定 <BR>TC Type Certificate 型号认证 <BR>TCA Terminal Control Area 终端区 <BR>TCAS Traffic (alert and) Collision Avoidance System 交通(告警和)避撞系统 <BR>TCASⅠ Traffic (alert and) Collision Avoidance SystemⅠ 一类TCAS(提供告警) <BR>TCASⅡ Traffic (alert and) Collision Avoidance SystemⅡ 二类TCAS(提供告警并提供冲突咨询) <BR>TCC Terminal Control Center 终端管制中心 <BR>TCCC Tower Control Computer Complex 塔台管制计算机组 <BR>TCH Threshold Crossing Height 跑道入口跨越高度 <BR>TCM Technical Coordination Meeting 技术协调会 <BR>TCP Transport Control Protocol 运输控制规程(协议) <BR>TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol 传输控制协议/网络间协议 <BR>TCS Tower Communications System 塔台通信系统 <BR>TCWP Threshold Crossing Waypoint 跑道跨越点 <BR>TDLS Tower Data Link System 塔台数据链系统 <BR>TDM Time Division Multiplex 时分复用 <BR>TDM Track Definition Message 跟踪定义信息 <BR>TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址 <BR>TDOP Time Dilution Of Precision 时间精度扩散因子 <BR>TDWR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar 终端多普勒气象雷达 <BR>TDZ Touch-Down Zone 接地区域 <BR>TELCO Telephone Company 电话公司 <BR>TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures 终端仪表程序&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>TFTS Terrestrial Flight Telephone System 全球飞行电话系统 <BR>TGL Touch and Go Landing 连续起落 <BR>THR Threshold 跑道入口 <BR>TIS Traffic Information Service(uplinking of Mode S data) 交通情报服务(S模式数据上行链) <BR>TKE Track Angle Error 航迹误差 <BR>T/L Top-Level 顶层(设计) <BR>TL Transition Level 过渡层(级) <BR>TLS Target Level of Safety 安全目标等级 <BR>TMA Terminal Control Area 终端控制区 <BR>TMA Terminal Maneuvering Area 终端机动区 <BR>TML Television Microwave Link 电视微波链路 <BR>TMP Traffic Management Processor 交通管理处理器 <BR>TMS Traffic Management System 交通管理系统 <BR>TMT 电信移动卫星公司(加拿大) <BR>TMU Traffic Management Unit 交通管理单元 <BR>TN 挪威电信公司 <BR>TNA Turn Altitude 转弯高度 <BR>TNH Turn Height 转弯高 <BR>TOC Top of Climb 爬高顶点 <BR>TOD Top of Descent 下降极限 <BR>TOGA(TO/GA) Take-Off, Go-Around 起飞、复飞 <BR>TPX Military beacon system 军用信标系统 <BR>T/R Receiver-Transmitter 收发信机 <BR>TRACAB Terminal Radar Approach Control in the tower Cab 在塔台舱的终端雷达进近管制 <BR>TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control 终端雷达进近管制 <BR>TRACS Terminal Radar and Control System 终端雷达和控制系统 <BR>TREAT Trans EUR/ASIA Air Traffic Management Initiative(for FANS-1 Equipped Aircraft ) 跨欧亚空中交通管理启动项目(提供给装备FANS-1的航空器使用) <BR>TRP Mode S Transponder S模式应答器 <BR>TRSA Terminal Radar Service Area 终端雷达服务区域 <BR>TSC DOT Transportation System Center 运输部运输系统中心(美国) <BR>TSD Traffic Situation Display 交通状态显示器 <BR>TSE Total System Error 总系统误差 <BR>TSO Technical Standards Order 技术标准指令 <BR>TSR Terminal Surveillance Radar 终端监视雷达 <BR>TSSF Terminal System Support Facility 终端系统保障设施 <BR>TAA Terminal Advanced Automation 终端高级自动化 <BR>TV Television 电视 <BR>TVOR Terminal VOR 终端甚高频全向信标 <BR>TWDL Two-Way Data Link 双向数据链 <BR>TWEB Transcribed Weather Broadcast 抄录的气象广播 <BR>TWR Tower 塔台 <BR>U <BR>UAC Upper Area Control Center 高空区域管制中心 <BR>UAR Upper Air Route 高空航路 <BR>UAV Uniform Annual Values 年均值 <BR>UDRE User Differential Range Error 用户差分测距误差 <BR>UDS 国家差分系统 <BR>UERE User Equivalent Range Error 用户等效测距误差 <BR>UFDR Universal Flight Data Recorder 通用飞行数据记录器 <BR>UHF Ultra High Frequency(300-3000MHz) 特高频 <BR>UIC Upper Information Center 高空情报中心 <BR>UIR Upper Flight Information Region 高空飞行情报区 <BR>ULR Ultra Long Range 超远程 <BR>UNDP United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划署 <BR>UPS Uninterruptible Power System 不间断供电系统 <BR>URA User Range Accuracy 用户测距精度 <BR>URE User Range Error 用户测距误差 <BR>USAF United States Air Force 美国空军 <BR>USCG United State Coast Guard 美国海岸警卫队 <BR>UTA Upper Control Area 高空管制区 <BR>UTC Universal Time Coordinated 世界协调时 <BR>UUHF Ultra High Frequency 超高频 <BR>V <BR>V1 Critical engine failure velocity 发动机失效速度 <BR>V2 Takeoff climb velocity 起飞爬升速度 <BR>VAC Visual Approach Chart 目视进近图 <BR>VASI(S) Visual Approach Slope Indicator System 目视进近坡度指示系统 <BR>VCS Voice Communication System 话音通信系统 <BR>VDL VHF Datalink 甚高频数据链 <BR>VDOP Vertical Dilution Of Precision 垂直精度扩散因子 <BR>VDR VHF Data Radio 甚高频数据无线电 <BR>VFOP Visual Flight Rules Operations Panel 目视飞行规则运行专家组 <BR>VFR Visual Flight Rules 目视飞行规则 <BR>VHF Very High Frequency(30-300MHz) 甚高频 <BR>VHF R/T Very High Frequency Receiver/Transmitter 甚高频收/发信机 <BR>V/L VOR/Localizer 全向信标/航向台 <BR>VLF Very Low Frequency 甚低频 <BR>VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions 目视气象条件 <BR>VNAV Vertical Navigation 垂直导航 <BR>VNR VHF Navigation Receiver 甚高频导航接收机 <BR>VOLMET Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight 飞行中的气象信息 <BR>VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range(navigation beacon) 甚高频全向信标 <BR>VOR/DME A system in which a VOR and DME station are co-located 甚高频全向信标和测距仪合装的台址 <BR>VORTAC VOR Co-located with TACAN 甚高频全向信标塔康 <BR>VOT VHF Omnidirectional range Test 甚高频全向信标试验 <BR>VOX Voice Transmission 话音传输 <BR>VRS Voice Response System 话音响应系统 <BR>VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal 甚小孔径终端 <BR>VSCS Voice Switching and Control System 话音交换和控制系统 <BR>VSI Vertical Speed Indicator 垂直&lt;请合法使用软件&gt;&lt;请合法使用软件&gt;器 <BR>VSM Vertical Separation Minimum 垂直间隔最低标准 <BR>VSP Vertical Speed 垂直速度 <BR>VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 电压驻波比 <BR>VTOL Vertical Take Off and Landing 垂直起飞和着陆 <BR>VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator 目视进近坡度指示器 <BR>W <BR>WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System 广域增强系统 <BR>WADGPS Wide Area Differential GPS 广域差分全球定位系统 <BR>WADS Wide Area Differential System 广域差分系统 <BR>WAFC World Area Forecast Center 世界区域预报中心 <BR>WAFS World Area Forecast System 世界区域预报系统 <BR>WARC World Administrative Radio Conference 世界无线电行政大会 <BR>WCP Weather Communications Processor 气象通信处理器 <BR>WDI Wind Direction Indicator 风向指示器 <BR>WGS World Geodetic Survey 世界测量系统 <BR>WGS-72 World Geodetic Survey of 1972 标准测地系统1972年标准 <BR>WGS-84 World Geodetic Survey of 1984(Standard Geodetic reference System) 标准测地系统1984年&lt;请合法使用软?t&gt; <BR>WMSC Weather Message Switching Center 气象信息交换中心 <BR>WMSCR WMSC Replacement 气象信息交换中心更新 <BR>WP Way Point 航路点 <BR>WRS Wide-area Reference Station 广域&lt;请合法使用èí?t&gt;站 <BR>WS Wind Shear 风切变 <BR>WS Wind Speed 风速 WSR Weather Service Radar 气象服务雷达 <BR>Wx Weather 气象&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;WXR Weather Radar 气象雷达 <BR>XCVR Transceiver 收发信机 <BR>XLS Multi-mode Landing System 多模式着陆系统 <BR>XMT Transmitter 发射机&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; XPDR Transponder 应答机 <BR>XT(XMTR) Transmitter 发射机 <BR>XTK 航迹侧向偏离 <BR>YSAS Yaw Stability Augmentation System 偏航稳定增强&lt;请合法使用软件&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;YD Yaw Damper 偏航阻尼 <BR>Z-Marker Z maker beacon Z指点标</FONT>

979199501 发表于 2011-4-9 20:15:21

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