航空 发表于 2010-8-21 01:29:00

Performance Based Navigation Ground Based Augmentation Systems

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航空 发表于 2010-8-21 01:29:16

<P>Performance Based Navigation<BR>Ground Based Augmentation Systems<BR>Capt Chris Baur<BR>Beijing China<BR>October 29‐30 2009<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Outline<BR>&#1048766; RNP – Required Navigation<BR>Performance<BR>&#1048766; RNP/GLS Fusion - Approach<BR>concepts and benefits<BR>&#1048766; GNSS Landing System (GLS)<BR>implementation example<BR>&#1048766; Summary<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>RNP OVERVIEW<BR>• Aircraft Equipage<BR>– GPS<BR>– IRS<BR>– FMC<BR>• Procedure Design<BR>– NavData<BR>– Integrity<BR>• Operational Approval<BR>– Training<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>RNP OVERVIEW<BR>Narrow lateral linear segments<BR>(RNP‐0.3 or less with no secondary buffers)<BR>Curved segments anywhere along the approach<BR>(Radius‐to‐fix legs with shorter leg lengths)<BR>Guided, narrower turns on missed approaches<BR>(Radius‐to‐fix legs, and RNP‐1 or less)<BR>Performance‐based Vertical Buffers<BR>(Vertical Error Budget )<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>RNP OVERVIEW<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Airlines Equipping for GBAS (GLS)<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Qantas Example<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Qantas Example<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Qantas Example<BR>&#1048766; ILS: stabilized on the localizer<BR>at 10 NM or more<BR>&#1048766; GLS: multiple final approach<BR>segments as close as 4NM<BR>&#1048766; RNP minimums ≥ 250’<BR>• RNP is a non-precision<BR>approach<BR>&#1048766; GLS minimums 200’ Cat I<BR>• Cat II/III 2012-2014<BR>• Precision approach<BR>&#1048766; RNP ≤ .3NM: SAAAR<BR>&#1048766; GLS final: no SAAAR<BR>&#1048766; Potential to eliminate RAIM<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>GBAS Features<BR>While stand alone GPS does not have the integrity, availability, or<BR>accuracy required for precision approaches, Ground Based<BR>Augmentation Systems (GBAS/) will provide GLS equipped<BR>aircraft with Cat I/II/III precision approach capabilities.<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>GBAS Features<BR>Cost Benefit Analysis<BR>What Capacity Costs without Reliability<BR>Holding – 1000 lbs add fuel<BR>Excessive Vectoring<BR>&raquo; Example typical 1000 nm sortie w/75 nm Delay Vectors and<BR>non‐optimal routing = $3M/yr<BR>&raquo; Excessive Low Altitude flying – 1500 lbs add fuel SNB<BR>– Diversions – Average $5K SNB ‐ $12K WB<BR>– Miss‐Connected Passengers ‐ $50‐$100K<BR>– Ground Delay Programs<BR>&raquo; (2) Engines at idle = $80/min<BR>&raquo; Delay Vectors and Altitude Restrictions<BR>Filename.ppt | 12<BR>Cost Benefit Analysis<BR>Assumptions<BR>• Continued Traffic Growth – Economic<BR>Expansion, Passenger Demand, Cargo<BR>Demand<BR>– Domestic, International &amp;<BR>Foreign Operators<BR>– Capacity Improvements<BR>• Increased Emphasis on Operational<BR>Efficiency &amp; Environmental Issues<BR>– Noise Footprint Reduction<BR>– Exploitation of Green<BR>Technologies (1) Lb Fuel = 3.15<BR>lbs Co2<BR>• Upward Pressure Cost/Demand of<BR>Fuel<BR>Cost Benefit Analysis<BR>Case Study : NYC<BR>NEW YORK CITY<BR>LGA Arrivals<BR>EWR<BR>Departures<BR>JFK</P>
<P><BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Curved Path Multi-Mode Approach<BR>Guam – Won Pat International PGUM</P>
<P>RNAV ARRIVAL to RUNWAY<BR>EWR<BR>Plan view RNAV/RNP GBAS FINAL<BR>HUGHES PROPRIETY<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Curved Path Multi-Mode Approach<BR>Newark – Liberty International Airport ‐ KEWR<BR>Honeywell SmartPath Capability: User Definable Glide Path Angle<BR>GBAS / GLS<BR>An ILS system provides a single defined glide path forcing the aircraft to fly the same<BR>descent angle for every approach. An ILS cannot be reprogrammed to vary this glide<BR>path angle……GLS CAN! This allows an airport to provide varying angles to assist with<BR>wake turbulence separation for adjacent runways.<BR>Honeywell SmartPath Capability: User Definable Touchdown Point<BR>GBAS / GLS<BR>An ILS system provides a single defined vertical path that places the aircraft at the<BR>same point on the runway each landing. However, ILS cannot be reprogrammed to<BR>move this touch down point……GLS CAN! This allows an airport to perform routine<BR>maintenance on an runway without removing the approach system.<BR>GLS<BR>ILS<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Summary<BR>&#1048766;Ground Based Augmentation provides increased accuracy compared to traditional ground<BR>or space-based Navigation Aids<BR>&#1048766;GBAS can be flown Independently or in Fusion with RNP Procedures<BR>&#1048766;RAIM Performance (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring)<BR>&#1048766;Cost Effective – Purchase, Install &amp; Operate<BR>&#1048766;Can support TAPs, &amp; CAT I/II/III<BR>&#1048766;Curved Path Multi-Mode Approaches<BR>&#1048766;GBAS is runway independent<BR>Suited for Flood, Hurricane/Typhoon or high security locations<BR>&#1048766;Provides multiple approaches to all runways<BR>Variable Geometric Glide path – Displaced threshold<BR>GLS Flight Operations<BR>Questions</P>

drjones 发表于 2010-9-1 09:28:47

很好!正对此感兴趣 !

很好!正对此感兴趣 !

solakzlq 发表于 2011-4-2 21:34:02

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