RNAV and Required Navigation Navigation Overview and Roadmap
**** Hidden Message ***** China ATMB GNSS Seminar 0<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 0<BR>Performance-Based<BR>Navigation:<BR>Area Navigation (RNAV)<BR>and<BR>Required Navigation<BR>Performance (RNP):<BR>Overview and Roadmap<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration<BR>Presentation to: China ATMB GNSS Seminar, Beijing<BR>Name: Dan Hanlon<BR>Federal Aviation Administration<BR>Air Traffic Organization Representative<BR>Asia Pacific<BR>Date: 17 April 2007<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 1<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 1<BR>Briefing Topics<BR>• Evolution to Performance Based Navigation<BR>• Definitions<BR>􀂾 Area Navigation (RNAV)<BR>􀂾 Required Navigation Performance (RNP)<BR>• PBN in the Larger Airspace System Context<BR>• ICAO’s Performance Based Navigation Activities<BR>• Planning for PBN:<BR>• Implementation Principles<BR>• Developing a Roadmap<BR>• General Implementation Considerations<BR>• Summary<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 2<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 2<BR>Optimized<BR>Use of Airspace<BR>“curved”<BR>paths<BR>Seamless<BR>Vertical<BR>Path<BR>Narrow Obstacle<BR>Clearance Areas<BR>RNP<BR>Evolution to Performance-Based Navigation<BR>Limited<BR>Design<BR>Flexibility<BR>Conventional<BR>Routes<BR>Current Ground<BR>NAVAIDs<BR>Waypoints<BR>RNAV<BR>Increased Airspace<BR>Efficiency<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 3<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 3<BR>Definition of Area Navigation (RNAV)<BR>• RNAV - a method of navigation<BR>enabling aircraft to fly on any desired<BR>flight path<BR>􀂃 within the coverage of<BR>referenced NAVAIDS, or<BR>􀂃 within the limits of the capability<BR>of self-contained systems, or<BR>􀂃 a combination of these<BR>capabilities<BR>• RNAV operations achieve safety<BR>through a combined use of<BR>􀂃 aircraft navigation accuracy,<BR>􀂃 air traffic control intervention<BR>􀂾 via surveillance, communications<BR>􀂃 route separation<BR>RRNNAAVV<BR>104<BR>137<BR>65<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 4<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 4<BR>• RNP is RNAV operations with<BR>the added feature of on-board<BR>navigation performance<BR>monitoring and alerting<BR>• RNP has the potential to allow<BR>lessened reliance on air traffic<BR>control intervention and/or route<BR>separation to achieve the overall<BR>safety of the operation<BR>RRNNPP<BR>104<BR>137<BR>65<BR>Definition of Required Navigation<BR>Performance (RNP)<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 5<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 5<BR>Strategic Objectives:<BR>What Do We Need to Achieve?<BR>Safety? Capacity? Efficiency? Environment? Access?<BR>The Larger Context of PBN (1)<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 6<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 6<BR>The Larger Context of PBN (2)<BR>COM NAV SURV ATM<BR>RNAV RNP<BR>PBN<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 7<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 7<BR>ICAO RNP Study Group<BR>• ICAO formed the RNP Special Operations<BR>Requirements Study Group (RNP Study Group) in<BR>December 2003 to address the many confusing<BR>usages of RNP and RNAV terms and concepts<BR>􀂃 Members include Australia, Brazil, Canada,<BR>EUROCONTROL, France, Japan, United Kingdom,<BR>United States, IATA, ICCAIA, IFALPA<BR>• RNP Study Group seeks global harmonization<BR>covering standards and terminology<BR>􀂃 Revised concept known as Performance Based<BR>Navigation Concept (PBN); includes definitions of<BR>RNAV and RNP<BR>• Group revised ICAO Doc 9613, RNP Manual<BR>􀂃 Renamed Performance-Based Navigation Manual<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 8<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 8<BR>ICAO: Basic Elements of PBN Implementation<BR>(RNAV or RNP)<BR>NAVIGATION<BR>APPLICATION =<BR>Air Traffic System Airspace,<BR>NAVIGATION Routes and Instrument Procedures<BR>SPECIFICATION<BR>+<BR>Airworthiness and Operator Requirements<BR>NAVAID<BR>INFRASTRUCTURE<BR>GNSS?<BR>DME/DME?<BR>DME/DME/IRU?<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 9<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 9<BR>ICAO Standardized Navigation Specifications<BR>Performance Based<BR>Navigation Concept<BR>RNP 4<BR>RNP 2<BR>Basic RNP 1<BR>RNP APCH<BR>RNP AR APCH<BR>RNP<BR>(Future<BR>Requirements)<BR>Navigation Specifications<BR>WITH Performance<BR>Monitoring and Alerting:<BR>RNP<BR>Revised ICAO Document 9613, Manual for Performance Based Navigation<BR>RNAV-10<BR>(will maintain current<BR>RNP-10 designation)<BR>RNAV 5<BR>RNAV 2<BR>RNAV 1<BR>Navigation Specifications<BR>WITHOUT Performance<BR>Monitoring and Alerting:<BR>RNAV<BR>NAVIGATION<BR>SPECIFICATION<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 10<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 10<BR>Performance-Based Navigation In All Phases of Flight<BR>“Snapshot” of Current Continental Implementations<BR>RNAV 1<BR>Departures<BR>RNAV 5 Routes<BR>RNAV 2 Routes<BR>RNAV 1 Arrivals<BR>RNP Approach<BR>(i.e. RNAV (GPS)<BR>RNP Auth Req’d<BR>Approaches<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 11<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 11<BR>RNP Approach with Authorization Required (RNP AR)<BR>Key Features<BR>R<BR>R<BR>2 RNP<BR>2 RNP<BR>2 RNP<BR>2 RNP<BR>STEP 2:<BR>Locate Turn Center<BR>STEP 1:<BR>Segment<BR>Initial<BR>Fix<BR>a=R<BR>b=R+(2xRNP)<BR>c=R-(2xRNP)<BR>Segment<BR>Terminating<BR>Fix<BR>STEP 3<BR>STEP 4<BR>STEP 5<BR>a<BR>b<BR>c<BR>Tangent Points<BR>Tangent Points<BR>Apply para 2-2<BR>Radius to Fix (RF) for Curved Paths<BR>Vertical Error Budget &<BR>Guided Missed Approach<BR>Narrow<BR>Segments<BR>Narrow lateral linear segments<BR>(RNP-0.3 or less with no secondary buffers)<BR>Curved segments anywhere along the approach<BR>(Radius-to-fix legs with shorter leg lengths)<BR>Guided, narrower turns on missed approaches<BR>(Radius-to-fix legs, and RNP-1 or less)<BR>Performance-based Vertical Buffers<BR>(Vertical Error Budget )<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 12<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 12<BR>Possible Applications for RNP Approach with<BR>Authorization Required – RNP (AR*)<BR>Approach minimums<BR>lower than existing minima<BR>Increased arrival and<BR>departure rates for adjacent<BR>airports involved<BR>Arrival capacity gains up to<BR>50% over single runway<BR>operations<BR>Arrival capacity gains<BR>up to 60% over single<BR>runway operations<BR>Single Runway<BR>Access<BR>Adjacent Airport<BR>Operations<BR>Converging<BR>Operations<BR>Parallel<BR>Operations<BR>36<BR>31<BR>9<BR>*US term: SAAAR – Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization Required<BR>750’ - <5000’<BR>Airport A<BR>Airport B<BR>36L 36R<BR>Conventional RNP<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 13<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 13<BR>Key ICAO Guidance for Performance Based Navigation<BR>• Document 9613 Manual for Performance Based Navigation<BR>􀂃 Draft Publication available now<BR>􀂃 Volume 1 – Concepts and Implementation Guidance<BR>􀂃 Volume II – Implementing RNAV and RNP Applications<BR>􀂾 Includes detailed Navigation Specifications with airworthiness and operator guidance<BR>• Procedure Design Guidance<BR>􀂃 Document 8168 Vol II – Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Operations (PANS<BR>OPS)<BR>􀂾 Routes, RNAV approaches<BR>􀂃 RNP Approach with Authorization Required<BR>􀂾 Initial, stand-alone procedure design Manual for RNP (AR)<BR>􀂾 Eventually to be incorporated into Doc 8168<BR>􀂾 Associated airworthiness and operator requirements (“AR”) in Doc 9613 Vol II, Navigation<BR>Specification for RNP AR Approach<BR>􀂾 Same guidance as contained in FAA Order 8260.52 and Advisory Circular 90-101<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 14<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 14<BR>RNP AR Approach<BR>Example: Palm Springs, CA (KPSP)<BR>Minima 2300 (1900) -3 Minima 734 (300) - 1<BR>• Replaces nonprecision<BR>approach<BR>into a valley with<BR>mountainous terrain<BR>• Safety enhanced,<BR>with guided,<BR>stabilized 3D path to<BR>runway<BR>• Minima lowered by<BR>1600 ft & 2 miles<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 15<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 15<BR>Implementation Principles<BR>• Implement cost-effective PBN to<BR>produce measurable improvements in<BR>􀂃 Flight safety<BR>􀂃 system capacity<BR>􀂃 operational efficiency<BR>􀂃 new or improved airport and airspace<BR>access<BR>• Achieve aviation community<BR>collaboration and consensus on<BR>priorities and standards<BR>􀂃 FAA Roadmap for Performance Based<BR>Navigation<BR>• Leverage existing investments in<BR>􀂃 Aircraft operations and capabilities<BR>􀂃 Navigation infrastructure<BR>􀂃 Procedures http://www.faa.gov/ats/atp/rnp/rnav.htm<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 16<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 16<BR>What is a Roadmap?<BR>• A document developed by aviation stakeholders<BR>􀂃 Regulators<BR>􀂃 Air traffic service providers<BR>􀂃 Users (air carriers, business aviation, military general aviation)<BR>􀂃 Equipment manufacturers<BR>􀂃 US - Performance Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking<BR>Committee (PARC)<BR>• A Roadmap can:<BR>􀂃 Define operational goals and concepts<BR>􀂃 Identify steps and milestones to achieve those goals<BR>􀂃 Identify any technical and/or policy issues that need to be<BR>addressed<BR>􀂃 Outline any critical decisions that will need to be made along<BR>the way<BR>􀂃 Level of detail in a Roadmap varies, based on needs<BR>􀂃 Doesn’t need to be very long<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 17<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 17<BR>Why Develop a Roadmap?<BR>• To give all aviation stakeholders a common<BR>understanding of<BR>􀂃 Where the system is headed<BR>􀂾 Operational concepts and goals<BR>􀂾 Key decisions to make along the way<BR>􀂃 Why it is headed there<BR>􀂾 Expected benefits<BR>􀂃 The speed it is headed there<BR>􀂾 Steps, milestones, timelines or phases<BR>• So that they can make their necessary<BR>decisions to implement performance-based<BR>navigation. Examples<BR>􀂃 Regulations (airworthiness, operator approvals, air<BR>traffic procedures)<BR>􀂃 Equipment purchases (carriers – install GPS?<BR>Single FMS/ Dual FMS?)<BR>􀂃 Training<BR>􀂃 Maintenance<BR>Example: FAA- Roadmap 2006 Update Summary<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 19<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 19<BR>Procedure Design<BR>Flight Plans<BR>(Aircraft Suffix)<BR>Mixed Operations<BR>Automation<BR>ATC<BR>Implementation Considerations for PBN<BR>Ops<BR>Concepts<BR>Phraseology<BR>Charting<BR>Human Factors<BR>Safety<BR>Metrics<BR>Training<BR>Flight Management<BR>System (FMS)<BR>Variances<BR>Procedure Design<BR>Criteria<BR>Equipage/Capability<BR>Database Integrity<BR>Aircraft<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 20<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 20<BR>The Key to Successful RNAV and RNP Implementation<BR>Flight Standards:<BR>􀀹 Requirements for<BR>Operators<BR>􀀹 Criteria for Procedure<BR>Designs<BR>􀀹Database Integrity<BR>Aircraft Certification:<BR>􀀹 Airworthiness<BR>Air Traffic:<BR>􀀹 Route/procedure<BR>location for traffic flow?<BR>􀀹 Separation supported<BR>by selected Navigation<BR>Specification?<BR>􀀹 Radar or non-Radar?<BR>􀀹“Mixed equipage”<BR>challenges?<BR>􀀹 Controller<BR>expectations?<BR>Air Traffic Service Provider and Regulator Agency<BR>MUST work together and with Industry<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 21<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 21<BR>Example of Collaboration on Implementation:<BR>FAA Regional Airspace and Procedures Teams (RAPTs)<BR>• FAA Order 8260.43A, Flight Procedures Management Program<BR>• RAPT Members (FAA)<BR>􀂃 Flight Procedures Office or a designated representative (Chairperson)<BR>􀂃 Air Traffic Facilities (Airspace and Operations)<BR>􀂃 Flight Standards<BR>􀂃 Airport authority<BR>• RAPTs also have industry and other Government agency participants<BR>􀂾 Air Carriers, General Aviation, military, state/local aviation organizations,<BR>others as needed<BR>􀂾 Meet regularly to adequately address specific flight procedure design and<BR>implementation requests and issues<BR>􀂃 Core RAPT members meet more frequently to assure progress of flight<BR>procedure requests<BR>• Each Region’s RAPT is the FAA’s KEY design and implementation<BR>body for PBN routes and procedures in their area of responsibility<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 22<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 22<BR>Summary<BR>• Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) can provide airspace<BR>capacity, efficiency, safety and access benefits<BR>􀂃 Navigation does not “stand alone” – must consider all aspects of<BR>CNS/ATM to achieve an Airspace Plan (Concept)<BR>• ICAO has revised Document 9613 (new title Manual for<BR>Performance Based Navigation)<BR>􀂃 Standardized Navigation Specifications<BR>• Air Traffic and Regulator Agencies must work together and with<BR>aviation stakeholders in order to<BR>􀂃 Develop PBN implementations priorities and strategies<BR>􀂾 “Roadmap”<BR>􀂃 Successfully implement specific PBN routes and procedures<BR>China ATMB GNSS Seminar 23<BR>Beijing 17 April 2007<BR>Federal Aviation<BR>Administration 23<BR>Please visit the FAA’s<BR>RNAV & RNP website at:<BR>http://www.faa.gov/ats/atp/<BR>rnp/rnav.htm<BR>Thank you 多谢斑竹分享thank
thank ssssssssssssssssss xiexiea gemen tai geilile kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 收下了。。。 好 复 杂 啊 ! 谢谢楼主!! 路线图,是中国的吗