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Technical Proposal Low Level Windshear Alert System

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航空 发表于 2010-8-21 23:48:17

TELVENT<BR>Almos<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Technical Proposal<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Title Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Version 1<BR>Date 30 November 2006<BR>Ref<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>1<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Table of Contents<BR>Technical Proposal ................................................................................0<BR>1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………4<BR>1.1 Company Background &amp; LLWAS Experience...................................................4<BR>1.2 LLWAS System Summary................................................................................5<BR>2. System Description..............................................................................6<BR>2.1 System Performance.......................................................................................6<BR>2.1.1 System Performance Overview ..............................................................6<BR>2.1.1 LLWAS Top Level Description ................................................................7<BR> System Overview...............................................................................7<BR> System Diagram..............................................................................10<BR>2.1.2 Master Station (MS) ............................................................................10<BR> Controller Hardware .......................................................................10<BR> Master Station Computer Configuration.........................................12<BR> Multi-port RS232 ............................................................................12<BR> Rack Configuration.........................................................................13<BR> LLWAS Software.............................................................................15<BR> Master Station LLWAS Displays .......................................................16<BR>2.1.3 Remote Station (RS) ............................................................................18<BR> System Description .........................................................................19<BR> Wind Sensor Simulator ...................................................................20<BR> Reliability Issues ..............................................................................21<BR> Remote Station Electrical Power Requirements ...............................21<BR> Environmental Conditions...............................................................21<BR> Remote Station Obstruction Lights..................................................22<BR>2.1.4 LLWAS Wind Sensors ..........................................................................22<BR>2.1.5 Wind Masts………………………………………………………...……..23<BR>2.1.6 RF and Land Line Data Links................................................................23<BR> Detailed Communication Specification............................................23<BR>2.1.7 Display Equipment ..............................................................................24<BR> Overview ........................................................................................24<BR> Alphanumeric Alarm Display (AAD).................................................25<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>2<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> Graphical Alarm Display Screens (GAD)...........................................31<BR>2.1.8 Interfaces...........................................................................................33<BR> External Data Interface....................................................................33<BR>2.1.9 Algorithm Implementation ..................................................................33<BR> LLWAS Algorithm Functions............................................................35<BR>2.1.10 Archiving/Playback..........................................................................36<BR>2.1.11 Maintenance………...…………………………………………………38<BR> Master Station Maintenance Screens ..............................................39<BR> Built–In Test Equipment - BITE ........................................................42<BR> Site Performance Evaluation System (SPES) .....................................44<BR> Installation and Maintenance Tools.................................................49<BR>2.1.12 System Modes (States) .......................................................................50<BR> Real Time Normal ...........................................................................50<BR> Real Time Degraded........................................................................50<BR> System Support...............................................................................50<BR> Initialization ....................................................................................51<BR> Off..................................................................................................51<BR>2.2 Configuration File ........................................................................................51<BR>2.2.1 ACF……………………………………………………………………......53<BR>2.2.2 DCF…………………………………………………………………...…...53<BR>2.2.3 MCF, SCF……………………………………………………………….....53<BR>3. Realibility, Maintability, Availability (RMA), and Supportability.............53<BR>3.1 RMA Characteristics .....................................................................................53<BR>3.1.1 Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) / Mean Time Between Critical<BR>Failures (MTBCF) .................................................................................53<BR>3.1.2 Mean Time Between Corrective Maintenance Action (MTBCMA)........54<BR>3.1.3 Built in Test and Fault Isolation capability ............................................54<BR>3.1.4 Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) ..............................................................55<BR>3.1.5 MTBF Evaluation .................................................................................56<BR> Purpose ..........................................................................................56<BR> References ......................................................................................56<BR> Definitions ......................................................................................56<BR> Approach........................................................................................56<BR> Reliability Data................................................................................56<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>3<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> Reliability Calculations ....................................................................57<BR> Results ............................................................................................58<BR>3.2 Supportability...............................................................................................58<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>4<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>1. Introduction<BR>1.1 Company Background &amp; LLWAS Experience<BR>Almos Systems is an ISO9001 quality endorsed company with extensive<BR>experience in meteorological system design, development and production.<BR>Almos products and services utilize extensive knowledge and experience in the<BR>application of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and ICAO codes and<BR>rules.<BR>Almos manufactures Automatic Weather Stations, communication equipment<BR>and specialised computer equipment for control towers. Almos also specialises<BR>in meteorological processing and display software. Almos offers system<BR>design, integration, installation, and training and maintenance services of<BR>meteorological systems.<BR>The software package offered is based on the Almos “MetConsole”, which is<BR>a commercial off-the-shelf product that was developed in partnership with the<BR>Australian Bureau of Meteorology and Air services Australia (formally Civil<BR>Aviation Authority) and has been in operational use in airports in Australia and<BR>internationally for several years. A program to adopt the Almos MetConsole at<BR>approximately 300 Australian sites has recently commenced after two years of<BR>development and operational testing.<BR>Almos Systems received a Federal Government grant to develop a graphics<BR>based Phase III LLWAS software solution, as an extension of the field tested<BR>Almos MetConsole package. This programme culminated in the installation of<BR>the latest MetConsole version 2.3, including a complete LLWAS III NE master<BR>station and display system at Darwin International Airport, which was the first<BR>Phase III system outside USA. The system is owned and operated by the<BR>Bureau of Meteorology but was manufactured, supplied and installed by<BR>Almos Systems.<BR>Systems using Almos MetConsole are in operational use at a number of<BR>international airports around the world. Almos was among the first companies<BR>to standardise on Windows NT technology. Operational MetConsole systems<BR>are still running on the first version of NT and on the latest versions of NT.<BR>The Remote Stations offered are based on the Almos Automatic Weather<BR>Stations, which have been exclusively adopted by the Australian Bureau of<BR>Meteorology. A modernisation program to replace all weather stations at<BR>Australian civil and military airports is almost complete. Hundreds of Almos<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>5<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>weather stations have been providing aviation and synoptic information for<BR>several years. These systems operate in harsh and remote locations; yet have a<BR>field proven MTBF of more than 35 years.<BR>In 1996, Almos Systems was selected to supply Remote Stations for the FAA<BR>Phase III LLWAS (NE) program. These units were designed and developed to<BR>the point where the FAA project staff witnessed the type and factory testing<BR>and 40 units were delivered.<BR>Ongoing support and maintenance is available from our factories in Australia<BR>and The Netherlands and from technology centres across the world in North<BR>and South America, Spain and China.<BR>Almos is a developer and manufacturer of LLWAS equipment, and has been<BR>manufacturing LLWAS equipment since 1996 as a logical extension of our<BR>commitment to the aviation weather industry. Our experience in both<BR>developing products for aviation weather systems, and managing installations<BR>of these systems ensures that we can provide the most qualified installation<BR>support and services to all of our customers.<BR>1.2 LLWAS System Summary<BR>The Almos LLWAS-III system is a component of Almos’ advanced MetConsole<BR>Aviation/Meteorology display and processing system. The modularity of<BR>Almos’ design ensures that the provided LLWAS will meet and exceed lifetime<BR>requirements while providing a maximum of future expandability options if<BR>required.<BR>The main MetConsole system is a completely configurable software package<BR>designed to operate under Windows environments (95, 98, NT, 2000,<BR>2003,…). A wide variety of communications, display and processing modules<BR>may be included with a MetConsole system to provide the required<BR>functionality.<BR>In addition, dual server operation of the MetConsole package ensures that<BR>system configuration and servicing may take place without interruption of the<BR>LLWAS detection algorithm.<BR>Additional modules may be ordered initially or added later, including ATIS<BR>(computer generated voice, data output, or operator-recorded message),<BR>METAR/SPECI, AFTN integration and a variety of standard WMO messages,<BR>data input/output and observer screens. MetConsole is designed to allow you<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>6<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>to completely integrate your Aviation computer systems, either now or in the<BR>future.<BR>The MetConsole LLWAS component uses a communications and processing<BR>design that has been installed and tested in a number of different<BR>environments, including Darwin International Airport (Australia), Sungshan<BR>and Chiang Kai Shek Airports (Taiwan), Bilbao and Tenerife Airports (Spain)<BR>and Kuwait International Airport (Kuwait).<BR>Key points in the selection of an Almos MetConsole solution include:<BR>• Cost effective<BR>• User friendly<BR>• Extensive, well written user help &amp; manuals<BR>• High speed Processing<BR>• Extremely Reliable Communications<BR>• Robust Equipment<BR>• Commitment to Quality and Reliability<BR>• Committed to Customer Satisfaction<BR>• COTS processor - No customisation required.<BR>• Experience in design and manufacture of LLWAS equipment<BR>• Worldwide coverage<BR>• UCAR Licensee since 1996<BR>• Easy maintenance makes better use of manpower.<BR>• Expandable software configurable to each customer’s unique<BR>requirements.<BR>• Easy connection to DWR LLWAS Radar.<BR>2. System Description<BR>2.1 System Performance<BR>2.1.1 System Performance Overview<BR>Almos’ LLWAS is implemented using Almos’ MetConsole software system to<BR>provide both a proven, reliable design as well as a system that is easy to use<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>7<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>and maintain. (MetConsole is the same system software used for AWOS, ATIS,<BR>ASOS and other system products.)<BR>This document describes the proposed implementation of this system to<BR>ensure that the LLWAS detection system meets or exceeds all internationally<BR>recognised requirements.<BR>Almos’ LLWAS system uses the UCAR Phase-III LLWAS algorithm. Coupled<BR>with a fault tolerant communications system that well exceeds the standard<BR>1.05e7 bit error rates, Almos’ probability of detection meets that promised by<BR>the UCAR Phase-III LLWAS algorithm for any given airport configuration.<BR>The Almos LLWAS system provides the detection performance for a standard<BR>airport configuration as included in the following table:<BR>POD 94% The probability that some alert (WSA or MBA) is issued<BR>whenever microburst intensity exceeds 15 knots<BR>POD:MB 97% The probability that some alert (WSA or MBA) is issued<BR>whenever microburst intensity exceeds 30 knots.<BR>PID:MB 92% The probability that an MBA is issued whenever<BR>microburst intensity exceeds 30 knots<BR>PFA:MB 3% The probability that an issued MBA is false; it is not<BR>related to any part of a microburst life cycle.<BR>POW 7% The probability that an issued WSA is an over warning;<BR>the event is a microburst with strength less than 30<BR>knots.<BR>PUW 8% The probability that an issued WSA is an underwarning;<BR>the event is a microburst with strength<BR>greater than 30 knots.<BR>Determining an exact POD at each airport is possible only through operational<BR>use with the installed configuration, as localised meteorological, topographic<BR>and geographic features will affect the resulting performance.<BR>2.1.1 LLWAS Top Level Description<BR> System Overview<BR>Remote Station Network:<BR>The system to be installed at the airport consists of a network of eight WAWS<BR>(Wind-only Automatic Weather Station) units. The number of WAWS<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>8<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>required at a site is dependent on the results of a site survey, which takes into<BR>account the configuration of the runways, the topography of the desired area<BR>of coverage.<BR>Depending on the form of communication used, this network may consist of a<BR>combination of radio (Model 2100-Z-RAD) or landline (Model 2100-Z-LDL)<BR>WAWS units.<BR>To provide master station communications to the landline and radio networks,<BR>two Master Station Communication Set units are to be installed. A landline<BR>MSCS (2100-Z-MSLL) provides a communications hub for the landline WAWS<BR>units, and a radio MSCS (2100-Z-MSRD) provides a communications hub for<BR>all radio WAWS units.<BR>Because the LLWAS Algorithm is configured only to operate on fixed station<BR>addresses, spare WAWS units can be tested by setting them outside of the<BR>range of the ‘operationally in use’ WAWS network. The stations being tested<BR>can then be queried and run as normal but without any data being used by<BR>the LLWAS calculation or displayed on windshear display workstations.<BR>Master Station:<BR>The master station consists of a dual redundant server configuration (primary<BR>server with hot backup). Serial and Parallel Multiplexers provide<BR>communications channels to whichever server is designated the ‘hot’ server<BR>through a failover process. This redundant system ensures that the system<BR>remains operational even in the case of a server failure.<BR>RS232 threshold wind interfaces and MSCS communications are connected to<BR>the Serial multiplexer.<BR>A keyboard/video/mouse extender allows the monitor keyboard and mouse<BR>that form the system console to access both servers and to be located outside<BR>of the rack if desirable.<BR>The Server computers operate Almos LLWAS MetConsole, and provide a<BR>TCP/IP socket for external interface. A multi-port RS232 controller greatly<BR>extends the I/O communications capabilities of each server PC without<BR>providing any significant extra workload on the PC.<BR>LAN<BR>All computers are connected to a central UTP hub. This hub configuration<BR>ensures that any loss of communication or cable damage on any single system<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>9<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>does not affect any other system. The hub is mounted close to the server pair<BR>for easy maintenance and inspection of the server connection. A description<BR>of the server and hub hardware is provided in the section describing Rack<BR>Configuration.<BR>A third PC, either installed in the equipment room or a more remote location,<BR>processes data archiving and provides an archive replay facility.<BR>Operator Workstations<BR>Meteorological Workstations shall be located in the Meteorological office and<BR>Meteorological observation room.<BR>LLWAS alert displays shall be installed in the Air Traffic Control Tower.<BR>The number of these workstations may be increased without practical limit.<BR>Using a standard PC running a MetConsole client, these systems provide<BR>display and processing functionality. Because of the network hub<BR>configuration, disconnection (or software/hardware/cable fault) on any PC is<BR>isolated from the remainder of the network and ensures that the tower<BR>process carries on using the remaining systems.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>10<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> System Diagram<BR>2.1.2 Master Station (MS)<BR>The Almos Master Station consists of two main components: A Master Station<BR>Communications Set (MSCS) providing communications to all remote stations,<BR>and a dual-redundant MetConsole Server Pair providing data processing and<BR>storage.<BR> Controller Hardware<BR> Master Station Communications Set<BR>Two models of MSCS unit are used. 2100-Z-MSRD provides radio<BR>communications with up to 16 Radio WAWS units (2100-Z-RAD) on a single<BR>channel. A single RS-232 communications port provides data<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>11<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>communications to a MetConsole server PC.<BR>Lightning and surge protection are built in.<BR>Mean Time between Failure (MTBF) for the<BR>MSCS electronics is 40,000 hours. 2100-Z-MSLL<BR>is a landline version providing landline<BR>communications with up to 20 Landline WAWS<BR>units (2100-Z-LDL) on a single telephone cable.<BR>Interface to the PC is the same as MSRD, using a single RS-232<BR>communications port. Lightning and surge protection (transformer isolation)<BR>are built in.<BR> Data Multiplexer / Switch<BR>Almos RS-232 Multiplexer provides automated server data changeover in the<BR>event of a server failover. This device and the MetConsole interface software<BR>ensure that server failover is performed in the minimum amount of time and<BR>without requiring operator intervention.<BR>Multiplexer Overview<BR>MASTER STATION<BR>COMMUNICATION<BR>SET<BR>(LANDLINE)<BR>MASTER STATION<BR>COMMUNICATION<BR>SET<BR>(RADIO)<BR>WIND<BR>REMOTE<BR>STATION LDL<BR>WIND<BR>REMOTE<BR>STATION LDL<BR>LANDLINE REMOTE STATION<BR>O<BR>WIND<BR>REMOTE<BR>STATION RAD<BR>WIND<BR>REMOTE<BR>STATION RAD<BR>RADIO REMOTE STATION<BR>NETWORK<BR>...<BR>TO MASTER STATION PC<BR>TO MASTER STATION PC<BR>ADDITIONAL<BR>STATIONS<BR>ALMOS<BR>MULTIPLEXER<BR>MCS-RADIO<BR>MCS-LANDLINE<BR>EXTERNAL INTERFACE<BR>EXTERNAL INTERFACE<BR>EXTERNAL INTERFACE<BR>REMOTE SITE SUPPORT<BR>EXTERNAL INTERFACE<BR>PRIMARY<BR>SERVER<BR>SECONDARY<BR>SERVER<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>12<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> Master Station Computer Configuration<BR>The Master Station computers, like all computers used in the Almos LLWAS<BR>MetConsole network, are Intel Pentium architecture PCs operating Windows<BR>Server version of Operating System.<BR>A DVD-ROM is provided standard on all PCs, allowing simple software<BR>installation from an Almos LLWAS MetConsole install DVD. The Almos DVD<BR>installation process is an extremely simple process designed to require a<BR>minimum of operator supervision, making better use of valuable maintenance<BR>engineers’ time.<BR>Soundcards are installed on all PCs for the purpose of providing audible<BR>alarms. LCD displays are offered for all display PCs and include integrated<BR>brightness controls for use in a tower environment. Displays include<BR>integrated speakers for simplified alert volume control and muting.<BR>A high capacity Hard Disk is installed on both server PCs for the purpose of<BR>storing data online.<BR>The choice of the Windows Server operating system follows Almos’<BR>commitment to quality by integrating with high quality, proven operating<BR>systems in the critical aviation environment.<BR> Multi-port RS232<BR>Standard Personal Computer architecture limits the PC system to 4 RS-232<BR>ports. Standard Airport systems often require many more ports in order to<BR>cope with the large variety of incoming and outgoing data.<BR>The Moxa Multi-port RS232 controller<BR>attaches to the expansion bus of a<BR>Master Station PC (two are supplied;<BR>one for each Master Station) and<BR>extends the number of ports available<BR>on the PC significantly. These<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>13<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>controllers are commonly used in high-end airport and meteorological<BR>processing systems.<BR>Each module installed supplies 16 additional high-speed ports; an onboard<BR>RISC processor reduces PC workload allowing more efficient CPU utilization.<BR>The Moxa controllers to be installed will interface to Master Station<BR>Controllers, a modem provided for remote support and other RS232 data<BR>input/outputs.<BR> Rack Configuration<BR>Proposed Rack Configuration for the ATC equipment room is as shown<BR>below.<BR>Incoming network cables (through the floor) are<BR>connected to the UTP network hub via a patch<BR>panel. The patch panel allows easy access to<BR>network cabling. The hub is connected to both<BR>server PCs, arranged side by side and clearly<BR>marked “Primary” and “Secondary”.<BR>Both Multi-port Moxa controllers are mounted<BR>above the PCs, and ports from the Moxa<BR>controllers and PC Printer ports are connected<BR>directly to adjacent Serial Multiplexer / Parallel<BR>Multiplexer units. These cables are then run<BR>down through the floor to their various devices.<BR>An intelligent Keyboard, Video &amp; Mouse (KVM)<BR>switch allows the user to switch the system<BR>console screen to display either server’s data.<BR>While the keyboard and mouse are being used<BR>on one server, the KVM switch maintains<BR>communications with the other unit, preventing<BR>loss of signal common to simple switching<BR>devices.<BR>A modem provides dial-up support access and is<BR>software secured (modem hangs up on receipt of<BR>a call and automatically dials a dedicated support number, allowing only<BR>access through the support office).<BR>PRINTER<BR>PAPER TRAY<BR>POWER SUPPLY<BR>MODEM<BR>PC SWITCH<BR>M/S<BR>SRV-A<BR>KVM EXTENDER<BR>LAN HUB<BR>PATCH PANEL<BR>M/S<BR>SRV-A<BR>MOXA-A-1<BR>MOXA-A-2<BR>MOXA-B-1<BR>MOXA-B-2<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>14<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>A 19” CRT monitor, keyboard and mouse are provided external to the rack for<BR>use as a System Console.<BR>Controller Software<BR>The Master Station Communications Set (MSCS) communicates with remote<BR>stations using a selective-retry, multi-drop binary communication protocol.<BR>The efficient design of this system was demonstrated during testing and trials<BR>with the FAA during the commissioning phase of the Almos LLWAS MSCS<BR>design in 1997. For a very detailed discussion on the communication protocol,<BR>please see below the section under RF and Land Line Data Links entitled<BR>Detailed Communication Specification.<BR>The system is designed to provide reliable communications in line with FAA<BR>LLWAS specifications. This reliability has been proven to representatives of<BR>the FAA Phase III LLWAS program.<BR>All communications between the Remote Stations and the Master Station is<BR>performed at 2400 baud. Due to the extremely high efficiency of the protocol<BR>it is not necessary to use a higher baud rate in order to satisfy the data<BR>transfer rate requirements of the system.<BR>Low baud rates like 2400 are considerably more noise immune than high<BR>baud rates like 19,200 baud and therefore are a much better option in noisy<BR>environments, such as radio communications surrounding an airport.<BR>Bit error rate: &lt;10-5<BR>Communications Reliability: &gt; 99.9% (48Hr MER &lt; 10-4, 1Hr MER &lt; 10-3)<BR>The remote station communication<BR>system uses a highly advanced binary<BR>communication protocol. This was<BR>developed specifically for the FAA Phase<BR>III LLWAS programme and has been<BR>proven to exceed the strict<BR>communication efficiency requirements<BR>that were defined for that specification.<BR>The MSCS polls all the remote stations<BR>at the beginning of the system cycle,<BR>which is typically 10 seconds, and then<BR>waits sufficient time for all the units to<BR>respond.<BR>REPOLL<BR>SAMPLE 4 STATION POLL CYCLE<BR>RS3 REPLY<BR>MISSING REPLY<BR>RS2 REPLY<BR>RS1 REPLY<BR>POLL<BR>REPOLL<BR>RS4 REPLY<BR>MISSING REPLY<BR>TIME<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>15<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>All units for which a response was not received are then selectively repolled<BR>until the end of the data acquisition time. This period is calculated to<BR>leave sufficient time for the data processing, display and archiving functions<BR>of the system.<BR>RC and Linear averaging is performed on board the Remote Station WAWS<BR>unit. This reduces the transmitted packet size and greatly enhances the<BR>reliability of the communications system. This approach was witnessed and<BR>approved by FAA personnel during type testing.<BR>For Centrefield wind gust, the WAWS unit reports ten-second gust<BR>information. This data is then processed by the MetConsole Server and<BR>displayed on Operator Workstations.<BR> LLWAS Software<BR>Almos systems’ implementation of the UCAR Phase III Algorithm uses an<BR>efficient implementation based on and tested against the Version 1990.02<BR>Algorithm Specification. The system is designed to allow easy expansion to<BR>accommodate FAA approved enhancements to this algorithm.<BR> LLWAS Configuration<BR>All MetConsole stations are configured through a single shared configuration<BR>database. This database file contains configuration information pertaining to<BR>the role of each station on the network (primary server, secondary server,<BR>archiving PC, SPES workstation, operator workstations, displays etc). In<BR>addition, the configuration database contains LLWAS parameters contained in<BR>the ACF, SPES thresholds &amp; parameters, DCF configurations and other<BR>configuration data.<BR>Figure 1 - LLWAS System Configuration (Typical)<BR>SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (SCF) and<BR>MAINTENANCE CONFIGURATION<BR>(MCF) (Averaging constants,<BR>Displays, Parameters, etc)<BR>AIRPORT CONFIGURATION FILE<BR>(ACF)<BR>DISPLAY CONFIGURATION FILE<BR>CONFIGURATIO<BR>DATABAS<BR>(METCFG.MDB<BR>AAD DISPLAY<BR>SYSTEM<BR>INPUT DEVICE<BR>ARCHIVE STATION<BR>KEYBOAR<BR>D &amp;<BR>MOUSE<BR>AAD DISPLAY<BR>SYSTEM<BR>INPUT DEVICE<BR>AAD DISPLAY<BR>SYSTEM<BR>INPUT DEVICE<BR>RAW CONFIGURATION FIL ES<BR>&amp; PARAMETER S<BR>SHARED<BR>(BOTH<BR>LLWAS MetConsole<BR>Overvie<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>16<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>The advantage of this shared configuration database approach is that systemwide<BR>configuration can be achieved through reconfiguration of a single<BR>central source file. The configuration database is centrally stored and changes<BR>to this file are automatically integrated by MetConsole instances operating<BR>across the network.<BR> Master Station LLWAS Displays<BR>All MetConsole screens are constructed using a configuration database. This<BR>configuration database defines the names of each<BR>‘screen’, the ‘screen objects’ to be displayed on<BR>each screen, and the data item(s) to be displayed<BR>by each ‘screen object’.<BR>This design is extremely flexible and allows a<BR>maintenance engineer to easily change the LLWAS<BR>screens to reflect new additional sensors and other<BR>equipment.<BR>A number of screen objects are non-LLWAS specific, and will be used on<BR>Maintenance and server displays to display the current status of various<BR>variables such as sensor status, detected wind speed &amp; direction etc. (LLWAS<BR>display objects are described under the section titled Display Equipment.<BR> System Overview Window<BR>A ‘System Overview’ window provides a tree control containing all configured<BR>remote stations, configuration parameters and statistics, and communications<BR>information (also available in comprehensive form through a separate ‘Ports’<BR>window).<BR>Figure 2 - The system overview window provides comprehensive data views.<BR>CONFIGURATION<BR>DATABASE<BR>(METCFG.MDB)<BR>RAW CONFIGURATION FILES<BR>&amp; PARAMETERS<BR>SHARED DATABASE<BR>(BOTH SERVERS)<BR>LLWAS MetConsole Display Configuration Overview<BR>SCREENS<BR>SCREEN OBJECTS<BR>OBJECT TYPES<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>17<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>The ‘System Overview’ window will only be accessible by the Maintenance<BR>user and is not required for ATC users.<BR>This window provides information about each LLWAS data variable, overall<BR>communications status, and specific Remote Station diagnostic information.<BR>Variable information may also be queried from all user screens, if the user has<BR>sufficient security access.<BR>Figure 3 - Query data from a user screen.<BR>Variable information includes comprehensive data query options, with all<BR>variables displayed in logical category divisions.<BR>Figure 4 - Remote Station data views – LLWAS remote station statistics<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>18<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>A System Overview tree display is also provided in the System Overview<BR>window, and displays the current connection status of all remote<BR>components of the LLWAS system in a graphical and easy to read manner.<BR>Figure 5 - System overview (Sungshan airport example)<BR>Having well organized graphical tools to aid in diagnosing faults and<BR>troubleshooting ensures simple system maintenance.<BR>2.1.3 Remote Station (RS)<BR>The Almos Systems Remote Stations (RS) are also called Wind Automatic<BR>Weather Station (WAWS). The function of these devices is to collect and<BR>transmit wind speed and direction information back to a central monitoring<BR>site.<BR>The acquired data is transmitted to a Master Station Communications Set<BR>(MSCS) at the central monitoring facility via a radio network (radio option) or<BR>optional landline network (landline option).<BR>Up to 16 radio or 20 landline WAWS can be connected to one MSCS. With<BR>multiple MSCS, one Low Level Wind Alert System (LLWAS) may have up to<BR>256 WAWS units.<BR>The WAWS may be powered from 120VAC / 60Hz, 220VAC / 60Hz or<BR>240VAC / 50Hz or from a Solar Power Set.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>19<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> System Description<BR>The WAWS includes the following electrical subassemblies:<BR>• ALMOS 2100-Z CPU Board<BR>• Power Supply System<BR>• Radio Interface and Radio Heater (Radio Option)<BR>• Radio &amp; RF Surge Suppressor (Radio Option)<BR>• Line Isolation Board (Optional Landline Option)<BR>• Solar Power Set (Solar Power Option)<BR>• Stainless enclosure<BR>• Designed for extreme environmental conditions:<BR>• Altitude: 10,000 feet operating, 50,000 feet non-operating.<BR>• Operating temperature: -40C to +70C<BR>• Blowing Rain: Present<BR>• EM interference: FCC class A compliant<BR>• Humidity: &lt;15% to 100% operating.<BR>• MTBF: 272,945 hours (31.2 years)<BR>For the location of the items inside the WAWS, refer to drawing<BR>AS842-01-2 in appendix II of the WAWS Installation and Maintenance<BR>Manual.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>20<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Figure 6 - WAWS Block Diagram<BR> Wind Sensor Simulator<BR>Each remote station will include a wind sensor simulator, providing selectable<BR>values for wind speed and direction. The simulator can be remotely operated<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>21<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>over the radio or cable link or locally operated using the built-in maintenance<BR>port.<BR> Reliability Issues<BR>Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) for the remote station electronics is<BR>40,000 hours.<BR>Preventative maintenance requirements for the remote station (not including<BR>sensor) do not require more than one visit per year to each remote site.<BR>No LRU failure can cause damage or interfere with the operation of any other<BR>LRU. In addition, high voltage suppression is provided using gas discharge<BR>tubes and transorb devices. This is considered superior to the optical isolation<BR>used by many manufacturers. As a result, no Almos weather station has ever<BR>caused damage to other network elements, even during a direct lightning<BR>strike.<BR>Protective devices are provided on all power, sensor and communications<BR>connections in the remote stations. All connections (except RF) utilise gas<BR>discharge tubes and transorb devices, providing two-stage protection.<BR>A coaxial surge protector is provided on the incoming RF connection.<BR> Remote Station Electrical Power Requirements<BR>Power may be supplied using a solar panel with a maintenance-free sealed<BR>lead-acid battery set and a built in solar regulator, or commercial mains<BR>power.<BR>Average power requirements for LRUs (including wind sensor and radio) are<BR>approximately 160mA at 12 V.<BR>All remote stations are battery backed with a maintenance free sealed leadacid<BR>battery, providing at least 32 hours of operation.<BR> Environmental Conditions<BR>The remote stations offered fully satisfy the military temperature range<BR>requirements. Extremely high temperatures of over 55°C may be endured<BR>without adversely affecting the operating of the system. The design of the<BR>equipment shelter also helps to keep the temperature of the electronics as<BR>low as possible in high ambient temperature conditions.<BR>The enclosure’s protective category corresponds to NEMA-4X.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>22<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>• Altitude: 10,000 feet operating, 50,000 feet non-operating.<BR>• Operating temperature: -40C to +70C<BR>• Blowing Rain: Present<BR>• EM interference: FCC class A compliant<BR>• Humidity: &lt;15% to 100% operating.<BR>• MTBF: 272,945 hours (31.2 years)<BR> Remote Station Obstruction Lights<BR>Obstruction lights are fitted to all masts supplied. The type of obstruction<BR>light offered is the Obelux 32-12-HTS. This FAA and ICAO compliant<BR>obstruction light offers the following benefits:<BR>• Long maintenance intervals<BR>• Low energy cost (less than 10W)<BR>• Supply power voltage variations do<BR>not affect light output.<BR>• Very low total lifetime costs.<BR>• Low wind load<BR>• ICAO &amp; FAA compliance<BR>• Exceeds temperature requirements –<BR>–55C to +80C operating<BR>2.1.4 LLWAS Wind Sensors<BR>There are several options available for the wind sensor, both cup-and-vane<BR>and ultrasonic types.<BR>Sensors are supplied by selected third party suppliers. Almos do not<BR>manufacture sensors and therefore sensor selection is solely based on<BR>independent, unbiased evaluation of technical performance and sale price.<BR>Several types of wind sensors are supported by the Almos WAWS aleady<BR>however any type can be interfaced should the customer’s preference fall<BR>outside of the sensors for which drivers already exist namely:<BR>Vaisala WAA/WAV151 - Cup and Vane<BR>Vaisala WS425 - Ultrasonic<BR>METEK USA1 - Ultrasonic<BR>Met-One - Ultrasonic<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>23<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>All ultrasonic sensors are virtually maintenance free. Only annual checks are<BR>required to ensure that the sensing elements are free of debris.<BR>Each sensor is directly connected to the Almos WAWS (Remote Station) unit<BR>using either a serial (RS232 or RS422) link or a digital interface. This allows the<BR>Almos WAWS to perform all data averaging, logging, error correction and<BR>communications functions directly on the measured data.<BR>This architecture allows provision of any range of measurement averages,<BR>from instantaneous to very long average periods. In an LLWAS environment,<BR>the standard measurement period is the 10 second RC average (the System<BR>Cycle).<BR>2.1.5 Wind Masts<BR>Most LLWAS systems are implemented with 10m, 15m or 20m poles. In most<BR>case 10m is sufficient. Higher poles are sometimes installed to avoid<BR>obstructions. While it is best that all poles are the same height, this is rarely<BR>achieved in practice.<BR>Poles need to be strong enough to withstand high winds and also to provide<BR>easy access to equipment for maintenance.<BR>Almos offers both frangible and non-frangible tilting masts.<BR>2.1.6 RF and Land Line Data Links<BR> Detailed Communication Specification<BR>The remote station is supplied with facilities for both radio (RF) and landline<BR>(non RF) communications.<BR> RF communications<BR>RF communications utilises a multi-drop radio protocol that allows up to 16<BR>remote stations to communicate on the same radio channel.<BR>RF communications uses digitally tuned Data Radios. The radio frequency and<BR>other parameters are fully programmable. Assuming that there are no<BR>obstructions and line-of-sight problems, reliable communications is assured<BR>between the master station and any remote station up to a distance of 7<BR>nautical miles. Under ideal conditions, transmission paths of up to 25 nautical<BR>miles are possible.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>24<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>9 element 9dB directional yagi antennas are used at the remote stations and<BR>3dB omni-directional antennas are used at the master stations. The yagi<BR>antenna is stainless steel. The omni-directional antenna has a stainless steel<BR>mounting tube with a fibreglass radome.<BR> Landline communications<BR>Landline communications utilises a multi-drop modem configuration that<BR>allows a number of remote stations to be connected together on a single<BR>landline channel. The recommended maximum number of units on a landline<BR>link is 20.<BR>To prevent faulty remote stations from saturating the communication channel<BR>the remote stations are fitted with a watchdog circuit that disables<BR>transmission in case a remote station is not operating correctly.<BR>The master station configuration may include several Master Station<BR>Communication Sets (MSCS), enabling communications via any combination<BR>of RF and landline links. Multiple RS232 communications ports are required on<BR>the master station PC for communications to the remote stations.<BR>2.1.7 Display Equipment<BR> Overview<BR>The Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS) provides two methods of<BR>displaying windshear and microburst alarm data on user workstations.<BR>These are:<BR>• AAD (Alphanumeric Alarm Display) – Text Only<BR>• GAD (Graphical Alarm Display) – Text and Graphics<BR>All display devices use a high resolution, high brightness LCD colour monitor<BR>and may display either display format (graphics or text).<BR>The AAD provides the user with data in a textual display. This screen shows<BR>the current windshear status of the airport in textual form. It gives the status<BR>of a selected number of runway thresholds and a centerfield location.<BR>In order to use the AAD most effectively, the user can select a “runway<BR>threshold configuration” that matches their current frame of reference. The<BR>user can choose to view windshear information for a selected group of<BR>available runway thresholds. This allows Air Traffic Controllers to concentrate<BR>on areas that are within their specific sphere of control.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>25<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>The GAD is used to show a map of the airport and the location of wind<BR>sensors. If a windshear or microburst is detected, then the map will show,<BR>using coloured highlights, those areas of the airport affected.<BR> Alphanumeric Alarm Display (AAD)<BR>AAD display screens are an integrated screen object displaying a number of<BR>runway threshold winds &amp; windshear reports, status variables and centrefield<BR>information.<BR>While the AAD simply reports the status of single data elements, these<BR>elements can be configured to use backup sensors for centrefield and<BR>threshold winds, providing ATC with constant data.<BR>All parameters on the Almos AAD are completely configurable, including<BR>number of lines per display (8 message + 2 status), colours &amp; highlighting<BR>rules, audible alarms and line formats.<BR>Audible alarms are sounded through the PC sound card when a hazardous<BR>wind shear is detected. The duration, in seconds of this audible alarm is<BR>configurable and default duration is 30 seconds.<BR> General Description<BR>The AAD is a multi-line read-only display having the following features:<BR>• Threshold wind data can be selected and displayed for each runway<BR>• Displays LLWAS messages in a syntax that is configurable. (This<BR>• allows easy changes to be made to the system's output without changing<BR>the software).<BR>• Displays a database-configurable number of rows and columns per<BR>• display.<BR>• Status information is displayed on the AAD.<BR>• Centrefield &amp; alarm information is displayed on the AAD.<BR>• Audible alarm, which sounds at full volume. (Users can adjust the<BR>• volume using a volume control).<BR>• A configurable flashing/hi-lighting method can be selected for new<BR>messages.<BR>• Can be configured to indicate alarm updates for particular thresholds for a<BR>specified period of time.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>26<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>• The system time is displayed on the AAD.<BR>• Auto-scales character size to the selected AAD object size. (The font is<BR>configurable).<BR>• Displays a configurable Communication Failure message if the server is<BR>not found after a timeout period.<BR>• Displays missing wind data as a configurable value.<BR>• Does not display any persisted data. (No LLWAS messages or wind<BR>information is persisted).<BR>• All configurable parameters have a default setting.<BR>While the AAD reports the status of single data elements, these elements can<BR>be configured to use backup sensors for centrefield and threshold winds,<BR>providing ATC with constant data.<BR> The Screen<BR>All parameters on the AAD are configurable, including the ten available<BR>display lines (8 message + 2 status), colours &amp; highlighting rules, audible alarm<BR>and line formats.<BR>Each message line provides 6 possible items of information:<BR>1. Runway identifier<BR>2. Alert type<BR>3. Wind speed gain or loss<BR>4. Location of windshear or microburst<BR>5. Threshold wind direction and speed<BR>6. Possible alarm outside the network zone<BR>When the system is operating normally, line 9 (second-last line from the<BR>bottom) is blank. If a problem occurs, the text DEGRADED, SUPPORT,<BR>INITIALIZATION or OFF is displayed, to indicate the state of the system.<BR>Line 10 is reserved for LLWAS system messages. When there is active<BR>communication between the server (master station) and AAD, the following<BR>information is displayed:<BR>• Centrefield wind direction and speed<BR>• Centrefield gust speed<BR>• System time (in UTC)<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>27<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>• Audible alarm state (On or Off)<BR>If no information is received from the server within a configurable time period,<BR>the AAD will blank and display “COMMUNICATION FAILURE” on line 10.<BR>The following identifiers are used in the AAD:<BR>A Approach<BR>D Departure<BR>LA Left approach<BR>LD Left departure<BR>RA Right approach<BR>RD Right departure<BR>CA Centre arrival<BR>CD Centre departure<BR>ALM Alarm<BR>MBA Microburst alarm<BR>WSA Windshear alarm<BR>G Gust<BR>K Knots (wind speed)<BR>+/- Gain or loss (change in windspeed)<BR>CF Centrefield<BR>MF Nautical “Miles Final” (final approach)<BR>MD Nautical “Miles Departure”<BR>(departure corridor)<BR>RWY Location (runway)<BR>* Possible alarm outside the network zone<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>28<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Figure 2-7 is a typical example of an AAD.<BR>Figure 2-7 Typical AAD<BR>Referring to the example display above, line 1 provides the following<BR>information:<BR>10A Operational runway “10 Arrival”<BR>WSA Windshear alarm<BR>46K+ Estimated wind speed gain “46 knots”<BR>2MF Location “2 nautical miles from final”<BR>090 Threshold wind direction “90 degrees”<BR>12 Threshold wind speed “12 knots”<BR>No * is shown, therefore a windshear alarm outside the network area is not<BR>indicated.<BR>In the example, line 2 provides the following information:<BR>10D Operational runway “10 Departure”<BR>WSA Windshear alarm<BR>20K- Estimated wind speed loss “20 knots”<BR>RWY Location “Runway 10D”<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>29<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>090 Threshold wind direction “90 degrees”<BR>12 Threshold wind speed “12 knots”<BR>Since no * is displayed, no windshear alarm outside the network area is<BR>indicated.<BR>Lines 5, 6, 7 and 8 are unused in this example.<BR>As the system is operating normally, line 9 remains blank.<BR>Line 10 displays the following information:<BR>CF Centrefield location<BR>090 Wind direction “90 degrees”<BR>16 Centerfield wind speed “16 knots”<BR>G22 Centerfield wind gusting to “22 knots”<BR>1046 System time 1046 UTC<BR>ALM OFF Audible alarm is switched Off<BR> Operation<BR>During normal operation (no windshear alarms) the AAD displays Runway<BR>Identification, Wind Direction and Wind Speed for each selected runway.<BR>The bottom line of the display (line 10) shows Centerfield Wind Direction &amp;<BR>Speed, Gust Wind Speed, System Time (UTC) and Audible Alarm Status.<BR>Figure 2-8 An AAD in normal operation, showing no alarms.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>30<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>When a wind threshold is reached, the information line associated with the<BR>affected runway(s) will flash red for a predetermined period of time. The<BR>information displayed will now include data relating to the alarm condition, as<BR>described in section<BR>Figure 2-9 An AAD highlighting a “Microburst Alert” for runways 10A<BR>and 28D, by flashing red for a predetermined period of time.<BR>When the “highlighting” period has expired, the AAD will stop flashing and<BR>display steady text information relating to the alarm condition.<BR>Figure 2-10 An AAD displaying “Microburst alarm” information after the<BR>highlighting period has expired.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>31<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> Runway Threshold Configuration Display<BR>The Runway Threshold Configuration Display is an object that can be placed<BR>on a screen containing an AAD. A drop-down list allows the user to select and<BR>view any available display configuration.<BR>Figure 2-11 AAD Configuration Drop-down List<BR>Each configuration determines which runway windshear threshold<BR>information is to be displayed on the AAD.<BR>For example, if the user selects a configuration that shows the windshear<BR>information for “Runway 10 Approach and Runway 28 Departure”, then the<BR>AAD will only display windshear information relating to those two zones. The<BR>other display lines will be left blank. This saves the ATC from having to<BR>distinguish between their runway windshear thresholds and the rest of the<BR>airport.<BR>If “All Runways” is selected, then windshear information relating to all the<BR>runways is displayed.<BR>Once a configuration has been selected, this is shown on the Runway<BR>Threshold Configuration Display as illustrated below.<BR>Figure 2-12 Display Configuration Selection<BR> Graphical Alarm Display Screens (GAD)<BR>The GAD display consists of two separate screen objects, an AAD screen<BR>object (described above) and a separate map display. Buttons at the bottom<BR>of the screen allow selection of different background bitmaps as appropriate.<BR>Because the map is a screen object, the GAD can be displayed with other data<BR>as well, such as the Supervisor’s AAD Selector (described below).<BR>The Almos Map display (GAD Object) consists of a background bitmap and<BR>numerous graphical objects overlaid upon this background.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>32<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Arrows<BR>Arrows point where the wind is blowing ‘to’ by default. Sensors that are<BR>marked out of scan or in a fault condition appear as a red circle.<BR>Wind Speed Box<BR>Next to each arrow, a floating wind speed box shows the current wind speed.<BR>The box moves with the arrow in such a way so as to not obscure the arrow<BR>itself.<BR>Edge/Triangle Alarm displays<BR>During divergence/convergence detection, a red line (shaded based on<BR>strength) depicts the area in which the wind shear is being detected.<BR>Combined with the AAD object already on screen, this provides an excellent<BR>windshear warning system and situation display.<BR>Figure 2-13 LLWAS Map (Normal Operation)<BR>Triangles are displayed as shaded red areas. The degree of shading reflects the<BR>intensity of windshear within that area.<BR>A typical LLWAS Map showing areas affected by windshear is shown below.<BR>Figure 2-14 LLWAS Map (Showing Windshear)<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>33<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>2.1.8 Interfaces<BR>The Almos LLWAS system offered supports interfaces of up to 256 remote<BR>stations using the communications methods (radio and landline) described<BR>herein.<BR>Due to the client/server network nature of the Almos LLWAS system, the<BR>number of supported display terminals, system consoles and printers is<BR>practically unlimited. The provided network hub is may be linked to any<BR>number of additional hubs, increasing the supported number of workstations<BR>significantly.<BR>A dedicated port can be set up to send data to an external network such as<BR>the Official Airport System network. Using TCP/IP, the external connection can<BR>access real-time data from the MetConsole server. This may be used for<BR>connection to third party software of for remote diagnostics and data display.<BR>This interface is called the External Data Interface and the default format is<BR>described in detail below.<BR> External Data Interface<BR>The Almos LLWAS system gets data in from the wind sensor stations, from<BR>threshold sensor stations and, in some cases, from other sensors around the<BR>airport. This data is distributed to many modules in the system and various<BR>calculations are performed on it.<BR>MetConsole also makes the data from the LLWAS system available to external<BR>users.<BR>2.1.9 Algorithm Implementation<BR>Almos LLWAS MetConsole uses an efficient LLWAS algorithm<BR>implementation designed to perform all required calculations in a minimum<BR>amount of time.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>34<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>F<BR>i<BR>g<BR>u<BR>r<BR>e<BR>1<BR>5<BR>-<BR>LLWAS Data Input<BR>Averaging (RC/Linear) is performed on the remote stations. RC and Linear<BR>averaging constants are transmitted to the remote stations based on values<BR>configured on the server. These configuration constants then can be updated<BR>at any point without visiting the remote sites. Processing averaging on the<BR>remote sites also means that only the final averaged values need be<BR>transmitted to the master station, reducing transmission time and increasing<BR>reliability.<BR>Wind Gust computation is also partially computed<BR>on the remote stations. Remote stations report 10<BR>second average information to the master station,<BR>which in turn computes a 10 minute gust using<BR>the UAL Wind Gust Algorithm attached to this<BR>document.<BR>On the master station server, a timer calls various<BR>components of the software every second. As<BR>each component has an associated time period, it<BR>can determine if the current ‘tick’ is appropriate<BR>for executing its associated process.<BR>For example, LLWAS has an associated ten second<BR>time period. Even though LLWAS is called every<BR>second it will only execute on the tenth second –<BR>thus keeping in time with the LLWAS system<BR>cycle.<BR>Timer TICK<BR>Threshold Sensor Interface<BR>Master Station Controller(s)<BR>Process MODULES<BR>Arithmetic (Wind Gust etc)<BR>UCAR LLWAS ALGORITHM<BR>1. Data Preparation<BR>2. Network Statistical Analysis<BR>3. Divergence Analysis<BR>4. Alert Analysis<BR>5. Format Messages<BR>SPES DQA<BR>1. Bin Data per cycle<BR>2. Process Periodic SPES Reports<BR>DATABASE LOGGING<BR>SERVER REPLICATION<BR>DISPLAY<BR>WIND<BR>REMOTE<BR>STATION LDL<BR>MASTER STATION SERVER<BR>KEYBOARD<BR>&amp; MOUSE<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>35<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Each process is designed to operate extremely efficiently, taking only a<BR>number of milliseconds to complete. Therefore, all items executed by the<BR>timer are completed well in advance of the next timer ‘tick’.<BR> LLWAS Algorithm Functions<BR> FAA Gust<BR>Parameters<BR>1. Time (seconds) of first variable average<BR>2. Variable name<BR>3. Gust calculation time period (seconds)<BR>4. Gust variable name<BR>5. Calculation intervals (seconds)<BR>6. Peak_Wind_Threshold<BR>7. CF_Threshold<BR>8. Gust_Threshold<BR>9. Calm_Threshold<BR>The gust algorithm uses wind measurements from an LLWAS centrefield<BR>station to determine gust wind speed.<BR>The algorithm determines peak wind speeds over a 10-minute period and<BR>compares these with a 2-minute average wind speed.<BR>This is accomplished in two stages:<BR>1. Wind speeds during the last minute that exceed the 2-minute centerfield<BR>average by 5 knots are recorded, in order to determine a peak wind<BR>speed.<BR>2. Recorded peak winds measured over the past 10 minute period are<BR>compared with the centerfield average wind speed, to determine a<BR>maximum peak wind speed (gust).<BR>The calculated gust wind speed is displayed for 10 minutes, unless the<BR>maximum peak wind measurements fall to within 3 knots of the centerfield<BR>average wind speed.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>36<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> LLWASAAD<BR>Parameters Units<BR>1. Wind direction “D” degrees<BR>2. Wind speed “S” knots<BR>3. Gust knots<BR>This function calculates a gust string that displays centerfield wind data at the<BR>bottom of the AAD.<BR>The string format input determines the order and content of the gust string<BR>output e.g. a string format of the form CF&lt;DIR&gt;&lt;SPD&gt;&lt;G&gt;&lt;GUST&gt; would<BR>produce the following centerfield wind display (&lt;G&gt; adds the character “G” if<BR>a gust is currently valid):<BR>Wind direction – Average wind speed – Wind gust speed<BR>The gust threshold is a value set above the average wind speed. When the<BR>calculated “peak” wind exceeds the average by more than the threshold, then<BR>a gust value is displayed on the AAD.<BR>2.1.10 Archiving / Playback<BR>The Archiver application is used to independently store data from the remote<BR>MetConsole servers. Two optional features are often installed with the<BR>Archiver to provide a full archive &amp; replay system:<BR>• Media backup<BR>• Data replay<BR>One of a number of media backup options is available (i.e. Tape, optical disk,<BR>removable disk drive).<BR>The archiver application normally runs in the Windows task bar, and as such<BR>is usually available from the bottom right of the screen (depending on any<BR>personalised settings that may have been set up).<BR>The displayed icon may change depending on the state of the archiver:<BR>The archiver is connected to the hot server, and idle.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>37<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>The archiver is currently receiving data from the hot server.<BR>The archiver is unable to connect to the hot server, and is retrying.<BR>To access the archiver application, right-click on the icon (whichever icon is<BR>displayed) to display a menu.<BR>Click on Open Main Window to open the archiver application screen. Click<BR>on Close to close the archiver, or click on About to view the archiver copyright<BR>and version information.<BR>Each operation may be configured to use a password, and displays a security<BR>login box such as the following:<BR>Enter your username and password to access the software.<BR>The Main Window, once opened, is displayed similar to the following:<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>38<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>In addition to the action buttons in the main window, four additional status<BR>fields are given:<BR>1. Archiver Status: This indicates the current state of the archiver application.<BR>2. Instructions Pane: This provides information on the current state, and<BR>available options, if appropriate.<BR>3. Connection State &amp; Progress Type: This provides a text message indicating<BR>the state of the connection. If the archiver is performing a lengthy<BR>operation, this changes to indicate the type of operation being displayed in<BR>the Progress Bar (4).<BR>4. Progress Bar: When performing a lengthy operation, this changes to<BR>indicate the current state of the operation.<BR>The action buttons present are:<BR>Archive: Click this button to resume archiving online data from<BR>MetConsole. Stop pauses the online data archive.<BR>Reload: Reloads (restores) data from removable media storage. See<BR>Reloading Data below.<BR>Re-Play: Replays the currently available data. See Replaying Data<BR>below.<BR>Backup: Manually Backs up data to the removable media storage.<BR>The archiver goes idle during this process.<BR>Report: Reports on the most recent media operations. This is a<BR>third party report provided by the media software vendor.<BR>About: Displays the copyright message and version information.<BR>Stop: Stops the action currently being carried out. Not<BR>available when Idle.<BR>2.1.11 Maintenance<BR>NOTE: Comprehensive Maintenance sections exist in both the WAWS<BR>Hardware Manual and the MetConsole Reference Manual.<BR>Described below is an overview of the type of maintenance tools that are<BR>available to the technical staff.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>39<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> Master Station Maintenance Screens<BR>A comprehensive set of maintenance and diagnostic screens are available to<BR>the user. These features are fully described in the BITE section of this<BR>document<BR>The ‘Maintenance’ windows will only be accessible by the Maintenance user<BR>and is not required for ATC users.<BR> Help<BR>Extensive use of Tool Tips is made throughout the system. Positioning the<BR>mouse pointer over most controls will display a label with information about<BR>the control or the item of data being displayed.<BR>Example of tool tips<BR>Pressing F1 will bring a context sensitive Windows Help file with help, tips,<BR>and guidance and specific tasks.<BR>Extensive on-line help is available<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>40<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Right clicking on any variable brings up more information about the point<BR>including details about any fault status.<BR> Alarms and Events<BR>The system monitors all incoming weather variables and can detect a variety<BR>of faults in the data stream. Data faults include:<BR>• Primary/Secondary Server Failure.<BR>• Communications faults.<BR>• Sensor faults.<BR>• Missing data.<BR>• Value too high or too low.<BR>• Value higher or lower than airport operating maxima.<BR>• Value jumping too rapidly from value to value<BR>• Value “frozen” within a small range of value.<BR>Acceptable ranges can be set arbitrarily on any point. And any test can be<BR>omitted. As alarms occur they are printed on the system printer, stored in the<BR>Windows NT event log, stored in a database file, and if the alarm or event<BR>requires acknowledgment is placed in an alarm list in a toolbar the server.<BR>The current alarm list is displayed in a toolbar.<BR> Technicians functions<BR>There are a number of trouble shooting screens built in to the system to<BR>assist technicians. The “Technical Reference Manual” provides<BR>descriptions of how to use these screens.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>41<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Terminal data for sensor interface<BR> GPS Time Sync<BR>Our time synchronisation system reads the external time messages and<BR>compares the time to the server’s clock. If the time is inaccurate then the<BR>software will:<BR>1. Remove or insert milliseconds off each tick of the clock until the PC time<BR>matches the external clock, and the server becomes in sync.<BR>2. Compute the exact inaccuracy of the PC clock compared to the reference,<BR>and then remove or insert milliseconds from each clock tick to proactively<BR>ensure that the time remains in sync.<BR>Because we are always making minor changes to the time there cannot be<BR>“jumps” in the data set caused by the time changing rapidly. The unique<BR>proactive correction of the PC clock ensures that accuracy is maintained even<BR>if the time source is lost for an extended period of time.<BR>The time setting functions provide a facility for entering the time in the<BR>absence of an external time source. These allow the user to enter the time<BR>on the primary server; the time is simultaneously broadcast across the<BR>network, with each PC updating its time as required.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>42<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>All system functions are timed relative to the server’s PC clock, and all other<BR>PCs time is set to match the server’s time. Each master station computer is<BR>fitted with a removable, rechargeable battery backup on the internal clock,<BR>ensuring maximized lifetime on the real-time clock components.<BR> Watchdog<BR>Almos supplies watchdog hardware that monitors all system operations. An<BR>independent hardware card installed in the machine monitors the MetConsole<BR>software. In the event of any failure of hardware, operating system, or the<BR>application program, (which prevents normal operation) the PC is completely<BR>reset. This substantially reduces the number of fault callouts and significantly<BR>improves the MTTR.<BR> Remote Access<BR>We provide a remote dial in server utilising Microsoft Remote Access Service<BR>(RAS). This facility permits access to monitoring and diagnostics of the system<BR>by Almos. This port can also be used for centralised monitoring of the system.<BR>This can also be used to remotely upgrade or reconfigure the system. Of<BR>course this feature is password protected and can be enabled and disabled as<BR>required.<BR> Built–In Test Equipment - BITE<BR>In an airport environment, due to the requirements to keep repair and<BR>downtime to the absolute minimum, an automatic failure detection and<BR>isolation system referred to as built-in-test equipment (BITE) is implemented<BR>on all equipment. BITE functions are primarily performed by software<BR>resources.<BR>The primary objective of BITE is to correctly detect system malfunctions and<BR>accurately fault-isolate to a single replaceable unit so that maintenance staff<BR>with a minimum of training are able to perform this function. Failures<BR>undetected by BITE will be kept to a minimum. The BITE will be capable of<BR>isolating faults down to LRU level in most fault cases.<BR> BITE Requirements<BR>BITE functionality is integrated into the different equipment in order to avoid<BR>external test equipment for stimuli and measuring purposes. BITE functions<BR>do not interfere with the operational of the system.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>43<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> BITE Functions include:<BR>• Intelligent wind sensor is offered with BITE functions. Results are<BR>continuously received and checked by the Remote Station in the form<BR>of Status messages.<BR>• *Sensor data is checked both for data format errors and for data quality<BR>errors. Error checks include sampling the status information provided<BR>by the sensors.<BR>• Remote station serial interface to Wind Sensor can be tested by<BR>executing a loop-back command that results in receiving characters<BR>transmitted on the Tx line. This way serial interface errors can be<BR>differentiated from sensor errors.<BR>• *Remote station basic operational parameters, such as availability of<BR>mains supply, internal enclosure temperature, battery status, EPROM<BR>CRC etc are monitored and the results are reported back<BR>• Full Remote Station testing facilities, including built-in software and<BR>hardware diagnostic functions, are available through a Maintenance<BR>Interface Port. Operational status, current sensor data and raw sensor<BR>data can be displayed.<BR>• Radio BITE features are available through a serial interface.<BR>• *Remote Station radio communication quality can be tested using a<BR>built-in Bit Error Rate Mode. This mode can be activated by a remote<BR>command.<BR>• Communication ports are tested by heart beat packets sent between<BR>computers<BR>• Analog signals are tested to cross acceptable low and high levels<BR>• Watchdog cards in all PCs and Remote Stations test fatal system<BR>errors. Automatic restarts are generated after error detection.<BR>• RAM memory is tested in PCs and the Remote Stations at system<BR>reset.<BR>• All memory components in the Remote Stations are checksum tested at<BR>system reset.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>44<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>• Software execution integrity is tested and fault information including<BR>Detailed CPU instruction information) logged prior to watchdog<BR>intervention.<BR>Note: BITE functions marked * are sufficient to satisfy the latest FAA<BR>LLWAS Remote Station BITE requirements. Additional BITE was added by<BR>Almos to further simplify installation and maintenance.<BR> Features:<BR>Unit Fault<BR>detectio<BR>n<BR>Isolation False<BR>Alarm<BR>Sensor Yes Automatic No<BR>Remote<BR>Station<BR>Yes Automatic Communication link<BR>fault can be isolated by<BR>communication LEDs<BR>No<BR>Server<BR>computer<BR>Yes Automatic. Communication<BR>link fault can be isolated by<BR>communication LEDs on<BR>modems and network hub.<BR>No<BR>Workstation Yes As above No<BR>Printer Yes Semi-automatic, as provided by<BR>manufacturer (Status display<BR>indicates LRU fault).<BR>No<BR> Site Performance Evaluation System (SPES)<BR>A very attractive module is the Site Performance Evaluation System (SPES). This<BR>software module runs a Data Quality Analysis algorithm developed by MIT’s<BR>Lincoln Laboratories to analyse the performance of the wind sensors in real<BR>time. The algorithm compares the raw values of all sensors to the network<BR>mean and then makes judgments about possible siting problems or accuracy<BR>problems with each sensor.<BR>Provided as a standard item with Almos LLWAS systems, is an additional PC<BR>for the purpose of running and displaying SPES Data Quality Analysis.<BR>The additional SPES workstation provides technical monitoring facilities for<BR>network data quality analysis. An additional MetConsole component<BR>(Module) is installed and configured on the server pair for processing of SPES<BR>data.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>45<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> Introduction<BR>The integrity of wind data received from each remote weather station is<BR>evaluated by the SPES. This is achieved by constantly comparing the wind<BR>speed and direction information received from each station with the overall<BR>network mean values.<BR>Note<BR>For a data poll to be valid for SPES, there must not be a<BR>windshear or microburst indicated on the LLWAS system.<BR>Also, the wind speed must be greater than 3 metres per<BR>second (6 knots) at the time of the poll.<BR> Integrity Evaluation<BR>The SPES wind data evaluation is based upon two separate, but related, tests.<BR>These are:<BR>• Wind speed<BR>• Wind direction<BR> Wind Speed Test<BR>Wind speed data is collected from all the weather station sensors and a mean<BR>value calculated. The ratio of variation with the mean value is then calculated<BR>for each individual weather station.<BR>The calculated variation ratios are stored in groups, based upon wind<BR>direction. This enables the system to determine whether the variations in wind<BR>speeds for a particular station are related to a few directions only, or all<BR>directions.<BR>Sensor status in relation to wind speed data is given by the following SPES<BR>messages:<BR>• Sheltering<BR>• Frictional drag or sensor situated too low<BR>• Wind channelling.<BR>• Sensor situated too high<BR> Wind Direction Test<BR>Wind direction data is collected from all the weather station sensors and a<BR>mean value calculated, similarly to wind speed. Wind directions are compared<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>46<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>to the mean wind direction for the network and the mean variation is stored.<BR>The variations are stored in groups of similar variations for each station.<BR>If the percentage of ratio differences is greater than a predetermined figure<BR>over a certain time, it may be determined that there is a problem with the<BR>sensor, or that the orientation of the station is not correct.<BR>Sensor status in relation to wind direction data is given by the following SPES<BR>messages:<BR>• Sensor orientation incorrect<BR>• Electrical grounding fault<BR>• Loose mounting or sticky wind-vane bearings<BR> SPES Screens<BR>The SPES has two types of screen:<BR>• A” Site Performance Evaluation System” screen<BR>• (Shows the general status of all weather stations)<BR>• A “Station Analysis” screen for each individual weather station in<BR>• The LLWAS system<BR>• (Provides more detailed information about each weather station)<BR> “Site Performance Evaluation System” Screen<BR>This screen shows the wind speed and wind direction status of each weather<BR>station on the system.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>47<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> “Station Analysis” Screen<BR>By clicking on a Details button on the “Site Performance Evaluation System”<BR>screen, specific information about a particular station can be viewed on its<BR>Analysis screen. A typical Station Analysis screen is shown below.<BR>Figure 2-16 SPES “Station Analysis” Screen<BR>A station’s Analysis screen displays data integrity information about its wind<BR>sensors on 3 graphs and a wind gauge. Each graph provides the user with a<BR>different perspective on the data received from the weather station.<BR>Each Analysis screen also has a Windrun gauge and Wind Rose display related<BR>to that station. Although not actually part of the SPES, they provide useful<BR>wind related information to the user.<BR>The Windrun gauge plots the amount of wind in meters per second,<BR>measured by the sensor, on a rotating time axis. The axis is configurable, but<BR>set to 24 hours for Chaing Kai Shek airport.<BR>The Wind Rose provides a real-time graphical indication of wind direction and<BR>speed in accordance with the LLWAS system 10-second wind data.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>48<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Speed Ratio over Direction Graph<BR>This graph shows the sensor performance as a ratio to the network mean<BR>value, over the last large sample of polls. This ratio is represented on the bar<BR>graph horizontal axis for every direction with a vertical incremental scale of<BR>0.00 to 2.00.<BR>In a “perfect” system a weather station would return a value that is the same<BR>as the network mean, thus registering a ratio of unity. The graph would then<BR>plot a value of 1.00 for all directions.<BR>Difference from Mean (Wind Gauge)<BR>The wind gauge displays the ratio shown on the “Speed Ratio over Direction<BR>Graph” on a rotating axis. The gauge axis is the same as the graph, i.e. 0.00<BR>to 2.00.<BR>For the “perfect” system referred to above, the sensor would display a ratio of<BR>1.00 in all directions and plot a circle halfway into the gauge. If a calculated<BR>ratio is low, then the gauge plot will be nearer the centre for that direction. If<BR>the ratio is high then the plot will be nearer the outside of the gauge for that<BR>direction.<BR>In practise, wind speed ratios can differ from 1.00 for various reasons. For<BR>example, if all the ratios are low his may indicate a wind speed sensor bearing<BR>problem causing it to rotate slowly.<BR>Both the “Speed Ratio over Direction Graph” and the “Difference from<BR>Mean” wind gauge indicate to a user if there is an obvious problem with a<BR>station sensor and whither the problem is directional or not.<BR>Speed Ratio Frequency Graph<BR>This graph shows the ratio of the weather station wind speed sensor data<BR>average against the network wind speed average, for all directions.<BR>A “perfect” system would register a ratio of 1.00 in all directions.<BR>Direction Difference Frequency Graph<BR>This graph shows the percentage difference between the weather station’s<BR>sensor direction average against the network direction average. A difference<BR>of ±5&ordm; is considered acceptable.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>49<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> Installation and Maintenance Tools<BR> Communications Testing Tools<BR>Due to the fact that the entire communication system is based on digital<BR>radios and a digital protocol, all communication analysis is done in software.<BR>Other devices are not needed to isolate faults and monitor the<BR>communications however the IFR 1600 is quoted as an option.<BR> Communication Service Monitor<BR>The equivalent of the Communication Service Monitor is a software package<BR>that is delivered with the digital radios. Please see the Maintenance section in<BR>the WAWS Installation and Maintenance Manual.<BR> Serial Communication Analyser<BR>The Technicians Screens in the MetConsole software running on the Master<BR>Station Servers may be used to analyse the digital communication traffic.<BR>These screens are described in the Maintenance Section of the MetConsole<BR>Reference Manual.<BR> Installation Tools<BR>The following is a list of the tools which will be provided for the installation<BR>and servicing of the LLWAS equipment :<BR>1) Adjustable Spanners-<BR>• 6"<BR>• 10"<BR>2) Crimp Tools-<BR>• Suitable for Bootlace Ferrules<BR>• Suitable for crimp lugs used<BR>• Suitable network RJ45 plugs (8 way 8 contact)<BR>• Suitable for RF connectors used<BR>3) Drill Bit Set -<BR>4) Drill – Battery type<BR>5) Hexagon Key Set - Imperial Sizes<BR>6) Pliers -<BR>• Long Nose<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>50<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>• Linesman’s<BR>• Sidecutters<BR>7) Knife with snap-off blades<BR>8) Scissors<BR>9) Screwdrivers -<BR>• 3.5mm Flat Blade<BR>• 5mm Flat Blade<BR>• No.0 Posidriv<BR>• No.1 Posidriv<BR>• No.2 Posidriv<BR>10) Weller Soldering Iron &amp; Solder<BR>11) Wire Strippers<BR>12) 60mm Mini Bench Vice<BR>2.1.12 System Modes (States)<BR>The LLWAS software runs in a number of states based on the availability of<BR>remote stations in the network, and the presence of maintenance activities<BR>being carried out on the system. These states are described in detail below.<BR> Real Time Normal<BR>All remote stations and text displays (AADs) are fully operational.<BR> Real Time Degraded<BR>At least one remote station is not operational and at least a specified number<BR>of remote stations are operational. This specified number is a parameter<BR>defined in the CAA furnished configuration files. The system is also in the<BR>Real Time Degraded state when fewer than all of the text displays (AADs) are<BR>operational.<BR> System Support<BR>Fewer than a specified number of remote stations have been operational for a<BR>period of time. The specified number of remote stations is a parameter<BR>defined in the CAA furnished configuration files. The period of time is<BR>defined by the algorithm's ability to fill data gaps. (Refer to the algorithm<BR>specification in Appendix A)<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>51<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>The system is also in the System Support state whenever the system<BR>determines that at least one of the configuration files is invalid or whenever<BR>other serious unexpected system problems are encountered.<BR> Initialization<BR>The system state during the period of time required for the system to start up<BR>from the powered off condition until it is processing adequate data to start<BR>displaying wind data, wind shear and microburst alerts (as defined in the<BR>algorithm specification).<BR>The system shall complete its initialization procedures and restore itself to real<BR>time operational capability within five (5) minutes (MAXINIT) after the<BR>restoration of the facility power sources.<BR>During initialization wind and windshear alert information is not displayed on<BR>the Text Displays (AAD).<BR> Off<BR>No power is being provided to the master station controller.<BR>The Text Displays shall indicate that they are no longer receiving data from the<BR>LLWAS master station.<BR>2.2 Configuration File<BR>All MetConsole stations are configured through a single shared configuration<BR>database. This database file contains configuration information pertaining to<BR>the role of each station on the network (primary server, secondary server,<BR>archiving PC, SPES workstation, operator workstations, displays etc). In<BR>addition, the configuration database contains LLWAS parameters contained in<BR>the ACF, SPES thresholds &amp; parameters, DCF configurations and other<BR>configuration data.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>52<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Figure 17 - LLWAS System Configuration (Typical)<BR>The advantage of this shared configuration database approach is that systemwide<BR>configuration can be achieved through reconfiguration of a single<BR>central source file. The configuration database is centrally stored and changes<BR>to this file are automatically integrated by MetConsole instances operating<BR>across the network.<BR>MetConsole operates through ODBC, Microsoft’s Open Database Connectivity<BR>technology. ODBC makes the choice of database dependant only on system<BR>requirements. Microsoft Access can be used; likewise Oracle 8, SQL Server 7<BR>and other technologies can be used. The configuration database is accessible<BR>using common tools (i.e. Microsoft Access) and providing a simple and easy to<BR>learn interface for all users.<BR>This open architecture does not limit the MetConsole system to any single<BR>database technology. This advantage allows Almos MetConsole users to<BR>operate a database that best suits their unique individual requirements, rather<BR>than a single database that is not perfectly suited to their situation.<BR>The final database format is yet to be determined; the final database format<BR>will be chosen based on the overall performance of the system and will be<BR>formally tested and approved at the Factory Acceptance Test.<BR>Changes to ACF (Airport Configuration File) and DCF (Display Configuration<BR>File) are implemented directly in the configuration database, which is in turn<BR>secured via Windows NT security (only accessible from the master station to<BR>authorized users). Facilities are provided for the import of these files, allowing<BR>easy implementation of future siting changes.<BR>SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (SCF) and<BR>MAINTENANCE CONFIGURATION<BR>(MCF) (Averaging constants,<BR>Displays, Parameters, etc)<BR>AIRPORT CONFIGURATION FILE<BR>(ACF)<BR>DISPLAY CONFIGURATION FILE<BR>CONFIGURATIO<BR>DATABAS<BR>(METCFG.MDB<BR>AAD DISPLAY<BR>SYSTEM<BR>INPUT DEVICE<BR>ARCHIVE STATION<BR>KEYBOAR<BR>D &amp;<BR>MOUSE<BR>AAD DISPLAY<BR>SYSTEM<BR>INPUT DEVICE<BR>AAD DISPLAY<BR>SYSTEM<BR>INPUT DEVICE<BR>RAW CONFIGURATION FIL ES<BR>&amp; PARAMETER S<BR>SHARED<BR>(BOTH<BR>LLWAS MetConsole<BR>Overvie<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>53<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>2.2.1 ACF<BR>The Airport Configuration File (ACF) shall be created by Almos Systems based<BR>on the results of the Site Survey and expertise and software from NCAR. This<BR>procedure has already been successfully performed at two Phase III LLWAS<BR>Installations.<BR>2.2.2 DCF<BR>A standard Display Configuration File (DCF) shall be created by Almos<BR>Systems. This may be altered to suit the customers individual needs.<BR>2.2.3 MCF, SCF<BR>The MCF (Maintenance Configuration File) and SCF (System Configuration<BR>File) are standard parts of the LLWAS Configuration database. They may be<BR>altered but there is generally no need to do so.<BR>3. Reliability, Maintability, Availability (RMA), and<BR>Supportability<BR>3.1 RMA Characteristics<BR>This section describes Almos RMA performance, including but not limited to<BR>Mean Time Between Failure(MTBF), Mean Time Between Corrective<BR>Maintenance Action(MTBCMA), Mean Time Between Critical Failures(MTBCF),<BR>Built in Test and Fault Isolation capability, Mean Time To Repair(MTTR), and<BR>inherent availability.<BR>3.1.1 Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) / Mean Time Between Critical Failures<BR>(MTBCF)<BR>The equipment offered, including computer software, have been proven in a<BR>number of airport installations. They are of high quality, off-the-shelf and<BR>commercially available, and are capable of operating continuously with a high<BR>degree of reliability. Particulars of existing installations using the type of<BR>equipment offered are attached.<BR>The most critical component in the system is the central computer. The<BR>solution offered is based on a Hot Standby solution, which has been used in a<BR>number of AWOS systems.<BR>The failure rates of all components were considered. Note that neither<BR>Compaq nor IBM would publish MTBF figures for their workstations or servers<BR>(even though we are a Compaq distributor). Consequently we have used<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>54<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>estimates based on our experience with this equipment. Assuming that the<BR>MTBF of the PC is as low as 5,000 hours (about half a year) and assuming that<BR>the MTTR for the PC is one hour (swapping with spares). In this case<BR>duplicating the server will increase the MTBF beyond the lifetime (20 years) of<BR>the system.<BR>The sensor interface units offered are identical with the ones used in the<BR>Almos Automatic Weather Stations. These stations are currently used by the<BR>Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Almos has been the exclusive supplier of<BR>Automatic Weather Stations to the Australian National Weather Network<BR>since 1993. Based on official service records MTBF calculations are shown<BR>below (Error! Reference source not found. MTBF Evaluation), which show<BR>MTBF better than 30 years.<BR>On the basis of above considerations the Mean Time Between Critical Failures<BR>(MTBCF), which would stop operation of the Central Computer or one of the<BR>Remote Stations is larger than 20 years. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF),<BR>which includes wind sensor errors and potential display errors is estimated to<BR>be 10,000 hours.<BR>3.1.2 Mean Time Between Corrective Maintenance Action (MTBCMA)<BR>The only component that requires regular maintenance in the proposed<BR>system is the wind sensor. MTBCMA = 1 year<BR>3.1.3 Built in Test and Fault Isolation capability<BR>Due to the requirements to keep repair to the absolute minimum, the impact<BR>on operational readiness and the maintenance concept adopted, automatic<BR>failure detection and isolation, referred to as built-in-test equipment (BITE) will<BR>be implemented on all equipment and monitored. BITE functions are mostly<BR>performed by software resources. The primary objective of BITE is to correctly<BR>detect system malfunctions and accurately fault-isolate to a single replaceable<BR>unit so that maintenance staff with a minimum of training is able to perform<BR>this function. Failures undetected by BITE will be kept to a minimum. The<BR>BITE will be capable of isolating faults down to LRU (SRU) level in at least 80%<BR>of fault cases.<BR>BITE function will be integrated into the different equipment in order to avoid<BR>external test equipment for stimuli and measuring purposes. BIT functions will<BR>not interfere with the operational of the system.<BR>BITE functions include:<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>55<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>• Sensor data is checked both for data format errors and for data quality<BR>errors. Error checks include sampling the status information provided by<BR>intelligent sensors.<BR>• Communication ports are tested by heart beat packets sent between<BR>computers<BR>• Fatal system errors are tested by Watchdog cards in all PCs and Remote<BR>Stations. Automatic restarts are generated after error detection.<BR>• RAM memory is tested in PCs and the Automatic Weather Stations at<BR>system reset.<BR>• All memory components in the Remote Stations are checksum tested at<BR>system reset.<BR>3.1.4 Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)<BR>The computer equipment will be repaired by swapping complete units with<BR>spare, which will take average 15 minutes.<BR>Remote Stations will be repaired by swapping cards. Using the advanced<BR>Almos Diagnostic Tools faults can be diagnosed and cards swapped within 30<BR>minutes plus traveling time.<BR>Sensors will be repaired by swapping them with spares. Due to the fact that<BR>access to some sensors is cumbersome the repair time would take one hour<BR>average.<BR>Unit Fault<BR>detection<BR>Isolation False Alarm<BR>Sensor yes The system will detect most<BR>sensor faults<BR>no<BR>Remote<BR>Station<BR>yes As above. Communication link<BR>fault can be isolated by<BR>communication LEDs<BR>no<BR>Server<BR>computer<BR>yes Automatic. Communication link<BR>fault can be isolated by<BR>communication LEDs on modems<BR>no<BR>Display<BR>Workstation<BR>yes As above no<BR>Printer yes Automatic no<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>56<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>3.1.5 MTBF Evaluation<BR> Purpose<BR>The purpose of this evaluation is to calculate the reliability of the Almos<BR>supplied hardware.<BR> References<BR>Collection of reliability, availability and maintainability data for electronics and<BR>similar engineering use - AS2529, 1982<BR>Presentation of reliability data on electronic and similar components (or parts)<BR>AS2530, 1982<BR>Reliability and maintainability - Introductory guide - AS3930, 1992<BR>Reliability Prediction Procedure For Electronic Equipment - Bellcore TR-NWT-<BR>000332, Issue 4, September, 1992.<BR> Definitions<BR>MTBF - (Mean Time Between Failure) - Average time (expressed in hours) that<BR>a component works without failure. It is calculated by dividing the total<BR>number of failures into the total number of operating hours observed. Also,<BR>the length of time a user may reasonably expect a device or system to work<BR>before an incapacitating fault occurs.<BR>MTTF - Related acronym (Mean Time To Failure) which is frequently used<BR>interchangeably with MTBF.<BR> Approach<BR>Almos established via test data obtained under the operating environment<BR>required for the REMOTE STATION hardware and by analysis of existing data,<BR>that the supplied hardware will meet the mean-time-between failure (MTBF)<BR>of 30,000 hours.<BR> Reliability Data<BR>The data used in this analysis was extracted from the population of equipment<BR>installed for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and relates to similar<BR>hardware operating under similar conditions to those proposed for the<BR>REMOTE STATION.<BR>Upon request, a spreadsheet is available which provides the raw data used to<BR>obtain the figure shown below as Total Hours.<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>57<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Data Item Value Used in Calculations<BR>Oldest Unit (Years) 3.6 Yes<BR>Machine Population 222 Yes<BR>Total Hours 3,162,240 Yes<BR>Failures 11 Yes<BR>NFF 0 No<BR>User Caused 3 No<BR>Table 1 - Field Failure Data<BR> Reliability Calculations<BR>MTBF is Mean Time Between Failure and is typically expressed in hours. The<BR>hours are calculated by dividing the total number of failures into the total<BR>number of operating hours observed. For Almos, MTBF represents the average<BR>number of hours a field population will work before a failure occurs.<BR> General Assumptions<BR> User caused failures<BR>Any failure that was directly attributed to user negligence or abuse has been<BR>shown in Table 1 but has not been included in the MTBF calculation.<BR> No fault found<BR>Units returned are subjected to extensive testing before release back to the<BR>customer. Units with “No Fault Found” have been shown in Table 1 but have<BR>not been included in the MTBF calculation.<BR> Method 1<BR> Basis of Calculation<BR>Age of units - The population of equipment used in this analysis was supplied<BR>over a period of time. It is assumed that the rate of supply of equipment is a<BR>constant and the average age of all units is therefore half the age of the<BR>oldest unit.<BR>Operating Hours - The equipment is assumed to be in service for 100% of the<BR>time. (24x7x365)<BR>TELVENT Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR>Almos<BR>58<BR>LLWAS<BR>Low Level Windshear Alert System<BR> Calculation<BR>MTBF =<BR>MTBF = = 318,227 hours = 36.3 years<BR> Method 2<BR> Basis of Calculation<BR>Actual Operating Hours - The population of equipment used in this analysis<BR>was supplied over a period of time. The actual year and month of supply for<BR>each individual unit was used to obtain the age of the equipment. This was<BR>used to calculate the total hours since supplied. (Refer to attached<BR>Spreadsheet)<BR>Operating Hours - It was assumed that each item was not installed for one<BR>month after being supplied and thereafter has been in service for 100% of<BR>the time. (24x7x365)<BR> Calculation<BR>MTBF =<BR>MTBF = = 272,945 hours = 31.2 years<BR> Results<BR>The lowest figure provided by the two methods used has been selected as the<BR>more accurate, being based on actual dates rather than an assumption about<BR>the linearity of supply.<BR>MTBF = 31.2 Years.<BR>3.2 Supportability<BR>The system has many built in test (BITE) and diagnostic features, which make<BR>the maintenance of the system very efficient for trained personal.<BR>Remote diagnostics means that engineers from Almos Systems headquarters<BR>may dial into the system and analyse any faults that are being reported.<BR>The Site Performance Evaluation Subsystem which is offered as a standard<BR>tool, aids in the long-term accuracy of the LLWAS system.<BR>Local support and warranty service is usually provided through appointed<BR>subcontractors

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