Tenerife, Spain LLWAS Site Visit Report
**** Hidden Message ***** Tenerife, Spain LLWAS Site Visit Report<BR>Larry Cornman<BR>National Center for Atmospheric Research<BR>Introduction<BR>A site visit to the Tenerife Reina Sofia (Tenerife-Sur) Airport was conducted on<BR>9-10 February, 2005. Three issues regarding the LLWAS system were to be addressed: (1)<BR>Evaluate the sensor siting, (2) look into the over-alerting problem, and (3) hold<BR>discussions with airport meteorological and air traffic staff. Each of these will be<BR>discussed in detail the following sections.<BR>Sensor Siting Evaluation<BR>On 9 February, a visit was made to all of the LLWAS sites at the Tenerife-Sur<BR>airport. Figure 1 shows the island of Tenerife, and the location of the Tenerife-Sur airport.<BR>A brief discussion of each site will be given below, but as can be seen from Figure 2, the<BR>overall the sensors are laid out in a close to optimal fashion. This network should provide<BR>good wind shear protection for the runway and one nautical mile to either side. There is a<BR>single runway, oriented 08/26. Due to the prevailing winds, the normal airport operations<BR>are landing on runway 08 and take off on runway 26. On the larger-scale, the terrain is<BR>gently sloping from North to South, and hence sites 1-5 are above the runway height and<BR>sites 6-10 are below it. There are small terrain features (typically small ditches or terrain<BR>depressions) in close proximity to many of the sites; however due to the sensor heights,<BR>these should not present any problems in providing unbiased wind measurements. There<BR>are some buildings in close proximity to the south of site number 10; however the tower<BR>height for this site is adequate, and the prevailing winds (ENE) do not come from this<BR>direction.<BR>Figure 1. View of the island of Tenerife, indicating the Reina Sofia Airport in the South.<BR>Figure 2. Aerial view of Tenerife-Sur, with approximate locations of the sensors and runway ends.<BR>Sensor Site #1<BR>This site is situated to the North-West of the West end of the runway, and<BR>approximately 20 meters higher. There are a number of small ditches in close proximity<BR>to Site 1, especially to the South-West. Since the tower is reasonably high (15m), the<BR>terrain indentations should not pose any problems in making wind measurements. Figure<BR>3 shows a view East-South-East from this site and Figure 4 is looking to the North. One<BR>of the ditches can be seen on the left-hand side of this latter figure.<BR>Figure 3. Looking East-South-East from Site 1.<BR>Figure 4. Looking North from Site 1.<BR>Sensor Site #2<BR>Site 2 is reasonably unobstructed; it is to the North of the runway and<BR>approximately 40 meters higher. There is small ditch to the North-East and small ridge to<BR>the North. Part of the ditch can be seen in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The 15 m tower is high<BR>enough, so that these terrain features should not pose any problems.<BR>Figure 5. Looking South from Site 2.<BR>Figure 6. Looking East from site 2.<BR>Sensor Site #3<BR>Site 3 is just to the East of the main road heading into the airport, and just to the<BR>North of the main airport complex. This site is reasonably unobstructed, with small<BR>bushes and small trees nearby. The tower is 25 meters tall, so there should be no problem<BR>in getting accurate winds from this site. The location is approximately 60 meters above<BR>the runway height. Figure 7 is a view looking South-South-East from the sensor location.<BR>The control tower and the terminal building can be seen in the middle of the picture.<BR>Figure 8 is a view looking West-South-West from the site. The lighting fixtures and<BR>bushes and small trees along the airport road can be seen in this photo.<BR>Figure 7. Looking South-South-East from Site 3.<BR>Figure 8. Looking West-South-West from Site 3.<BR>Sensor Site #4<BR>Site 4 is an unobstructed site on a 15 meter tower, to the North of the runway. It is<BR>approximately 60 meters above the runway height. There is a small ditch to the West of<BR>the site, but it should not pose any problem in getting accurate wind measurements.<BR>Figure 9 is a view looking South-South-East from this site, and Figure 10 is a view<BR>looking to the North. The small ditch to the West of the site can be seen in the middle-left<BR>of Figure 10.<BR>Figure 9. View south-south-east from site 4.<BR>Figure 10. Looking North from Site 4.<BR>Sensor Site #5<BR>Site 5 is to the North-East of the East end of the runway, at approximately 40<BR>meters above the runway height. The tower is 20 meters tall. There are some agricultural<BR>hot-houses in close proximity to the South-East, as can be seen in Figure 11. There is a<BR>large ditch to the West of the site, as can be seen in Figure 14. Neither of these items<BR>should pose any problems in getting good wind measurements from this site.<BR>Figure 11. Looking South-South-East from Site 5.<BR>Figure 12. Looking West from Site 4.<BR>Sensor Site #6<BR>Site 6 is to the South-East of the East end of the runway, and is approximately 20<BR>meters below the runway height. The tower is 15 meters tall. This is an unobstructed site.<BR>Figure 13 is a view looking to the South-East of the site, and Figure 14 is a view looking<BR>to the West.<BR>Figure 13. Looking South-East from Site 6.<BR>Figure 14. Looking West from Site 6.<BR>Sensor Site #7<BR>Site 7 is South of the runway, approximately 15 meters below the runway height.<BR>The tower is 15 meters tall. This is an unobstructed site, with a small ditch to the East.<BR>This ditch can be seen in both Figure 15, which looks to the South-East, and Figure 16,<BR>which looks to the East.<BR>Figure 15. Looking South-East from Site 7.<BR>Figure 16. Looking East from Site 7.<BR>Sensor Site #8<BR>Site 8 is to the South of the mid-point of the runway, at an elevation of<BR>approximately 15 meters below the runway height. The tower is 15 meters tall. The<BR>terrain slopes down and then up going to the East, as can be seen in Figure 17, and is<BR>relatively flat to the West. There are some agricultural hot-houses in close proximity to<BR>the South-East, as can be seen in Figure 18. Neither of these features should pose any<BR>problems in making good wind measurements.<BR>Figure 17. Looking East from site 8.<BR>Figure 18. Looking south-east from site 8<BR>Sensor Site #9<BR>Site 9 is located to the South of the runway, towards its West end. It is situated<BR>approximately 16 meters below the runway height. The tower is 20 meters tall. This is an<BR>unobstructed site with relatively flat ground surrounding it. Figure 19 is a view looking to<BR>the South of the site, and Figure 20 looks to the West-North-West. The dirt mound that<BR>can be seen in Figure 20 is due to some road work, and does not pose any problems with<BR>the site.<BR>Figure 19. Looking South from site 9.<BR>Figure 20. Looking West-North-West from site 9.<BR>Sensor Site #10<BR>Site 10 is to the South-West of the West end of the runway. It is approximately 30<BR>meters below the runway height. The tower is 25 meters tall. There is a new apartment<BR>complex with three storey buildings just to the South of the site – as can be seen in Figure<BR>21. The only potential problem would be with winds from the south, but as the sensor site<BR>is slightly above the first floor of the buildings, and with height of the tower, there should<BR>not be any significant degradation in the wind measurements. Furthermore, the prevailing<BR>winds are from the Easterly directions. Figure 22 is a view looking to the West-North-<BR>West of the site, showing the unobstructed terrain in that direction.<BR>Figure 21. Looking South from site 10.<BR>Figure 22. Looking West-North-West from site 10.<BR>The Over-alerting Problem<BR>One of the items that UCAR was asked to look at during the Tenerife site visit<BR>was a persistent over-alerting with the LLWAS system. It was quite clear on inspection<BR>that the problem was not of a meteorological nature, but rather, something to do with the<BR>system hardware or software. Almos subsequently discovered a database error in the<BR>Airport Configuration File (ACF). Almos then generated and loaded a new ACF that<BR>should solve the problem.<BR>Another problem that was observed during the visit was intermittency in some of<BR>the sensor readings. Telvent personnel believed that the problem was due to a lack of<BR>solar battery power at some of the sites, which in turn was due to a lack of maintenance at<BR>the sites.<BR>Discussions with Airport Meteorological and Air Traffic Staff<BR>On 10 February, a meeting was held with airport meteorological staff and air<BR>traffic controllers. One interesting wind shear condition was discussed: a persistent<BR>summertime condition wherein pilots lose airspeed when descending through 1000 feet<BR>on landings from the West. Air traffic controllers indicated that airspeed loses on the<BR>order of 30 knots had been encountered. These are significant values, and have resulted in<BR>go-around procedures on occasion.<BR>Without further investigation, it is unclear what the specific mechanisms are that<BR>could be generating this vertical shear of the horizontal wind phenomenon. Nevertheless,<BR>a few potential causes can be postulated. From Figure 23, it is clear that the island of<BR>Tenerife is dominated by the Pico de Teide, a 3718 meter volcanic peak. Vortices shed<BR>off of this large terrain feature are one potential cause. It is well-known that verticallyaligned<BR>vortices, known as a von Karman street, can be shed by oragraphic features such<BR>as the Teide. However, there is also a secondary terrain feature which is located in close<BR>proximity to the approach path for Runway 08. This is a 430 meter hill, (indicted by the<BR>arrow on Figure 23), approximately 10 km to the West-North-West of the airport.<BR>Orographic wind effects from this terrain feature, by themselves, or in combination with<BR>the larger scale vortices could also be the source. A brief discussion of these two<BR>mechanisms is presented below, along with a discussion of measurement devices that<BR>could be used to investigate the phenomenon – or even be used as part of an operational<BR>warning system.<BR>Figure 23. Topographic map of the island of Tenerife.<BR>A brief discussion of the synoptic trade wind patterns over the Canary Islands can<BR>be found in Varela et al.1 (see also the references sited in that paper). Figure 24 from that<BR>reference illustrates a typical synoptic wind pattern: cooler maritime air flowing from the<BR>North-East at the surface, with cooler dryer air from the North-West aloft. A thermal<BR>inversion layer forms between 1000-1500 meters.<BR>Figure 24. Synoptic trade wind behavior in the Canary Islands. (from Varela et al.)<BR>von Karman vortex street<BR>It is well-known from fluid mechanics that as a fluid flows around an obstacle,<BR>such as a cylinder, the boundary layers separate from each side of the cylinder surface<BR>and form two shear layers that trail aft in the flow and bound the wake. Since the<BR>innermost portion of the shear layers, which is in contact with the cylinder, moves much<BR>more slowly than the outermost portion of the shear layers, which is in contact with the<BR>free flow, the shear layers roll into the near wake, where they fold on each other and<BR>coalesce into discrete swirling vortices. A regular pattern of vortices, called a von<BR>Karman vortex street, trails aft in the wake. Figure 25 illustrates this phenomenon. For a<BR>vertically aligned obstacle, in this case a cylinder, the vortices are aligned vertically.<BR>Figure 25. A view from above of a von Karman vortex street forming behind a cylinder.<BR>1 A.M. Varela, et al. 2004: Non-correlation between atmospheric extinction coefficient and TOMS aerosol<BR>index at the Canarian Observatories. Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere IX, ed. Schafer et al.,<BR>Proceedings of the SPIE Vol 5571, pp. 105-115.<BR>This vortex shedding behavior is often observed with isolated mountains. A<BR>satellite view of this phenomenon associated with the Canary Islands is shown in Figure<BR>26. Tenerife is indicated by the arrow. The lack of clouds just downwind of Tenerife is<BR>due to subsidence of the air mass as it flows down the slopes of the Teide. This does not<BR>mean that the vortices are absent, rather there are no clouds there to mark them.<BR>Figure 26. von Karman street vortices formed downstream of the Canary Islands. The island<BR>of Tenerife is indicated by the arrow.<BR>Figure 27 and Figure 28 illustrate results from a numerical modeling simulation of<BR>the wind field in the wake of the Hawaiian of Kauai, performed by NCAR for NASA. As<BR>can be seen from Figure 27, the island of Kauai is very similar in structure to Tenerife.<BR>Figure 28 illustrates the simulated wind field at 1000 m, with the left-hand image<BR>showing contours of horizontal wind velocities (turbulence is indicated by the blue<BR>shading), and the right-hand image showing the horizontal wind vectors. In this case, the<BR>flow pattern was reasonably consistent in the vertical, so that the winds at 1000 feet are<BR>probably not too different than those shown here. Notice the sharp gradients in horizontal<BR>velocities as the air flows around the island (left-hand image). These simulations also<BR>captured von Karman vortices in the downstream flow. This flow pattern close to the<BR>island, as well as downstream is probably similar to patterns that would be encountered at<BR>Tenerife.<BR>The persistent trade wind field and the flow around and downstream of Tenerife,<BR>as indicated above, is certainly a potential source of the vertical wind shear that is<BR>experienced by pilots approaching Tenerife-Sur from the West.<BR>Figure 27. Model domain used for wind flow simulation around the Hawaiian island of<BR>Kauai. The contour lines indicate the terrain.<BR>Figure 28. Fine-scale model winds at 1000 meter altitude from Kauai simulation. Left is a contour of<BR>the wind field with turbulence indicated with the blue shading. On the right are the wind vectors.<BR>Smaller-scale orographic effects.<BR>As mentioned above, (Figure 23), there is a 430m terrain feature approximately<BR>10 km to the West-North-West of the airport. Localized flow around and over this hill<BR>could also affect aircraft as they approach the airport from the West. Figure 29 shows<BR>another situation of von Karman vortices formed downstream of the Canary Islands.<BR>Figure 30 is a blow-up of the region surrounding Tenerife. The box in this figure is<BR>approximately centered over the 430m terrain feature. Note the sharp discontinuity of the<BR>(presumed) low-level clouds (translucent grey) along the South-West corner of the island.<BR>Note also, the small set of convective clouds that lie along the discontinuity, just<BR>downstream of the terrain feature. It is possible that these convective clouds are being<BR>formed by air being lifted by the terrain feature.<BR>Figure 29. Satellite image of the Canary Islands, showing von Karman vortices downstream.<BR>Figure 30. Blow-up of Figure 29, showing Tenerife. The box is centered approximately over the 430<BR>terrain feature.<BR>Sensors for investigating/detecting the wind shear phenomenon.<BR>The discussion presented above, is not intended to answer the question as to the source of<BR>the vertical wind shear phenomenon that was mentioned by the Tenerife-Sur air traffic<BR>controllers. Rather, it was intended to indicate some potential factors that could be related<BR>to the condition. In order to further investigate the situation, and to perhaps be used in a<BR>warning system, there are two sensors that could be of use. The first is a scanning eyesafe<BR>Doppler lidar and the second is a vertically pointing Doppler radar.<BR>The Doppler lidars provides very accurate radial velocities by reflecting off of<BR>aerosols in the atmosphere. Depending on the level of aerosols, the range of these devices<BR>can reach 15 km, with a range resolution of 60-100 meters. Such a device, placed on the<BR>airport property and scanning in a vertical plane above and below the approach glide path<BR>of Runway 08, would most likely be able to see the wind shear phenomenon discussed<BR>above. Automated algorithms could be developed to detect the wind shear and provide<BR>alerts to the air traffic controllers. On of the downsides to these devices is their high cost<BR>(on the order of $1 million USD).<BR>The vertically pointing Doppler radars, also known as wind profilers, can provide<BR>a vertical profile of the horizontal wind above the device. So-called boundary-layer wind<BR>profilers can generate accurate winds up to a height of 1-2 km, with a 60-100 meter range<BR>resolution. These devices operate at microwave frequencies, and measure radial velocities<BR>by scattering off of index of refraction variations as well as Rayleigh scattering off of<BR>hydrometeors. If the wind shear phenomenon is relatively homogeneous in space, one of<BR>these devices placed on the airport property could detect the wind shear that is affecting<BR>the aircraft. These devices are far less expensive than the Doppler lidars (on the order of<BR>$2-300 K USD), on the other hand, there are more data quality control issues with<BR>Doppler wind profilers.<BR>UCAR/NCAR has a great deal of experience with both of these devices.<BR>Furthermore, UCAR/NCAR has developed wind shear detection algorithms similar to<BR>those just mentioned. A data collection campaign could be performed using either or both<BR>of these devices, to investigate their capabilities in detecting the wind shear and providing<BR>warnings. A decision could then be made as to whether such devices and warning<BR>algorithms should be deployed.<BR>It should be noted that addressing the abovementioned vertical wind shear<BR>problem does not mean that the LLWAS system is not needed. The LLWAS system is<BR>designed for, and does an excellent job of detecting low-level wind shear due to<BR>microbursts and gust fronts. Therefore, the use of other sensors to detect the vertical wind<BR>shear condition is viewed as complimentary to the LLWAS system. Furthermore, if other<BR>sensors and warning algorithms are deployed for the vertical wind shear problem, the<BR>alerts should be integrated with the LLWAS alerts. UCAR/NCAR would work with<BR>Almos, Telvent and INM as needed to assist in this process. thank you. 谢谢分享,学习一下。