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AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>1<BR>AVIATION ENGLISH SERVICES<BR>TEST INFORMATION HANDBOOK<BR>VERSION 1-2006<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>2<BR>Executive Summary<BR>BACKGROUND<BR>1.1 Resolution A36-11 – Proficiency in the English language used for radiotelephony<BR>communications directs the Council to support Contracting States in their implementation<BR>of the language proficiency requirements by establishing globally harmonized language<BR>testing criteria.<BR>1.2 While the first version of Doc 9835 - Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language<BR>Proficiency Requirements published in September 2004 provided some guidance on<BR>testing, users of the manual including licensing authorities, air operators, air navigation<BR>service providers, language training and testing services have indicated that more detailed<BR>guidance on language testing was needed to effectively implement the language<BR>proficiency requirements.<BR>1.3 Language testing is a complex and sophisticated professional activity requiring expert input<BR>at every stage: test development, implementation, administration, and scoring.<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>3<BR>SUMMARY REPORT<BR>LANGUAGE TESTING FOR COMPLIANCE<BR>with<BR>ICAO LANGUAGE STANDARDS:<BR>ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS<BR>March 2006<BR>PART A: Introduction......................................................................................................... 4<BR>1 Statement of the Issue ................................................................................................. 4<BR>2 Scope of the Report..................................................................................................... 4<BR>3 Background: ICAO Standards in unregulated market ................................................ 4<BR>4 The Context: Test Development Standards ................................................................ 4<BR>Part B: Test Characteristics................................................................................................. 5<BR>5 Test Purpose................................................................................................................ 5<BR>• Diagnostic To identify strengths and weaknesses; assess gaps. ............................. 5<BR>• Placement For placement into a tiered training program........................................ 5<BR>• Progress To measure learning progress .................................................................. 5<BR>• Achievement To measure overall learning ............................................................. 5<BR>• Aptitude To assess ability to learn a new skill or knowledge set ........................... 5<BR>• Proficiency To evaluate overall ability against a set of criteria.............................. 5<BR>6 Test Characteristics..................................................................................................... 5<BR>6.1 Language Focus .................................................................................................. 6<BR>6.2 Delivery............................................................................................................... 6<BR>6.3 Test tasks and Content ........................................................................................ 7<BR>6.4 The Context II: ICAO Rating Scale and Holistic Descriptors............................ 7<BR>7 Assessing tests: Documenting Fairness ...................................................................... 7<BR>7.1 Validity ............................................................................................................... 8<BR>7.2 Reliability............................................................................................................ 8<BR>7.3 Practicality .......................................................................................................... 8<BR>7.4 Test Washback.................................................................................................... 9<BR>8 References................................................................................................................. 11<BR>9 Appendix A: Checklist of Test Criteria .....................Error! Bookmark not defined.<BR>10 Appendix B: ICAO Position Paper........................Error! Bookmark not defined.<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>4<BR>PART A: Introduction<BR>1 Statement of the Issue<BR>The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted strengthened language<BR>proficiency requirements for flight crew and air traffic controllers operating along<BR>international air routes. As a result of the new Standards and Recommended Practices<BR>(SARPS), more stringent language testing requirements must be implemented by 2008, and<BR>pilots and controllers must demonstrate proficiency at the ICAO Operational Level 4 in<BR>order to maintain their license to operate internationally.<BR>Organizations and individuals are seeking guidance on how to select, adapt, or develop<BR>appropriate aviation-specific English language proficiency tests which will ensure<BR>compliance with the ICAO Requirements.<BR>2 Scope of the Report<BR>This report will briefly summarize the main characteristics of appropriate aviation-English<BR>tests and present the primary considerations in test selection and/or development.<BR>Language testing is necessarily a rather complex issue, with professional expertise required<BR>at the level of selection and/or implementation. However, for the sake of convenience and<BR>ease, a very brief checklist for test evaluation is provided in Appendix A.<BR>3 Background: ICAO Standards in unregulated market<BR>In March 2003, the International Civil Aviation Organization adopted Standards and<BR>Recommended Practices (SARPS) that strengthen language proficiency requirements for<BR>pilots and air traffic controllers operating along international air routes. The new language<BR>proficiency requirements clarify as a matter of an ICAO Standard that ICAO phraseologies<BR>should be used where possible, and that if ICAO phraseologies are not applicable then plain<BR>language proficiency is required. Codifying the use of plain language is a significant<BR>departure from both previous ICAO requirements and from de-facto practice. The ICAO<BR>language requirements establish minimum skill level requirements for language proficiency<BR>for flight crew and air traffic controllers in the use of both phraseologies and plain language.<BR>The minimum skill level requirements are embodied in the ICAO language proficiency<BR>rating scale and the holistic descriptors.<BR>The new ICAO language SARPS create a significant testing and training requirement,<BR>particularly around the use of English. Reliable and valid aviation-specific English testing is<BR>not yet widespread or widely available, although more testing programs are coming into the<BR>market.<BR>A complicating factor is that the language testing (and training) industry is both unregulated<BR>and professionally complex. In the high-stakes environment of aviation English testing, the<BR>lack of regulatory oversight is particularly problematic: the ICAO Standards and the 2008<BR>compliance deadline create a market demand for testing services, but there is no regulatory<BR>body to provide oversight to the test providers, nor guidance to consumers.<BR>4 The Context: Test Development Standards<BR>Language testing is a professional activity and is characterized by internally driven standards<BR>for test development, trialing, implementation, rating and reporting. There are currently few<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>5<BR>organizations which provide test certification services, and no external industry requirements<BR>that a test undergo certification.<BR>However, a number of resources guide test development, including the International<BR>Language Testing Association’s (ILTA) Code of Ethics (included in ICAO Document 9835,<BR>Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements), the<BR>Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) Principles of Good Practice, among<BR>others.<BR>Part B: Test Characteristics<BR>5 Test Purpose<BR>There are a number of different purposes for administering a test. Test ‘purpose’<BR>influences the test development process. Some common language test types, related<BR>to test purpose, include the following, with brief descriptions:<BR>• Diagnostic............ To identify strengths and weaknesses; assess gaps.<BR>• Placement ........... For placement into a tiered training program<BR>• Progress .............. To measure learning progress<BR>• Achievement........ To measure overall learning<BR>• Aptitude ............... To assess ability to learn a new skill or knowledge set<BR>• Proficiency ......... To evaluate overall ability against a set of criteria<BR>The ICAO Language Proficiency SARPS require proficiency testing. Proficiency<BR>testing is different from progress or achievement tests in that proficiency tests do not<BR>correspond directly to a learning curriculum. That is, it should not be possible to<BR>directly prepare, or study, (by memorizing information, for example) for a<BR>proficiency test. Proficiency tests require the test candidate to demonstrate their<BR>ability to do something, rather than simply measure how much of a quantifiable set<BR>of curriculum learning objectives<BR>Proficiency testing is used to establish the competence of a candidate to exercise<BR>language skills in operational conditions. A working definition of a proficiency test,<BR>in our context, then, can be described as<BR>• a set of structure events or procedures designed to elicit performances<BR>• as samples of a candidate’s language skills in a standardized way,<BR>• to enable reliable inferences to be made concerning his or her level of<BR>competence,<BR>• with the possibility of reproducing those skills at that level of competence<BR>consistently over time. i<BR>6 Test Characteristics<BR>After determining the testing purpose, there are a number of test development<BR>decisions which can be established, concerning focus, delivery, method, task, and<BR>content.<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>6<BR>• Focus<BR>&#1048766; Speaking and Listening<BR>&#1048766; Reading or Writing<BR>• Test Delivery Method<BR>&#1048766; Direct<BR>&#1048766; Semi-direct<BR>• Test Task<BR>&#1048766; Interview/Discussion<BR>&#1048766; Role-play<BR>&#1048766; Simulation<BR>&#1048766; Questions/Answers<BR>&#1048766; Discrete point items<BR>• Test Content<BR>&#1048766; Radiotelephony<BR>&#1048766; Plain aviation language<BR>6.1 Language Focus<BR>Language proficiency testing evaluates a candidates ability to use the language, to either<BR>speak it, understand it, write it, or read it. In the case of the ICAO Standards, candidates are<BR>required to demonstrate their speaking and listening proficiency.<BR>6.2 Delivery<BR>Speaking and listening proficiency can be assessed directly—through a direct interaction<BR>between the candidate and the assessor—or through semi-direct testing, in which test<BR>questions, or prompts, are pre-recorded and candidates record their responses individually,<BR>via a simple recording or computer-assisted.<BR>Research shows that both direct and semi-direct test methods produce reliable results.<BR>However, the ICAO SARPS require the assessment of Interactions, which until now seems<BR>to require live, direct candidate-to-tester interaction.<BR>Outside of the issue of Interactions, each test delivery method has a unique set of advantages<BR>and disadvantages.<BR>Advantages Disadvantages<BR>Direct • Ease of development<BR>• Provides direct interactions<BR>• Difficult to administer<BR>Semi-direct • Easier to administer (able to administer<BR>to large numbers simultaneously)<BR>• More difficult to develop<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>7<BR>6.3 Test tasks and Content<BR>There are any number of test tasks or prompt types which can be used to elicit speech<BR>samples. In general, tasks which resemble real-life activities are most suitable. In the case of<BR>aviation English testing, however, the ICAO SARPS require not only proficiency in the use<BR>of the English (phraseology and plain language) used for radiotelephony communications,<BR>but also plain (aviation-related) English. It is important that any test elicit a range of speech<BR>sample, not limited to radiotelephony communication tasks.<BR>6.4 The Context II: ICAO Rating Scale and Holistic Descriptors<BR>Many features of language tests for the aviation industry are bound by constraints imposed<BR>by the ICAO Rating Scale and Holistic Descriptors. ‘<BR>A description of some of those is found in Appendix B, an ICAO informational paper related<BR>to language testing. A summary of key points, related to test content is summarized here.<BR>Radiotelephony communication involves the use of phraseologies and plain language. The<BR>language proficiency requirements are applicable to the use of phraseology and plain<BR>language. It is not the purpose of language proficiency tests to determine whether<BR>phraseology has been used accurately within an operational context; this is assessed during<BR>operational training and by operational examiners. Nevertheless, the holistic descriptors and<BR>rating scale do apply to the use of phraseology as well as plain language. Therefore,<BR>phraseology can be included in the range of stimulus in language proficiency tests, as long as<BR>it is only aimed at assessing language proficiency of the test taker. For example, phraseology<BR>can be used as a warm up or ice-breaking part of the test or as part of a script that will<BR>require the test taker to use plain language.<BR>The ICAO Position Paper on Language Testing (2005) makes clear that ‘tests should provide<BR>candidate test-takers with sufficient and varied opportunities to use plain language in<BR>aviation work-related contexts in order to demonstrate their ability with respect to each<BR>descriptor in the Language Proficiency Rating Scale and the Holistic Descriptors”<BR>(Attachment B).<BR>A language proficiency test based only on phraseology is not considered valid because not<BR>all holistic descriptors and components of the rating scale can be assessed such as<BR>interactions, structure, vocabulary, etc.<BR>7 Assessing tests: Documenting Fairness<BR>The overriding concern of high-stakes test developers must be fairness. In language testing,<BR>fairness is interpreted in terms of validity—that a test indeed tests what is it supposed to<BR>test—and reliability—that the test gives consistent and fair results. Two other important<BR>traits include practicality and test washback. All tests must be evaluated in terms of their<BR>effect on test validity, test reliability, practicality, and washback effects.<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>8<BR>7.1 Validity<BR>Validity is a fundamentally important test characteristic, and it, basically, involves providing<BR>evidence to support the inferences that are made about an individual’s English language<BR>proficiency based on their performance on a test. While validity can be thought of in overall<BR>terms, testers frequently examine the validity of a test in a number of different types of<BR>validity: such as content validity, construct validity, and concurrent or predictive validity.<BR>Good testing practice requires, among other requirements, that a description of the validation<BR>processes used in the test development process be published as part of the documents<BR>relating to a test service (ALTE Principles of Good Practice.)<BR>7.2 Reliability<BR>Reliability refers to the stability of a test and test results; that is, evidence that the test can be<BR>relied upon to produce consistent results across different test takers in similar situations.<BR>There are a number of standard measures used in language test development to achieve this,<BR>including comparing two halves of a test to one another, or to compare the results on the test<BR>with the results by the same cohort of test-takers on another established test, among other<BR>methods.<BR>Rater Reliability<BR>In speaking tests, an important aspect of reliability is rater reliability, and it is especially<BR>important to ensure inter- and intra-rater reliability. This is accomplished through rater<BR>reliability training and retraining, as well as sampling the ratings periodically to measure<BR>against the results of mentor expert raters. Reliability measures, again, are ensured through<BR>thorough test development, planning, and administration processes.<BR>7.3 Practicality<BR>Issues of test practicality impact test design in two ways: in terms of constraints imposed on<BR>the development process by available resources (funding, time, talent) and the practical<BR>aspects of implementing and administering the test into an established system.<BR>Test Development<BR>Every test development project will face a unique set of certain constraints on the process.<BR>Issues like urgency, funding, resources, time, etc., necessarily impact the test development<BR>process. The commitment to test fairness, and validity and reliability, must be balanced<BR>against available resources and constraints.<BR>A practical test is one that “does not place an unreasonable demand on available resources.”<BR>(ALTE 2001) If the resources are not available to support the development of a test with<BR>adequate attention to principles of good test design, then either (a) the test should be<BR>modified, or (b) the test administrators must make the case for an increase in resources or<BR>funding. When the latter option is not possible, then the test design should be modified to<BR>match the available resources while maintaining the high standards for validity and<BR>reliability evidence.<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>9<BR>The ALTE Principles of Good Practice (2001) best summarize in detail how the issue of test<BR>practicality must be managed.<BR>Test Administration<BR>A test may be valid, fair, and reliable, but if it is not also practical, then it is not usable or<BR>sustainable. The practicality of test administration must take into account particular national<BR>or local constraints. A three or four hour aviation English test may be reliable and valid, but<BR>it may not be practical in many instances.<BR>7.4 Test Washback<BR>A final consideration of test usefulness concerns the ‘washback’ effect on training; that is,<BR>what effect on training ‘washes back’ from a test implementation?<BR>Learners naturally want to be able to prepare for a test. If learners perceive that certain types<BR>of learning or practice activities will prepare them for a test, they will direct their energies to<BR>that, sometimes at the expense of activities which can actually help improve their language<BR>proficiency.<BR>An example can be found in the (older forms of the) TOEFL test. The TOEFL included a<BR>large number of discrete-point (multiple choice, or error recognition) grammar questions, an<BR>indirect test method, if your goal is proficiency testing. As a result, students often did not<BR>perceive that communicative teaching methods would correlate to improved performance on<BR>the TOEFL, and rather preferred to spend time practicing TOEFL-like test questions.<BR>However, research showed that such activities did not correspond well to improve<BR>proficiency levels, a case of negative test washback.<BR>In the aviation arena, an example may be found in an aviation English test which focuses too<BR>heavily on the use of phraseology or radiotelephony communications, at the exclusion of<BR>plain aviation language. In that case, learners may constrain themselves to focusing on<BR>memorizing more ICAO phraseology rather than on communicative language learning<BR>activities which will actually improve their English language proficiency, albeit in an<BR>aviation context.<BR>8 Computer-assisted language testing<BR>A final important aspect of modern test regards the use of computers in the development,<BR>administration, and even rating of language proficiency tests. There are a number of ways<BR>that computers can facilitate language testing.<BR>Administration<BR>Computers are very useful in the implementation and administration of language tests,<BR>allowing for tests to better replicate the ‘real world’ through simulation and role-play, for<BR>example. Additionally, computers permits larger-scale simultaneous administration of tests,<BR>in some cases.<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>10<BR>9 Conclusions<BR>It is recognized that high-stakes language testing is complex. The best recommendation for<BR>organizations seeking to select, develop, or implement high-stakes aviation English language<BR>testing is to seek the input and advice of language testing professionals. Such support may be<BR>found within the Linguistic Departments of major universities. Additional direction is found<BR>in the ICAO Guidance Manual, Document 9835, in Chapter 4, which provides a chart of<BR>tester qualifications.<BR>The Appendices to this Report provide more succinct review of the information necessary<BR>for appropriate test evaluation.<BR>Aviation English Services is pleased to have been able to provide support to the organization<BR>and will be delighted to provide any other future assistance.<BR>//end report<BR>AES Draft Detailed Outline<BR>11<BR>10 References<BR>ACTFL. www.actfl.org.<BR>Alderson, J. C. Clapham, &amp; D. Wall, (2001) ‘Language Test Construction and Evaluation’<BR>Cambridge: CUP.<BR>ALTE Principles of Good Practice for ALTE Examinations.<BR>http://www.alte.org/quality_assurance/code/good_practice.pdf<BR>An Overview of the ACTFL Proficiency Interviews. JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG<BR>Newsletter. Vol 1. No. 2. Sep. 1997, (p. 3 – 9). www.jalt.org/test/yof_2.htm<BR>Davidson, Fred, and Brian K. Lynch. Testcraft: A Teacher’s Guide to Writing and Using<BR>Language Test Specifications. Yale University Press. 2002.<BR>Douglas, Dan. Assessing Language for Specific Purposes. Cambridge UP. 2000.<BR>ICAO Document 9835: Manual on the Implementation of the ICAO Language Proficiency<BR>Requirements. 2001.<BR>ICAO Position Paper: ICAO Policy on Language Proficiency Testing. (attached)<BR>O’Loughlin, Kieran. Studies in Language Testing: The Equivalence of Direct and Semidirect<BR>Speaking Tests. Cambridge UP. 2001.<BR>i Mell, Jeremy. Paper presented at ICAO Regional Seminar on Aviation Language;<BR>Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2005.

xheleon 发表于 2010-8-28 18:10:21


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